Qte'ty :fcrat& KLAMATH FALLS' OFI-'ICIAL NEWSPAPKK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS J- - a- MMrtl54tM intuit r so. a.iiin KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THUUiD AY, MARCH 12,1914 Price, Fire Ca KLAMATH COUNTY AN ACCIDENT Wnz & PORTLAND WATERFRONT 18 SWEPT BY A DAMAGING FIRE; WHARVES, VESSELS AND CARGOES BUiEB : ---wi.-. - m r- - r""w J"-M"wiij-ijiyt t. V44 ..-.... ...- j. --...-.-..---.. - -.....- n 1 inr rr rr-rj j-.-j-r.nnjrrunrij-rinjnAjviAJViriAnj'uTjvvwywWV1 IMtMII)l;T hlti.NH Till. Al.tMM IIAII.Itlill- IUI. I. ruiioiJ) In trtttiur(a(iun iti Mm.--.. ........ .t.-i .,!,,. ' fflKli? I bit hdVollt ilf Hit. mil (,ri:, .iii..hiiiidui. mam mi: 1M4.Mh,ri,rl1uiMBIbu,. MM! lll.lAltTll!.NT Utl'. I.lrl II.Mt'l f(l(V H A!.Ui! .(l.rtlNUTO WOHK ! ' '" WAKJIJNllTON. I). C. MnrU. i l'roilmil. WlI- Jil U-imiI tlio All.i railroad hill ju.i .1 hy CngroM. I hint hoj-od Ik lgn ticli a mujMuiu (K'fiiic at tutm -ii!r (I l Ml.) 'In l.iid tlib.1 1 ui in ' iii linn rll rxd of, ii in to nix a Murc for jtrat- (l.hiwi, . tlim( lii atlMjualcly Mprww " o Clemente Vegara, Texas Rancher, Shot to Death by Huerta's Men ,ll Hie ri "M" Wnlrr'MMii I) Uiir.n Nt'llli mot Sunlit , ltltiM V((U ! lr-ti-t Im Altdtlloti. Tim ikrtu liollIK Vrrl, Iliic. Willi A.phaM At Until, Art D in)ft by '' ''" .....JO IMPROVE THE TO K TRACKS RK s- .MOHDO.N Ul'maiH.ll lh MAT ' itvriiKMH iiucitN iwcti'ir III) WUIIK I'ltlJI.IMIXAItV halmming J1BREAK JUST AVERTED IN 'HI I K.II.VMi: III' hCIIAI. LOCK I IU,J- to hiatus iMhii rtnt i.im.it'n llAMMO.NI WW TIM! MIAMI, 'ON JOU M'AItU ("i.tl.4 l'f ,trVK" l'OUTIVNI. Marrti 12. flro dv , itol H r from proper. y ( 4 i!j m 14 f the harbor ,i- (ho North Mid HuUltt Albltsa' I'topAriatotj in tatl vtiirk, i (tor I tjirt. h4 l. llttlWh eli'ttRft'ilf'U e(i.d.r VA fvtil Into Klamnlti lj IbU is.nfnltie Hll IaM lllelll t'jr ttl HuUlliKlM I'm. Tli i u rtlmlr4 ul ft inlltlwi cnc Tlt w Iw t.l In work l j:U lwli KUmAlh I'aII i4 Clilltwult). np Ore tlc.t.Hf.l at ,t lil" ,nl,u, ',', '"f ' bftlUUhe tr ,,40. Joo Kurr. tiHd on a iM mftiuiue, unit nlitmueti Of nri(' 1'',,M ut'- huijttarjr a4 arum hfciK, und ! rti8o?i Irtish 4 M onrr, iti Unt t Althimeh tti IIU44 mrlU r VUtrm t,mmonl. dwtinrtt of u- f e -JrnMlrtPl.t ttKt tJflU MVi'minnn ?KnniiHK . norm. ,H,fy trimw ly tlt, t4tr4 lu tau if fn-u 4'Alirlttsr ttu4 uol tfrn fur in tact lit JhIwi KohsillutK lioattt ihm ittitumri' ww ti wurk ttlesluc ibrousli itiu wi wftii ot tittr Jii. siiddf otto or iiyii.foiumltui Hcanllue wotU norih r.i irorn nirk. nil. i iakvii uy nie . .,,,, h,. i,tl ., llborlv lod,. ... Tt.w tlriiutt lr-imtr t:ilr.tkt m B" ' """ "- t4,,. ,r in o1arnti' etU. K44l nh tttJl. Tlio wwl"",w""w iwiviim.i. t.tisH nuKVtr The rr Uirir4 "" Onaiiton f II..' rw4 -h I u t( rUne . lb tr, ,h " ' " ''r ' ,,,, ! rr -rh .iMmT Uttnroj- m 4il Jw M'l otlMtSf. Hft, titlt II W6 M ttttlll tli ttt" ' "" " -- (jIjIci ru (lnt Ihi)0I4 friulr. tt fjrilrU a I,3o0 ton rarcti of tsraln ifcit IuiuIkt. nil nf titrti i f.ni.utn. ?4 tf Ilia (tall)rH Ttr (iiieui n( i dr. nr i uiii.itni.li A tfi at thp Hiar Hn4 rompatur' lltbl ku 4tforr4, rtlnl Ml Ih" wnrr ktBK, ie)4, rte , of the All)l(l Pu4 fiwfnr "'nl mji tit mok. TbP Coltimhlit 4wk No. I 4 : I.NyflfilTtlltlAI. ItllliV U'll.t. .MtSlfT GRAi JURY TO F CONVENE RIOAY ilHtilllS Hit IUPtlEntloll. MCilttltXk HtnNoiic4 HUi'iltr l.tiw. It-tt iliey mm i'n 4Iwiih) tor mi hour lone r, ttijr wi..lt'. hnv tHtn nhto to t--cl lu trtmmt1tn. iht' JniJ their ibllkl'i Stl4 fitful till lid UmI. An Iron Imr wmt umoi, tlio moil in ttn-tr rk mandliiK on a lubW. Tim kIkp of tint ho! lint leu tent that tlrt) !iti titi nl work n rouplo of iIr., IiMIiiK Hi" ilftirlK In Uk-Ii uUiikvlti Hsiumoiul, wliou ijuciitloncHt, lat4 Alt tlio lilamo on Starr- )1 a!4 ho W- 7ft$$&-M--f)kt i iClwL ti 5 '2r v Mr3?iT V i 4flRt ?v " i"-?5 l -M--Kv ' r"T 'riV M VfFP 3K V3fwi 'iWiSr.-w !(H SyBlifi c iil;w--H WANT SELLS TO DAMAGE SUIT IS VISIT KLAMATH : FILED VS. COUNTY DURING MONTH BY EARL STEWART t!.GI.Vr WHIKS AUK SKXT WASHINGTON TO TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS LH THK SUM ASKED FOR f Clmmln-r of Comnnrro Tfl-((raih CompUUnt Fttrd Todajr by Attomejr JmlUii Comrrtlwloiicr tin: N"ccttly ; of HinlriK n Definite Drrltlon tm-j tucillatetr ItCK-Unf; tlic .Sprnguci nuil Williamson Jlhrr Question, j With Time for IxigginK Here. J lu the hopo ot cctUnE a deUion; Itollo C. GrocstMKk HUUc. That l Jurr Wm the Ibn-It ot tho Poor CooditioB Is Which the Cotmtjr HiKbwajr to MldJud Wm Sfate. ulaeU by (he Cbaaty Cort. f egara.ag the opening of Williamson Suit for $2,000 was commac4 ssrulnit Klamath panntr tAiliv h -nU SiraBue rlrw to losslng before ; Earl Siewnrt who alIe.M thmt WM t .c on is ttry far atttanced. thef lnJared M a rMUll of the bai, cond. .o.towicR telegram u oeoa Mnt to Uon of tho hIghwarf. Rollo c. ndfao CojiJOSAiiiocer Cato Sethi, br ?,-,., i. Mn,n e,..- .. ., . . . According to the complaint, Stw- -rt was rldlnr along the Midland ' road last fall, about half a mil west iof the Spring Lake school honso, hi tlcallr in the highway. As a result. the Klamath Chamber of Cemmerce: "l'rcs reiioru and adrice-i from senators and congrimon indicate your intention of making Klamath , rnrtntv n vttlf In fh nemy fn..trrt .'n cUulIr ask that you come' U.U! .h,"f mj6d XL Mt up Ter- ntflfni mnnrh ivi trfittnt Af na In-1 ., .. , iiMiii i . he say;, his left teg was fractured, siiectlon of Williamson and Spraguv rmcts regarding logging operations. In -d"on to "e cosU of the suit. Spring Is here, the snow Is gone, and (Stewart asks the following 1 teats: the iMixjetion can now b made easily Mcd,cal treatment t0, loss of work and v.ith dlnnateh. -H0- H.800. Wire us tho time of your coming."! lu addition, tho following telegram' j h-s been sent to Secretary Lane, Sen-' -tors Chamberlain and 1-tne and Con- srri9mati Sinnrtttr ' Commissioner of Indian affairs !',-i announced his intention to In spect tlia Klamath reservation, and tender a final decision regarding the, utning of Williamson and Sprague! NORTHERN TIMBER IS NDT INFESTED H r.vcrs tn logging operations. This I OGLK AXD GKUOB ItETURX FROM matter Is of tho very greatest lmport-i snee to the prosperity of Southern Oregon, aud should- be determined A CRUISE OF SEVERAL MONTHS IX THE NORTHERN PARI OP the oou.vrr tt tmriiril up, ntii) lii their drlrur il there n nUu lr.lni)i'4 IS.000 ln. if whiMt mut Imrlny. torHt for thlpmmf AGAIN T.MGItltOW MA.VV i4t;tttHii:.VAS havi: mctc.v giviw TO llli: HIIKItll'l' lrr- rr llm Hmtlli. II Y Hhrphpnt, rpl rUtn timn k4 (italNt, loft this miimliiK for t Itfintnlt VVrsara. a Tcxas rancher cuss thtv thciL of nori,is ahioh irooiw 8ttcl' forthwith. wanted to Klu. llm lt.rm, hut wB M MJ dih'- Vorgara, ranch. Xo ?Pri"S o here. th snow Is, afraid Hi.rr would hit lth a rock or soonor ,iail Ue roacUcU ,h t lh gone, and Commissioner SelU could tl... bar. Starr will not talk. Ui u,ltral """l"1 ,n MtI,to cotn' h WM a,,nr.,.ft,I .,, -,,, , proceed with tho matter of inspection , Ihirlng th. pt f.w day Ham- mandtnl by Cr.ptaln UodrlgiU'i. a well MwcIco 1ator ho was ghot Thu of tho rivers with dispatch and con-(ber in the miind hi. Ihtii liiCfanlly asking to known ortlcvr In the army of Dictn-'I,.. ,i". ,..... i ...!. n.. .. vcnlencc. Will you use your best ef-1 ty. Whll t.v nllo.l to got outside to help th ,or H.ierU, opemlla. t th north, i Inv csUkm ion. along with Its Inquiry tott& for us to ,cfsuntIe hlta to come j townships. Wid found tho tree, to be Into the cas of William S. ttenton. ,ms pre5ul n20nln; 7 L ..7IS "'" "' W"W8 There Is no InfestaUon of Um ti- northern part of the conn- ay. we cruised orer six Jlillltor Spill wood, rakd UV, IC. I.0.lrl.uei I..,l rali.n tllnn.r villi. Mm fullowlUR m niljauriimiiiil ukerm j, u udw bellvv.l thlx n w et(m ovenlng. and ankcd him to go tojtbe British subjwt who was shot by' f.w .rok uko. Ih Ivlatilallt rouiily j,tBrr a chimd to work. Tho men m, ui,! h. ih iii rr.n.i i .n.-vm... ... ,tn I . jij Ilk I I -.-"- ! ! VIMV W HU t WJfO i .AiiEriM, wtirrf li will iu in sranu Jry -in toimnw amuii mm. v,t.re given many nuortle by siwrin: folks nd nllwiel to bunitict mnllprn. up tint work of u .'t)KntliiE uistlrn) ,nv, nij wen. nllnwed tho u no of i rrlmlitnl In Klmniilh routity. ti, Jsll corridor. Prom now on Tn AIiUiii, A iiuimIkt of crlmliiiil subpoens thotiKli. llu-y will "ho conttneil to soll- MIm AlniPff Wing 1ms kiiiio In Ah- hao Ih-'Ii given Hhorlft Low for ir- nry c,iu. ImiJ, whpf 1ip (i ml nor motlior will lr', mid thU liullrnim ihnt thpro mo 'Id Thoy fnrmorly rooldoit thoro, now nmttem i ho rimnldortd. I 'M Tlinrr llrrr. VV. It, Davis, who won nno of thoiinmi on lln oily police forco. Wllllmiicpori, l'n., Is to liuvo u wo- SISTERS GET THE FEEL NO FEAR SPINNING WAIVES FOR TRAPPER" HIS EXAMINATION rum Malin. Frank Zumpfc, n well known resl- -ident of Malln. la here attending to , business matters Pine beetU ThU statem Hal II. Ogte. has been crutsl Crescent! since cember. They It has been estimated that during Klamath-Lake ForestN t was made today' by with Carl Grubb, the rlclnlty of flrst part of De- trtp for Ue tho present year 1,2-IS,000 factory. lion, to spot any hands in Russia have already partlcl-j festatlon. signs fire Assocla- if insect in- Early Swatting Is Best HIGHEST GRADES paled in strikes, lu addition to 215, 000 others Uho are employed In os itabllshments uot under the factory , ct. .SI'aitCIIING 1'AttTV ItUTUttNS.IACCCSKD HIU. 1.6TATE LX ItlXVIXt'UD THAT JOHNSON WILL AWAIT THU ACTION OF i Kill Flies Now Heads off Millions Later t AS A HI.MU.T, Ni:A Mi ItKVNOLDS WILL lit: VALKIUCTOIUAX AND si:lma will iik t'iss Kalv- TATOItlAN The patent office has reported a partial list of nearly COO patents to ItriUUKIII.V LJ'.IT l'Olt A VISIT. THKGltAXDJUltV IS ACCUSED I ucgroce, amoug them 27 to Granville THAI'S COLLl.CTKD of i:tmr..Lutr.NT In a few days they expectHo go to Fort Klamath, to cruise the Yawkey tract of lS.OOO'.acres for signs ot In festation. "There is about a foot and a half ot snow at Crescent, and three feet at Corral Springs," said Ogle. "At the marsh there Is about a foot and a T. Words ot New York tor eloctrlval . half, and twice that depth at Rocky devices. Many ot these are In usoll'olnt." ' I throughout tho country, one of par- Tho party sent out by tho shorlK's' Cluv3. S. Spinning, who was to ap-'tlcular value having been adopted by11 The license of the Japanese chauf- i .. .. ..- .. - -. .... I1-. .,... I l--f I-., .1 , A icur is vurricu vu uia sicvruig (hmh. o III iti to sonrch for M, H. Johnson, thc.peur before Judge Oownn this after iinUalui; trapper from tho llnrclay noon for preliminary heariug of tho Spring) country, roturnod to this city i charges of embejuelement preforrel '1..1..H k. iti. !..... ....!... .i..i i... ii.. ..MAi..M t.i... v.. i , c?u.. .....t...n w As li ttHllIt of llinklllg tlio highest ""1!' " iiiiiiiioiiuii iuih iiiumun ukuiiioi iiiiu uj j.ji, kjuiiii'i iihiivu m tho Hell Telophono company. I'NIVIJIIHITV OF OitKGON. Ku. ..iraltM by tho Highly .ucfu enm- !nvorKo during hor four yoa.s ot hi,.h , Jo .Using man simply went on a , am nntlor . I e will a alt tho action M-fr. Marrh 12. - Now Ih Hi., Ilino tolpulnns In nuvoliid.Vorrwtr, Wh- msIiooI, MU Nova .MolloynoicU haa.W r,,0" J uf ' u7' mhoM,ir "mln liIIIIK off tho onrllost spring lli.Kton. Ilaltlnioro nnd other big oIIIoh boon n.unoil ,ia the valedUlorlnn for Uho soarehlns party went over, SpH hluh Is accused i ot s?-S ..-act, pair of whirl,, If loft nlono. In tho ('..lied .Slate-., when. .mtlt. j ... Boi.lor An.., which graduates In Johnsons imp line nml found the .cloao to JSOO fro m Mr, Sfn hlle; " b miimmiiila fur million,, of do-'nolghhoi hoods hnv. Iwn onnl.lo.l to, .May. Hor sl-tor, Solum Mcltoynot.ls, traps collected up and put tn a Back. lnt, ns agtut In a Und deal. i..i.l. l,.,roll. , Au-,.H..Jv, l,,s,.,,,i..orm.,.Ul.ul..,mm m Ju.t o,, point behind her sistor Thoy then M.Itod his cabin and found. Th atxu.od pwlwU Ute Innocenc.. , I I. .... l.. ... ..... i ....... . ....... - ....- I.. .. -.i.w.n.1 nunro hi. rIih wnu I Is COOU ClO IUS KOtlO. With Work nC I "O SIIJH IUU .VIIUIO IIUBK IS a IIIISllll- ---' I I.F nil! IIIIIl llltll UUlt IIIUII I AH llltlll tflUtll! "I'i ' ii -i - I "Kelly's Army" a Joke iiuir iiinv iiiuii . " ""' lu trnp or polnon or "nwiit" roniparntlvoly few lllos. Dr. I lodge ""Voral liiiiuiriMl thoiisttud dosrond-lglvoii dlructloim for sliiiplu trnps, "it I'Ulrs during tho Niimmor. Any community In Orogou nmy uitmnii tiylosH If It will coiiNlsluutly oll'iw dlroctloiiH," Hiiys Dr. Clifton K. "Ik, prnfoHsor of social biology t Jt.itu imlviirslly, yvho nluiids rondy ' nd liistriirtloiiM to any orgimlsa ,ln Hint In wilting to umlertnko an nt.y niinpB In any nolghbor- U)0l, I'liHono, Moilfoid, Creswell, Port aim mill Poudloton aro Orogon vUIoh " Imvo promlsod spring fly inm '""Ki'H. Astorln, Albany, Huloni uud vrn uthur cltloN huvo cninpnlgim iimlvr coiuidoratlon, That success Is posslblo Is doiuon- which can ho iniido nl homo for (ho rapturo of tlicmi onrly putrs. 1 M !! O T1! A I.1 1 11 - .,......... ...i.. . itiekviiiif--k aire s ri.ir a- i-annBTini-ri thoson ns Hululntorliin. clothes Kcntlorod around, as though wnHiuiuuii, wmi m oo sinuBu.e.iuu (,.; aasave t-cs,jf i; -m,a i hiuiimiuim .liidl n fraction ot n point uohlml'.ho had changed clothes rather hur."' llm wlnni'i- of MOCflml honors Is MIkm irlodly for n trip. t ........ ... ....... .. . l'lma Kriillkn of Mnllll. Hor irraili. la Tli l.nllnf now U llml .Inlminii r.. ! AtltllOrUICa. in till) drug UUSjneSS Hurl, irnim im. bnllo.1. nml ono of noUuvorthy whoi, It hf taken Into con-jcolvod word from .onto fur buyer. ",";iul"0,"",hn ,, ?.' rBt,to at .iiiunuion iiiiu siio hum gouu iiirougu uitnor in kiui truucisco or t-ortianu, r - . thorn will fi'ouuoiitly cittrh all tho II I on around a honso or burn wlum placed upon a gnrbat.') pall or In a stnhlo window, luvostlgiitora luivo recently dlscov orotl that it lly Holdom trnvols fnrlhor' Ihiiii l.nno fool durltiK IIh llfoilmo. tho four your high school oourso In i nml 1ms gono to sou him regarding throo yours tlino. I luck Front VKIt. W, II. Simpson, who resides nt Algoinu, has roturnod front Callfor- I'lilii ninkos It posplblo for a limited ul. whoro ho lont sovoral months nroa o bo froo from lllos whoro neigh- visiting lolntlves. hnrhiK iirous may both ho nwnrmliig -" """ with lllos und mlnornbly nffllctod wlthMlow Home, Infnntllo narnhsls. chlldroifs stoin-! Rhnrlos (Iroy furs. not loss than "6,000, nud ther aro f;.d to represent an Investment ot f.-iiViOO.OOO. Tho annual rocolpts of thu supplies ot soft drinks may reach $f.0(). 000,000, .NowJn TncuuiM. i Lloyd Low, who loft a few days ngo! for Portland, did not romnln long lit! ,, ... , . ., , .. tin. Ro.o City. Ho la now In Tncoma. , rl'. l1",l' rn,lr0ld 8tBU." " tJ .nsh ami expert, to romnln thoro '"r,KWJt l Kuropo. It cost IS5.000.- "Tho' number ot 'unemployed' is tailed" a guard to escort than to Rita not as groat as people think," said mond, with a verbal Invitation to Ouy Merrill, who returned last night U?wrav,n' , .- . , , . . . . "Most of these bid aro 'paaaamc- irom u two o uuo.uD v..,. i lm, mi agitators, who drifted to Pan Francisco. , uch troubles, foyors nml other ills oasoa Hint IIIor curry. roturnod to Pine Orovo Wodnosdny ovoulug, nftor a khort Hojouru In tho county Heat, tor sumo tlmo. '000, nud hna thlrty-slx platforms. Australian pedigreed cows, pure 1 .,. , . A Moorish woman regards It as a 'bred cowh, pigs and white leghorn point ot honor to ho absolutely ig norant of hor ago. chlckons are being Imported Into tho Philippines, "Tho fact of tho mattor is, very few men who really want to work aro out of employment. I was at the Oak land molo when Kelly's brigade crossed from San Francisco. Chief Peterson of Oakland mot thorn nt the landing, gave thom 'tho once over,' satv that the greater part ot tho bunch wore men who would not work under any circumstances, so he de- Sun Francisco', expecting to. toad an cusy existence during the prepara tion for the 1916 Fair. "Times are really pretty good, I consider, and In my business I aotloed quite an Improvement orer a fa months, ago." Mr. Merrill had a very .uoeeatftri trip in the Interest ef kla atack tout tioss, and predict a good yaar all i the Coaat. II t2 BKft L.y mu 115 3 i Jr-it"