(Ih iEumnn iUral.b KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER K- v. SZ-So. u.m.7 ?!& KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1914 Price, Ffve Onto Suit to Enjoin the Payment of Warrants Is Filed in the Federal District Court '''VMVS-M EN6LAND RESERVES RIGHT TO ACT BENTON AFFAIR, BUT WILLING TO LEAVE IT UP TO THIS COUNTRY w w na. a a a ... a "V ---..-----. , , ir i -1-1 - "iiinrjjnrinjjT.Tj'jvururuvAAAAnAvxwn STREET BRIDGE BOTH COMPANIES RAISING OF HOGS TO BE LOWERED1 MAY BE ASKED TO , IS TALKED OVER MAKE CITY OFFER, BYFARMEXPERTS George F. Covey and Jay Gould 6KKY jUM'SANVnl'M.'KMK.NT tlll.lMKT MH'.XS IH iiiuiatu ri.iti:ii MrfTVrn h. ('' H MrHi-tril I, W Jur Mill I ImI Till U (Vn ! "rt r.ni'. Mr avk( u '"'' tt"K'M U) M) U rllh Willi ' lilkr tlnwr Ulllt llMrttiHMl. t(l4 l'i tkol-M UIN'IKIN, Mwli J Kmst-uul i rwl.Ot fttf lb frrornl III r 04 BcttMt SIf lb Ih" !' "' ,,,c Ao-iU.. jtaurnutvul. riltu lh ilttt la Ut( lu utiUlit lull r-'ir-Iks tor ikU 4tb. Tiii 4(utit-4 In Uiv h'11" of I ... t4y bj Hit .ilCll Of CiM I'im mrttce WAStllNOTON'. t " . tarti J -OSdUl Mlrt44 (Heat AllIrlli) it U n!tirtti tu H'r Oi ) today, U m u&Nuisf4 inl Uic rending f U (tsl ( Auibjtur I'aCe Ucfute lit ftttlfcrl l,o KntUml l (' Miltl lit Amrrlou pollr) etrtt atMn i(rlrd tUf)r Jlrjrn fu-tumtiy ili itc foreign iliHumnU raf illn MltlfO. X4llt. it KlItUtKt ki tri'iuu4 of Aiuerlot iolto T4 niUuJn ol C'rruia I ih Briisi Foreign Supports Policy of United States I'l.OJI.CT MANAUKH AMI HAYh tr can hi: tutorri.it to a iji:w im'iiiw aikivj: tin: watkii i.: 1:1.. JUBILATION UATIII.UTIIAX COM. I'KTITIO.V ttOL'GIIT illu HrtfaMliiit; I'lililli Clilllir BVaBft j.il ?BbUbssssssssssssssssssssssb. Y9f4Bbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb WtJMPbsbV. BEEBBSBBSi nffSPSrBSSaaW' Muth of the tr;i itrmlo Jpt4lint! !! in mo uriucv arrucs win rcciuma- (,, jiiui) rJUi on J-tt'intiaui' mil rii in 'rlltultmioO, tu n-ult of Oi JkUIciii Ju.i raclio4 ly I'rojt-ct Miimcnr auii in lotm.f lloti wild Dm tlma. Huh o( tlto bfliler. Mr Cnm in iirml inciiibnfn of Um council dial tlm IdlilKo ran x! tuxrrl Id a I-1 4 ! Irbr sImiv.. IJin hhIit Hue VIM oil! pnl!i.-l rllmlnniu ihf EraOr on tlir iiiii-r pprincli. ami In thv nvrtil thai the Kcno 1'owor UI EKMilf cut diiwii llio iwi rlltuli cuMntr n'i lulu Klamnlti Knll On. lirltler ffom tin- mllru4 irarl- i.u!,r a (innrlilno, ttliiK ihir rni- f!if lirl tuminlii-r inkn nrtuiti Ix-lun lliinf ctmrKr4 by din Callfor- l.MM. MKX IVK. TIWTH IX hOII JVlHllSf, IlicirUMil AKriiiUaii at llir !v-coiiil lllwukfil I., Mrnili-n f llir CHjri llrt' SJoti of llir hliort Counwr. ruiintll, I'lvllmliwr)- in tint I nl mi iliictlnii of nu .tllra(liii for a I'ikmiIiImi li)' Kiihi I'uit rr "iii. (nu) M.itlliru WnnU Our I'lniit. .Mail Qih-bIJoii lUUtinK lu thtf IUUIiii; mill larkfllui( "I I'urV Atr Tii!Lctl IllUktratiil lclurc for Uic Wfimrii AllttiillnK. I tilt till III a ( 4a) MILLS ADDITION nin Ori'icoti I'owrr company, will tho Kl.tinullt I'nlU (ounuuu-rn of ctirrcut l. my fiiT off Hum lliry arc at irft'ut, TIiIh Han till lite qtienllou at laul lilclit m uirclltiR of. (hr rouurll. Coutt- II I II llfT nrilimn rllmau MaIHu'w. nha propoutiilcJ HHAT 111 I Nr illlf Nt,",ur- h,a thai tl. cllr oulil l. tm brtirr off, nn4 Inttcnil, would have cm i:siiii:i:u wu.i. niMi'H.i: UATA HIUtATIVi: T A hKWIlrt t MT 'i m:u'i: TWO AIHII. TIO. .Slf Kilrtfu Ol( (DKICII In ny f! Mr cent Interest on two In trutninilii Innti-ad of on one, should (tin Hallway Cotnmlmiloa order the company now In operation to ralso or rrdurc lt rati- until Ita nt Income 1 C tr rent of tht amount Inverted. . In rn of two rompanloa opvratlnK. 'nn lth a I mm pxHnflv ctjulpment.l ..... &iiu i .i. i-i.. . .-. Miir riiiiiiiiiimiuH tnm uv xikiii iu ihiicj A fifth rir unit may noon lipjltn rair tHjual with thoc of thr otbr formnllM(umlUMwniU.poaUor!coPnJ'' w ,nn' houKh Kprns ,,.,, , ., , , , ,,., ,'Hroilirnt notiKhl to furnlali powrr nt , MlIU Adilllliin, Itallriwd Addition utid , " ., ......- ,,,.,.. . lomr fl6ir, tby would not b nl- . thf port luiu of Main ltit bojoud , ' 7 ,,,,..,,, . , ioi'a in no no. ,. tin' Mattiath Diiiflopitirnt compauj , ... .... , ,, ' , It wa tiKKcicd by aomo that th aflaii inn . inr. that l tlwut pciii. The . . ... . ( ToMOItltOWK ritOGKAM t, l( thv rIM Hlalr. ran lu mlnl.ter fr iho llrllUI. rmplrc. ha '-r br..ul.t up al la.t "')',, for n frftnChW, In w iUhwi of tb orM h. to Mr ul RMimnriH, , .upport of ' ' -''- ') '" ouM 0ttlHlw h, the city m Nnniif IK-ftilnp Cwrai ran artans 1L UHhu II ..il.. .. i..ili.u l..i. .. ,..,. ,,p ,m,,r, .,, , ,, ..Mh 1-1(,, ... vl-.l,,, I.. ,, t"i 4 ... ... .i.n. .. ii-iiii...,. .i n.,i. 'ICaill III' iirani "i in'"'" ' ..-.i roup for.. . .....!. ... .. ... .. . ii'- ii.vciniiifii iii int. friHi i. it i ... ..... - Kxln t .i . .. . ... . "". ilrlUh ilUJ'l. lti at um or irniir H.M4IH nrj Kcigoii Jn lMirlUmi(1 tl att. TilaUiirj.MiariliIUiKaUr.'nnilfv ,(,, ,t, cornmrnt would KjeirtiU tin. t n, Uorrania. MtaB, arl(gn lir ,,, tltti Htatr faIWIily ha bf.n lnnliely!n ,p mpnlmci the iirltUh connul W. Hcrrafur.all Amnrlran will , (lrfit, a tn -t licalloti ol Iho l h MwjHrt. rlrruinitant of thr 4ath, and h ' n rport to hi homo omen, Tho r. Mnxm in I'hmUiuI, fntrlfiii mlntntrr ha no hope, how- fr Jolinutti. n nxll kiiuwn llonatt'it ptT, of eathrtlne mori' fact than WuittlGtier, urt ihu morning with' will l Iiarne4 hy Aiucrknu linmil Wlftti A A. MhalTcy for trrat- itator h-auP of hi lack of author " In 1'iiftUiui r (1BI( i,,,, gUf-liy I" nimprl mIiikmc to testify Thf 'tiln ffin a moiu urtahJown, olCiiinr.tiirr of thr pronouncement "' Hm attriuird to ilitlit awn) lilaluf Hlr K.lwnril Urey la) lit Iho fact of, tjf hi ijiilrk rrcotenllloii thai Ihr-MotiriH " lni'd to do o. It wa tiKKClcd by onii that tho two rompaulc ho atked to hilbmlt hlch they could ex- tiort from them lu the war of IlKhtlne Oil KiijclticerJ A McLean a In- xnW ,, , tH,TetntaKe f tll).r -tnictod to preparo ilnta teKardltiK ,,,,,. u j sheet, who wa pre ihli. iiuKnl tlUtrkl It la plantn-4 r,( tlwU, , faU)r of nn nJpUrm. to put thl ihroiiRh a early a po. . frMChi. wiih nrovlalons for IJg.. nlbli'. In oiilcr to Improto tho a ti lls ry condition of thai part of Klam ath Kail KENO POWER CO. regulation of rate every five year, and h ktaled that tho Incomo would ttearl) pay the cot of an efficient yn tern of Mreel Illumination here. INCORPORATES SARGENT AVENUE MAY BE EXTENDED 10 a. m. to 11 a. m.: "The Chief Boil Typta of Klamath County; Their Qua! Itlm, lje aud itaudllnK." Max A. McCall 1 1 a. m. to li m.. "llrwiiluK, Fred I us and Man aKCUH'Ut of Shep." I'rofcaaor Fltta 1 p. m. to 2 p. m.: "Crop for I'lga or Cow s Al falfa." I'rofesor l'owera : p. m. to 3 p. tn.: "Dry Karxa Tillage." Max A. McCall 3 p. m. to 4:3tr p. m.: "Judjclnc Shevp." l'rofeor Kitu 7 30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m.: Typea and Ureed of Uoirs and Sheep." 1'rofestor Fltta "Machinery Equlpmonl for the Farmer." Mar A. McCall lecture. Mr. I.. W. ltobbln. I " ! BEEEEEEEEEE BEEEEEEEEEEJ BEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEB.a .awEk vEEVSHbEEL . 5SHev BBEft ' ;--EB I BEEEBmr'EA'aEEEEEl BEEEEEEEEESBEEEEEJ ftEEBEEEEEEEEEEESE ebebebebIbbeH BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSfl BBBBBBBBETBBa ESSJBSSSSSSSBiBSSfl EjfwEEEEEEBEr i z jEEE f i 'awwwV :i a "th bebe9eVI BBEBVSBEr JBsBeI bebebV r JbeIbeI bebeSheseseLe1 :i BEECBEa VBBBBBBBBBBBBBl TIMBER INTERESTS SEEK PERMANENT INJUNCTION MADE (lIKAIUXU OX PttTIO.V SET FOR ' MOXDAY I'raclicaJlf All of the WmmmU AU Ucked by R. X. Dr Are Iacladed In tite Actio Joat CowiaawxaJ la I'orUaail Plata! to Knjoia the Coart Front Any More of Klad. (Herald Special Service PORTLAND, March 3. Bell to Join the payment of Klamath couaty warrant worth in exceaa of $350,000, and to enjoin the county court tharo from issuing further warruti for al iened voluntary lndebtedneaa, haa been filed in the federal dlatrtct court here. Tho application tor as injunction has ba tot for hoarl 'Monday moralas. The county Judge, county coaualo- Slone and county trouaror aro 4o- fendanu tn thU acUoa, which to ttod by the Weyerhaeuser Land coaapoajr. the Western Pacific Land and Ttotkor company and tho Oehkooa Land aad j Timber company. Tho petltloa waa , prepared by J. T. 8. Lyle of tala cHy I and Kuykendall tc Ferguson of Kill- lath Falls. The suit purposes tc reatrala tho .county treasurer from accosting la George F. Covey payment of taxes or paying eoaaty JA V GOULD warrants alleged to bo void and Illegal because they are said to have aooa George F. Covey of Ensland. pro- liSUd t voluntarr Ind.htodaMa jfelonal court tennU champion of ( ,n exceM of lhe XA HmlUUoas. - IU worm, una just nrrituu iu iuc 'United States to play Jay Gould. .-rho 8ull Ju8t fl,ed ,B portj,, I American amateur champion, and coverg a of tne wamiaU tamt j, JKrandion of tho great railroad Bpecu- aUcked here.. -.id n v Kuvkan. WnlnrMlar Marrh I or' tor the world' championship. dall ttMlay. la addlUoa to oaektaa; aa .,!:!:S":: fer,t,h fi,BdQ?"BTllhotar ' Cout.nuat.on of ., I,em- " ZlLlT rVV. "' "S "T A,M.-...-. .. .. . . maneni tnjuncuon. resinuamg me wins from tho professional urittsner. county court from iscurriBg aay far- onitratlon. Mrs. Kobbln. 1 p. m. to 2 p. in.: "Kvolutlon of Tabic Service and Manners." Miss Carpenter 2 p. m, to 3 p. in.: "Cereals aud Quick Breads." Mrs. Itobbins. he will be hailed as one of the great-, tner vollmtary indebtedness until It cii American aimeies ni to su e-1 is out of debt." stue rrancis uuimei, wno oeai me It Is said that with bat two greatest lirltlsh golf players. '"0ft mlt,t b,. Iniired, ' to Mrrrlll, Dortrluo covered tho nltimtlnu ". A. llarrU niul I.mII ll,.. ...... i l.. ll-rll.. llmrH Id h ----- v , f.n, ..a. IIUBPI. ...... J .11 . I, ...1..- - . Ia.1 .. .. .7 ,0 """Ml ImUjr o utteiul lultirti mctinMi iiovi'i Kioto ; IW 1 I lolwhern thi picture of women who wlh to hecomo hrlili'H are exhibited. Republicans Yet Lead i. is ahi: ni.Kit or tiii: muvrv (Lt:iiK's oifick iiv HKIINS I.NTKIUWT. t'AIMTAI. IS iaut'i:it at a.vi,oo. Mration of G. 0. P. More Than All the Rest!;1 T clo , ri.Rirntlim Hnturduy loii.i .i"""1 ,0,n, ronUtrallon up ., ""'. Till la n trine oI! . "f l,M' f,"ly' raUmalod Ouf ,,r,,,,,ll ItiSl d ". ","",'cr "f wom"" r"U' K0.1.A1" tl"1 ww,k' lwo wnwwn iMrMmV 'C"r'1 " '"- o -1S,':,;,;;:",,K ,,,,, ,,wr" ,h- MsZLif M tl rUtmtlon (ollowa fliiifii'iki in, "n f!u... Woiin coi ?JIcratsU.' n .'.,.. ITI Woiiiiiii I'liililhlllo Moll . . Women HoilrtlUl Men . . Women l'iinrele- Muit , . Voiiimt I t 4 I . . . .0 .33 . 3 .31 . 1 Articles of Incorporation for the Keiiti Power eompany were Hied )ea lenliiy at tho court huuo by J. W. KelliM, II. 1.. Ktirui nltd I). G. Kern, who have boon opoliidliK u sinnll plant ou KlaumtnsJUor neur Kouo, land uitllclpalu oxteiHiiK their linos horn. The romprtlD'njiiHlluw. I to pin- diue, itii'umulale ituil ilUlrlhulo olee- rlclU and oloUromotlui foice. Iho ' I... I.... I .. !..... tt tti.lii..idu la I'll. lit Plllllipill IHIVU wiit....nn .- n"" 'iik Kltuimlh KnllH, uud tho roiicorn Ih rapltallxod nt $200,000 divided Into :jl.Hi wlmri'H. IIISTItirr MAV UK FOHMKI. TOj It UN tX TIIK Ul'l'Klt UKK OVKH THIS HOUTK, FHOM .NINTH, TK.NTH AXI KLF.VKNTH W'iiIIm. for IJitkv.lle. 1'iopoity owuou on Main Htreot Imlwiioii Second ami the bridge mut nt once lopulr tlm wooden walks In (unit of their property or construct now duch. lu ciihb they aro lu hud con- iilltloii. At piexent thu coudlllou of tht'Hii wnlliH Ih stii'h that poopiu pre fer to walk ulong tho puveil street. Moil MiiiiiM'iiiii'ii'1 Women I a llefused l(i Htnu- Moil ,,,, i " Woaiea ,,......... The Now Ymk llousuwlvca' l.enKUo Ihih cIiohoii several women to act ns limiuntora In their rnmpnlgn In their rrusado agalust cold storage food, lutitoud or Improving Ninth street .m far ns at Unit proposed, W. Frauk Aram siiKKosted that the thorough fare bu lmproed to Uphaui street, and that u district bo foriuod of prop erty owners ou Ninth, Tenth and Kloveuth Htreuta to pay tho cost of uu Improved street eouuocttuK all thteu of these ktreets with Oregon uv iniie, which leudu to Hhlpplugton. "All three of theso streets will be Improved this Hiimmor," said Mr. Aiiiut, "and this would make the coal materially less for all coucorued, with hotter security for tho bonds," Separate, but tally lug with this plun was tho petition for tho Im provement of Kloveuth streets from Mnlu to Upliiuu streets, Wordou av enue to Donald street, aud Donald street to Sargent uvenuo. ThU was accompanied by cash to covor the cost of piellmlnttry work. lustoud of Oregou avenue, Ship- plngtoii uud tho Upper Lake cau bo renehod hy nu easier grade along Sargent aveuuo. The streets will hold n meeting to discuss this route to Shlpplugtou, Tho second day's session of tho i short course was opened this mora- liiK at 10 o'clock by Professor W. L. PowvMn, who profaced his talk with the Miitemetit that ho had been mis ituottd regarding limestone as au oradlcator of all kinds of alkali. ".My statement was simply this: UyrHiim, or land plaster, which Is mainly sulphate of lime, changes black alkali to white alkali, which is Us harmful to land," said Profess or Powers. "Tne Important Chemical aud Phy sical Properties of Soils" was the sub ject of Professor Powers' morning talk, Ir. which ho outlined proper till iiro nod cultivation; the correct meth od of plowlug Irrigated and dry furms; the right wty to apply lltno tve Kiouplng soil p.u tides Into clut ters; tho Importance of growing ro3ts. t-u.-h as tho roots of rod clover and .ilfalln, as conduvfin f air, light niu' water Into tho subsoil. Ho ex plained why it waa that drained lands neur suffered from drouth as much as undruluod Ian Is. In tho last 'inlt of his period Pro fessor Powers had the farmers Judg- Wtftern Xlght at Moose Hall Tonight will be Western night at the Moose dance, and all patrons of these popular dances are supposed to wear the fancy garments of the frontier. Chaps, guns, qulrta, rl attas, etc., will bo the proper equip ment for the men. School teachers In Italy receive less than 1600 a year. tlons, all the counties of tho have exceeded their limit of Tolaa tary indebtedness, and this action is brought in the federal court to fore thorn to hold down expenditures. Cattlesaas. Jess Iteckley, who has been la Cal ifornia for the past week looking af ter the feeding of cattle, has returned home. He will leave In a short time for other places where be Is feedlBg cattle, to see how they are coming on. Want Murray for Mayor Petitioners Making Strong Ettort to Put Him in Race Although Edward J. Murra has rt--ontorprlses may be aided and busiaess futed to become a candidate for IpTluclples established In the admlaU- mayor, his friends aro determined that his name shall bo ou the ticket at the May election. Toward this end they aro circulating petitions, by which, they hopo to force him to make tho run. Tho patulous bolug circulated are prefaced aa follews: "We, the undersigned residents and lug soils, which he had secured from vtrs of the city of Klamath Falls, Klmuuth county farms. Kach farm er was furnlshod with a few spoon fuls of soil and a blank such as is used in tho Oregou Agricultural Col- mMMWVIMIMWWVIIIIWIIWWMIIWIMArt (Continued oa page 4) hereby petition you to permit the use of your mime as a candldato for the office of mayor of this city. We base our request on our earnest desire to see a progressive administration for Klamath Falls, to the end that civic tratlon of the affairs of the city. Dellevlug you will meet the de mands of a largo majority of the peo ple of Klamath Falls in these matters, wo earnestly urge you to stand aa a candidate for the olllce of mayor, at the olectton to be hold on May 4, 1914." The petitions aro being circulated lu all parts of the city, and aro kalaf freely signed. In 8hlpplngtoa, oaly live names are not on tho aoUtlea. Murray as yet will make no itatito :t regarding a change of heart, but is case he does not annouaco hlawaef Ma friends contemplate having ate placed on tho ticket. PK1 rffia III rsi E&J If ill m V(-iJ'1 ' 'v.-.'.. mi ' ! rj;.