) ! Iff m sfcwsJ fill PACK TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUKMIAY, iin all Theater Guide VWWWWM'ssa HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK The Evening Herald j W O. SMITH Editor, Published dally except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Conipy otj Kl.1m.1th Falls, nt 1X5 rourth Street Chicago Women Cast First Vote ii... luui llt.i.iti Irul ulirue TiihsiIui . Hi., miii . . It' flnillV !' ''" ."" . . --- , ... a . ,,.. ill dy ti t. ...... I i.. ..niuelalii dllll the lllrtll- l!l I. ttlltl helue H. ... . "t. ogiilienl .r lid' llieiiler Ht dltvO- lllilit ptesirlhed In n, ,.'' "'' ttL Ult, it. STAR THEATER j " K Ii K O T R A " VnadcTillc'a Sensation "Tlio Great C1rcu Catastrophe," 3-Keel Drama of Circus I.lfo "Pearl's .MMakc," Comedy "GctlliiR tlio Grip," ' Comedy ' ST.K THEATER ORCHESTRA ADMJSION, 10 anil U.V ! TEMPLE THEATER Entered .it the postofllce at Klm, lath Foil, Oregon, for transmission (through the mull as second-cla matter. Election Is Society Event in Windy City Subscription term by m.ill to any ad dress In th United State: One year . IE. 00 One, month . .6 KUVMATH KAMA OREGON Tt lSHAY, FEU. SI, ll Women's Opinions Regarding Measures Have Recsived a Lot of Attention From Politicians .. . . ...... .. Ii.n.... ..r ii... . Cull II a gUMilllnee i iir'Ti j i"i iioiiuiii ! una mil. i, the culling of Cotupilll), llld leUKUO full no Ifl nhsdni. . .. .I...I. 1. lit. ........ lli.. .l.l..,lr. ..n Mill IllMkl. II III'. OSO IHPII lllllll"l.-, llll. I'llllllllll l .,. . , ami iii other vuys aid lit lh move. Inr llix tIM pi,, , ,t)f ,0u .mm ttliiih u iiiUloii'Wlde. nml ro amended uimplaiin ,, ' ..niliK hiatl) support III the I'tlll-, Judgment and dm r ,.,( "' ,,,.,,. flllm utid li'ttllH of lh Uiul- I 1 -Tlml )lM, r , ief ' M.Mir.ti.i Mail Trliiiitd' hitn or Imn mi mini, , lto,,ft,. '" "' III if to the I,,. . jiV.1" ('Until' Jdll Hit Until Ulllelldril i ...... von ti.. 1 "'!. u. ' """otistjn i i f lli.nnl.i I ho trallll lli r V III Its lepoft imrlli iiU.I. .!...,, , M : . . .i . .i..1 ........... lol() tueii esieniay iii ' hmm hii: lit.urt take steiw in eliminate the lt-. Itliili n snon nd convenient. Ml tilt impeded blow lu prvgtelvciieiis lt otcburd development. Following tli suggestion would mean the ousting i it.oiiimi'iiiltiiK Uiitt iiii iii" ' jintlnln lot. tiif ur ,.nuil (.MlloliiKUl nlMlimieH. lM uuttt, I)IIK Mid lelliB i, tmi.it t ttm liw fii Mtntlii'U UlrtiHutli mid 0I41 . U "TIip HIr Hum Slavicrc," Kalcm 2-Kcol Wnr Drama "Tlu Honorable Alsernon.' Vltagraph Comody "The Uimanl Way," KdUon Drama MATIXEB DAILY AT 2:30 ALL LICK.VSKD P1CTCRKS PROFESSIONAL CARDS WVWMMWMAM.MAAA . THE KLAMATH FALLS STEAM LAUNDRY Guarantees first class work as well as first class serrlc. It you bar occasion to make complaint and do not get im mediate attention, phone D. B. CAMPBELL WVnllier Ctinditious for rdiruary Date 1 I'nltcd Press Sorvlcu ..ry Hint thv splltltu: 'Ul a tlio ouo ClUllARO, Feb. 21. Tlio tlrst ac-lKre.it crime of the ae. lioii otum's tunl tet of stretiRth of the woman ' orcaiilsntlotM urRtnl actum u.kw. iliciu vote In the Unseal 1MU11I suffruKo city jcouiu'll comntltttit. KOt er btmy and in the world was made hero today. Mayor llnrrlsuu and hla polliv depart Chle:iKi) women cast their b.illot for ment een hunter. The ottlilal ord the flm time since the Illlnoln suf-jthat lBS.t)2fi women had reRlitcred frase law was euacted and partlcl- m their tlrst opportunity had crvely patetl tn the primaries to chotwo can-j been Klven out when the police beKun didutes for the board of nldonucn. 1 mnkliiK wholemito arrests of tKroii Max. Mln. Weather 'Eight women raudldatM for council who expectorated on the sidewalk. 35 12 Clear W were on the ballots today-three,' Tllo .,,!,. nUMUn M AMI STtH AT KUVMATH FAI.US MAXWELL M. LONG Osteopathic Phyridaa Suite 18 and 19. White Building PbOM96 CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Members Oregon Association Title Men' S. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1-1. 15. 16. IT. IS. 19. 20. 21. !9 .30 .39 .36 .35 .34 .39 .37 .41 .42 .40 .3S .37 .35 .39 .46 .42 .42 .42 .42 .39 .33 10 15 16 12 11 19 17 30 32 23 23 20 20 31 36 34 35 32 31 21 ,..rur.T.ie. uirw .ocmi.su, "l iwo , ,,cam,.j. llmjr ttny w icll 111" Mill uemocnus. rour 01 mem nnro op-i.,i i .....i... ,., 1... .iivuvi.lr. v.iiiit.i tvt uiiuri QUI II1C way Clear Clear ruwriwi. ,....... uuv ,wh a boom. It wan dln-clcd at the Clear ,niuN of the other four aro certain t,)nlfUco o ,wrmUUllB nokinB on the near Clear Clear Clear r r Pt. n .lu t .... . - t .. m .. I. . .., Clear jtwenty-soxen wards that offered no '.,.. ,h In these wards 'j to recomm,.tlJ nll ntitl-nmoklm: 1 , , iprncuce 01 permiiiini; smoKini; on in" jto be placet on the election ballots ,rout ,,Utform of Ueel . Varlou for April 1 th. j women's organisations supported by ru.u ie ,ur uu cum- Htrm C!ir mutormeti. called the prac- ,uam """ musl "S"' ur inj eu-',(r. ,..,iin, it.,.i ...it i,,i ih U ClMy dorsements most of the interest ln,muVo ,lt,rmea,' Ul0 cnn), nml u.. -t,Cl'dy the outcome of today s primaries cea.'.unU. h .. VH)mmlUp I . Cl'dyitorcd. but the suffrage vote played an,Th m.,..Mril f ,., ,..,.., ,... Clcad (Women candidates. lull of norkltic KlrU union. Mrs Marie Uerhatdt was a hit" en train for ltd' dcltiocruttr iiiiinllllitltill lit the iweiity-ttilrd, one uf the ward where the woman vote l elxVtcd to he ununuolt) hey Her friend per iindrtl her to run by nreultie that the presence of lo male Candidate III the tlRht for the democratic Humilia tion nude a urtrup' victory probable If a majority of the iS.000 retlnlcrrd women oler K-l iM-hlnd a wman candidal Mr. JulU Acnevi, procri'-sU" inn dldute In the twriity-llrsl. has no op position fur the nomination. Her litis huud, a Hearst-Harrison candidate. Is a county employe, but promised hrr at least his Uile If not his Influence. Mr JuMephlnt I Katnxko, social ist wrller. Mrs. Llda Mctiermott mid Miss Maude J Hell, aocUIIsI candi dates, are not opposed by ithr mem bers of their party and are crtalu "t plure on the April 7th ballot tit I'mf V i O'Uiirn. n rOBiilied 'I tie ninth ImU ' Uusrter (,Nt ..f . . halt ul the until . til NHU I, the .. m lilt SUtlthwrst . h.V li ) and mi 1 lllMliliis !' -. tt.irlj out, in 1 , tfl south of mat Of III" WllUltlrltc t lulus: In ail i tHutyrle tssi tcsa! nlKhiy-eishi adulis or ouchundred, ..,., . , rhlldreu don,, ih bill of Farming10 'V ' 'i"'"' aD ' ,ift nv Mwililil iiiorc- developmenl The anion lll llkel) iiilti, a storm of protest MfUoril Sun Th lareel double-riiur sled In' the I'tiUed 8lai rrrle loads of ham. .V II Salid. " ia ""l ti. ' ivstttr ( "' ' ' :. 0 rin wim ir ' Uuitti lu leuea. Hr(erlalid. "dtf) uld J.-'1hal )OU. ah'l o of jj, picture and auil'iue must l tKls. . nrw enjoii.a i,j ,. a (tea . terwl III the Iii n hall, and Us U " r'" ' t 14 (, !.latinl This Is done to prolyl pur- a,,, W '" I' nfu, i. 'chaser of such articles. 'B" l''"'""f .ud lf ,Mi 1 . !mhr mtd furttx-r c' st U tU Hiiiiiimoi.s ' ',a' ' "e( IJUJ (lu l.'tiultr. No. 6511 m ffl'rUlu. Mid . mu ui !u tho Cltcull I'uurt of th Mtato u(iUsbuiemettU hofCio g 1 ilia suiiiuiuiis e o gf fltta 'Hon thereof In the t ro ok (tty.i 'dllr USl4prf uf rr.cr ,t1ij , liutt, pUhlUhod III hac;iu tcji ltreon. lor i KUumth. ': tl Aratatcs. I'Ulutm. vs. th Coutitjr Pt. Cl'dy! male candidate, astonished at thojorin!iaw fl)r ptuliaf.e rL. i,iuji! ui mo suui.igisi iesisiriuiuu on Cloudy 'I-ebruary 3d, bid against each oilier Cloudy ;for the support of the women's or Cloudy 'saturations In one of the ltvllest prl- Pt Pt'.lr 'miirv rmntinlen In iIia ellv'fl liUlnrv Pt. Cl'dy'For thrw weeks the play to tho suf-'l'11 !' V Tho hasto with which politicians of both "low brow" and "high bro" typo hae come to the support of measures advocated by women potent Cloudy fraglst sectiou of the galleries on tho Hotel Arrivals A.S. LOWMAN CHIROPRACTOR Rooraa 11 aad 12 First Natiomai Bank Building Klamatb Falls, Ore. GEO H. HAYDEX. OptlcUa Office, Room 219, Odd Fellows Building ELMER L. FRENCH Fire Insurance, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance, Surety Bonds, Rents and Collections. STAR THEATER BUILDING Good Living Nothing is quite as necessary as the buying or what one eats. Kteryone Is Interested in good things for the fuinlly table, Tlej kind of Groceries one buys make the greater part of the uieul. Tlio meals one eutii are tho greater part of Good Living. If ou believe in Good Living you'll patronize predict that not only nll tho four U',tiii.. mhh.II.IhI . . lak. ...... ... I.. part of aldermanlc candidates, city of- ,,7 . ppiou 'CclaU and opposing party factions "'", bo """""" '" Primaries. !has been one of tho most Important Uut ,n 801orul "ds known opiKnenU and significant developments In the," "oa?n 8U,"ra,80 vbl' wl" nnd (political history of Chicago. Aider- ,,hm,v olnll from tho race. men who discarded quids of tobaccor """"" "1'. 'euoKrapur and squirted streams of julco reck-l',UlTraKls1t- wt, '" ft l dlscov-' uouiiuaiiou in me ursi I ward. Is believed to bo almost certain Jof obtaining tho nomination over Karl 'N. Wlehle, her male opponent, who (counts his strength among the negro Grand Kaptds. Mich.; J. J. Richard-j iiotiiilatinn jn tho first. Only 1,635' son, E. J udell, C. H. Luce, San Fran- 1 FOR RFNT women voters uVo registered In thu News ot Our Neighbors ';li and I'rvgrrui of Nearby ('oiiinuinllle n (tirtmlflrd In the l're. n. VVhite Pelican I. I .-til 11 rv lr pitv I w. Vflrni m It ... ...... . . .--.. , .w , . .-.-. ,lesal y suuueniy ueveioivxl a and wife, Dorris; R. A. Tyler, W. H Iinnh Pnrtlnnil- n A Tlftrrv ?ne-l ramento; Comstock Konkle and wife. J Hpniln Ql ISCCliiMl AnVC Cisco. Hotel Hail Walter Dixon, OU Smith, Ft. Klam ath; H. C. Hodges, F. S. Waltz. Dorris; Fred H. Tutbill land; F. L. lenders, Seattle Best, Pendleton. tlfSt. 1)111 f(u Mfnl'ii u.111 I.,. ,1... . .,.. . . backing of Influential malo progrs TO 1 RENT-Sevon hundred acres In v. ,f 8ho wins tho nomination she Poe Valley; all under fence: about ...m .... .. . B-loh tl.nn . . '" "i'i' "" noiorious iiaunioujc m Oak' Ml cultivation; nearly John Coughlln. democrat. In tho April ill, Oak-200 acres now summer fallowed, to 7 th election. ' b; J. A. Jbc seeded in the spring; plenty of wa- , W: hoUnn,l hr,- .nn,t ,n.i.. " tlie second ward. Miss Harah M. fan You Heat It? Listing t'(xullle valley attractliins as "spltndld water larllltlns. unlim ited timber supply, dairy pasturage the entire year, vast developing coal fields, productive farm laud, a rail road cumins, good roads, harbor Im provement In sight, an Ideal summer report with a moderate climate (wlm month lu the year." ihe llandou World asks "Can you beat it?" Medfnrd' Ned I-uuur The purpose of the Drama league AiiuMtder F Djcr aud Mamie M 'OreuiMi. by urdr ' lUttttV, Momer. also alt other person rWm rl Wutdeti. . oittsttin or partln. miknoi tUlmlus jMy 'f Klamath i. of 0n, anr tlsM. tlllo. eslate. Urn. or ariiiis m tne aiMmct, . r . ,riaii;, interest In Hip real et4lo de-Henfyl. lenUI, Undo a&4 lt, srritwd In the rumpUInt imrelu !' Ihe authority h Us tiia lIt Ovfendauts. Jin urh ctt. iiiado Jau tti M To Alatander F l)er and Mamie M. ' W U l Klmal Fall 0ttfi4. Souiers. also all other persons. " Ihe Jlh da uf Fcbmst;, UK, or partlra. unknuwn cUlmlne hlch atd order !.' tkti u any rlKht. llllo, estate, lion. or,mun in 4ld Ult ho pubiufccd ew. 1 llltrrcsl In the rl estate dr eW fur a period of "Jamas scribed In the complaint herein -seek The data ul the dii jtto liefendaiit "" t this iimtuutu rtWtfj lu Ihe name 0( tho stale of Otefou , 1"'. 1911. .You. and each uf jou, are hereby r- VVM II UIAV julrrd 10 appear and answer the AllTIH It l IUV amended rumplnlnt tiled against fuu Alturtie '"' I'Ult,'.. In the above vtitltled suit uu ur belure 10 1 7 1 1 3-10. 1 7 H h Hopkins, candldato for tho democratic ShcrlfTs Sale (Equity No. 507) In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, in and for Klamath County. Lulu F. Shephard, Plaintiff, VB. Oscar C. Leo and Dora E. Lee. De fendants. Under and by virtue of an execu tion in foreclosure issued by the clerk out of the circuit court of Klamath county and state of Oregon, dated the 30th day of January. 1914, in the above entitled action In the circuit The new Spring Goods aro arriving ,tourt for the said county and state, dally, and by opening day the stock v.herein Lulu H. Shephard as plain-1 will be complete, and will consist of tor; house and barn; good roads; 'rlnqA In srhnnl Tarmw mtmv Innl. 'to Tassey Stewart, box 296.' Milton. non'nal,on f-tho council. Is opposed lUmatllla county, Ore. 2-13-3wks by ThomM T- ,,Jrn- Tho suffragist registration In tho second ward to- ?tn"ed 6,161. Miss Hopkins counts MISCELLANEOUS u,,m Ul votca ot at Iwwt two-thirds wwvw.mwwww.w.w . 1 ' the women In tho democratic prl-! g-i j p gy tmarl and upon tho votes of Indo- AjCrtrUClC jL JQ Pt,uUent democrats. Sho has be:n I , making an ncllvo campaign that In-' iase pleasure in announcing that eluded speech-mnking nil over the dls-' uiey din re-open uiclr JUIIlnery trlct. Ilusiiiens on March Tils, but havoi , i ..... changed their location to 113 Fourth Dr "7n '"""r' lb "', ""j, ,f " "-' '"mutely back of the First-f , ''" 'l ? "' National Hank. 1.."" . T '""""""' ,ur '"" itui,icMiii' nomination in tho seven- tifT. recovered a iudement with Intor.lthn vnrv l.iteaf Snrlm. 1f,ui. n !. ' est costs and exDenses aeereiratlnir' ported nml Xnw Ynrlr lints tM.,.- I tt Cr" S ""' ""'UH the sum of J2.933.72. aealnst the de-1 Feathers. Illbbong. Vlvm' M-ii,l"w,ort f0r ,,,:r from " fendant, Oscar C. Lee; and a further Laces, Auto and Face Veils, Etc. Kv-I " "ccaU'10 of h"r " teenth ward. Her opponent Is Albert F. S-nger. The Miiffraglst reglstra-' Hon In tho seventeenth Is light, but count upon ' nlon labor fforts lu he Judgment and decree foreclosing the ery Item of which will bo up-to-the-mortgage therein and barring the 'minute novelty, and every thing that rights, claims, Hens and claims of I Is desirable this season In Paris and equity of redemption of the said .New York will be represented In our jOscar C. Lee and Dora E. Iee. and alljstock. persons claiming under them or either! Every stylo will he an exclusive) or any of them; I am commanded to one. This will apply even to tho pop- 0..1I '.II .Ann .. . 1..1r. ...I I ...... M..' ... . I .j.. a., mcae jnetea uuu parcels oilu" imteu nuui. lucre will U0 DO land, situated In the county of Klam-jdupllcatM. ath, and state of Oregon, as described , 23-Gt in said mortgage and bounded and de-' VAN RIPE BROS. Phone 85 MBS. A. PETKRSTFINEIt'S Not much liver, But plenty to eat, For a two bit meal It can't he beat. 120 Sixth Street GERTRUDE & CO. scribed as follews: All tho south half of the north east quarter, and the southeast quarter of section 34, township 38, S. K. 11j, E. W. M., and the north half of lots one and two, of section MONEY to loan. '517 Main street. B. F. Shepherd, 7-14tJi DARKEN GRAY HAIR, LOOK YOUNG, PRETTY HAUi: TEA AM) SULPHUR DARK KNH HO NATURALLY THAT NO. BODY CAN TELL WHY PAY commission to tho real es tate agent? If you are Interested In Klamath Falls, and want to by a Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, brings back the natural color and ...... ..... r.vtfviivuum FOR SALE Fino gilltcd saddle more. gentle; will Bell choap If taken soon. Heo Geo. W. Bradley. 21-0t I Local nows appear first In Th HrM. 3, township 39. S. R. ll'tf E.W.M., sood located town lot cheap, commun- P,"1 lo lho halr Whon 'adet1' "tr8ak AI1 being in Klamath county. Oregon. I lfat" directly with tho owner. F 1707. , r Kfay; nUo end dondr'r. Itch- 0 'I... .. ' llnir Kfntrt nml .Int.. nlll... t..l. V logetner with the tenements, heredlt-mamaln a Herald. I " . ""''" " ". uru aments and appurtenances thereunto i" iag" u,e onl way to l "'I mixture belonging or In anywise appertaining.! FOR ?AT F i" l '"al0 U at l,0mo, Whlc51 ,u --. iiiuflHv unii Lrini inisMnrttrt rvnuntinvu J -----...-. ..V. WTSlMUi oy asKiug at uny drug storo for "Wyeth's Huge und Sulphur Hair Uoinedy," you will got a largo bottle of this famous old recipe for about CO cents. Don't stay gray! Try itl No ono can possibly tell that you darkened' your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes Only a Step to Your Phone and you have entered our Grocery. Goods critically se lected for phone orders. We do not solicit. Why? The SUNSET GROCERY I Old anil Main. Phone MOO For Better Values EXPERIENCE COUNTS III ever) line of blulims evrlrtirri U ulml make cttUloKI.il l with ureal prhle that we oi Iriilliloll) lalP flint the dUtrml itrMrtliicul of our hiulunis e mausEeil by titrli of evpri lr. Kvpcrlnirrd liujcrm, evperlrutrd hulther. epcrlrurd rutlsts evperlrtircd Mlntiieii and rtprririirrd dell rr Mint ll uOiU i give )ou the lM-nrfl of ItirlrrdU Irtir) Think till. uer lrf ot derltig )niir Uplle fur Hie table KLAMATH MEAT COMPANY INTEREST PILES UP ttnitxliigly If caving, liowerrt mall, mxi made with m(lf ll) Imperially whnt Hist hr lerrt Is r)illlMiiliiitrl a ll Is litis Ixink, Hvcii a fed rrnls tin) lril Mill Ihivv iiiprhlsl tevllll, !! ll give joil a f' llgure nml you'll ' 'he & vmilagt' of Iti'itliiufiiu u,r MUM. tfl FIRST TRUST M SAVINGS BANK iviwvma'I II i'ALI,S, OREGON Notice Is hereby given that on the 2Sth day of February, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m., at tho front door of the court house, in Klamath Falls, Klam ath couuty, Oregon, I will, In obedi ence to said order of sale and execu tion in foreclosure, sell the above de scribed property, or so much thereof an may bo necessary to satisfy the plaintiff's judgment, attorney fees, in terest, costs and disbursements and costs of this sale connected therewith, to tho highest bidder for cash, C. C. LOW, Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. By GEO. A. HAYDON, Deputy. 30-6-13-20-37 h FOR SALE Forty young White Leg horn hens; ono slx-holo steel rango. with reservoir. Elmer L. French, at Star theater building. 23-4t LOST AND FOUND . ...... .....I..ll.uu njnj LOST Sunday, at hath bouso, neck chain hung with two jades and cameo! of particular VAlim , It di.- loom, Finder will be rewarded by beautifully dark, thick and glossy. returning to Herald office, 28-3t Advartiastmaat. Ii it In the HtraldT right, thn. You may find It In th Want Column Prompt Service Reasonable Pricc:i iH H . ll I W.O. Smith Pnnting Co. jl Good Printing if. fourth St., between Main and Klamatli ': Wood! Wood! Block Wood 16-Inch Body Wood 16-lnch Limb Wood 4-fl. Body Wood 4 -ft. Limb Wood Iamvo Orders at Kquare Deal Htnre Cor Hlxtli anil Main P. C. CARLSON Phone 18.1 folv