(Hftf lEumtta Mttaih KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! OFFICIAL NICWSPAPKR 3CUAJC k.t .a - ,at jc KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, KKIDAY. MARCH G, 1914 Price, Ptr Oestta i JACKSON WANTS - SINNOTT IS OUT TODAYS TALKS PARI OF CRATER FOR 2ND. TERM WERE OF PRIME LAKE NATIONAL IMPORT TO ALL imhao nt mi: mtiiktaiu tthl(llli. nt w tHinmov mi (.j,rui: mitiiaini', i.M'ii in. in-i.m vi i iii.c iniN w.n: iiciti. ' ( lli'Mlit J'1 Ul h' nil.') (tlr i..i.b Oilier Ullrf. Will WAHIIINtJTON. ' MbmIi fi. IU" "'"' ,u 'I-i.Imm-iiI, IIi-IIiib. " i l.. M..i for lMirM A- N' '' J Hlnii'iH. oiirilian rt-llng ami HnhiIIIiik of llrf cm. '" ' ' (ftmi lli Kiiil Olrri'li ilMHrt ll. ,.,,., Ml i..i. (. I'-ifc. '"-' Im ft U4I.UII. for m.l.m T.la "'' ""', tM,,r, ,"",""" ''- "' i ll. I!tillinlll''. Km ! l''Ml" II nllnl ( it ft III ilrt Ills 111) I .11 III I Id- ,tv HI.. iim-I l) C ,,,7, j.,t I , .r,r.JW"l"',"WMt "' ""'' '" t" "'"' ,-., ttlu II .." I.) ',., ii.L f... ,1 lU-IU'r ItiMt'l, Ilium' Hilrmi' Coin,-. pf Guy Bates Post Makes Omar Khayyam Lover of All Mankind l. S'MO I" Wll a lirll 4lllUh'r(i , J.tir Hi flrCUln rt i-lli ut twl t"U . KutrllililKIll III l l pAtk IftttiUnlaUy . rtforl U lia tl u itt ltriaoi1 n bin M lirlrr fc-v- ilim .VIr.lfliril'IVBl? litn "' tilt li Uit tr i ,iml!ui -lf uio U mil i-ai M Id ll till mil" lftf0 ''' MldWlliB an "I letl lor ice twir l't It' liaie 4 IU . fnsl lhl ' fSCLwh &VS .'; law w a! a IK. t . " i a! aav aal jr 'v M ,N. I Hlnntll , ."sttrt frtiln I lift I rlt MhiiiaIIi rctutil -iiW irl'IHP l (tirflXkPO H r.. II Will tUrftlt tStt l! irA'r Wit Hull "f III" I "I ml iatnj K J III Hie l'h "l t uil ifi -tiilturltii )( I Iip Ur4tBf4 lvi! Ol.W.llo tv (lr polUll lit llio yttV Itifi4 r in Ikn l U liranl ' frtm ikn itumi of ilt uniniri villi I'" ttiAty ut tlnli. triir to wh fufti.iiJ ihki ll im 14 rllmtntp lit- frtiuMlrnu iifinutii' lit ( U0lcl 4'- ( "lilltiC Allil fl'lillifi III Ulllliull a f.littnl n t'tic IkIi9 I Iblt iffilon ( llo IrIp, , lulling lU JirrUI Irrm ( oftlrw io( K Lr (alt tltll rtimil t IAm iloii.. n r.rl JI lr llli iUlllo-l. uotftiUlr.i t ' i.o Hiuv lllmr In ' irnitii. lirlr.AllOiiUU ami mlirr tllnli -Tllotl l hr lAtufllr llUllllll tfiHIIKl trrn.. Kilar l i:lfll tlfKUIl.' l bnn4fTl f ixirlmon. ami hi r- left Inn li) a Ihi4IIJb '"'',Ja i: Tb Bil.lne U "fllil In !" Ihn riiir! U liffdklcJ. trr Hhimlil l IikIuUo.I In lh wtluiul f4ri no iiitiiilmc mil4 I"1 rirolll4 CAN BUY LUNCH FOR PENNY NOW m'i:miim jiiv:v" ,t a mkai. IIUVI.s mi. m.VKit N HKIII ihh iim,i:ii oi oi.Tn.rri.so tin: ijui-r MIUrNH (Jit!) i: IN JACKSON CO. ! iMiui.it wi i mi 'i him in i:m(. i...ii : 3U in n 3. iiiuUniil l.i'Mirn ii 'Ani mal llulim)rr." lto(rtur ritu ,'iaip.t . liiivnu lliilun trial Kitiiralloii " Mi. I.. W. U(llblli. iliititln lifturp on VmIii ami I r if .Mnnttri- " ri.ifrut I'liwir lOiiltlltt I'lHMillAM I ' n III Hi 1 1 a III Mnlnulnlne an.l Imiircitliic H.il IVrlllll)-," l'r(ioor 1'iiurm I I a in Hi 1 2 m. ' tiittT Making on U10 rm " I'fofMsur KIIU 1 i in Hi 1 i. m : I'oiAlom." I'roft'nnor lMr 2 i in to 3 i m . Inleall'Mi l'rncllro.' 1'rnfi-intir I'littrr lliinio IUinMnl- in n in. to 11:30 a. m. Koo.l VIhp." Mr. Iloblilim I p. m. Hi S p. in.; Cu!-lloii Hot. Mm. Itolililim. 3 i ill to 3'3U )i. in . DmuMirl. Mm Itobblu. ! HORSEFLY DAMS, UNIVERSITY WILL DITCHES WILL BE HELP IN BATTLES ADVERTIS'D SOON ON TIMBER BU6S huh to iti: irKi:it ox ai'Uiiiioimik uim.tkm. oktiihtkbil rn'itTr.i:TM i.v talks ion I lie S 11 1:1c Kulr. DM 1 let Will AImi lciil Man, Konnrr Scnilrnt at the I ) 11 IIIiN (or a llonil Ivnir of Otit I nltcmllr, Herurva I lie Iatcrrst of I llnlf a .Million Dollar, for Fnanr- llio lrpnmriil nt Zoolocjr In lh I11K l'nJl Will IitIkaIc Aprot imnli-lf JO.IMKi ,rr- al a Cost of .'MI rr Acrr. IkmI CnmpulKn for tlif Kradlca lion of I lie I'ine MUe, ad K Mria Will Ctrnm Here. Mn-rarr circlw In .e YorU have, "A the taaa of norluwldo ii-ra-('roni4 greatly lutcnt4 In Our ulUI, Omar protect a. Christian liBUa l'(Ml' rcujBrkabln prvicutntlon Viilghl who flc- Into hi garutn be f Omar Khsyjam. While ho hnn'oitix. that um Chrlntlan knight Is maiif uit- oiii i'orliin huiiuIIiIiik like loiv4 by his daughter. Omar ub- ottruui exitoctcd hu ou!4. he ha miu to torture In tlto ureal Judgment brought out a now clement lie ac- hall bo as to Uljtract attention while a ntunU- Omar Khayyam' ctmrlty ti It ho knight etcapea. the Uynoto to hi character. u,ar when 0raar hag hn gareJ( "I think of Omiir a a iihlloioplur ,,,, hn jllllnoi0 JcjouIn Mare- creep and a iclfullat. 11 man lth iwnUcih,baek to ,,,,. wonn!c(1 to u.,h. be. ,ceutury Idea living In tho elorenth CaU(te ho lu1,e4, tho ei.rUdan t0 ileal teniurr. aiu ir. iwi, "but lie n-iaw8y. Omar knecU be.ide the corpse ,.... ,u ..,u mo... i-ue ne, iie-aud offer a prayer, which I hY auou 11, n Aunem. lovui in fellow ilear(1 Ulc grf,A,Ml dramatic speech mm. Ik. had a great blB human r ,,ltt paBt flftr yoanlm ncnri innt cnuuuHi mm 10 iook orec ihn narrow jirpjudlce of ruc and, cri-ml tu be a iocr' In the big sense I Hide for the confirm tlon of a Th timber InUrcut of Southern aiorage dam. a dlveiiloa dam and ap- Oregon have secured another power proxlraaulr fourtf mllej of canals ful ally In their fight ngalnkt the lullt I19 op'M-d April Mlh by tho offl- spread of the Western pine beetle Let or the Horsefly Irrigation dl- through th forested area of thl trlct On the came dny the director part of the state. Thl I tho Uni- .(.ill nlio consider bids for eleven 30- verslty of Oragoa. i . . . year bonds, aggregating J5.0.000. in a letter Jut received from Pro- Theso are 10 be advertised at ence. feasor John F. Hocard, head of the The Horsefly project will Irrigate department of Zoology at the Uni about 20,000 acre of fine land In the verslty, he lUUs that tb University vicinity of Ilonanxa. I'nder the new "111 send the field agent employed la wllmsto the cost of th project Is the biological survey here to give at placd at J30 an acre (lection to thl menace, and that Bo- Tho Horsefly renenolr site, recent-!vard nlmself wlU al-o visit the Tart ly secured, cover about 4.000 acre.ous aP and take an active part After the dam Is built this will col- ,n tha nKbt to v,lt off laU P1- wn,en k-ct the water of Barnes Volley and wUh ,lu,e ,0 headway would Dry Hralrie creek, or the watershed 'destroy practically all of the timber 1 in a snort time. 1 i, 111 hub cum ojii ion noes not pre- iiwiv nun u 111 uriug 1 11 c nrro in tue I'raiiiiiiu lotc piay wiurn Wnltoit Tully has written. "Omar Is ou of tho gentlest and ftwettest, and one of the biggest men In history. If I haro helped to make him .1 little better understood I am Itlchard pr) glad, uiul ery humble, becaus playing Omar makes me so." WOMAN WHO I'ArWIIll AWAY AT AHIII.AMI lTi:itlAV WAS AN" tll.lt Itl-HIIIKNT Ol" KUIMAIH tOI'.NTV. I Ml Ulliabctli liny in, long n r Todtty morning elon of llio hoi l rouiro ( opeiii'd by Max A.; McL'mII In n Iwtiirn that conrorncd u-' fir) fariiKrf ireenl. HI subject n "Alkali Sulla and Their Treatment." 1 Aiur going Into detail regarding tba origin of alknll and the universal! Iilcut of KUinath count), died Thurs-'.,.,.., of NOlublo sail lit all arid Mlay morning at Ashland, following ,ittt. ho declimst all lands In ,rolll.l.ll,l . ,.. brtr-f lllnrn. rtho wa "t yinr of uh couty contained a certain om it lAl-s lll.l.l REGISTRATION START WORK ON . IS NOW 1,148: LIBRARY SOON I'olM l'fc Harvlce WAfllllNi.TON', U. C March . nge. timuuni of alkali. Itilicin nt thu lloiry lined Hi mar- Tin' rumaln hao lni sIiIiukmI f,ui , tntHi, u not really u it liM.k Jtiliu.B" nflirtii ri'iil friiin AsliUnd, and will rcurh -'"o t-iol liuvttt to the land only In such JlnitUi u..i line in Wnsliiiigliiii there llili evening. Tlu Hiiioriil will bo C(U0 tttrp t,0 nlkall a conccu Uluisr penny lunch room. Itild nl lloimnia. tratul. Ho raid nlkall was n valua tor rpnt tin. Wintry1 Willie HunhliiR Mr. Ilnjiif aro thrne lMv u,dion, If ,it In too RTt Imtr tn-ir i-Uoko of bran soup, daUKliti-rn, Mr, rlteptn'ii nrllllth, Mr. ,mouut, n ll ludlrated tho preaenco mmliij, Ml(r, iMitnio, or fresh roll.' II J. Ilinmoy and Mt. Walter I'linly jr ol,r ,,)( food, and Hint such "nurrnt ali buy 11 cup nt coffco; of thl county, nuii two on. J. It 0u ,,.min moUturv bi'lter. milk ami lgnr roi another veuii. niut lU'iiry llwiu. boih of wliom rn- nimU alkali, he explulned, was I morn Injurious limn white becnuao It dissolved thu organic mutter, allow lug thu nll to becomn compact and Imnl, making ll difficult for wnlur to pcrcolato through properly. Tho iHTinuiionl reclatiintlou of l hull soil, nuUI tho upcakur, ciin only bo uccomplUhcd by thorough drain iigo nyli'in, tuiil In tho co of bla'ck nlkall, In nildlllon to drnlnagu, tho uio or gypnum laml plastcir. Thor oiirIi tillage, ho remarked, mi also uiccnry In tnatment for nlkall, a ll not only chocked tho rlo of alknll, hut hi'lpoed luntoiliilly In eradicating ll from thu moII. Iri)fi"nr Kltl npitku from 11 to 12 on "llreodluh. Konllitg nnil Mauago inont of llwf Cuttle." He detailed llio fcdiioinla wny ot bundling beef cnttln from lilrth to market, uml lintviHl by fuel, pi wonted and lm piled, Unit Hi farmora reiUed more money for tli4r crop of hay and grain by fellnK ll onllly to cnttlc thnn by selling It In bulk or sack. In lhi iiftornoon Professor Power tnlked on it llmoly topic, "llnndllng of Irrigation Water," Ho .told tho fm mors to measure tlm wntvr thoy ucd till they found out tho mmitmt uecdod for thu best re sult, nml whom the water was cost ing money, It would do no harm, be tAAjxru'iru" vri'i VKTHATQUAlt-lrilKW OK MKX WILL STAItT TO ti:u of thesi: who wii.i, Tl.ti'o r, ui nil) buy beef or Iniiib nlde In AnIiIiiiuI. I'. r frnnkfitrter. ' Tn Wiiiiy liincli I mi mljiinct lit .Mn. Moullcii llcltcr. tin Wasliiiigiot, mUnlnii. About 300 1 Mr. Krd Minilllcn. who recently tu1" "", served thrru drtlly. I'lidiirweiil nn operation fur nppen- - . ,111(111 nl llliickburii huspllal, ha H'jhi i.iu old Job. Ipiimeil llio ilmignr mark, lu-cordlng "I'm) (.i.iiin WardiMi Henry Ktoul to Dr. Hamilton. l"u ri.iv,.,i iintinrntlon from Haleiiil ,hl lie lm bieit rritpimlntvil In, John Martin, who uudciwont nn hat luMiiinii Aa yei Uopuly District miernllnn In Kim Kriuulnco, left tile tlmn Wnrden l'nry M. Hainsby Iibn.IiiihpIi I tlicm Thursdiiy. iicr.mlliiK to n,,t I'K'ti rciiaitieil. 'inlvlrea rcrehod by frlond. Want Bids on Stock Uncle Sam to. BuyjCattle and Stallions for Indians "I'lrlilinthii,,, ulll ,l0r pnrtlculfti "vii itm M.fujy.. nl 10 Klumiitli KWuy reganiing tho cntllu unit lnU ',0 for which bliU uro to b ro- l'"el Tliu Htock U oil (u ho do- rtd m , KlnmaW Agency, or "Mm: imlnt. 1'u I'orihoron Btalllou are to be imrclmHCtl mid hid on lluo will bu ntioiuil ut tho Klamath Agency March aut. HmiB urowii liorno mo pre ferred. Hopimito bid uhtnild bo umtlo for each Ntulllon offorod, giving full tie- asVVVaaAin (Continued on nag 4) veti: havi: rie: in x iks Al.ltl-UIIY SKiNKI) WOHIC AllOl'T Till: KH-TKKXTH. CO.NCItirTK I'AUT MAY COM MKXOi: Al'IUI, 1ST. lUgUtratlon for tho primaries) and , ork ,on h - ''00 Caeglo Ll general blccUon reached 1,148 ftt Ibrary bulldlne. lu courw of construc noon toda) It IB believed that thl tlou ,,car thw tlow court houso WU bo leprweiil about n warier of the to-! 1'J 00,'l h ". rdlns to tal vol.- that will bo polled In tho ConM JuJs "" count). "The exact date depeud upon the ' . ... ... ., , 'condition of this weather," said tho Tho uitlng strength of Klamath I J( ThW ,s wmo mQ work t0 llgured nt 6,000. but there I per- , fin nll , ,,,,.,, hu. u la ox. eory county which will ,ui,. .. . u.. . nn,hN, ln Hy precinct UmQ 0 nJWw JO ,aylng of cemeut t0 'commence by tho 1st of April." 13S ceutuge lu not register or ole. tho registration to date follews: Fourth Ward Knsl Klnmnlh KalU 144 ' Third Wnrd 169 Second Wnrd ' 10G, Weal Klnuinth Pull 98 . Blilpplugton lfi Mill Addition 6i) Malhl ,' S Pine (lrou '. 20 ' Wood River 1-, Lout Ither 109 Tule Uk .' 31 Dairy SO J Odell 34 Poo Volley V.. 1 Klnmnth l.uko 4 Plevna 33 Worden ., 17 Midland .- 27 Hlldebrnnd 11 Spraguo River S Langell Volley 23 Bwon. ... 6 Algoma , . 10 C.M.RAMSBYMAY RUN FOR OFFICE Mil i:ns ok eami: okkicial Alti: MKXTIOX1XU 1118 NA.MK AS A I'ltOHAUhK OAXD1DATK IX MAY 101,141X0 f of 270 square mlli. The dam will bo a 70-foot loose Beldw the personal work here, rock fill, with a wooden front. It wiirj vard ha also stated that he will measure 400 Kit across tho top. and take u' w,lh Dr- Ctlttou Hodge, pro will entail the handling of about SO,-'501- ot C,T,C blotofy and exteaaton 000 yard of looe rock. .lecturer, the abridgement of bJa lec ture on uregona oret Keaourcee to Include aoaM terae stateatenta re garding the timber beetle peril among the other dangers to the forest. The Importance of the work being done In this section for tb eradlca- 'tlon of the beetle can be gathered from the fact that ln addition to aT 'eral crew from the Klamath-Lake Forest Fire Association, the atata ha- .,. .-., .... i,L-.i l- i.t-pmnv Irean of foreatrr ha detailed men to UU n. & iiir, r.iri B.r r.titiv.i-1 HE IS TOO MUCH OF A GENTLEMEN 1X Ml'IlRAV TO ItUX FOR MAYOR. RKKHRRINO TO RE Ql'l4TS OK FAIR VOTERS Whllo K. J Murray still refuse to lake seriously the petitions being cir culated, asking him to become a can didate for mayor, hi friends are con fident hi name will appear on the ballot on electiou day. "Watt until he sees the petitions." said ono of his supporters this morn ing. "I am confident that on the how wu will make, ho will be compelled to accept, when we show mm tne named ot over half the ladle ot Klamath Fall on petition asking him to bo a candidate. I know he will bo too much of a gentleman to refuse." From doten of men who have vol untarily and for tho past few days have boen giving their time to cor cUntlnc petitions In every ward of tho city. It 1 assured that he will hate a iargu force of active campaign workers, should he consent to run. Rueck In Town. Jacob Rueck, a well known resi dent of Yonna Valley, and one ot tho director of the Horsefly Irrigation project, la In tho county scat today attending to business matters. Twenty-one women are employed a railway brakemen and ten as bag- gngomon in the United States. participate ln the campaign, while the bureau of entomology of the de partment of agriculture la taking an active part ln the work. Participation by the University la indirectly due to Robert B. Ruyken dayy, a graduate of the University, who is reading law In this city. Be ing Interested ln forestry, Kuykea dall ha made a number of Investiga tions, and on some ot these, he aaked the advice of Professor Bovard. Learning of the cambalga being waged, the University man at once volunteered the services of his entire department. Federal Oflclal Here. Deputy U. S. Marshal Jackson came in last night from Portland to get Jim George and Fauldestone. two In diana under arrest, the former on a murder charge, the latter for boot legging. Low Returns. Sheriff C. C. Low has returned from Portland, where he went In charge of Alice Craddock. the Worden girl com mitted to a house ot refuge. Dr. Morrow Home. Dr. K. V. Morrow returned last eve utug from Portland, where he spent several day. He was accompanied by his mother, who will mako a short sojourn hore. Minneapolis Typographical Union No. 42 ha passed Its 51st birthday. Start Railroad May 1 Mt. I.akl. iti SI Tho Boston and Maine Trackmen's Union Is asking for a 'wage increase Another well known Klamathlte may ho added to tho number already entered to dunco around the "May e republican nomination rhts I Carey M. Ramsby, u deputy district game past two year. rasby ore coufldent the race. Ramsby ualns evaslvo on this ques- PoU" for m. sliof who has warden Ftlunds that ho himself l tlon, an lot the th of no wan ewer III I believed that ho Is glv-, iiattor careful study before making an announcement. Crews Ready to Build From Westwood toKliMiii 8USANV1LLB, March 6. Itwai reported here that the Southern Pa cific would begin building north from Westwood to Klamath Falls May 1st. It 1 stated that fifty miles have al ready been contracted for by the Utah Construction company, which built tho Fernley Lassen railway. Nearly 13,000,000 has been ap propriated for the first fifty miles. That this road would be built has been expected as the Utah Construc tion company stored its satire plant her for the) winter, It la wlnUrhMf aeveral hundred head of m ""STB (Continued on pat 4) or so per cent. j W r