clljtf 1xxvntm liraUi KLAMATH FALL!' . PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NKW.PAPKR ;s8W8W-aswwMnww wtrti-j.. 'Iii3l BXeSMMTCr 1 "3-w -ssss-Ecanuar". Kltiili Vrr N. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1914 Pries, Fire 10 FLOOD COAST f HCHEAPEG6S, BEEF AND BUTTER tu in: imi'ohthm nioM WHrriMCMJLt: a-kn r:.immi ciimm .imju. im.v mi.v.t m mimpavv MJ"ml4 lllltir N TUMmIhII TI'MMIgh XmMmIiiU .Mill Olirlll, I'oHIHT Mr",ur h,,ll' li,H, '" '',r ""' ,:,"di'e "' ' Algt.iim Lumber I net- tii.ldrtt l)t enl Xurtliew ('-t-iiaM)' Hrlng I.-mIi id llrot. rrntliur " 'l'l, HrtNtMlc. r Uto titim fur liijiulr. Hii.lnlii. dulutU !U l It fiMpcflor I" nt While W'nilkliiK nl llin 1'l.inl tlMMt ,hI.I'" I'nMii AilnIU. lnM hiintim-r. MS' WANI'IHCO. Marrh J !.- A rfrinli In n ..ill fur 136.0.10 .Urn itlfrflr ir.mhl lino im NonhV""- " Bmiml C. Ktisie UiU ,l l6t ll I'MlflU llflH.r br-ef, riTiMW Th- pUilltlll U I-'pre. wtwrsM rc fur lh Parlrtr Ci.sst j""" 'J H Msnnltut And a M tu Ik l'U under runslderallau h. tlnr"l fcv )! FrBMrlci;'lteMb-r of" l.'nsle ltl ItU Ml l a tlir re ltmMti "'' "' H" ,J"ld,,tl ' It" AUimiit .SflolUIImm llb IbW end In til' Lumber rimpti) plain. hrftt Im Kfil br bwn uriril hy a um,l employed !( summer. Ho also ttlt of rllhj bulna p. kUIp lhl he ha lwtl l-d-riddrll tktrdb- tl.oofMlill(m. .fur eight month a result, bo J U Tfc wrni plan J lo Import'-'5erlu-; frwm other Injurl m-lrd liwe is nuribrm pari or Chins., " -m.ilme. (tw r. It uili, dtf nut ' According l the complaint, KiiRlr la (of Ibr rfllklttin twlilly wdo im alul itl)rf, rfr rmlo)rl In (ttilllne r(nlrwhl to C'alKurnU puru fmni'uti -niilln for An rltmr,) rail IU foulh'tn irl nf I tt- rouittrf. ') tl dm laiii, llo tlalw Dial llic j Chtratwr of (.uinmr uRIcUU 1 iflnKrr ami Iwnu rrn no! i)tvf. Uf a Nortbrrn China trrJfrtiol, anil iltal lim lt pull t how (our lo U in Iho txiund.jln in iU- a ilmlwr lr mrai of n ' tr.4 rltl nndrr Ilia bt !; IjIikW att.t ucklo, (ho Iwnt IhU ai- urjr fotdlllou. . parniu altarhnl In ull'd loouo tk pUrt t pro'lilt (or linjrl and fell nn him, raunlne him trmn le l( (rare rltl lrl In the jrn-m Injury, ftoilmr t Hunan and Hianliuic, " ala fonuln many hnndrtln of allrt of ihf Rnt Muturp. Tb liwtn, la Mid. iffr lltUI W.f in ihr Auitrallan varlrly. K Ut Hotll-, arrordlng lo r porta, taat h tlnlinl Hiatr irtwix In Hip Phil-tpp!n- kill tx provided (mm thl toutc during the ronilng yrr. Halter ttf tl.r beat quality, ii U Mid, aim may tir ecuret from dm IJcaan and Htanlung prnvtnrv. A TteoUIn Qrm keep thn refrlgnrallng tamr ituihrlo plying conalanlly b iro thai uirt and VUdtvtMink with lfodnfe. F, 6. BROWN NOW OUT FOR OFFICE Rtll:.TOr (HVHTAL KII.KM AN. MH'.UTMK.VT OF ('ANIHDACV Hl NOMINATION AM (NlUNTV miivi:yoh 0'ililon tu IJ, it, Henry for ll tfpuyifiin iimiilimtlon nn county ur Ir ram out today, when T, O. hown (IliM hi nrinouncomi'til of rntf "I'dMy win. County Clerk Do Up. Ilroftit ha long boon a resident of KUmMli county, and, wllh hi brolh. ". ' conducted a ranch at Crystal 'r tome time. He studied civil en sintering whilo In college, mid had Xesr of exporlenro with tho rod and rnlt ticforn and aflor going lo col- ee. Platform Meetings Start at M. E. Church The lint of a aorta of platform metlng, in which layman will occu J pulpit, W bo hold at Iho Motbodiot church Huaday night at 7i0. Tho program follows; Hymii"Amorlca." I'rayer. ''ran "Kallh of Our Ftthora." on and OITortory. Hymn -.u mu tho Power of ''us' Namo." ' Addrsa-.''Tho Church's Duty v to " i Mm Ouuiat," H. D. Oslo. Address "Tho Duty of tho Man HER COMPANY : IS SUEO BY MAN WHO LOST A LEG STEEL'S LECTURE IS APPRECIATED IYTKUK8TINO TALK (ilVliV, AXI MI'CII l,NHlMATIti.VOK VALUK ItlUIAIHM.VO I'ltOI'OMKIt IM- I'Iovi:mi:.t. iiuonurr mrr In n hort talk In which he v- plained the ImprovrlileUl ncrom. !illlirl at Crater Uke l'ark, Will Htwl profaced liU Illustrated lecture uu Crater Uko National I'nrk nt (In llnualon opera houe last night. The. lecture, Which wsji Jrcuifd by tho Chamber of Commerce wn well Attended, and proved of Intenne In loreat. Many low of tint wonder of the park et thrown on the screen, be lde n number of other view, such n Italnhow FnlU, Captain Jack' camp In (bo i.ava iihi, iiaiuaui Fall and Upior Klamath Uko. Tbi lecturer mid of lhi discovery of n natural arch on tho rim of Cra ter take, nearly equal In alio lo tho Natural llrldge of Virginia, which was found recently by KUor, tho Port land photographer. Mr. Hteel received much npplauso when he stated Hint tho entrance to the park from the Klamath sldo would he put In n nuidlllon of eny accoM. Otilslda to tho Churcli."- Oeurgo J, Walton. Address "Tlin Brotherhood." W. A. Deliell. Hymn "Hlest Ik Iho Tlo That lllnds." t llonodlctlon, Hoclal fifteen minutes. Tho plan of those moot lug la to take up matters of Interest (o young pnoplo, women, men, tho business church, the home, morals, vis, Tho public Ii Invited. At later dates oth er laymen will participate. lmerfcan Golf Experts Leave For Invasion of Great Britain fc-WIIFifeiilsWsMtsM SmcF vPnr '" &-lC M:r;iSi ' JiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl (-,t'if ia laJ'y? dMar -vIiHI -jaBSkBiaBSBH9 jfOBSyijBBSBBBBl Tr'jSBBBBBiBBBBBBBBm'L SBBMmBBBBIBBBBBBBBBI BEBBBBBBBBB&BBBBBBBBBH BBBBBIBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB L..kTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH VfBBBBBV sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb:bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh SE9BBBBMiB' f .'BBBBBBH aBMBBBBBBBBBflPBBB .BBBIBBBBBBBBBBBBbV iKj vbvSBBsBhSMBBb1'v' ubSbvSbvSbvSbvjBBBBBI IBbbPbbPbPbPJIbPJbbP&lbPbPbPbPbPb BBbbbWBbBbBbI BBr J bPbPbPbPbPbPbPBVbPbPbPbbtjI Hi i PBBVBBW -w-BbHHBbPBbPbH BBJBBH :i '"'BVBbPJBBhBI '?--bB-'':;' - -bSbhbV9I Ciiiviy' BBBB) BBBV ,BBBI 4BBBBBBBbBO MF' H PBa ' hbPS'bPBKS fjiliSIi ffH fH ''''iHWBBVBBHBiaH ?f HbV ' -BBillBBBBBfl TB ! Iiilir I 'V BBBBT SbPHB ut4BPBPHBBPattBBPBPBPJBBBPBPBPBPfl Miafc' BrB bEHbbb1bbH iVBSBBiBBBHlBlBBHHBH BBBBBKBBKEpaBHU:BBBXBBBBpjBBBBBBH 1'iTilrrlrk HrrrrlnfT , Ju fiitliUUllc ,t the el Ih-, era ut Jrrry Trm, tho American ....... -.. -. a ...,. J ,kk nwe.Mii, one oi wio an w player In tlm lnlted 8tal, ho are i l.e nrt of .e.rnl American who lll try to talo away llritlah golf ctip thl prlng that (he liner llalde,' on which they mIM, wan detained for a half hour Krorr who know how FARMERS FORM COOPERATIVE CO. JAUTICI.IW OF INCOIIPOHATION Itl.KII WITH Till: COUNTV ri.KHK V I I. U OI'KHATKj i lltKAMKHIKS, LTC. ' I Not only to oiefBti n creamery, but lo carry on ft general morcantllo buslnes. n warehouse, cold storage plant, nud many other thing, I the purpose of (he Klamath Co-Operatlvo Produce company, according to nrtl cle of Incorporation lllel with tho county clerk. This hn been In pro- cemi of organisation or Home time, The officer of thoMrgniiUntlou nre'tnhle Kwlng of Corona through tho J M. Kiell president. Hurroll W.'rlSlil log. iho aiokiean was sirucn Bhort. W, A. Calkin. H. J. Lester, II.,' by n doieu bullets, nnd Instantly P. Phillip. M. Olncomlnl, J. 0. Swan, filled. directors. j When tho members of the posse , Tbi, nrimitlsntioit n flrl tuken eonrched tho dead Mexican, his pock- tin tbroiiKh tho Klamath County. Dairymen Assoclntlon. Tho mom- hershlp I steadily growing. Murphy I Arrested. Charles C, Murphy, who operates a saloon nt Merrill, was arrested there by Marshal Tom Durham, charged lth soiling liquor to llobln Hood nn'd Wtirren Skollock, both Indians, Ho was brought hero for a hearing before Untied States Commissioner Fergu- sou, nnd has been released upon his; own rocognUnnce, ponding further developments. Out for Practice Tho high school baseball toatu Is out thlH afternoon doing a worgoui under tho direction of Athletic In structor llawloy. Manager "Stubby" Hale figures on his team winning everything In sight this season. Marseille plans to' spend more (linn $0,000,000 to demolish Its un dent slums nud replace them with inodoru highways. Subscribe for the Herald, 50 costs HsOlU. Jerom Tnnera tu play golf and half tho champions f (he i:ut ld goodby to tho two. Thd two will bo followed by Francis ,Qulmet, tho American open champion, w ho bt-at Hay and Vardon, (be profea- jotml Kugllth golfont who came to the I'nllcd Slate last year. Alec Bmlth, an American professional, and Heinle Rrhmldt, vho played laat year for (he amatcuj championship In Oreat llrltnlu. MEXICAN BANDIT WAS EXPLOSIVE WHK.V KILI.IU IIV IH)SSK IIIH rCKimi PltOVKD TO UK A VKHITAIII.K AIWKNAL WAS I.OADKD FOU IIKAK ! Uulted Press Sorvtco COKONA, Calif., March 31. After hi hnd shot and killed Special Officer (Iborgo McCort In a revolver duel In (bo SanU Fo yards, F. Morrl, a Moz Unit, was killed by a posse between Corona ii ml I'rado today. llofore he fell Morrl emptied his revolver nt the poaso, shooting Con- ot yielded twenty-two sticks of dyna mite, n box of percussion caps, 100 feet of fuse nud two automatic re volvers. L. A. UNEMPLOYED ALLTURNED LOOSE United Press Service l.OS ANOKl.KS, March 31. (Jen erul Morris, the organlior of the un employed, nnd twenty-one of his lieu tenants, In Jail undor sentence on the charge of vagrancy, woro today re loased nud escorted to a good camp ing placo. Tho pullce authorities say they have changed (heir minds as to the best mothod tor handling the prob lem, and are now ready to assist In mohllilng the unemployed under condition 'that Roao leads the amy away from Los Angeles when It to gathorod. Rose agreed, and said that the army would head for Liberty City, near Sacramento. A VISIT TO THIS CITY DECIDED 'EM ,T INVITATION" OP A FIIIKNW TIIK MAIIKUH HTUI'I'KU IN KMMATII IAI.M, AM) H4VK HINri: MAItK THIS TIIKIK HOMK Four juaru ana, Mr. and Mrs. Ma lieu loft their homo In WaUonvllle, Calif., for a lx inontba outing at Iaihk Hoacli. After Ave month at tho Ilcacli they concluded to vtalt Mr. Mahcu'a folk at Hnokane. On the (rain (hey mvt a Klamath Knll bootr, who persuaded thut to vlalt Klamath KalU on their way to HkatU'. Tho rmult of their vlalt I well known. Mr. Maheu bought property hero and baa alnr built n ptndld brick building on Main tret, and othcrwlM Improved hi holding In the city. The laat of this month. Mr. Mabcu and his wife will leave for Wauon rlll' (o look f(er thlr city property there, returning to Klamath Falls later to raakn Ihl their permanent home. BALL MAUNATES TO MEET MONDAY HTOCKHOLOERS OF THE BASK HALL CLUIl WILL GATHER TO COMPLETE ORGANIZATION AND NAME OFFICERS, ETC. A meeting of the stock holders of the baseball club has been called for Monday night In (he club rooms. In (ho rear of (be Palm Cigar which time a board of directors and a manager will be selected. Harry Kulz and L. R. Robertson, who bad charge of soliciting stock subscrip tions, have completed their work, and will make their report at Monday night's meeting. This pair has done wonderful work. and while they met with no bitter opposition, they did meet with some thing far worse a nonchalant apa thy, a lack of Interest, that would have taken (he heart out of men less sanguine and energetic. With enough stock sold to affect an organisation, the selection of di rectors and manager will be made on Monday night, and with their selec tion the getting together of a team will follow In short order. 'MISSOURI GIRL HERE TONIGHT OREAT INTERMINGLING OF COM EDY AND DRAMA IS TO BE PRE SKNTED AT HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE BY ORIGINAL COMPANY "Comedy" applied to "Tho Mis souri Girl" Is more or less a mis nomer. A tragic-comedy Is more de scriptive of tho play than the former. There are heaps of clean comedy in It, but It Is not altogether free from tragedy, and when the two are blend ed happily, tho product is bound to bo a success. That Is why "The Missouri Girl" has been so popular nil over the Unit ed States for several years. Tlioro is just sufficient of serious matter in It to afford a pleasing contract to the farcical side. Really funny Incidents are numer ous, and perhaps It la aa well that the audience Is afforded a breathing spell at times for the crisis and counter- sentiment o fthe play. To the play's success the great characters ot "Coke" and "Delay" contribute much of the comedy. They carry most ot the burdea ot the pro duction, but while these two are out standing, other charaetsrs of the play nro equally excellent, and, on tho whole, the cast Is well balanced and sustained. The company will present this play here tonight and tomorrow night "HAM" IN TOILS OF FEDERAL MEN COMltKI CHAIUCTKIt ARREHT. KI LAKT NIOIIT ON CHAHOK OF HOOTLKOGINO HEARING TO UK HELD MONDAY J. W. Hamilton, or "Ham," (he senegamblan bootblack. Is again in In trouble, with a bootlegging charge nanglng over him. He was arrested last night on a federal warrant. charging him with selling liquor to Indians. Following hi arrest Ham was placod In the county Jail. He will bo given a bearing before United States Commissioner Ferguson - Monday morning. William Tlmms, porter at (be Hotel Hall, has obtained permis sion (o appear for (be prisoner, and Hamilton has also been consulting W. 3. Sharer. Ham has been arrested before on similar charges, but In every lastaae be has been acquitted. This time, say Federal authorities, there Is an un beatable case against the colored man. Deputy United Stales Marshal Ful ler came In from Portland last night with a warrant tor Ham's arrest, and with Patrolmen Walker and Wilson he went to Ham's cabin last night. When Ham came to the door, bad ly frightened, ho fondled a revolver, which was taken away from him as soon as be refused to drop It. E.E.MA6EEWINS LITERARYCONTEST A letter from the Bulletin of Phar macy, a medical journal of Detroit, Mich., to E. X. Magee ot this city. announces Mr. Magee winner of first prlte in the Bulletin's literary con test. Mr. Magee, who has contribut ed to several medical publications, submitted to the contest editor of the Bulletin an article on "Pharmacy," and was much elated today to receive notice that his article was considered the best of thousands submitted from alt parts of the United States and Canada. Cycle Car Here. The Cycle car, that llule brother ot the automobile, made Its first ap pearance In KlainaUf Falls today, having been ahippeVln by express by the White Pelican garage. The re hlcle attractedySBuehVttention today. and ZIm Baldwin waaept busy with explanations. Back Front Boata. E. T. Shepherd and wife returned last nlgbt from a seven weeks' so journ in Southern California. Mr. Shephord combined business with pleasure while away, and secured the handling of several standard pianos for (his territory. Toledo Minister Will Censor TOLEDO. Onto, March 21. There will bo no fleecing- of the public through crooked prise fights by crook ed tight promoters In Toledo hence forth; and Rev. Aaron E. Jones, curator ot St. Msrk's Episcopal church Is .the man who will be per sonally responsible for straight fight ing and clean prise ring sport here. Dr. Jones has just been appointed head of the municipal hosing com mission by Mayor Keller, for two reasons. The first is that Dr. Jones la Its enthusiastic a fight fan as there Is In the city, and as such knows the game from first to last. The second reason to that Dr, Jonas Is mentally, tempermeatally and phy sically- THE sua tor th alaee. H believes thoroughly la au, U R to properly superrlsed sad aa dsstorsd MEXICAN AFFAIR BEING SOLVED SAY OFFICIALS HUERTA MAY TAKE FIELD AND ROMS THE CHAIR Bryan Ha Received Fall Detail) of ' 1 Interview Obtained hy Ambassador fMj IJnd, Bat WH1 Net Make It Fossil c. WM life Huertn Rewards Ciibs aadfr Wh hM Killed One Hnadred and Fifty Men lj Who WoaM HbsiH. IU II United Press Bertie Wfc WASHINGTON, D. C. March, St.- The state department has. received n full report of a conference lasting tor over three hours between assesses dor Llnd nnd Mexican onscials, bat will not disclose the details. Secretary Bryan. howrer, admit ted that the report contained what may ultimately prove a foundation for the settlement of the Mexican problem, bnt farther than that would say nothing. Secretary Bryan Is' considering the proposals made by Mexican Secretary of Bute Rojas, bnt what the osteoma will be cannot be foretold. It Is believed thst on of the pro posals Is to the effect that Haerta take the field, leaving Secretary Rojas In charge of tie country, and that at the next Mexican election that Ha erta be allowed to become a candidate for the presidency. United Press Sarrie WASHINGTON, D.C.. Marek l. The war department ha heard n ru mor of n movement for th 1 arsis Rangers, friends of Yergmra, rssently UUed by Mexican, t area um her der and recover horses stole free Vergara. Garrison has telegraphed Qeneral Bliss to prevent this. United Press Service MEXICO CITT. March J 1. Haer ta today gave unqualified atreval f the execution of 160 men nt th Jojn tla garrison. He praised Colonel Cas tro, who ordered the oiocntlon, and it Is understood that he will he re warded with aa Important post la the north. Vice President Btaaanett fears that Colonel Argnelles and 1,109 federal soldiers have been cantnred near Monclova and execated, la retalia tion for the Jojatla affair. Colonel Arguellles and hi mand have disappeared entirely i they were detailed to trail a detach ment of rebels who wrecked nn eil train near Tamplco. Tria- II. L. Gtem, manager of the West ern Union Telegraph company here. will leave Sunday morning tor a short business trip to Ashland. During his absence the local oflce will be man aged by D. A. Smith. Prize Fights he will see that the game IS properly " supervised while he heads th leeal commission. "I believe every man aad her should b taught how to deteadatoi self," said Dr. Joaea tday. "We shall give speelal attentlea t hart between the ages et II aad St. W shall see to it that a ua r hay eagsges la a fight la thto sKy naUT he has undergone a rifta parsisaiaa- amlaatlon aad ha fit. Our aim to t hail N physical strength, an t sport here the neat ec what to' maullke. Brutality la not he tolerated." Coworkers th Rev. Jeaes laela a Ustor aad ataapgH , who have hea latwum amiy at my- '-'I m in the .. t.. iJh-tM m mm. J & I Y. j. - KV"." 1:'