The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 23, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Monat, n:n, an, tBU
Eighth Graders Can
Secure Exemptions
Costumes Startle
Washington Society
Tho following hut been received by pilar six years, of the elementary
County School Superintendent Fred school and can present to the county
Peterson from J. A. Churchill,, super-'school superintendent satisfactory ev
Intcndent of public Instructien: .Idcnce of having spent nt least 450
Any pupils -who lins attained the days In attendance In any public
gc of fourteen years and has taken school In Oregon during the fourth,
tho regular eight years of the clcmcn- ttfth and sixth grades, and has made
tary school, 'and can present to the an average of not loss than 90 percent
county school superintendent satis- In deportment during such time, may
factory evidence of having spent at upon the recommendation of the prln
least 450 days in attendance at anyjclpal or teacher In charge, bo excused
public school in Oregon during the 'by the count school superintendent
sixth, seventh and eighth grades, and from examination in the subject of
has made nu average of not less than physiology in which he has made an
90 percent In deportment during such axerage of not lev than 90 percent
time, may upon recommendation of In class work and school tests during such time, as shown by the school'
excused by tho county school super- records and by reports from other
Intcndent from examination in any schools, and such average may bo nc
subject In which he has mado an av-'ccplcd by the county- school supcrin
crage of not less than 90 percent in tendent In lieu of examination In such
class work and school tests during subject.
such time, as shown by the school! Teachers haUng pupils who claim
records and by reports from otherexomptions In one or more subjects'
schools, and such average may bo ac-iln accordance with tho provisions of,
ceptcd by the county school super-, the first paragraph herein shall fur-i
Intcndent In lieu of examination lnn!sh the county school superlnteud
such subject 'ent with a list of such pupils not less J
Any pupil who has taken the reg-jtban twenty days prior to the exam-'
ular seven years of the elementary ilnatlon, together with a certified
school and can present to the county statement, of the record of each pupil,'
school superintendent satisfactory ev-( during tho sixth, 'seventh and eighth
Idence of having spent at least 450 grades, as shown by the school regis-'
days In attendance In any public ter and grade book, and by reports
school in Oregon during the fifth, I from other schools. The county
mwtm - til im
I v. N: v-Vi
Mr-' r 1. 1? m
' VL.X fl
Pp$TV . 1 mi II V
school superintendent, after having Couutess do liertlcr. wife of an at-
"' ::: .. . ' ..... i
examined such record, shall de- 'Jen or tne ircncn crauassy ni aii- i
. i --.... ..... ...!..., ,i..,ii . .i..lncian. has startled socletr with h-jr
... .. . i -.. ..,.. .... .lli.wt f.m T.irl llnvtni?'!
iowwi anu nomy we teacner accoru- "'"" .. ..- -. --,
lngly. If a part of the record is taken Just arrived, tho countess comes with J
from report cards from other schools, the latest things turned out by tho
sneh renort cards must be attached t Paris designers, und she has shown
sixth and seventh grades and has
mado an average of not less than 90
percent In deportment during such
time, may upon the recommendation
of the principal or teacher in charge
be excused by the county school su-
iterlntendent from piamlnatlon In tho i
subject of geography, in which he has to the teacher's statement. isomo oi tncir oxiremo lasmons.
made an average of not less than 90 1 Pupils who have reached the age Whllo many women in Washington
percent in class work and school tests of eighteen years may, at the dlscre- society wear fashionable clothes, they
during such time, as shown by the tion of the school board, be admitted ihad not seen anything, cjccept In plc-(
school reports from other schools, and', to any high school without havlng'tures. Just like tho countess wears,
such average may be accepted by the 'passed the eighth grade examination. ja"l tho position of her husband.of
county school superintendent in lieu 'and receive, after earning three Fo-jcourse. brought her Into society nt,
of examination in such subject. Imcster credits, the eighth grade dl- once, and tho matrons and young wo-
FACE about, Man!
This store of ours
is the place to get
your Stetson
New Spring Soft Hat
or Derby,
Our Hats Blocked and Shaped
to Fit Your Head
Everything That Is New Is
in Our Hat Department
Leading Hatters
Any pupil who has taken the reg-jploma from that district.
i men have watched her many changes
,wlth great Interest. '
fore the house of commons today. He'
I. . IRMfftt ntt HUUi III MUlt Sald he Is in communication with tholR I TO II I Q 0
,1'nited States regarding Benton. Ia.w-. I l1lr I HUll
Hrltlsh Columbia Is considering tbu
mothers' in-mlon Idea
(Continued from page 1)
rence and Curtis.
Sir Grey stated that this does not
meot has thousands of photographs mean that be government holds Amer
anl many feet of motion picture tllin, lea responsible for tho death of Ben
covering the principal point, and has ton. '
prepared accordingly for the most ' .
reaKlDIe method of campaigning. United Press Service
Great ilrltnln In 190$ produced
21,67 1. 570 gallons of apple cider.
Charlie Comiskey
Is III atRome, Italy
Ottawa (Ontario) observatory Is to
hno a 73-Inch telescope.
.Mrrrymim HiMiin, Mryrj,
Or Grnret It Mcrtfrmait and fam-
1 1 from !. An-
hiIi tit California,
njfrtl MrVii TUfj
Joyablp llnir.
II) rvlurttrd
Ki.lrx and tit
Hiwrn thpy Pl'
report hit
Feb. 23,-
Slr Arthur Spring-rice, Hritlsh am-
United Press Senric
WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 23. 'bassador, refused to make a state-.
Acting Chairman Schlvely of the sen- ment though hard pressed today. Ho I
The I.iglitu elglit Cliainp Arranges for
Kiglie Montlitt of llattlliiK Willi tliu
Topnotchcrs', 1'ollowliiK Which, if
SUII Cliiimji, Ho Goeit to Auiitrnlia.
Ilalelgh, N. C, has sovunKen wid
ows whoso combined admitted ages
total 1,033 years.
'United Press Service
ate committee on foreign relations to- stated that he will await detailed
day stated that the Mexican situation ! reports of the Benton affair.
..., cUlu, ,cW biu.c, uiu(, iu iuc, j is unucrsioou inai prominent .- i "" i Uoton
uu.u-UUUwu ........ o, uuuu6u uc ia memoers oi doiu nouses are privaiciy sa. miaauiwu, tea, -J uue oi union.
hopeful of a peaceable solution. J discussing armed intervention as in- tho most ambitions campaigns ovcrj '
It Is understood that he told the:evitable. planned by any fighter was being, xiiero nro
prestaent that the senators, in execu- (mapped out hero today -by WlIIlo
tivo session, were greatly aroused I
oyer mo Kimng oi Benton, some oririear fireproof as coal mines can be
them calling it wanton murder. ' made. are locaUd near Taylorville.
" I ? lis. There la not a stick of timber
United Press Service fn citber mine.
LONDON, Feb. 23. Sir Grey, tbej
Prance Is to take a census of its au
tomobile and motorcycled capable of
being used In wnr. i
has a phone operators'
British Foreign minister, appeared be- They get results Herald Want Ada.
I White Pelican Water I
No Germs No 'Cold Storage Taste Nothing but Good
It Is Good for You Even if It DoesTasteGood
Ailthe Pelican Says, "It Fill, the Bill"
Still Water in 5-GalIon and 2-GaJlon Carboys
Charged Water in Quart and Pint Bottles
Phone 22 IJ and Have Some Sent Up Today
White Pelican
Mineral Springs Company
Detroit Is to hate n 1100,000 labor
At 10 jcarB of ago Samuel Oompcra
was sent Into a factory.
110 match factories In
Two mines that aro said to be asiIlItcuI lightweight champion of the
world. Two motives were back of tho
plan. First and foremost was the
money angle. Tho other was tho do
termination or tho champion to dis
prove tho charges of cowardice hurled
in his dlrpctlnn uhun Inftlrlna nrnvont-
ed tho fulfillment of two engagement 1
hero with Harlem Tommy Murphy.
a iigni a montn at i peri
tight from April to November is the Thoro aro nearly .000 stitches In a'
campaign planued by Hltchle, Ho pulr of handsowod hoots.
may accept several ten round cngago-1 i
menu in New York and Milwaukee, in Siavanger. Norway, oven pa
providing he can got his price JlO.-jnnts nnd llsheriiitn uso electric lights
000 for thirty mluuU work. Most i
oi mo names, prouued the champion TiiIIiiih' Union No
In ttnitif iii. ? .... .. .. .. .I....I. 1 .. t. ..
i ,ii iittiiiuuifi, uvi mini, itin. luuur
,ers earn from $1.33 to f 1.7G a day.
immmmL' AkL ' ?
it nicy
Mil A
n uraiic if ' Mirtar fruit un
til It tvnthr U lOSth yrar
POIt HAi.K Port) ymmi: Whllo Uf ,
horn hrn. onr U-licitc (! raner,.
with rrmiilr Hlmr I, IVmti, ml
8iar thnntxr biilldliie.
Old pupeu for starting nrr. Ten
rrnU an armful. Cutna and cd
load w O Urallh Prlntln Co
X, HIU Ptrn
Wht'f--a. It Iia jilrAicJ Ala'llsT
'mI. In III Infinite -nipm, t cri
lit flfftml rrl HUlrr N HU (VillU
Wir itrmod ilntrf
l It Knotted. riia IbOIOH'W
lit 1 1 entire Ulf I" rXtttM U
tttr laill In lhl, thnr i4 Ui it
Itrliltirril, rtUrt, Tlll ?
limn frli)lll)ii tc nl 10 IU if
riatr.l frnnllt. ami min Mfh t ti
Kvnln Hrrsld ttnd l'rsac IM4 f
In fur publication
1.0 III J MU:im
lloinekpeplnfi room. nr- hrdo
Marlon fnuniy l awafcrfliet tut
lli kUrp of ! and wi tt
(i.uO.oou trmd rad bumi .
Clmrloy Comlxkny Is no 111 In Itomo
HO of .MI tin en li- iw. win .,rni,ni.i. .... . .... ...
0Layib,Mlbae?'.ttlJn " H org,nlZod fortyono years agolr.j,,,,, lll0 witWlt bMbn, ','
Vnrcluatlon Is
mont In Norway
n Hiiffrago require-
staged in San Francisco and Los An
If HItchIo Is victorious in bis battle
f...m A-ll O ..1.1. .,..! n.
mV. .. . T . """"ll.OST-Hiiiiilii) it bath house, neck
iinun ,V i7 n .. BO,"8,nB"1 ' chain hung ,ltb two jndes and
u " '!!tlTr " "-t.cular value a. heir-
.7.V """"-" l" '"-"""" ""'loom. Finder will ho rowarded
uUU ue,ru utseiia oi liocomoer. nu rt.turnlnB , crnl,i omco,
ho may go to Australia and fight Herb I
McCoy in Sydney on Now Year's Day. i
"Snowy" Baker offered HItchIo $17,
000 and two round trip tickets to
meet McCoy on Easter Monday, but
tho champion's engagement with Mur
phy prevented his acceptance.
"What I Intend to do,"' uald nitchlo
hero today, "is to show ray enemies
that I am not a coward. I proposo to
take on Murphy. Woleast. Welsh.
Ilivers, Mandot, Dundee and Young'
Shugruo in tho order numed, provid
ing, of course, I do hot meet with any
setbacks. Then I will bo, ready for
tho Australian campaign.
was duo to Comlskny Hint tho tour
wns undortnken, and to him must ho
glwni meat of tho c rr lit for the
sprn.ui or American baseball goniilp
In tho countries which tho loams visited.
I "Just like Home used to be"
The Oregon House
Klnmnth Avenue, Near Sixth
Board and Room, $7.00 per week
BoardThree Meals per day, $6 per week
Two Meali per day, $4.50 per week
Single Meals, 35 cents
Today's news today in The Herald,
The Italian ministry of education
will spend $15,140,000 for new pub
lic school buildings In tho next four
yean. .
fjuscrlbt for The
cents a month.
Herald, ifty
m ' " " - '!
iogenes o$pect3 -
- .. . , . I,,,
You ca.n we
some of our
de lighten? perfumer
What alout it?
Underwood's Pharmacy -
Corner Main anil 7lli HI reels, Klamath l'nl, Ori(on
Strictly Fresh Eggs, per doz. . . .
' ...- u
' " ku tl,n Mna ... J
Fine Smoked Shoulders, per lb. "
Dill Pickles per qt
Prunes, 3 lb; '
Canned Pineapple, per can, 25cy per doz.
m ,
i WA rt.n 'HUH HI'AWS 1
The Ashland Fruit Store
phone 282J