iEuntng Iteratf KLAMATH PALLS' i PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! JM!,' $& OFFICIAL NKW8PAPER ll.tlii'i.-- KTXW!" kW WM.ii r " rfU pwMHt-HmpMww i s - jj vA s . '"-f '" i T-tiini- . i:Umi. V' "--"' a''wo KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1914 PHee, Frrsx fffflWTJ ; h CONGRESSMEN MEDIO OPPOSE! FREE TOLL REPEAL nv.w. vmi: coming until xi:.t week t res'liitr'' '" AilMllstrt- ilea's l"" ,K' ' "'"f',r' ,'"' jfellrr tMll IWlhly V f"r " VUi I'l'l" l",,,,y "r Tttral. w(lWl'l-iidrrrITwiMfT. and, tMrrt .Wirrwanla. tit4 l'rr tUrvlce ALBANY, .Mattli alfTtlo wj iwUr l rraolMUwt asking lt!tr Vwk trrlttll H1 . Mortal tM!ii"' I" wfk agalnal lata l&m " . IsJIsd !' Hrl tt'AaniNUTOS, i), c, Mrti ai,- jUBlaltlfatlon attach unit llitwM? t'tKflmt Ihe measure today admitted Iti! la i'fotct or a final vote on U I'sosras ranal fr toll rpel b lf. tut Moii4 or Tuwday are my inaote, (alftai Hpaiawan at the lilvt 4 llirbor rowlll hoped to have IHt till (WUte4 toftlghl, while tll- tf4l?l lbl It will ttOl be Pl wt Thurdy. - At say tnt, the Panama sl nir Mtinot bo placed on the rl tBilif ttfitll WeJftesdsy. jtaB cf the democrats are betom 1st Itai'ilUnl They Uneaten to dt fttitd the displacement of the rlvrs ttd fetrhor Imtirorcmont meMurv to llo quIfVn ftmllrfftlloii of the r t Of Ibe f(r loll f UlUf . MA DEALERS STOP BUSINESS I OVUM! TO UNHI.TTI.KD 1MNIU TIO!V OF FI.VArrM TIIKV Al: I'XAiii.u to foMiucr tiii:ih AHAIIW MMHtUM.V I'bIuJ rtos 8r Ice liOCUUH, Aili., March at, I'rac Jlallr trery wholesale dealer In tbo tfulrstt state of Bonora suspended ktiilncit today owing to the fluctua tion of rut money, which renders a l'rl(t) lml Impossible, At the custom house of Agun I'rlvla II was announced that the esportatlou til food suppllrs was prohlblttHl, M'KAMUJ WONT IVK DIIIHCOLI. TIIK 1'I.AXT Jsms Drlscoll, recently sent from I'onticrlllp to lake charge of the Bnentvr r?r..l ivi tiMtrv has rtturnM to Klamath Falls, following rcluial nf Fish Kspert' A. J. ruo to ium thn Imlchery over to Mm, )rlrol has wlrod the facta to t Halo (lib warden, and Is nwntl 'Of til Instruction. Vicatloiiftl studlea by correspond' ""' llh tho University of Wisconsin tii'iitlon division arc bolng taken by "tly 4,600 studenU. Yard at Dorris Sold New Concern Buys Big Today tho nig Dimln Lumber com l'ny sold their retail lumber busl- " in DorrU, Cullf., to n concern at Uorrls, to b kuowu as the Northern ''Umber company, Harry Ualitghsr, wh.o relumed to Klamath rail today aeon, reore- TILLAMOOK CO. COURT ALSO SUEO OVER WARRANTS li'miii:iimi..n am: i-iamin in cnoss HU'hl ' 'r l'iMH ( I!!? "rtiit '"r Indrliiednr hicMitwl VVIUttMU AiltMlLltttt (or III.!. U gur.ll-itril. Ailhm, l'li III .iuiilK-r, Mrrk lo II"!" Hn WtdiiU H. ..ind l UmI liitall.l. TII.IVMUUIC, .Mttrrli 2 -ritoimlu Hlilrti wilt rll Inlti i)Urtiuti Hi" rlKltt of Hi" (limit? rutins In Oft fin to .ur rl rtm.l niiit' Ottttrr inklfrUI with i.ii I ihfHlinc ninl (allliic for IjUh Mtri nti loiU Tli tUiiitlrr ro Un Vbiy timiit)-. Ilmlll, Wll '? Ithrr l.umlivr romau onJ the llf inmotiti l.utul.'r rmuimii)', wio ore Ureo ii')f nf lltU muni)', nud tit.. .trfrnijjiiiK nut itnt Coojr t'cri)ralgn uf I'urtUuil, Kofi lulu 'ult-i( tiiutii) t lev, Ioih Hoflil Mathlnrir t)iii'uy, llrl Co.. f I'urtUtiU, ml (''. t CuUrft emt t-'tuttx omii(j'. llnttur Mon. tuniiiy )titlr II. M. rarrorr il tJ. It. Kmlvr, tmiUlon !, idltr cwunty pitirUU nl Till ttiixih rouMiy (tre m40 party to ih uiu. Thn ulu Arc to riijolti ili upturn! of rrruln nuitiix wnrritnU luJ snJ to ha itkUril In payment of ro1 ma tliloery unit itmtstUl ul for rol .iitjnr, About 17,500 U Involwl. FLY MARKET GOES DOWN AT CAPITAL - .ITTI.NO AIIIUTV OIVTIIK HA- ,Ot KIDS ItlWiri.TS I.V A CUT- TINfl HOW.X OF Till: AMOtIXT OF IIMMIU MOXIIY KAI.DI, Of.'. March 31 Tho mar.) kel quotation for liy "scalps" urop. r'd from SS ttil t 10 cents por I00J today, and ovr 2.000 rll woredellv-j ervd to Ibu rommlltte at tho HalcmJ ColUliH'fClal Club by Salem school children. 1 In connection-with tho campaign lo ektermlnnte the ny In the capital city ,fynr II. I.. Bteeve Issued a procln matlnu warning cltliens that auyone maintaining upon his promises after April 2 nuisance In tho shape of uHn garbage rcceptactco, rubblsh piles, or other forms of filth, will bo dealt with to the limit or the law, JUDOKM Alii: NAMi:t A irloram rerelvetl late tills after immiii by Frlwclel W. K. Fanglit atat- rt that J. It. WrIU, W. J. "W. n eliher ('. I. Watson or K, J. KnUer are on thrlr ay here from Ashland to ait sm Jmlgea at tonlghf Marsli llelil.Klnmath debate, Kslwr will tome In case Watson iloea not. The number of persons killed by lightning In (ho United Hlntos during n year averages nearly 000; about 4,000 cattle are killed, and annual ttnmngo by lightning l 13,000,000. Bask Company's Branch Hunted tho lllg Uasln Lumber com IIH1IV SIS aiSII SIBUBBW1IWM1 It Is the Intention of the new com pauy to handle a full line of building and finishing lumber. Tho concern will Immediately erect dry kilns nnd Install Improvement in the way ot now machinery tor pianing, tongue and grooving work. , Editor of Figaro, and French Minister Whose Wife Brutally Murdered Him Jl4'll I'ltllluUU Tb far rnuchiiig wuti'iiufnCM of (In, houtlii of (Ittstou Cnlmetle, cdl lor u( rigaro, ili famous I'arUlan mtUn'tr, hy Mine CallUux, wife of IS STEADILY GAINING tlVKIt SI.VTI:K.V IIU.NDKKI) vot. KIW F Tin; COL'.VTV AUK .xowi I.MCllll.i: TO C.hT 11AIXOT AT I'HIMAItlrM ' ItTKlsttallou for the May primaries and thn general election In November, lodty reached a total of l.OtS. Uy precincts this Is dIUdcd In tho follow Ihk manner; lourtlt Ward ,200 Kal KUmalh Falls 305 Third Ward 2 Second Ward........ ........116 West Klaniatli Falls 130 '"I i;pl:,tm 3? Mill. A.ltimoii 97 Alallu 12 I'lno Orovc ..'...... 31 Wixnl Itlver 10 Lost ItUor . . lulu like .. Dairy Odell 111 78 it, 36 is! Too Valley Klamath l-nke ............... 8 I'L.viiA ... ........., 39, Worden , I8 llltdebraud ,. 3 Spraguo Hlvor Uugell Valley Swan Algomn . . , . . Mt, t.akl , .. 3G 16 13 40 W, S. WILEY OUT TO BE RECORDER ATTOKXEY FILES ANNOUNCE- MIJNT OF GANDIDAUY FOll LEA VITT'H JOH I'KTITIONH AUK HEI.NG CIHCULATE1) rin, lniosL entrunt Into municipal political circles Is Wilson B. Wlloy. Ho haa illednnouncomeut ot.cunui dncy for pqllce. Judge, nrnkhls poll tloiiH uro belngVrculntixr; Wiley lias booiMirncllcIng law here for several yearsydlrst na .legal ad vUi.r for tho recrauustton service, and later aturlliiav prlvaV practice. In miiiitum to Wlloy. PollcdMudge Leav lit sueks ivelcctlou, and Chfls Edlor U u cuudldnto for ponce juuge on tno socialist ticket. . Tlmrt) nro 37,110,000 sheep In ..-...., itrllaln tu lla 88.000 aauare ftiv. .....-- -' --,-.- --.- mllos; Now York state has 49,000 to US V,uuu square settee. REGISTRATION (alon VaiiMMv i Hie minister of finance, are admitted J by all Frenchmen. Already there has! Urn a rrorKinluttloti of the cabinet. The Influence on tbo coming elections raiinut now be measured MEDFORD HAS A MOTOR MYSTERY UMKKXTIKIKD MOTOItClCUST DKMRI1TH IV HHATTERINU Sl'KKD JtUCOlllAUlXG TIIK I'AVRMKNT "The Motorcycle Fool" who has been sick or disinclined to speed for tho last week, returned to form last night and picked out Ilartlett stroet as n speedway, ncsrly colliding with nn automobile at Sixth street Inter section while going sixty miles an hour Now nod then he let a yell out of him that woke up the residents. "Tbo Motorcyclo Fool" l one of the strangest cases that eer came to the notlco of the police. lie has a mania for speeding, and a&tlsflcs this hobby lato at night. Ho wears a black slouch hat, no coat, riding a red machine. The police expect to help carry him to a morgue as a On ate to his speeding. Medford Mall-Tribune LOTS OF WILSONS HOLDING U.S. JOBS K1XTY-F1VE OF THAT -NAME, UE- 8IDK THE IMUIDE.NT, HIUII IN THE GOYi:itXMEXT 8EHV1CE. NOT ALL IMlESIDEXT'fl KIN United Tress Uorvlce WASHINGTON, D. C, March 34. A casual scanning ot the official dl lectories that Undo Sam gets out, knowing tho names and salaries ot his inultlludo ot employes, might load tho rem) or to bellovo the oplntou that tho "family of Wilsons" is favored In thu matter ot Jobs. Listed In those direc tories nro no lens than sixty-tlvo Wll foiu who held Jobs that nro bettor than tho nvoruge, not couutlng "Mr. Woodrow Wilson," who Is president. Thero nro scores upon scores of other Wilsons who hold clerkships and minor positions. It might be mentioned that none ot the Wilsons Including thcslxiy-nvo who hold tho beUer-thnn-avornge Jobs, nro any re lation to the president. First on tho Hat ot the sixty-five Wilsons Is Secretary ot Labor Wm. U. Wolson, and his daughter, Agnes, who Is listed as a clerk; urigaaisr General John M. Wilson, retired, la a member ot the Washington National Monument Society. Captain Walter K. Wilson Is assistant cklet of the GOMEZ - PALACIO FALLS; TORREON IS AHACKED Cob it Artillery division In the war de jatrmnt. OlnreiiLe H. Wilson I United States attorney for the District of Columbia; Kdwin Vf, Wilson Is auprlntendcnt of the national bunk redemption agency; O'ori;o 8. Wilson I secretary of the board of charities of the District of ; toxlcated. following tho fire which Columbia; Join Wilson Is chief clerk burned the Itcdfleld property In Hot In the office of the sureeon general offsprings addition. He said be did not the war department; luls C, Wilson remember clearly what happened tiat Is disbursing officer of the District. night, "when the Dyera house was I of Columbia; I'. M. Wilson Is assist-( burned. ntrt nnanclnl clerk of tho senate; C. j Durnf hu !eitiraony he admitted C. Wilson Is messenger to the senate .ha. h h.A ,.,, hi-nV.tji. fruit nd committees; w. K, Wilson Is secre- ..... . i jtity of tho International waterways commission; Kmmett Wilson Is rep resentative from Florida; F. E, Wil son Is representative from Buffalo, DEBATERS MEET AT HIGH SCHOOi! COOS HAY TKAM HEHK TO COM-J FKTK WITH KLAMATH HIGH FOIt INTEH-DISTIUOr FOIiEX-' KIO IlOXORS ,j Whether MarsheQId high school or Klamath county high school will be pitted against the Oregon City high school for the high school debating championship of the stato will be set tled this evening at the high school auditorium. Cheater Isaacson and Cecil Hoberuon, who represent the Coos Hay school, came In last night to meet Forrest Plel and William Htgel stetn. Tho question Is: "Resolved, That the Oencral Wclfaro of the United Slates Would be Fostered by a Com plete Application of the Policy of Tariff for ltevenue Only." The local debaters will support the negative Issue. Judges will arrive this evening from Ashland and Medford, having i been selected from the outside by the State High School Debating league. STRIKE BREAKERS STORMED BY MOB hHOTS AltE EXCHANGED AND OXE MAX KILLED HEFOKE THE IXCIDEXT IS ENDED TIES ARE FILED OX TKACKS IIUFFALO, March 34. A mob of 700 men attacked the tralu carrying strikebreakers to the dould Coupler plant at Lancaster. (JuurdB on the train ilred Into the mob, and a youth of 17, SUnllaus Skonolskl, was killed, and another unidentified boy was shot In the leg. Sovoral of the strikers were consid erably bruised. The mob piled ties on the track and Htoppod the train near tho company's yard, and then closed In. STARR TELLS HIS STORY TO JDRORS MEXICAN ACCUSED OF SETTING FIRE TO HOUSE DENIES THIS, THOUGH HE SAYS HE TOOK THINGS PROM THERE Following the denial of a motion tor a dismissal ot the charge ot arson ot a dwelling against Joe Starr, the defendant Ufa afternoon, took the stand la hit ova behalf. The tlon by UU uttornoy, W. J. 8bver, was made upon the ground that the itato'a evidence did not show that the aurncd building wat a dwelling at iho time of tha fire. Starr, In til twtlaony, stated that on tb dy of th fire, he became Id- - -' ..,, otbf r things from tho Dyers house to the home of Mathilda Whittle, an In dian woman with whom he bad been living. WILSON RECOVERS FROM OPERATION 1 24. The rebel forces under Oeaeral jortcgan occupied Gosaes-Palaelo last AWAY MERRIUtnib( and the federal force sdr WHILE HE IS MA.V8 WIFE PRESENTS IUM' with: ax u-i-ouxd davghter. all doing fine C. T. Wilson, whose home Is near. Merrill, will arrive from Portland to night, having sufficiently recovered from an operation for obstructed in testines performed by Dr.C.E. Wheeler of this cltv two weeks sjco. His brother. George Wilson, road m!Mloni.r for th Merrill district. 1st accompanying him. and says the eon-now occupy that suburb, sad the valescent is in fine shape to make theB-i' errJflc- n0om! Journey. The quick recovery from the opera - tlnn aonma not to hnv been In the. least Imptded by the patient's anxiety over tho condition ot Mrs. Wilson. who presented C. T. with an eight - r.,t iri , r, hafor h laft for thn hoenltal. ReDorta from Mer - .m .i. nnn,i.. ..t tt..t Mr. wn. .a .,. k.t.. ... in. .nt.nHMtv DVU sU iu sysw as a vwseesji o ; J. N. IS CALLED BEYOND HAS BEEN SUFFERING FOR 8EV- EUAL MONTHS P.4ST REMAINS WILL BE TAKEN FOR BURIAL TO MONTANA Following several months ot suffer ing with Bright's disease and a gen eral break down, John Nichols Bridges passed away early this morn lny at tho Argraves, conducted by himself 'and wife for the past two years. Mr. Bridges was 64 years ot age, and was a native of Massachusetts'. Besides hts wife, he ts survived by two sons. Fay Brldgea of this city, and another now in Montana. The remains will be taken to Oreat Falls. Montana., where tho funeral will bo held and the remains Interred, BRIDGES Pork Supply Meagre Government Experts Make Sen ey if ftkwt (Herald Special Service) WASHINGTON. D. C. March 34. J The average price ot pork la the Pa cific Northwest has been ntgn Because ot the fact that It haa beea necessary to ship a large percentage ot hogs from east of the Rocky Houatalae. By providing pasture for hoge la most ot thU regie aad ttUUelag tho FATE OF THE CITY MATTEROFHOURS; VILLA LEADS ARMY FKDKItAIJi UTTEKLY HOUND AT OOMZ.PALACH Follow ha TUm Decisive Defeat, 1 t Troop Ketroat to Te Are MaUs DosoenM laforcesoeaU aad AddstioswU ptleo Are Bessujf Recerre4 by WHo, While Federala Are bolsttoi. United Press Service VERJEL, Durssgo, Mexico, Match General Yelasco retreated tewara .Torreon. until they were retasforeed by troops sent from Torreom to tketr aid. They then reterned te Dte at tack, but were usable te east tke rebel horde. . I Irdo la also 1b tkaMuuek flf tke ' rebels, and It is bow believed that the fall of Torreon la bat a aastter ot hours. The forces capturing Lerdo have been ordered to retaforee Oast seal Or- com-jlM l Goasea-raiacio. It IS eStUBalM UW 7,eBO " wot" wees m wmmimmv "z. na toBses-rc. u est urT'21 - ! PInt, a BUStber Of WWahataSSSJ having beea flred by explodlag sheUe a nana grenaaes. ' General Villa has ordered a store reinforcements, and the tadleatle 'are that the bat of Torreoa will be fought est a between torreon ana ue Tne reoeis unaer uestersust sstssjesu , Denavldes and Macloriea He (attacking Torreoa of. tho estatv vhsto the forces of General Calixte Cetre- jras and PsnotU Nstera are attaektag the beteagured city on the south aad under the three ArrleU brethan are on the southwest, forcing Geaeral Velasco to divide the garrlaoa te reaet the different attacks. GOMEZ-PALACIO, March 34. An assault on Torreon Itself begem after 5 o'clock this morning. The Ight for (Gomex-Palaclo raged for forty hours. and resulted In an utter rout ot the federals, who retreated Into the city proper. The federals put up a stub born resistance, but It was beyond human endurance t6 withstand the terrific onslaughts ot the rebels. General Villa was In the saddle all night In the field except tor a brief period, when he went to BemlJUlo to order new supplies. General Villa kept ordering fresh troops up, so the federala were kept in active engagement at all tlatee, while the rebel forces, by this system, were enabled to get some rest. Villas' early estimate ot the federal loss Is 1.600 killed, wounded and cap tured. ability at the hoc to cropa for htataeW.' the feat, af ducinst Dork te the Northwest be so materially reduced at to"assik. the hog Industry proiUble there. '& These coaslderaUeae art deaH with t la a new bttlletla of Us CaHed t4aea, KwwMMwwwwMMwwww'wxwxwaaiwwwaaissa . .. . 'a . rvsW! fl ! i iWt i tM'i H &m ink m mm Mi WW mm IP V j- , rf . Mi S ,f'' a