f&Ut lEuinrouj Iteralii KLAMATH PALLS1 PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT It NSW1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER iBcr -" s MwmwnMWhfmiummifWt4i!,,im'itiiwflmv isaA. , Afa.lrf,ti i41t, ncMTniirr .ffnwiMt i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1914 Price, tffoOaaas Bloody Battles All Over Mexico Klamath Woman Is Agent for Governor West a,a aa.waa VivWwvwMWM wvvyyvMMVWVMvVWWWMMMMMMMWMWW AA0000000000W00W IS, TAYLOR, POSTMISTRESS AT BLY, IS NAMED TO SECURE DATA THAT MAY CONVICT BOOTLEGGERS Icoal mlm (rlur toJft itate (Iml iaio avjh in. Tbl w Herniary, the) maintain, ed, twaiipo of ili'fnlturri to reach n sirmn( llh Urn Miner' Union te. KafillRK , Aam Sfreef of Torreon, New Seat of Mexican War ugruit wah iikixo huh. i-i:i into hlv rUlowlnii llrflpt t tlif Woman tt-4 (atltMliuM IJrtuUr lclit .tplltil llrr "fMMiltirm Or-gri' IVtn 1M.U." and hli Will Wot, I'ji J1rt In t'aw Thrrr Art- An) ' m VMiiln. ' -ALGDMA CASE IS REMOVED TODAY (llrrM HvrUl HrlfT) ftAt.ttM. March 3. flat amor ttU vt li4aj announced lim be' M appointed Mr. Clin Tanr, lt J mitUH i Wr, the sll Bti of bU eSka lHKloWtll county, "' lit attmthm o violation of the Jt'lWK I1H.NSO.V GRANTS ItKMOV. Ait 1'iniTio.v or atiorxrvs 1011 Till: COMPANY i.v damage AtTlOV Circuit Judge Heiunn this nrr- HAMMOND FREED REBELS RETAKE IN SHORT TIME ! 60MEZ PALACIO BY THE JURORS IN FIERCE COMBAT f-KCOND CHARGE AGAINST HIM IS HUERTA FORCES WINNING I.V I WITHDRAWN OTHER BATTLES Tul.-men Were Out Ltrwi Than Five Dlapatcli to Mexico Cltjr Says Tmemtj- I Minute I So fore Returning Willi Their Verdict of Acquittal Wlt iumm Intrtxlutril Tolllcd That the lttjiutntion or the Girl In the Cavse Was nut lite Real. Keren Waco !) of Dead Rebel Were Haaled From GwUro Clea eR Orer Thoaaaad Reeele Re ported Killed t MosclovU VHU Hcmtif to Attack Torreoa Iiikoii li now liccrmo th? ihu- tlm tit, autl t'Vral nVlrmlslicn, In tt?r f Hip Mexican ar TUirctlio li!cli tboy'wero driven buck, M (cilrtnl force of l'rl!tni Muorta lowed, And (Ji-ilrtnl Villa liflTi- bnn cnearod i Villa has rfutnl to txrmlt tlia In baitlo fur lateral da, The new nrwiimner cormpondenta with hlra r V,lla ,a lb M"Ical rebellion. and other points along the frontier that the contest at Torreon mar go a long way towards settling the future M.. Tl.. .-..,....! . II.- r. ... . "'"- " . ,-, ... ..-- ..,..,..,... i...-w....... ".... ... ,,,.., ,vi-,, ,...,. .-, Wwm nl km onur lor Hie removal b brcn Cf n.nrctl, iu It lm. been Im- to icud any information from Chi injur firii u; nau iiki MV ...... ,. t .. i ..., , ,...I. . !.,,., ,t... ,...n. The photograph here shows the rc- ' Hulled 1'ress Senrtce Jnst before 12 o'clock the Jury in KLYEBtKL. Mexfco, March 7 Ifce Hammond case returned a verdict nitt wbeU B-deP Cenn VUto wet acquitUns Charles B. Hammond of 4MwplBKy Tic(ortow yeaterday and the charge of a statutory crime upon eCa,tird Gomes PaUdo. out lister-ln-lav. Mary Fleeter. Th ..When VllU'a force esitered the jury as out las tuan nie m.nutes. eUy thtf toumd eo federal aoMlers This alUrnoon. lutn Attorney ,1 The rttMtm !,.. joitd to John irln moved for a dismissal of abot 100. the other charge against Hammond., -n,,, boaUardsaes of Torreaa torn- tnai or an attempted assault upon atiaue, and the city le younger Flescher girl. This wasLuces. At Boom today granted, and the rancher was re-jreni BotUled Oct nil VflU ttaU hla lcased' brigade ha cajrtared alaanat tha aav Ail or tno parties interested are tire aoatfaera part of Terreem. residents of Langell Valley, and the "caUre aorthera portlom of tha'e .... .1 ..1. .. I.....1 l'..-l .-.. I In.lIM 111 l..rii It!.. IMillL Tl... I.i.nl.xf. hhlM. It I. In rlnhnr It r.ntUln nt I.Jorf.1 Irnni,. n-l,-r. tS..I,vsm:als Ul lOUECII alley, IDS UIO OBtll BOrtlVni BOrtlflai A tk ita t ........ . 'Ill llllf BUIft lit I.UinilMHI IMIftMl Hft.lHIt " r" .'. ..... . v . . M" ...V .. Ml.tv . ... ... '..... .. vi'..w.. w. au.w. ..vw.. MV. u. !... " - . .vw IHU, ,,( ihiotlolltiB lliwott rf - ,b tfl,rmBUo , t0 ,ht,'t.trt that Mid. That makes It practically Im-' entered Torreon some time aw. The,aeIea(Uat . "rother-in-Uw to thelasaea. hi : . WW into Hly Mr ll!l .l. - -J-""'"' , ,"' , "" Villa' lorcw. P.rachlnK Torreon. , possible to tell the facts at length. hole populace turned out to meet 'rI he ,a B"e Te tUcta,d- "" lh dfr,,U roufl w ",0 ",,Br", 1U encoutilnrnd the federals far outside Ther has been a belief In Juaret them. The prosecution held that he asult-f GOMEZ PALACIO. Mare. J7 iwilnlin tlm Mn. Tnylur uil lilrt tout.- TliU U upon the erounrt ,,-,,,.,... , , , , ' led her and made her keP silence by Following a bard all day aad all Bight l a rfel jwfioti lo round up Hip otai un. company i an umn r. - - - .uii.tiit u sue . uamo w "-e. fight that wu the fiercest la modem llni pffrmvrs, and bavin- no poratum, nnu ine nmoum inmn titel In iltn county, Oovurnor Writ over IS.OflO ! abixilnled Mm Tailor lo Oil Knltr lut a leg a the remit of an btsre. 'atrldenl at tbp rmnpany'i plant ll II l .l-r,lo,l that h. will ac tr - ak 130,000 dawagr. nt U omen and start work at onco? " MtittK rVldf tiro ACatlul tbo ttllrsod liotatur n f tlm Ideal option law. DORRI NOW HS "Atmit a month ago, I luok thl PHON EE XCHAiE Ufr up nrl, wIimi I wnl to 0v, t6or Wot. telllnc htm or condition, m4 a.kltijs thai mmothlng lie done,"j mi ut, Tayiur over tne teiepnone , lod "At that time b? wa In, Wuhlnmon, Imt upon hi rvlurn be ,(l.b lll'TTi; VAI.I.KV TOWXH AUK HuertaWas Almost Ready to Quit Once (II) n iiiarr Correspondent of the United Press) Mcrul my letttor, enclosing blank for iclrtr tnfnrmattnn, This I flllrd uut a fim itaa ago, and mallrd Iq, blm, but Unr has be-cii itu IIiiip n ret for a reply." Il ft rrporied tlmt the liquor n Mn( onit throtiKh (ho malls, but llltOt'OHT rMIKKK TOOKTIli:!.. Mi:.N'IC0 01TV. March 27- The ex iiiirrnllnii liv llu nulhorltlc nl Itomu I.IXi: Wll.lt COXXI.VT WITH M- of rei,,,!,, Mor ,U1 Itlo of Mexico (Uli ...VCIIAXOi: IX I'KW ll.IVS brought lo light the fact that there were certain member of tho Catholic pnrty In Mexico who woro rocelvlug Tliursilny ileelrlelan flnUbeil tlm xtiutto favors from Vlctorlaua Hu- ft. Tarlor a)a this Is not Hip ease Work of couiteclltiK tip Dorrl. Calif., orln Mexico's dlctntor, and who, iu "It tlm null had been used fort with the Hutu Valley Telephone com- return fur thono favors went so far Ullrll tr.inie would have gone about 't,ny'r lines to.Bam'a Neck, Okla ft t uig rlinrgcM of meddling In We In an entirely ill (To rout manner," homa, Macduel, Ml, Hebron mid other U,mM ngnlust Archblshod Mora del ' l'l. ( low ns In tho valley. Ulo, n,,, cIimk'H being placed In tho In MlilltUm to belur postmlslress. Today, for the Ural time Iu Its hi- Vatican Itself. Mrs. Tatlur It ngent for the stae tnry, Oorrls baa u telephimn rontrat on tlmt liuiul Information tbo Unit rompany. H Is on nrcounl of shlp-Jofrlre, with swltchbonrds, .operator, 0, ii,iM correspondent la nblo to ex wi nti of lliiuor over tho stage lino fete. Mrs, 8. V. Ilium Is the operator ,1ii tho activities of Archblshou ... .-, .. .---. a , "'t Airs, Taylor made, her complaint, j In charge, . . Within n week or ten days, accord 'HU. MI.VIIH Wll.lt 'lug to n-stnloment from I.. H, Hoburt VltOHK Al'lllli IHT son, mnnuner of tbo Klnmntli ci)iintynrC,hUhop begnn n cnmimlgn of per- - -. lines of tho I'nclllo Telephone nml lat,ii among llucrtn's friends with "HHiniAl, OI'WATOItH HAY THIS Telegniph tonii'Hiy, Klnmntli Fulls Ultt otijrrt of umloavorlnR to per 1 IHIXI: IIIX'AUHU OF INAIIIIf will bo coniiocleil by illreit wire with aftih lluertn Hint ho ought, for tho "TV to NirrritU Till'. WAG!: tho Uorrlii swltchbonnl, thus giving ,(, 0f his country, to step out ofl vuijiTIO.V 'Inrnl Mtiliarrlbem illroct phono connee. V(,, riilav eiimpalBU wua highly itlona with tbo towns In llutte Valley, effective for n time, so much so that Morn ilul Itlo, which formed tho basis of the cbiu ges tit Home, About tho Ht ot Docembor the iti...i ,, -"nu iress Horvlcn t . ' 'l.i:VI.I.ANl), 0 March 37. Kol- Today's news In The Herald. luwlng a lengthy conference thu Ohio! a month CANAL FUSS WARMS HOUSE u"ltil ress Hervlce WAHIHNOTON, U. 0 March J7. " liuttso today passed a rule limit '"K 'lolmiy umx Ul0 ,,! r0IOBl mBBH. ""' to twenty lulnutort, The vote, ' to 178, t la contended by lomo, 'M rules that the resolution desired V Wilson will bo pnasod. Tlm ndoption or this also bnrr'od Wwdmenu to the resolution. The dobato was opened Uy Con wumgn Hluii. Adaroson predicted 4. hu felt Inclined to lento tho presiden cy. In accord wltlv wishes of l'rvulaont WIIhoii, nml tuko tho Held himself In iNorthem Mexico, It wiib only by tho Utmost persuasion tlmt lltiortu's friends, whotie lunuolnl and political 'interests were ut stiilto, talked him out of the Idea. ""-"""""" Archbishop Mora del nio'a argu- t hut the vote of the majority would 'ment was n strong nml simple one, n bo trebled to what. It was today, and jit reached tho ears or Huortu through The feeble old. man was committed from Klamath county upon grounds of senility. Fenlon's committment followed complaint made by relatives. He Is the father ot George H, and Ira Fen Ion and Mrs. Zcnora A. Swatman. ell residents of Merrill. Superintendent Stelner ot the nsjlutn says this is one of the most pitiable cass that has ev er come under his observation. "Tho condition of tho patient was such that it was necessary to send him to Salem," said Dr.' Merryman today. "He should have been sent to Salem six months ago for treat- In Mexico, ho would declare to I'resl- n,cnt. but hls cblldron worked hard dent WlUen: 'I have done my best, ' order laak9 " Plble for him but I am not strong enough to bring ,0 rcmaln w,,b tDem- u wou,d have peace amid so much tumult nud such Impossible for him to have been conflicts of seltlsh Interests as pre- Pnt ,a tl, ""W Infirmary, as It tall hero. 1 step down from my high ftaa ,10t equipped, ns is tho Salem In omce. with tho undoratnndlng that HlHon. ror tho care of such peculiar ou will tnko tbo responsibility of set- " tllng affairs In Mexico and putting the country again at pence." Undoubtedly If Hucrta had fol lowed the ndvlre of the archbishop President Wilson would hate been placed In n highly embarrassing sit uation, for, to bring peace. It would hnvo been necessary either to support Huertn'a personally conducted fight sgnlnst Carranra or to support Car- consequences In the court as he was. mct villa's rebela recaptured Uts The defense maintained that the cttr thu morning, wrheaee they war girl's conduct toward the defendant repulsed Wednesday by the federate, was anything but proper, and that he wn0 rallied and retook the loat drove- her away. There were wit- ground. nesses introduced to testify that the ..The" bMtU wat u,, itTCMt uA girl's character was not the best, ) bloodiest of ay mlUUry career." aaid while others were put on to refute villa today. "Both aide Baiaialaed r ie - this. a steady artillery fir all aright, glT- Tho trial has been in progress for W tne garrta at Tome ae tiate threo days. Ever' day there has been t0 rat." a large attendance ot spectators. YOUTH IS ONCE E MODERN BAKERY WILL BE BUILT nunou'H .uitMi purchases PROPERTY OX PIXK STREET, AXD WILL PUT IX AX UP-TO. DATE PLANT MOR PRION Tho problem ot supplying loaves ! and cako for the people ot Klamath ! Falls has become such a big problem with H. Nurml, proprietor ot the , Klamath Falls bakery, that ho haa decided to erect a building, especially rnntn nnd oppoio lluerta oven after IWUKUT PKTTUS, HKCEXTLY UF ' w .i. pmuV rnnrn nnu oi pose mierin, oven aner t adapted to this, and large enough to Huerta hnd put President Wilson un dor obligation by resigning his it let n torHhlp. On tho whole, It Is believed In diplomat le circles. It Is very fortu nate for President Wilson that Arch bishop Morn dot Ulo's plans were not carried out. taht tbo bill would pass. GOiiKrossmim Hardwlrk denounced tho stand of Clark: "I want this distinguished demo crat to say It ho does not rculiio that wo must support tho administration, or wnnder In tno wilderness nnothor forty years, I hope tho gentleman from Missouri will not bo troubled by Jodny'a vote," ho sold. hid rrlends, and ns Mora hlmsolt told It to Huortu one evening when tho presldcut culled at l, nrchblshop's homo, "Huoitn hat done tho best ho can," declared tho archbishop, "Vet the situation grows worse nud worse, Whut a magnificent plnco Huerta would take In Mexican history, If, to save bloodshed, nnd to hasten peace For tho second tlmo within a year, Itobort Pettus, aged 20 years, Is In tho county Jail. This tlmo ho Is chnrgud with tho thoft ot u horse, enmp equipment, otc, from tho Ilol ' brook autflt. I Pettua, according to Luther Hol i brook, on whoso Langell Valley ranch tho boy was employed, waa sent by tho foreman ot tho sheep camp to pre- , pare supper tor the crow, but instead, 'ho changed his clothes and skipped 1)0X8 AXD DAUGHTER, RESIDING m, tho horse and camp outfit. ATMi:iHHI.I.,HADHIMCOMMlT- Ho vaa arrested by Constable 'Schallock, and last night was bound lover to the graud Jury by Justice Gowen, LKASKD FROM JAIL, IS HK-AH-1 Keep up with the demand. Tho last word In bread and pastry fnaktng will bo Installed. Nurml has just secure dproperty on Pine street between Tenth and Elev enth tor the new bakery. It will be built thiB summer. KITTED OX CHARGE OF STEAL ING HORSE AXD OUT1FT THOS. L FENLON DIES AT SALEM Following the occupancy of tho city early this moraine Oeaeral Villa or dered the tired troopera to aaalat tha hospital corpa in gathering tha woaad ed from the battleflelda her and at Lerdo, and send them to tho hos pitals. Both dde loat heavily. In addition, burial .detachment have been aeat out As soon aa these preliminaries aro attended to tho attack upon Torreoa will begin. WASHINGTON. D. C. March 17. The Mexican embassy secretary today published tha following from Medee City: The rebela hafh been defeated at Monclovia, losing more than a thous and men. The government troops are also victorious in the state of TaaauUaas, where the rebels were defeated Is sev eral minor engagements. United Press Serrlee MEXICO CITY, March 37,-Ovsr- whelming federal victories are claim ed. It Is asserted that twenty-sevea' wagon, loads of rebel dead were re moved from Quatro Cleaegas, attar the federals captured that city. ASQU1TH SAYS CABINET WAITS TKD TO THE lXSAXK ASYLUM LAST WEEK itoculved at tho state asylum 'for tho Insane Sunday, Thomas L, Fenloa, aged 80 tears, died there Wednesdsy, The boy was arrosted,beforo on a statutory charge and a charge of theft. As tho complaining witness was not In court when tha trial dat arrived, the prisoner was liberated. United Press Service LONDON, March 87. Premier As qulth today announced that tha cab inet was still awaiting a final decision from Field Marshal French and Gen eral John Ewart. He also denied that the members ot the cabinet contem plated active operations In Ulster. When the house ot commons con vened tho crisis In. the cabinet waa not by any means disposed of, as Field Marshal French and Oeaeral Ewart still clung to their determination to retire from tha cabinet. Tha promised statement ot Asaulth was pestpwsd until 6 o'clock this aftanstt, at which time a special meotlac of tho cabinet was called. Fisld Marshal French appeared before tha spsalal ' meeting, and afterwards (liataral losw ly was before it, French waa slssst ' ed with Asqultb, and this cava ris to a rumor that Boaiy was to bs sosrt flced and French reUioed, wHk Mr court succaedtag Bsob. The house of commons' laaMJTW Journed without aay issmrtsd ofjgft being made In atUobaHtto oos.- a " -V,-4: PI riliJiJfl 111 mm m v r . ,. A ...