Eht uathuj Iterato KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NICWSPMMfiK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS -Sii -V I.IkMIi t.i n. u-!"m KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, IIIURSIMY, FEBRUARY 20, 1914 Price, Fir Orate Kerns Brothers Are to Extend Their Line to This City vVMMAAMMAWMWVMWWWWM ENCOURAGED 8Y ATTITUDE OF BUSINESS MEN HERE, CONCERN WILL ENLARGE ITS PLANT AT KENO BOURN ROAD linlil U.l nulit M.llt r an.! Mr J TIIK J Hal.- m liuimr uU Mr Main anil IaiiiiI; iir-.l iii Uan KaltinlH) ltiutulit fur KrUnll(Mil, Calif . tttri Mr )UI h purrhnxM a (run renrh . Cards K)tir4iiii unit refreshment nllml urn n cr iaaikt)i oiiIuc. (.. frntill I OkiiiImI the Nei K4frt ! br ihuuehl of III" Eulne i.i..iii. II 1. IMIenl 1til ' Mr lUlo hlit! faintly Al 600, E'S PLANS IN BILL IMlltlllt SI. Mil tit's MEASt Itl. Mdirim iiiij Minimus oi'T. I. INI. II l lOUMCIl OltllGON I. VI Banker Raine, the Defaulter of Million uiiiriiii.iix itni'i; tu have nitM iiini;gri!)tiii HI KI MONIHV Uue Will lUt irHittf llftr II" In Hi hHiiiMwt lmitU) "I lltr I'Unl xl Kritit Will lie 1,'itUrifiHl ,i ftMl li'wilr. Tb riiiora(oittlil lutta r rflirl Irerti Ihn lulitr turn of hUlcb Falls l rillriirnt U llikl kr ItOilil rllrtiil iMU ll(i- lirln It II U poMiWe lu intra (tin ppr r- U("d Ul ''" rip! i ttl lllllP ldn;utir!l Und iilgl't nt fur frsKrbu Tb.t litnri( 4i made llnlay lij ; KrJ ol Ifcn ICctlO PilHrf COM U6jf (oilofclhtf lit" llnritllUII III till ill In l ItllrrxSoWlne bllll(a Iu Ulrslt l.' frfarilltit the Aihluttill t!f t tlli1E hrfi III iMuit lit ibo ru(urtiu Oregon Power rum 111. flf.t 1 1 Hal" Anil I'rnl Niki took i...i...r GENERAL COXEY WASHINGTON (Ili-mlil Snfial Sertlte) WAHIMNUTON. I) C. F.,b 20 hrimiiir llryan of Florida has Intro 'durml Is tbo uat lllll for ffilffnl atd lo cooU rojuli tml0"l!iiK tli ii Man or former 8imior JonaUuti llounn l Qrceun KMiitinr llrynn l an iniliui.iiK nlwrto ol Uw lluijrn- ila. ami in trmltirtHl Ul bill it! lu Uil-r t n- UNll Tlic. liill a r-frrrl lo tln rm tuilnr iiij ualiirtlr ami (null roailit In b uIki lm . Imntn of Ik. Hliarklf ftJ f. i..a.l bin. MMcti ia.-.I lb hufi toy Jj r;u i SISTER IS SUED POWERS DESIRE IE PALMA WINS BY MRS. M. HILL RECOGNITION OF ; THE VANDERBILT HUFRTA BY U. SJ TROPHY TOOAY An ION HIU AS ACCor.NTI.Mi IH 1 ni.i:i ix tiii: ;iuc;i;it couiit AlIAIX.sT .Mil. AXI) .MIIS. IIKXKV IM)I'IX AltrKlnc that lUr liaij upproprl ittl lir monr-y to ihtlr oiu cnJx, Mr. MarKiin-i I). Hill. UirotiRli Attor-nr-v i; KIIIoll, toiIa fJkJ a ult for arti.untlnp acalrmt !u-r nUtor. .Volllo Hoivin. anJ Hearr Holvln- She tUnttti tljnt there In luj her 1. 632. 35. J ArcorillriR to the complaint, thoi nlnlntirr il;icJ mon.-y In th care of. tbi Jcffnilanu. and that iritu It they the Clarernont, to which! l'l(lM)i:.NT HAS NOT CHA.NOKf) HIH MINI) VHmh Snjii lie Cnnriot Conli!cr TIiIh (oui-m anil U hllll OppuMil t In tfnrntJnn Han Uo'm- of rorclng 'llln Out of I'mmim-nce In Uic Con (JluliuiialNl .Movi-riicnt In Koror of ('arranza. ItAllXEV OLDFItXD VERV CLOHR HECOXD All Hut FUo of Uic Cars Were forced lo Drop (hit lief ore the Race EM t, OmIiijc to the Terrific Strata. Orer a Iloadrwl Thoaaad Peoafo I.lncl llio Conrae Oreat Race o Wemtern Track. tltlo wm taken In the name of Mra. Cnltetl I'reta SrrIco liolvln It I fiirlbor allcseJ that) J 900 waa loant-d on a tnortfiacv. I Ttin irMriUli,l ..If- ,. -, i a 1 hv vij.ihimi tut n juuRiucni t j n , . -, . M. tr ihr- atnounU a d-r. for ! of BKWteil unofficially that the United n couno' V Pln, W0B U United Prea Seme WASHINGTON. V. C. Keb. 26. j SANTA MONICA. Feb. 2-Ia Ue Germany. France and England ha vc' greatest race ever held on a. far Weat- hh tit ' THIII I MILLION Ol I NUMI'MII I.I) WILL III. Iihi tin. a rmmii i nit tin: i.iiah IO t tlllts.1 I'tui lUlVlfr U'AHIIINtlTON. I C IrliPlar Jamoi Chip) a) tin rtnrl lit np , Feb it l hTij. and an army of FIREMEN'S DANCE A GREAT AFFAIR i:iiiiiiiti. i'in:iwtA-uo nm iiii: .t'i:si ol- tiik iM't'A mux aiii: in. imj maid: iiv tiii: "IIOVH" C II JUlni- i.rcarjt-nt of the Mtr- i nil In h'sal; of Mirmphu, Tcnn . ad miu ilirt lixri of n million dollar of u ir(H)lltoni mullet by njxjculaUon Finnit Itnlne blann Wall tr-ot for i. i cm tiii;, and tayi the Katne was r ERfd" caiil him Statr should recoffnlie the Uuerta Korernmcnt. Prcssldont Wllnon today states that I Vanderbllt trophy today. HI time not changed hi mind, consider this. Despite iwaa 3 hours, 52 minutes and 41 mc- Jonds. i Harney Oldficld came la second, In and 3:23:1. On the twenty-fourth Up the property for the payment of the Judgment, and an order that the morU-aKA be declared the property of l fTL 11(11 ftt.. M.-.rm ...lli.l ,i.AA from tO !) antlllnd nn fhn I , cannot consider this. Despite thojUe Falma and Oldfleld becan a speed ,'Henton a Hair, he Is still opposed tojduel that lasted until tbe end, both Intervention, and Is hopeful that be driving their cars under a terrific can force Carranza to personally takejilrain. 'the field for the rebels, eliminating' Only five cars finished, the others Tfc? piabt onci by tltU cuntpfttty uiimplo)ct nurniuiidliie (h? C'npltnl in mile o4i of Kcuo, un Uto Ktatu by M Kth tltnt xllt b nxt hie for Mb Itlttr At tfront Hit I lftr. jlt.f. etn to liuM ola Jlo horse-MJ-r-r. lilch I. bolne r,,,,, ,4 N0no wm. i ,r .cd fr .lIutulHMlu Kmo. and fur ,,, U,4t thcr-. ar. a.00.opp un.m.',,,; ..ruuriii. il. ninth annual ball ,-r w,t, ....... ... ,.iiin'nE uir.ii .ii)r,. to .r u Ii.ih llirtil Whftl Iter (rruiin ilBm llp-u IbU u.o turn gr. brrp .t- Kill let tlir cm- elty and Wordm. alone tho rt id .f,,,,,,, ,at ratv f i)lrm nf thr rltrr Tho lliio runs within LENTEN SEASON BEING OBSERVED ArcordliiK to member uf thp local tture taln f Klamnlli Fall IWorn mniltjit lulu (lip lorol (WI.I, (hi! romiiaur will Piilaren Ha plant l'tn for thl bavti brnn itrali, and nut rrk iiw enmpany will ortlcr fiwriwni i devrlnp rin m!.l!lnnil "ft hnrnnpowor. It U nlimalmt l:l all.1) !) will' I '"(aired Iii int. I in m Hinrlillirr nn inmaii u Knlliiwltic that all 'Minimal io mniiihn will bo unl In flnltif( v,fr( ., I'KltlOll l)F IHtltTV HAVS I'ltKCKlt ll !LSTi:it IS DKVOTKO TO I'ltAVKIt AMI Kl.TlltlMKXT IIV MAXV CAN'T KEEP JAP TALK OFF FLOOR nuriPiTi: auj soft im.t kf- i FOItTS, THIK COAST I.F.GISLA I TOItS WH.Ii HAVF. THKllt LIT TI.i: SAV ' , Villa. SPORT SCRIBF IS VERY SICK I'lsTIVNA I IM:ltl' MI sFliiniM. iimioit or tin: sis i hands. tit i:AMiNi:it is i.n a n.viiiTioX in br iiltrit Ml I'atrlck'a liny at lloun- 'ton' opfrn huu will -cll'o all linoliuin ufTortn. TliU It n ble titatir- itlrttt (o limUi-, fur tliiwo italiCtw nrc uto a) tillKiHC 111 ii moot tuin-i-ftuful of tlm r. , YiHitcnlay was Ash Wednesday, the In r-iarc )f thn rloor lll be Chief t,y r ...bcring m the season of U-nt. :.! Wal...l..Id. U-nnle lt, and Will L,r ,b r,irJ da)1( ,)rcCculnK lister WilMin. .Utrd by the other mom- 8llIUa).. Thl yonr KMllr , b born of Ihc ilr'iirtllii'!)t. TltulnlF Or"Lttrll 12th. Iiivlrn of U plfC-n v III furnish the' , ' , , . . . . .. ' In some of the churches the itivaunn Is hmrkttl h rtifriilniiipnt Tl.t.,.r..r,.,!"f the dam ate used., n,m McM acm,,,w nn Indulgence In tellgloiiN mattoni and modltntlons BERLIN LOSING MONEY ON DOGS being forced to qnlt. I Tbe weather was Ideal. It Is estl I mated that 150,000 people llaed the i course. I To California. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Elliott aad Ouy Merrill left this morning tor a visit In California towns. They will be 'away about a month, and will visit 'Oakland, San Francisco, Los Angeles United Ires Service WASHINGTON. U. C. Feb. 26. lu spite of the ban tho administration has placed on another outbreak of the nntl-Japauese question In the houne. representatives from tho Ia- i itCTCHKItS AXI) THE UCEXSE IS Qnu otner clues. i i THOUGHT TO IIF. THE CAUSE,' i UUT "WEIXEKS" ARE NOT AXVl ! CHIUFEU United Press Service clflc Coast are protesting against thel nnii-iiublifitv nrnrrnm i.v ft... i IIKRI.1N Feb. 26. Dog butchers ami ilfli? Inrivt nr rnnlillr rvltirln wisii lluy a Car. The lateatyKlamathlte to join tbe ranks-of-tlKk-taabllne "buyers Is Coun ty School Superintenttat Fred Peter- sou. He baa just Hurchasea a Ford runabout. iUtbV J. I. Johnstone of the WIWs-Jobb- lo ui the organltntlon, which Khrvt Its serMre lit the city nt no m pelise tthatriVer. Munlrrnl Hixplint Hunt. I'flltfrd I'rrsa Hertlco Md.NTItKAL. IVIi. 26.- Tho lion t'iltl antlPl tn ih,i petilleiilJan woul'''1'101 l'ies Mortice luthi... Kiitintttlt.... . I . . I-. f ... iiviif' VUIUUlltlt-T Ull UUiUIKiailUU, I Thu chief trouble lu kcenlcir out lhe S 'n Berlin, according to a re- Hn-se aliens Is that sentiment here ls,porl Just lu?d. in 1909 Berlin col- stone company, Is confined to his against It,- said Congressman Hay u,cteU l7-50 ,ax on tfach of 39.926 rooms In the Argrave house with a ae f in.. w i v.. i., . dogs; In 1910, 37.621: In 1911. 35. 'vero attack of tonsilltls. on the life unit sintering of the Savior ordered to soft pedal this discussion, 5l30, and in tbo twelve months Justj .m me tiuircn oi ino sacreu Heart, i,ut I am iirnd of thm In aiMltliin (o the regular services,' thn Way of tu Oroi will be observed ewr) Fr'iln) evening during Lent BHiiii,,..! .j nr. Unlay. Tho 3f.u I'lUutlcrs Hej,, reunited without (,ny fRUIillin The dnnia.e In ..llnml.xl l ll' raivitell I'uii), ' iiniin nf Mr and Mi "'MIlUii n K(" paiiy was oils condition I HAN FUANFISCO. Feb. 2G.--W W. NniiRhloK. sterllm: editor of the Ktamlnvr, nnit oun of thu worlds (iiriiiiont niithotltles nil billing unit lei. n lili ten with heart dlwvi today. tin (. lnKrii Imme lu a very ri CHARGES MADE AGAINST JUDGEKING AND QUEEN AT BALL GROUNDS BISHOP IS GIVEN A FILING NOTICE How Land Will Open riNN(li:it IN WASHIVliTOX AC I t ,!s .It IIIJi: WltKillT OF IM, AN'I) ('ALUS HIM A iiiMiitAci: 'ni tiii: iiexcii OFFICIAL XOTIFH'ATIOX IS RE ci:ii:i fho.m washixutox. FIOHTlXaj .!.. .1... .I K - S .'1-.. 0H. fuJtt j I'uitiii luv uugs Hill? utvreasvu io . . rnim nrinu. 31,113. ThU Is n loss of about J35.-J J. FransT"Ad4maaccompanied by iOOO In taxi-s. as explained in the re- Mrs. Adams, drptnp from Merrill lort- j Wednesday (or' a day 'ah shopping in There are 6.740 dogs in the city 'the county-seat, who enjoy freedom of taxation. The ' list is bended by $0 dogs owned by "The Parents' Right League of the knlMT, Including all the dogs of 'America" has been started In San thu foreign embassies and locations) Francisco for the purpose of protect and 3,723 watchdogs, who are declar-jlng the rights of parents over cull ed free of taxes because they add tojitren and to tounteract the "evil In tho safety nud security of tho city. illueuce" of childless reformers. ee Sinnot Outlines Conditions in a Letter to Friend " fultoning letter, frniu Con """mini N J rJimiiiit to ,, ,.ll fcJ''ii riHlileut f (!r,, will be " IlituriHii i.. i.iiiiiy to lllo at the uilru(lim of (ho purlod. At tho end of tlm thill) diiys tho tn niiilniliT will be thrown oimn to eiilry niidur llio guiiornl liomimleml Iiiuh. ... . . ' ,...... ..... in Ml. i uuii'iiiiiii, .tonii mn mini i-'t i!1 ''""f"ro,",n wl"1 tt'i'iiiilie'Tlio lullery plnn Iuim Ihi-h Hiiiiwii out. , ,ll0 (IXeiiitlt oIIUvh. ill lliVr ,',I,,,,,,, toiluy ii. roKiartl in tliitiltnt llio Mi wiry ileimrlimuit by ro- , Wright Is u illHgnicu In tho Ihii ii "Ht. Mo Informed mv (unIhk I" list tlm Imntn whlrli Indlvlil- ,.tl r ,l(, h. The ohargi ini ,Hl,u' or,,,,r ,(,r ,l1" ,)t,H ,,' ,;H for(,,,t ready for tlm presl- - siKiiitiuro, mill would ,"'' ' NlKIIKll """i W i, proh- wlthlii a week. Tlm ii. ..... ..... I, - n iien iii iiril, "I" emu i .i..i.. i ..... . . llUI III ' l (,,,rm'"'i fun W ,,u n,lv"',ll",'l nxleiislvely " f wi.., 1()r,,r , tl(0 M( n (H) l-I'lTK, V, ,. ,ii Mill Clll(, lA(i Iii) allotted In '" K upon t,u lund hofitro thn Set livri.ttl I,. .... i. Tiii.i " " uiiiiiihio iiiii iiiniia, '"f'y diyH win )m aowwl uftnr tl "'0 sol in ,m .- -J . II.,.. ... "' m mo lauu, ana '""" Holtling wlM ,mvo l0 Jlrt r,fht uiils hud iiiiplli'il for ns iiKrh'tilturiil lllllllri, hllH I'lltlMUll till) COKIIUlNHlOllltr to iilluw un piufnrnui-K rllllils In the oimo of imnilliiK or rejuclixl iippllcutluiis. I Whether or not thu lund will ciimo uniler Ihn eiiliuged liomcHti'iiil ureal lll ilepuiul upon n further report fiiuii tlm Kcoluglriil Hiirvey, which Iiiih lii'eii nuked fur by tho coiumlssloimr. Tlm I'iiiiIIiiii elliiiliiutluiiH will proh u hly not be nnylo iiiltu iih hoiiii im tlm Deschuliis, Ihh'iiiisu these ollmlniitloiiH liiivo buun referred buck to tho geo logical survey for further ilnln." United Press Service WASHINGTON, I). C. Feb. 26. betiKiitloiiiil churgi'H of professional, mid prtviitii ittlscoiiiluct huto been llled agiillist Judge llitlilt'l Wright of the DlHtrlct of Columbia xupiomo com t by Wade Cooper, a local llnau I'lur Judgd Wilght Is tlm Judge who sen lent eil (loiuperM, Mitchell mid Mor ilsoii, tlm Feileriitlou of l.iitmr oltl cms, which case Is now before the I iilti'd States miimiuui court. In the cotnpliiliit, which was llled lieges Jlldl- es In- rudti allegations of Hiimiclal and moral wioiig-dolug. iiv klamath's homi:sti:aih:k .Notice to Patrons of the Cullfoi-tilii- Olegoil Power Ciuiip.lli.V lliigluuliiK at 7 o'clock Sunday iimiiilug, iilt'ctrle sertlcti will ho ills (ontliiued Mr humtiiI Ikhiih, pending tlm changing of trauHfiiruierH and oth er iuh'('nhiu') work, Klamath comity patroua will please take notice. Callfornla-Oiegon Power Co, -tl-St lllltlTLsIl KOVAI.TV EXTHUSKI) IIAsFIIALL, AXI) THE IE- TAIUS OF THE GAME ARE E.V- PLAIN'EI) IIV PAGE II. St. George lllshop today received iii notification from tbo department of tlm interior Unit his lliuil tiling on' i;nlted Press Service his Upper l.tiko homestead has been! LONDON. Feb, 26. Tlmro were otllclnly received. A patent will soon' no nmro Interested pooplo at today's Usuo. J ganio botweeii tlm Chicago Whltu Sox lllshop's homestead, "Tho Cedars" ami the New York Giants thau tho Is one of the prettiest spots In tho! king and queen. The gaum was won lake couutr. There has beou much I by tlm Uomlxke) outfit, K to I, after opposition to this filing by attaches of eluven tniiliigs. tho foi est service, j riitoughmit Dm gaum tho king Good Farm Course Noted Educators Will Participate in tbe Sessions showed deep Interest. Ambassador; Uoielaml IwN Shock Page and his secretary sat on either ' United Piess Service Bide of his majit), and tluso two at-, CLEVKLANl), O., Feb. 26. The dent fans were kept busy explaining ihlsemograph at St. Ignatius College the Kumo to tlm king. At tho close recorded three earthquuako shocks of the gauie. the pluyeis were pre- j (odny. Father Odenbach estimates rented to tlm king. I that tho seat of the disturbance was The game was one of the best at-incur, probably on tho American con tended played by tlm barnstormers. The entire American colony was pres ent, lu addition to crowds of Urltons, and tlm rooting erica brought to all memorlea ol the Polo grounds nud other ball parks. (Inont. Dance. Tomorrow. Tho Ihial duueo of tho season will he given by the Klntnwn Club tomor low night at tho White Pollcau hotel. Tlm cocoauut palm begins to boar at the age of 7 to 8 years, though lu kumu casus It begins ua early aa the llftti or sixth year. County School Superintendent Fred Peterson left this nftornoon for a visit to tho bChools lu tho vicinity of Merrill. The Oregou Agricultural College Is I to bo brought to tho farmers of Klam liith. county next week. Ileglunlug ! Monday, a farmer's short course will t Ktnrt :it dm Klnmnth rminlv blob school, uiul tho sessions will bo In progress all week, Mux A McCall, Instructors lu agri culture at the high school, Is lu charge of thu sessions. Ho has so cured tho services of Severn! Instruc tors from tho Agricultural College, among thcm'W. L. Powers, assistant agronomist of the Btato experiment station; Professor K, I). Fitts of tbe dopartmeut of animal husbandry; Dean Henrietta Calvin of tho homo economics department, and Mrs. I... W, Robblns of tho extension service. Local Instructors will also assist. Tho work to bo offered will be a coudonsatiou of tho winter course at tho college, with particular attention given to features peculiar to this sec tion, lu addition to farming and dalrylug topics, tbe farmers will be olfortd wood working, forge work, etc., lu the manual training dopart meut, hlu their wives will bo given courses lu 4.'ouoiulcul cooking, sew lug, etc. Tho sessions will bo held at the high school. Luncheons will he sorted at cost by tho high school cafeteria. Lectures, Illustrated with stereoptlcou views und motion pic tures, will be given each evening. From all parts of tbo county comes assurances of a large attendance at the sessions. The present day farm er realizes that scientific agricultural knowledge la a mighty valuable pee Hesslou, and they feel that they caa HI afford to pais up the co-la course arranged for their be&e-t- S " I'M u mi S. T7fV trt'it im 4 it-