fflqv u rotttg jHtnraUi KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKR PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS in )S si ij;r " r Highlit Vrr N". . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1914 Price, Fit Cents HUERTA SIEZES YOUNU FARMER BOYS AND FORCES THEM TO GO IN10JIS ARMY KENT TALKING ifotcbuoiii i tr mil t. ed 10 lufalillln , ,iijtilMA HlMHUiwiMA.N Mt',mu,M Wln-n tl.o elnld wa bom. viom.l i" m:i:mi tiii: iMi:iivK.vrioN IL tlr III IViiwmI AH' nirHrn HUIIJihim M M" li III' ,r.lliill" "' lU-nlim' IVly H. iTr) Hrn l-!" "" It-!-'' If id ltue fwvk In IUn lb" : 4u Mini llimw Again, t'uli.4 l'f tkivlce Mi:.KO CITY, Feb, 37--A leUor) 4fUcbMnl IihU surround"! lb" UurVrt J.Ure OUiJ Jrftflnl about 3U0 I,,l,,rf .j tab" i"f attending It" .jotiuvn tMs villi llietr miilin. TIpUu rtr miU 10 n II J""" H f" The iUHSttr, Illftny IhrM IR rr drat-gut 10 plrc o nnBnmrni. and "' lb"" euardrd a Mil br) rfp Inaded III bo rat. pr$Nuiiirr "' nblpptiig lli-m i U lioni Tar tnulhr Uraine h)lrrlral, and ttrti onfuiln r-ull"l. which mutirtr4 lu nlmiMt a ril !- lb" m14It Iwgmt lwtlng lb" bn lit IrOlIrd Uolil l'rM Hrtlc WAflHINUTON. II Feb I - trrl that lb" 4clfn ( IIIBtlJ (or tafc-Mrnlloti critic um from lb" krl dm Ihr pfkrlbiwk," ld Coif (trMinn Krnl loday "I llli II l rtu mut limn right In l lhue tttWoc i ho rUinnr for mmiobodj lu IftlrrtrRn attt get killed, (ll VdlUlitwr in t ui Hib mtrring wrdgr "llllrnrtllllin tllgln ianil-. would t" lotcfprrUil III lllr Itlllliln n( III" Mrikah & Mlnli. lu nnx -lic, il won I J U iciHhl for Moiko, 1nr II uuM Utiltn I tin farlliiiu, bill llilrr irnilnn tnr iho iiruirrll" u( ihoo "X tiriatittc iiirmiivhr (or (ironi, I run nut juiiiif u unitnr Ui ilotirlno nf llruUm. nr an brine irl of ilif Wtilin mu' buritn ' tlnluJ I'rcit Kcrtlco WA.siiiNcrON, n. i Kob, :;. Hrrrurr Hr)an ilriitr tbal Amorka h rumtiitiiilralnl wild llllrftn fr ritlim any Uu fr ritdltiK Ihrt fto luilon, lip ilrnlM anjr aro0Mt re tiriiltiK anotbor arnu ombarfo. Comtil itrbrr loilar wired that VIU tiaa roimrhlnl o allow aa Aatar Iran aiircrmt lu accompan)- llnnlun' Wii ami vlow tbo cro, lli alllt ffliuna (a nllow an nutoi. Suit In I'lirrclitM) Tlumifb W II. Hhitw, A J. War iiixk ban niniiiiPiirrii n null nunlimt II, I Wit r in, id foot-low on ninrl H, 'rbnm worn ulrrn In atvurlly fir loin., II la ,nlil, amounllnff In Ulllo Olrl IHra. At 9 o'doik Dili iiiornlns Ibn In 'nl 'laiiKiiirr nf Mr. ami Mr. Clnuiln Two Bullets in Back Indian Authorities Make ''but I'i'tn lirown, an Indian whoav lM'ly Mta found onrller lu iho wwik, ma ilenUunl III.. IiiiuiIh or another, I 11 '"rtnliily. An uxiimliinllou of lh l,0,ly by ir, Jobiuon ruvfuluil two I'Hllbt Imlea lu Ilia buck. iti f tbu liulltitH pierced tho heurt M'l wiih found In lh (runt o( tbo 'l'd iiinu'H vet. Kllbor of tbo bullet ild Imvu boen ratal. 'i'bu ludlau autborltle uro of tho uplnlou that tho two utlwlua wore ttm tb mm tun. Tho oouriM ladl- "" ,v" itoiniiml or, tmt n callmit Dclit a mtulo (nr Itin llltln ll(t mill (nr n wln II vt llmilCllt It ooulil tit" WHITE SLAVERS IN N. Y. ilfil.ll'i: ll'HN tllKllt Avn:Tto 1 i'Iiom tmi: nr hiin: n im: i'Mi:norH MiHi'i'r.itM-i III' lillll.H , iWllllrli III! Jlir I'nllril I'fr! i Ni:V YOIIU. IVb 3 ratine ili jlarlttfi (art tbal nn l Ibmi 'ii i iNcm Ynrkrr ba OIatii-fliril (rum lb" farn ut lbi rarlb In Ibf" tmlitb 3ST if lb"tn brlnR lrW bmI umttfti and Ihal onl) 191 ul lbim li" be'li loilliil b) br llrr, lb" brail of lb" Mir" itriarim"iit b iinlrn-d lbr CHAfiliaiU uf lb" Krralrr rlly In ill-j rii ibrlr aitrnilon (or a ilroo (nun lb" Kanolrra a ml gunmm In lb" Ira.lrl. and bl( lVr. ! Will rlebi elrU f im family on 'lb" mlultitf Hal at on" lllil". lb" Millf" 'aviiLrt tr lt" undriilabl" fart Ibal ioblin lvrr lili alt II atmixt un 'ti"rab" borrorn. U ral llmlttu 'lln In N" YnK l)lm"rla mail" rrcnnily lu lb" finding of wvnral tiwi glfl baro bun tbal a atal" of nf fair "ilU In lb" b"atl of N"w York ' Klir.fr by yoiinc Klrl ran bo anatcbed Itxidlly (rum Ibrlr bntiir., alinnal mi 'jrr lb" )ii of llmlr famlll", and , .obi lulu iKimtnen ibal I or ibau dalb. Tb I'ollrr, ibrmfof", barn undrr 'laWrn a rampalen of tlicorou rinli llmndllng aealnt lb" wbli" utavnr. Similar H lb" war Ihny rromtly licrl analnal lb" EniiKnlt'm nf tbo Ka Hid"- Tbp Cilliliian rriuailr wa III a lil"flMr" irrpiiflll It I brllrV ih! a aluillar iimti' nitnliul lb" ciirnilr nf wnnirii nil) ban nUal aurrm In- Uirad nf arrtniltiG Kiiuinrn In a dlicnl- flrl utauurr, and itMtne ibrni lb" bn "fit of Iiiiir drawn oul arralnnmenU and trial, allnwlni; Ibnn to awnnitrr In court and rrfrlro tbo horoaite of Ibrlr nlrllllr wtiltrt in tlin Torulm. tb1 iiolli" wrro onlrrcd to uo their club on eanKntrr whrrffrr found Tbu unlformnl men and drlix-ltve uori" aulliorlird In t-at tint KUUinrn on tbp iIIkIiI"! nrnvocnllou. I In n abort llmo o,rrnl of Ibn wort I ,. . . ..I i. ...... ii ...... ...., ,,. "I ill" rai nuir iiiwuin wriu prut it boiltnl Innli'nd of pollro utallon. and ouo iiollrmuan nn blcbly com moudi'd for killing a. IbiiK wbo trlrd In irnt Tbo follow bad atrurk down nu old Junk donlor wbo rrfimrd Itn Klvn lit in nioiiry for wbUkey, nud wbu lie allrnuitnl In (itrape In tbo (Continued on page 4) Arrests at Piute Camp cutu Unit otto allot wiiu II red after Drown Hlnrted to full. Ho fur, one ludlitu him been uncut ml, landing u further InvoHtlKatloii. lirown wiih ouo of u number of In dlmiH ntoiidliiK it ilnnce Bitturday nt I'liilo Oniup, ton nilliiH from the iub itKency ut YuIimx, and lu cotnpauy with n fuw friend, Ito loft after mid iilgbl. Later IiIh body wh round. It wit nt Hrt tbougbt Hint tbero wiih only ouo bullet wound, but nu ludlau boy wbo hud hourd bota oarly Huitduy inornlug iultod that ho and beard two lu quick iucoomIob. Toll waa borne out by the' examination. HUNTED LOCAL MAN TELLS : OF MEXICO FUSS i I ill ui. u ti.itr.it, iiiii:ii:i I'ou.t J vuiu.i: nv immans, wii.i. in: , in mis i;vi:m.s; m.i, t:ioiti: ! uti.i: attach i:i l.uko Walker, (ci ii uliorl ilinn ago mirrounll by lunll Ya'tlU lu I Mtniiu, lll rniini ihU tnlui;, not rillil! Iifi lu I) M ili-I,rililorr, fur! Ikliuiu U'nlkir lm Imvii iurclinliic ' rnlll Mfl-mnjij camivln lnl nUIlt' riiin ilia Htiulli w Walkir iiiirdiiirililtttwo car ! n( fjiiilo arrn,ri., lliip,V'iil ca- 'innrii ii wn Mi liclil upMld llivj iiflliln ullarln'il, (iihp by tlin Indian! anil neulti Ii) ilir EmiTiimfiil, but Kt b)' In bulb cmi. ( 'I bit n inn Urn onlr luck fleur-i me h ibci irl Tbo iIb aftir lliu j ralllo rr'arbril Nucalm. Ibo iliity. MimiIiIiuI. I lie calllif rroflifil m An , it'lfn nil rail of tbo utiirin, nntl KOI out wi. liuurn bofnri' ibu trnrk i-m out, jaui) tanro ulil at llaKcturirbt wlxn I'lii-y trarbui Ibcf"" f Mrl."tuf" baa rontrarlril for i.000 'brail iiuif" nf Mntlran rallle YOUNG GIRL IN A SAD PLIGHT nnr.cv vuiit oi.t motiii:u in:- llilti: JI'VCMI.i: tXlUUT THIS ITi:ilMM MAV Hi: hKXTTO A ItKrTI.'i: A iM'llllou In bring beard by JudK l H Wordi'ti In ibo Juwnlle court 'lliW afirrnoon, wherein Alln- Crad- dock I dmrrlbrd a a dependent 'child The iirlltluu U ibal U. juve- lull" courrmak., ,.roion. for mdng ' her lu the borne for delnqueul grl, 'or lo "Hi" refuge be deem muni fit Tbo girl' parent. William and flara Crnddoek. each tenllflrd to Ibelr ilnablllly lo provide for Alice Crad 'dock or Iter child, and told of tbelr deMltolc condition being no pro 'noitnrnt tbal tbo county bad furnldi ml provUlon and betiding. Titlmou- of ultnce broiigbl ou lb" addllloniil fncl of help of differ ent kind routing front Ibelr neigh bor The girl U 15 year old, and unmarried. Tbo Juvenile court will probably make illaponltlun of tho cane some 'limn till m thing. KENO BRIDGE TO BE STARTED SOON Ol TIIT THAT WII.I. Hi: III'MIV r.i ix tiii: txixsTiurenox movim its i:gtiii'.Mi:xT it) tiik Kia.MATH IIIVKlt (Herald Special her ice) KKNO, Feb. 27. Work or eroding Hie Hteol brldgo acriMH tbo Ktnmiith ltier near bere will hoou start. Tho routiaciorri uro now ut Keno with Ibelr men and equipment, and tliuy have tbelr bluckmnltli abop and louta ereettd on tbu north ldo or tbo rlvvr. Tbl brldgo will afford a bettor croMKliig on (be At.bland road. It Is believed tbat about three monttm will be needed to erect tho utrui'turo. Ti-oom WKIiitimwi 1'n mi SI like .one 'Julted i'rea Servlro DKNVKIt, Fob. 27. (lovornor Amnion today ordered all troop withdrawn from tho xtrlko xono ex .opt tbo cavalry, which will be cou ciutrated lu tbo Trinidad dlatrlct. The governor claim that there, uro un fund rroni which to pay tbo ol dlora ror (uillivr aervlce. Juulpor fioiu tho Indian renurva tloim of Now Mexico and Ailiona may pruvo un excellent aourcu of material for lend ponoll. Manufacturern aro Heaichfng tho world for ponoll woodi. General George Barnett, Who Is New Commander of U. S. Marines 319 iiV i I Hf'.--'V1 Onlrobruary 23 Oonbral Oooricc riialca Murlnp cori - JOBLESS MEN THE SUBJECT rvi:xTiox ix xkw voiik w (MUWITII WOIIK 11)11 ALLHVI. I ATioxor uck or kmi'lov. i:xt, KTC. Untied lro 8nco N:V YCJHK, Keu. 2,. mat mere U no firratM- w?rccntKe of UDm idoyrd men tn Ibu U'nittd State to day than lh tK-rcentnue accordlug to tHJimtailon four yearn ago. but that tbo federal government and dale gov- rn.menl .hould combine to allovlate lr -nl comllllon. wen- the I heme. 01 ieeeira mane iiriw i.j w ..v opening Mlon of the national con (ereiire of unemployment and the American aocltlon for labor legis lation. Todni'a big feature will be a Joint meeting lu Cooper Union with the I'eople' Institute. Mayor John l'ur roy .Mitchell opeucd tho conference tbl morning lu the city ball. Score of delegate appointed by governors Included mayor of big lududrlul cities aud state and muntclpul of tidal. IteporU regarding the number of peniouK out of cmploymvut in hun dred of town and cltlea throughout the Untied Slate were to bo road to day. The cAtous will continuo to morrow MERRILL-K.C1S. CONTEST ON 13TH ItKTimX IIASKKTIIAM. tlAMK UK TWKKX ItlVAI. HKJH SCHOOLS WII.I. UK lliAYKl III.ACK KIM HAY AT MKltlUM. That Max McCall, athletic Instruct or of tho K. C. II. 8., and Principal Illake of tbo Merrill high school uro neither ono superstitious, Is evidenced by tbo willingness of both to hold tho baskotbull contest between tbo two Inslltutlon on "Friday, tbo 13th" of March. Principal litako could not ai range to play Ibis week, nor could McCall II ud tlmu to tako hi squad away next week, so It was dually do cldod to scbodulo tbo gtimo (or Murch 13th. Coach McCall will tako his regular tuiuit to tbo Alfalfa bolt, besides tak ing aloug several subs., among whom will bo McMillan, tho phenom. for ward ot tbo public school team. If tbo roads aro In good coudltlou by tbo dnto or tho giiino, It la prob abUi quite a number of machine load of rootera will attend. Bubicrkbo (or tho Hornld, 10 cent a month. sas llarnetl look commftnil of tbo United SATURDAY TO BE YOUR BIRTHDAY M1VKI, KXTKHTAIXMKXT l'LAX- NKI) IIV THK lAIUKS' AID hOCI KTY OK (JltACK M. K. CHlHCU I'Olt iahT OK THK WKKK A but el entertainment U bolngi .planned by tbo I-adlcs' Aid Society of tho MetbodUl church tor Saturday evening, i'ocms with silken sack at tached were given out at church Sun day, In which arc the following Uua: "Tut a penny within this For each year you aro old, And we promlto the number Shall never bo told." Mr. Don J Zumwalt will have charge of a musical program, which will bo given by the member of her musical class, aud which will begin at ;30. This alone assures a largo at tendance. A social lime will follow tbo pro gram, and refreshments win do serv ed. Tbo public t Invited to this eve- uliiK of music and of social conversa tion. The poem Invitations given out Sunday are In no senso exclusive, but were intended to cover at least tho congregation. Those who did not get a silk sack aro asked to get a paper Several sacks ! ono and come anyway and poems aro on deposit at tho office of ibo Western Transfer company. REVIVALS ARE WELL ATTENDED laitC.K CROWDS PRESENT AT RICH MEETING, AND ENTHUSI ASM IS C.UKAT S1XGIXU IS UIQ FEATURE Ouo ot tho most successful revival campaigns over held lu Klamath Falls Is now lu session at tho First Chris tian church, whoro Kvaugellst Put man Is holding nightly mooting. There aro largo crowds at every ses sion, and there Is much unthuslasm shown In the work. This evening the evangelist will speak on "Will Auybody Bo Finally Lost?" Tho subject tomorrow night Is "Tbo Gateway luto Hie Kingdom." At Sunday morulug's service, Put- man'H topic will be "Tho Great Com- muulou," and In the evening, "Tho Whole Family." Ibtaoliall Dunce. Cards aro out today announcing tho drst of n series of dunoes (or the benetlt o( the Klamath Falls baseball club. This will be hold Thursday night at tho White, Pelican hotel, ana a six pleco orchestra will (urnUn tho music MORE CATTLE FOR DISTRIBUTION ON THE RESERVATION! ISIliS VIM. 1IK Oi'KNP.I) KAItliV I.V AI'IUL liidlnn HTTlrf? Aulliorlt (Itr lur-lln rla.M of Ofer 7fKI Head of Uevf Slink for Klamatli IlnK-rratlon. Till Will lie DUlributnl to the In ilUn, and Tliejr Will lie Gltra THnu l Make I'aynieat. Indian Agent Kdaon WaUon of the Klamath ludlau reservation has Just recelved notification tbat the bureau of Indian affair has authorized the purchase of additional stock for dis tribution among the Indian farmers. 'Akj0cj. Aprll Did on ibis lot will be opened at tbe , I Tho proposals will be for the tale 'of 6E0 heifers and Gf. bulls to Uncle 18am. This cattle is to bo of the beef jtypo, and further information can be itecurcd at tbo Klamath Agency. I In addition the government will soon purchase ten graded stallions for tbo Klamath reservation. The date of opening bids for these has not been announced There is, perhaps, no other Indian reservation where the Indians show such Intelligent interest in fanning and other gainful pursuits as on the Klamath reservation. For years the majority have shown themselves to bo capable farmers. The Improvements ot tbelr allot ments has also aroused In the Indians a desire to also Improve tbelr cattle, and In this they aro being helped by tho government. I-ast summer, about 1,000 head of cattlo were distributed, and tbo cattle to be bought soon will also bo distributed. For these cattle the Indians are given a period of several years in which to pay for them. Krult Shippers Prole United Press Service WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Fruit ship pcrs today asked the interstate com merce commission not to burden the consumer with further charges by way of Increased freight rates to Kastern railroads. Tft to Lecture United Press Service WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Former President Taft tonight will deliver a lecture before the National Geo- graphic Society. Local Men Armed Force Being Foniied to Bring Cows Hoae There is exery reason to look fori an oarly settlement ot tho little dlfli culties in Mexico, for today It developed that an armed force. Is being organlxed here to Invade the south ern country. Tho troopers are being mobilized with a view to "protecting Amer ican lutorosts." but taking Into consideration tho men nt tho head of tho movement, there Is every reason to believe that thoy might tako a uotion to obliterate all tbo warring factions, and tit tbo National Palace up for their own uso. D, M. McLemoro returned last night from a trip through tho south, dur ing which ho Just succeeded In get ting his cattlo over tho line. While there ho contracted for an additional 5,000 head, and made a payment on them. This bunch of cattlo Is the "Amor Icon Interest" to bo protectod. In or der to get the other cattle Into the United States. Luke Walker bad to spend ten or tlxteen Max, dollars in wine for the governor ot Horaoalo. and this la considered an awful want of money. Klamath man, therefore, HEAVY DAMAGES ASKED FOR THE PEARSON DEATH ISHi ItAHI.V IH SUKI) fOB !0,0OO IIV WIDOW ComplalBt Kllod TIil MonUac th Wife of Mas Killed at Keao Haja tlie LaBilwr Coacera Failed to Pre vide Adequate EqiUfaacat for tfae Work, and That Agemta Kaew Pear aon Waa laexperleBCed. As an aftermath of the accident In the company's logging camp, Feoru- ary 4 lb, which fatally Injured Harry Pearson, his widow, Maggie J. Pear son, has filed a suit for 140,000 against tho Big Basin Lumber com pany. The complaint was filed in tho circuit court today by Attoraoy W.'H. A. Reaner. Mrs. Pearson asks f 500 (or medical expenses. 1300 for tbe burial coats. and $39,200 damages. Tbe complaint alleges that Pear son' injury and resulting death waa due to the fact that the agents of tko company, knowing tbat Pearson was an inexperienced man, ordorod nfcn t unload logs from a wagon. It la also alleged that the company failed to provide suitable equipment for tho unloading of the logs, and no n re sult, the logs rolling of unexpectedly, crushed Pearson. BOURNE HEIR TO 1500,000 INCOME PORMKIl SE-VATOR'S PRIVASK FORTUNE IS INCREASED BY THE TERMS OF THE WILL OF HIS SISTER BOSTON, Feb. 37. Former Sena tor Jonathan Bourne of Oregon In herits the Income of over $500,000 by the will of bis sister. Mrs. Hannah B. Abbo of New Bedford, which waa tied for probate recently. She learon an estate of $1,360,000. She bequeathed $200,000 to religious and educational societies. New York last year registered 133, 000 auto owners and collected $1, 275,000 In fees from them. to Mexico will "bring home the cows.' Tho first of tbo "gunmen" to enlist was Hoo iiunsaker, wno asu tor a colonelshlp. Chester Avery boUevoa his private cemetery Is not growing fast enough, so he will wear captain's straps. Captafn Lee will bo taken along tn tho belief tbat the Mexicans will bo so busied in returning his handshakes that the cattle can bo suenked out unbeknownst. B, St. Geo. Bishop, known on the border as "Bud," Is another big addition. Harry SUtts' cutup work at tho slaughter house has qualified him for the cavalry leadership, and William B. Barnea haa signified hla intention of Joining forces If tbe war will bo over before election. While in Hawaii. LouU Qorbor, It appears, was short changed, by a na appears, w A tive on a handful of olfntsv As h baa sworn Tonioaaoa on all tho sunburned raioa, ho has boon assigned U tko) Merrlll company. Mac ganlsod by SUket, OtdSoM and Daltoa, Henry ftont any to still game (warden),, osf , rotorta (roa Wood Hirer nay that M Mt haa opened a roomKlnf tUattaa. I'M il 'Si fjtl Tmrffl H vml (! KfiMl un&i .s-:i ' mm 1 1 .;' i ' ii !P! mwi lZ Vu'A t JH !