lEunlttg Uteralft KLAMATH HALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS rf s3!rm!r,!nc-f "teawss. ui-x aTSXxr ,2swrx jria" . aru Mghlli Vor ' .l KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1914 ofe HUERTA REGIME JUST ONE YEAR OLD THIS DAY ri iii: 'iiiuamikii. m -vividly iiiMot'vriHi ( ,hr .irtA !, ( IH AtlmliiUUit. l) ..iilnK I"' fdauslilri i.f III Ttutllng Hii.r ..r, IJtctl Twilight IU IiiuimI Ulilnlur'" I'twlllim Jil j llllle Mule lttc"M' " Wtt ,,lhel'M-llg 0 In l- ltr (inllillt III t Utiliu I'"" obtained fur llm llcdlJ ittiUh. tho United J'fr four iid lrlr, lolling a i fin hand iu rm fcu about lb, niuti'n ami outlining the itl r'ti' awl cltrumtivr U.JIni l lu llir pfMOtll all- nation t "Tb(r atOMr ffP rtlloll by a irl(i-l miMi'T rrrtmnil e rat, hu b l'-ttl aoVrral ycr la Mrthtt hating been III cue tooth with th" VrltlU leader ti pfwnl at m&ny of lit" IMiwt luMiuat int Tim writer 0 6ttn It II It tic-t'l iCUl ll fabllratltm probably otiulil tmic hu (mmjtn lmprloii mccl If II )ll ll'H endanger hi llfr. . (U'ritun for tli I tilirtt fro l iii AmrMfau In ilrilro) SKUA Cltt'r.. Vlartti i Ju.t a I Jf o VlrlorUtio HupfU tovk M uUiti of llm Meilrart mprtiinriit. U ti'li" of murder, lrrartirr, oi flt!un nJ llm Ul.i)fr4a of llltirr E,f i. bat lAkrll In kr lilmtoll III ("Hirr rlf h ilA) i rru m alllc t-itc furlhrr .liioiinaril on hi blimdjv llTimilruclr.l aklilt, A Ilea of I tin SOU Hint mom Jayu (tit HurrU liaa irli III (tooer ll' tlbM that un no aliigla ily tiu lie tn airotit a on tint Uny boforc; lht hk nut imi a mluui(, lu til! r4ir a ilklalnr, that Iip Ii iwi r4tOM for Imiilng lhl the rUtl of lit til mrtil miM In Inn him fwtt nml ltrrt, Jwi )i4r co tlir mrrltilci "aon lrl(a," . the Mailrnna call It "ihc tilmKly un ila)"'v.Mik nUr. TrincUra Maiinro, ilm huil drlvril lHi frum Mcxlro lllllo oirer a yrar forf, tat it, ,, priwiiaonllal oftico In la Ur, HiipMa wan on- of hl ntrralt 1,. Bt, srnpral. In fact, WMIctt Mrrn morr or lr licafp f"l In llm fatilial, tlioiiah Ororu, lu imtlli. hail ttirnr.l aKalual lila olil Hme riiimnaiiilpr Mailro, brrauao 'lo hail (akrii Into hU aovrril' i many of u, ii,rnA":rafirr." Oroim ru tt,m H, (m, jfn Klain ,, S1t onuco; "-lil only Jaurn and Chihuahua, ami 000f0VV0fk (Continued oa pagt I) Order Is Operation and Maintenance My J. O. CAMP, ' "rder lo mold any ,,0lblo ml ""raUmiinmi, W, to ux..ln tha '"" rureiuiy imblUhuil by you r"fl l poNtpuiilm charim until JWMI flmrM of 3 lM,r aero, and ,','!' r,,""l Poimltlea thnt have mi.oHed for delinquency lu nay. lih.,r building or operation and ' '""'Weimuro chtrgM, rh!ill "'u 0""'ll, nl maintenance d " l,rM mi Included In thin or--,; ., " r't of tho project man aac. . U, l'"tlon U malnUn . lit " ."lr"M PwitpontU until May irant.i, , tnM pgy SAYS AUSTRALIAN BUTTER WILL 60 M vticit or mi .u. nii.oii.iii MHiiih i'mm iu.tii;ii 1'itints iihi iiptikii i.vru.it iMinlir Tin: mpmukii Wlill" lit" tarlfl rmjiii (Km U lunlt lug tlicnitrr prims for the farmer in main ihuiir .11 , nitii gluing id III) llielr alllircea l( tlirollli.iiliiI II. l . im ,IM, at),, p,lthw Willi the rrlimial of the inir tu farm (iiihluiic luiu nf luiiltr limn ,'t Zetland ni Aiuliolln hate Horn! l nil llir Ciiat rlllm ThU I being old tl a rate belo that paid fur fiHi.t manufactured Imllrr. ami tlnn (if ri-lnt. lift rill Iiikii he prevail lug butler (trice,, Tl e rrtltiriloit f butter prlc. u ltlir tlMlV.ll tHxl l' III" tMltnlfr (Mil It U crr(f) ii Kirro li the farmrrv A U Jirltr .al.l fill crmm U l4irl (Hi IlllHr lUfilbllilll. (hi frmt. mill ilalryiiirii nml tlmlr rrrniiKir) rtinrk riitlitttratil matlfr otnl cimi ar InUlne nf tl(oafnK of Umlr (il ' "I io imt look fur HiU romllilon to tl Hirmieli llir numiiirr," ) w I' Johtiton. nmtmtrr of (tin Klamalli rIU ffrmimry 'llrfoto ili mrlff Kiii renin t-.! i ho liui(cni.iVrr of Mip AUllHipa mutt Imtc liml miiillKT die tnarkrl for llin rtmilnuiu iiiantlllr Of llllllrr inmlr llmrp, nil I rnrt In )- Hirir li.mcriiB fjtll oft lii nrtr Id uii) Oiat oilirr mirkcC ilo ,mnl " ' Ihi1 iihuiUi llm Klamath Kalla iiramnr) mniiufariiirnt irn tliiiinan.l miii ml. of liulinr PEARSON DAMA6E SUIT DISMISSED TM IIIUI MKI MOVKMK.NT Tl t.ki: it t ii:ii:it.i. ttniiiT, ,itmuxi:v wii.i, rn.i: ..ntii. Kit .ttTIMV W II A Itiimer. Bttmne) for Mm Marry IVaraon In her llo.dOo damage Miilt aitalukt llm Iliac llnaln humher company, ihU morulnie maden oluu lary dUmlanal of llm raae. Thin fulliiwed Oik preparation of Htnim A dale, attorney for tho de fenne, lo ak the rt'titovnl of the cae lo the feileral roiirt. Thla l upon jtho ground that the defendant I a foreign corporation, "The dUmUaal today doe not mean that the cava ha been dropied," aald Attorney Henner. "Inted, I will tuin file n new action, lu which local partle lntirelel lll nlo be made defendant, and IhU vtllt keep "'' iae In (tin circuit court here " I'earnou died mm n rcnull of lujurlet leeelvcd nhlle at work for I ho IHk ltaln lu their camp lit Kelio The complaint alleitea that there were not proper appliance for doing the work. Explained Payments Not Included Project Manager IIiioiiIh will not ho duo until Ma) I, ll)H, but muni bo paid tlioh. Uomember, building chaiKf uiiikI bo piilil Juno I, mid operation and maintenance charge muni bo paid May 1. Tho eateualon of tho Orltllth lateral Iiuh been approved ,aud Jut iih moou iih tho iippllcatloiiH for water for Umbo now laud are alguod up work will be begun. Water will bo furnUliod Ihoao land IhU aouaou. Home alteration at the head or thla ditch and In tho road croaalnga will IncruaHo tho capac Ity mo Hint there will bo plouly of witter for all tho laud under It and the axtMilon. Three Mexican Federal Generals Are Held at Fort Bliss by U. S. flKt KH !P ''Jftim aE aH'- ' 'aaaantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafll .'"iaLaaaaaaaaamJaaaaaaaaW t- zLT HaLaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaU L"t aMaVaaaaaaaaaffaaaaaaaH H Jaaaaf FtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaffaaaaaaaaaV r-'tt- aaaaaafaaaaalaaaaW'BaaVIn "'aaaal IcJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatBaaaaaaafaB li 2'' aaaaaaaaaaTaaaaK iaaaaTSaVAani aaaaaV aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaB LvC aaaaHV faBaVaaaaHBaaaaaa nLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lBtg BLaaaaVaaaaaaaV aLaaaW aaaaaV LaaV V?faT .lBaaaal aaaaaff aaaH aaaaaaaaattl aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaJaH I i. .in IWi In Itliclit tiiiM-rwU (tr.i itii.l Murntlo nml t'ol. llrrrmnitn Aliiutic ilir liiiarrtl of Mclrnn,AII ver- rMnov-l to Kort HlUa, ..loeu.. hold in Iho corral at Kort Hi U.y ro placed In a bartxd . , . ... mro fenw nclouri of half a iquare IiIIm l.y American troo,.. ar, ihro,. mj M northorn C0UBUy Meral fommaiule-ra ho !'" u w t,0 poMion of tlo ri.bcl. from Ojliiaea when tlriicral Villa tUm, omcr are In lew daner a itcrnrilint-il that nt northern pruoneni of th United 8ta than Uroiiclmt'l of tin- llurrta forre The) they would he If permitted to return hurried aero the Itlu Orandc with to Mexico In nil, eleven federal en- huudrrd of other Mexican, and were raU left Ojlnaga hen lluorta'a taken In charce h) American aoldlnr triMiim ero driven ouU CAN SIGN ALL THE PETITIONS M I'ltKMi: CMt'llT .M,IK . Hl'llJIM tJKMIttiK IH I.V TIIK fMUSTV IMJ T Tlllh Kr'KKtT A NIIOItT TIMK A5M. AMI IT AITMKfi Ttl I'lTV AS WKI.lt Thaiu ha been tomo nuctlou In the mltul of the rltheii aa to nhctb a toter or could lcu more than onu petition for the aaine office of candi date at the coming city nlectlou. The Mlprtme cni.it ha decided that a witcr I eiitllled to U:u a many peti tion for the am oitlcn a he may ee lit. I'ollH' Judge I.cuttt, lu will pan on all petition filed for the city elec tion, ha aiiuounced that there Itt nothing lu tho law to prevent a voW from lgulng a many petition aa he want to Tho old HaUderxiri charter had a proUlon forbldtllAg u voter from (IkiiIuk moro tliittiVine iwtltlon for the ame office Till pr"ovllon waa left out of thyTiew charter. Home ot me amain ii in canuimuva already In the field are copied from tho petit hum ued under the Bander- mm charier, hut they will probably hae In be changed to meet the re quirement of tho new charter. All winner of petition for nomination milt be iiialllleil voter, and there fore mut hao registered alnco March I of thl )ear. U. S. R. S. LEGAL MI.IVKIt P. MMItTO.V KXPKOTKO TIIIH KVKXIXtl Wlltlt TAKK UP ANKK.w' OAXAIi AMI OTHKIl I.M(Uli .MATTKHH v Oliver I. Morton, legal mlvlnor for tho Parlllo dlvlaliiu of tho reclamation Horvlco, will comu lu tonight front I'ortliiiul, according to Information lecelved nl project headquarter. At Hit time bo will give attontlon to tho propped transfer of tho Anko iiy ditch to tho city of Klamath Falls In turn for n bond to protect the gov ernment Hhould future litigation arlao In tho matter. Other mnttora of In- leront w II alo be nttouded to by Mr. Morton, In tho llrlllflh museum there la lo be seen tho Drat envelope aver Bade. ADVISOR COMING ARREST INDIAN; CHARGE, MURDER JAII. IX X)XXXKCTIO.V WITH TIIK KII.I.IXC MP PKTK IlltOWX ON TIIK IlKSKItVATlOX J. M. Ilolman, In charge of the Yal- uai ub-3Kiticy, ha brought to thl city Jim (leorge, a Klamath Indian, ului charged with the killing of I'eto llrown at I'lute Camp, near Yul nat, evral day ago. He Is In the county Jail, awaiting the arrhal of a deput) iiiarnhat from Portland thla eveulug. drown' body wiu found with two bullet holen through It. An Investi gation dUclOM'd the fact that follow lug a dance. Drown and Oeorge were In a gambling game, and had been drinking. They left together, and eeral hour afterwards Brown's body waa found. AUo awaiting an appearance before the federal grand Jury are Willy Hen ry and fieorgo Fauldntone, who were arretited for Introducing whiskey on the reservation. REVIVALS DRAW LARGE CROWDS PUT.MAX MKKTIX08 AT THK I'llltlSTlAX CHUKCH WILL ItlMK TO A CI.OHK TUKSDAY XKillT MAXV CONVKIiTKl) Largo nudlcuces nro greeting ICvnugellat Putmnn at each service ot the revival meeting now lu progress at tho Christian church. Interest In tho services Is steadily Increasing and more than a score ot adults have been added to tho church blueo tho meetings becaa. Tonight tho thomo will be "The Prodigal Son's Father." t llev. Put man' manner of dealing with this subject will bo auro to Instruct and pleaso his hearers. Vocal solos each night by tho evan gelist and MIhh Hubert and un orches tra of sovorul pieces add much to the mimical features. A cordial Invttu tlou la extended to all to attend those moetlugs. How it From Woodbtae. Ifvwls Wampler la In from tho Wamplor homestead on the Upper liako. SPENO $115,1 19 ON THE KLAMATH PROJECT WORK I.VI.I rxrojii'i.i-rrKi ritojrXTH .UIK TM UK rTUMHHKI) Ktiluiiulliti ('otnmlaalon Will Hprd .Morn Tlmn Twrntf-Tlirrc Million Itallnr TliU Muuhimt Over Hlf a .Million U to lb L'ftol un UmmllllJi niil KUmutli Project, anl oa Ute '- MTullTr IrrlKalion Work. Secretary Uni ha luatructed the reclamation toiumlralon to puli to completion a rapidly a powlble all uncompleted reclamation projucti, ac cording to tho current luuo of the declamation Record The plan made by the aervlce, which have received the approval ot the ecretary, contemplate the expen diture of f :3,tC0,S&S during the cat endar year 1914. Thl amount cov era the largest program ever outlined In the hlntory of the reclamation ser vice, The various aupervislng engineers and project managers have been in vtructtd to make Immediate plana to proceed vigorously with tbc work on each project. In order that the work may be carried through in accord ance with the program without delay, and with a view to securing the great est possible benefit to the water users. That the water users may know exact ly what Is planned, the following In struction have been sent to the pro pre jects: Kull Information concerning tbeee plan should be made public through the medium of newspapers In the vi cinity of the project and through communications addressed to water user associations, the object being to keep the members of the associations fully advised of the plans ot the ser vice for the current year. "It U desirable that publicity shall Ik; given to the details of your plans. and for thai reason, It Is suggested U Jour communication to the ter users associations, you state ex actly on what feature the proposed expenditures will be made, at the samo tlmo pointing out to them what resulting benefits are to be derived frum thene expenditure. "Tho underl)iug motive for this suggestion la the belief that publicity crvatex cuofldeuce, and that a full un demanding and knowledgo of the work being done for their benefit will promote friendship and good fellow ship between the water users and the service." In Oregou tho expenditures pro posed to bo made on the Umatilla pro Joct during the year are $573,000; on tho Klamath project, $175,319: on the Oregon co-operative work, $473, 917 for construction work In co-operation with tho state under an agreo meut dated May 5, 1913, and on Co lumbia lllver co-operative work In Oregon, $13,000. On tho Klamath project the pro posed exvndltureti comprise $7,000 for extending the distributing system and approximately $101,000 on the construction of additional dralnago works, while $67,000 is to bo expend ed for operation and maintenance of the syatom. SOCIALISTS TO E A TICKET MKKTIXO OK MKMIIKKH OP THK PAKTY Wll.lt UK HKLD MONDAY MtlllT TO UIHCUSS THK CITY OAMPAIOX A full city ticket is to be put In the field by tho socialist party. A con vention for urranglng thl will be huld Monday eveulug at tho home ot U. A. Kdlo'r In Mills addition, aad at this tlmo candldatea will be nominat ed and plaus outlined to carry on a vigoious campaign for their election. Tho third class railway fares of India are less than a farthlat a saile. NAM WILSON REQUESTS REPEAL 0E COAST TRADE EXEMPTION I.V SVKClAl, MOHAfl 8AVH THIS IH A MIHTAKK Pmtldcnt ttprar Ilefore Coufrtm TUr, awl Makrn a i'lea for a IUv moral of llir ClaoM Kaptiac Amciirad Klilp From Toll Datiea Whllf I'aMlrgc Itirougli tlte Paaa ma Canal. United Press Service U'lulIIVsi-rvkV u m I .'w ., r. ,., ntartu t.- As a result of the atUtatle takes by Ptcttlileat Wilson regarding; caaal lolls, an extremely bitter coacrea ional confetti 1 predicted, lavoltiag tlte first serious split betsreesi WUsoti and tlte democrat. lndrrwujd, lioui-e leader, aad Bess tor tVtiurmait are oftfMMrd to WU on' canal roarar. WASHINGTON, O. C. March 5. In a special message to Congress to day President Wilson asked for re pealing of that provision of the Pan ama canal act which exempts veasels In the coastwise trade from the pay ment of tolls. "I urge in the name of Justice and the wisdom of our large policy such a repeal, with tbc utmost earnestness of which 1 am capable," said he. " I be lieve this exemption constitutes a mistaken sense of economic policy from every point of view. 'Moreover, this Is a plain contra vention of our treaty with Great Britain. I oak your support for the foreign policy of the administration. I shall not know bow to deal with : other matters of even greater delicacy and nearer consequence if I do not grant this ungrudging measure." The last of the address Is regarded aa a veiled reference to an acknow ledged regard to accede to England's demands that the tolls clause be re pealed to Insure America her support In the Mexican situation. The galleries were Jammed, and nearly all the diplomats attended. Sir Arthur Spring-Rice, Briton's ambas sador, was atweac Speaker Clark referred the address to tho commerce committee. Under wood refused to discuss the address, but stated a party caucus on it was Impossible, indicating- that he com pletely disagrees with Wilson. Hack Prom the Sooth. Following a visit of several months In Berkeley, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Van Brimmer and daughter hare re turned. lf.. a- . . tuiiKi rrv'iu runuan, I Attorney J. H. Carnahan returned last, night from Portland, where he has been attending to legal matters. Canada has a society ot forest en gineers. Dr. B. B. Fernow of Toron to Is president and F. W. H. Jacombe of Ottawa Is secretary. Quarter Girls Bodv " - Aged Omam Suspected of Stockton Atrocity STOCKTON, March 5. -Tho police of this city and ot the state are today seeking to apprehend Wah Hong, an aged Chtnamau, who Is believed to be responsible for tho murder of Esther Crouer, a white woman, whose body vas found last night la Trapper's slough. The body had been cut Into thir teen pieces, and sewed up In tunny sacks. The police have learned that about six weeks ago the aged Chinaman In duced tho woman to come to Holt Springs, but for what purpose It has neyer been ascertained. There are three theories upheld as IRRIGATIONISTS WILL BE GIVEN VALUABLE TALK PIMP. POWER WILL HPKAK OX HAXDMXO WATER Increased Atteadsace la Xofed as (he Course Prospeswa, aad Use Corral- lis aad Klasaatti Ha askew Oat Hotae Straight Tratas, . Coadactlac a' Very Helaral Qaes tioa Praartanat. TOMORROWS PROGBAM Tfflt 10 a. m. to 11 a. j :itte: 'JVTs "Alkali Soils i meat," as : Max A. 11 a. m. to 11 au: "Breeding, Feeding, aad Maa- agemeet ot Beef Cattle." Professor Fltts p. m. to 2 p. m.: "Crops for Pigs or Cows Field Peas aad Roots." Max A. MeCall p. m. to 3 p. as.: "Handling Irrigation Water. Professor Powers p. m. to 4:30 p. au: "Judgia Reef Cattle." Profeeser Fltts :30 p. at. te 9:30 p. sa.: "Types sad Breeds of Cattle." Professor Fltu Lecture. Mrs. L. W. RobMas. 10 a. a, to 11:30 a. m. "Salads aad Salad Mrs. RobMas. 1:16 p. m. to 3 p. at.: Talk oa Care of ChUdrea. Mrs. Robblas. 3 p. m. to 3 p. at.: "Cakes aad Cake FUHasa." Mrs. RobMas One ot the most Uaporfaat teases at the entire farmer's short coarse will be given tomorrow at the high seheel, when Professor Powers addresses the assemblage on "Handling Irrtaatloa Water." ThU subject la ussHalljr timely In Klamath, with the lrricsUoa season a short time away, aad farm er again facing the danger ot too much or too little water. Professor W. L. Powers talked dar ing the first forenoon period ot the fourth day's icssjjsn of the short course, taking for his subject, "Judg ing Soils." He told how to Judge soli by na tive vegetation, as. for lastaace, a heavy growth ot black sage indicated a good soil, comparatively free froat alkali. Salt crass, small sat of greasewood U apt to Indicate preseace of alkali, but whether or not la quaa titles to be really objectionable caa be (Coatlaaed oa sate 41 to the cause of the murder, the au thorities holding that It haa beea taa , work ot a degenerate, in pursuit ot the satisfaction of a blood lust; the result ot a quarrel, or that tha weaua had discovered evidences of aa aflasi smuggling plot, and waa put eat C the way by the desperate CMaaaMO. Yen Zee, a Chlaaaaa barber, wkesa shop waa In the froat part of ska house occupied by Wah Heat, been arcssted on suspictoa ot Mas; implicated la the murder. Maat) stains were found oa the wall aa4 la' the corner of the barber . ( The murdered woaua baa a aMther aad a brother aad sister Utaac aft areas Valley,