Euming llralli KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS - TXjS1 - , jtnt ur UlRtillt Vrai '' U.IIIU KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1914 CITIZENS AND JOBLESS ENGAGED IN PITCHED BATTLE MM .uijjiu'J'"i''"1',i"i"1"iiij'11''"' r""Trri nninrnr nnn i. jAfjmii NMSWSiMViiiVwyySMMWWySV mhv SUFFS OPPOSED TO UNDERWOOD'S RAGE FOR SENATE . H Ml M' t'.OIIMHIV ,IIHHr i'mmiii i.iMiHm UM-nliiK ! I' " CmmmIii ( IJwl IUII. l III ltllS Out Plan In IMn ri.itrrMiM WIhi tin IVll'P Out t'UUtf Allll lll lu U'miirii llin lliglil l Vtilr Mr. sIiah U 1'irwnf. I tu4 l'r rjc ltlttMIN'UIIAM. AU., March - Wvtarh ulTfaisrHr ( -UK tf a lo Wj rulilrfFMr' here trum r4 to te n lKlM11 l l!r"lrillh Fndrrwood, U.cj 4lrpl that lit IHwIllotl elul UHfrtS' "' M t'lpdelne Uf jr(a.ii!r party slut II. m it' r.dM f" lt kppp Mmi out if iln t'ntil ituiw uaIp, for which Itf l feotr t fatjillilMn. . Tlt tjuHim, hine, ratur.1 , M.rl.t t( a 4tvUW.Ul ill the ratiU, for Minn l Hip iMfMiiM't nettf nti u(h Alt kllncV would nut hav tl III tst wi hi tlinr-, inasmuch a tt ulc u nnt )fi lroni:l)' ir-(- ttttlK lf Anns Howard Hhw slid br hold from iIip national nurrrmtnil" t.riftHim Mem on hand wbr the rubtrtilloH mi railed lu order tudaV Tim tortor, .liilirt it trcrnl painful Injur)-, (r(ittilr. to lake a trading ttt lb Ihp font" PllCe, Tl) mute radical ilrlcicalrM today tl.oiir.hl tlu an artlrc Mumping rm. film lor lftiin At again! Urnlpr ck4 tumid tw the proper Wdlclhe I" ltljr Id I tin Irft.lrr of lltit (lrmoffrtllr tanj.ifll) of I ho hmii, BM UW1 VALLEY EXCHANGE. THAI POIITIUN OF THE COUNTY HAH m:i:X WITHOUT IHIIMT PIIONi: t-OMMUMt!ATIO SINl.'K tiii:iuva.s. fiiii: , Hy Tttrailay etenliig l.angelt Val ley will RKnlu havo a direct telephone ttnecilitii with Klamath Kails, if. It. lUibrrtMiu, itmuager of tho teplton fnintmiiy, and hU -hrwt linr, tmflrr Ki'lieruuit, left this iniirnlng itaitia, whem they tixiect to amke llto "-fnry (oiinectlon. Hlncn ilm recent fire In llanaiua the l.n Valley llnu m been out of rainitilaaloii incept In ensi-s wheru th upstages hav heeii repented out f lloillintn. I'ulk (llren GimnI Plato Jiweph V. Folk, solicitor of tlto ltti ilepartitieiil, Is to hero mo rouu Hlnr of n, interstate Commerce Cuminissliin nt n salary of f 10,000 a y('r, Thl is twice his present salary Drainage Expert Comes D.WJurpoy to Arrive Tomorrow to Go Over Plans . V. Murphy, engineer In clmrge ttrnlnago for tho reclamation ser- ' " I expected tomorrow from WimliiuKtuit, (o luako n study of tho local dralnago probloms. He will be nru several days. 'rite local oftlcUls of the ssivlco Blti BASIN SUIT IS FILED AGAIN IN THE COURTS mm . i ll,lll,l HlliMAH NAM! it Is I defendant I'lilloitliii; r,rMiull..ii. Ii) Itrlrn.i- lit 'Iirtiifrr lli. imm to Hi,. I V.I.I I Court. AHi.iup) for ilm rinlulin Wllll.ll.'O till .till. HI, Mini l.-lrt) I II.. I It W tilt KUitu.lli Man a 1'rtH) hi llix Hull. ll.x uii nl Mrs. M-nselo I'.-artou acHil III" IIIK llaln l.uititiTT font (att fur Itu.uud ilamacr. i okbIi) ill ilm i-ltftill rtiutl. A n nimnlaltit u4 rilnt llil iiiottiliiG It) AMnriii) W tl A ll-titipr, irnrrtiiiit: Mr liMrx'tt III Ill II" artllMI. Oliarl" Tltmitut, l4t it. a lniilliK r.iiitratt lur lli tile llailn, U liain.'.t a ti ilclniilntit alio U'ltltx In llto iit.f) til Ilm r)mta It)- ll iitnttilt, l'rr(m nipt with lu JiiiImb at I tip lirlm li'Keliii tAittli dial ii.i i. i.i .i it. nt, ..ii.ii VM14t-M III III M.M..H . ! '... I'lHtH llero lltnl llirro a lit titil"T . illl"lilrtlt fur III" liaiullltlK of till! lot", ami tlml alllmiiKti Hip f.ifriiian Vnp that IVnttou not ptprl iPiirwl, Iip npnl Mm to (lu ilalij-ortiu work, TltU nrtiun OIihI tttiout a wrrk n, lHin thti groitliit Hint tltP cot. rrrn ftirrleu cnui Hon, Utonr ' A'lalp, a It nltitrnp), mal irpl nratlnn tu aW tt rrtmnnl to thn fl rl rourt. In ortlor to hoUt tin" uritun t tlt Iwal ctturt if iUIp, Urnnpr tlUmlwpil Km fnrntpr ult, nnJ liaturtl a lH"al man a K I'arl)' ttefpnil ant In lite Iip niip '""'' 'S'1G J MAN AVAItli:t A JIIIHIMENT ON MMXlltllH' MEN FINDS THAT Till: MMJS UKIti: AM. SUEH INTO I.UMIIEU . i Hull Hi rvurr I36S.55 was com' IttPIICitl BKnllKt tho HlK llaalii I-ti tt tier tHjinpait) lodny by II. 15. Ilnnsber ry. Kuykeiitlsll & Ferguson n-pre-tent hint. Acrortllng to tlto complaint, lu re turn f or sen Icen rendered, llansberry " cotiplo nf yonra was nunriliHl a jtidgutpiil for tho amount Involve! on a loggprM' lieu ngnlnst the Innes Clark l.umhor company, which plant lin Imh'ii merged Into tho Dig llaslti compniiy, llnnnberry alleges Hint tho loga allnchedawere snwed tip by the lllg lliuln, nnd his jutlgmeut left tin Hntlafletl. To Merrill Tomorrow. Prttject Mnnngnr J, C Camp kiw to Merrill tomorrow nfternoon to give attention to Imsluesn matters. havo completed plans for ft ttyntt'tu of dnilimgo for llto UmI unit of thu pro. Joct. It In for tho purposo of going over Ihcso plant, and passing upon tho most feasible method of carrying away tho drainage that Mr. Murphy Is coming to Klamath Falls. Show Girl and Indian Chief Get Marriage License in New York KmmmmmmmtKmmmw .tfBSSSSSSSSSSST KKKKKKKKVTIHSSSS BBBBBBBBBSl SSSSSSP!vVLSiSSSSiSSU-.aa BSBBBSbiB'. 'SS BBBBBBBBBm BBBBBBBJBSBhnVJLjrv 'BBBBBBHBSte bbHbHKDKl 1HH ,m1JHbbbI BBBBBBBBBBS&tu 'X9Hfl!BK JbHbBBBBBBBBbH IBBBBBBkPlBBnPi BBBBHLKl f f fV. BBHbbIbBbB BBBBBBBHHHilBwirrMV -IBBBBBBBBBBBH iiiiiiiiHHni tti 4a'BBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBQEffvHBB: mkm4 ? vH BBBBBBBBBBnKHFli i 'iMbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI BBBBBBBBBvBBBBBBb1bbViK&kBBbVhBT43 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa BBBBBBBBBBvP'4 'TnW 1 SBHbBBBBLIbBH kBBBBBiyK 1 9BBESBBBbHbbB BBBBBBBBBBBBHGhBSi ; tlrT 4 " fflBBMBBS' K 9SBBBBBBnBlBBBH BBStBBBBBBBB-A'f.3ifeai' tBBBBBlBBBBSBBBBSBBBBl RBs i!BBBBBBBBVvBBBBBPBwBBBBBBBBBBBl IK . fBfilWiiHflBBH wllHPW;J4lBBVHiBBH BSKVl-jr? JBa& VT Bnr?BBBBBBBl BBia:n,i--i gu ? tfKiw&SBBBBBH iBMaV. v BKt. ' " -p?v? J SigBjBBBBBl ti. i-.HIi - bIbbbV IB, &SB F.-r V'-lfWBBBBBH BBjSt fSMOvr, BBBBlBBBBl BJBMmEk I JK -J i ii Citiuullran, who nays lm Is chief of lite Apaiiramti trlbo of Indians in Cttlll, lit Koine to od XIUs Cecil Ilur tiui, n show Klrl. They ncnt to the nmrrlnKe Ikenno bureau In the New Yurk city hall tho other day arid got n Itcpime Of course, a very large rritMil untrhrd (lieiu. Mini for n time It RiPiiieil that many police might hp to tip ralleJ to clear the way for ATTORNEYS WILL APPEAR IN SUIT! TWO KLAMATH FAMJi HAItlllS TKItS IX POIITKIND TO ItKPItE SENT DEFENDANTS IN COUNTY WAItltANTCASi: At(t)ine)U l. V. Ku)kendnll and Herbert 8, Hulu left Kuudny for Port land, to appear us counsel for tho de fense In tho Injunction null tiled against the county coutt and other Klamath county otUclnW. Kuykondall representa County Clerk Delip, Sheriff Low ami Treasurer Stomtvus. (Inlo nppimnt for Clinrlet F. Stone, at torney for hoimo of thu big wttrrtint holders. tt Is undortilood Uero Hint Lionel D. ttVlmler, nt ono tlnm circuit judgo here, nnd later county Judgo of Mult nomah county, has been engaged ns counsel by tho comity court In this action. Tuft luil WiUon In u.mitguiluu article former Pres ident Vnfl prodlcls tho ro-elcctlon of i'reHldent'Vilsou If moasunw ndvo cntetl by his administration bring hou out to the country. Ho pays tribute In tho wisdom of tho caucus system, nuil hh)h Mr. Wlls'ott possesses a mas terful porouallty, Unit erslty Usee Wlrelese N Wliolt'Ha luesfcngos tiro being ex changed dully botweeu Washington university, St. Louli, nnd tho Univer sity of North Dakota in Oruud Fords. Tito students ut the North Dakota University huvo already established commuulculion with the University of Michigan. them. Ml Ilurton says slio met the chief in Wlnnepeg a year ago nnd felt In love with him. Her homo Is In Mary land, but she has been a New York for some time. The chief, who is 35 jears of age, looks much like any American Indian (and dresses and nets like one. nut since Indians of any kind are seldom seen In New York, ho has crested much Interest POWER OFFICIALS VISI T THIS CITY PHUSIDKNT, GENERAL MANAGER AND STAFF COME IN FROM VltKKA SAY VISIT IS INSPEC TION THIP Thn local ottlca of tho California- Oregon Power company received a call today from four of tho big men of tlto company, who nro making a.1 trip to all the cities on tho California Oregon power lino circuit. Wholhor anything more Insignifi cant than a regular Inspecting tour is behind their visit could not be learned. Tho party consists of Presi dent J. V. Churchill, Oonornl Man ager Alex J, ltosborough, General Superintendent 11. L. Walthor and Consulting Engineer Sidney Sprout. Canada Appropriate for Peace For thn purpose of paying the ex penses of her representatives to' tho Hundred Years of Peace celebration, Canada will upproprtuto 125,000. Pre mier llnrdvn nnd Sir Wilfred Laurler both Indorso the appropriation. Decline Chlaa'a Offer After several conferences with Pre Ident Yuan 8hl Kal. m. W. Rocko hlll, former nmbassador to Turkey, declined tho position of general advis er to tho Chinese President. Mr. lloekehlll was minister to China for several years. llebekntts Will Practice. Officers nnd Membera of Rebekah Prosperity Lodge will meet la I. O. O. F, hall tonight at 7:80 for prac tice In Initiatory work, LONE STAR MEN ; MUST ANSWER TO U. S. FOR ACTION .Mi:.ICA.V IUII) UK FVI.LV I.WKhTICIATKD I'M-l.lrnI WIImiii TrIU Catlrrn at llir t Wliltr IIiium" Tlint Vnlriui Oorcroor I !tt C'ol.iillt nt Onrr Voluntren an K.lanall(.n Tliat I Saelfaclory llir (Jorrruititnt Will Tclrcrapb -..r Our. United I'reas Service t WA8MINUT0.S', I). C March S. The authorities of the stale of Texas j,oor of the buitdlng. collapsed, bury i inut sjututnti the reiponslbllltr for hat the safety deposit vaults. Accord Hie rvni Mexican raid by residents ' lag to officials of the bank, these con of thai tatu. ilalned $1,3 49,4 ii. I'lilfcd (lovtruor Hen Colquitt vol-1 'unters Immediately to make a satis- factory report, President Wilson will 'personally ulog:raph him and demand i uch a report. Wlliton made it plain to tho nets paper men that be will not consider the object of the raid. If tb rangers Invaded Mexico, he Nays, It may be 1 neceaaary for the government to offl daily dUavow the act, and rebuke tlio4 permitting 1L PHENOMINAL RUN OF CATTLE MADE HKSflTK THE DUMPING OF NEAR. LY 3,000 IIKAD IN ONE DAY. I'ltlCKS DID NOT FALL, BUT KEPT HIC.HT UP. (Herald Special Service) ' PORTLAND, March 9. The cattle run Monday was tho largest in the history of tho yards. 2.700 head be ing recelvvcd. Price eased off but almost regained their former level Tuesday. The receipts tho latter part of the ueok wero light. Best steers selling throughout the week at $7.65 remain steady at this price. Swine liquidation was also large, choice light stuff closing at slightly less than last week. Tops dropped to $8.60 and $8.60 Monday In bulk, with three loads at $8.70. Tho week's range averaged $8.60. which is about ten ccnU un der February lovel. Sheep house activity was limited by a short run and the trade absorbed everything in sight greedily. Both wool and sheared stuff was offering, with prime fat wool lambs selling around $0.80; wethers. 6.75; year lings, $6.00, and owes, $5.00. A differential of 50 cents was made for sheared Bluff. The sheep market has a decidedly upward trend. Eight Hour Law la Effect Tho new model eight-hour law la now In effect In Washington, aad wo men workers are given a shorter day. Tho law provides that no woman un der 18 years old ahall be emplpoyed boforo 7 a. ro. or after p. m. Laun dries and aorao other public service companies threaten to raise price. Moderate priced restaurants are pre paring to rapUoe their girl help with men. Iiodge Meetlaf. Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. P. ft A. M. will have work la the third de gree at tonight's meeting. la aadU tlon, refreshments will bo served, aad a social evening eneat. Manufacturers ot greea houses and makers of boxes are getting la touch to that th Utter may as far box cleats the cypress wast from the greenhouses. NINETEEN DIE IN EARLY FIRE mimouri ATjirrnc cixn and OTHKK HUILDIXaS BURNED. OVKIt A MILLIO.V IX UL'IUKD VAVtVM ST. LOUIS. March 9. Nineteen men aro bcllvc! to bo dead as a re sult of tlto Are which destroyed the MUwurl Athletic Club earlr thia mornlnK. The first started after aid nljcht, and It spread to rapldlr that escape was soon cat off. The guests at the club crowded the windows in an endeavor to escape, and twenty reached safety by drop pins to an adjolnlnf roof, uslnc a ope made of beddlnr The Boatman's hank. In the ground MANY BAPTISMS ARE BEIN6 HELD D.1ILV IMMERSIONS AT THE BATH HOC8E, I.N ORDER TO BAPTISE ALL THOSE COMING INTO THE CHURCH The baptismal ceremony has been used frequently within tho last few days by Elder Harland ot the First Christian church as a result of the number of additions made to the con gregation since the Putman revivals have been In session. For several days past, there have been bapUsms at the bath house, and today there were three more converts Immersed. Among the additions to the fatth are tho follewing: Louisa Uhrln, Nelson Hall. Mrs. Aivia Hall, Wade Short. Fay S. Goddard, Miss Krai Montgomery, Minerva Bell, Mrs. Nettie Gerges, Dorris Viola Bell. Pablo Doplln. Mrs. A. O. Bell. Helea Wlrts, Mrs. Edith Harris. Harold Stanley and M. L. Miller. Good Team at Star. Van & Davis, eccentric singers and dancers, made a decided hit at the Star last night, though their late ar rival made it necessary tor thea to put on their first performance without a rehearse! with the orchestra. Their work Is snappy and their dialogue stuff fairly new. V. C. T. U. Meeting. Tho regular meeting ot the Women's Christian Temperance union will be held at the Baptist church Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. All members are urged to he present. FlBoFtshlag. Harry Egan, Richard Browne. Ross Nlckerson and Leo Houston cruised to Keno Sunday on a Ashing trip. The boys report a fine day's fishing, with about a doxen nice trout to show for their trip. Toxin Causes 7 Deaths kedatno Will Neo United .Press Servle LOS ANOBLES, March . Seven are dead aad another dying from th effects of Neo-8alvarsan, wjth whleh they were Inoculated at th Los Aa geles county hospital, Th eight war Inoculated (or sp. ello blood diseases Saturday. Fear UNEMPLOYED ARE DISPERSED BY SACRAMENTANS KELLY, THORNE AXD OTHKK LEADERS JAILED Militia From Xrerby Towaw Seat to Saojtto to Be la H utile see la Caee, of a Riot Order for a Scat terlmit U Obeyed, aad tae Amy Scaled tae Feacee of tae Stockade. Are Worsted la BMrwtee. United Press Serrtc SACRAMENTO March t-Tae aa eaiployed agata retaraed to the let, ad shortly after aooa aiileraers wae asked of the Sre dtsaitsaeat, to clear the stockade with the aid of hoee. At first the aagry ssoh refaeed a badge, aad started to safac It with the officers, aad a head to I lowed. I Alter eererel leasee of the saoh started to retreat slowly. It , thea broke lato a raw aatfl It reached Becoad street, where aissiikeri af the retrsatlat; arary to threw hrlcks aa lato M After the crash several ot th aa employed were foaad lytaff oa the streets ae the issakt at Mows i tered hy the seek. Ne lyhart,! Govcraor (order oat she : tie aasHy an eVtrlac th army lato the M thaace acres th Tata coaaty. SACRAMENTO, March . Th police early this asoraiac arrested "General" Kelly, Thome aad "Roagh neck" Teesdale sad about twenty members of the army ot th maam ployed, and charged them with vag rancy. The balance- ot th anay at this time was not molested. " At sbont 11 o'clock th aolle agala swooped dowa oa the stoekae. aad ordered th army to scatter. Th po lice started tearing dowa the teats and demolishing th camp. The members ot the army scram bled over the fence aad scattered la all directions. Later th army re turned to the stockade, aad attempt ed to take an American tag from aa algtator. They surrounded th po licemen on duty at th camps, hut other officers arrived, aad hy th fro use ot night sticks rescued th threat ened officers. A cltlseaa commHU ha aaa formed, with the declared iateaUoa of forcing the vast mob of unemployed to return to San Francisco. No opaa threats ot violence hav heea vetoed, but the city Is reinforcing Itself, to be ready la event ot trouble. One hundred members ot Battery C, National Guard. Stockton, arrived, this morning, while militia compaalea from Chico, Woodland. Orovlll aad Marysvllle are expected to arrive dur ing the day. Governor Johnson has been aotUed that Nevada state police will ha avail able Is needed. SaJnmi Prt-es Fatal died befor midnight ataraaf a4 three died puaday- The toxlne was delivered la.taa usual seated tabs la whleh tt to teat from Germany by th oataaaaaaT Br; Paul Srlkh. HsspHal Uv that that basic csaaa after I saaead , thiaagh asreral car KrS '&' ii?,! SHES a:r.x rw fT?-Q?Hr,9 1 I?