uttiu0 IteraUi KLAMATH FALL?', PRINTS THE NEWS WHILEIT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Hf .:- -"" frjjiaM,! i j a , a-w.w-MfcwatM.jt a, jatiCKtgJjb ma xsKumssxxs llghtli Vtnr .'. .'tafl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1914 Price, Fire (Ete ENGLISH CABINET CARDWELL OUT AS CLOSE TO A FALLj COMMISSIONER OVER nOME RuLh:,,,,,u,, ,usn,,:u .."' viki . hi r.iMuiiAPv rm mi: ii:.m. ' OCHATlr )Vll.,VIIOV Wll.l, HBKI.KV HIIW ' "liNA- .,: WMlN TIO.V TORAV II. It Crdw,, In lu b a candidal ,.! tuiuitlt. Tttituati, itfiuM to for county cummlMloimr from Xler- .., . , , , iii.. ,,,, i"" ww .""", Ihw. Ml Ink ! ,-'lrt MMI HWinl pr Fall TTlltrr-r11it rrl1 lu rMr of ('-blurt. WonU Aw IV-t. MI.S'DO.S'. March 35. As result .. ... i.nl unheAVal liver I tie Itiur Slr. Premier A.qulih's cb il u en "ip t-tt J I" Wr Minuter Hy tm tendered Mi iil9Uon account 0f lb", itm4 ! Iff AVMlili, and It U tin rieo4 that l.tojrtt Oporn nWo iUh l ftl. - Ule I.U aUctnOult Asqullll kll-i irta?l lbl be would "l txtiil lh Unit rrl0Unn Ho Mlratrs IhAI ' It tali! In hv t ti whole cabinet . kiin4 or fsll together, ' !", tmior thr houn- nl cow aM,B.ily4nle4 tho rumor that the ...,,,.. Use Uuilftwi with lli rmr row ; Ju.i tcau It lurnoJ lo "ruUIfr AmbIiI. Hc lh lUm on fl-lr, J " " "" rrr 4 k Me4 l, JAmtllM, lUnk lw l crrrins ItU kit A(ir Mla'lr Chutthlll h4 U- . Btlt4 tbai kaiirhli)4 xpn rnt to! llsnU !t tru uurkliiR ftr Anglln, ItUb tcr irMfuiln, m,4oIu taiirner ork no ih now ikr4 by - A" Ampry If l "l4n,t library. SAiur4Aj linnk diUd re topfl ibU ireuilon would Ip4 lo(uo4 to thll fci loV lo Hie Itt4t.v4." ,twry IimiI to wtp U it. Churchill iihiK4 iotiJ Awory.. widlp 4i ihc wbl tone uuo cra jhfltulm i, 04 a,jarrKHl Harry AiibIIu wltli "I lll rr4lKl lliU ItellUU Imln.j. ,pr; rmllUr "Hollo. lUrry ' IUnU wlloo .cUltnn b un4prto4 It "lUllo Tfcrtjxahpr rtiuk4 Clturflilll. ""JiiiBhR," Anywny, ho took hi w off lU bom of rommon n thrown jtj,0 tM mlthnot Ultlns I lie chlicl IfitS it tiproar. o(T th wht-i. HAMMOND TRIAL STARTS TODAY Trial o( C. II, iuiumun4 uimn a iUlutory chnrite wt commnct lu lb clr u.t rouit IhU iniunttiK. u4 ll Ih idrriioou lh Juty w (urr4 4u4 tlm opottluK arcuittpitt ntdt A iiwUI Yenlro of twenty wm Jft.u htifurp tint followlnit Jury wn UtrlUrd, OtOfip (Hlulc. J. I.. Utcklvr. 3. H. Urrctt. A. V. Tlmlntl It. a Hl.lltk. It. S. Moor. A. . MoorlAitd, J. V. Me CX, H W. Dowllni, Cltl Mllm, fiartr j Wfilion n4 A, llnlulcr. Ilmiimmiii U chnmi'4 with n4ult Uk hU Lt.Mn.w, Mnry KlofChor, t'f Um?ll Vullpy, Their are 13.0(3,000 Jew lu lhfr wotld, Ai.inrkn has S.1S4.06I. Mr. Fly to Twelve Oregon Cities Prepare to Make Swatfest (Herald Hteclal Hervlce) KUflllNII, nMrcti ad, Twelve On lun cities aro ploneorlng lu tho aprltiK MI Dy ciitupnlKu. A fresh city wrllos 'or iniirurtlon to (ho Blnlo Unlvor ll' eileiisloii dlvUlou olmost'ovury ''-) but In tho original twolvo (he 'MimlKUH huvo been nrrangod for, Tho twelve are: t-clcui, Portland, Itoieburg, Forest "rove, La Grande, Pendleton, Mod rod, Kiigouo, Monmouth, Astoria. rln ami Creswell, Hi about n week the University will vo naily for dUtrlhullon 10,000 liultotlna, These bulletins will toll Oregon communities how to proceed ' fly campaigns. Meanwhile, Dr. GUtton V, Hodge, professor of social "Nogy, wito is originator of (be Idea ''til rmiio lliw aiitttiunrmta that be jtm lllStlo Uj ,,,, ,, lM ,u pU fwl Jind W Ola til tttlUOUnCrinml vtlthlii tt f l), Oatdtaoll wtl tik III" delliotrallc iitKiiliullon, Ho tar ho U uiiotjHt, Mint Itl fact. Ism hit I hit field all (o himself M ihU wrlUne. for there I tut r( mi republican entered 'iCURIOSITY HURTS S EYE ;ti'iim.(I i'ium hmohy wheel it m:i; who wah aiumuw?in(; tltH IIOhh PROVE PAlM'l'l. TO free Illnc! A utrrnm of coiory 4ut --" lir In the ?! , ThU itiornliiK I l)r FUhrr crjH?4 out tho 4utt nnit Imndnscd up the ln ntnnl optic. tourr to Trtk. I!i lntl Hill I'llllcd I'ffi iTlri WABHINCJTON. t. C . March ?6. Tliw "admlnUtrMlon bill provhthiR for 1 1, j. .uv.innnii'iii. ttna from monopoly. of coal, till. phnpkite and othrr mln rrJ retiree of tho public 4omain. lll N formally tonldor4 tomor row b th liouao puhllc land com niliico. Itt iiiovr Ooltrr. lit a. Hamilton and MoMrruw, a- altted by Dr. Klthor, Tuesday ruioed ..J. .. S t..lll.UH t ftlM. a gottor from .Mm. it. ,nuii. v ; tllaokhtim hospital. H wcUhed over u quarter or a pound, and of lato had seriously Inlerf-ired with tho woman' respiration. I'ersla'a foreign trauo w.m .. fiscal oar fcoe.iM i, --. v. Catch It lu this stale. Is glvluK directions to Knatern Oregon towns. Women'H omnnUntlons nro cum ...... .u. nri in tiiko on thu Ity emit- Lmlgus, Immodlntely tho orKanlinilou tries to tutllst tho ctty omcmis. i polntmnaof n deputy with ioHf thorlly, who Is oxpoctod to ttep thnt places whoro Mcr brood nro donned nnd kept clean, Is noxt sought. In Hosoburg tho women's uuxlllary of the Commercial Club Is, lending tbo fight. Tlm hullotlu will contnltt specifica tions for tho easily mmlo nnd Inexpen sive ,fly trap that has boon such n fnc inr in mukliia- camnalgns elsowhoro n Lurcess. Use of traps oorly In tlio II y season la essential, Qno sucn imp will frequently catch all tho curly ille lu a small neighborhood, If proporly bated. WORKMAN Wster Leader Sir Edward Carson SSS SsSSSSSSSH W? -?JitJ- rf ,y Kir i.itnt a vaunti. through ll Acttatlon s8Aint homp mtp ainons the ritr ounll-i, ha becomo tho Central flRuro lu thit unw proportion iuii made by Uu- llrltlth Rovcrnmeni Mr a oto on tho tubJfCt. In anwr to tlm otter by tho icorernmoul ho oroitol that the Offr bo tubmlttcd to an UUtor council If tho time limit for tho ncfulon of cortaln UUtcr ,'ountk b omlttcJ. Tho govern mint nropoicd thai the nine counties bt permitted to voto on the quetlon of thf adoption of homo rulo. Thotr which voted airnlnsl It wou!4 not bo umlfr tho jurisdiction of tho IrUh parliament to bo created by tlm homo rulo bill. In tho ttwsnllfae, undor the loader-J hlp of Canhu, Ulitor men aro drill-' Ins a If they wero sctttnB ready for' nr, Tho women hno become en-J thujlfittlc, and corp of nurto have been oruanlod Jn almost overy coun ty and Inttructod In tho art of Crttf aid to tho Injured. Whllb lniloii! rtfvi rt-il tako tl.e wnrllko prcpara tlm, nkitoulv, tapr i conthUrablo lint that llioy may numii tronhlo In tho utar (uturv If tho homo rulo quc tlon I not amicably tettlcd. K. C. H. S. WINS FROM MARSHEIELD AIMUIMENTATIO.V OF LOCAL HE IIATEHS tMUHtW THE ELIMINA TION OF OTHER HIOH 8CHOOLH FROM THE RACE The Klamnth county high school debating team, Forrest Plel and Wil liam llngolsteln. Is still a factor In the contest for tho stnte high school championship. In fact, slnco last nlulit. It Is n still stronger factor, for tlm dubato with tho Mnrahflsld high school 'team was decided In favor of tho lornl men. This ollmlnntea Marahflold from tho rnro nnd atrongthons Klnmnth high.. It Is understood, thouKh not definitely known, that folltiwluK tho dofent of Marshlleld, Klamuth high will dobatu Oregon City htRh .nt Kitgeao for tho strtto chnmploti8hli. "Itcaolviul. Thnt tho general w"el furo of tho I'nlted Htatea would bo fostered by n complete application of tho nolloy of.tnrlff for rovenuo only," v.nn tho question argued. Tho local men supported tho negative. Forceful argument wero inndo by Plol nnd Hugelatoln, nnd by Chestor Isaacson nnd Cecil Robertson for the vlftllora. The Judges wero J. B. wells, J. Douglas nnd E. J. Kaiser of Ashlimd.'Whllq Judge Denson acted as rofereo. It Is a strange tact that Afrloans never snoese. jjr" ' START CONCRETE ON LIBRARY JOB im.Mh ahii t'ojii'i.irrirn, a.vii Mi.vi.Nti oi' tiii: co.vaiimi u N(W I'.VIHUt WAV Wll.l, CiWT If 2 1,000 U'oiK on the Cnrmclo Library be Ihk orccti.Ml on th now court houno block, in (iroKntttlnc morn rapidly II an cxiuk-U-J tills eon. Already n I f rt of iiH-n U engoKod In mlxluc cnciti unil pourlOK It Into tho fortnn t mphiud by thtr cariicnt'r. j . It wiu thouKht that cetnont work ' v,.mli not itort until April Int. Tlatj library will cott $21,000. SCHOOLS HOLD PEACE MEETING , nitmii.mi: nirrWi:KX imcmA IHOli hCIIOOI. AM) UIWII- Ill.lil) MKTTl.IIlr WHEN I.KT I l.'ltH. WC, AUK COMrAltKl) i llotorc tho dubato last nlitbt, or' rathtr, buforo Principal KauRht of Klamoth hlKh nchout and 1'rluclpnl A. 1.. llarkor of JJnrehflcia hlxb acbool compared lottor and totoeraxnt from tho state chairman of debating com , . .i , . , ,. itlon of Captain Scott to the South m lite a fooling far front rlendly J gulM 0 exltc4 between tho two efliools. Now''"'1' " . .. . . . every thing I calm torenc, with (hi. fjiX' f-lMn.1tl.i.f fhAllnv nmrnd. . V r (United States. Z. . . A . . . .. He was captalu of the Terra Nova Tho vttOcs ftd telegrams sent by. , . .. ' . ... - ,fc ... . .X.JL.. ... i .'during tho whole period of the ex- Chairman PiVtott to Mr. Ilarker at; , " . . ,,, . .... 7k. . .. . . tnlorallons. and was In command or Marshneld wVeo worded la. to leave ' back the imprcyon thXMr. " L ,Bf l0 plck up CftpUln taking ovoy advantage of delicate victorious party, only to sutatlon. On tho other hand, the? had state charrman worded his letters and tclKeratri to Mr. Kaught In a way that "0n pr ,,1C "dl,c1 da of my Ufe left no riora to doubt that Mr. Darker M hat wbca w turned to Cape was trlng to have everything ar-Evan ,n lhe Terra NoTB Mli lha rangedto suit Marshfleld. -young oracer. Nattjrally each was suspicious of" " had PrePed a gala feast on tbo olhh-r-When tho letters and wires ho Jrra Nrftvtha.t ?; W - i.-.wi .u t.v .M mtt..'bad brought out the best fooda and looked different, and the two prlncl-!wlnM paU Immedla'elr expressed mutual wo - " vi" regrets for he mttunderatandlug. ,h,s mcn- " we wcro VtW' ha1 each admitting that tho other 'dMcovered the pole, perfectly Justltlablo lu forming the "The Terra Nova was dressed with oplnloua that bad been expressed. iaK as wo snlted up to the little sot Mr. Faught declares today that Mr. .tlement at Capo Evans, and tho saloon Ilarker Is ono of the fairest men ho was decorated with bunting and ngs. ever met. nnd that the difference in'flWo anchored In the stream, and as I the wording of tho letters caused all looked on the shore I realised that tho trouble. i Captain Scott was not among them. ll KLAMATH LOOKS BEST TO ADSTAD THE KOCIALIHT CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR .MAKES HOME PERTI NENT OBSERVATIONS AS TO' CALIFORNIA I John AURtnd roturnod last evcnlug from a trip to Oceana and other points In California. Ho returns stronger thau ever for Klamath county. Tho country for 250 mllw along tho coast south from San Francisco, Mi'rnueh tho Santa Clara ah'd Salinas valleys, Is tho best! have seon In that stnto, as far as natural boauty boos," until Austnd. "Howover, I wns told by Rome of tho natives who have the fnltlnK of occasional voracity that by Juno tho green grass would all be burned off and the inviting hull v. ould tako on n bloak appearance. "To ono wiio is usea to rrontier llfo, whore tho 'spirit of the West' to llvo nnd let live Is provnlent, the Inhospltnblo attitude of many Callfor nlans far outweigh tho advantage of a milder climate which they have over other Western states, "Of tho cltlea T visited, I can say that l tolernto Sacramento, like Oak land, ndmlro San Francisco but oh, you Klamnth Falls.!' Some of tho large Atlantic steam era have 160 firemen mob, CommanJer rjans io Lecture in America JL I Commander R. O. R. Evans, who was second In authority in tho eipedl lecture. He Is the first member of that famous expedition to come to the w could buy at Me"o-"''. as ' 'I do not see Captain Scott,' 1 "shouted, making a trumpet of my hands. " 'No, shouted back one of the men. 'Contain Scott discovered the tpolo on January 12th last kear, but he and his party perished on the re turn Journey. We have tho records,' STARR CONVICTED OF ARSON CHARGE JURY HOLDS SHORT DELIBERA TION BEFORE REACHING VER DICT -WILL BE SENTENCED TOMORROW. Joe Starr was lato Tuesday after noon convicted' of setting nre to the II. II. Ilyera house on Ninth street last month. He will he sentenced tomor row morning by Circuit Judge Henry L. Benson, The Jury was out, but a few min utes. Tho evidence Introduced also proved that Starr had taken a num ber of articles from the house to tho homo of Mathilda Whittle, an Indian woman with whom ho lived. In fact, Starr admitted in his testimony that ho had taken those things. To Visit Mother. Mrs, Levi McDonald and daughter, Jo, are visiting Mrs. McDonald moth er, Mrs.-Nate Otterbeln. They will re turn to their Bonama home tuts evening. SBBki LONG LAKE CO. SUED IN COURT! M. K. IIKLTIIMK COMME.NCES AS ACTION' TO IOItlXTX).SK THREE MOItTOAOKH AOAI.V8T THE I,U.MHi:it CONCERN' Through attorney J. C. Hutenlc, 3d. K. Ilcutcnlk. ha commenced action Agalntt the I-ons Lake Lumber com pany and Ita Judgment creditori, for tho forecloiuro of raortMltea amonnt lnc to 2d,199.4. According to tho complaint, the mortgage!, three In number, given for money advanced, are long overdue. PLAY LAST NIGHT WAS WELL GIVEN CIAMAN I'lxAYERS SCORE AXOTH- ER HIT WHEN THEY PRODUCE "BOCGHT AXD PAID FOR1 CAPABLE MANNER Tho Claman Players presented a splendid bill at the opera house last night lb "Bought and Paid for." It certainly touches upon a timely theme and the treatment of it Is all that one would expect from such a master play builder as George Broadhurst. The story of the poor, overworked telephone girl who married a rich man Is a bit from real Ufe. This man Is all that a husband should be until he suffers from loo much liquor then be becomes a beast and a brute. His wife leaves him, and he realises his conduct, and all comes out right In the end. Throughout the play there runs a vein of comedy of high order. Mr. Harry Lancaster and Miss Dorothy Mitchell as tho young married couple trying to keep house on nothing a week, are Intensely funny. Great credit Is due Mr. Howland for his great rendition of Stafford, the man whom wine robs of his character. It was a Unc, realistic piece of work. Miss Jessie Miller as the telephone girl, and later the wife of the rich man. Invested tho part with a charm and grace that Instantly won the audience to her side in her straggle for tho right. Tonight, "When We Were Twenty One' will be presented, and should make a big hit, for tt has never been played here at popular prices before. This Is the play that gained Maxlne Elliott her fame and fortune. The Clamans have Inaugurated a good practice In ringing up the cur tain at 8:30 sharp, nnd In avoiding all unnecessary delays between acts. Thus one can enjoy a pleasant even ing, and still be out of the theater at 10:30. Land Leasing Bill Up House Committee Starts United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, March 25. Consideration was begun today by tho house uubllo lands committee of auother "administration" bill that tor development, free from monopoly, of coal, oil, phosphate and other min eral sources of the public .domain. It provides a leasing system, excepting Alaska coal lands, which are provided for in a separate measure. Secretary of the Interior Lane, who drafted tho bill, was invited before the house committee today to lastig- : urate hearings upon it. President Wilton has given his approval of its reneral features. Western senators and reprosentatlvea, who conferred with Lane, also approve Tho general leasing plan, which la adopted aa tho administration system at oeealag and developing Uncle gam's reaonreos. START MOVEMENT TO STANDARDIZE KLAMATH POTATO BETTER PRICES AND DEMAND WILL RE8CIT Cluunber of Ceouterc, With the A Uuare of Agrkakual Agimt ', McCall, Calls Mot lag at the Farmers for AtHl 4th PI ! I IUve Seed fda Secarce ' Omi Agescy. Instead of Klamath couaty fkraers railing a heterogeneou crop of po itatoe, aa to aize, quality amd variety, 'and dumping alt 1b alike whea aeat hi I to market, there Is a big possibility that hereafter a standard" variety will be chosen for this locality, and this I kind, properly graded as to slse, ofer ted for sale. in is was given a start at last night's meeting of the board of direct or, of th6 Klamath Chamber of Com- I, A(merce. It resulted in the calling of a meeting of the farmers (or April 4th. to decide upon a standard potato. County Agricultural Agent ht A. McCall was present at the and he urged upon-the directors tho necessity for taking such a stop. He stated that while the potato raised here are of excellent qaallty, the fact j that the varieties are mixed together. and that no attention la given to grad ing, make the price received lower than it should he. It la the plan of tho Chamber of Commerce to have tho farmers meet. and make a selection -of a Uutaartl potato from a number of aampUa that are adaptable to thu section. In or der to make the cost aa low aa neat. ble. and to Insure all getting the earn quality seed, the ChaaVJer of Com merce will purchase teed potato and tell them to tho farmers. RECEPTION TO BE GIVEN SATURDAY WOMEN'S CIVIC LKAOUK WILL COMMEMORATK'THK OPENING OF THE REST BOOM BY SOCIAL EVENT In order to formally open the wo men's new rest room, and to thank the public for tho aaahrtanoo rendered. the Women's Civic League has ar ranged to hold a reception at the rest room, in the Chamber of Commerce headquarters. This wiU ho hold Sat urday afternoon from 3 to 6. Arrangements are being made for a musical program. In addition, tea will be served to tho guest. which have been locked up tight for years. The bill proposes that all leasing fees shall be paid to the interior de patrment, halt to bo used in reclama tion projects and tho other half to be given to tho state in which the leased land U situated for Hs4 schools, public work or other atota improvements. For development of oil lands, the bill propone "prof sot ora' license" for limited area n to 2.C6 acre, and, if oil la dlootvorod, that the prospector haH rocotvo one fourth of the tract fro for hi work. royalty ot eent a ton and mi acreage charge af from II eent to pi per aero for eeal loaea aro proTUsjd., Stringent provision agamt monoH llsatlon are lasluded in tho WM. Tho hearing will eoatinn fr about thtoo weeks. , - C" ,? iMS'.-S ' A Mi umm s5y t?"' M 'i 1 .