Stye lEunfng 1HraU PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPEK NSW8 WH1LK IT 18 NEWS !1W.T- r T r . .nw wnMrwasirrifflRw Nil, U.MI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1914 Price, Mr EARLY ACTION SOUGHT ON TOLL MEASURE IN SENATE illlllflTP lifcth Year- MRS NEED SIX WEEKS FOR SILL'S PASSAGE OV HI'.EKh KXVVJMTWS IX MATTER .tvrUt " Tlt Lit- l the Ad BtisMralJim, Vy Little Optall.ot Mt lli(lrnr I tUprrtnt Wlira ltH Pnl Toll- tt?ajw Art mum- if fr Atlltm AiMoaraMWM. l" intiti I !' Till MraaMr-. fitted 'r rlw WASHINGTON. U., Apill I. - PmM'iit WHmiji today dUcueaed alts 88stnr Kotn, James and others tU")UMll" nf iK-Utlln Itto imj cJlhr 'sui ratio! lull feudal ! lltlMI Itt lb eetiatf, ll U IwlteVrd Ut tl lll b lniltklllf lu a lii 'ttP In ! limit ft rk. T adminUtt alioii n-natota t tit irntot!Bllr to luduc itic battening et ih uieautp. In order to brink iWtti adjournment Quicker. It li adwllird thai certain senators tofo lu mVo lt5 political capital wtl of tfcrlr debate. Till U capela. If true ol llorah of Idaho and Fo Ittlp, both baring prepared long U'lUin does not pIk1 tlln annate la trjwal ibq hltlnrne toward tbe admli-.lttrailun Iuiwn by oro of the Koo me at her a. Chamberlain, O'Gor rub, Vardatnan anil Walsh r Itan fttatlfiil democrat ecftstnra ihhhimwI to Ihe repeal of the clatiee, xuiuUnt OH lllvMrttil I'Ayitirnl UcIImI I'm. Hrvlc NKW VOHK, Ajirll 1. WlnnUaril Oil ttocV liolilrm of rrciinl March I to4jr rvrhrd a 3 luartorl)' illtl lend ami IS rttra tr inrh aham uf itotl held The laat illvtitnud waa 13 qmtttrly ami 3 xtrw. tialU Ifccrm br U .Vrittmi PaMon In Xrtr Pi Colled I'rcM Barvlca NKW YOIIK. April l.Tho llev.! IUiuIm A, l.vy, formerly of Newton I Center, Man . lodny waa accorded a reception by members of th (Ireeno Avenue Itaptlut church, llrooklyn, , fhere he aamimetl Ihe paatnrate to y , , . , ., , , . . lltiaain'a poptilnt on la Increaalng l the rale of a.taO.OOo a year. It howiuiida At annul lU.OOO.ftOu, of, width tOo.tiOO.OQO are poaaanta. A reveituq of IS0.T&T.37& was di-j CI.EVCI.AND, April I. Federal 'ived In the united kingdom lit 1911 District Judgo William Day, on of Irom tin, coiiaumptlon of moro than;fiupriitii Juatlco Day, today tenderod l,.1fi(),000 pounds nf tea. lla rwlgnnllon, This la effective May Int. lllriiilnghnm Is tho greatest Jewelry "The salary of 10.000 a year is In manufacturing renter of Ihei United adequate," ho Maid, "I will re-enter kingdom. prlvato law practice." Carnival with Rodeo Amusement Company to A carnival, complete with aldo howH, Ferris wheel, nurry-go-rouud -nil othoV amusement devices, will bo "ni of the features In connection with Ui next Elks' Rodeo. The carnival IH bo under the auspice of tho Klutnnth Chamber of Coramercu. Al last night's meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, tho matter w takeu up by U. II. Smith, eon tractor for the Pollow Carnival con I'ouy. Jllaconpaay, row Is .Califor ,lllm m m, - 'T LET FOLKS TRY INFLUENCES iiii.i.inri: ixthorix-i: mi.i. it punishing those who would frame commerce CUMMlHHOX PMNS United Press Bervlro WASHINGTON, I). C. April l. rVuatiir 1.4 to)tti My lutroJiucI a bill In Hit. aminin (iroUilliiR (or the dra-tli iunllitiiflil nf iifuiiri awk I iik to InnuMifn the fumnvrre com int.. Ion Tim tsnator Intlmatwl tlmt tttcmpU "Jo liolne inujo tn ltitti: en" titn rmtnllon tn roniKrrilim III lltf rr-ijiifti l rAatrrn rllroad for lttrowMt ro(7 Tlin bill (iftnlili-a lot Hiitirlimmnt, a nn(t( ll.Otio, or both BASEBALL SCHOOL OPENED BY SCOUT "" Ja.W VOI'MiMTi:il WITH Xli:i:i IH on., OU.ii.-HHI Till. lt: Itl.ol' TIIKV lli: rKCi:i IX MIXOIth WON turrti tor tin urcKon uutititnic, ao ar- '"'"'"!" ranKt'tiii-nta llh the I'anamn xkmI- (Unlll i'rvaa tfcrvicf """ "'inmliUi vrri madi whereby , I'OltTftMOITII. Ohio, April I AJ,,,r.,J,J,, m U1 rlittw woul.1 be t,M Lat,ttll .rh.M,l v. o....l hPr:,l,, V -Mwaillun remwlHw. iuday by "rkmu" Hilly luylo of tl.P u"r ,h", Pilim cloo. tho ICI,t,Uiid Nat. Any ou.Ktrr with VcUU '"" "aVo "'" J back ;, or collre. eM-rlvnc. ho " U,p amr ,f ,,M' nM nrtf ,1a niitloila to Kl "f In tbo Imaeball t0 ' rM lll U luv.i, -a a tiUfll. , TU K,"w"' ' "'r manual tra n- . , , . .. . , lint doimrtnirut will mak four ehalm -If. a bdalnM t.rot.ltlnu." ,,, sr0 toMll( They lll bo made )t..,l -Tin miorlnic tb yminit.tcra , )iW m,Mol fnm Klftmft, .and ihrn iUrlnc iheni with '''',tomy flr, and given an oak flnl.h. .mlllllrlt'4eu0Cluh. On each plec w bo n braaa plate lon plana to k.ep a atrluic on al ,,. h, Kfcoo nnJ fountJ. fmm jmifli joiincalera for the Cleveland , t camo. club. , ' It u iIim S?mini u Itii ulll nriint to " " "' "" I the Ioiik run. and Incidentally Doyle; will get credit and cah for produrlnK likely hKikltiK otitiKter, SAYS HE CANNOT LIVE ON $6,000 iii:w!ki: the government ..w-..., Hl!l PIT TO KEEP Ills ANNUAL SALARY AT THAT AMOUNT. Jl'IMIE DAY QUITti Add to Three Days' Fun nia, carries a number of amusement, employs over a hundred pooplo, and four cars of uuulpmont. It plays nt tho lloao FoHtlval In Portland and ho Potlatch lu Hoattle, Tho advantage pf having somo form nf niiimatiiiiiil In the cltv during tllO foretiooiiH and evouinga whllo tho lluiloo In not lu progress appealod to tit of the directors of tho Chamber of Commerce, and tho dlroctora of tho llodoo association as well, as a re sult, the contract wm ilgwtd. . . . - .. -i-r-rJ-lrunjTJVViruT-ru-U-LrLJl STUDENT-MADE FURNISHINGS FOR STATE'S SIDING um'ai HMiiust immiii ui:i:ivi:h III I'CI'ltl.NTS All uf llif Troliilnjc l-Mrt-in. hi. o( ilir Htwh-'n lllttli School Will I n ttii'lr hlmii' 't'omiiil ('mi irtiillni: (In l-'iiriilliirt In Il4 I'wil In tlin Ihruun ItullilliiK al i I , tr In Nin I'rnnrlM'ii. Tlil imirnliiK I'rlncltml V V.. r.nir.lit t"'rlml ihn blMiiriii( f rum Hlati Kiijmrlntinilrni ttt SclmoU J A. Clitlfflilll for the lln Jilctra of fur ulturx bi inadr by tin? manual tnrliilne tli'iitirtinitit tf tlm Klnmath county lilKh arhttol for tho Orison biillilliiE at tin? I'an'aina ltlin Homi l line nti9 li-ttorn rc -iit to Dm tirlnfll'afa nf tilt tin tilKb dchouU III id (tat, nVliiu them to iu- the KiihI mitt amount of fiirnlturo tach Mrhtml'a manual trnluliiE tlt'iiartuititt t,,l, 'nk' l"anl thf furnliihliiK of T,, rrpM nMlircl, Ip Qrigon commlttrr that nil ample amount of arri'iitabln artlrlc couhl tliux be FOUR DIE IN TWO AEROPLANE FALLS ItltOTIIEIt.S KILLED ATTEMPTING TO LOOP THE LOOP TWO (TII. ERS DIE WIIEX PETROL TAXK (MTniKM FIRE United Press Service ItlllEMH, April I, Two'accldonts, cIoko to each other both as to lime laud dlalance, caused four deaths at ilho aviation ronteatt today. Emtio Vedrlnos and his brotb'er, Jules Vetlrlues, wero kiled whllo at temptltiR to loop-tho-loop lu a mono 'plnne. They foil 100 feet. Itnmcdlntuly nf forward, Plerro Tes- 'tuelet and his pnssengor, Clomont Av ilgny, wero killed nftor a fnll of 300 feet. Their marhtno struck n pylon, exploding the petrol tank and burn Iiir the neroplano. SELECTION OF A CHURCH LOT UP IMPORTANT MEETING OF THK EPISCOPAL GUILD WILL BE HELD FRIDAY AFTERNOON AT THE MORGAN HOME To decide upon tho question of a mltnblo lot on which to oroct a church a iiipetliiK of Ihu I.adlea Guild of Grace Episcopal church will be held Friday aftoruoou at tho homo of Mrs, Clarouco O, Morgnu. The meeting will bo called at 8: SO, lu addition to this, other Import ant umtteravwlll bo attended to. sswvwww i Singer Can't Smuggle Dog Into England E3 Miss Emily Wcblln. star of tho Golvty company, which. played a sea son In the United States, has been keparated fram her'Oarllng by tho I cruel customs odlcers in Great Urllaln ' Darling weighs only threo pounds and I ll- if ft v'W itiM weiitin inougiit wnen sue got on, lie kteamer which took her hornet.... . j... from tho United States she could eAslt 'ly bold him In her muff. liul the cuttoms officials had jomcj (wny of learning about that, for they found the dog, and confiscated bias. ' I enwn't give him up," sho cried ' to ihe official who demanded Darllns. iwttiln the week Klamath Falls can Xweithelesa she did give him U ( boats a moving picture studio-, for in (Tlie English reporter who wltneojjtual Unlo tho MUlcr i,hoto company tt,a rceno said It w.ia "moat dUtress.j haVo reccvwl Uielr now moving liit," and MIm Wohlln was almost plcturo machine, which was ordered ipt net rated by tho loss of Darling. wl)Cn c R Miller waa In San Fran- 'clsco a few weeks ago. The machine AMERICAN POLO PLAYERS TRAIN SEASON'S PRACTICE STARTS TO DAY MANY CANDIDATES FOR j THE TEA.M TO COMBAT THE RIMTISH INVASION' I United Press Service NEW YORK, April l. Real workterprlslnK local photo Arm. or ciuidtuatea tor ino team wntcn win. (defend tho International cup against alio luvndlng British polo cracka start ed today at the Georgian court field at Lakcwood, Captain Jnmes M, (Monto) Water bury, nsHoclatud x ttli International polo iih it player sluoo tho American four was dofcated by England In 1902, Is In charge of the candldatea. Monto Watorbury waa a member of tho American Dig Four, which de feated Euglnnd for tho world's chain plonshlp and tho International cup lu 1909. Lurry Fltspatvlck, who baa prepar ed tho ponloa of tho American four slnco 1909, again thla year la In chargo of that Important task. Tho French city of Lyons bat a project for a now central railway sta tion tn Ih built nt n cost of 111,000, 000. Fowor American shoes wero sold In 1918 In Cuba because ot the shoe fac tories that are being built ana oper ated there. FEDERALS SEND REINFORCEMENTS ! TOWARDT Vll.liA HKSltH TIIOOI'.S T( IVTKR.I CKIT, THKM HearioK ' Kii.R.itlBjc Army Heat Townnl Tiirtrun, lt-lel Ix-atler Tnkrtt Quick Artloa Co I'rereBt Their IteachlnR the Army Xow Dr.! fmdlnic the City lUttle Beiwca Thee Force f Kpected TonlKht. 1 United I'reu Service CI, i'ASO. April 1 The report that federal rclnforcemenU were adranc- Iiik toward Torreon from the cast .has been confirmed by press dls- patches from Kagle Pass. Iat night General Villa sent two , brigades, totaling 3, COO men. under (lenerals Rrblnas ;orelos. Macclovios land Herrnras, to Intercept the ad vane-( nng rorces. I Cencral Urblna started toward San ji'edro, while floneral Herrent went toward Parras. The strength of the reinforcements Ik not kuowu. General Carranxa has ' not received any further advices from , General Villa. MOVIE STUDIO CITY'S LATEST PHOTO COMPANY HAS COXT1UCT8 TO )LKE FILM FOH F.llt MAY ALSO FILSI THE COMIXG RODEO Is tho very latest made, with all tho i new attachments. Tho .Miller Photo company has al ready contracted with tho Panama ex position commltteo for a number of Siskiyou county films, and will ar tango for several reels of Klamath county Bcenea. During tho coming year they expect to make aorao very realistic reels of Indian action pictures, and will also preserve the llodeo scenes in films. Klamath county abounds In scenic 'wonders that would be perfect for mo jllon picture effect, and it is likely that many reels for nightly exhibitions .over the world will bo used by tho eu GLYNN TO HELP SELECT A SITE NEW YORK'S GOVERNOR PLANS TO ACCOMPANY COMMITTEE TO THE PANAMA-PACIFIC EXPOSI TION GROUNDS United Preas Service ALBANY, April 1. At tho prea ant time Governor Glynn plana to ac company tbe New York exposition commission of .fifteen members to San Francisco, to select a alte and lay tbe corner-atone ot tbe New York atate building. It waa planued to loavo New York about tbe 15th ot April, but pressing legislative business may delay the start until May 1st, ORREON COURT ALLOWS SALARY DILLS FOMXJWIXO THtH THE MEMBEH8 MOT AT XOOX FOB KEXO,. TO IXHI'ECT THK XKW IIIIIDGE AT TIMT MiACK The county court met this forenoon and allowed the claims for salary that wero prwwnted. Following thla acailon, the court left for Keno, where they will Inspect the bridge being built across the Klamath Hirer. The bridge I on the Klamath-Aahland road, and Is a short distance from the old bridge. CONDENSED MILK PLANT-PERHAPS f.iiiur. cj.i,r.ii. is ji.iii.u i.- gLIIUKS IlKGAHDIXG KL.UIATH WITH A VUnV TO ESTABLISH IXG A ItKAXCH HERE A condensed milk manufacturing company, which has several plant on the coast, may establish a branch fac tory In Klamath county. Information jto this effect reached the Klamath 'Chamber of Commerce Tuesday, and 'the data they desire Is being prepared. "The matter was taken up through (a local man wbo is closely connected with those Influential, in the cOBtpa ny," said a member of the board of directors' today. "We bellevo there are plenty cr cows here to supply the milk that would be needed." RUBE WADDELL IS NEAR DEATH ECCENTRIC PITCHER, KNOWN ALL OVER THE NATION, IS IN A STUPOR AT A SANITARIUM L TEXAS United Press Service SAN ANTONIO, Texas, April 1. Rube Waddell, the once famous twirl er, la dying at a local sanitarium. He baa been lu a stupor tor several hours. and will probably die during the night. Waddell was for many years one ot Ihe mainstays ot tho Philadelphia Athletics, and pitched the team to many a victor)'. Hla love of liquor caustxd him to do all sorts ot queer stunts, aud there are more atorlea told on him than any other athlete la the world. Seek New Klaiiath Oiamber of Con. Tho membership of the Klamath Chamber ot Commerce will be 300 larger May 1st than at present, ac cording to a membership campaign ar- ranaed at last ulght'a meeting. Ev ery member was named aa a member ship committee, and all will work tor 300 new boosteri. Thla campaign Is to be carried along In a systematic manner. Tha school children of the county have been asked to submit a design aad TUMULTY SAYS PASSA6E0FT0LLS BILL IS ASSURED BAYS REPOBUCAJtS CLAMBER OX THE FEXCK Heels the Advaatace of Makta Pe litlaU Thamder Oat eC Um Mmttm, fteya Prealdeat'a flccfctatjr, Law' Makers Wbo Favere4 pattaafe Ate Chaastag Their Vieans, New That a Xoteble Fidit I as fUflhC United Preas Sarrliea , WASHIXGTOX, D. Cn April 1. The White Hoase today deUretwd Uae nltimatDin to the seaate caaal ceaa miltee that aalea It aiuasptly reports) the tolls reaolatioa to the seaate, the adminhctratloB all sniaaaarMy ferea the committee' liaad. Tlie decks have bee cleared far a light that aaar ecllfwe that Jaat eaded fa the boase. ' The White Hoase adasita that be eatire foreign poUcy of the adaafcala. tratloa baags la the kalaace. United Preas Semes WASHINGTON, D. C, April 1.- "A poll of the senate skews that the Panama canal free tolls elaase repeal will be adopted by a aaajerity t twelve certain," said Joseph TmaMlty, secretary to President Wtleoa today. "We have' reasea to believe that this will be larger, bat are Igariac very carefully. Because of this, w" have eliminated a number of repub licans whom we Included la our list a week ago. "Although these republicans were with us a few days ago, they eea the partisan advantage that is senraMa by making the question a political one, and as a result they are oa the fence. We will probably get their votes, but are not counting upee. them." According to Senator O'Donaaa, chairman of tbe seaate CoaaaiKtea ea interoceanlo canals, the cesaa-Ktee will meet Tuesday to discuss the MIL Ho stated that he had ao idea ot how long the committee would consider it. Recently O'Gormaa was credited with the statement that he preferred to hare the fight on the seaate toor. rather than in tbe committee. Credit for Bible study la given la tho North Dakota high schools. A hundred students passed the state ex amination last year. New York state baa 148.011 tee- torles, employing 1,SS(,150 of whom 347,601 are woatea aad IS,' 519 are children. Denmark Is said to have tha comprehensive system of unemploy ment Insurance of any country at Europe. Members slogan for tbe Chamber of Commerce, aad tbe best oae.of these submitted . by April 14 will be awarded a ft prise. Aa soon a tbe design. are elded upon, tha Chamber st Cent merce will purchase a number ef lapel buttons, with this emblem oa thee. These will be presented... tha aaw members of the ergaaUatloa, wUk a working far tha develops art btttWeag of Klamath Fatta aad ath ceuaty. rXl l ", V l'f. N' P"