OTh iEuimfttg Iterate PRINTS THE MEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER !t!B!g8i-,w niay-'ewiaw. m '.Awwwnauaaj,. luuuuux Uhlti Vrsr Vn. tf.SUW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1914 AMATH UNO JACKSON COUNTIES WILL CEMENT DIFFERENCES AND BOOST INTEREST IN SCENERY, 1TC. f.lftl M 1M ll I,) !-, f).r Iml ,rl-l wl'ITiNU ttlLLIII.III.'l.lUN MIUI. f,"- IMH-I..I .1 .,ilni.mn- l,-r ....... v L.,.tif l''Ul.'l lit.. !,(,,. ll f, ,,ltr n,iui is . vuii miout mutM, ,., ,HlI.,r ,,,, , TIME fiutilln'iii Diesou ni,tuiU. much b..i It rull will ! iibum-d In en-r r. Mrdfpnt I'ttmntrtrUI ClMM ! Ik. , X'"""; y, POWELSON IS fair ll rrimi r-niw ,-i t.. ... j fwr I'mhimkIiib trrrt In .Natural Ailrttl"i. Machine Gun Trained on Torreon DEAO IN BOULDER .PATHKIt OP Mils. AIITIII II It WII.HO.S M ( IMIlh Ml: I'llltMlU-liatl.W MI.MhICII, i MAI ihiti:ii is Tiiih tin X wt rn(iH f ll KUmatln o4 l(ot- " ' held In ih iilfn fttUot 111" U'M, U ll latest -"" iMhT tmCrM'rt plained In Hoiitb tir Ofrton Incidentally. II U about tfct brwl that h rvrr befit projertrd. hi tty Imtp vrl rl thine. In (Hnmun auuitie ihem mathlr itifj mt rnlliul.itc tootnn, tU t) cvtilnc together, luv ry thf,f ( attracting thou-and. of Kxirl.i, mt uther to Oil pan "f the Mil. The niriliig I In !" hld under f h iIlr of itto Mdfard OmnmerelM (1t The following rrolullon dttr4 tegardlng Hit: llotiiltrtl That the Mcdford Colli rstrrUI tluU hrrvby Invite reprrsrn lilo t tl. commercial club unit rlllttfl of Jtlcnn, JtwcpMue and Klmtti counties tu moot with the tltlutu ( Medfnrd lit a public (,! lior. flihrr In the nature of a banf t, nmnVfr or public meeting, In, rcotlder and promote, through untied ! scitau ami persistent co-operation, ltif driMi;rarnt. Improvement and acrr- lbllli)r ii the mftity rtntr lnutlr... tJlufdl wonitrr nihI inurUt nlttort' Iri ObJ.-vln uf Inlorrat "' KoilthTIl Urrcon. ariI, , "Tlml n fotntnlttrp of ttit bonnl l . ,, opolntvii tu vitcnil tht InvltAilon.j nd, wiih .utlt conimlllvM may l lU'.l'ltlUsKNTATIVIW Hi Atlhtir II WllMin' fatlut ItcV IHrnJ I I'owrUon of HoulilT t'ohi . illl t hi tinmv Hit mnrnliiK Mr I'owi-Uon Ulttsl in Klamath I'alU nhout a jrrr lnr, and l well known in man- hrr, p-l(illy to ilm iuntlr nf thr lraml Army of tht ltpillle. Mr. I'owpUub rvrl thrtiiishout Urn Cltll War In tho Army uf thu I'olnitiar, ami at imufrrtnl tmi n a !lt'l llxuirnant. Il a a mlnUtrr In illte I'rrftiytrrlati hurcli, atnl rrvcil hi liirrh on Itir frnntlrr for many yar, Mr, I'uwrUon wa 74 )i-afn oht at tlir t,mr nf )) ilcalli, anil hail hern rctlrrl for many jnr on ncrnunl if failinrt health. f MH-a- ! mi i ii. mmmmmmmmtmmmmtmmmmimmmmmH BBBBv VSBBBBHfrlSHH.-BBBBBl v . r iJ" n ir""!?' B & j& Yvii3si?VtB1 BBBr fBBBBBBBVkBaBBBBBrl tBL-i -P !' HI ' ? V i Mjl BBbW BBBr BSHH --Jj Si-BMbW-.'-I-SW- 1 . ra!RKW-BkR . B BLLK-I-HB-B-B-B-B-- RfiHHv k-Kkl Pis-s-b-b-b-b-b-bBbvl9 ;JjBrt tk 4hbbW jbb------------------------bW .3-W-f VSsTv-MiWii-B-itf V "2lffik Plt SNsW9BV fKl'fr?h:tf .'J5rSBBBf'. IHK fv "Y lB-!&k BiBhiL 5, f JW vt ij" v4 VJbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBhBBmSvBB k i( ; iBBBBaksVBBBBBBBBE5Pi BBBSm S------l 'TSfc-S. fkB BK &?MvXl w"BBBBBBBBBBBSsBBBnZl WW t f3&BBJBJBJBJBBMBjBBJBJBJBHKjS ELKS PLAN BIG STREET DANCES FOR THE RODEO MEXICO CITY IS KEPTIGNORANTOF FALL OF TORREON ' WOl'Ul LHK I.IS FIIOM FOLItTH'llLKUTA HVVVMjmKH KEWSPA TO HKVKNTH PER REPORTH IVdilon. Hlicnftl by All of the Uu'lnrvi MoTrmeat Aitaiiut Monterey Md 8nl- tlllo Hjm Alrradjr B HUrted by tlM) Co-HkaUoMllaC Troops UmOct Gersl V1IU HrterU FortM taM to Have Loat Large Percetae of Artillery. IIoumv along I lie Affected SlrecU, Axklnx TluU They lie Cloactl to Trnthc Tliove V.Teninf, Will lie i'rrentel at Monday's Meeting; of tlif Cvunrll. In addition to the bucking contenU. i united I'res Strrlc ulldcgKlnB. etc. at the Hodco! wAsniYrwov n rr ai Kround. and the attractions of the Coiuular Ageat Caratber M'TorreoA rnlvl ...... t. .U. .- . T .. .t""','",," ""- ",vc uo u'-loUy oflcUlly notMed tk def-rt-the- kll Ilodco will be larthcr en- , of ,Mtf of w, Torrwl. tHi-nd by open air dancing. If the city council fcc1 fit to grant a petl- p ..on to be preented Monday night- (United PreM 8rne According to the plan outlined.! MEXICO CITY. April 3. People Main street between Fourth and Sev- here do not know that Torreon baa untb utreeu. win be closed to traffic .been captured by the rebels. HmtU uii iuv niKii9 ui jut a. ana u. iu,m iwwmwu wv MTjwiyvis iv yriab i CHirmi Villa ha i,wl muiiK tnodein ammunltlun and nrimt In hU attack on Torreon, and the machine gun klmttii b-r u i)iir of (bo? lmX)rl'd to Mvxico ntter IJrtldent WHon raUcd the embargo on the shipment of arm ihr Fiom th hill nurroundlng the tnu lie Iralm-d his guns on the cltr and much damage resulted. ThU iiliiitoemiih taken by the Mutual Film company. the news from the front. D. B. CAMPBELL WILL, NOT fSERVIA SOLVES RUN FOR COIMY JUDGE RENT PROBLEM REBEKAHS ELECT THEIR DELEGATES Wlhlil by other llo bod let ar fffllni; nurh Invitation, arrange for, utlt marling," i A rn no formal Invitation has. l taut to the Klamath Chamber of (.''imm-rr., hut the niembe'ra say that Ihorf will lm n gooil delegation from 'ettr at lh meeting. Klamath Tall sin! Mritford are about equally pit- CIIOSKN TO Arri:.Mi Tin: m:xt sixsiox of II.M UHMii:. TO UK IICLM AT Mr.MI.NXVII.I.i: At Ih rrguUr tnnellng of Prosper liy Iti'lioLnh Uidge hold last ulsht the member chose the ili-loKatcs who ulll frH..rMK..Ml lIlHft. M) lilM l.Atl ,ll....t. tul.il r.Ksrdlng Crater l-nae, ontf ofi",M '?',"" V, ,," .. i i V i Li I., . . ling of the I. O. O. F. (Irnnd I.ouko, h wo,W'. wondsra, and by co-oper-l McMlnnUlle n. May. Mlae they can draw hi. way an lm- v . number of tourists. j,,, Mn Np,o Wttlnl((irKi ,,, lu the past, each city has '' oiinnnltm JJohusott mid Mrs. Marsery erlins: aloim for Us own ln,rr,4'0ttrlwlH. iryius to have 1 1 the travel Ihrtniuli t tlirtr, and this Im ln.cn cniutlcnlll " wniimiurd ttpaii by many vUHow. "'"' r'ttmr PortUml. Wiih tho I'aini.m-I'aciriu expolllonj Mf. II. (J, Chamherlaln mid daugh tlon. at hand, nnd the government ,ler Cecil, who have been In Portland Ifendiiii, thous.tud lit linprovlnit tho dttrlng the winter, have returned In I irk rnmUii)s, the two titles ciuM. Klamath Falls. r,il ti'iHiher to atlrtlo their scunlo Mlrartlnim, tr , In a manner thai will 'In In He PruiH'Hy. e uwiAik-IM to b.lh Tnasey Htewurt nnd wife arrived 'uth n foiling of harmony would Must night from Milton, to look nfler lo be heller fnr trade conditions in inoperty IntervMs In Klnmnth county, '"'Hi places. Knch county raises nuioh'lle owns much land In Poo Valley. Rabbit Bounty Stops County Court Issues New Order Regarding Pests "Yn who have ears, prepare to burn tl'tun now." Hoforenco In this rnse Is made to Hun auditory appendages of Jack rab I'lts, which Klamath county ranchers livo been wont to carefully alow "wuy until they had an opportunity to ilalm bounty at tho rata of 10 cents mr pair, Thoso now In th possession "( formers havo been hold loo long, for Into Thursday afternoon tho coun ty court pawed an order rescinding l ho bounty olfer, Tho Jack rnbblt was a groat motinro to the farmer In Klamath county a few years ago, and they bocnino so thick that after their visitations n field of alfairn looked its though a mower had boon used on It. To stim ulate tuoro rabbit killings, tho bounty or 6 cenla for a imlr of ears wh doubled by (ho county court In 10U. Ust yenr tho rounly Issued war rnnlH for H.81C.60 for rabbit scalp bounty nlono. This represents n total of nearly fiO.000 rabbits slain In tho kounty. . To the Voters of Klamath County; In order to relieve thu mind of the taxiwijpm and other Interested parlies In Klamath county with reference to thi county tlortlou as far as the fount)- judeshlp I concerned, 1 will say tha I feel highly honored at hav iiik been appronrhiMl by so many tax mers lu ihn county, wl.lrli have lu eluded members of all political par t as well as people who have been sdvUlltled with dIOerent factions, to accept the nomination for county j'tdge In the coming election. lu every Instance tho peoplo who I Me approached mo on the subject Icalsled that I owed It to the county to uiukrt a sacrifice, of my tluio and money hh well as devote my talents as a huslnoKs man to straighten out our cnuity troubles. I fully renlUi that I owe n g.'ea: deal tc Klnmttn. .ounty, for tho .-'iv sn thai I have ic.ilnw'. my hejtijt sln' coming .it re nlli.ough 1 hnvu made tunny Itnanclitl sacrltlces since coming here by soiling my Interests lu Cnnndn, 1'lorlija, Illinois, Indlaun tnA lu Xoith Dakota, and In some In stances I realised only 20 per cent ivhnl they actually cost me, In to eel all my capital invested nun county 1 expert to make my home. I hnvo alWn)B taken an Interest In ever) thing that came up which tended to be no tit the town nnd county, nnd lmt at present a great part of my time Is devoted to matters thnt cou- cum tho public at large, mid of no imnnrlal lutorost to me, other than a prlvnte rltUrn, and 1 will gladly con tinue to do whatever 1 can to furthor the prosperity of tho county at large, but 1 will not accept tho nomination of county Judge lu tho coming elec tion lor tho following reasens: First Tho county's financial con llllou lx lu what I call a deplorable stnte. Her warrnutB being In llttgu- Hon In tho circuit court of our county, as well as tho federal courts of tho Htnte, mid nu I ntn Informed that un der tho Inws of Oregon thero Is only one decision that can bo expected, and thnt Is that tho warrants are Illegal; nnd therefore null and wold, And as n genernl consequence It will put Klamath county, and particularly the county court, in n most disgraceful PohUIou for sotno years to come. And no matter who Is elected to look after tho comity court matters In tho fu ture, whether the present Judge suc ceeds himself or has a successor, tho county court will have to take the brunt of tho unfortunate state of af fulis, and I am. not prepared to shoul der tho criticism. fecond It Is my understanding that tho warrants wero enjoined on iiccnuut of unwise investments, paying (extravagant prices for work done on ! county roads, bridges and culverts, 'nnd the gross cartlessness In tho mat ter of handling county funds getter 'ally on the part of the present county court. We do not know that any of 'these charges can bo proven before a 'competent tribunal: however, from n business standpoint, I contend It I matters not whether the county re ceived full value In tho labor or ma 'terlal, or even 25 per cent of the value, of the warrants that havo been (iMturd, sho ought to pay her outstand ing debts contracted by the county court, as Its members wero elected by 'the people. Therefore, tho taxpayers inre nt fault, and are llablo for all ;dehts contracted by their representa tives, and every warrant should be paid, unless absolute proof can be j produced showing that some of the J warrants were secured from the court .inrougu irauu. i Third I will i give Just one more reason, nnd that Is, If I wero craxy enough mf-"ept tho nomination un der UsPrssW'Ul conditions, tt would thnt I would not only have to my private business entirely during the next six months, and would ho classed as n politician, which would be n new roln for me to All, and one I thnt t have thoroughly detested all ,my life, and ns I have the faculty of calling a spade u spade, and never do- Ing things by half, I would make many friends (maybe) by going against u well organised political ma- AH LAXIHAHtDS ItAiSK OX ItATEM TO TI1K TEXAXTS, THE GOV KKXMEXT SHOVES UP -THE HATE OF TAXATION' United Press Senrlce UKI.GHADE, Servlvn. April 3. Servla Is confident it has Just suc cessfully solved the problem of soar ing rents. Following the two recent Balkan wars In which Servla doubled Its territory at the expense of Tur 'kcy and Bulgaria, there was an Influx Ilnto Belgrade that caused rents to go up to nn all but prohibitive point. A new law by parliament went Into -effect today doubling the taxes on all unoccupied houses and apartments, 'which It Is confidently belloved will .causo landlords at least to think twlee before refusing a tenant who stead of being used as a thoroughfare the street will be nsed at a ball room. and a band or two win furnish music ' United Press Serrlee tor all 10 dance on the pavement. The Idea met with the hearty ap proval of all the business houses wjthln the prescribed district. All were glad to sign the petition and ex pressed their opinion that this would prove a highly enjoyable feature for spectators and dancers alike. FINE GARDEN AT WHITE PELICAN WASHINGTON, D. C. April 3. The following telegram wu received today by Ambassador Algmrm. frosa Secretary Rejaa: "Torreos has not fallea. Reports to that effect are false. OeQacral jMaas and reinforcements arrived 1m time to utterly defeat the rebel sad I drive them from threlty." (United Prea-Semee l cannot pay 'would like. as much as tho landlord JAMES HENLEY IS A MARRIED MAN WELL KXOWX HAXCHF.lt AND LO CAL YOUXG WOMAX ARE UNIT F.l OXLY A FEW FRIEXD8 WERE PRESENT (Continued on page 4) GRANTS PASS MAN SHOOTS HIMSELF A17STHIAX XOIILEMAX WAS DK SPOXHEXT AH A RESULT OF ILL HEALTH RELATIVES IX NEW YORK United Press Service . (HUNTS PASS, April 3. Arnold Decker, a millionaire mine ownpr, committed sulctdo today by ahootlng hlmBolf. Ho waa despondent aa a re sult or til health. Decker was uu Austrian baron, but ho did not uso his tltla after becom ing au American cltlsen. He leave a wife and daughter In' New York. This afternoon at 2:30 Judge E. W. Gowen performed tho ceremony that mailo James T. Henley and Eda S. Dellols husband and wlto. Tho mar rlngo was solemnised at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stilts- on Mala btreot, In the presence or only a few frlsnda. The groom Is a well known young mnn of Klamath county, owning prop erty In tho city of Klamath Falls and a woll Improved ranch ou the Merrill road. Tho brldo has been a resident of this county for more than two years, during which time she has made many friends here. The wedding was a very secret af fair, very few, of their friends being aware of ho occurrence till after the ceremony. When Jimmy takes his bride to his home ou the ranch they will carry with them tho beet wishes of 'their Klamath Falls frlcnas, A Pennsylvania gUn company la using the wast piece of black ui Circassian walnut, left after veneer cutting, for gun stocks. LANDSCAPE ARTIST Ill'SY BEAU- TIFYIXG GROUNDS OF THE FAMOUS HOSTELRY. GREATLY TO APPEARANCE TORREON, April 3. The move ment against Monterey and SeJUllo by the rebel forces ha already com menoed. The next great Battle are expected there. Villa expect that the federal car rlsons will be strengtaeaed, in view ef the destruction of the Torreon garri- ifum. ITa aAV that In thta amnmm ADDING njcat Hucru iot the greatest amount Workmen are now busy on the grounds adjacent to and east of the White Pelican hotel, which, when completed, and nature given a short time, will bo the prettiest grounds in Southern Oregon. The landscape de signs wero made by Mrs. E. B. Hall nnd the work Is being done under the supervision of James Leonard. A largo circular center plot, with conventional corner plots, vlll be grass lawn. Twelve Oriental design will surround tho center plot, and these will be beds of varicolored flowers. A porch will be built on the east sldo of the hotel, which will be Joined to the sun parlor by a passage through tho dining room and a door connection. This porch will be equip ped with swings and hammocks and lounging chairs. J of artillery equipment aad military (stores that he has anywber. t Tho greater portion of the array la resting, following the prolonged tight. Tho prisoners and a thousand I rebels are working day and night burning and burying the dead, aad making the city habitable. Tho Canadian government Is using Indian nro patrolmen to protect the forests of Northern Manitoba. Operates o Eye. L. A. Davidson, proprietor of the Central barber shop, from whoa era Dr. Fisher removed a foreign growth. Is recovering from the operation In fine shape. If no complications arise. Mr. Davidson expects to be back at work In a week or tea days. In From the Raack. Mrs. Anna Thomas, well known la Klamath Falls, la here today from her ranch on the Merrill road. Mlas Myers 111. Miss Lois Myers, teacher at tk ftlverslde school, has been confined tc her room for several days by nines. Many Cities Kicking Regional Reserve Banks Choosing Unsa&fcdory (Herald Special Service) . WASHINGTON, D, C, April 3. From mauy Important cities come criticism of cities selected for the regional reserve banks. There la an especial complaint against the selec tion of two cities In Missouri. It Is understood that Kansas City was chosen through the Influence of Senntors Reed and Stone of Missouri and Senator Owen of Oklahoma. In this selection mauy congressmen charge that Denver and Omaha were discriminated against. The organisation committee has formally presented a eertla list of the regional and reserve basks to the 1 comptroller of the currency, who has sent out a notification. Within thirty day the bank that are member of taa reserve bum as gla paying for stock la the federal re serve bank in Its district. Sack aa- tlnoal bank aad other member bank subscribe 6 per cent of Its surplas to the regional bask. The cities chosen for regional re serve banks are Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, . Louis, Mlaaesf olls, Kansas City, Dallas aad laa Francisco. , M -h President vyusoa espeets announce tae reservs wmim. are aumerous ' - &? MBBLH iM nm mm t(-? mm Mm 3iais,ra IMl Mi m .