KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS ataaetr rwwwwsw - iMiiiMiaiiniuKR. MiiiKj wiii I'r-mi-iin m . .-.. n KbjMh Vrsr - '" hMl KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1914 Huerta Is Preparing to Lead His Troope . asi - ------ - -. , . , n rt .... VVi'iIYWVWMV JUWUTAV ,.w...........,ww,,.w,w.w,...w.,lWw, n .-.-.---L-.-j-L-.i-i.aru-u-Ln--L-j-uVLn-nj-m i officer .awaru SAYS BENTON'S CAMPBELL 10 BE I0DY DESTROYED. 0UTF0RC0.JU06E James J. Hill Leaving the White House After Talk With President SHORT COURSE LECTURE COURSE DICTATOR SAID p,Vl.tlH sllOOTIMl WAS XOT oHHI.HKD ,tintUM l" Hf ToM Srmr llir Illic it Mr ."" Hri MhIIH llin'ugli lh :llln.iu. Ililahlmt Tlwtt by Thl He Would Gala t'rumttiUm, Hap TrnMil' of ll-unU It lUsk Irnit'l tH4 I'm lnlce lOt'(H.AH. Aft,. Msicti Ar lofJIaj In fM officer who were ui.poitr timt hih pirrmuAsJ wh.i. mkiv m: OCT loMn.t JihUp it. (liinilih I M fu.kr li CiKi ('lll'lr-J Kr uii Ititti lur the Nominal Inn, Il I l'NlrtliMH 11ml (Jrlnilli WIII Mir III AnMnuiirrltioul of I'nuitliUrt lit a Muni flute. Il I Wj pmuable Hi a I avallabln iluibrr lot Hip nomination of rounly Judge, oilier limit Hid pivcetit Iiiciiui- fiwdt t the titrating belwrvn Gen- Ul, will ( III leht fcllhltl the lieU ,i vilU ta Mcttum h r , Utt. AmK ni,lnM ,,, ... !. -I 1 .ti..e-s-1'..lM Itiu tiklf Writ..' " !"?.:' r'V" "::Mw:. ::. !'' ?CSffJ Ol ItHWVHI, -Hfltf - p .rtoal&c 'UciIIiieI) alttl, hru wrttllxrol llrftriAl Villa's Uh) Until but IW-nlim without order, thinking llit VilU dlfed III m Mllrtl mid wiM promote the fifto nt roimnlt' Ifd lb drrtl Tb body ft lti .'nIUhmn Jtttt;rl, lu fimfrl Hie fact, Tbl offlrrr tlrd Hint ill" Mejlrjll liietitloiir.l I that ul l II Campbell It 1 a rlt klln (art thai Ilia up 1 4itu tit of Judge WolUru hate U-fn tt)ltig m Itnluru Mr. Campbell to u hounce llml lift nuit) inVp i tatr, a hit It Ma jiinitlititrd I.kIu)' iy (r Mix lui urclllKil u l'pi. itli aU lliurlt tlmi Mr CaiiiiUII xouIJ wr- mil Ul tiam I 'i ! uo, and tlml liU tutlh tu to.iitiMillal raktm txnltr trillion would noon to rlrrulalnl. it,, j.fmJ.nt to lu una ! Hfk H l( ( uu, ,hat ,hl(f u tt ititutitt ui bu ti 0idpntv. iiMi .riy 8P,lPri ,i,iu(ia ,tat ur. c:uij.- net dotir. lu th. ILnluit r-. Of !rll f,tw, ,, ,,, ,0 t, UHFj, j., M (nut t ufli tcitU ho Uw-ti v. iirut,j !, IliU Iimii ltu at III SSSHHsVsflHttfiBfltt Pte IbHsbbHbHbHP m bbVbbbbbkSbnnnI . iBBBBBBBBbShnnnnnh i BBgHHBBBBBBM ' bbbVknbbbbbbYbVbHbbHb SBBBNBBBtail arVNBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBdVfc' IBlHp MHmBIBBLnBNnI nhhhj BSBBBBBfiBHtfrnHSBBBBBBBBBBBl iBBBkiS'-' 'BBb v w iBJBlBJ HbI K IhIbHH Bnnnbb IfrT,. BmHIBBl BBHIb gfNNNglgMglMBBBl l-t . . . .r1 l CLOSES TODAY A MEAT SUCCESS -BIG BENEFIT I'.WtMI.'KH M.U K..NTHCHIAHTIC AH 1 ICIMt'l.T Of HKH8IO.NH Muili Vnlualilc Infoniuiliun anil TlitM ly Warnlott UVrc Ultra Hie Farm rc auil llalrrtitra lijr Hie KiM-rU Wooirn of Klamath falls Alto Uen cft(ttl a a Iteault of the Home OtMiuinlra Coarse. Jnmt J. Hill, who built the? (Iroat timo Uwre, nuil talked out to hU tf4,yt atmaer r;fd, l''fttlrjj,M t,wll tvtt lor fatita that 4ud .Nnrllicrii lUllrosil and now conlroU ""' 'r. Jllll doic not jxxo for the 4frd br "mn out. Uo (lrr III )V,je uld b. a candidate to mut i.n i . v,.i.... u..ia .... ilibotOKraphrrt. and thw haV found .-,.. - - - mMH II NIK IV tTUIllllU I HVIUkl I I ft W 'If tllftlxlllf tn m ftilj.. M I.I.. !. ;rw niin'ii iir4ttt t Blod. Tbr offii-t-r (iitllirr ald that (ln ml CrfAnitv' rommllon tiH)ltit id on ti r, li till flf (ran tflU, ij know. Hip fart of ttm In. rMrnt, do Carrabia, """' ' " "lurmrr judn will run l" "in p rniHPii to on iii.i-i Ijifllr funUliiNi. POUNOMASTER TO ROUND UP DOGS .IU. I'.NTAtfOKII (.MMIMKM ,.KK IS KKIIIltt'u litvriL-ii il niwnvnl tiik Mrr, ttwsn .sn iikatii NKNTi:,Nt.'t: 1 Another irixKlha caudldala tor tiumliiatiuit In ttio 'croii of mOudic t.tlmth U ato a factor In Hip ultun Hon. It U taifd that It l. II. Camt hell rvtun to enter ttin raro that tho At any rtr. ar dliiaut Ibal Hir niau) rumot. or omo or tliom. will talin ilrtlnllo form In Ihl nll-lm-oilAhl matlrr . . It difficult to art DlcturM of him. hnt a rf?.it vimtor l thr Wlit Mourn .. ., .,,.,. , . . AM llmu the) found hint In frost of to uU mrr railroad mttr wlttttbt W,(te Hou.e ground, on Iwurl rrildtnl VIIon. Ho mifut i.onipanIa avenue. Today' aeaalon doted th week' farmers' ahort course at tbo Klamath county hlch school a course that has been marked by splendid talks and lecture In both the agricultural and stock and the home economic depart menta. j The homo economics has led In at tendance by a small tnanttn. Both (Mrs. Itobblns and Miss Carpenter's talks have ben vastly enuerUlnlng and very Instructive, and have been much appreciated. In the agricultural and stock room 1'rofessor I'owers and I'ro feasor Plus iitnl Instructor McCall have been of great aid to the farmers of tb coun try In furnishing valuable Informa tion and answering many puxiltng questions. They have coered every phase of farm work and cattle, hog and stock breeding and feeding. Many of their lectures have been Illustrated with colored slides that leave a more last ing Iropresilon, In many cases, than U retained otherwise. KLAMATH OOUNTV HCHOOL. PAT IIOXH FLRMHHKD WITH INTER KMTING TALK8 AT XO EXPEXSE WHATEVER Great success Is attending the Klamath county lecture course, ar ranged by Fred Peterson, county uperlntcndent, and given by well Informed Klamath Kails men. The course Is for the school district of the county, and the lecture will be given In any district wanting them, at no expense at all to the district. These lectures are given la the eve ning. They are more for th patroas and rt-sldents of the districts than for the scholars. The speakers and their subjects follew: -'Panama," City Superintendent R. H. Dunbar: "Local Agriculture," If. A. McCall: "The Human Derelict," and "Government and the CItUen." Rollo C. Groesbcck; 'The County's Taxes. How Raised and How Spent," Fred Peterson. ASK RENAMING PIRATES START ON BLOODHOUNDS ON OF C. M. RAMSBY; A TRAINING TRIP: TRACK AT WEED WORDEN, ET AL 60 TO MERRILL MEETING THERE TH1B AFTER NOON BELIEVED TO BE THE OPENING CON IN HIS CAM PAIGN FOR RE-ELECTION TO BE READY TO LICK CARRANZA WILL NAME A PROVIMOVAL KRMfDENT Report Frosa Mexico CRjr An to ths Effect That Mstts Is TTn sail sag the Moat EsMent Tacticssssl Ok UlsvaMe, asrf WW Sacesssor Who Is United Press) Ssortas MEXICO CITT, March big changes la Msalcaa afalrs ts be lieved to bs lapeadtag. It Is expected that Huerta will actu ally start for Torreoa Immedlatstr. He is gathering the best cosassaad era In Mexico City, preparatory to taking the field personally. It Is reported that HaerU has aaada preparations to resign, lavtnT stag land and America to acme a a fro- visional president, and in cae HaarU and his arar would crash oat Car ransa aad his ceaotta. ts aaw arasl dent woald ask recocaltlsm of hU goverasMat. Measbers of ta adatelatratioa deny that any sack sgiasfssU has bean reacaad, hat do aot dear that such aa arraagasasat Is aader enaald erattoa. " - ' . EXPECT TROUBLE AT THE ELECTIONS THE .M1.HTHMI..VK AHHiK.IATlOX Ull.l. TIUI.V AT HOT SPIUXfiS. PAHiK)i Hi:MOI.LTIOM4 HEART II.Y KSIMIItSIMJ THE WAR IH..V8 AimiNIMTIUTION ARKAXSH, llt'T STOP FOR A WEEK AT DAWSON SPRINGS TO MET INTO SHAPE TO TRAIN It brbtxitn ttio raulun iouilatloti ( Kl.nmih Kail In get Into Ihn tuoil jrar.-n uf Hmir imtstftra as quick lr at iiooali.li., or slay off Ills streets mirp'.y, fur Poiittilmaslrr Hall lias lrnl n war of rxtormluallon. "Tim iio Hrensti Issue opvoed Iliu "fi of ihl moBtli, and tli owners "' 'l"t hsvn had amplf Urns to get .. mil toa.y, MontU I'm Rtilnc t start out, and by the yi ot Aurll I will Impounil 0 on n,v s(rtvt wllhoul a H.VI..H," TROOPS ARE CALLED DIKTRIIIUTED INDl'NTRIAI. CITlVM IN SPAIN OUT AND' A niolutlon was passed by the United Press Servics , Hiot union u Asuoclatlon at a meeting , t lllvPUIllllliV Il lla.kli 1-I.a 1l.ll,ftt.ttl,kltt ' " L I 0.UBI, M, 4ftS.U I IUV """'"""' held Friday vtnlng. petitioning C. II. ,.,raUg Kot board today tor Dawson CENTERS ANDil.vnn. siato game warden, to reap- springs. Ky where they will spaad ....... ju . al tlft....l.n .u. .II.SbI.s . . . . ,ioiui ,Bn- ai. rniia.u, . ui.wui wouk getting Into physical trim os nrden. )forw MturifUK spring practice at Hot In tnlli'il In the riHiolif. Springs, Arkansas. Uulted Press Hsrvica MADRID, Manli 7. Holdlnry to tin v wns illttrlbutril lii all tint larscr : n .--.i. i ..i i... . .cltloii nlld Industrial cwiters of SimiIii '"" '"'i . '' " to prevent posslblo ii ni t ecuniifl. wu en are ci euuieui ........ -. - . ... ... ion mo part ot mo Hportsuieu or mo county, and oppu antagonism on the Attention In tutted In , Hon that prior to the Incuniboucy of Headod by President Uarnev Drey Mr, Itnmsliy the administration oflfus, Manager John Dally and others tlio K.inie laws of lhl district was u'ofthu exerutlvu staff, the Eastern con- llugvni loft lu a body. They will every proper I l?IW'l Ul f"Nl.ll ' - 1 '- " riot at the gen-P"""'1 ,Ih' ""!'' of nl omr,, ,l0 liMI'imet tlio Western players at Dawaoti ch are HChiiluli'iljl" fnc" condition of extreme apathy) Springs, mid all will go south a week for tomorrow, by royal docrr', Tlio tlevr.e Hotting tomorrow us geuerul election dny wnn Usued to rnntlriu tlio Ditto nihluet In power un til Mutch 31, wlieu parliament open. See Good Box Demand Khmath Factories Will Be Kept Busy All Season from tomorrow After a fortnight at Hot Springs part of thono vt ho had surreptitiously ttiev will go to I.lttlo Rock for a heen vlotuthig tlio law. Igamo with the University of Arksn- Immediately follow lug his appoint- ons. On April 3 and 4 they will play miut ho undertook the administration Sioux City at Tusls, Okla.; April 6 of tho affairs of thU district with such , St. Joe nt 8U Joe; April 7 and Hcumett and ltor, nitd with such au , Omaha at Omahs; April 9 and 10, ovldeut doslru to honestly and ablyjlopoka at Topekn; April 11, IS and illNrltargn tlio tlutles of his offlcs, thst 13. Kansas City nt Kansas City. On inrll 1 tlmv will nnan Mia rorlllnf Benson at St. Louis. TRAGEDY IN ROX FACTORY TOWN YESTERDAY AltOUHS ALL THE OFFICIALS OF SISKIYOU COUN TY TO TRAIL WEED, March 7. OHcers from Yreka with bloodhounds and 'posses ot Irate Weed residents are today scourlug through the brush for traces of Tom Skllvas. an Italian laborer, who late yesterday shot and killed Denuls Troussos. The killing or Troussos followed the shooting and wounding of his brother, John Troussos, by Skllvas, who U a cousin of the man ho shot. Accompanied by bis wife. District Attorney Irwin and Robert A. Ess mitt. County Judge Will S. Worden went to Merrill today to attend the meeting being held there this after noon, for the discussion of the county warrant situation. It is not known who arranged the meeting. In Klamath Falls. It Is pre sumed this la to be the opening gun of Worden's campaign for another term. Wllh tho California fruit growers tir. of one of tho biggest seasons ' history, the demand for fruit boxes fli Inst year amounted to very '"lie, ovihiK t0 froiti( etc( w(f, ,, ,,"' r. The box factories on tho Uclflc Const will soon start one of '"Must Hea-on In their history, UKal concern hnve already re- ived order that are In exes of mi yenr'a output, and from the tine ny open, will b kept busy all sea- on Itllg, TtK""ty the Hwvma Hoi company will open II plant, with a crew of 3r. employ o.. With IU oulargod equipment this conreru expect to turn out 00,000 reel or shook u day. "Wo have order on llle now that make It certain our cut wll bo nt least 13,000,000 or 10,000,000 foot." nld A, J. Voyo of tho Klamnlh Man ufacturing company today. "Tho plant will open lu n fow weeks, and a rrow of sixty moil will bit employed, while box slrooka will be cut and turned out at the ruto of 70,000 foot a day." . ' ho litHtllleil now courage lu the sports men of tho county, and intabllhod nitd built up n rodo of honor ho strong Hint violations of tho gamu laws of this tllHtrlrt began to diminish, until today the record of this county I audi iih to command tho admiration of the entire Htutu. Family Coming Tonight. Mr. UII longer, who I Installing tbo machlnory In hi now laundry, expects Mr. Hlttlngor und daughters, Mis Octnvln ml Mis Ruth, to arrive from Redding tonight, Mr. Hlttlngor has secured u homo for his family on Fifth street, opposite the high school. MIn Wall Heller. Minn Walt of Dorrl, who has been lu the lllurkburu hospital for sowrnl week, following an opera tloa, will return hoaw tos&orrow, Find lAist Treasure, Pnlrolmntt Sam Walker Friday af ternoon picked up ii small leather wal let containing the fortune of some wee parson. Tito owuer (an have the nam by calling at the Herald oHoe. Oscar Campbell Is in the city today from hi Lorella ranch. As tin experiment, tho suporvUor ot the Hoaverhond national forest la stripping tho bark from tho basesof a number of lodgepole pine trees at various period before they are to be cut for telephone poles. This gird ling cause the trees to exude rosin, and It U desired to And what effect this may hare a a areaerraUte treat mtfnrt..-. i ROUND LAKE WILL HAVE NEW SCHOOL PORTION OF THE PLEVNA PIS TRIST IS ADDED TO ROUND liAKE, TAKING IN THE SECTION KNOWN AS WILSON'S FI.ATS At the meetlug of th boundary board, Just closed, the board added a portinu of the Plevna district to the Rouud take district. This now puts the Staaabie ranch and other prop erty lu Wilson's Flat la the Round Lake limits. In order to provide proper school ing for that part ot the district thla aide ot the hill, the Round Lake di rector expect to soon erect another school house. The addition ot the new territory Justifies this moveeaeat. Rultliuore Clgarmaksrs' Union Is agitating In favor of a law to compel all owners ot cigar factories la the aaMe of Maryland to matatata aaal Improving Slowly. Fred Noel, who has been conflaed to his room for several days with neuralgia and severe cold. Is oly slightly better today. Port Orford cedar of the Pacific Coast, recently tried as a substitute for English willow in the manufac ture of artificial limbs, baa been round unsatlsractory. While It Is light enough, it Is too coarse and too brittle. The Nebraska supreme court has de dared that the clause in the charter of South Omaha providing that only union labor could be employed on public works was void because uncon stitutional. BLUE RIBBON DAY IN WASHIN6T0N TOMORROW WILL BR STMOTLY A TEMPERANCE SUNDAY Hi THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. AC CORDING TOW.O.T. V. United Press Senrlea WASHINGTON, D. C. Marek 7. Although every Sunday la tssnisrsai Sunday In Waahlagtesi since they pat the excise law Into estect, tometrew will be temperance Sunday wKk a capital T" The Women's Chrlstlaa Temper ance Union has designated tomorrow as a day tor observance ot the akttt nence movement In Sunday schools and churches. The society eneets thit 100.000 men. women and chil dren will partldpate. Canada has s3.000.000 acres in timber reserves, ss compared with 187,000,000 acres in the national for ests ot the United States. Ready to Buy Hatchery Game Comnission Awaits Sports-Ki's Apirtnl According to a letter received by C. F. Stone from the superintendent of hatcheries, the state game and ash commission is ready to purchase the Spring Creek hatchery site, if the ac tion Is approved by the Sport' Association and the commercial bodies of the county. The letter was read at the meeting of the Sportsmsa's Association Fri day night. A motion wu passed ask ing the commission to purchase the site. The matter will also be pre sented at the meeting of the dteertora of tU Klamath Chamber Com merce Tuesday evenlag for their en dorsement , The purchsse waa authorised by the t old commission, of which Mr. Wm was a member, at a stipulated arte ; of M.00O. ' Objection wm made U the arte e the part of some of the Iadlaaa later- I cited, and $5,900 was wasted. . The government aally atrlaed t the agent to sell the property far 15,000 without readvertleemeat, aad . before this deal la eeMsmmatei ay the sew heard, they ask the meat ef the saormmss'asat eisl bodies of the swty, a4 Use Jw! SmVB4B mWat Njjpmfmjr PnMsLPmS w'i' sV. itJl W. I 1 V-vJ