Euemttg. Herald KLAMATH FALL!' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWf OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER fcrn4i.. i njifcot,,,, isb3c. -t-- in-- -- "rn.miii-i mi rr :r: : KisMh Vrni .' 8,,f KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 1G, 1914 Price, Fhra Grata mh American Disappears in Mexico WOULD HAVE THE PUBLICITY FUND PUT ON BALLOT v, riiovi-Hiv i.v iii.uiTi:ii itj tmi: uift i Uhu I'',,,,,r Ih UrMrral la lit' rnr of '" lMll" ' Hoary lu ,1 (liaiuhrr f t'uromrm. fur .! trttMaa Hn ""' lli"i l gg,lrl That l Wll Wrll J u Lri II I" Vul 11 It ftiJ lhal l ordinance. will U irtnld ,u ,H" el,' wune"' . t,rruf4nt lih Mi Inalrurllona lu' tWltf atiurn.-y. I'MivWbi for a !; MUo f I'OO r H.09' ' '" ("UtoUr of Cummwrro. Al (lie Isal rtlo ul itt tounrll ili eulrj -h"' '" , .l.IWHI,rl,flll Mil-.. on.. uf Villa's ,un. HUboi Wlr,l ihal U any. IU. im.... ma t. dM.l or llv ., , u, p(Ip , hr mar ,,, ,,IM to lb. rfc.rt.r that would war- HI. and ,u m.n I,.,, mad com,.. l,rn ,. by of ,U ,urll. U, ,. ,.cb an ..p4Uur. v Mm m.m 4Kr ,i..w,ltl. I, u fri riimrnl h not dentiUe Wr( lb liirf a ii 'I rt(tin fl my fttosJIy iuarl ttin t-liamUr, I t4 bftlvin thU tiraanliAllun u .& r; iinv, fattvi iinnrh a cum: BLflKwij;' : ttdflgggH illlHf TtM1' ' tflgggM .gVHsnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWM Blp , gggLVTaLnnnnnW .. I'AltlH, March IC Cat folk, nlliiilloii! If you would bo tliln, liavii our iloclor put plntlniiin liinlor your akin Or TUslr him ii-larl tlial alter inaio" ptrliii"nt lie liaa mrrt'uiiM In rliicliir bulky crori' Mclsht Uy liyjxxlrrmlcnlly InJcclInK from II m in ton cubic cintl-iiii-Ii-i of nn Uotonle aolutlon roninlnlnK 0.25 untiiix of plat inum jwr litre. MOTHER JONES GIVEN FREEDOM ACTION IN SUIT AGAINST COUNTY SET OFF Is in Charge 0 Round the World Aerial Race MONTH MITII HI'KCUiaTIO.V FHOM THIS lltol'l.Tn MrmlM-ra f Comity Court anil Mtor-' n- for OfllrUU liii(llrtrcl In tlir Mult llaif rrliirnnl I'roiu I'nrtUoil. I)rilfc Jlaiiy lliiulrlr an lit tlio' 1'iolialilr lttult, Tli Hrar mii Air' of My at cry. COMHI.tlM) MII.ITl.t OKKICKIt HAXH THAT AUKlt IIM)I, OF THK HTItlKI'KH HAS I'ltOMIMKII Ti MTAV AWAV llil4 t iup)ft. lunmacb a a rlly rlrrtlnn U lint W)r fr oB II nli I III wlw-41 rwiM pr lb rlly riurtcll lo lr tbU malirr ii lb" ballot, si) Ul til c( the UArt 4oCl4 the HiKll0M.i 7n t n rlly for ht mtn' Wt, uf the ruiinrll lu taV Ihn pollfn r..6lbllli)- i( vutln ih fuitit k'li It U raiy lo fltatt uul bal. SAY CONTRACT IWELDING FIRM TO WAS IN ERROR' ENLARGE HOME Ikr alibrt of thr Billrf, KHiilr art In Mi' IHU IIAftl.V I.OMIIKU IXIMPAW CtMMK.CKM A(.TIO.V tt IIAVK. AJIIKKMi:,VT WITH l)MltilU fil.NTIUITtlll ' WHITi: AMI MCHOM AUM) 1'ia.V lOIITAIII.i: I'lAXTrt, TO epciiATi: Tintoi oiioirr koctii Oltl.'UO.V (tlU.NTIM I'n It i-4 I'rcaa 8rvlc l);Vi:K, Colo.. March l. Moth. r J 11 tun wa brotiKhi from TrlnldaJ tlil roortiltic In the cuttody of Colonel 1 IlnvU ami othrrrntlltlaroeu. Ouirrnl John Cliaa- ro-t the imriy at ttio klallon, and took them to head jiiuarirra, wher Iho rcteaiv of thi-uKi-d ttuiuau a compWtftl; (ionoral I'Iibm aald that Motliff Jone ha re iuptitl her rclroac, and had promised to rctualu away from (ho nrlku tone. Hhi ha ben conflncU In military prison nil. p ihn 17th of January, flctioral Chcu had promld her re ! wbfti the 1 roTibwd to loaro the 'H)p ono and reem'n away. TM HuM Oulill, J Wftn Rtrry Oiad and Mra. Coad. I Ulu Vrrd Cuiad and MUa ,loUl Mjrxk talun out lo Mm Crtiad ranch i ttttitf, Ibry rlorrit nothlltK mural hijiIbc than planllnc a fw hvrry Atlrflnn that a clorlral Aral waa first rrmr at HU vir aan laat Mar lUa litadn In the rnnlraet under whlrh !(). nrtylpim M,lt uf caatlnic Chartm Thnmaa l riitllin loc.nntli. In Amurlcn. Outi of Iho and puttln Ibrm In Ihv Klamalhj mrti lu Ivarn th nrt of wuldtuie caat IM,r for Kip firm, I ho 111k llaln Inc h thU method waa William ha brought an ar-'NlrhoU, now a(M-laled with Auatln un a iw iwrryi, ,.,.,,., ,, ,. feiaii -. .1 1 a . a Mk a I 1 """' 4"M II itrnn anu b ntrnir innrn n nirnir .... lK did not rom off a. for prt.ll'!,M , , C"rUU ,MUM ",r " rBf"r"" Wh,lB '" ""' "nl - Of W. and thU drrlailon from th. In.,1""?' ""'T!, . , v , , ,, iK,m WlMn r"m,","r' " KUni,h addition of .irlKimont lnlrad nf '!, " lb1 ""' rl!,,", w,,,'rt"f On., or th moat a.imtmllnis f,t to .tlMlbnlclunrh taku with thi-m, r0W,1MUl W8i ,u ,1,"fl r,om "'" Ih. rcompllhrd by thU now procraa tt- ratty MrolW ilr ,o if. cin" ",r"",,' Jut Tho,n,ar ;", :,,P f0nln,cl al V - iU ""n' "f b,K w,,, ror tt Wit.rr. ranch, takln lh,lr lunch "'7?, ."." h m r"r WM. 'raclon rnKln Monili lo Duffy k- .lon. and! will, ah.t t,,y had!"" ''i ""'n cWIm ihff rohlrafi Mmlh.-r. The h-. w. brokan on la the bjVt, addrd noriiPlhlbH hot' . , tlrrly, romlnc I" llic ahop In Ihrw Irtw "lilondyV atinp. Aftrr dlnnat J,u"fc rn '" " t-uiiarnin pu-c-a. Im Vrd. In anilcluallon of many ,:- '' 'Itlotl and wtfo have rn-l When WIiUk nml NlrhoU llnMird iiirnnl from Houthcrn California, ulih It no on., could locate tho plac hrr Miry nit bmn ttliiK for Mm Hlifiv thi. wclda had hxh mailp. Th pail twn wraka, h.i) at o plannltiK on a now hulldtns for thHr ahop, which will b of !" TMMgtt Trariirr llrir. clrnl alto for a.ldltiB a Kara n,,- i t.-.. ,. i. .. Thpy will alio lualall a plant for INDICT OIL-MAN FOR HARD RIDING County Judito Wordt-n. CmmI- loner John IfagfUtcIn, Herbert SI. (lair, who iipiwarcd an attorney for Charlea V fitone ct al, and I). V. Ku-, kendall, who appeare.1 ffr Sheriff . l.ow, County Treaaurer Sl-men and County Clerk Do Lap In he warrant Injunction nult itarted asalnat them lu tho U. .S, DUtrlct coutl at Portland, teturnrd laat nlKht, aWr a week's so Jcuru iu the atato'a niKropolIi. Whin tho parties lft heca the hear Inc on t Injunction order 'had been et for laal Monday However, thU hearlut; waa not hold on that date, and It waa announced upon tho re turn of tho party today that action & postponed until April Kth. Jtiil what broagui about tula post ponement baa not been definitely lenrnml, although one attorney states that thin was done lu order to give the county court sufficient time to prepare for their fight against the In junction order. It has been rumored hero for tho.laat week that the ses sion In Portland was for the purpose of arranging a compromise between the parties, but upon this point there Is also much secrecy. The only direct statement that has been made in this connection was that of D. V. Kuykendall. He made it plain that in his opinion there Is no possibility of a dismissal of the suit, gHri&LIH Hav'llnl flgflMgSktigHHSSLw gamgamwr-9aflnLg9 gKslgmg gBL:,:JKsKn9A A BgT5fe3nBaW k'TVgHP M gfH mWB!aH gmgmgmSgmgaaB I SEEK COMPETITION IN PLANS FOR THE CITY'S NEW HALL I'KOI'f.K SAV THIIV WAXT I'UII IJCITV TIIKUK Hetiliint-nt In Certain Jnartera la A(cnlnt the Awanllng of the Cost . tract for the I'laaa WHhoat 80b Tirittinit of a Number of DtaTertirt , Sketches, AllimlnK Wider Usage of Clmlrc In the Matter. either now. or at the end of thirty Idnya, nor will the suits tn the circuit! A. WILLIAMSON- Ml'BT APPKAR f01lrl u, dropped. ! Ili:nilti: THK CIIICfIT COUIVr1 According to the timber Interests.' 'who are seeking the Injunction, thul 'rase waa taken to the federal court,! ' In order to get an order that will tend to restrain all tho counties of thoH'BWATE statu from exceeding tho limit of vol-1 untary indebtedness. Many Inquiries are being heard ask Ins for Information as to the bulldln of the new- city hall. It la reported that members of the council have practically agreed ou plana for the new I SO, 000 building, although bo public request has yet been mad (or 'the submission of plans and speeUleav- 'tlona from architects. It would be a mistake for the city council to make arrangementa with any one architect for the drawing of 'plans for tho new building' without 'giving all who desire a chance to Arnold Kruckman. head of the ba- toniPet. n'r in this way can the rcait of aeronautics at tba Panama I'C9t r"alts be secured. P.tMflc Exposition at San Francisco, Tho public la also interested sad U the man on whom rests the respon- entitled to know something of what clbllKy for the round-the-world 3reo-soft of & building is to be erected, the plane race which has been advertised class, materials, arrangementa, etc. as one of the features of the great ex-, Klamath Falls baa waited a long Uaa position. The race is planned to for this building, and now that the start and finish on the grounds of the 'hopes of the people are about to be exposition during the next year while realized, it Is best that the council tho show Is In progress. While many tc sufficient time la selecting plans doubts hare been expressed as to tho a that the people they are repreaeat adrUabllity of attempting such a feat 's will be satisfied when the building in the present stage of aeroplane de- ' completed, velopmcnt, Ir. Kruckman la cnthusl- H presumed, that tho aew city astlc about th possibilities of the ba" to be constructed for perma- race. jnency, and' the building committee and other members of the council. 'should take the people Into their cos fidence and let them know what sort of a building they propose to bnlld, I before binding the city to any partic ular set of plans or to any contract. O.V t'HAIMSi; OK WAXTONLV I.V Jl'ltl.N'O A iieitsi: FIREMEN'S DANCE Tl I0RR0W NIGHT l ipfitt n hir falhir's ranch. ttouihl It fci.uld Ih. a good tde lo get 'DUilhlrd with ranch life. As good -mwiiina sun 111 ado friends wnn a nr, Uny plglei, but forgot to make mtn4i with tltlln nta-aln'a mamma. ""Il, Milan Ihn nn lo lti Iiiiiiia rtn. . . ,. """ """' "" i.iio 11 111 "m, mim Vrrda U said lo havp l'oru,,a,iCUI) lnBr by the ninth part of a gnat's oi-sied. nll. . . I plant the tanks, rljtu. W Arralgurtt, otn Jioorr, W. J. Whim IVllran. ..l will i..a,h KiifratniK uxyareiy.en... ....,-. .,..-.-.., ...... -.., --. itifludliig lango. hwluilon. ,,,MM, ?? ,or n,pn , ' ,lr .-tc. Mr. KwM'a dances mt.,,,w' ,ttn,""K '" b 'ml,'w; r. .! ,., l.llw I....I.... f. IIIIVI "II MUI.I....IK ' IiIk nutomuhllea with portable shops, Hhaor..K. A.. " Williamson atxt Joe Rtarr, nil lndlclediw,,0 u ,nR' '" urand Jury, wr arraigned! ( 'au mornliiK befnrti Judgn Iknsou, At Mm ugn of 30 the fetnalo bruin 1 'r, who was Indicted fur larceny b.lua lo lout wnlght. bH, enlrred a pirn of not Utility. ' in the oilier Hint, took uiilll lonmr-' 'iVnchrra nf tango ilancliiK In Hwlt. ' morning before making plans. .i'rland chargi- 140 au hour. to cor or all Southorn Oregon and Mk. avrrngf nitnualiasarieni ctllforuln, doing repair 'work rlKhi ul Mm mltta and farms. .1 Grade Schools Opened In Nebraska Prison CALIFORNIA TO PRAISE ORANGE INCOI.N, Nh Mard, h.uii. w ' kiipiTvUlun nf Hlatn Hiiiwrlii WWII l),.0, t, nlgln i,,,,,, , Nuliraakit iiiilii.nUary has Just rwirgniilwd, mid for Iho first ""In tlin history of M10 Itistltullou Isn ,M '0iluy "ro on hMi ''"'' w 10 tlutao t, grudmi Mhoolg, and convi 1 inatsiiM nro Hiriving to gain ?'M0 Urn grades almvu them, thi 1 r wr" "' r",,w, r aiTlalotiH, lo. "" iK'luUInc Ihoae men toffcf r"Ur ,r,,Bl h" ! ' low", BC,,00, or co work. The ttlT ,,ua4' lrrespqod to tho first r, in Iho public schools, and thoaa ,k " " lrnlng tho alphabet, with aium of learning to read and wrltimpiirliiu Mipiii 011 to hnrd Htudy. Most nf Iho prisoners nrn lu Iho ill vision rurruKpoiidli.g to tho Kccoud mid third grades In Iho public arhools, Tho work Is not compulsory, nud Is doito after work bourdon throo days of Mm week, About u third of Mm prisoners requited itrmlHsloii to lako the work, Thoir deportment In Mm sohool room has boon good, and their eagerness tn learn gratlfylug to their luslruclors, Warden Fanton favors Mm night school on 'the ground that It innkoa for better dUolplliio aud deportment nt tho Institution, aa well as fitting tho men better to care for themselves after they regain thalr llbrty. UOVKIINOIt, IIY PHOCLAMATION, OFFICIALLY Sin's THK DAY. CHOP THIrt YlUlt WILL UK 4U,. OtHl CAII LOADS HociulHo of Mm bigness of tho oi.uiKt' crop of Tho (loldeu State Mils )eiir, CallforuU has set 11s Id u Hntilr ilny nn Orntigo Day, on which day oriuiKi's will bo an Important pnrt,of ntHy iniiil In Cnllfornla, and Mm rail roads npotntlng out of Mmro will simv MiIh fruit In Mm diners, Tho crop this year amounts to 10, 000 cur londs. Inasmuch na Mils big (limntlly will nvci'ssltnto lots of work on Mio part of local box factories In order to liavo Iho fruit properly purkod, Mm day will bo obuorved by ijulto 11 number of Klnmuth Falls pt.oplc. In sumo parts of Mexico prollclouoy of Mm school children la rewarded by r.lvliiK Mmm Mm clgnrotto smoking privilege In school, Thi m)iiry nirroundlnK tho "John Dee" Indictment returned by the grand Jnry Into Saturday afternoon was clcnrvd up that evening, when Sheriff Low placed under arrest F. A. Williamson uf Chtco lie- Is charged with wanton Injury to au animal. Williamson is a 1 upresentatlve of tho I'nloirOU compr.ny, and Ihe latter' part of the week ho mado a trip to tin. trade lu tho lclnlty of Itonanta. ! He used a hone from tho Klamath atnbltxi, and when he returned, Dr. (1. C. Mitchell alleges, the animal waa In) n Kerloiis condition from being driven ton hard. Mitchell says Williamson refused to settle for tho damages. Williamson was given his liberty under $250 bonds. Ho has engaged' W. 11. A. Kenner as his attorney, and J 111 enter n plea tomorrow morning. ARRANGEMENTS ARK MADE IIY THE MEMBERS OF THE VOLUNTEER DEPART MENTRIG CROWD ASSURED CACKA'S PLEA "NOT GUILTY" "MISSOURI GIRL" HERE SATURDAY i For tho past nluo years the fire men's ball ou the 17th of March has made St. Patrick's Day a notable, oc-, caslon In Klamath Falls. This year, will bo no exception, as every arrange- iiuvui una urcu penccieu tur me uig-i 'cm, jiita,.. In ,I.a tile, mm. tt ft... .,.. I A sls-plece orchestra, under the dl-, rectlon of A. Y. Tlcdall. U a guaran tee of an excellent musical irogrn(j. BOHEMIAN FARMER ARRESTED IN CONNECTION WITH AIXEG ED HUNTHORN FORGERIES TO BE TRIED MAY 30TH According to Information from Portland, Frank Cacka, a Malln farm- LOTS OF TIME AT CITY HALL UHEAT RURAL COMEDY DRAMA. nee 01 au excellent muuie-ii iroernri. u,i, in. t ni-.MtviiAt Huus-jomi n committeo has been appointed or. will be tried In tho federal court TON'S OPERA HOUSE SATORjto spend tomorrow afternoon In put-, there May 20th. on a charge of using ,a- ivncuvniv !tlnK ,no floor of tnQ Houstn opera Mm malls with Intent to defraud. He svav S.avve . . ai0a ls HArrAnV rmw .IIiIah fm iIhma i hIaj.I m 1 mS mhHih O a a 4 & a ivrt.ou ii irTi.rtv kuiiumuu tut ui.uu I'lucrvu ix intra Ui UUl, OtUll OAUTUJ, Ing. Not a detail has been neglected I Cacka'a arrest was the result of ln thiit could add to tho enjoyment of jvestlgations by secret service men into tho affair. ian attempt p sell to Spokane banks Asldo from Mm occasion being an (promissory notes with tho signature enjoyable one, tho cause is a most 1 of J. W. Siemens forged thereto, 1 t OAKLAND HPI'NDS OYER THOtm.l IMLIAHH "Vhe fact that people are Uring of tho so-called sex and problem plays. , cheap vaudeville aud picture shows, which have boon dished up to the the ater going public recently, Is very pointedly demonstrated by the enor mous buslnekd now being donet .throughout the country by that maa-( terplece ofclenn fun, "The Missouri Girl," which will be seen at Houston's opera houso Saturday and Sunday. This great comedy with tho famous "Zeko and Daisy" (a pair of comedy FIYKcroations whom many contond nre FOR .funnier than "Mut and Jeff") has IIOUT FIITV CI-OCKH TO I'HKD I.V NEW BUILDING BK (Herald bpeclat Nctvlce) OAKLAND, March 10, Forty-ulna clocka aro bnlug Installed lu tho uow 11,000,000 city hall In Oaklaud, at a total cost of $r,0S9, or an averago of a llttlo moro than $100 a clock. Tho most costly of those la the huge- tlmoplect In Mm tower, which will lmo four dials, lllumluated at night, and visible from nil portions of the bay region, Au elaborate clock of brouie, llvu ftMit lu diameter, will be pln'c.Hl in the rotunda, worthy one, and Bhould receive the' hearty Fupport of every one having Mm welfare of the city at heart. 'hero Is not an institution tn the. city moro deserving than the brigade of :lr. laddlea. It lit hanllv nnlltn that a man cau be found who will re- considered, th fuH lo buy a ticket to tho firemen's, of the week is hall. Clark & LaYere are furnishing a clean lino of pure Irish comedy at the Star, besides doing a clever bit of dancing. Their songa are Mm bast heard here for some time. All things the bill for the tore part way above the average attraction. 1 proved to bo ono of Mm sensations of Mm theatrical season. it is playing an mo larger cities 1 Ifiom coast to coast, also a few of tho Hiuaiier cities, suu is nam 10 uoui 1 oer 1,000 houso records for largo 1 nttondauco. With Its special scenic equipment) and high class company of ladle and gentlemen, It will "show you" that capacity audiences are the rule, that Its musical numbers are numerous and commendable, that Its comedy la chock full of roaring laughter and It Is entirely free from that "slap-stick" aort which Is too often resorted to In many so-called coraedlee. Visit nt Lorella. County School Superintendent Fred Peterson and wlfo visited frlonda at Lorella over Sunday, Rack From Circuit Court Clerk George Chas tain and family returned last Bight from Donania, where they want tn thalr For oar. Suffragettes Burn a Train; Whip a Bobbie LONDON, March 10. Suffragettes today burned six passenger coachea and otherwise damaged the railroad yards nt Kong's Norton, near Bir mingham, Mrs. Pankhurst has written to the dean of Westminster Abbey, inform ing him that on next Sunday the suf fragettes plan to march to the abbey to attend services, and asked, that a special service ha prepared. At Glasgow, Scotland, today a suf fragette horsewhipped Dr Jamea De von, royal police commiMioaar. Th attack on the commissioner, ww mado a he was entering the Dug '' utreet prison7. Daves felled ta i man to the ground, and pUead harv f under arreat. She said th attrxk waahasawa ' tho forcible feadfag order raaaaUy ad vocated by Coamtasler Dara. '-' f2 m is mi I ml