w f iteralii tvtft. i . KLAMATH FALLS' H 7 ' t' . PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER raaWMHWi siwwe x,jii aa . ,.jts-iagj :ecnussrsc: Kigali) V Am, kVM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1914 Price, Five Grata Forces in Texas Being Strengthened a "',''',Ta'yUi 1 STli? ?EtitttititA w a- . - - ,ifcnfa.wtr- x aw. MCLE SAM SENDS P PROMISES K TROOPS TO ' B BUY TICKETS Mil SUMS MUffl Judge Grosscup Talks About the Corporations One Dog Received at New President of ExpressOffice Tuesday; I Peru Assumes Office Seven Shipped Today CHINESE BANDITS FEDERALS STILL J.MKHW. iii;hmi: am: MVH.V III WHIN li.i:.u:iis oi tim; turn ami: I'UVMHCItl.VO rHih and Mnlli U'aalry Itr-' blt llp ttrtrlvrl Onlrr lui Crwrrd ' ritrJr I'trtwut Hli Ik to Traa, Wim Tty Will Ik IVI" i'" rituMWl uf tilt. U'iml CWIrw ThW. tUllruad Ihtlrtw I'Ulljr 11ml II,,' Will .Vol liip I'n-n 1'rmtMiMM. liun, WliU h t'amanl Vdo Cimnl) lo Abandon Plan ! I'lrp din Ji.lt. r Anil) Uik i,n Oakland Mini Oll.rr mio. Aioorid Hip IU), C4 It Hcrtk WAIMIINHTON l. C, Mih U.- jUnlttd l'i Hortite HACItAMKMll. lrrl. M-H ip. rlrl Ulf tiU) trial U night tt r di-panm-ftl today b.au jM,Wtr, ,,,, ,UrUM llri,ulpr. M titeiUf)li) '' border iirnl by iV 4iiip of mr lrw;. Tk Hrtcirnib Infantry, nuw ( fwt Wtl'brn'n. !afil; th Third kituboa of it Ninth Infantry at m ltn In Alkali', and lbs two WtuUwu el tin- tamo regiment at fart Tew. bp all btn urdetrd U Join the troop In the Department (Tiu, uaJrr ihn command of ln rl IWu. Ttt livparlturlit la aurrouudlbi ti Boltom wild grpt Secrecy. W)w (lstsal Wood, rhlef of tafT, t Wrier, coftBfWrtt lhf rMU I (ml li ckfn Of txl bait bll or- talilag Aulimioliilpa. fl. Cj t'twV m'twMlng tllp t'ase nr, U In ile ril) ulkln Cam rar Mtftl )rovrUtf aulo buyern. Iimih, m- urine I.Ikmi In ;,J,t ifuarfi. Ttw illrr m) ilm uiiniiln)fN , frMWtlMp. t'ttllrtt i'tota lUrvICa HACKMMNTO. Marrli II ri iratiM'OdMion in tarlau poliu. lih In a fB'lliu of Ofir tiWU bx tx;tt offptml ib arm)' ii ( MtivintiloriMl by Ilm orOrlaU of Volu cguuly, ThU It & ,. r Hi IX? Jkk 4iaMilBBH lit? ar!LBP BBaBBHJ lflr yWv;'PJIIJ f Y I'AltIK, Marcb It Nf mnatcr, vr or jii," or fti), nurli jom ulioulil ) ' ' eil at bi, Mi-iiront ufllro of tl.o tt'oiu t-'arKo prt rorrrany. ftr wtifii V V It II II R l-ftll) lllXtV fOl l!l t'r.t liuMit water kjwultl nt-m ,int tiy a KlRinnllt 1'aIU frlontl, i 'H I'm! out 'ihm, bill f;iiii fin' Urown wiivr ltiirl U lx of'lWni iillnil And lhrpb)' ImttK a tab nblcb lm a aliuAtlon irk" unto ilia on, vrblrli wonlrt hilo torr form by Kill l'rhi, llntlcr, 'iil ilm nation IftiiKh ovnr ''IMc la I''K " l.lkn ibo book ilm KCimit l n fxpr-.- olllco, but lntcal or ttulncA i!n, pupa a lev I lie tangled JiUto of ntfalra. Ijint iiUbt Agent 4- J- I'nrkcr took for iililpiiH'in to Mwttord a crntdon taininB ib aforoanM f b. . ; thli iiiurnlnK Ii" Inairuttrd his cleric, Arthur l-avllt, tbaW'thal diB' waa to f,o out on tlif tral'ii. I RtiMt you mmitt 'Ui doitu " obnorvnl leavltt. Vou bonrd mc lb flrat time 4liat dOR wna tlm julch rejotndvr from tbo imia. Well, which onn of thom, ten. and , lmt' the ntiwr about tbo other half ilorenT" Now, I'urkor baa lone been wont 'Stated on his way hotnu to assumo .Ir v iff I -'M- jnpjipppS aH!Pr'63aiBi KILL FOREIGNERS ' AND LOO! CITIES HOLDING GROUND SAY THE WIRES Itl'.lG.V OI TKItltOK STAHTS A.VBW IX CJIIXA Trraclinoun OOlrlaN Cunnltlng With ilaiauilrrs, IV-imll Tliein to Knler tli City. Capturi' .Women, Kill Jl, and Ket Fire to riulldlnfca nod Indiutrlift OnnctI by Foreign Iluil iifH Intrnxta. ATTCWPT TO ASHAH8IXATK KltTA ItEPORTEU 1IC t'nlted Pre Sortlca 8HANOIIAI. March 11. Dr. T. Froyland, head of the Swedish mis- alonarira, itnd nevcral other mUsioa (workers were killed, while at least a score vrro injured when Chinese tandlu pillaged and burned the town ,of Lao Ho Kow, in Hapeh province. Now a of tiifa latest outrage was talc en to I'ekin by O. M. Sama, a Nor 'wceian missionary, who esctfnd the - m w - . . uooort r.. Lgula, now prwident of wrath of tho robbera. IVru. bna Just arrived in tho United' Accordln8 to his storjr, 400 of tho 1 Urlletc tb ' "' . ' ... M , 7m7 Ti "'" "no' marauder invaded the town, this be- iiihiii romlltlon that not mum than . .... ..... fifty , l .nil to on0 rommiHilty. ' ' , ' w ' '"ornor. lo a Id "MI'Unt " bW( ""' luiii'" V.W ' "Wenl ,,miuK't had been of treacherous offlciaU. In addition L , , .. , 'rlrnu' 'r,nu "' rtorilou. .aid t pbl and reliable young 'trivt-n out- ills Interpreter has this ,' Z , ,,Z " ' , ,!.T " TIip mpitiUr of tbo army arn di- j.,tf (,,, tun of Chlraco. wbrii ho ..... . . .... , .- .,. . . t0 "Shuns tire men, many of tbo wo nt ............ . jiiK" '""""'i1 " virSu, iiu j, f lt ,,jne(j nnj chagrined to a) about tho new president and , .,,. ..i,i .... IIUralliK over ibU. TIip lMdr have W4B .u,, ,or hu ll(n0,t on trusts , ....... .... ,. ....,) .,. r,voI.lnn ,,., ..;.. . " I""."" wero corrlt,1 ftwa promt."! to mak known tifolr dp- i ii, ftiUwl Htatpa. The ludiso U ... . .,. ,.......,. ,,.- .,.i .-t,..v. . .. Practicalir ovcrr house waa pit rUlon boforw night. takJnc n tacallon In Kurop. wbre , ., ,.k- ,-.. .,... ir..iii,.t u-ii.n. .iaged and looted and then set Are. TliU follo-cd thp rpful rly to. ,p has rnJop.l blmwilf Kiatly. . ,.m,im, M. iir Tn,!i.t .a. ki ,.-,,.i . . . .. . .Tw tbousand coolies wero forced -...- ..-.-.,..., .-. .--..- , .., - ,., ... ww... ....i ...... ..B ..... Ill KM.-P. . .. iu; it ivuuvib day on th part of all Ibn railroad! In Iup trniupoilflllun or rarry tnp finp to oth?r point. Th naiv ,i, formo of taum. to carrj- away the Htrr lUay, II S, Woo. hu formrrly ron 4trd (U KUmalli Tub and I'all fMtcry, reiurnwt laat iilnht from Otituit, bstitie tradrd hU proprty tUf for ihrm lou and mi houne In 111 Hprltio aiblltlon Mm. Wood lll t hrro 111 ci lallrr part of Ibo w. Mr V(Xha ha unbounded ll!k la KUmaih Kail, and aaya that Ilk as liAtliic of bal is roinlna . " Hill f WIS" !! iff" HM ra tii' iitn liwt.1, ,p has tpturnod to ,UkUiuu ttl ,owrfow. lhi' a, adi '.stiu,u tiPl rnlnK of ibcst cor-irftl,.d a wtwful optical Illusion, and that be did not attain to the preslden-' f , thp'iH.mtluns oiiithl to ko to thr proplp In Uu ,.ui In nonio" telllnR blow for tbo'cy by a revolution. Obviously not at:plul:lae ilnniii ranrp causi but bo didn't. all. for Prraldnnt niiim.i,nr., ...i.,i,...i ramrnto and Yolo oniclal luid docld .ri, ,.i. .t.i i, ,,fr1l aiiln.l A clnnrp Into thn cratp raunod the m mnfc.. i,ir,,.if - ..-, , . iioum company and tho Hlnger SewinK ..,,........'.... ....r. . -- --- .-- ....t... Kj ,, uuu va r uu ., ' . ... The buildings of the Asiatic 1'etro- S a Ileanlt, Kitm Precamtloa Are Takrn to Gnartl the Person of the Dictator Itebel Cbnsml at a Paao Itenlrs the Story of aa Atwlhilatioa of Cnrrania Troop by Ft Jaw la Near Jlaiatlan. United Press Serrtco MEXICO CITT. March ll. Brtak fighting continues north ot TtmttitM, according to reports receirwl 'Urny.'. Thus far tho Huerta troop, 4000 in number, have held their ground against the rebels, who bare a fore 1.000 men larger. A rumor waj afloat this morning to the effect that another utUmpt against the llfo of Huerta was. plan nod. As a result a larger bodyguard has been detailed to protect him. United Press Service EL, PASO. March 11. The local rebel consular agent denies tfia re port from Nogalea that 2.S99;rbel wero annihilated there. rd opnd lb iiirn to Hay Point, ix-ar mntlcn1tr. Ik-Upvp It would tend ioftnmmau to throw up both liiyida, ruary.lth dUsolved tbo 'congress 80maohlno coinpany wero burned, while Oakland, oipr tbo Oakland A Antloeb rlrajH,M t,ri,iHcla aa pll a main- for In addition to the dog rocvited of course. ohad to do sotueth'lnE'!tho l'remlse ot the British and Amer- rosd. ,, w ., ,, 1.,.. i.i What I lail nlclit. Lhern worn six cniurr and h w t,i n, t ..,. . ...' lean tobacco companies wero looted vni.. '.n.p ... ". .---.. .-- ---. . -- - ,-. v., w. .UU WUUUt In tbo iiipantlmi' ths army J blv- t(f 8nt conieuencn, It would pro- blind pupa, and tbo brown spaniel Tbor? is nothing rjuecr about that. It ' thorn with mnturi.U is llablo to haDDon anvwhorn. ir ....i,- t . v. c.-. . v -... .. Jia.a.afc3 .lMk .V tl)9IVlll Sovcnty-four hundred and alxty- prln ltb rotd, and tbo itiomUr arp ,,, , crovttb of corimrato powpr'was llrklng tryInK to nptaap tlmlr apprtltc with m daiiKpnui proportions.". pride. a low ioYr of dread ami tiiacH roffpp, All President Wllson-should dissolve con- lliotlirrltiHMt Mrrlllig. "Thn Moral llPtU'riuulll of Klam ath r'alla" will b oiid of lint mattpr a iiippI- lux of iIip l'rpbtcrlaii llrothprbood "" Int tho Prrbyprlan church. Among tiioig, niolin, Hgnnt for tho Kord.tho ppakr will t. Hon. Henry l J-cler lompanr ha. Jui old inuring lllpntoti and V, A. Dohcll. A gen- lo (Hon Johnson and Circuit rrl Intltatlun baa Iippii osleiulrd to EARL C. CHANDLER NEW FARM EXPERT seven wero shipped on this grca here what do yon think you morning's train. fAa national banks have applied .to PARTIAL ECLIPSE would doT Senor Lcgua. being tho ,.,., ... .... ,..,.., fl Vln n U . ., .1 jUIU,ClflllliI ,U IUU lVUt,',ll ...t ,.w liivaiucui ni mo time, was reserve calUnl back from London to assumo system. They represent a capitaliza tion ot 11,001.533,554. which is 99.75. COZAD 8UYS A KLAMATH FARM (IIUFK1TH IU.VCII OX LOST BXV' r.It .NOW THE lOSSES8IO.N OF KLAMATH FALLS BUSINESS L.V PIUCE XOT GIVK Km n.rk tlporgo Cbastaln. i lip 111 r n of Ktainalh Kail. Recept ion in Restroom UltADl'ATi: 1P AOItlCUIrtlUAL ( il.l.lMli: HUH TOMOUHOW, iito.M siii:hiia.vtotaki:tiii: PLACKOI'MrCAI.L ihi Itrslil.tnrv ' , per cent of the capital ot alt the na- At this explanation tho wnor and;Uonat banks In the couutrr. Eighteen Ills Interpreter smiled In ovldent a.it. .-.... ..... ... .-.. 10 niitc TimincT c ion ftna whea a8ked wh)' ih " . 111 iJIIL II H II I I 0:re!ar' ,of ar. "efy vf-''". "1" ' ten have not been heard from. IU UUL UlllUL I 'pened to lose bis llfo during tho dis-f Pute. replied airily that thero was , c. . . ' .nothing very remarkable about that. ) l,ur8,ttr,' Meal " WASIIIXOTOV OFKICIAIJt AX-1 either: I When burglars robbed tho room ot U. K. Pickett ot Fort Worth, Texas. In th cabliiPl . (.! tl... l,..,,..,, ,""' "' i.-.uu-ivu ui uureau LU.V.VS VISION' .,. . ,... ... ',...,, ' . . . . drawer, but they stole Pickett's cork XOU.M'i: THAT A COMPLKTK "Ho was of tho. goerument, being OlksOUHINO OF m'nui: ix AUGUST Karl C Pbnndler, suecfljisiir to Max McUall n agricultural Instructor, and whon tli.i tlphtlni- Imc-A,, l,,. ci.1,1 ttith the governnient: so hoivas killed and that waa all there was to it." j "How many peoplo were killed j At n recent hearing before the nlntig with htm?" Massachusetts legislature on a propos- ? 'lih thp Pifrptlon of a fw minor 4IU Dip Wiiimcii'h t,- (loom In h Cb"tT of ComiiH,rro liullilliig "Wti worth wlilli, uccomptUlied 1 lh w''hi'. uivlo liaguo. In ortl,y umlnrUKlBi, tho Clvlo u0 rwHved tho moral and llnan " Mppnti fn o,o Mlnl.lrrlal Aa- WMIoii and u.t. Clmmbor of Com. "re. Th "ociatinn turned over nil HilvliiK t-nllttrllana to thn Clvlo rZ ,nr "'" "0 of III. catiM. lh ,, m,H'r r onierco gav lira.! r"",H rel h MldM jJW"! lo pay g, hwil ,, wa,er rJV'0 (im ,or funrUltlng th- ! UrTs" n C,V' l" " Hu .,. ,,,,,,,Br' wh,ch raallwd mcl.,,l, Mr.. Mary A. Jack- Mmiuliiw, ,0 punham Hie n.co.. ro0L!1,"""")"1 'or making the cr,u.. r,nb, na wmm roiu McMIUaa. ohalra A at' tbo Klamath county high school, J Unlled Press Service ,wlll nrrho tomorrow from bis homo' WASIIIXOTON', I). C. March 11. "Oh, twenty or thirty; It dldn't'od law granting suffrago to women. 'In Sheildiiu, Oregon. ' t u l dear tonight nuyouo living lniftu0"t to anything. Why. tho sino representatives of practically all ot .... . . .... 1.. M.laut. f Itliflti Ittil liannun In U'nalilntrrnn ! f ri i rtrkuPnt lahnc unlnna ennl'a In in Tl now iiiairucior 111 """""" N'nrtlt or South America and n nor- '"" " ." . .,...,, ,,.- .. . -..- -,.-- ... ... of 1.P Oregon Agrlrultural Collw., , A w, V ,1 so, Ho has been employed n ngrlcul- ' , ... . "a"" turnl Instructor for Yamhill county. "" n i" """ ol Mr. Chandler will como highly roc- tho moon. ninmoiuleil as a man otnlnontly fitted According u sclcutlats, tho moon Atatau.'. IT. ' I A si... T I? J r! I Thp now Instructor in a grnuuaie, ...,. ,..,, Alr,r, ,, ,n ,." num iappeu "IHCtldUVtC LeifflW ADDrCClclUVC 01 AMI UlVcn of the Oregon AgrlcuUnrat College., 4,, . ! Wilson retired tbu tongrei.3. as I havo vor of the-measure. Garry B Cozad Stephen Grlffllth the known as the Monday atternoe: bought fre: farm on Griffith ranch Tho farnLcbitalne about ISO acre. all underultlVatlon. and Is consid ered one of theXbest farms on Lost River. Tho purchase price la not known. Mr. Coxad btatea that he will take Immediate steps toward getting the entire acreage seeded to grain and grasses. . A bill for tho enfranchisement ot women In South Africa, which waa In troduced into tho house of assembly at Cape Town, Union ot South Africa, was beaten by the narrow majority of 43 to 42. it. J in .ponn d built a lib a) Q c(mnuo ,))0 R00, wU 9M. w ... I, Murrla chair, a leather juiu. nk mv Muf, tJonq ,y Mc(.n.lftltf Umu l)u, ,,,,, w Bt u.u n ,, nod n touch, charging onl for W)( com)i). 0 Mf CuttniUor ,.:n8tni H,tinUar), tlwu. Ccntrnl ttmo mntorlata and lltilo. . lmr of Uu, t,gh school onu hour mid mounlnln lima two Drug company worn secured nt a dl count. table, bio nml u touch, charging only for, ....... ... . ... r,i..,n.. ...... .... , ,. .,...-! the mntorlata and tinio. cw ()f ,,U1 ,,,,.,, ,C100i hor (Ull moUluin t,no two' Tho rw.in.-wHI no only bo for hu j CM w,, nm)u, IlttntvUl. I w , nlJJA " ,0 bt'Rl M n0W On August .1st. it waa announced! country, but win also servo as ,.,. nri11t,llrni .....irUor for ... ... J ' ..v, .. ., niootliia iiluro fur tho Clvlo LoaKUOi , inuiiy, moro win uo n ioibi ocupsa 01 ( , m, ."." ,U0.. .r.. . 7 'L ....Klamatli county. .i10 ..... i.blll M ,, smnli artlal 'MOVKU i:CL.IIKS THAT IF SUCH ccllpeo to tho northeastoru part otj North Amorlca hb far south nt Wash- Utrpeu row Vlrs uhf u "UB poitea rer ""'"""n'JliVMoryfrogath.Btar from ,.."" ..T.Mr" Bou and iuduIIm for until tbo now city Itall In complotod after which tlmo tho limguo will hold ,.,... .,,, Il.elr mtrollnga In the council chum- """ , ' ' . bera of tho ,,w building. '" ' ". ' J. Tho g.10 la oillcerod by Mrs. 0.- Uosoburg. who nrrj od I t , a city n W. White, Mrs. (lorry Co.l and Mra. J 1,,ft l"' mor? r.r Lou Hall, proHlilenl, ecrolnry .ml , ' Wool U vor conn ry. Mr, Pol- treasurer rospocllveiy, and tla.a0 ton a n.criMtcd In big atllo ranch ladle., together with the purchasing 'W"nK tlio Weed ranch. romBiltteo, dwlro to oxteud tholr nln- cere thank, to tho people of the comIm'u,,, ',g"'' munlty for tho hearty aupport given' Tomorrow Ik ladles' night at tho the league's offort to mako a Udlea'.BIk Club. Ah this. Is tho final on- tortaiumoiii. 01 una sunoa, iiiu mcoi bera of tho lodgo are making elabor ate preparation for thn evening. Ileit Itoom a reality. A. an evldonco of their apprccla lion, the league will hold 11 reception at thu now rest rooms on Saturday, March Stat, to which tho publlo will bo cordially Invited. This roceptlon will be In tho naturo of a formal ded ication of tho rooms to the ladle, of tho city and country. New Pliarumrlat, H. J, Lincoln or Portland Iiiih ac cepted u position with tho Star Drug company and began hi. new duties tho first ot the week, intgou, mid also vlalblo to Europe, j Northern Africa and tho western halt of Asia. IS Till: WISH OF THE MINKltS. I WILLING TO W.UVK HKCOGXI.j TlOX OF THE UXIOX Mil. Aualnil South. , Mr and Mrs. John Austad loft this morning for Ovenua, Calif., whore Mrs, Auatnd will remain some time m tho InstriRtlons ot her doctor. Mi Austnd will return hir in a lew dnya to mnko his campaign for vmyor on tho socialist ticket, Home Front Visit, Mr. nud Mrs. Archie Alexander have returned from Merrill, whero 1 hey spent, sovo.-al days VlsltiuK tho Dunulng family. United Press Sorvlce CHICAGO. March 11. President Moyer of tho Western Federation of. Miners today stated that ho would sanction tho cancellation ot tho strlko of tho copper miners at Calumet It, tho minora wlshod to .rosumo work. Ho also suggested (tint tho question bo submitted to n referendum vota of tho minors. Ho ulso said that tho miners would wuivo tbo quostlon of recognition of tho union if the companies would not dlscrlmluato ugalnst tho uulon men In tho employment ot minora. Falls did uot meet with general favor at last night's meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce. "We could build factories and plant ot our own with the money some of tho concerns waut us to give as n bonus to have thorn come here," said ouo ot tho speakers. A party at Uattle Creek, Mich., be tween whom and Socretary Wylde several letters huve passed relative to a woolen mill for Klamath Fall, wants tho city ot Klamath Falls to donate ISO acres ot land, djvlde It into lots and sell the lota. HI. prop oaltlou received no consideration whatever. The Bandon woolen mtlla asked would cancel Plants Want Too Much CALUMET STRIKE! Bandon Mill Ms This City for Large Present The idea of paying a big bonus to. the chamber to raise $50,000, and secure new Industries for Klamath I they would consider a proposition to build a mill hero. The secretary waa Instructed to take the matter up with them, and And out it the 150,000 had to be a cash bonus, or whether they simply wanted the local investor, to take that amount of stock la the en terprise. . A letter from W, O, Steel, superin tendent ot Crater Lake National Park, stated that the slide, showing the Crater Lake and the park war ready, and would be at the service of trie chamber on any date convenient. Directors Houston, Smith and letary Wylde were appointed a nit tee to arrange a suitable daio for showing the picture In tali eltr. H Sst&S ll mi ' Tf."3-1 ml sfKa fm lm MM m I fey -T