lEwntttg literal? KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OIHMCIAL NEWSPAPER "n i -i I n Tin -ii in . imwitfr jksset- .nr-jw- -J "-- rii"ssx ... ii i (i ,'Jglilh rr- """ KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1914 Price, Wvn OmM &h CITY 10 ASSIST ADVERTISING IN KLAMATH FALLS M(.m:v vii.i. : ivi:x this pNWBWM t a VM ' N r,,,r "r - H1.W ISiWIrli l This lUcli Hell- I'rh-r m ! I'lMMiiwil'wWf ttii(ti, I'iimw.I VoUn In law. tlaniKUl AM I" tViMljr Knttagrit In Hollos Ilie tVMlV ltc.i.irw. ttm Bll 8 l ,to IMthllcUy (! tUa l l ,''l l'X ' Klamath .mrx Io Vr"ilo tfor tho public liPta bo in ilm rlu of ih 'aiiaiii factor Intemallopat :tJtlo ma t,t4 UU lt'. "' " "y ri,uw , ,t.(pJ tu atii0iflalo money to tlm KUBia (.'hamhr of C'omrorrci for iinll oir iwouirn. A wcrtlon b Couucllmaii tUvlilK" tt Ike dl iooat JiOo to th kmlf of tfltiim w ailoptnl rvi)lii ihl. Council man 0mii ssoirJ for Um appointment of a com pjIiii io cofifor olih ilm aifitor of th KUmath I'liamtwf of Com srt iitfJlht tho iK'tnllnc of Oik Btoeef, etc Oft UU rommlttao Mrof Nlrholaa mtartl ('outicllmno Matlhrttnt Hat Mci" a4 TobienJ Th rounrll tdra ilxldnl not to lUvlgnalo tbn naoviii to t clvvn, aa yrt. Hhuuld Itti tatamtilto ilmm It aitiUablv, the iM'fo('lltl' mar tm Increased, CtrtMfnt tlpfi J. Walton a. pr4ir4 for tbn thambr of cobmmtc J al bi ipoVr of i ti nwfMllr of nub' tirfij- datlac thn nl to )cat. lie' Mi tbil Klamath cannot let thU o by. Wlon attu Matr.t (hat Itm chant Wr t( (ommrico mxclij an aptiniprl iiloo from tho cciuniy. II0 aUo tol4 if tbn frn(HxMl irfUI lvy for ral tut 15060 for a Klamath exhibit. "KUtaalt, rountr I lolba- to fall 46a brJ tint an attracllvo MMi U artanl for th fair," alJ ConBtllman Itosern, "Hltklyou cuw 1 Ii ratiln I1&.000 for (tartlclna-i Iks, ami untni. Klamath iccfa Itanlfj tout ilip tan, tho county lll not, n H tbarr of thn homooacr, bwUu inl intr-iora who will tl.lt tho rout " "Wo ought to ruftkn a ulart right mv tqwanl lKH)ki.t," aajit Kvhlit. Mtiihru,. tutttt;lfti that th coun H piirclu.n l&tooo or laO.OOQ.fiTV IIFXIM TWO TKAMH ANIhy Ibolr Jiimnmla for food. pn or nccriptivK nanifihlnta, to Nl frt-t'srcl by tho chamber of com ce, ami prrsonled to the chamber., 'The chamber nt Commerce ! rompoicd of men the city can lull prend of," n,j HavhUe. "I think the riionry niidtild he turned over to'i All the street of Mill Addltlou iHcm to ink., lutinad of prsenlltiKnro to he placed lu fcood umdlllou them lili hnokleu." jfor tho aiiinmvr. The council lat W'at lmer llrlilae. Tim trlilcn on KapUnatUi cronslmr IU Koeriimeul canal will nut be locrc.a a pUnnsd, TIlui followi m fonfurenro i,r tj,,, street committee of Ilm council wllli thn reclamation rlte. and found that only a lower In of six Inchon would ho allowml. California Farmers Are Forced to Sell Spuds KliitiiMh county potato itroWjir f fortiiniiio In that tlioy uro lu n ""'"'"i hold their potato ,cru,i, nllo farmers In a warmer cllmalo ' forced to sacrlflco tholr crop on ver.iippod market. I" Oallfornla tho warm weather '" C"H(I tho polntooa to rotnuonco "1'rontlnir, ami uu, grower who have ow holding lor n bettor price must ' soli now or let their cropa Pfout and rot. Tin, following telegram will Intoi l ilin farmora of the county 1 Anliluiul Krutt Htore, Klamath "" m. Poutowi arrivlBC ro vamaiim: m.ihti:iipii;'i: hao.ed iiv Hi'ri'itAdirni: to show m:it hi:vtimi:ntm LONDON. Mnrrh lu To Ihih' .r disapproval of dm I'miiMiuhi arrimi, Mary Itlch nnUou, it auffrHKolle, itnruniO'il beoud repair Vtaiiin palm Iiik, "Vnu." lu i Im National Kftllrty Thn tlla.li-ri'l"'" W .- At ISUII.UUO. Tin Minimi took a mi l rtioi tr. and iKifore the attendant mold Mop lior she ulntlmt thn taiiv nil tlint Tim gallery U -inJ today IS NOW OVER 1200 iu:h iii.HWNK made oain ivo week. AM) AUK "" m.aiii.v twice ah mimix.. a OTHEII I'AIITIIW REGISTRATION ltnl bntweu mi ocean of interflow wa ItegUtMiloit for Hi prlmarta nudr om, j,,,, Blj nU Brltl). , 300 tnt election reacnm i.si e,rtr,liaii officer villi gun and clubj, l(,0 .W tlo.,.4 a Uif cinift muiifr4 nfn nuKlu.m, ih urtny of Out uu- tisiunuy nuiii. of uu numiwr I.uu r mrn ami 534 mni. Tho lol irelirntliiti Ii) IOls folluM; HcouMlcan M 11 ci; 113 Woittnll IMmtCtata MpII 303 Women l'rlilbll..n M-n Women 1 HHiall. Men "33 Wouicii 3 I'ruarrMltc Mm : Wonirn I lM'rcloVttl Mm S3 Vomn 53 ItrfOM-tt to Ht.P . Mrll 10 Women ' CLEAN OP FOR MILLS' STREETS Hll'l. MK.V TO HI'KXII SIX HAh I3UAIH.VU AMI IV OTIIKK WAVHj IMI'IIOVIVO THOIIOI,lllirAIII.H.'Un.cd rrc'M srvlc nlelit orilereil two team mid four men to spend a week lu that suhurb KradltiK. nilliiK, otc. In nldltloii, a numher of Mills re Ideut hate volunteered to nlve their service lu thl work. Twenty women are lu tho Finnish mrlliuumil. nil soctlona. Don't sen any lintiicdl 11I0 chanceH for Ituprovemonl. Ad vino stnrtluB slowly. Will keep you fully advised regarding tluctuatlous. Wo look for betterment lu thirty days' time. Wolbanks & company. Mr. (IcIiiKor, manogor of tho Ash land Krult storo, recolved a letter from tho aamo company u fow days ago uralug him to advise tho farmorn to plant a potato that would market nt any tlmo at top prlcoo, Tho letter atatod that a long po tato would nlwaya bring more money than a round ouo, and that tho farm era should mako an effort Io grow only marketable potatoee, : YOLO CITIZENS :i OBJECT TO ARMY WISHED ON THEM ! i m:mi'I.ovi:i ..ivi-hed or posr ei'riri: unmsa Willi l.fflilr In Ja, Un-iMpliit-f A rinli-. Am Iti-iirKKlildiiK Com (Inliil. .t,,. Cuming I'ltiin Home I'liiuiMiiltn llmi Tltr) Am Not He llilt l'! n Will Of her Purtluti of the Arwj IiiinIIom IVi-uHar Un'led Press itertice I I OOMIti, Calif.. March 10, Tlilrlr iliirti, ltrllcr III he inrtlltirr of the Iuaiirit-,1 uiiritit(i)r nrioy, early lo Hldl ''"' d)UHiltel llin MtMloftlr aafc. Inim rmnl tillli "IM' In mln ami Ua.nw. Til) Ml In li,eti boggle.. Wll d Pros HcrvUa , HACIIAMKNTO, March ltl. I'ch m1,. u iiP,i t i,ar ihU act. 1,,,,, j,, Vo,i rouutr. io rcv-t tlurn (,.,,,.. ,-.... V()i., ,,,,., 'Wilu ik-oi!o nt IndUnant nt tho irmlMtKo brim; inaliilalni-d in present ,iilnialon of Hacrnmrtito. Thny nay lKn(-raini-nlo ha no rlsht to icuanl Ilm jbfli't'-. aud twv tlolrrmlur) that Yolo jahall not lr Intradod. In 0i mituitli:n Hacramcnlans arc frHlua: tanl ration to thi men. Tin (Itutttfon U not rrltlral until the Yolo jtr d-do what lh;y IH do, whn janothi-r conflict em certain. 1 IVar I nprt-9n-l that If ttip men ,irc tin')" lll bocomo dmpcratr, 'mill attack home In Drodcrlck. 1 Tho lati-t ritport U that the Thorno faction or I. W. V..', which deserted j "(SVnprol" Kelly' rauka, I anxlou to amaUamatc lth It Benin. ' Itnorennl.Mlon by nubattrcn otr. rrr U tirohablc today a u rmult of tho jnlllmt of tho IcaiUr. who will 'not b released until tho army leave this section, ! The men are- protestlnic that some companies hao enouch to cat, while men lu tho other companies receive only n fourth of n loaf of bread and itt little ron"ix. j Koii r or rln hundred men are scat iteted throuith the countryside. They are causliiK terror to tho housowlve SfOHTIVO DKiN IHKH SA.V ritANCISCO. March IO. W. W, Naiittliton, MHlng eilllor of Ilie i:ninllier, itml Ihe wurlil'a forrmoat nutlii.rlty ou Ilie ImhIiik Koie, illetl iiwlay. IK'olli was doe Io an at lack or limit failure, experienced several day ago, lien .Vaughtou ro muted from hi oltlnlcvt to hU home. Thui-Mliiy Irfidlea' Mghl. Thursday evening of this week will be ladles' night at the Klks lodge. Panel 111; and card will be tho enter tainment. lining lu l.illfortila. Ilydrographer I.oland Moslerot the reclamation service, lea tea In tho mornliiK t visit IiIh ranch near Woodland. While away ho will also go to Hants Cms. llrlghtenlnK Vi. Merle Houston and Johnny Hub bard spent n greater part of tho foro uoon cleaning up tho front of tho Star theater. With a gonoroua ap plication of mipollo aud elbow grouse, tho toy gave tho theater front a very amart appearance. Mom Front, Tho display wlndowa In the build Ihk formerly oecdpled by tho Uradloy HariioHs company are now bolng used by 0. K. Atkinson as show wlndowa for gonta' furnishing. Hero on Inapet-UoM. Spuclal Agent Drown of the Indian service camu In last night ou a trip of Inspection. He will spend soveral days at tho Klamath reservation. French Machine SSSifM iJiijlJBmB53aP' JBaBSfi-!2 Tl. V,h km. rrrl.l II,.. linUU llit IHBllO l Vlll.COUtllr. TbO ! . , . ., 1 ,, ., 't'hotoRraph shows Captain Des- lot acroplan? to audi a dcicr-o thatij . .. . I Itouchi-d of the French army, aiming th-y havo actually mounied a -.;,), gun. Tho aviator U Maurice Pro chlnn Kim w m of thum. ThU KunV0t wi,0 Is knomn Internationally viaa pliccil ou a l).;roti blplano Injaii n darlue airman. COOKING TO BE TAUGHT 6Y MAIL: r.MVI.IlMITV OK CAI.IKOIt.MA HTAUTH .1 U.Vigt'l-, HUT 1IUI.I' X'I. OKI'AUTVItK IN ITS HTATK i:.ti:xhio.v HKitvici: Uultcd I'resa Servlct UI.llKKt.Er, March 10. "What shall wo havo for dinner?" HoUMjwlu-s of California will have this question answered by tho Uni versity of California. Mis Marguer ite Coolcy, trained professionally at Columbia. Is to take full chargo of a correspondence courso lu domestic science, which will deal with tho se lection and use of tbu food in tho home. Among other things the classifica tion, compoiltlou and nutritive value of food materials will be taught, with consideration of the cost of various foods, so that menus may bo prepared In which tho different nutritive cle ment needed may be represented. and yet economy bo observed. Tho kitchen and the cook stove will bo tho laboratory equipment re quired for tho correspondence course In tho "Principles of Cooking." In this case will be taught tho relation of different methods of cooking to tho appctUlngness aud tho digestibility of foods. "Feeding the Family" will bo tho subject o fa third correspondence course. In this htudenta will bo taught how children should bo fed. COUNTY COURT TO VISIT PORTLAND ATTOBNEV FOB THE COUHT IN FKDEHAIi WAHHANT SUIT TEL EOBAPHS FOB THEM TO U NOBTH WITHOUT DELAY County Judgo W. S. Wordeu and Commissioner John llagolsteln will leuvo lu tho morulng for Portland to hu present at tho hearing of .tho war- taut cases which uro Jbp boforo tho federal court. Judgo Wordeu rocyftnd u wiro this morning from I,. U.Webnr, asking him to come to Forland at once, but tho message was received after tho morning train hadleft, so departure was delayed uutllWodnesday morn- Inif. Judgo. Mouol It. Webster has been retained to represent tho county court, while tt is understood that D, V. Kitykendall will represent other offlcors of tho county. Tho case was supposed to havo come up for hear ing Monday, but probably has been continued until tho arrival of the de-foudants. Gun on Aeroplane CITY POLITICS GETTING WARM hOCIAUSTS HOM CONrKXTIOX AND NAME CAXWIIATKS FOB THHKK OFFICE 'LKAYITT IN THE IIACE " At a meeting of Klamath Falls so cialists held last evening, the follow ling candidates were named as a party ItlcKet: I Mayor, John Anstad; pbllce. judge, Chris Edlcr; treasurer, J. W. Tyrell. A wnrm campaign will bo waged ,lr tho members of the party, and the 'platform will soon bo announced. Tho latest addition to U10 campaign lints Is the headgear of Police Judge !A L. 1cnvltt, which was shied into the arena last night. Leavltt has !held thU office for n number of rears.! 1 1 iiliti la thoroughly conversant with all itr duties. .MrAtlUter Bclunis. J. 1). McAllister rvturued Monday froru Portland, wheru ho wont In the Inter.tits of the Loyal Order of Moose ' Watson n Visitor. t Indian Agent Edson Watson Is (here from the Klamath Indian Agen cy, giving attention .to business mat ters. I Mar) land House Kills Suflruge I The woman suffrage bill was killed 'lu tho house of delegates by a vote of CO to 34. Tho measuru provided for tho submission of a constitutional umendmenV to give 'women tho right to vote. It was unfavorably reported. Two Jap Women to Vote Two Japanese women, millionaire residents of Toklo, have gained tho right tq voto at municipal elections through their property qualltlcatlous. Small Mustache Barred Tho wearing of "toothbrush mus taches" was forblddou to tho soldiers of Emperor William's bodyguard regi ment by nu order Issued recently. Tho roason given was that it was non German, In Dorneo winged creatures aro en countered whero ono would least ex pect thorn, - Flying flsh tho sUe of herrings are found In nil tho wntors, and thoro Is the flying fox, tho well known fruit eating bat, which the Malays call "gruang." Women are excluded from becom ing rural letter carriers. In Its In structions to applicants for the rural carrier examination, the United States civil tsorvlco commission soys; "As men uro desired for appointment to this service, women will not be ad mitted to the examination." Tricycle taxlcabs have been Intro duced Into aorniany with groat auo- UPPER KI.AMATH LAKE NAVIOAHLE ONCE MOW.: BEMODEMNO HTEAMKHH Upper Klamath fakt Is now open to navigation, according to Captain Calkins, who modo a trip to Eaglo Itfdgo, Odessa, etc., Monday In tho mall boat. Spray. In preparation for a busy sa- son In tho sand trade. Captain 'Wlckatrom Monday launched tho rebuilt steamcr'Modoc. Tho steamer Eagle will soon bo painted and put In commission by WIckstrora. BOOSTER MEETING T'S DATE .MUCH OF INTEBKST TO THE DE VEIX)I'MKXT OF THE OOCNTV WII.I, B EDIftCtu'MiED HI LOCAIi ENTHUSIASTS A highly Important meeting of lo cal people will be held at the Cham ber of Commerce tonight, when a number of important subject will bo given consideration. Kapdclal atten tion will bo given at this tlmo to ad vertising Klamath county's reiources. It Is planned to take Initial steps toward a creditable exhibit for 19 to. Besides, tho question of booklets will be talked over, and aUo the advisa bility of Klamath county exhibit at Ashland and at Dunsmulr. TRAPPER MISSING FOR SEVEN DAYS .MEN ABE SENT OUT TO LOOK FOB .M. It. JOHNSON, WHO LEFT HJIS TEXT AT BAHCLAYSPBINGS TUESDAY' According to information recelred at tho sheriff's offlco today. M. It. Johnson, a trapper, who has been wintering at Barclay Springs, has not been seen since ho left his tcut last Tuesday. When ho left tho camp Johnson's Intention was to go to his traps. He told 'iJabe" Taylor ho would see him tho following day, but as yet has not returned. Sheriff Low has ordered a search, made for Johnson. Iibor Unions of Gormany report an Increase In membership of more than 150,000 within tho last jcar, the grand total now being In excess of 2.500.000. There are 3,167,232 widows In the United States. If your houso Is vacant Tell Tin- doll, 622 Main TONGH Want Underwood or Stahlman Uy W. Wltli tho iissurauco or Klamath Falls' baseball toam In the Northern California-Southern Oregon league. tho grout question of a manager for the team Is one that must be settled In tho very ucar future. Upon the selection of a munager, the success or failure of the team Is determined. There are two men and probably more In Klamath Falls who can take hold of the proposition and make it u financial success. Theso two are C. H. Underwood 'and At Stablmtu, Doth nro experienced ball players and both know every dtp, curve and auglo In the great national game. If either can be Induced to take chargo PETITIONS ARE PRESENTED TO MURRAY TODAY NKAItl.r MIX HUNDKEI) AHK HIM TO HE CANDIDATE ,Tliu Far, tho Former Newspaper " Man Contends Tliat lie Dora Not I 1 Hanker for a Maaddpal Job To Supporter, He Ha HignMed, Hhi IntcnUoB of tookJag over (Htaa. lures, aad He May He tu the Race E. J. Murray was today forasaU ' presented with eight petitions cob-' taislng tho name of G88 voters of all sections of the city, asking that he become a candidate for the office of mayor at the election to be held om May 4tb. The committee which has charge of circulating tho petitions promised that If Mr. Murray would consent to ran, thoy would attend to all of the work of circulating the nominating petitions, and sco that bis name was placed on the ballot. Mr. Murray stated to tho commit tee that he did not destro to be a candidate for any office, bnt that the petitions would be given proper con sideration. Ho said that lie woubt wait until he had gone over the named on the petitions before mak- Ing a dcflnlto decision In the matter. loBaa Visitor. ( William Welsh, a Yonna Valley resident. Is In the Falls today. In From Bonanza. William and Monroe Lytle are In the county seat today on business. In From Foe Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moore are vis itors from Poe Valley today. . Mrs. Charles 8. Spinning left this mrontng for Portland, to spend a few weeks with relatives. tHox Hall Alley. A box ball alley Is to be opened jby Mills & Frey In tho quarters oc cupied by their shooting gallery. Ed Gowen III. Edmund Oowen is confined to hU home by Illness Ho will be forced to remain in bed several days. Poe Valley Rancher Steve Griffith, the well known Poe Valley rancher. Is making a business call on tho merchants of' this city today. Finishes Special Work. Harry O. Gunderson, allotment sur veyor tor the Indian service, left thU morning ;for North Yalejni-., after spending soveral days at the Klamath tacArv-itlnn nfl1imt!nflf a ntimhAr of I old nllotsments preparatory to the final allotments to the Indians. as Manager Ii. Dulil of the team It will be an easy matter to sell every sharo In the proposed biteball association. , The public and players alike would hr.vo every confidence la the Judg ment of either of these men, and the moment one of them Is made maa agcr the very best local material would "get out and try for the team. Nearly every business man ta Ue cjty has expressed willingness to bask a ball team It either Underwood or Stahlman can be Induced to MUf It. " ' It seems one or the o take enough pride the etsjr to 1 antes class "A" Mtsewui ay asstf , ji tag tae management aw mm ' i M 4..1ll t ' X