m p & 1 i im 'M m m VjSS .,S rflflSM $ m "a r am two THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WKItNKMIlAV, i'i:n an, iuU Theater Guide wwwwmwwwwwwwww HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH Edlter Published dally ateept Sunday by The Herald Publishing Coapany o( Klamath Falls, at 116 Fourth Street STAR THEATER "BLBOTRA" VwadTUteV Beaallra "Tbe Great Ctrcua Catastrophe," 3-Reel Drama of Circus Life "Peeri'e Mistake," Comedy "GetUag the aria," Comedy HTAR THKATF.It OIICHKSTUA ADaBSION, 10 sad Sfic Entered at the poetotBce at Klam ath Falls, Oregon, for traasalalon through the malls as eecoad-elaa matter. Two Percent of Land in Garden rVxeral Kansas and ton ii han woineu marine. t, Wyoming rniitiny, iim a till ,fty .Ul i !.... I I ""i " "eillg. llle Inst nllu uf N-llleiitetil uf AilniltiUtl oi' Finn I Aitoiinl nml of He,tr log of IVtlllnit lor IH.i lunge. tike . .. s.. . . . i VI In time presmietl in the nrtUr ,..':' ,v p. .-. -. ,.,.. "tU (nil llrallnii ll( Hilt Slimiii,,,,. ..... f.' -i "" io. Finance More Than Farming Needed Subscription terms by mall to amy ad drees la the United Stata: r at an on. month' '.!!!!! ", There Is Plenty of Garden Land. Says Agricultural Expert, nil mi In tiimwor, (r ,,, ,. '" li i-hilulllt will ,,,,,. , ,hM'H ihm t tlPa I'inilHl Fiif I It, it... Otunty Court or the Hint f'iU)u,mw, ratMii.iti. , '. ' u Or-gnu. In awl for KUm",,,iilmeiaMililww-M,n,ll'or th Matte, ..I III.. i:.UIn C KriilikL J 'J ""' "r """" . ,,, ,,..., "ae, or lia Ml e.lale ur inteiei i . ,. ,e,.rr. .,. Mor ((( Wf f w Ut(U - -.., Notice u hereby lvcii that W. M ,,,, Mmn.tc.t eouiplai.u UiaV.. Duncan, a mlmluUinliir of the r- ,,, ,lf lewMir ,,,.,, B l tt of Frank I- Feller. deveaSrd, ha. y,, , ,, Mt (l) M.. Klamath nml uii I K1.AMATH FALLS, . . ORHUON'j WKU.VK8DAV, FK1U SS, 1I4 But Lack of Shipping Facilities Is Harmful TEMPLE THEATER "The IU Horn Mamarrr," Kalem 2Reel War Dramn "The Hoaorable Alsenioa,' VlUfraph Comedy "The Upward Way," Edison Drama lulled Press Service WASHINGTON. Feb. Garden ; "carbon lc avid truck, the second largtt crop. In the 'earth. The envorument jterclna: vvcetabte isronlh by upubliiKifaHenlnK utoce. KH" ilirtK't ( the ,nett'U iln). hit umilo! Illrtl.i e-tt more laat only alt ur when fed llirrv MAT1NKB DAILY AT 2:90 ALL LICENSED PICTCRES PROFESSIONAL CARDS j0W0mt000m0 . THE KLAMATH FALLS STEAM LAUNDRY Guarantees Brat claaa work m well a Stat elaea aertlee. It yen haT ceeaate to sake oeeaBlalat and do not gat la- seedUU attemtSea, B. I AND STOP AT KLAMATH FAU Ipolut of value, grown In the United xeveral verliiienU ot this nature, time a tiny, but !in' greater sain States. U raised on but 3 twrceut of but list produced no unuHiial results, per pound when fe.1 but twltv a dav 'tho land eapeciallv adauted for that 'Certain other tuethutla. hnweer. re- In the einertmeut eolidtirted by purpKct and most of the remaining ulu! In abnormally Inrso ei;etablet, the cuternment there waji a srrat 'l'lr and nle etteptlnna In wrltliu Weather Condition for February ate Mas. Mia. Weather 9S percent Is Idle. Dr. F. K. Cameron but these, are Kenerally without eco- variation In the reaults secured lit f sl ot the bureau of soils, who knows .nomlc valuo. Itrtilne Thl wan due to the- illtter- MAXWELL M. LONG OeteteartlUc Pkysieiaai Suite IS and II. Wklta Baildlna 8.. 9.. 10.. 11.. 13.. IlJ.. 14.. 15.. IS.. 17.. 18.. 19.. 30.. 31.. 32.. St.. CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS OOVRANCB Mambera Oi TlOe A.&1AWMAN CHIROPRACTOR rtm KaHaaal Baadc RaRda sTleaalli Fall, Ore. OHO H. RATDEN. OptMaai Oflcc. Rooa J19. Odd Fellows BnUdlng ELMER L. FRENCH Fire Imanraaos, Plat Olus amd Antoaonlla laaaraaoe, Snraty Boada. Reata aad CoUactloaa. STAR THRATKR BVTUHSQ ..35 ..29 ..30 .39 ..36 ,35 .34 .19 ..3? .41 .42 ..40 ..3S .37 ..35 .39 .46 .42 .42 .42 .42 ..39 .38 12 S 10 15 16 12 11 19 17 30 33 33 33 30 20 32 31 36 34 35 32 31 21 Clear Clear Clear PC Cl'dy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear PC Cl'dy PC Cl'dy PC Cfdy PC Cl'dy Clear Clead PC Cl'dy PC Cl'dy Cloudy more about dirt than any other man) "HK vegetables do not save any thing, because there Is plenty of room to grow truck." explained the expert. 'The beet land for this purple Is a Handy loam, becauve It can bo con trolled easily and worked up nicely Hotel Arrivals In the country, has reached this con clusion and he says that the present uc-imI Is not tor more extensive garden tug but for better shipping facilities at terminals. The barrier between the city dweller and a mess of green peas is to be removed by finance rather than by farming. "The (Inest garden soil in tho world Is a sandy loam, usually not very good for general farming," said the expert today In discussing the the question with a United Press correspondent, and land of this nature atretchea all the way from New England to Texas. Transportation to market Is tho big gest problem. In New York. Chicago, St. Louis and other big cities, the 'problem Is much more the same and Cloudy Ju Is being attacked from two angles. Cloudy -The city people are turning 'back to PC Cl'dy J the soil and the engineers are de PC Cl'dy J vising now methods of quick trans Cloudy .portation." Dr. Cameron was moved to this comment In view of a recent story from New York that an agriculturist there had devised a new method of Hotel Hall H. C. Hodges, Dorrls; Merle Kll gore. Bonanza; William A. Duncan, James Johnson, Langell Valley; Jaa. B. KenC W. R. Knelss, San Francis co; R. O. Wilcox. Mrs. E. O. Kllgore, Sacrament; Frank Carr. Sisson; Chas. Horton, Midland; C, T. Citte rn an and wife, Portland. White Pelican Catherine Prehm. Merrill; J. B, McDonald, Joseph Jacob, San Fran cisco; F. R. Dresback. New Yerk: O. D. Douglas, Portland; E. M. Howard! aad wife, Salem; Lee Varnum and wife, DorrU. ence In the ability of the blrtla to take on flesh, to their eight at tho hrittn nlR of the fcedltii;, and to wcttther condition. The variation In bird make their selection In fattening of rtinsUterablr A soil analysis will show the proper Importanre. It was nlm nhtiwn that fertiliser, and land, like muscle. Iro- hrollem can be fattrnrd about a cent proven in strength and productivity (cheaper p-r pound than roasters, when properly used." Tree plautliiK on national (orU has to be routined to comparatively short Intenata In spring ami fall. In spring it starts when the snow metu, and stops with the drylug out ot the griiund. In tho fall It cotnm between the fall rains and drat snowfall. A pound of freah poultry repre sents an Investment of from 13.1 cents to 20.5 cents, providing the most scientific methods hae been used In breeding and feeding. After experiment covering nearly iluen yearn, during which tlnn. more than a million fowls wero fattened for th-i n srkot. the animal Induitry division of the bureau of animal Industry his nrihed at these figures The higher Oguro represents the cost of the fowl In July and this gradually hcvnnwH less until November. The experiment were conducted unlet the aupm-tlslon of Alfred It. l.ee, whoso aim wiis to discover the chit pest food fo- th commercial fat- iU nine of poultrr. X'.vitt vartntv tf fattening was trl-d nnd three model! rations wero flna'lv decided upon 'n t rnn.l.l. nf !...- ........ I . . v..v.v v. ,,i,vv iuriA com meal, two parts low grado wheat flow er and one part sherts: No 2 has thre parts corn meal and two parts low TO RENT Seven hundred acres In grade wheat flower, and No. 3 has fl Poe Valley; all under fence; aboutiPrts corn meal, throo parts low t;radc tunm,,. f lifrtei. ... id nir. in said conn iii. iiuai ,,rtttlrularly Ue.rrll.r4 a. ffta.. , of tlm BiluilnlstrBlli.il n( wild1,,,, "u. lo. Tho mirth hall i.r ,i.r tuvll .matter N4 of hki. , lfc, M(J half of (ho tiurlhea.l mutter (ji nf NUVi I, the northern nium, i Iho iiulhttsl quAtUr (Mjij . MV U ) and Mrt of , , t0 tJ (uiitalnliiK 2ft him, ... ,ft M,(li liilrl) (3U), in tui' t.iiyaiu 3tl) OUlll of ranee n t. -tl ' if tho Wlllaliittto iiim4,i, v IxIiiIiik In all two l,m,,ji,j u( iiAni.nt m'.i .-.. . to the .aid final account and nttitr.t '" ' ' " '" rel" M tho same, nnd show rau.e, ( any ' thrro be. why a final distribution of "' ""' ,,a', '"o. w iMiu.tlu, Irlidnred and tieelitnl For seltl 'ineiit. nnd nli in said court hi. final Hl-rOIIIlt r.tato and a petition ror lit di charKe. and that the 3d day of April, r.MI. at 10 o'clock a in. In the court room of said court, at the court hoiiso In Klamath Kails. Klamath ' lounty, Oregon, has been tlved by .aid court as the tltlio and plar (or tho seltleuirttt of ald art'Oitlll and the hearillE of said pvtttliill for dis charge, at which time nd placn any person Interested 111 said r.lalo Ilia) ortld r(at aliould not be ordered and the administrator discharged. D.Urd this 31th day of l-'ebruary, A. 11 1911. V. M. DI'NCAN, Adltlltllatrator ot Hald I'.tate. :r,-t-ll-M-35h o( tho plaintiff therein i, tut u( valid. Mumuiotui (In i'.qulty. No. 151) - That )illl, and acm uf )H,U (orotvr enjoined and barivd tins . ertlnc any claim whatmcr la or u aid lands, ur any pan thereof, . tcf.o in this plaintiff and for ml Other alld furthor Irtlef t, (4 l( court .halt ctii moot, or . la tmj ma) apriAlti, and fur hu ruits m disbursement herein This .uiuiuun 1. usruvd b) ruVtk. tuii ibereof lii tho Kninc lli14, t I dally uewspawr of trr.cr tlmlt lion, publUhed In Klactatb otf, M.reotl. by urdef ! tho llefcUfsiit' U'm H Wordoii, tutinly )ud e nil Canada has established a forr.l ( products Uburatury In connection t with Mcfllll I'nlvrrslty at Montreal,! ou the tines of the I'liltml Stairs In-1 siltutlon of iho same sort at the I'nl verslty of Wisconsin Herald's Classified Ad vs. IF KIDNEY BLADDER BOTHER FOR RENT '400 acres under cultivation; nearly 200 acres now summer fallowed, to be seeded In tbe spring; plenty of wa wheat flower, ono part shorts and porccnt (correct) tallow. The sanu! feeding valuo Is secured in a ration TAKK A (JI.ASH OF 8ALTA TO KLL'MH OUT YOUIl KIDMUYH AND NKUTHAI.I.K IHHITATINU ACIIta. lit the Circuit Court uf th. tltnto of j OtvKon. fur th County of! Ktauialh. i: (! Argraves. Plaintiff. vs. t.Meiaiider K Dyer and MamU j Homers, also all other persons i or partlro, unknown claiming Itouuty of Mauialli, .taU of tlum, any right, title, r.tain, Urn. or acting In the aUeiico of i irtuit lUtt interest In tho real eauie do-jllrnry U Itett.un, under and U; ltt14 scribed In the complaint herein j( the authority by law In hita uj Defviidants 'ill such ram, mads, dated tni tUi To Aletaiider F. Dyer and Mamie M.ilU said suit at KUmath falls Ontti. Homers; also all other person (on lh 9th day of r'ebru.ry, Oil, ! or parties, unknown claiming 'which said order rcjulfc tint i. any right, title, estate, lien, iir!i" In said suit bo puMl.fccd wn Interest In Iho real eslatp d-lenk for a period uf sl (imi scrltM-d In the complaint herein, i fh. dale of iho fint (nkU- I Defendants j I In the name of the stale of Oregon I lYntl. and each of you, are hereby re quired, to appear and answor the 'amended complaint filed against you llll the above entitled tult on or before summons 1. )'iuij lion of thl 10th. IJI4. WM II HIIAW AUTIItMt D IUr. Attorney for rUlnttt 10-17-31 3-KJ-I7-5I h . . . . . I.. ier; nouse ana oara; gooa roads; ;ul mroo parui corn meal and two close to school. Terms easy. AddIt I Parta oat flower, but at an lncrn.i Good Living Nothing as quite aa nereassry aa Use baylag of what oae eau. Kveryoae la ,iatareated la good thiaaa for the family table. The Uad of Oroceriea oae bays make the greater part of the aaeal. The aieala oaw eat are tfce gmatar part of Goad Llrtag. If post believe la Good Uviag yoa'll patraUae VAN RIPER BROS. Pboae S8 A. FVrBRtiTKINRR'S paaatr taaat, iMtai (tt aaatt ha I JSS f rat a SherltTa Sale (Equity No. 507) In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, In and for Klamath County. Lulu F. Sbephard, Plaintiff, va. Oscar C. Lee and Dora E. Lee, De fendants. Under and by virtue of as execu tion In foreclosure issued by the dark out of the circuit court ot Klamath county and state of Oregon, dated the 30th day of January, 1914, In the above entitled action In tbe circuit court for the aald county and state, wherein Lulu H. Shepbard as plain tiff, recovered a Judgment with Inter est costs and expenses aggregating the sum of 1 2,93 3.72, against the de fendant, Oscar C. Lee; and a further judgment and decree 'foreclosing the mortgage therein and barring tbe rights, claims, liens and claims of equity of redemption of the said Oscar C. Lee and Dora K. Lee, and all persons claiming under them or either or any of them; I am commanded to sell all these places and parcels of land, situated in the county of Klam ath, and state of Oregon, aa described In said mortgage and bounded and de scribed as follews: All the south half ot the north east quarter, and tbe southeast quarter of section 34, township 38, 8. R. 11 H. E. W. M and the north half of lota one and two, of section 3, township 39, S. R. 11 E.W.M., All being in Klamath county, Oregon, together with tbe tenements, heredit aments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Notice is hereby given that on the 2Sth day ot February, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the court house, in Klamath Falls, Khun- atb county. Oregon, I will, in obedi ence to aaid order of aala and execu tion in foreclosure, sell tbe above de scribed property, or ao much thereof aa may ba neoessary to satisfy tbe plaintiff's Judgment, attorney fees, in terest, costs and dlsbursemaaU and costs of this gale connected tbarawltb, to the highest bidder for cash. 0. C. LOW, Sheriff of KUmath County, Oregon, By GEO. A. HAYDON, Deputy. 30--18-SO-I7 h to Tassey Stewart, box 296, Milton, Umatilla county. Ore. 2-13-3wks MISCELLANEOUS '"i " ir Ji"i"i"i"i"ia"s"ios-w'VVV-arjarvxnjTjTJKJ-' Gertrude & Co. Take pleasure in announcing that they will re-opea their Mllllaery IliiNineM on March 7th, but have changed their location to IIS Fourth street, immediately back of tbe First National Bank. The new Spring Goods are arriving daily, and by opening day the stock will be complete, and will consist of the very latest Spring Models In Im ported and New York Hats, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, Velvets, Mallnes, Laces, Auto and Face Veils, Etc. Ev ery Item of which will be up-to-the- minute novelty, and every thing that is desirable this season in Paris and New York will be represented in our stock. Every style will be an exclusive one. This will apply even to tbe pop ular priced bats. There will be no duplicates. 23-6t GERTRUDE tc CO. MONEY to loan. 517 Main street. B. F. Shepherd. 7-14tb cost or 3 1 cents per hundred pounds ot grain. Tallow rnaken tbe fat on tho birds moro pronounced, but Increases the cost of tho grain In weight. Thick condensed buttermilk In tho place of tallow produces better results. The addition of beef scraps to the butter milk was tried but this did not In crease tho gain. Grit was found to be of no value In fattening for a period under fifteen days. Under commercial conditions In the Middle West the best result nro se cured by fattening for about fourteen days during the summer. After the middle of September this niilod should bo shortened gradually till tho Late Dance in London WHY PAY commission to the real es tate agent? If you are Interested In Klamath Falls, and want to br a good located town lot cheap, commun icate directly with the owner. F 1707, Klamath Fails Herald. FOR SALE M"i-VVVVVVXrUuuUl FOR SALE Fine galted saddle mare. gentle; will sell cheap if taken soon. See Geo. W. Bradley. 21-6t FOR SALE Forty young White Leg horn hens; one six-bole steel range, with reservoir. Elmer L. French, at Star theater building. 23-4t LOST AND FOUND LOST Sunday, at bath bouse, neck chain hung with two Jades and cameo; of particular value aa hair loom. Finder will be rewarded by returning to Herald office. 21-St I aw .saaar Hanaaf llr Hr ' aaaaavtw W.VlaaaaBYaV'nBBTi P ft ; BaaaaaaaMsUC?fliB9 VaaHWaMNBR)mrfV Ml L i ""BaBaaaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaMsi Kidney and bladder w.aknesa re sult from uric acid, says a noted i authority. The kidneys fllt.r this acid from the blood and pass It on to the bladder, whero It often re mains to Irritate and Inflame, caus ing n burning, scalding sensation,' or sotting up an Irritation at tbe neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times1 during tho night. The sufferer Is In constant dread, the water passe. sometimes with a scalding sensa tion and Is very profuse; again, there Is difficulty in avoiding lc llluddor weakness, most folks call It, because they can't control urina tion. While It Is extremely annoying ' and sometimes vory painful, this Is really ono of the roost simple all meuta to overcome Gel about four ounces of Jad Salts from your Pharmacist and take a tablespoon ful In a glass of water before break fast, continue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids In the urine so It no longer is a sourco of Irritation to the bladder' and urinary organs, which then act normally again. Jad salts Is Inexpensive, harmless,! nnd Is made from the acid of grapes mm icinon juice, combined with' lima, iniu is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary dis orders caused by uric acid Irritation. Jad Salts Is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad offocts whatever. Hero you have a pleasant, effer vescent llthla-wator drink which quickly relieves bladder trouble. (Paid Advertising. ) EXPERIENCE COUNTS In every line uf tiuslnew etprrlrticn I t.tial nt. km rftUtrtttj, It U Mitli great prlile thai Mr can truthfully .n llutl llto dlflrttsl department of our hu.lnnM .rt tuanage.1 liy Uien of eiprrlciM. Kwrienrel buyer., rtperlrtirril hulrhrr, ewrlrucri cullrrs, etprrlrlircl uilmnen and ei-rleiireit tlellirryturn ll ttiiuMo In Kite you the betM-rll of thrircmcleitri think IliU mrr hcn ef lining jour siippllra for Iho table. KLAMATH MEAT COMPANY INTEREST PILES UP m ' . viri .aa if yf P aumsinaly If MVlng, however mall, art. made with regular lly. Kaperlatly nlirn llwt letrl I. compounded n ll I llll. hank, liven a few rcnla lay tril Mill show .tirprlslal rt-ull., I-! it. glvo you a fr figure nml you'll we the ! milage uf beginning l now. fj FIRST TRUST .'SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON LOST White Fox Terrier, scar on left shoulder. Notify F. B, English, Light and Water office, St-lt In the effort to displace tbe tango nnd Its attendant dances, London so c.ety has taken up a troupe of Javan ese dancers, mumbors of which aro teaching an entirely new series of steps. These new dances are said to be rery simple and attractive, but If they are to be danced In bare faet it is doubtful If they will become popu lar bare. Wood! Wood! Block Wood 16-Inch Body Wood 16-Inch Limb Wood 4 -ft. Body Wood 4-ft. Limb Wood Leave Orders at Hquare Deal Store Cor Sixth aa P. C. CARLSON Phoae ISO ! U la the Herald T '"ait, tnen. You may flad It la the Want Colurau Prompt Service Reasonable Prices I W.O.Smith Printing Ci. teat BBRJ A " I Good Printing Mala BR ifa" I Foi,rth St" between Main and Klamath J WW