Ih itumng Mvtalb KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' n raHiW ; ics-raHswwfli - m Vr g KUhlh Vrr-N. , MOVING OF LAND OFFICE OPPOSED Tie: nMMiiwnn:ii ubxbiiai. vy'iuto to mbaihjuaiiteiw, rum i mo auainnt taking. ,r HUM I.AKKVIEW I U'AKHINUTON. I. eb 3.-. faster ClittfU)tt ha rxld a l,llf Iftim CUy Tallrosn. cwil. ,Wor of lh "' Uo4 offlcc' '" ,,!; 10 utlo of U r. Wake B,I4 of tWUU. advocating rtoo. , u( the Und ''!fl,',, ' UVnvl in Tallmsn 'hl "'" ''" tbior- I Ui location of tl 8r for lb Uhotle dUUIcl du kiH nsnl "W "U lr 'r Cfr,l. be . " I'"1 "f mIUimJ ronimunlealloit. I liutd In the lreme noMhwMUm PH 'f lb, UaJ dwrld, dd H bui Sou In Ufclunl. H UkvWw b fall tuJ tommuhlcailoo and population fcl.Uml 1,300 MILLIONAIRE IS INDICTED BY JURY I" m 'iu.riHi kina-mibr i (tuiuiKii with viouvrixo THI! MANN WMITB WLAVKMY AIT TODAY MAN KltANCIHfO, Krb. 31. J. Ultitr Whltttr). a ll kliowu Call fotaU mllllonalrr, wm itxla) Irnlkud m cfctw of white datcry iirferrJ r (ltUe llauaan, bu accuod alia uf Unnn'orilDf br from tUb rrtculKo to Hvatllp In Auut of laat tut. At IOucIikW tbU inornlnK Wbltupy nll at Commluloucr Krult'a oitlco b4 furnUbv! f 10,000 bond. Commlutuner Krull rt ttiv boarlus for Mfctt I, tol(fr Judgo DijIIu l"tii Niitvrlw. In honor o( th birthday of Dr. Mull M iMU. lil wlf and Mlna Jranlff llarrln plauitcd a nutptltv par ty fur hlui Wrdupaday, which was al Ubfal by Mr and Mr. Hyd Kvana, Mr. and Mr. I'urcy Kvaua, Mr. and Mr. A. A. Illlman, Mr. and Mm. 11. A. Iicllmau, Mr. and Mr. M, Wwl. Mr. and Mr. II. J. Uarllnc, Mr. and Mr. (Itnn Wll.on. Miss Dorothy Dr H, Arthur I). Hay, Harold 0. Mor t)ian, Tho ntrnln was pUasantly KH In cardu and other illvrmtouii, lil lunrhron wan ftxrvrd, -'Juble l.'trnliMC. Thuuday eviilnn Mr, and jMra. A. A. IMIman nrraiiRcd a atirprne party It Mr ami Mr. (I, A. Ilelljnn, lnH ln lir and Mr. MNxwe M. Long, Mr. ami Mm. Hid KvW. Mr. Joe i:m, Mra dene VIUoVl(a Jennlo lUrrl. Tim evonliiK highly en- Further Extend Time Building Charge Payments Tim following telegram ha been JMBlYeil ,y (,0 oca, ,,. , ,0 tw. 'iiwtlon nervico from k. (, llopaou, WrvUlng Kiiglnoor of the I'uclllo ilMilon; "Tho cominlulon today pod tho "llowinK resolution! '"Ilwiolved, That the building r rBn for all project excopt Bunny 'Me fnllliiK uuo un March Int. April ' uiiil May ut, and all building Jrge which have boon postponed to ch 11, 1BH, uudor provloua or "' of the commlMlon, bo and tho "no am hereby postponed until June "t. m; that g project oBcm be inoa uy telegrtn to that elect, GW Vid. in flsBKup'' fk&Emml Ptelfs.MsjBmV ISflK'iHH HlHiiiiiii I'aiifbu Villa, forntxr imtl' ami banillt, tin- a fult-nederd Sriirfal. at"-atrJ a fro day 0O III a 11 t;U 'iirilfoiin, lti flut ! Iia ntrr worn CHOICE OF GUNS CAUSE OF DELAY M'KB WAI.KBIt WIM. NOT IIKACII K1.1MATH I'.tl.li II.VTII. 1XI Moiiuuw Mtjirr in H.ntA- MB.TII WITH HAVIH I .ill. 0 Walker did not rrh hr lt nleltt from thn ulh, a ?xpcl trd Innlvad, the local rattle mail 'who baa bcu btwIpKod by llidiann, ,had hU atiKl. attached by rpdk and Mr.rau, and, lu Kcnpral, ha had a tirottuoua tlmo of It lu Old M.'ileo. will roach hrc tomorrow itlKht. It thru out al army head iuarlrr today thai ho and Alc Ual fnmalnrd In rtarramplilo to clcct tho t)pp of machine KUlu to be uwd b) Mrlmora'a KlUlleer. Hist IihIimht Meet Tonlglil Unltad I'raM tfsrvlc DKNVKH. Keb. SHTho hlKKrnl In door track meet ever held In the Itocky Mountain relon will open heio timlfihl at the city auditorium. All the collcKe In the Itocky Mountain Inler-colleglate conference will be rep ri'delited, mini of them nelldlllK colli' iH-tltom lit ever event Tlio meet made Kiilble hy order from Hnance Coinmlimloimr IMlcher for the construction of tho laravm Indoor Imitkeil track In the world. lonernl TotU). Tho funeral of the Infant daughter tif Mr. and Mr. Claude (Nwohoom wa held till morning. Are Postponed to June niiuotiuclng that all pennUloa horoto him iicrnivd under Iho order of July 2lt it ro remitted; uIho Htuting ihiit I hi order I mudo lu nutldpullou of the ourly piuiago of ponding llu Hon providing for a completo rtd' Juslmotit of tho terms of uymont.," HlonYi-Howi'll, A niarrlugo llcenno was Issued IhU morning lo Cluru l. Htoffer uud lliuol Howell, (IoIhk lo I'ortUml. Attorney J. II Uarnahati leaves in lu tho morning for a business trip to (Portland. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, Ms First Uniform I'rnbabl) lil titotlnK plrtuti! contract anil !iU aMUittiluu of autocratic rulr tnor Clilliualiua hnv 1roiiKlil alniut 1I1U litem rrform FRED MELHASE BUYS A RANCH K. l. Ilt.'lllt KT Al. IIIHIH1MB UK Til Kill IIUI.IUMIS UV MINT HIV. Kit TIUIT IS AM. UXHKH III- HIWATION Thn old Huron entate, onol by Krnrot M. Until., Alien Sloan and J. U. Mlnrr, ha Jntl lirvii dlpoo uf by them Tho new ownrr I Krcd Mel hae. ThU lunch U on I.ol Ither, and contain 160 acren. The land U un drr the Orimth lateral, which w be ueil fur IrrlRatlnu IhU tprlns and mimmer HOME OF POET '.MOVBMBVT HTAIITBI) HV UIIKH or oAKiaxn to 1'imriiAHK "TUB IIBHIIITS" TO IMIKSKItVK AS HlhTOHH'Ali MKMKXTO (Herald Special Seitlce) . OAKLAND. Calif.. Keb. 28. "The llilKht.' .loiuiulu Miller' home In tho foothllU, with It beautiful view of tho city nnd harbor of Oakland, will I be purchned by tho women of Oak land. ' A plan In on foot to ralo Ihv nocc miry fKO.uOO by tho Untie of aharo 'certificate of $1 eiich, nnd from tho rush to get them It I thought the money will bo ruined In n few wooka. Clilrago KihU OIT on Train United I'reas Service CIIICAdO, Keb. 28. Joe TUker, iiiiinnKor of the Chlcngo Fedornl base- I. ..II . ... .....I tf..M i. Illiln tint ulfirillV mill num. nun ii i...u ihu ..... .y jpnlrol In Iho KodemlH veru orgun- leil liuHotinlt wnr, expected to leave today for Toxin, with hU plnyor. for Iho early nprlng triiln'lng nortHon. Autl'Murphy and Federal Iaguosup nortom pliinnod to glvo tho Chicago otitlitwH u rousing send-off, Mm, Anderson Iteturn. Mrs. It. II. AuderMou and children iif Merrill in mo In Inst night from 'Ashland, whero elm has been vlsltlug her sister, Mrs. Ilosley, Yniir rhiKrt on tho scales of fish aro usel In Norway and France lo deter mine thn ago or sardines, whother they have reached their full growth ud when they will epWB, WILL PURCHASE ITALY WILL BE AT THE FAIR-MAYBE, AMHAHHAIMIH IMOK IK TOM) 'lll.T TUB QUESTION OK TAR- tk'iimtio.v m:i'i:.viw urox ; TUB IMMIGRATION' HIM, United Tress Service J HOME. Kb. 2I Ambassador j Thomas Neisou I'agjt km not I (ltd by jttio Kovcrnment today that Italy ln J twill to have nu eihlbll at the San Kf iiri.ri) exposition. , Tin' nolo Intimated, however, thai the country might reconsider If the 'immigration bill, U patscd with any unfriendly provision The clause providing fur Medical officer (in the Italian IniinlKrnnt ahtpa U clinl m one of tlio tblDK that mUlit rauae Hair to rrroDildrr. NEW NAVY BILL BEFORE HOUSE 1 .MIUHI'HK I'lUlVlllKH VOU Al'l'ItU J IMIIATIO.VS VOH TlfltBK HAT ' TI.KMIIIIS, SIX DFXTHOVKIW M OTIIKH CIUI-T United I'rcM 8rTtc i WAHIIINIITUN, I). C, Keb. 28. The navy approiirlnllon was reported to tlio lioua of rprt-ntatlrwi today. Tin- bill carrlca appropriation total- I In tbli tucaiurc provUloni ar Imnd for lncraln tbo navy's trriiKtb by tho conitructlon of two IbaittmblpR, $x dMtroycr, one not 'Koine aubmarlnc, tbrco coait defense HObmarlnr nnd four itmall torpedo boat. CARRANZA WANTS TO PAY DAMAGES CIVIL Hi: A II OK HKIIKI. MOVK Mi:T IX MB.VICO IS ANXIOUS TO MKTTI.K TUB IIBNTON AK KAIK WITH WIDOW United Tress Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 31 According to uuottlclnl advice, Car i until U wllllug to pay Mr. Denton monetary compensation, If It will be of uld lu dosing the Incident. Kroni IlrttUh sources. It is stated that u no Us Villa's original story of a courtmartliil Is proven, money Is no consideration. VUlu must prove the shooting was Justified. Will Peddle IVIirmi. About tho first of March K. W. llrook will lenvo on his first trip peddling White Pelican Water. HU territory will comprise all of Oregon and part of Washington and Idaho. Two Ada. l'atrons of tho Star theater will get it double run for their money Sunday, iih Manager John V. Houston will put tin two vaudeville acta for that night. Tho double bill will Include a now act hy the CiiHtlemmis, and slngtng and acrobatic dancing by Koloy and I'res- cot I, who will bo hero for the foro pnrl of tho coming week. A throe reel drama und tho intimated weekly will till out n full evening' entertalument. l.eao Tomorrow. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. J. little and daugh ter leave tomorrow for Sebnstapol, Calif., whero they will reside, and Mr, Hales will dovoto his attention to horticulture. Mr. Hales was Interest ed lu tho Kliimnth Meat compnny for several years. Until recently tho greatest ocean depth known wna south of the Island of ntittiu U.oari motor. A few months ago tho (lor man Imperial ship l'luiK't found a depth of 9,780 motors forty miles north of tho Island of Mindanao. FEBRUARY 28, 1914 ML'STEEL MAIL COACHES SOUGHT IICIU, r-HO.S HAH A XBW IXXOl'A TIO.V I'Olt OOVK.ltXMK.VT OW.V KltHIIH' MAXIMUM l'AV OK CAKHIKItH ItAIHKD lulled Trc Service WAHHINOTO.V, I). C, Feb. 2S Chalrmju Moon of tho houso postal comtnltto. wiy llurttrson l urging an Initial appropriation of $200,000 for steel mall cars, for an experiment In operation by the Kuvcrnrncnt In- lead of thn railroads. Moon expect ed to submit a bill embodying the Idea. United lre Service WASHINOTON. U. C. Feb. 28. The senate today adopted a postal ap propriation bill Increasing the max imum pay of rural rcarriers from 11.000 to 11.200 annually. WILL RESERVE RESERVE TALK TltBAHUHY DKI'AltTMKXT 8TATK8 THAT IT WIM, IIB I'EIUIAKM TWO OH TIIKBK WKKKS IIB KOHB AXXOUNCBMBNT IS MADK United Tress Service WASHINGTON, I). C. Feb. 28. OrllclaU of the treasury department today stated that no announcement Is ready regarding the reserve regions or the location of the regional banks. It wilt be two and possibly three weeks before this is settled. Score of maps and big piles of sta tistics submitted is still to be exam ined. SAYS ICE WILL SOON BREAK UP JAMBS A. OOL'GI-AS COMBS IX KHOM 84JUAW IHHXT OX MOTOH IIOAT 1AKIKS KOH ICB TO GO OUT AT OXCB James A. Douglas, foreman of the Doak ranch on Upper Klamath Lake, is hero today attending to business matter. Mr. Doak traveled from tho Doak ranch lo Squaw Tolnt on snow shoes, coming in from thero In a motor boat. "Uetween Klamath Falls and Squaw Tolnt. there Is no Ice at all," said Mr. Douglas today. "If thero Is a south wind, I expect tho lake will be open by Tuesday or Wednesday." (( L" IS F IN N. Y. WITH REVOLVER IX HER STOCK. INtl, BONA KRBUXO WAS DANC ING WITH "lB TOUUH GUYS" WHEN CAUGHT NEW YORK, Feb, 28. Edna Fremiti, the tlrst "guugirl" to come under the notice of the police, was today convicted In Judge Qlbbs' court. Tho girl was arrested in a raid on a dnnco hall troquented by tho East Hide gangsters. She hud it revolver in Iter atocklug. Tho Philippine bureau of forestry report that American and European lumbcrmon are trying to procure largo and regular shipments of Phil ippine woods, mainly for cabinet making. GUNGIR OND Bainbridge Colby, Fighting Progressive I V9icJU4t I the progressive party dead? llalnbrldgo Colby says no, and be will debate the question at any time. Mr. Colby U ono of tho most active of the famous fighting Colby family of New Jersey. MINISTER SAYS "DAMN"--QUITS YOUXO PKKACHBM, QUITTLXa UV OBH KIRK, WHITES 8KKMO.V SAYIXO 11C USED TUB WORD IX I'AST TKXSE United Tress Service NEW YOHK. Feb. 28. Kev. Cha. M- Qulnn. pastor of the Reformed Episcopal church In Leonard street. Greenpolnt. spent today preparing his "valedictory" sermon in that pulpit. Dr. Qulnn planned to resign tomor row upon the suggestion of Bishop Kudolph of Manhattan, following charges by some member of bis con gregation that ho said during a con versation, "you be damned," or "I'll be damned." Qulnn today again explained that be did not say either. He explained thus: "But I used 'damned' In the past tense, which tho dictionary tells you rimim rnmtamnnil f!fftf.atlhl,. Therft. l 'fore, I did not use 'damn' as a swear word. There was no profanity." Scores of Kev. Qulnn's parishioners fought the action of certain church oillcl.ils against tho young pastor, and they used every Influence to keep him from resigning, declaring be baa greatly increased the membership of tho church. Subscribe for the Herald, SO a month. 7 WasaDoggoneFeed Besides Takinga Dog's Yesterday afternoon Tom Wattsrs came In from the Crane & Watters rnuch ou Lost River after a supply of dog biscuits. Hla comiug roveaU a story of a wondrous feed enjoyed (?) by Garry Coxad and W. R. llrooks. Some days ago, Coxad and Brooks autoed out to the Crane & Watters ranch to eujoy a day's outing and do u littlo llsltlng. When they arrived at tho ranch no ono was at home, all hands beiug up on Stukel mountain rescuing a dog from ono of Bill Brandt's traps. Coxad and Brooks had acquired a Que appetite driving out to the raach. Pric, rtv Oeata WANTS TO FORM A MOUNTED BAND HKAHIXn OK I'HOTOSKD TRIP OF BLKH TO MAX KRANC1SCO, OLD JIA.VDMAHTKR WRITtH TO OUT IX OX IT "I have read the article about your proposed trip to the fair, atoaated, and I am clear up in the air about it. I want to get In oa It If poaalM." Thusly writes T. V. D'arcy to tk local Elks' Lodge. Mr. D'arcy aays he is a member of the AnUered Berd, and that he spent tea years la U army as bandmaster, litre years of that time being with the Fourth Cav alry. Mr, D'arcy states that ha la caatlas; about for a location la tnU stata, aad since reading ttte account of tie pro posed overland trip, a U coarlacad that "the bunch U not bardeaad wlU moss on the back." He believes that tba trip aoraekaek and In stages to Saa Francisco will be a splendid adTerUsemeat for taa town, but says Utere saoaM b a mounted band, and be wants to or ganize this If be comes to " Falls. There are many saasiclaaa among the local Elks, aad thai cow boy band l by no means aa Impos sibility. DEAD MAN HOLDS A ROYAL FLUSH ACROSS THK TABLE WAS A FULL HOUSE BODY OP OOfiLTM Ml MLLBD WITH BUCsTJMOT HOLES United Press Same NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 28. With. his head and the upper part ot hla body filled with buckshot, the body of Captain Collier was found at hla her mit lodge today, across a poker table. The captain's lifeless fingers clutch ed the cards making a "royal lash." Across the table, face up, were cards making a "full house." It U believed that the loser mur dered the captain aad fled. A sugar planter Is suspected. Geta Boaaty. Ed Duffy today brought to ta clerk's office the hides of two coyotes and two bobcats. Home From Beaalost. Deputy District Game Warden Carey M. Ramsby has returned from Salem, where he was called to attend a special session arranged by the fish and game commUsioners. Mrs. Mottgold Here. Mrs. J. C. Mongold. formerly a res ident ot this city, but now living la Seattle, is here to look after her prop erty interests. Her young soa accom panies her. Stew, Men Ale HisBiscmU so they walked right into the kitchen to see If they could forage a feed. Garry found a tempting pot of staw and pretty soon Brooks unearthed a box of biscuits. About the time ther had lalshad their meal Tom Watters aad Ml Brandt returned with their lajurad dog. When Tom looked for hla pat af "scrans stew" for hU dec aa waa much put out to And It goaa. "Old doggie,' said Tom, "yea w have to make out today dag Ma cult." But whea ak laakaf bate ka biscuit box ha fouad that amatr. In tba meaatlm Ooaad aad Bfaalm wera looking far Ipaaae. . m im MS! m. m f it. -t