32j lEuttttng Mttalh KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Wt&SPli !- VM' wi Vm. tf.W -( & V s ti.1 yiys-ssr-aEB" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1914 Price, Five Ccaia UPHELD IS LIABLE TO LOSE LEAGUE STANDING (iMts it t ii;ii,ti:kh ami: toi.h -to hi: 111:111: Murderer of 13 Loses Appeal Year-Old Girl to Supreme Court TWO BIG MILLS J. W. HAWXKURST TO START IRK OUT FOR OFFICE Henry Siegel, Big Merchant, Indicted ARRANGING FOR I KLAMATH (lead el ' ""' 'l'' ""' " Mlll( league Tkr it Haiti! In ltolr) A IU-ill, Uri. 0r, Trlil U lM iMligrr r llrllK Hlutlil ! IWrlimv I In klamatli Huunl Hllt fWliM W. K. 'M4slil, lriMtlMl KUnmlli (Viuuir Walt rxtuHil, KUiiutMi 'iW, IhrguMI Am wlrlnt principal Matvtiltrltl lllju 8t"wl t "' ilrttallu Irani In KUmmiIi Fall Motolay tltil. r for r)l lliame Hi MHMprln futtlwr. Male 1 tiaittuaii HrlnllW 'iiimlllrr. Tt abotd trlrsralli fCTrll by '(iBtllll I'aUgllt at 3 O'clock todajr ,c4i ibo adulation ui tho data of JiUlo Mrrn (ho Marahriold high ((tool Irani atl.l 111" leAltl from lll kltmalti fount) tilth. Tb poMiaitiettiPltl of Ih" debate be- larrfe hrx lfl lealUa viuulll "Oft. a t4hli im lb" lal tram, for the tftiott that iltoulJ Klamath all). ll)U ttam (ami (bano aide ut the que IWo Iti the final debate, wlilln Marsh '14. In 111" eteul I liny mm, imli (twill he um aide u( tho queattotl In ifcc filial., therefore, H look a Ikmua Mar-aDdd "anted to put oft Itr 4fUl hefe aa toil n poaalbli-. ltu tofiFtttnt Hip lltno of prepare lion for the Klamath team, ahould I try tti IMUntl) Chairman Pre-oti ruht PA 10 Id" Jfhulllr, OH ha ha III ail n Veedjy night Hip dale fur debate ll'f. SaBBBBWssssagaawwassasjjjjjjjjjjMasa VBr Mlesssssssi Iwaggggtfl Hf a ''fzgegegefl ., t: - aessssssW a iHPstttaia? $ H CI I.H'.W II.W 1'I.AVI TO C05I. mi;mt, Ki:.ho mondav ai (.ilM I'O.MI'ANV H'11,1, HTAItT I I' M'ltll I. i'ii.i:s a..noi'.n'ui:mi; r dii),h ton hiiiiiii i TIO.V ATIMMISIH' 1)1 OF CAN NOMI.NA. ' lOC'UATS IIAMHIIV ., HIT .11. AnMiliiiK io liurrr Itlllur, wlio U ili'rr If oin Alicnimi atlenilliiK lo bun! 'tutu inniU'r. Ilia Aleomu l.umUr.r ,(iniuiiy'a IiIk mitt will un April li A IiIk ton-is of'iiwn nr- now -it h.-rl, ,.11111111; (li mill In shape (or i jliudf (.lamni. i en m ii Si 2 Htltl mor ".'Vi" wa li illlctl Into the rucv tar lj iifT of Kin' ath couutr thU aftvnioou, liunJ u HawshUMt i flliil bin atinou.icomciil u caudfdacr 1 Ilnwxhurxl U uniilni: f t the domo-' "itlc nominal on, and lUj. nakc the T'ic 'iiniany'ii loKt(lna,no 4 nation ' iliu liandt, of tlulack U now hard at uerl: nonlun kUiurvuu aUu a BCfutcr of ilvj't) flio miw. H' emtiloyrd In cut-l(ii'mt, to UliiK Iok. liibo out for ! Mondiiy I litt IVIIrnri luy Lumber Icirtn. I r nnjin(ty lll itarl In viork oti a ea-i .'.nolla-r kou'n cut tliNl will atiount to about) tlio n'tmhllr II l (;coi5 Illnhop U mln.i(lvn hr the demo- ntra SQ.OOO.OOO fwt III (, UiT to gi'l out I !li V Ot Cbfry Ihli amount of lumber, nUht and dart lias b rri-i will ho uid, Biid th mill wllli ttrckiVand hax an. ard tor Inatiun In the M lUnuib. Kainnujr conildvrlnK this for two Ian nlebt ho wlrril from turn out about 100,000 frit a day. jl'urtfand thai hi hat U to be camu The loKClnc campi will b Urtd i In addltlou to Hamnby, Sherlfl C. C. licit Mi-ck. Arcorilluc to ilnnnccr II. I Murtrnaoii, Hi In wit) h otic of the Im'i yi-ar for lumherrnvn, du larfio ly to tlio lnrrcarl dtraand for box jlu California and tlio Uriccr rnlume of .KnlnTn bunlufK. Ij. formiT SlK-rlff William IJ. tlarnm and Oncar U. Carter aru work InK for the republican nomination. All of theco am strong members of the party, and hare targe personal following, to thn flcht Is a warm one Mi" wkm Ha&jL . joiC?i SikBsssl IKfM" l nBHERHR ' f WWisssssfHl. IsssflvrlBiilrlHiR 111 wMiMmM, piis3r - 'jar? COUNIY FARMERS statj: f.n.uKit iikuk von a cox. i,i:itr..vcK Onico of Max .McCull Will I In ut Hie IIcailqwirtcrK of the lU-claniatlon .Srlrp Stnte Leader, McCll mid I'l-oject Manager Arc GoIbk Oner llio Klamath 1'rojvct Today, Study ing Condition. I'rofesior If- T. French, state lead er of the department of farm demon jlration and tela, worlc, arrived In Klamath Falls last night to confer with Max A. McCall, county agricul tural agent, regarding tbo work to he u-rrled on In this county by the de partment. Said Proferaor French: "Mr work, la to keep tho connecting !. M 1'iatiV, bccujo.I of murder IMC Mar) I'hiieaii. a 13-ypar-old riu io)r of tti- Nullonal IViult factor) at Atlanta. Ha . of hlrli lu' b h tupcrlnlcluli'lil, ha4 loet lila appeal to id.. upfrm- court nt ill. -uti' fur a Up trial A -tii-tniou- rampolcu to ar hi in - bolus mailK. and daily lllrto fllr, nllliOllllfnliUtll- (if Itix dl coiri) of iip vtfdctirv. Id. a (imxlctnl of ih- uiutili-f April -filli. latt )pr, ami nilrncrd to bi tiaiiCfHl The photoerapli lirr tin Hrl mho fur wblrh Up ha towl Ilirn lilt arrrt It ahoH tillll In E'HI.l l.rrtllli tin linn. In fart. Ealli'-J ghl Ilicr h liaa br-Hi In Jntl III Kim'KO nay that li" fat ftilnrlj uttil lirart- than ten I I LIVES 37 HOURS UNDER THE RUIN ily. and iiwu-r m fewer hour n nltlit. Tint "a, ai-nirdlni; to the vlow oft II... c'lilltklril lliall. hatir. Oil tl)' inntc- found niar lh murdi-rfd Klrl'ii hod), and couched lu laufiuacn to mali' If rMti ((toy u.'rp Mrltten by lire Jim CouU-y, tho neKro rjcr of II... fartory. -a Frank dictate IMIUIIIKU IS IlKXVUi:!! FHOM THK lb.' iioirM. lo him, and ho or' to thUl IIKIII.IS IH-Mt'LTINU FltOM COI nl tlin trial Frank, ou the other hand, I au'tiM'd Conlp)' In one of them tli STEEL LECTURES TOMORROW NIGHT word "nlchlttltch." a common negro eipri'Mlon. n uard, and counsel for Frank InsUl that ncipr halng heard tln -.tprmnlon In- rould HOI hare dic tated thn tmtrw. The)' aay this Is priMif thny rto wrlitrn by a nogro. HAWAIIAN FRUITS W.C.L RECEPTION TO BE SHUT OUT POSTPONED WEFK BALL OR TRACK? E AT H. S. ibiuy Slcgcl, whose largo depart mrnt storo in New York failed some lines between tho different county ag wcks af.o, has bcetHndlctcd with bis rlcultural agents and tho state da partner. Frank E. Vogcl. by the grand partmont in good worklns order. In Jury of New York county. The charge this county, Mr. McCall will be the against them was larceny, tbo male-' transformer, receiving tho full volt In;: of false statements regardfngage of knowledge and Information tfcolr stores, and the acceptance of , that can be supplied by the state force deposits when the bank connected land distributing this knowledge and with the stores was in a dangerous information In kind and Quantity condition. In connection with their 'needful to the individual farmer. New York stores they maintained a Back of him will be the Oregon Agri prhate bank, which did a large bust-'cultural College, tbo department of nes. Money was borrowed from the i agriculture and their many co-opera-bank and used In Uo department jtlve agencies, ready .wd willing at all store business. SInco the failure on times to furnish everything from pub army of lawyers and Investigators 'ticatlons and advice to seeds, plants FKF.E'"avc ucn "yins to straighten out tneiand expert specialists. matter Depositors of New York city,' "If any situation Ironfronts Mr. whoje money Is tied up, have become iMcCall on which tie would like ad boliK.rons. Twice a crowd of them 'vice, he has ready recourse to the has been forcibly ejected from the. agricultural department and the Ore federal building, to which they had 'con Agricultural Collern for full la- (. tilled l're Service Superintendent Will O. Steel of KOne for redress. Some of them went 'formation and In.truptlnn ro-r.rlnt- ST. l.OUIS, March 19. Uurled!Cralcr 1-ake National i'ark will arrhe -0 far as to make a threat they would every specific phase of farmln and Its alive tlilrty-eveii'hnurii under theluu Zoning from l'ortland, and to- lay slego to one of SiegcFs stores yet tributary Industries." ruins of the collapsed wall of the'raorrott' n,-nt I,J Kv a lecture on "open, and lako su(flcienl.g6o3s from; Tho county agricultural ant will burned Mlnaourl Athletic Club build- v-";r -n,k0 - nousions opera the counters to cover their deposits Ing. O. Hurkc. u laborer, was res-"house. ruiHi this morning. ' uis lecture is uiusirau-u wun a laiNK OF WAI.I I.V AFTKHWAIIU -UIKS HIIOKT. ll.l.l'KTIUTKI TALK O.V CKATKIl I.AKK" WILL UK GIVK.V Tt THK l't;ULIC WILL CO TX) THK I'ABK ssu M:im:ititA.Nu fiiijit fi.vh, I'lUMKNCi; IN THK IMiaMM IH THK ItKAHON Itlll TIIIM MAT Ti:it ll:i.M) COXKIIlKHKIi j IIKLAV IK T.KK AWAITIMJ THK AltltlVAI. OF AIIKITIONAI. I'lllt MTISIUJ HIT IMMIM IK CAt'SK OK AI'KAIU INHTKAIt OF llOl.ltlXf; ANNUAL riKi.n ,mi:ct, semi: favoh a IUmIUIAI.L TOl'lt OF THK KN TIHK IXIUXTV "For Ood's sake glf mt Homethlng large uumber of lauturu slides, and to drink," he gasted. Following that 'as Mr. Steel has nu Intimate acqualn- statement, the man raved and tost hlsltunce with the Klamath wonderland, reason, Insisting that be had been acquired through n number of sum burled for weeks. ', mcrs spent there, he speaks with au-i T hours after he was taken to thorlty. Tho lecturo Is free to tho' the hospital he died, without recov-. public, the expenses being borno by1 vrlng from thu mental condition .the Klamath Chamber of Commerce. brought about uy hi terrllile experl-i While In Klamath Falls. Mr, CZAREVITCH TO VISIT ENGLAND ence. Steel .Tltll' i Ualuil l'rM itanrlc WAHIINltlTO.V, I), a. March !.--Th ilppariineut of af rlrultiire tttday (oa-ldrrrd thn queaUon of eatablUh loi a plant quarantine agalnut (lawn " frulia and wgilable. The lienrlng today was ghen bo Uuio uf pr.xiBUro of the Medlter rtiian fruit fly lu Hawaii, Till- liimct damaxi-K iltrtla frlilt, TrarliM, bmlia, liiluntiMa, green e-tr- noil other friillH niul egelobles Mr. WmMlanl lUTiivrni. Wr Tuiu Vo(lard, who was oper 1 iipun for MppendlrltU n week lo, baa made a rapid and complete lwr Hho has Just been taken to 'it home from the lilnrkburn lion-I'lUI. The recepllmt t be Khni the pub. Ho nt lb" hew Indira Ileal lloom by Hie Women's Civic league, which wns' chediiled for next Hnturdny, has been piwl pulled for ono we'k on nccnunl of the non-nrrlvnl of reriuln leci- of frtiultiire The reteptlun, whlih U lo be nu elaborate nfTuIr, will be held ou lliv SMli of this month, mid the puhlle will Im. cordially wutromed. The rmuplellon of the Iteat Itoom tins Imd nn liifliumcn for good on Sec-; relnry Wylde of Hut Cliamher of Com merce, through whoso rooms the Indies pnas In renrhlng llio rest rooms, livery morning the gnllnni secretary itentis ntul iIhMh the Olmmber or Com merce rooms so they will bo In nccord with Ihoelegiiiire of tint lies I Itonms. Western Nidbt' Next Elks Are Also Considering Organization ot Band Committees .r m ha alinoluUHl 1 Mnns made at llio meeting of tlio oil go tonight for llio annual Klks Vfiturn Night, which will bo held In APW. ufter the Inslallallon of the new "fleorH., The 101 a Western Night wan Mich Mraim aud-c, thai ovory member of ;"" mlu has nt leant one particular flnd for whom ho wants u card for ' " year's affair, and aa each of thwe '"ends u anxious to attend, It Is prob "' lhat larger quartan will have to be secured for thu eiiturtnlnmeut niul Houston's oporn Iioiiho is being rim aldered, hut the mnttur will bu left to thu committee tn bo named tonight. Another matter thiil Is being con sidered by tho' Klka is the organisa tion of nu Klks Imnd, It Is believed that n band of twenty pieces run bo easily uerured from thu lodge, aa already Ita membership In uludeH elvveu musicians, who have played In the local city hand imd orchestras. An Important meeting of tho stu di'titn nud faculty Is scheduled for this nfieruoou In Instructor Hawley's room, nt which time thu questlou of hnvliiK the high school enter the track j nud field meet "111 be positively set tled The feeling among the students fnwir dropping the meet, and dovot Int: every energy to developing u wln- iiIiik bnselmll tenm for the high school. They cliilm II will be belter to have it Unit claim bnkeb.ill team than to di vide the lime between practicing base bull nud training for the meet, which might poxalbly result in u lees effi cient hall team, and, on account of Inrk of proper plncn to trnln. would surely not produce n track team of a calibre lo lirtmk many records. Mr. Iliiwley promises games of ball with the Agency school team, tho Fort Klamath school team, the Merrill high hcIiooI team nud the train from the llmmnsn high school. , Tho Klnmnth high has plenty of good material for n good tenm, and the nliuf will ho picked from tho fol lowing" ' Full catcher, Orem, Holler, (), (inrrett and lllllim pltchnrs; Hum, llulueri or McCluro, first hnso; S. tlnrrelt, second base; Montgomery, third linsei Noel, shortstop; (llllntto, Mntschenbncher, I.lnkonbnch, Clydo and Wnde Short, outfield. Smith flo Home. Mr. nud Mrs. Itlchurd 8. Smith left this morning for their homo In Eu gene. Mr. Smith arrived Tuesday nvenliiK from California to Join his wife, who Iiuh been visiting friends nud relnllves for several days, Mortality umong widows Is much greater than among mnrrlod women of tho samo ag. PRINCE SEEKS A PARDON, FRANCE was skntknckh to okath kok fahtich'ation in thk hanoi oi;thaok whkkk skvkiul OFIIt'KltS WKItK KILI.KI) will bo the guest of 1'urk Hanger II. i:. Momycr. Steel plans to go to Med (ford via Crater 1-ake, and ho and Mr. ..Momyer will leave Monday, taking j I the train to Chlloquln and snow-shoes from tho Fort to the lake. I CLAMAN PLAYERS ARE COMING BACK J have his office In the same building i with the reclamation service, conven ient for the water users visiting pro (Ject headquarters. This afternoon Mr. French, Mr. McCall and Project Manager Camp are making a trip over the reclama tion project. Mr. French has been connected with this kind of work for many years, taking a vacation now and then in the way of publishing farm and stock journals. Ho is now the editor of one of tho biggest publications ot tho kind in the West, published at Caldwell. Idaho. He has also just completed the first official history of Idaho, which waa passed upon and accepted by a com- LONDON. March 19. Tho Mare-' mlt,teo comP3ed f J1 Alfred .iiuufio. ei-uovcrnor nawiey ana tne president of tho University of Idaho. This history Is a volume ot more than 1300,000 words. Mr. French was In the agricultural department of Oregon fifteen years IS TO HE 3L1DK IN HOPES OF IlKNKlTTTIXG THK HEALTH OF THi: FLTUKK HULEIt OK ALL THK ltl'SSIAS ' United Press Service United Press Service PAltIS, March 19. Prluco Cuoug Do, pretender to the throne of An num, French Indo China, now believ ed to be hiding lu Germany, today wun expected to start formal proceed ings for u pnrdou In France. Ho has been sentenced to death by the French authorities for his part lu tho Hanoi out rages, whore soveral French olll nrn were killed lu July, 1913. t ItKPKHTOIItK COMPANY OPKN AN ENGAGEMENT HAY, PKKSENTING A NEW OF STANHAHO PLAYS WILL KM'Hh HlM-iik DrnlitMgo Problems United Press Service MADISON, Wis., March lit. Hoiuts ami pavements, sewerage nud dralu uge, hdniullct engineering, uichltoc ture, public utilities, mechanical en gineering, elect ileal engineering and mining engineering problems wero discussed hero today when tho Engin eering Society of Wisconsin oponed Its annual convention here. Practical ex perts from all over Wisconsin and from a score of utatos ot tho Union wero present and delivered speeches. lu tho last year. 13.2H.3lO letters nrrlved nt the dead letter otneo in Washington, nud ot theso 0,440,944 wore returned to the senders. Coal Is by far the most Important mineral product of India. rn uiumuu western Amusement '.. -..,.i.,.i.. company will open nt Houston's opera 'among girls. house on Monday evening for ono I week. This Is claimed to bo ono ot the bust repertoire companies on teh const, and coined hero from a. year's tour ut the state ot California. It will bo remembered by tho peo ple of Klamath Fulls that tho Claman players wore in this city for ono week Inst year, and played to packed housed every night during their visit. There nro eight people In tho cast, and they nro all high class players. Tho regular price ot admission will bo GO cents, but most of tho leading stores ot tho city have arranged to give merchants tickets with pur chases', which will entitle, tho holder to a seat tor 25 cents, lu addition, 100 treo admissions is given each night to holders ot merchants tickets. ,vitch la expected to make u visit to England this summer, according to a despatch today from St. Petersburg, under tho care of his grand-aunt, the Queen Mother Alexandra. T "" Vk '"", ago. but his work was not of a nature weeks at hnstbourno or some neigh-1,0 permlt ,, travellng over tno ,tate boring resort on the south coast. L thln(J that haa , been h d whore ho climate is supposed to bej8lre. ,B fMt lt was th featufe of particularly good for tho complaint tUo wwk tbat caused hn to t from w hlch ho u suffering. jnls nresent pogltlon. Ho will be accompanied by a small, 'army of llusaiuu secret service guards Van Hirer's grocery Is taklnr on a , brighter appearance this week, as LoulsWllu women have organised rminters and kalsomlnnra urn busitv AkciI Man Committed. Thomas L. Fenlou, aged SO, has been committed to the Insane usylum. A hearing was held at Merrill Wed nesday. Complaint was made by Fen lou'a relatives. Tor sensible dress engaged In putting a coat of white on ,the walls, celling and fixtures. Free Lecture Course Talks Given in Different School Districts Popular Tomorrow evening City School Superintendent II. H. Dunbar goes to Midland, whore ho will address tho putrous nt tho school on "Tho Panama Canal. ' This lecturo is u part ot the free lecture course provided for tho various school districts, and Mr. Dun bar's number is lu demand. Ou tho eveulng following, Holla O. Plovua to glvo lectures. Groesbock's thenio is "Good Government and the Citizen." Mr. Peterson speaks oa "Taxation." Theso loctures, prepared and de llvorod by local men ot affairs, are ibivuu mo peopiu or tne amertai school districts at no cost whatever, ovon tho transportation costs belag nrrnnged tor otherwise. Thla la the Groesbeck and County School Super-'nccond year of such a course, aa1 '.he lntendent Fred Peterson will go Institution Is increasing la pelerHy. M ji ij m WM mz