h lii?ral& KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS . Krrwsr WJ4, t. aji-T Mr Tin .. .i-i,,.. ...,., jcmBmlfaW,'srhtT1Cir-r.1-,-w Klghlh YearNo. u-,"w . , "--"""-" - KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1914 Pried, Irr ttimmn BITTER FIGHT IN CONGRESS ON THE Mrs. Elizabeth Rhoades, Aged 94, to Vote in Illinois Elections BROWN TOIL REPEAL ACT TIIOt'OIIT Mi'iit: IH ' Mrs Clltahnlh llliuhile., axtd 94, 1 U coins in Otr III llio Illinois let" i linn Hha rxUtri!tl In Chlcaxo at i lliu prlmar, nnd I lit) re mmounrrcl liT llllrlillou lit tilling If lm lived llll I ho itlwiloii, mul ulirt hndu't nn)' doubt klm would Mr IthoadM l MlMtM lo m th olJct wiiiimu tiUr tit Illinois, m Maul, inaybo In the I'nllo.t Hlnloa "I waul lo o(o lo Klvn Cliltaeo u ftpnl-l lunlny Faultily, "Mil Mtr nxiilrm," ld ll, vrhou the (or iVrulii i.m ,Miw.lay--'Hgr' pr-wl In tell whM olio thoughl , , Mrnn th miMi Important ijumtlmi b- , ,-h0 Uwill tt TIii.p. (Mt) iUn VMW )f hvr cr fur IMwtli Tills Question, ... 4, ' J9." . .J? PM Vlaf, HAS MANY FRIENDS IN CITY I'ImI V'r "" Wll-m's I'rwililt-M U Hllltlt lrr Willi ltillloM, 4 n ' tsX -.& v. ' w v SUhjM' "I'UHfi ,, l,'tfi vp 1 , fiMib.a - MW- arr--r. f lsil4 l'i" Hrlt WAKIIINtnOS, l C. March So. VII Ibr pMe of llio loll rrl ul i cetl-lrrl a n certainly wln-u it com to veto itaturday night or' Xoe47, '" tjH Iim pcwlpaled on? e rami Uller lrUCltx that ha J rvrtflfJ l lf' ttUli llm dsttne tfU fce rtinltolM. S the trnalo defeat looms " n ltMllty. hlle Adamtou prHU etw wajerlly of Irtiro furlr l " nl, jftbl' more, A Im V6l l bm?-p4 llil ullpf fnVtt AH Ibe dJoptlon 111 II ttJ 0 1 rulo t,Uclt the iini rrulutlou boluro Ut tOBM-. It ric-!r4J (hl IIip major Hr In fuf ol llm rmoluiloti "III lv li ibe mJorllx lit fntor of Iho itll till CUIrmsn llrnrj rIM ui ilto Kliu mnir 'Min a ihr rhcrt ond litrtrori bill a (uniwd, nul iruitipl to limit ih IUI on lit riiil bill U llltrea hour Mtan sb4 Murtlock want tiurc for I; llfcr olIMcrtw, while mnnjr of IU U')JriiHr arc iileadlti for' XrMUm Ixj trnnr Jtlmforraa." TIIK illUTIT tll'lt T la .H r.iJV VBIiiiiH jrlaiiiiiiii i . aflliiiiiH hii;Tiii:i(N oiu:io.N cwnihdati: roil attoii.m:v ;kn:iui, I'l.MM JMXV Ul.lt CIIUMH IS' KIM.l'lll VAUM UiorK)i V lliown of ItoiMiliurK. a t :niull(lat for, Btlorn-y Kcmral, W In Klmnnlli lnll tilay, and wcortod by tt cordon of tauiic party men, ho la moittlnK mnn nl I old time frlendu, ni'-t ilurluic bl long residence In iHiiuUivrn Orceon. , Mr Urown lia Utn dUtrict nttor-'lu-y In hi district for nlxtem )vim. Ilo haa Ibn nupport of nil tliu 'orllanl patera. MORBID THRONG HEARS THE CASE ji t. ; t'l--JL ? "': ' ''" . V Ju- r r TRUSTED SISSON CLERK IS GONE! ' TltlAI. OF CHAItU , HAMMO.VI) AATIUCTH A IJilWH ATTi:.ND AXCK OK CUIIIOUHII KSHOX OIVKH A lli:rillMA.M) U'l.i.n tlio trial of Charles K. Hanj frion.l on ii ulntulory iliargu wan re auutiil today, every acat I nine cir cuit court a tilled with auditors, who followed the aalaclou details re counted by wltncasca. In one In ataiKu norno broke Into laughter, but they wor quickly atlrW by Judge Hcnson'a sharp reprimand that there was nothing funny about thu a (fair. I This morning the witnesses for the i La to finished their testimony, and (Hammond took the stand this after .noon. Ilo denied attacking Mary IFlwicher, and says that Instead, the Iglrl, clad In her nightgown, went to bed, causing him t drlvo her out. Murphy's Friends Say He' 11 Fight Them ASKS REMOVAL TWO MORE QUIT TO U. S. COURT1 I IKKWIhK, OVKIl HVK HUNOULD I IMl.iaiW VAMSHI FltOM THK :. S.tl'1-LKAi WIFi: AND FAM H.V WANTINO tilt; AMIOMA UJJIHKU IMMI'AXV JlAKItK MOTION TO TAKK THU IJ.NOU: ItAMACi: hIT tUT OF HlijSOK. Calif.. March 26.- U, V. mKIIImII mKiiI I i,1r ,oro h" tM4'n MbMlng since llll I I llfll nillll I 'Hmurday night. This mornln, when I the safe was oprned, $C0 waa also 'mlsjlng. LODGE OFFICIAL HERE FOR VISIT IIO.V. LAWIIKXCK T. HAiiniS 18 AIJ0 A CANDIDATE FOR U FHKMK JUDGK. AND IM FRIK.VD OF IIF.NSON ' ' Hon. Lawrence T. Harris, who Is district deputy grand exalted ruler of the Elks, is here from Eugene on a regular tlslt to the local lodge of the order. H wilt make his official visit United I'resi Service Oooglns left a wife and five chll- 1.0NDON, March .-Tho Kren.;dr,'n ln ,r."h'e,:,!,1 circumstances. I As ha stood high In the community, lug New today announces tho reslg,.,,,, n,.-.,...i .... ,,i. . nation of Field Marshal French and) tirnerat jorm i.wart. Thpf0 -ro moro motor bou n tb tonight. tl-.it ililK l IriJaki ftMridht- I sfttfl atnlB t It a ft tw t K 0f. tknaal I llarl I mI -( If tllstaTA rt tVlak FTtt- mtTJ ,? ,. v, . .lurnponmollpij for a fcul lc ,.,eBe ,, hM aon B0!orlIeM dlitrlcl, and u one of the ablest ,tTO.S. II. C, March . , . of Ihtf.ult of Umauucl Kngle R aIinullfemen, i, ni " Pr 'U. Jin tho atate. He Is a candidal, for Is Introduced an anl.fr lKn.i th. Algoms I.umUr wraiMiar ! ,hl nnouneemwl. Il will '.upremo Justice as Is Jndgo Benson I'slltd lrw Ktrt tc WANIIIMITON ik&tlur l talU rnolutlon In Iho upper huute(rnm n, circuit court to (he United tlrb protldo that "In pursuance of'nialm dUtrkt court made ho fore Ut true Amrrlcan ilortrluo of ("lualJjuttjEo lrou Hhcppard & Itrock of Jsiiltc to nit, and sjxrlal prlrMrncn uriiim ki allornvya tor the lumber lotion, It u Pipoillrnt and Just that ctiiicrn and II M. Manning and C ll tM.tl. or Iniiiugo pan.lng through I j Onrlll for th plaintiff, ifc csusl utiall li.r or twy a sum of i Uut U stilus Hi" company for louprniatlnn n aduilrd as shall If s&.OtiO ilnntncc. Ilo lout a lie n om-nalr for IIip 'miio of tlir'iiic rmult of an acclilptil at Urn com pt(i of thn canal." ipany' plant last fall, and ho allege 'this wn duo t ncRllKnnre on tho part tof the company. cunur ii iipe uie iu.urrow tu , . . ,-. ... ,..., .,, . . . ,. ,. ,rh .fron-iT hones try to Induct- tlu-m to remain In tho'ooo.Oop.OOO cigarettes were smoked the other will b one ot tho four to be sonltf. .In the United States. "selected. Effect of Decision Not Known lUk I'rtmi fnllfornU. Wllllsiu M .llUck, who nirati- a' - wh "i ma Airrrui tuau, iniunH'M.ni tii ,--w,... iMltt-nliig fruui Ksllnas, Cat., whprr iMmmWrlalit. Dr. K, V hi hen to Interim. W, A. Ih'llell and Ffrd llousli fiouil I Milng. Print llr.,u tfl...l ...... ..ivi.IVI, llinilV VIM M... . .'- I'trclVal Btwill mi A I'ranV Jfflrtiln rit-llllsllt lutnrd last ul. In ftVmrishlng rl x loSpencrr Crck, TlHfyVriHiglil home INimii I'wtn iIip l-kr. Mt it nn trout to prove Ihelr ar- "Jap" Taylor, who opcrati's it UttM ft to their prowess. freight boat on tlif Uppvr l.akp, Is In tin- county sent lodny, attendliiR to ! mutters of business. Ills boat will bo liiiI Ml Uoroth) rimdy, for buslnwu In n very short lorrow, tun lufi lu tho Utter' car this nftornomi for a Ishort fishing trip to Bpenccr Creek. Meldrum.'Tho qitrtrint lll return tomorxow Tax Commissioners' Meeting In Salem to Determine if Clee- ton's Ruling Affects Entire State of Oregon or Only Multnomah County ssslsioooooooooB LV-7A1 VslaaH g Jfr'i Li tS-vl&bw BbV .C-if aarfBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas uMr Kji& sBaVLaalH 1 V3 JsiLm:s'snfc s111ibi9 Wm. Church Osborn, the wealthy lawyer, who was recently elocttsl as chairman of the democratic commit tee of New York state, haa gained the enmity of some adherents of Charles F. Murphy, boss of Tammanr Hall, and until lately In full comauud of the party throughout the state. They fear that he la trying to alienate Mur phy's up-state follower, who ln com bining with him have made; It possible to control the party machinery In the state. Osborn was chosen at the Instance ef Governor Glynn, who has taken a neutral position toward Murphy. But he has held many conferences with county leaders, and Tammany tata think ho is making an effort to draw them away fro mMurphy. Osborn boa always believed In politics of a much different kind than that practiced by Murphy, and most of those familiar with state politics expect to see an open break on the first occasion. Wiltro llrluniliig. Mrs W T.Xhlvo "olfo tun expected OsxUmt, where Ills otciilug from hlli. spent thu win I 'r, "Dmi" Hhlss) ami Alex left Oak- Moro Ihan one-hMf of th money ttl a rnupln of days ago In Ihelr cnrjilcrUi'd from KuBlnnd's'lncomo lax Is "or Kininstli. rioiewu rrom i.onuoner It) t'llAltl.KS V. (1AI.I.OWAY xhould control; and In the second SinlT Commissioner) ,lliuv, mauy Important provisions of SAI.K.M, Mnrvli 'JO. Final deter, tho net would be rendered meanlng .mlnutloii of llm Iwiup irUlng frwn less, and Inextrlvablo confusion would JmlK CIMin' iU-cUIoh In Mulino- result If April 1 was made the dato of mull couniy U mn -tll as yet. It delinquency. So, lu accordance with i I not known l (Ills lime uliethcr toe the other provisions or the net, I find i omit) Mill appeal. 'Il necossnry to hold September 1st the 1 Tho in commUnlou In- uot, ami delinquency date. The defendant .raiinoi iiiiiki- n nillnir In Ihc matter, (contends rightly that this date would bo determined by tho spirit and the Algoma Mill Is Busy , To determine whothor thu entire htito or only Multnomnh county tiro 'nffected, tho ttnte tnx commtlon la ImldliiK n mectliiK In Haleui todny. uiimtiliiK of the act. With this tho court agrees. The court does not agree that the spirit and meaning Is that theru Bhoukl be any delinquency tTantSUrts Operatic Wurkiiu-n nre busily engaged lu tttltlriK the Miwml of (ho Algoma I'Umbtr company In slinpo for tho sen '"i'n run, which will start Monday or Tucudiiy, The box factory Is alto be ing repaired, 'Hid Atgomit plant will bo kept busy 'Hit months, and tho dally cut wilt "Virtue about 100,000 foot. There Mil b about 1,(100,000 feet cut ouch Mutti, making the season's run close o ao.OOO.OOO feet. To turn out this amount the coin Cny will use IU own timber, and It " expects to purchase logs from WqU around Upper Klamath Uke lata tusiaar, Tho IokkIuk rnllrond Iiiih boon ox imitiml a inllo further Into tint timber, A deal 1ms Just boon completed whoro- tiv tii Dnvoreatix tract of timber, un joining tho Algoma holding, hns becu purchased by the company, nnu tins will also bo all cut to lumber this sen sou, ' Much of tho lumber will ho convert ed. Into box snooks at tho compauy'a box factory. Tho box factory turns out nbout three carloads of shook a jjlay, itntl will furnish employment Iho your around lo fifty or aixty men. The petition for removal is uaseu ..... .1.. ..nkt.il ,i.A l,n ,l.,frt.itlltlf la lipuu mo aiuuuw inn il muv.m... .- a foreign corporation, being Incorpor ated under tho laws of California, Tho court's mllng Is expected to .before September 1st. Several In- 'imvu it similar effect on tho colloctlon'stnnces will quickly show that April of the penalty In tho entire statu. Tax.,lit cannot bo sustained as the delln pnycrs lu every county lmvo followed unency date. By section 31, chapter the enso from Its Inception, and tax 1S4, Lord's Oregou Laws of 1913, the piomonU hnvo boon unusually small sheriff Is made tho collector of delln I undliiK tho outcome Iqueut tnxea. lly section 26 tho delln- Ou tho ground that taxes under tho'lont roll Is not turned over to the nuu'iidod law of 1913 do not hocome'shorlff until aftor Scptombcr 1st. If itellnqucnt until September 1st of, tho sheriff la to collect delinquent ,.iipIi enr. Circuit Judgo Clcotou of, taxes, nnd they ro delinquent after Multnomah county granted a restrain-1 April 1st, and tho sheriff doe not get . . ,-i-t ,..,!,.. vnll n.,,11 Qnt.tAntliAi 1 at tuvnav. I IliK ortior perpeiunuy eujuiuing inuiw wV,.....-w. .. .--r- (ouhly trenaurer of thnt couniy fronvicra cannot pay tholr delinquent taxoa collecting a penalty of 1 per ceut a 'during cither April, May, June, July month from those nerson who have1 or August, for thoro Is uo one to re- paid ono-half of tholr taxes prior totcolvetho taxes; and certainly the law April 1, 10U. In summing up Judge Cleeton says In his decision; "Under this vlow 1 have taken, thorn In no legal duty resting upon tho taxpayer to pay tax prior to August 31, nud thoro I no default un til Scptombcr 1st. It follows, there faro, that no penalties to be paid be- contemplates tho taxpayer may, dur ing April, pay Ills taxes, especially when penalties are put upon them. It ho doos no! pay by May. again he la further penallted. and so on until Sopletnber. Again It will be noted that it I mad the herlsT's duty with in month, after delinquency to luu certificates or delinquency. If th " ' . , I .lllM.... .... Ih.II 1 foro that dato can be Imposed. That '" """ uimH fi Is tho date specially, named by the'U becomes tho sheriff' duty In the statute which plal.tif contend 'month of May to Issue certiluU t delinquency upon a tax roll which does not come Into bis possession until September. "in fact there are many proWalon of tho statute which are effective and necessary and proper on the basis of Sentembor 1st being the date of de linquency, which becomes meaning less and a source of unending con fusion If April 1st Is taken a the date. 1 am, therefore, convinced that unon this conflict alono in the prowl- Blons of this act, the court Is fully warranted In declaring this part of the act regarding the penalties Inoperative. "In reaching this conclusion, tho court' mind Is not free from doubt, but lu ernntlng this restraining order It appears that no one can be Injured, for If this court Is wrong in It In tcrnretatton of this statuto the higher court will, no doubt, correct th error nnd onnblo the tax collector to later collect these penalties. If this court should refuso this restraining order, tho taxpayer would do compenea to uav these penalties and the annoyance and confusion and the difficulty of be ing reimbursed to th amount of thl penalty when once paid Into th coun ty treasury, should the higher court hold thl portion ot the statute In valid would b alaaot Insurmount able. "The court 1 aware that the pro ceeding by injunction Is -an extraor dinary remedy and to be used only when it become the mean ot pre venting a great injustice and an irre parable Injury. Thl bi to be a nroner case for th exercise ot this nower. for no on ean be injured, and the right of many may be protected." OVERLOOK THE LARGE BUNDLE 1KGGME.V TAKE 3QO FROM DY NAMITED VAULT, BUT MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO SECURE SEV ERAL THOUSAND IN GOLD United Press Service LOS ANGELES. March 86. Yegg- men dynamited the outer vault of the Eagle. Rock hank, near the city limit of Los Angeles, and escaped with $500 In currency. No attempt was made to blow th Inner vault. In which was several thousaud dollars ln gold. ' REBELS LOSE THE GROUND TAKEN EARLIER' IN WEEK CAKRANZA GOES SOUTH WITH REINFORCEMENTS City of Gomes IalacJo Is Retakea by the FettoaJ Troops, Who KaHjr -asf Drive Bock the Ievadem aVXIi Hide Are Uofaas; Ceutnes, the Rattle ua Pros- is Fisrct erf (tie Year. United Press Service EL PASO, March J. A special dispatch Just received front Mexico City says General Velaaco wired Hu erta that he has recaptured Ooaes Paiaclo and Mataaaoraa. It wa learned today that Carraaxa, provisional president of the revolu tionists, 1 not coming to Jaum. In stead, be is hurrying to the front with troop to reinforce Villa. It 1 understood that VlUn wired for aid. following a federal rally and repulse. United Press Seme JAUltEZ, MaMrch . Oeaeral Cbao at noon today aald Vllln wired that the fiercest battle of Uw rvolu tlon Is raging at Torreon, following the retaking of Gomes Palacto by th Huc'rta force. Both force are using artillery. Th rebels ore using Lerdo a baae ef supplies. GOVERNMENT IS VICTOR IN SUIT FEDERAL COURT AT FOmaU SCORES FOR THE lUADiTIFF, ORDERING AN UNJ MOVEMENT. United Press Service PORTLAND, March 16. A deer favorable to the government wan en tered ln the federal court her hi the government's suit for th diaaotaUoB ot the American Telegraph and Tele phone company from IU lndi d t affiliations. The Pacific Telephone ft Telegraph company, me sunset Tetepnone com pany and forty other dfndanU nre affected by the decree, which a far reaching in it electa. The more nretentiou apartment houses ln Vienna have a curloua im post levied upon them. The door are closed at 10 o'clock at night, and after that hour every one who go or come must pay to cants until mldnlxht. and 40 cent thereafter un til 6 o'clock ln the morning. -a-----a-a-l-a-Ha--aaa--e In the last year Iowa produced .- 953,183 pound of butter, which old for tlS.SS5.x0. Must Shut Up Chicks Poundmaslcr Will Arrest Owners of Stray Poikry No longer will the householder and amateur gardener have to sitenuy gnash hi teeth and nurse hi wrath or tear ot causing neighborhood trou ble when he return home to find that the nice little garden be so crfully spaded, raked and planted haa bn torn and scratched to piece by th neighbor's chickens. If the neighbor doesnot keep hi chickens home h to liable to arrest. There haa been some complaint is different parts ot the city regarding chicken spoiling new garden and flower bed, and la Bttrly rr the complainant ha new lnfra4 that th nalghbor haa omUlng Im to do beside "riding herd" hit poultry stock. Ktw, howvw, H to up to him to either do thto.wr k the chick penned up. "There la an ordaan wkfefc pro hibits chicken running. largeA aid Poundmatr Hail tdr. "YH latlon of thl earn be pnMMd either by aelsure ot the chlckM hf Mm m-, thorltle or hj J- amat and Mast of th peopl owning the hk-. I Intend to follow th totter , d compel peopl l kf their ihlitiwi feneed la." im h $i i.! fH 6Srrift mm t- m mm mm ?Kf ., I in i'lTi r&mn w - q.7