vv, l Eu jtttittg IteraUi KLAMATH PALLS' PRINTS THE OFFICIAL NEW8PAPER NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWI jusris-3- uSx mKHSf:MMiSW,i,K-" - - .. .j, m jii,.r.f.Tr - c j,l,ll. VMI-' J"0' KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1914 Price, Fhr FARMERS' SHORT COURSE IS BEGUN AT HIGH SCHOOL jijuvrrwrmtimm fc ..J.J.-.J.lIJl-a-ll-LrirLrj-J1J-LriJ-l t MWWWWMMWVWMMWVMWVWWVWWtfWVMWVWWWWM lWWWWMMWWW . m WM.GHANOLERIS FREED BY JURY; CACKA INDICTED "' t . WYIO.V II V Till: IH:iUITMi:.ST IN AMtlLHH IN PKIHiiMI flH. uiMIIIITI,Ttllli: tout at iiiitTM.Mi ""'" Following a filuwItlK IrttilllNirildn- Arthm '1tI Utw 4"r ! i (rui t.r Pt-jidetit ICrr of lit Orrgun Out u( the AllMMpt III OUir of ' Agricultural mllrgti l hV dopirt . ti-i.i. v .."m,!nl ' BrI(fMttif III which Im U I'tlMlliatif) lr Willi Hie SMM "I ... , , " ' rated iia one of ih fiifefno ncrl Captain J W. Hlrmr l'rl.uliuial rM'llo mi tlm I'arlnr roast. tlirir,.ll.M.r.ltr ol HiaMiller A 'f('fl "" '"" 'r U I Urn llitllnr. I.) I'rirMiU, akokIiik ( Attkr (rmn Portland lb Mrmt crtt4 Jul), which cn! ?tjrd lU tlnlleniUllli Ult) Hjlllfild) cuotoi, rriimiKl nn Indictment' cUrctnc Fiank 'k Hii attempt, lex in iiefiitUlo llittiUEli I tic mall IStlM JIOtlMlirx lllln Tbp Jut) ali rriurtml a not lru kill In I be. r of W, I Chamtkr. Illty ptibltrlr r.iitl"rlltt Ihr hldi-i j r-clri cdr-M (If I he W o f r 1 1 1 unll). who wa detained In Port U&4 tuM lldio tr I tin federal au-1 ltfllr CfV 1) uMi-t iii ii ilia author of the. Mr T Munition''" latum oililft) in ii ttpokane bank. In on ef fort to tiUiiux dI primlry mi- for IHtlal IhllUiand dollar. 1tlee U4 llio nam of Captain J, V, Mew J M for4 thereto. la tonnprilon wt iM charge, Kit- (tattoo irrp4lrl In Mineral Utto, ni lifli) )n lti KUtimiti .ombu ill UT U, twlnro lln m niiritr. hy i tin rn4 Jury ll r f'Stl) hrniieht a ilamaea null acalbtt Hk- Flri Tnut ami ttailnc hank, nf hkh tlfiirn U prmlilvnt l'til(4(p hi ilrltm lit MAO Hup IfiBR btrli the Mivr .rr mstlpd, a. fltrd it, I'driianil r wltntw. It hp)d Ihcto oVirt iUy by llio mbtfllp, but IhU U bfll4 n i1t brrn a rtl to mki rantur Ihe rapturf of Cat ka, n Itohfhilan farmer no llrtl nwr Merrill. ttldfiil. ut Mrrrlll dl.l nut lK!!r,rr,"'f" Innlrurior for to ycam. He, ihi ChaiiilUr m utility, ami bontU' " ,,f',, anlng a hIIiIpIIo coach with , for hU relcap weru piMtnl. When h' firr,l '" ' trathcil Merrill urarllrally tho rnllre' ! community turned inn in welcome' aim home. nearly 3O,0O uomen worker, Why Not Swat 'Em? University Instructor Ready to Help in Campaign Mr. (Iroceryinnn, Mr Knrmer, Mr. Houieholder. how much would It bit Tlh lo you o lmv your plnrn of 4iiim or )iiur kllcheit free from "' inu itimnterT Mako nn mtlumle In iliillnra. Con Wit llm value of f,lod itaiimited or Miollml by (ilea; roiuldur llu RVnaiiliV totnfiirt, of yournoHoa, your fnntllles ""' your murk; rounltltir tlm iili'vllea "' IIvIiik; nlmvo nil, rotiHlder Ihn "anger lo iiur baby's llfo, If you hnvti w l'tiy, connliliir tlm pimHlblllty of w torn' IjIHh. How niurh ) It worth, imml Piv dnilnrs, fio, llf.OT Sow, f )oti mid your iielttliliora "iiiilnnly am told of u prartlcal plun "' Rt rid of My peHtH tlila Humiiier by incniiH ot u little, co-iiiiornllon and of- Tt, ami with expenditure of prac muY "" mo,u,y nl ,l ow nu0"1 ir wl Von alt follow tlm prescribed Joiirmi Ul ,, your (jr((l Himor ' front tho y pliiguoT If you will, i n fan bo done, ''" iiuilmrlty for this atnlcmcnt la "f Clifton V, HoUgo, itrofosior of jwlal biology at ,0 Unlveralty of "fouon, nr, Hodgo, who la by now loo wC kw ovor lhu ttt0 (0 bo reigardtt4 as u visionary, U duvollng ".' v,ltl,o Hum lo corUlu advances In M. A. McCALL IS FARM APPRISER l.M',U, AHUIII'lMlttl, CM'KHI t;imt:x i tcrjsi'e.NHiiii.i: i'. Mat ., MrCall thr itoinrtiiirni of ftfiricultuio ai nrixif for KUinmii tiuitir. He lm t,nWet hl rol(nllii Inairnttor In nerlcutiiun at ttm lilsh citHtl. Jlilne lh clr of Hip rnrmrr' Wir lllrli litt litalllUlnl, ir Jic Call "III Ukw ii til ni f. TliU U ttolto uiitlrr I In' ll I'flUlnMirp'K, prurUiiiit (nr 'rrlnu'iill fariiio in, ipmihi.t lh rrui'ii mini roltlnl"l Ihntlun, lutly of if iUitt, rtc Ttm ttlirm atlliltirf l"lUm may tlll l)f count) nit.iii(irlotril 12,0yo for tlir work Oil ., anl ihlain will ir vt.ln Ait fiiinl a imi ti lit , Mr McCll hIII lip icr.-Aily niliwJ fr;n ili IiIrIi 'rtiwil, whir' hi lm Mill of Helium, Ireland, employ (he Mute along line of clvlo blolnjt)'. 'AmoiiR thene l the elltnlnatlon of I (Ilea, I The experluice of other cmnimml lien has ileuinnHtriited Hint 11 rondl tlou of freedom from' tile In not an Arnhl.ui Night dream. Tlm cities of Won oiler, Cleveland, WnalilnRlnn, lliililiiuire. JiihiiiineMluiri;. South Af- rlcn, llm Pniiiinm cimnl toim and ninny Jotlmr ilnrtM Imvo proied the entire ifenKlhlllty of Hlllidlllng Men. Of oiuirim, thorn nio Mill Men In Clovn litiul ami In WaHhliiKlon mid In Hnlll I morn mid In JohmiueNbiirK, hut whole jaerllotm of llioao I'lllo Imvo bwii 'timile iiutlrnly free, nml bail Ho ' operation nil over llm cities been of tho Hitnm chiiracler na It wna In llieao dlntrlrlH tho whole of tlm cltlea would hnvo been fre. It la poaallilo for ono aentlon of n city In boromo flylcsa whero miolher bectlim may atlll bo ilyrlililen, bnrattHu n Hy iloea not com nionly Inivel ftirlher limn 1,600 foot during lt lifetime, Tlm aucoeHS of Dr. Ilnilgo'a fly plan In Kaaturn communltloa wiih hucIi thnl this winter loiters nro pouring In upon hlm from nearly ovory clvllltml coun try roquestlug InstructlouN. Ho tin worn Ihem all. ' : "F9 w iA-i DEATH AND MISFRY THROUGHOUT EAST FROM BIG STORMS Is WOIIM' III.IZ..ltl I.V TWICVTV. nvi: vc,iih I'kiiii 111 I'rttl. of TIimI NmiIoii Cuiiir) rMiil nl 1'iitolil HurUiInu Itnll. mm'Ii Air I'nnilfnl M llirr, nii'l ll Will lk !). Itrdu Trnlflr mill lliullri I'nil II" llralilllnl Wilrv r.t Dunn, 'llUil lfr Keivlco M:V VOIIK. Marrh 3. The nllt f"t i iiaralytMt at, a rmult nt llm Muri bllumit lnr l IIIkIii arr llnaij hrfi Tlipto a ftKit of nnv nt noon A eal l limine tlit. niio no' lifforp K SV Vtirk I in-art)' Uolattil, ami liter a liunUrml tfnlii nri mallinl. Tlic rnllmstU Imytt canrt-ll'tl nil train. It.rlr n.r rtiuiilnc tutu mllllnn MriEr pxirtn tux' tin- (toriii In fcitioral III uniuci ilfM tlm it- na ill an I tie wire HI" nut. I'nltcl ! 8erlc IIOKTON. Marrh S.AII train cr Vkti Ik aloiitl ami )il(iplpe hntlljr hurl n a imull of the iitiirm Kant rn rltlni am In lancr of lite fire. Thr alarm wlrm nro out of commln- pIpii. flliJ tlm klrmU are cIokkimI no It It almifctt liiiioMlhlr for npparatu to rHnil, CITY REGISTER IS OPENED TODAY t ITV IIAI.I. IS A III SV SOI.WK, THi: "ItMilsTKIt IIAIILV" Hl'tl XKKM. t.VU TO IIAVK I.N'OtTiaTEll MA XV HeKlttrntlon for the clty'a election In May opened nt the city hall this morning. Kier since IM Smith made ', Maleuteiit to Judge l.envlti regard- ling hi name, until it)' nnd politics, there have been others doing ll, and the JihIko Iiiik been kept biuy to keep tlm wnltlng Hue from getltug too long. , The hooka will bo yopelieil until .April 15th. In order lo ote tit the city election In Mny, nil mutt regUtor nl tlm rlty hnll, Todii) reglatrntlon was Tf, dlvfil.vl by wnrils iu felliiMa: ! Plrm M Hi rouil 1 1 Third 20 Fourth 10 Fifth S COLONEL WILKINS RUNS FOR MAYOR ii'iniiio.vs foii tiii: fohmkh ' for.Vt'll.MAX ami; IIKIXO tilt- CI'LATKII i'OD.W HY HIS I litlCMIS Colonel avow etl en tloiiH iiHkln Ikltitt Is today mi for mayor. Pell- Ih uatim bo placed upon tho hall ro being circulated lodiiy. Wllklns Ih t mini to come out for llm ci. Ivo olllco, W. tl. TowiiHi'iullutvInt! entered tho race Hovoral ilnyM iigo, Tho Colottol la well known to nil inHldenU of Klamath KiiIIh, mid served several terms aa coiiucllinmi from the First Ward, M 11 wA i i dull It ,t. oKrti so NctNuul iy s tixecirt Dutch Girls Off to "3 J5m 411 aiHBr 2H.A SliL KEwm i aaaiaaaaaaanRzr:'"lt"l3t.iSPll fi vam. aBaanVi2l,k.'.3T l'vlv3 lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHFrVlIWEii:j -IffM I ii-IIIIIIIIIWBt 'M lVaKrl:--U''v ; aaaHMBaL2K;:::r.tA4?i3 tBr laaaaaaaaaaaaal A a Jaaaaaal L( 7 IB 7raBaUPaBaaam.s71tBB Jlt I aS3BaBWBBMBaalaaaaaaaa-aa--'" Kor tlir firm Unit In nc year the canal or Holland are completely froton over, and n Ihcy are ahort cuu Iho can a In lia've UpCowo winter hiKh- SPORTSMEN WILL ! FORM STATE CLUB I IMI1HITANT JIATTKItS WILL HKKOUMKH MA YOU OF THK CITY DISCl'SSKIl AT SIiSIOXK I.V KII.F-S AX.VOUNCKMKXT OF HIS pohti-i; win:x oiu;axi-i caxdidati: foii thk dvmo- Tit I.V WII.I. HK MAIIK CltATIt XOMIXAXTIOX Delegsteit from orgnulzatlous of uportsnmu In nil parts of the state wilt meet nt Portland Monday, March 16, 1911, to form a state association.' There nro now fifty-four clubs of huntcm and nmiermcn In Oregon, and the ready responses received from thco clubs! indlealo that there will be u full representation of nil sportsmen 'at the contention. The overwhelming majority of the sportsmen are In fnior of tlm protec tion of tub and game, mid the im provement of tho game resources of the mute. It will be the purpose of the Mate inebriation to work along the lines of game protection, to agree upon legliitntlon in order to britig that Inbout, and o exert the united intlu lenre of tlm sportsmen of tho stnto to procure the ptiHtmcc of muii legisla tion. Tlm objectH which the organised sportsmen bain In view nro particu larly close to the heart of each angler, nnd hunter, bernuso of tho fact that tho fund of $100,000 or more nnnu- nlly used for lish nnd game protection ,ma Ju8l (lloil announcement ot his und proposition Is created by the 'candidacy for tho democratic noml cense fees paid by them. nation as sheriff. lllshop hns long bwn a prominent Walker Is Here. democrat In the county, nnd ho was l.uko Walker, the local cnttloman, whose experiences, gutting Mcl.omoro Mium slock In Mexico would furnish plots for all tho dlmo novels and three-reel features a person could wunt, returned to Klamuth Falls on Sundiiy nlgbfa train from tho south, No bullet boles nro noticeable, and uiiloiM the wlginnkliiK art has oped wonderfully, he still has his Hcnlp. lltuo for Uivhs tiults It has been decreed by tho Master Tnllora' Association ot London that dress suits shall hereafter bo dark blue Instead of tho conventional black. Other chauges are expected, und tho stylus will be followed luoth - nr countries, School via Canal aj-f. The picture abore ahows three happy Dutch Rlrle on their way to Kctiool, nnd carrying a charcoal fire with which to ki'cp warm In the chool hour. BISHOP'S BONNET IS IN THE ARENA The latent chapeau to be heaved Into Klamath county's political ring Is that of ll. St. (lco. BUhop. Bishop m& II. St. Geo. llUhop gSmSMM rc-V-SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSnU.'-T.'. IWraslBBBBBBBflMalHLifWJ 'iBW : atsLLLtVH jisBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUnltaaH maor of tlm city for a couplo of terms. Before coming to Klamath county, lllshop wns sheriff In Arizona during tho strenuous days, Ho l.p Iteturns. i ierry O. Do Up returned last night rom ' San Francisco und Oakland. dovel-jw,cro ,0 wet to nttond to business matters, I , llojs Cleta Hero Medal j jW, tho Orenl Dane dog belonging to II. T. (lalpln ot New York, has (been, presented with a brouxo medal by tho New York Women's League for billing animals. Jim dragged his master from a burning apartment, lhiu owner having been overcome by gas. WILS0NOPP0SED TO INTERVENTION IN MEXICAN FUSS riAXH COUXTItV TOO IUO TO IIAVK IIA.VI) KOHCHI) th'trrutlie .Stales Tlwt Jlie Conqaent Would ot lie Worth Ibo Lire Tl.nl Would It IiMt, While Mttr Will Kvrnlualljr I to HlnUghteanL h.ijra Krir( of Coalllion Are .Vot True. United Vtett Senrlce ( WASHINGTON, D. C, March 2. President WlUon today made it plain that ho realizes that Intervention would coat enormous In lives and money. Ho said America Is loo bin to have Its band forced for selfish rea sons, and declared that the present policy would continue, rcgardle of any pressure. "People clamoring to have things done in Mexico do not reallzo that they will have to contribute their brothers, sons and sweethearts to se cure Immediate action," said he. "while If they wait the same result can be attained with no sacrifice of life." Wilson said that reports of coal! tion against the American policy In Mexico were unfounded. He. says I there is no attempt by foreign nations to float a Huerta loan. Carranta has Informed Bryan that he Is Investigating the Bauch shoot ing. FEDERAL LEAGUE WANTS "BIG SIX" CILMOltt: WIKKS LTTY THAT THK OFFKIt IS XO JOKK, AM) SAYS HK CAN GET U3,00O FOB THKKE YK.ltS United Press Service rillGAOO. March 2. The follow- lug telegram was sent Christie Mht- then son by President (lllmore teday: I "Newspaper report say you did not take berlously the Federal League of fer, llet nciiualuted with the league clllclals, and you will be convinced we ire not four-tluuhtng. "I'll give you ifiS.OOO for thr, years' servlco u.i manager of u club, und pay you $15,000 In advance." February Mean Temperature was Of the tweuty-olght, days la Feb ruary, fpurteeu of theso were per fectly clear. Seven were partly ob scured byloudlets, and In all, tho number of cloudy days totals but a week. ' This information is gleaned from the meteorologlcalVeport made at tho reclamation serviceNheaduuartors by Albrecht Oeblcr. Mr. Oehlor la also authority for the statement that the precipitation for the entire month did not total an Inch. In 1913 tho precipitation was less than this year. For February, 1918, tho dopo sheet shows a total of 1.80 Inches, That clear weather Is the rule rather than the exception in Klamath Februarys was proven by Mr. Oehler JPRACMMKS ARE BEINe GIVEN BYPRACTICALMEN MICH INTEREST 18 BEING MAX IFESTED Many Matter of tmfortaac ! Kattav th Countj Farmbv latemto WW lie Tborouchly DtacwMwd at Sas tola of the hort Cvmnr MXl llrtarm at the Opera Me Kvrnia. 4 TWa TOMORROWS PROGRAM 10 a. m. to 11 a. m.: "The Important Chemical aad Physical Properties of Soils," Professor Powers 11 a. m. to 12 to.: Breeding. Feeding and ataa- agement of Hogs," Professor Fltts p. m. to 2 p. m.: "Cereal Crops for Irrigated and Dry Panaa." Max A. McCall S; ni. to 3 p. m.: "Moisture CoBserratloa." Professor Powers 3 p. m. to 4:30 p. m.: "Judging Hogs." Professor Fltts 7:30 p. m. to :30 p. as.: "Types and Breeds or Horsss" Professor Powers 'Drainage or Irrigated Laads" Professor Fltts Expressing a hops that the urtmt would be aa annual one, Max A. He Call opened the first Klaautth Coaaty Short Course In Agriculture la th high school agricultural roosts, at 10:30 this morning, by brleiy outlla Ing the object of the Week's coarse and Introducing Professor W. 1 Pow ers of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege. Mr. Powers, who is at th head of Irrigation and drainage at th Ore gon Agricultural College, snd assist ant in the department of agronomy, spoke for an hour on "The Composi tion of Soils," About twenty farmers, and half as many students, listened attentively as the speaker classified the different soils ot Klamath county, and analysed each class. Mr. Powers paid particular at ten-, tlou to soil building and to irrigation nud drainage. At tho end ot his talk (Continued on page 4) Not So Bad 31.6; Half the Days Gear when ho delved into his archives for meteorological reports tor years gone by. After pouching his cheeks eg panslvely and blowing clouds of dust from these tomes, ho pointed out that the month ot February, 1911, was brought to a close with a battlag aver age of 15 clear days, ten partly eleudy and three cloudy. Tho summary for the moath Just endod follows; Temperature Mean maximum, 4t; mean minimum. 23.1; mesa. IM; maximum, 5G, on February St; mav imuui, 8, on February 2, Precipitation Total, .97: aris In 34 hours, ,10, on February II, Number of daya with .91 or awrt r precipitation, t; clear, 14; tWtir cloudy, 7; cloudy, 7. "f ". "? V r