1 lEu ttttta Iterate l KLAMATH FALLS PRINTS THE . NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ? -"S bmks r-iMwM ' r wiijiSf -Twwwifc.jit & j ! -m r-M.-7,.-T T T fUlill Vn " ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1914 . Japan Anxious to Help United States m M HUERTA FORCES CRIMINALS INTO FEDERAL FORCES zaiuta iirinwx .tin: cmwi; to Till, 'ITY la .tiMfllfU lit Taking Mrt I'muii Urn MmU amt IVrfinK TIm-mi lit INn I'alfutiu mimI Htitulttrr ItlnV. Die Mlwr, la IIU De-enHliir. Tkr ,nui Tlt'uni I'rlMHirf trii IIU Ann). MDiirO CITY, Marrh 13 Stapaia ami M lorcn tx allBrklng llm fed mI lftw at rurinaara imr b-c I lila .ttrrnwo In order to rl t-liiforrFMrnU.i llqrtU a bit III uOtrel Hv rorllng In tntjK'f.Uh tttrlluMlt, ami liato tun riiifll-d I hi Jail lt nil lim l. Huhtirrtta u( met! rft celled VII l .irrrlt tthUy by dvtathraenl u( tiuwi. Tltry were forced l enlUt tit 4 trrh gatnl tin attacking I Mo hundred prUuurr of the led- Naluk, the jilting Eskimo girl, anil ml ( mm city prison here wtJi:,nu0uiV. dm t.iiiig man. who have tbl, .lirrnooii Impr tali mM-1 ,Wlln, N, vrfc. spent most urjr tvtxUo ThU number luclude. , , . . . -..- ..i .i .i..-.. of their Hum during the nm storm to (urn in MmIco. IU I'rmrr. Tknflha.u ratidr atnm ha Juit 1st- Ullrd hid jo-gallon Ire cream ffrrirr, tl.P Urgent lu the county. The He Maetilnn frtKir In eight minute um. I'trlhuinarj Work. A prelimliiary miner being mad wng i.ieveuth atreet by employe or lae rlly engineer's oftlc. The prop fly owner along thlsMhoroughfare tvlr lu Improvement from Main irtet to a polni where a Junction llh a road in Hhlpplnsjtou U poalhn Atronomra airt that there I aollier )tem Utyond NepNtuue, Itlth la tlm niimi dUlnlit of all the platieis In our aynltm. llrliUb capital provided for rail wy roiMtrucilanilaftli'sj grltUiirn wuntrlesof OiydrlihiSlaled to ba llO.OOft.in. ii (latlierliig and selling acorns I a w" Industry In Arkansas "to aupply Msiern nursery flrnis with material for forest planting. Sportsmen Rqx-esotttta at Coivcntion Will Be Discussed. i'miy malters of Importance will b toiialdvrod at a special meeting of" Hi Hportsmeit's Association, which I "in oe i,iij t,a evening at the Chant- b,r of Commerce rooms. The Association will decide Whelh- 'r or not It Is (o bo representml at meeting to be held In Portland nm Monday for the purpose ot or- Vyhig a idnte association comprised ' S'u;t,B?JSl!Sr-,A SSIMS .'will - .... . ..........v,......w......,...l.,.l.... ..,.,.,....... ,...., Two Eskimos Visiting in New York Say Zero Weather Is Too Warm Wr&3&Bt$lBK&? t4 ammBwaaaavi ly ;?lB&'2BBWaWseaBWaS f ' BvBaWaWaWaWngv? id liJrJi'Bwaw.wwu SsBLSHRrn n t-llalBBWawawawawawawawaw BaaJwaaBwwKi s. J HSc '"bbbwwwwwww0'' 4ibwwwwwxk 3i VKBBwwwwwwwwnV x swwwwwwwfl!r ElianaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaEs! 1 JSBwaaaaaaaaamTri BBaBwwwwwwwwwwwwwwBn - JawwMBwwwwwwwKgnN gfffgffffffffffffffffffffffffffffW awaWaT aWaWaWaWaWaWaWiWaBBW BaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamP'1 BswaaaaaaaaaaV gfaU' BBBBBwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ,V IBBL"aL"a"a"a"a"aW!9EiJ ggSIKxfRggggggggggaBBBBK' ' iB9!f33RswKx Bj j lBBBBWBBNgvBggSlI fr gSBEj' ' X j9aa SW ' w BEaVaiiri'iBBBBBBHBBLI SBBBVI' BBBBI A HV3ataBft VBLHl' 3?iP 'Pa"a"a"v W Mv?aHsKii BBBBrji HMmv BBSIt ' ' which bound up the cliy for tt '(k lu Central I'ark, plnylme in tho attuw. When allieta had bcun drlvvn In bj- Dm icro ratlier they aid It alrnvfl loti warm fur tlicm. The) ald that 0m park In Om nn- alarm ",.', Merrill Handier lu Tuun. , Han Nylander I a rounty et vl luir from hi ranch near Merrill tiiHMl Mum tVmlng Al Oak, adranco man fur ilia "Mis souri Olrl," nrrlviMl In this city last night to ntiuid lo publicity matters for his show. Tho "Missouri Olrl" U a mmedy drama of much spirit, with T a genuine Western twang to It. and' Is suie to nil the opera lions for tho nights of March 31 nud SS, Mr. Hnillii Heia? i Mrs KIchnnrH. rimlth of r.ugene arrlvetl last etenlug'for n .short visit with relatives and frlemis. Kho Is- now tho ptiest of her atiul, Mrs. Oeo, Noland. nick Hmlth Is expected In a few dioa to Join his wife. Ho Is now, In Han Mateo, Calif., whero he accom I, panled his brother, Horatio, who taking radium treatment for a serious affliction of the throat. to Meet ivpreaenl'thu local oiRHiilindon ut the meeting. A Idler received by tho association; from Statu Oamo Wiirdon Kvan atatea that no further appointments will be nindo for Klnmath county.un 01 such Ohio as ho cnit ylslt Oils dl- trlct and pprsoiially consult with tlio, aporlsiuoii tliroiigh thu loeai organ- Isatlou. Mr. Kans expects to visit Oils vouuty soon, mid urrangomeutM will bo made for n nieetluK of the mom- burs during llio visit oi mu state-1 "am ih' iimy iiiius inry iuuuo in imi.,.. , , .. j . ... .. u.. i , i i . .. H" r ?' hundred voters a nua t ullnd Hlales whfeh looki'd at all i, .u. Lj .., homelike. 'It I nretlv Marin." aalil ihii a-irl. when lio waa krl huw he enjoyed I nereir. "lint we left our heavy clothing at homo, m r set Along pretty ell" Hut they will get out of New Yorkwll bfnil ,ery VMrgr at com. long Urforc the -armlh of Summer mnd to administer tbe trust reposed co,nr- In me In the Inlereat of all the people, ni. , . t Irrespective, of factions or sectional REGISTRATION IS CLOSE T0 1,400 JJOON TODAY ONLY FIVE MOItK NAM KM WKIIK .NKEIIKu W IIEACII THAT TOTAI Jl'T. MDK I'HKCI.NCTrt lU'BY Heglstrallou for the primaries widlfor ol,r conslderaUen: M-neral elwllou at noon today reach-' l Improvewiettta d 1,3VS. ThU was largely occasion, j I am lu favor or tho Immediate, re td by an Increased registration lu sumption ot development and Im several of tho outside, precincts, espe- provement work throughout the city. irlally Title Luke, precinct, at Merrill. ,1 I") . i... II) precinct. Out regUtrntlon "Fourth Ward ..., 1C3 Cast Klamath Falls ..... . !! Third Ward .... 81 1 Second Wnrd ,.,.131 West KlmtHih Falls ....,.',: HhlppltiKton ,.,., l Mills Addition H Mullii '..10 Pine (IroMi 31 Wood lllver . . ......... 14 Lost lllver 1U Tule I .uk (i . . . DO Dairy ,...,, 10 Oik'll 2V l'oo Valley lit Klnmath l.uku ,.,,.,, , . U I'levna 84 Warden .,,.,. .......... IT Midland ................ Sj Illldebnnd ....,...,.... 14 Hpraguo '.liver , . . . . I l.nngell Valley , , , . , J) a wmi ., ... ,..i,. ,., i.i Algoma , . ," W, ..;.... tl Mt. l.wkl , . . . 31 In Front Keno, II. Hnowgoose. a well known reel dent ot Kouo, Is hero attending to business mattera. Explained by Baron '... MURRAY TO RUN FOR MAYORALTY IOiair.ll .VKWSIMIM.IIMA.V I'lUtM-j ISfX KIIKK M.ll. KKMVKIIV, SM.U.IIKU roi.Mi; COST. JIKT- 11,11 HIIKV.I.K.S ,t.M OTUblt) ,MI'MC1I.I, I'ltlKiltlSSIVKNIMHl Tit (lie Votcru of KLimndt KuIU. Tltutc Jtrv llmm wliiu ti tecum tint iluty r cry man to lay nltle bl I'vrfinM fcUtiKa inl wlit-, and ylrlil lu tlioi of hi friends and iiilKhbor, and It U In that iKtultlon llmt I fluU m!lr toilnj- Thu clamor ut imltllc olllco Im Iwti for mu lu, fnKClnntlfiD, mid 1 ould muck prefer to let the burden of civic affairs reit iion oihrr, nml morn uIIHiik, about lU'nt, and continue to occupy the place of an Inlvrcntril ptcta(or than tbe ticifvi' trader In thu development work (bat baa to bo done to place Klamath klalU lu the front rank of thu munlcl pnltilm of Orvion. ' I ntn linwMTAP tint lAA4fallilA In . , Hwnw.va Mw .aawvMw.tf.w w thu tribute that b been paid mu by 'the voter of thU dtr In aiklnjc ma to atnnd at a candidate for ma) or at tho forthcoming election, and I would, i Indeed, bo nothing short of an Ingrato 'ir i rviiueu to compir with the r 'quect contained In tbe petition ot up- irer inai win ruuauiy repreveai a raa- Ijorlty, or nearly so, of the probable registered vote of tbe city. It Is aa honor I appreciate beyond the power of aords lo express, mid should the result of the election place mo at the hAii nf tli rnl'Arnmiinl nt thl rltv 1 differences. In placing myself before tho people as n candidate for mayor, I do so with the understanding that, on my part, nothing will be done to influence the voters of this city, There are, how ever, certain things vital to the future welfare and development of KtamaOi Falls, that I am deeply Interested la, mid If I am elected mayor I will uae jvv. '. kviHwuim aw v CauuiAn rwu, that will a Ml proa. every power nt my command to ne- pcrlty and growth for this city. That everyone may know what these things I are, and the attitude 1 assume In re I lstlon thereto, 1 submit tho following I belles each section of the city fol-inouui oe recoguisea in xnis wora. .For the past four years Bhlpplngton nnd tho Mills addition, as well as cer I tain portions of Falrrlow, lluena Vis ' ta and the First and Second additions Ihnve been promlned sidewalks, cross- walks and Improved street conditions. Nothing Is over dono until a ahort time before an election, when great activity becomes apparent. , But fol lowing tho election the work stops, nnd nothing further Is done until an other election approaches. This Is. wrong. If I nm nlected mayor I will push with tho utmost rigor public Im provements In all sections ot tho city, and pledge myself to secure, through tho construction of sidewalks aad crosswalks, free, mall delivery within sixty days after I assume the duttea of tho office, Klamath Falls has been In lino for tho free delivery ot Its mall for the past three years, but It today Is little, nearer securing this nil oh-to-be-deslred service than It Was at tho beginning, due entirely to the fact that the city has failed In meeting tho requirements ot the post offlco department In (he matter ot sidewalks and numbering ot houses. In the matter at the paving ot (Continued e fag ) JR. SELLS SAYS SAW MILLS MUST WAIT HIS MOOD TKLLS oniOlOMAXH HE COME IX MAY MAY Alu TiIU Them Tliat It May be the U'nlcllnic MobUi llefore He Comsm. In Coatvmafiosi Wltlt filastoit, the CominUaloaer State That He Cost klilcm the Slatter SctUed, aaid WUI Mako Xo Trip Orer It. According to teltgrams Just re ceived from Congressman Slnnott and Senator Lane, regarding efforts to pcrsusdo Indian Commlsslonsr Sells to make a trip to Klaaatk county thto month to bring about aa early settle ment of tbe movement to reopen tbe Sprague aad WilUamaoa rivers to log ging, this U aa laaeosetkUlty. The telegram received from Slaaott fol fel fol eows: "Telegram received. Read same (o commissioner, and urged compli ance with your request. "The commissioner said he did not Intend to visit the reservation with the specific object of Inspecting the river question. He stated that he felt the matter practically settled, aad that In a general tour of inspection of tho different reeervatloas, he would visit the Klamath reservation, aad Incidentally Inspect the river ques tion, adding that he could not possi bly arrive earlier Uian the middle of May." This is the reply sent by Senator Lane: "Commissioner busy with appro priation bill. Advises he must make another trip before going to Klamath, but will be Uiere In May or June." Aa a result, several milling con cerns are kept idle, unable lo get out tho timber they purchased. "Whatever Sells' atUtude may be, there la some consolation In the fact that Slnnott and Lane are working for this section." said Secretary Wylde or the Chamber of Commerce today. "We sent them night letters last night and received their replies before noon today." TO CLOSE OUT ALL DRY 600DS O. M. HECTOR WILL MOON CON DUCT AN EXCLUSIVE MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ESTAB LISHMENT XOW HOLE OWNER Klamath Falls Is to have another exclusive genta furnishing store. Q. M. Hector, who baa boon managing tho Hector's Department Store tor tho past year, haa purchased tho in forests of Ike others of the company, and will take Immediate, steps to close out tho line of lad lea goods aad carry only men's furnishings. He has secured the exclusive agen cy for several standard lines ot cloth lug and shoes, and expects to be ready with hla new Hue about the 1st of April. I Ratal ling crusher. Harris ft Co. have moved their rook crusher from Conger avenue to the hill Ju Hot Syringe addition, In the rear ot W, P. Johnaon'a residence. It ia being prepared tor a busy season' work, getUag out crushed rock for street lmprevesnaata. I RECLAIMED LAND i WILL BE RELEASED OOVWI.VMKXT IH I'KKPAKIXO TO ALLOW FAIIMKKH THE L'8K OF ACIIKAGE TAKEX FROM TITLE LAKE BOTTOM Within the next week the reclama tion service cspecta to take up with land owners along Tule Lake the mat ter of leasing them government lands that have been reclaimed from Tula I-ake through tbe diversion of the wa ters of Lost rtlver from entering the lake. There are between 300 and 400 acres of this reclaimed land to be leased. It is the plan of the local official to lease these lands to the farmers owning or tilling the bordering- farm lands, instead of by bids. This land is silt covered, has a gen tle slope, and has no brush, etc, to be cleared. On account of Its long submersion, and the many deposits of vegetable matter resulting. It la high ly productive. MAJESTIC CHEF DRAWING CROWD nrvnanst m? wmicv aoasne BLE AT THE BALDWIN aUUUIkj WARE STORE EVERY AFTER NOON TO HEAR PROF. BECKER To hold the interest of the great number ot Klamath county- ladles who are dally attending the free cooking demonstrations at the Baldwin Hard ware company, is jome feat; yet Pro fessor Joseph Becxer, the world-renowned chef, who Is doing tbe dent onstraUng. not only holds their In terest, but Increases It from day to day. The professor Is a great character as well as a great chef. In the many )ears he baa spent in cooking for the potentates of the earth he haa col-' lected a vast store ot Intormatloa. some of which has nothing to do with cooking. Tbe professor is an Interest ing talker, and many ot the naratlves he relates have close personal con nection with the big men of the world. He Is TS year old, according to his statement, though bo looks scarce- ly 60. and has been learning Looks Into MirpkyGani TUeso aro busy-days for Pr J, O, CynarnKQasr Project Maaager ratio and Maintenance, aglneer B. E. Hay- dta of tho aawtlon service, for (key are engi in showing Kngla- eer Murphy, chargo of drainage work, ove proposed i project, and outlining ot drainage for the acreage Klamath Jlrat unit ot the The drainage engineer waa aeat from Washington to obtain drat hand Information regarding local condi tions, nnd to take up with the local officials the various methods aad in terns advocated. The goverameat haa appropriated over im.W tar the Chinda NIPPONESE SENT FROM VILLA ZONE TO PREVENT FUSS COMMENDABLE aTTatP a TAKE i BY MOUBO I JaJpaa Mae Hsmgisasd Maest-t, e4 fa Friendly to Haas, Cisjsnntljr the OeastitatloaaMat rAsseea Ure Hostile to the Little Brown ameav Shoeld Jap Be KaWsd. Keasuraciea Woald Bel United Prese Sertlaff WASHINGTON, D. C, March IS. Japan is moving her aubjecta la Chi huahua and Jaures to Calexlco, aet to make trouble for the UaHed States. but to prevent IL That has been made plain by goveraaseat oatdale who have been deffaltely Informed regard-lag- Ambassador .Chiada'a najaat for peraUseloa to sead the tarty through Ue states. As Japan aaa reman lead the Hu- erta goverameat, and" la friendly to ward It, Villa aad Cerraaea aw hos tile to that country, any Japanese. For this reason, Chinda feared that Villa or hi Aery aubordlaatea aaftsht outrage Jaaaaeaa Mhjactav Tala would compel Jaaaa ta deasaad tan- aratlon. which woald smaaraas Japu Md the United iSr hath thing near about the enUaary are for the past aUty-two years., Ma aatarta that hU chief miseloa tsTltfe t( to teach the ordiaary houasessfs-how' to cook, how to eeeaoaUna.aasl.how to put together the moat appetising dishes for the least expenditure with the least energy. Judging front the expfaaefoaa heard smoarthe ladles of thta eHy, ha haa succeeded la accomplishing much ta that direction la this week wrote at the Baldwin Hardware store. There has never been an oceaalea where so many ladies hnve been congreaated la n Klnmath Falls store before, aad It la a noticeable fact that the nee at tending- the drat few days are the ones to arrive first la after days. Tbe professor learned bin isreJee sion at the famous Pelmewlae'v-in Paris, but has since studied cooking in every country on the globe. In nil his demonstrations he uses the Ma- J Jostle range, and always find time during hla talks to explain about the some-'range. Drainage construction of a drainage system un der the nrat unit. i Later the matter will be subaUMad to a drainage conlMlo, a. mew from reclamation service sagmMW, aad local me wUI la all reaahtNtr be amoag the'saeaihar. This Jseatd will omelally Jeeide uae thaaaethed to be adopted. . When the commiasloa asajait known Ita deelaiea, aamWaa, especially deelgaed far tanlim mended system, wilt be ajvwaaal and put to work, Until ttlfna tha self-propelled exeavater aaur,'aa) awa on the prejeet wtU ba a'fcw . drains already autteHagd. y.f v, J! H w m ifAl i m k - -v: rimm-mm-mmc wmm"' V 4; 4f . a e t S.