The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 24, 1914, Image 1

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    Wnv lEutfttmg Mttaib
Mtfh.t r f .
7jMI' Vm N- "
Trice, FIt Grata
liWuuir ll'ixi lliei '"'i.ali
)UnMI M". IHHJli'ltH AMI HOI'I- (t(i nfl aE cnhci lu )(e ,,.,,,
i,i:il M II.N) T.NillHii: t. uuptovi. liU ippmiutiltim. while
mi uiltlMri ,h" '''"In""" ' lil)) U mill ninl
'nifcr Howe lepuru (Imt about
i -. ,.l(..iHMH ( lli Trmi.lrr I. li-lhlrd "f "rh 11 -lit el
'"'" dlilp mil the 1'tnt ( III' IUl ).r
UM Itclllli IWMM l'i I') Hk" ' M ,( ,, ,mil u.uttUy ,.
rinlurlll lllUMir), ' '"' "'l' ll' lililrUt lir lhlr tnlir
, . ., ., ear Indent uf rnllie mii lit their
Hrtii llci r Appiuim in r Mit, ......
fvrltl lir..- 'll ife tfrtilur ll...rtll ltiy harder
ttnII,e Mrjmli) -r ilm IIIkIiU j,Ml rr,
Atr til Jirtl. .
list, city ""I al.w ll ml li !
,d ur fUbU It ru wt. and "III
ji Or it bend lu Indemnify lli"
I'nlirJ HUim ! future Halm
eicr of the ir rleliu not
CsltJ, (, tll " objection ''
U ft 'l "uvH,''lt ' "'to n,l"
H tip of lfe Ankcn) mum
Th iMlv M A rUUo uf tho Ulfol
j.fv)(.lilun ii l.o iMtl In the tiV,
t ndr r Im rlwK up tb AnV
sr Mtul lb mry iirttitlfitlttK
interna ihrii itit lift" bn blamed
(t hulllhliM In years l.
AvtkoMtr lit been Eiveti ! so
tnswl It lli" council wwitillt"'
lMltlsr mi thu l dtm up a lot re of
tvtiwi (r thi irnrf ii( ilil It
UfitK-4 tlmi UiU u l cnl iirfp
kwtlf (or affirm X Uirnrll
CMMilmrn O MUhox. Ill
Hof 4 J PJ ('tlpr, wi-mliPi
M h (immlltro liatr tweit viirl.lne
U4sw!o3'i im ttil miittpr fur
csiti, unit thry Uii to hV III"
awl iMe4 ihl umnirr. Tliry tr
n(!k oUivil At Itm nttltuilp tafcnt U)
lit tavrfnwrnt In Ui waller
I'nlirll) I'nilrMtir Sa) Hie SiH-rl
Attltltir mi ll.e IIIrIi Srltmd U
IU-lr(,, , If. . CmIIx Uf lH
hr hi Mllilj tin I'rtil ..( I'i-lllliru
tllrrald Mrclal Service)
r.sivi:nsiTV or oiu'gon, Feb.
ti Ttte lnrrraae.1 HDClftl life til hlti
MfcouU l IliOliehl hy mi llio eduratota
In b IU canto u( die la nttltilde
lfsii tiudiiM iitun lama hy an ni
liiltn; clan, at colleee.
Trn ur ch(i yeara ago Die frenli
m. il( hjirdmt worker In the
iiiiltrriij i,i nit,y , , (I,,, ,iuir
t, llir I,.,. i rntifKetle nlld llio leBUl
WiKlaihe unld Pmfrasor II. U.
Ho ycniiMla) In apeiikliig of tho
I'fvMlll Irmhmnii cl.
I'rufess-ir llim.. hnn Ix-eii making
Unix of llio ineiital nbllliy of hi
'lllfi'leiit ihw, liat aeiiiwlr he
im II k to the frealimeii In hl
'wmm, whiin t,o M'lilora reculvod
w'iro IPs than tho perreiilngu of llmlr
"umlirrs allowed,
"I ildiik I haw l he pooreai Freith
"'hi dim ami (Im beat Henlor claaa
'l I Imvo had for anttiii llnie.' mild
Election Information
Chronological Table Prepared for Oregon People
HA1.i:m, Fob, !H.with tho work
' Klitorlng volura nl tho uoveinl
0l'iil)' cuiirt hoiisoH of tho Mtuto going
-rr Hy aKi ttM fnutlldutost for of-
' liulli county nnd atute, popping
"I1 "Klit and lult llko JuckM-lU'tho-
ti r ,ll,,lc,,1 k of proporlug for
T '"'""omliiK prliimrltiH la prooeod-
'" with ttiltM)l ciockllko regularity.
Necnnry MtonH uro outluoa ju
wiru u Oregon l.uw, und In umoud
""w llioroto couUliMd In th m-
. i:ilSlil).'Uiirri NrM Sbiiw- .ir l'rl
III! llio IlixlVk l'i-U) IU tl(lul III
tfllllt l'rrllili At" (irlllnu llll'J,
oml Air Itiirt.llliic i:ii-lii.
:ilii)-Uirr nmiic oi luJny
4 dd ml lu ituwfl fccLt.'fril for tile May
'l.fimaflrt mid lhn Nutnlr cmiTftl
tirtiini. Thu u one of tlm Urei
illiCl ill) rllltlfa llisdo tl)l )rar.
i Tim jjfpAlcr ift of lhM rrellr
iitiii ti tl" l'ult of urHtlllm of
'rfiiim In Hip utl4i irrlnu.
!1li H-ttl out of town r ClilttK
illllo lit).' till! th IrCUIcfrd tint
j nmrli trllcr Ihun llm trcliiM of
IKUmmli rail, hn Imto uiiich moro
o(i'ftmili) to et ihrlr nmnr on lUo
jtilU hool.
, Of J ln lUl tretiUAtlon toilny, 5C
.r from Dale Tbt rrelUmlcin ro
tis iuda' ftom oflirr ouliltln irf
'illtft. fulltiiM U.i llfrr 19, ())(
a 3. llUI 15. WorUrll T, Mldlnnil
3 llilitrhtaml 3. linKll Vmloy 7
Pim.hiim TuiiIkIiI' cIuii lu Older
to t5li the .Melubei mi OpwiiluiiW
I) tu Hrnr ltim wi (Vniml
Ameiliit 1 1) ltUliui I'tiilitml..
In order lo glo the member a
rliinre In hear lllhip llobeii I.. I'ml-
'il.teU' lecluru Ihi evening, toiilgtit
tin 1 1 UK uf the Ivliumuli l.liernrji Pttili
(lm been l0lioned, llmlend, the
Istlbjeet, "Tho Housing of Families, or
thu Tenement Problem." Willi .Mlwt
Coll llnwllli. n lender, will hn the
jaiihjett mat Tiiesdny.
I HHhop PrtildorkV theme I "Cen
irl Amerlen," and the lecture, fe
lu the pilhlle. will he given nl tho
operit house. Thu bishop linn Just re
lumed from a trip through that sec
tion. Tim Inleinnlloiial Olymple games
will hereafter he open to women.
mIoii liiwH.of Hi 1 3. DntoH Imvo been
set in-cording to law by llio aocrolury
of Mlutii, nml thero should ho n clour
Hold from now on lo tho primaries
which are ul for May lCth,
In ehronologloul order nom of tho
moro Inipoiliuit Htoim from tho pres
ent dnto to tho ility of tho primary
nominating elections ure:
April 10 Till I thu luat dnto upon
(Coutluusd froaj Pag )
Model Marries Scion
of the Vanderbilts
ft Fl tofS ' ti Jit '-V
iVnmtrraiiin vnuet li lipt-n
moiuml In oltt ntrlwi in N VrU
Ut h' marriK i fuunr. flimni .
,0-yni. niilivw of Mr, i-ornollu
:Vmii1riltlli. to MIm Anna ItrKlnn
Ki'Mim. 8I" ati nrtll' wtJ-J
'u Ht on of a vrfllthy broker. Ilut
il r..u.,- rla CtfiniKt In a KUlid
liHjKlne Uio womt-n tho jounj; wan
h mt m tlm h Iftr i which he ls
Imi.ii nreunlomed
1 Tim ilr !Ijjmh1 in to No" Jcrmy
iihr. uiher .). and atur ol.talnltiK a
llfrii.n itiv) iii ntarrlrd by a Mcth-
......- .(.... h ...nil
AiiUmrillf oi uf
linard of Ilut rane.
four hour nhould
'.Inl. whrll limy
ald Hint iwntl)
ha' "lail attwr llio ImUance of Ui
lllctiM- jirrordlni; to the la f New
Jrroy And aenin. thi-y found tlm
Icier for Cupid had been lold Hie
'lirldf m 51 jcarn old. It dovqlocd
j later stir- I not more limn 17. Hut
what wa of wore concucnre in toe
iihiic woman, her mnllier InsUlml on
a religions terewony, and tbo pair
had to aland up before a j'Het.
i While I our .M her "f lite t'l Aiv
' er) Aille 1'M-p.itlng mul SeivliiK
n PiUe l.iiiifhiuu. ItciiMliuler Will
tuH'tl I.ix'hI Meat .Market,
... .., .. u...Iau .if l.rtyn
i Tlii ieui ' " "
1 . ... .... .1 ..... .U..I.
I luncheon gnen uie uiiunim r-
nc elawi of the high school will "m
ired tomoirow noou h) Ml nie
JnroN. Mis Josle Low. Mlwi Wllln
Leoiintd nml Miss Fnuikle Adams
.1 mii;.. nl these liinchtoii are Mt.
OeorKe T. Ilnldwln. Mr. Fred Peter
sen mid Mr. C. V. Fisher.
lelde tho Judge. Mis CariH-nter
usually luvllea n few friend of the
ohiib Irtdle In chnige of the lunch
win. While tho four young Indies men
tioned are tompetltiK for the rooking
jirlte, Ml Carpenler will tako tho
other young hullo of the department
on ihelr regtilnr "tuke-vlook" tour,
which will rnnsUfof n trip to Ihu Poo
plea Market. Tho market people have
consulted to show the young hullo
through their oMahlUhmont, where
they eVn see how tho different meat
prndiii'tH are handled, nnd lonrn how
to ilros mid cut moat economically.
Knight or P)lliln Celebrate
Utiltod Pros Sorvlco
IIOS'IXIN. Feb. 21. Tho. llftletli nil
nlwwiry of thu fouuilliiK of the or-
. ... i..i,.i.... ,t ii. ivlll lni.eid
tier oi vuih" l"
ohrated with n golden Jubilee In Hon
...... ...1 ...... .,,
ton loiligiu tij loriy-oiiu u.Mfcv.-. ...
... i ..ImI.iII. 'PIi.i Ir.pnl e.l
i.hiulloii of the niinlvcrsnry will ho
. l . I.... 1...II 1........ Ill.V.
Iiell 111 .leeiiiiuun ui.ii. ' -
urttor ninl IJx-AmbiiHsudor to Itusslu
Ourtl tlulld nml Supremo Vleo Ohnii
o.dinr It. a'. Young of Ohio will ho thu
thief Hpoakei.
Tho host looking girls and young
women lu (lermiiny live nloug tho
I vitn Hl'IIIM.' UOIll lo in; Oil.
At IIiiikiIuj MttlilS M-iIiij: uf tin-
I'll lijti'i Inn Hnttlu'rltoiMl, .li'iii
ImiIiIi uf U'liiurit'o ( UW Ia-k.m
Will IU- In AiI'iiiUikc, mill Matter
uf liiiHir(iiiitt lo TiiMir Cllf U'rl-
Iikv Will lie I(miumiI.
Clfttiil!i Ha)', better anllr)' con
unii,. mil!otlivr iHAttorw of tirimc
imi-orlfttiCM u Klamath I'nUt, tlienc
i:i t ilUciud At joint income of
ihi' i'rli)triiit lltoih'-rhood and lite
Vomtin'n Clile lt'KH?, lo lw liU n
Tl.unsUfty nfKlit ill tliu l'rfU)rivTlan
IJolh of tbeu orKanltttlionii nrci
-i.ihuu; lor it.f chic boitorincui of
Klmiuiti KttlU. In order (o utimu-Imt-
liittt now work lll 1mm
ttttrtnl twrl) ihU uprliiK, (ho Joint
, J
'""""" "V"'
An InrlUlioti hh liwii luol to nil
hr.iti'H!.. iiiit-rtic-d
'Ilr ( All Sold for Mlg Flgnw-t,
n Kl.l .M.tililui'ry, V.ic. llonw
nml .Mulr Sold MSirlt Cheaper Tlinu
W INpt-ciiMl lllg Crowd Ttieie.
One of the blcgt crowds that ever
nil end iul tin auction vale In Klamath
county aiMemblud Monday at the
ranch of N. S. Merrill, near the town
bearing his name, lo bid on tho stock,, etc. offered for nale.
Tnrlo Nate." a ho Is fondly
railed, ha for jears owned the best
X. 8. Merrill
aiid most conveniently arranged
nnch In the county. Ho 1ms decided
(n retire from .ictlvo life, nud lias
U-psed his lauds. On account of the
repulntlon ho has is :i slock breeder,
there wore hue'r ralero nt tho ?ale.
The dairy stock brought the best
llguroH, Home of the cows Belling for
as high n JKt'.'.GO. lllooded helfors
iiold from $05 to $S0. nnd a brood pow
was old for I'-fi.
Tho Mori 111 mules and horses,
which are particularly famous, did
not command n high price aa somo
anticipated, although tho figure woro
above those paid for tho average
stock Ono Jack sold for $500.
Pucker ProleM Unto Increase
United Press Service
WASHINGTON, Fob. 2L Packing
house product enmo up today before
tho Interstate eommnrcu commission
rt tho HiibJect for consldorntlon In
t'onuoctlon with thu renuostod In-
crenso of freight rate for thu Haatorn
UnlfonuB worn by otlleers of some
of thu Hrltlsh regiments cost fl.OOO
I ; tyjjSWtmH.
i ,-. yfigfi - ?C
T.'JsaiBaiBaiHBaf '
"o (BraTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTsW"il .
Pittsburgh Man
Puts Up Money for
Federal League
itobrl II. Ward, the millionaire j
baker of Pittsburg, ho Is said loj
be thu head of aeveral local bread j
trusts. Is the man who has shocked
(tie magnates of the National and the
America:: league more than any one
eUe, except J. A. Gllmore, president
of the Federal League. j
For It wm, Mr. Ward who has put'
up tho money for the entry of the
Federal league into New York. He.
iloned a deal the other day by which '
he took a ten-year lease on Washing-'
u .-, "IVA...J.., ...v. v..u ..wi45-
the National League there. Inasmuch,... . .,.. , .,,,,
ride of the downtown section of New
York city, where most of the baseball
patrons come from, hi action U lr,
tually the frame as placing a club on
Manhattan Island, lu fact. Wash
ington Park, though across the East
Ilher, Is really nearer Manhattan
than tho Polo Grounds, which is so
far north on the-island that the trip
there from downtown requires nearly
lifty minutes on tho olutaled Hue.
After the Federal League bad brok
en Into Chicago, the next place of im
portance to gle It standing was New
York illy. Tho location or a club
there placed It alongside the two ma
jor leagues. Had Chicago and New
York been left out many baseball men
nniuiu iiiiii! ueeu inciiiieu iu piaro uiv
now league In a class" llh the Inter
national nnd the American Associa
te n If Mr Ward can put a winning
lub lu II rook I) n he will liao consid
erable advantage out the National,
1 eitgiie, for hi ground are much
more conveniently located, nnd the
Hrooklju club has been bo far down
n the w nnmg list that it lias come to
be something of a Joke.
Ulamalli Mill Man Has Surgical At
tention Given Injured Xoso nt San
I'l-nucNco Hospital .lohn Mnrtln
Able to lletili'ii Home.
This mornlug S. Edward Mnrtlu of
tho Klamath Fnll Mllllug company
lecelvod n lettor from his brother,
John Martin, who is tu n hospital In
San Francisco, recovering from an
operation. Ho state that ho expects
to bo able to leave tho hospital In an
other wook.
John ulsn mentions that Charley
Martin wn oporatod on Inst Wednes
day, having tho doctors remove a
bruised spot from tho side of his nose.
Some time ago ho recolvod a Blight
bnilso on thu loft sldo of tho noso,
which caused an aggravating soreness
on the Inside. Itccently tho brulso
began to show on tho outsldo, and it
was thought best to Imvo It removed
before It became auy worse.
A lltii! of I'rifivcutloit by llio
lcnrtinrji( of tli Interior, TIihInm
Woitli 5H0,()W I AkuIii I'lnrctl In
the I'ulillr Domain of l!-ncr .State.
, WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 21
! DrriuK the montn of January the lc-'
liaruneni 01 mo interior, tnrougn ita
own olflccni or In co-oporatlon with
thu iWmrtmcnt of Justice, has bcn
nctlvtf in proculIng ull against
thoi uKti.-d of fraud In connection
with iiuhllc land matters of various
During January, 1911, ',200 acres
of land were recovered by the depart-
Rixnt from thotn whn had mattn fnttrl-
ulent entries thereon. Three suit
were Involved, two In Oregon, in
uhich decree were reccntlr rendered
restoring i,040 acres of timber land
In that state, valued at about 80,000,
and one ftult In Colorado, restoring
100 acre of agricultural land.
l.M-al Men Who Fought
Mum. and .Malarial Fevers Are Cfv,3 mncn M Powlble.
dilating Petition for Formation of
a lamp in nuinsiu rim. i
A niorment Is now on foot to form
'la branch encampment of the United
Sunlsh war veterans In Klamath
Fifteen names are required on the,
... holnf trriil4t..1 fnr Ihol
purpose or organization
of which
eight have been obtained
Judge Herbert S. Gale and Attorney
'Charles Ferguson are circulating the
petition. They would be glad to have
all who were enlisted for service in'
the Spanlsb-American war or Philip-'
pine lnsurrectclon enroll their names i
en tho petition.
( t.IIK.r . ,,, llu. i.eKLslature Uatl-
tic. Action or ltepn-ientatlve forJL.nlleU iress Sorvlco
an Amendment to the Constitution.
.Submitted to Voters Later.
L'nited Press Service
THENTON, X. J., Feb. 21.-
sonnto this afternoon passed
resolutI(m all)em,!ug the state
constitution so aa to gUe women the -
'right to vote.
t This must be submitted to the vot-
!ers for their rattflcatlon.
London women are now buying
'frocks to match their furniture.
Mrs Clarke w. Kellev of Dev Ps
Lnke. X. 1).. runs a 1.000 aero farm,
Find Battered Body
Remains of Indian Evidence of a Violent Death
Tho blood-covored body of Peto
llrown, an Indian, was found Monday
afternoon near Pluto Camp, ten miles
beyond Ynlnux.
Every Indication points toward
A bullet, battered and Bhrcddod aa
though having come In contact with
bouos, was found inside the dead
man' vest,
Owlug to tho bloody condition of
Wlillo Uermany, KnglasMl, Frmace,
JajMin and Olliem Will Mmw Mea
on Onanl Duty at the Lfgatlo ,
t.'nltcd Mtatm Will Keep Mea em
the KhifM, an Fletcher Bjm They
Can Itcncli Front la a I Kors.
United Press Service
C, Feb. U.
IKvery world power with the eicep
jtion of the United States wilt soob
have marines and sallora guarding iU
Interests In Mexico City.
Germany and England already bar
troops on guard at the legations.
Franco and Japan bare advised the
i United States that they expect to take
; similar nctlon, and It is believed that
the other nations will quickly follow.
The American marines will not be
landed. It is understood that Fletch
er reports that he can get marlaee
(into Mexico City in twenty-four hours.
I It is feared that the preeeace ef
(American troops In Mexico City will
precipitate riot. President WUeom is
Spaniards,) applying the soft pedal In this respect
'More Than Tea Tlioaaaad Hen Ars
Put to Work Today, ClearfakS Vp
the Debris aad other Eridestte
the High Waters of Past Few Daft,
pnu Stfjle9
. . ..
L0S ANGELES. Feb. 24.-Th r-
ceding of the recent flood waters has
put an end to the lack of employment
here. More than tea thousand mea
are at work today, repairing the dam
ages done.
, Two-thirds of the men are being
used lu emergency gangs by tho rail
fronds. I The damage to the railway lines
'alone Is estimated at f 3,000,000.
Il.lllrtft lffMIDt PfAMMtfttl
DENVER, Feb. 21. Outlines for
plan for financing the proposed P-
,geant of the American Indian to be
;held hero in 1915 were discussed at
a meeting here today of tho Colorado
.The i publicity league. The promoters of
tholtho plan hope to gather 10,000 red-
,'" " and to give a true picture
jo n rly West, for the ben-
tu,lt of travelers going West to the
' 1 It t4l .....111.. .L.
' '- opviiioa m.v jcc.
I Hex Social.
A box social will be given at toe
Henley school house Friday evening,
February 27th. A short program will
bo givon Dy me scnooi cniiaren. kv-
eryono invited.
the body, a casual examination foiled
to disclose the oburso of the bullet.
Tho body and clothing were satur
ated with blood.
Coroner Whltlock, when notlied kf
telephone, Immediately commualeaUi
with Federal District Attemer
noarnes, at Portland, who UtImC
Whltlock to take the affair up with
Indian Agent Watsoa. This waff ,
and the coroner Is awaRU fmrtker
developments In the matter. .
i :'.!