The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, February 21, 1914, Image 1

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umfng Mvtalh
i T--s -s
Price, Fit Oeata
H'MHtl ! Itt t:S M'M IH'MI'S It'll UK. lltMIII o Tl'ir
in iui:ii mki. riiiii;n
First Photograph of the Federal
League Magnates in Session
HID II"'"" l,'",r'" "'" ""'
V,.lcli '" ,,,r'1 '" "
tull ! Wri HuoMu 'lltitniKti
Hip ri),H'" lt"lir !
M.n.LHH In I Atigrlp., -H.1 ll.
HITf(. it I'loodrd,
I t.uiill Hate I oiillul I.-.I lul llie
"It" ni.. "J - IImimIi-. .Sear .i.
)U III llir. lllllle Will.')- lltlrl Are
NrKl'llrtllliU lur I'm in lliiuiliili llie
lilalnatlt 1'uliiili). ami .ll .We
lllliM) H. "I,
M)rf ANOKI.IW, Feb. 31. Four
n, uvu i b i diii lMm
It tO'W l'B rtoe" Culllrtl-
nu (of ' I' fttiirUi "'
Tfe. ilmil II W l'''l, 'f rl,,B
UUt ' rtpfMU" "
p lttKttll l tVrj'tuioila. m4
Utlkall t)MKl IumaI- of !." An
tt, ti' lmn "H ilrunJ lu Hi
Ullirf faUIUIc hato Ueetl ttlrl.
Ml bAic r' I'""'! rlril
Ai rl nn home luti Arr
iiK0, icii & mid l'deti
t l li-l ay by th UimmI
lttl)JrJ liRVo .tl fllfCed III rtt
ifcclr how- anil bride be beu
!ktl tl rf all rfrckn mi J rlsr
K(fl for fp. M AlKrlo I
l 8 (rum tmut'l" rommunlratli'ii
f Iwtk flt lll lf llundfcd. of
USc ht Ixwrft lCitttllbrt lU Till
latln-. t ttl A olalt't'lltl, atl4 I tic
tilnflfl tlrcrl art- InumUlvtl ami
t'Uilt rlrr til UaooltlrHU (c
;vJt4, itl IIip Ium Jioni ll tuurro
li l frjtli ttnuy ItuiUiatnl
Tt inn nroufihi ItnYur In U
iVCHttr", nU Irfrlnc lnftt i i
! ln rcjiriI,
Again lltr- (art Hint till :4IM
ItiHila kimhI to liitotulnr tiltkra Ilk
llvl) (iriMr-n ti) tint .(aiilti ol SlHifOw.l
(iAtr iijM.u ii tij iim iai rolmtjr f
liulu inrmnm Hi look lor n lor
lion Allrr l.liliie r-ral iUrt in
Ihi- Wri. tint nthancti eiMtil raell-tl
lintr lal ttrft, Mini llm) r 0 al
UDnl lll llioy vlll inltiAlti
tn Hililiiiuii il.njr will urlia io oil.
n"4 in ilirlr tictlelibortioml. iJ tli
irltHrltuii n( Klaittnlli Mill HIpoII ll'
ailttliiuit u( abaui lo tiioir fmlll'
of ilirlfi ictilr io ilii tmpaUUon f
ihl Sflll
llm rfilmtUu cr lirr iUtmtrA)
l)t mllrlUlliili i( iIip KlAIHklU l!tnl
iiiiirm fiiiiiiaii Alrrait) ()jrj lmo
Hutt ritiir( on iho "It" ami "JK
tatirhr. Jiul imi'? llm lino lirar
lutfU 't1i lllir riltrli 4.00l
arira, Mill klrilne Hif miitlirni
4liifn of Tula 1-al.o
lln.tlr ihi, iiitinr ntPiiilK'r f iw
call) ntn mnklne iiiniistln
Uii'ieli lli" rutiiilj. anil lll "ti
ti.c nitrlii4o
m Jis(f Jf& s
?; 5 nHf la'ft Pva ''it
.Kfr&BmKKBKt ' i r. jMPWMia.Tcfae. ,. .-I,"fal1Jf,?3
' fHnnmHaBB BKBw'fwSBBBBBBB -t
SSMHanSBHVaiVBm ' ivKKKKaVBvVspHiSvVaVaVBBKVw- $ vv nflHVavBS'i'J
AiiMTtrmi Conulalr Hnl fut Wcjnl
Tliul lt'nloi' Ktrtutlon Followrrd
n Coutt Mnriul TrUI, ami CbtIc
l Ion on a Charge of ItclnK Inrpllcst
til In a I'lot Co Kill Villa KI l'ao
S r llffprrnt.
United 1're.i Srlee
, IX I'ASO, Texan, Kb. 21. No
worii taa bvnn rcelrpl from John
Ijrn and another man named
Curl , both KnglUhmen, and friends
of S. Henton, who went to Jaurex
uu -diifi(ly to took for Denton.! of the men fear that they
uavc met the fat of Henton.
Outlay Uauch, an American, waa
urrtiU-d In Jaurez and charged with
bi.'lDK a 'JT. cannot bo located. It 1
tumorud thst he hax been shot, but
' Oil Is denied by the rebel. Some be
rlluvt' that the rebel have removed tb
men to Chihuahua City.
DUiuU'li Jaw Itcelred From Coo
I roller or Hie KecUmaUo 8llke
Clvn. Water Cer Another Momth
In Ulilrh to Par Their 191S (
Witliout lleUijt Mitbject to a Pwalty
for Drliaqueacr.
The followlns telegram, alfaad by
Comptroller Kyan of the rechuutloa
ervlec was received this aitarmooa
ry J. G. Camp, project m&sajtcr.
"Hemisslon of all penaltle oa orer
due charges will be made accordlac
i to the recommendation of yours of
(February 9th."
I Early In February Mr. Camp recom
; mended to the commission that the
'remission of penalties, which was to
'expire March 1st, be extended to
I i.mii l. li in llleli ;mi-, .m
UnlUr ami llirll'. J- A. !!
Fn tlit' Ool iimo since Uio) lia
n.-roiiM- vrlou liicuatM to llm old
iMCuia ol urouUeil U4plmll. Hi"
tttnKttali ol Hip llnw 1'p'lfral Lvactm
lm jwrwliird ilioiimeUe o ' lU-
IOCflll'i iHKHlKT 1I' w,r" " c'
mil Hi llm Kulckrrliockr holrl in
Nr tn) cit). nnd ono of tho lm-
-l lor llic Iittiu: U't-rgliiiiau of '
iiioiv, UVlilnit of till IcaKue, m-aImI.
loitant results of their inctluB mm
tl,.. drcWlun to brcuk Into Nc Vorl.
llh a club. Thoy Waned WimhlliRlou
I-ark In llrooklyu, the old home of thu
UrooUxn NiKmal team. The grounds
had hew; r.lC l 'ln KhbeU built
u ikw ulnnil further out
WanhlnKton I'ark U It limn thirty
i. !.-.,... Vnl llaulou of Htltlmori'. I
""" t
inluut ' rldu from the Wall street I
and mauufaclurliiK dUlrlcts of New,
.York, and will hao an Immense ;hjii-j
ulatioii on nhlch tu draw for jiatrons.1
-Thu K.u1uk of thu park was. consid."
.rel n master stroke by those whoj
claim to know tlia naseoan snuauon
In the city.
L'altcd Press Service
WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 21.
"Benton was murdered like a dog by
Villa," was the orUfnK of a telegram
from the chairman of the Et Paso
tnoM meeting last night, which was
read in the senate today by Senator
Fall of New Mexico.
"It Is almost certain that Villa did
It personally," It continued. "There Is
no evidence that Benton was the ag
gressor. verythtng points to a cold
blooded murder."
April 1st. He pointed out the fact
that forty or more or the water users
bad not paid their operatlou and
malntcnanco charges for 1913.
As a result of this extension Just
granted, these people will be glvta
thirty days longer time In which to
make the payment.
It will also give aa opportamlty for
set Ion upon Mr. Camp's furtasr rec
ommendation for roductloa la tao
areas, so as to exclade water locgea
lands. ,
llltvnr) l.riirrnl Makr Itlllliig on
llir Qurollmi of llm lliglil of ltr(l.
trrnl Volrr In Mgu Prtllloit of
('billiUir rWklug .iiiiilnlion
(llrrsid Htclal Hrrtkts)
HAI.KM, Feb. 3I.A rUlril
ivli-r may iIkh the numllinllou
Hoot nt a mnny raiullilatca lit hU
P'iy for iliti sntiin urflco n ho
Tlil ilriUioii k) von lodny by
Allium.) (Iniprnl A, M. Crawford, In
'tuxtr lo many Inijiilrlr.,
llnlliU) Hlhi-. .MotnUy.
No HnlurlloM for llm lliilrualin
of llm Wfttrr I rt mm-UiIhm t
lo llo lilru ,H, Hlr-Mli.i- llnlilnl
'IliU AllrriiiKHt.
At llm uii-ciliiG of the directors of
thu Wnti-r I i'H AmocIaIIoii hrld this
attptltdiiii, It J iIpcIiIik) that the
(rio of 15 emu prr crp fur the main-
trnanr of thti nuMiclntlou should
ulnnil, nolHlitniillnK lh strrnuous
nlijpctlnns rnci'iillr rpfiUuriHl wmlum
K by onio of tlto inomlirl nl Hip rp
rrnt iuiilnK ol tho nssorlntlon.
,'tWiiuil Aill
III lli'V. Kotiprt I.. I'mtitock, liUliop
of tint Knlrn OrrRim KiUn)ml llo
O'si'. I lipm I" vl"" '"n1 "lurch meii.
Till fiflrrnooit tin It nlttiiulliig n iiu'el
InK "f Hip nii'inliiTK of thu Ktiltil unit
othpm luinrivti'il, mid Mouilny after
miiiii it iuim'IIiik of ihe hip" "'
church IM bn held nl llm olllro of
Ll IV I1..I.. ik.111 lm lliilil
... uv , inl Him irtviii u to m oioiip v i,iii.. I'viMi.-n " ......
" 'Hip Imtiks will rsmnlii rlostxllnt II n. m. ami S i. m. In I. O. O. F.
.i.. . ..
linn iniwirniw.
On arcoiini of WnshlngloiiV blrlh-
in" wimiows will bo oimii from'
"III lip nln.rril nl llm tiwlillr Moil-
lUv. Tl. U.I...I. i . i
-. ... i,iii,i, nil imii or opor iiiiiii
:I0 tu 30 n, in., mid from fi lo 0
n, iu and from fi lo C
H ilny
Says the Movie Film
Is Now Indispensable
Oli-ralil Hpcclal Henrlcti)
" I'AIM,, Mlini., (leh. SI. "Thu
' of iiiuvliiK plrturoM In stulo
lutloitH Iium bocoiitu Hiirh uit lini'orlniit
'al "f llm vniiirtiiliimuiit uiiiMnnlruo
,ln'i 'if ktnti, chiirgi. thnl I hoy nm
'ow InillspuiiNaliln," u thn hIhIviiioiiI
'lt' lodny by -, j. vnssnly, ulmlr.
'" f lliu Mlmtcsotu stulo board of
"Tim muilim picture Is being found
wpoclully valuable lu the schools for
"' 'lc"f nn,l llm In-iuto anyltuiiM,"
"i1! ViiBsnly,
J'1 ,",M uu fouud ospoclully dlffl
Ul1 lu vt uy iort of attraotloa that 1...1.1 ii... i.r llm limuliii.
Will IIIIIU lUV lllll'lllll'll M" .- ...,
but thu iirohluiu Ni'oiiiH tu linvo liium
liihml with tlui movies.
"Al ilirfi'renl oxIiIIiIUuiih of tililuri'rt
nl llm nlnlo iiH)iiinii Uio IniimU'H wort)
Invariably Inli'imoly Intorcsloil by Uio
nipldly rlmiiKliiK vIhwh.
i I, .iilii.ilif ...IK liny 11 l?ftllll i.rYprlri
upon tholr minds. Al llm school for
tho ilvnf (ho mollim pli'turon luivo
proved ono of Ilia IiIkki, t''H In Hi"
li'iichlug syHliun, iim Uio oilucntloiuil
pkluri's rati bu oxiiluliiud by llnshlnu
thu winds on llm Horocn, Tho mi)lo
.. Ill' irriiu. In linmirtiitiri
HIM IHIUMHUI."!! fit.... ....,----.-- -
I us lliu tlmo iwltW edurutluunl liuprovu
meuu. '
Uliln IIIrN Tiikhm Fait In I.hIb
.shou Ait lUthiK l'4riy, Mfliig Ihf
MimIc, lnlliuj Iro fiviim mill In
Olhrr V i'lijioliii TIipiupI'
oliiutiiT lu MiitriT. 'l niiHJeri. lour llumlnil .Miillu I'ur-
At-o PuilliiK tl" SMuuIrt mi Adill
lion In tin- I'lirUlinn Ctiurch Hok
lo FinUli by TliU I'lcultiir.
Tlui proM'rblal be of lnduirlou
iliUMtl lt IakiiI UtHyer U Hl
Sirtiuil ljincc Ituy of Farm Uimls
In tlu Siutliem Part of fount).
United Press Service
Consul Kdwards at Jaurez telc
Kraphed that ho had made an Inves
tigation, and found that Uentoa was
lrgally tried by a court martial, and
was convicted of participating In a
Plot to kill Villa.
He says he Is convinced that Villa
acted In his rights In this matter. The
text of the message has been withheld
from tho reporters by Secretary of
State Ilryan.
A copy of it was transmitted to the
ItrltUti ambassador, and cabled by
htm to London.
Man WIU lie Strapped tm 1
ad Gives Heavy Volta-.. WsB
Take All the Electricity the
Power Cotupaay Will Give I
JudKti H. 5. Gale has Just purchas-(
.'"'.."p.IuToIIJ'no J-I't Tv.' U-nrlc h. nothing on the force od 100 acres of land about 2H miles
Klamall. IIU 1-IW -N - " , M unB. llorlllwW. of MMIn -fho property lu-'
O I.Iks In hot touny. n mis oiv-:iii vraimuii .....o.... ....- ,...-..
4tuu hot'M.. tho mum nre tho llllle'ln iho work of bulldlim n twenty- eludes Uio old Swarts and Johnson
who look part in mo hi loot (iicnimu .. , place, mo uu unuuivu uj
nnd nittdu Uio first part of tho. church. ,- Magulre. Thts is the second large
show mich u wutidurliil success. ; As a result 01 tncir xonious enori . , mlrcn.lS0 wade u). Juage Galt
The IIUlo ludhw met t tho ".Iks'
hull nl 2 o'clock, und from thcru al
. in....... !. .Maguire. 1 1118 13 UlC SCCOUU I
I As a result of Ihclr xonlou crtortsllaiuJ .lso maUe b. Judge
'for two dn. tho work this afternoon I .....
L'lelched i :i.lnBttaB point, and it Uj ' Mn country.
2 30 they wero suH'lled with ciunly ntlhopod that the structure will bu fully .
the .Shasta nnd then encortcd lo vluw,coond by IhU ovonlng.
ii... uomliTM to bo suen In tho ToinpU''
nioWiiK picture paluce. Al tho con-1
Cllitilou of inn show Iho uuests ure
I 'ill's Pel It Ion.
Wiinmn'i. Mlsklon
Grnctt Murgarot Gould, fashion cdl-
,'tor of thu Woman's Home Companion,
i it.. i.t...i fntirt.t.n immiA nf thn March
taken to Uii' :I"Kr Howl, mi'l therm William 11. Harnes today filed ltl j UlSU0 of tnnt pubUcatloa to uews
rr..Me.l .. lb the Ice cream, etc., thai jpclllloii for tho ropuhllcan uotnlua-jnbolU sltrJnB raBhIolia. Her general
iujI.i, that reiulexvous of sweuls soit'im h sheriff. policy is to counsel moderation. She
. j ..... I i' -w mtamfHmm .... . .. ......... A i.i.ii ... j 1 In ti t1r
Jllhll) llllllllll. I ttillllH IWIIllt'll 111 lipi'VHl lliaiiiv.linuiv j
Tl.t cm it Hit of tho Klk for today M,l' llor""' and nt tho namo tlmo she wunU thorn (
i.. .1...1... MntiiM. Allco CiiiniiM J. I Hunter arrived last night to be practical and economical. Sho
boll. Mnri WlllniiiH, liiiln WIhuh, Cor-jfrom Nashville. Tenu., mid registered holds that womeu can ho fashionable
Midi WIU. it, Heryl nnunls. Kriuicos
Cevenue Cutter MuunbiK Put Out to
St'a to A Id Vessel, WIiom Coudltion
lli-eame Known Hy tlc Ureailed
"S. O. S." of the lKep.
United Press Service
w lrulei message from I.os Angeles at
11 o'clock this morning said that the
ruveuuo cutter Maunlug was searching
for the steamer Kuroak, reported by
wireless to bo in distress oft Port
J. V. Houston made a taa-ettik
when he booked "Electra." tae "aa
man dynamo," for a four Bight en
gagement at the Star theater.
Tomorrow night "Electra, who la
Charles Quill in private life, will he
strapped In an electric chair a re
plica of the penitentiary death chair
and submit to a shock that usually
kills. In fact, he will receive 100
more volts of olectrlclty thaa la used
iu tho Slug Sins death chair.
"Klectra" has puzzled the electrical
experts of the world by his miracu
lous absorption of electrical "Juice,"
and has top-lined every American
Vaudeville circuit of note.
During his appearance at the Star
a transformer will be Installed la the
Star building to supply tho amouat cf
voltage necessary for his demonstra
tion, and the local power company
will have electricians lu charge to an
nounce the number of voltg passing
through his body.
Hack to Merrill.
Jay. P. Harter, who has been la the
county scut for a few days on a mis
sion of business, left today for hit
home in the Merrill country.
Ili'iiL. Sybil llnml'or, Thclmn lirown,
Until n-i.t'l ier l'lopper.IMUh Sing,
llrnrlo llonKliml. Margaret Schubert,
llnriilii- Ho r. Hominy" '""""'""'i.iMiklug After Cattle
nt tho Marshall House. Mr. Hunter nmJ yet nt,t R0 t0 extravagant expenso.
I making a tour of tho Went, look- Sj.e ,joos not believe In tho extremes
i lug for u iermunmit location. 0f fashion, siio holds that tho greatest
extremes of fashion do not make for
ruil beauty lu diess. Sho says that tl
Pearl lllohu.
Jo) co Miiiuly, Isal'ol
Vivkit lo Piuo
Owners or 7! 1'or rout of ihu front
ago on Main street luiMi algnod up for
Iho imtng of tlui streol, which will ho
ilouo under tho Vrmnnim act. Just as
hooii iik II Is nsi'ertnlnod what Is waut
lul, hu tiustoort will hCKln Uiu nrolliiii
Is always dostrablo to adapt clothes
to tho woman, and not woman to tho
J, llockloy, cattle buyer and sloek-
t... ,1.1.. .........I.,.. f. W'lllnivri.
umu. .e.v ... ..." "-"."-: clothes, for together thoy produco the
Cnlir., to look a lor tho fcodli ot
calto. Mi- "ckloyl. eei le.,lWuMnr in,on to glvo ...oro and
.t Fort Klainntli. Merrill nud sovoial
California points.
moio poetry to lfo nnd that sho cau
uio this chlolly through her dress.
Sells May Come Here
and See Sprague River
Meno)' to Hank
llelilliuait Hoc to 'Frisco. j
Christ Holiltmiui, who mis ueen en-, W()ri, rccclvcU from McNear & Co.,
......... I In Hi. i ilrnir liiiKlness In this'. .-. ... ... . ..... .r.n. .....
"'" ii.'.nv.. nllll v,ouuiy juugu tuu eno siuiu
liuiiy woik nud gel uvorythliiR -oiiit- for mneral years, has "Prupt-tmlt ttl0 blghway bond mnttor will be
readlnoHH to start uciuni worn iot ,i position with n wiioiosnio urug c)o80ll ,, nml tho mouoy paid over,
early In Uio nprliig us poHslblo Vio- ,,ousu In Sun Fruiiclsco. Chris ft 0Uelal receipt for tho money from
k .loiinml. ' fur tho city thhi week, and his family jCmmly Tmnsurtir Croneralllor wcro
twill follow him In a few days. -wired for nnd sent early this week.
' ... i ,..i 1 nLi
I no mouoy win uo ucpuaueu iu u ui-
I'lio Herald, delivered at your placo cngo hunk nnd trnnamlttod to lucid
.i inut mI.'Iil ruiii San Francisco, of business or your homo, for 50 cents hanks to tho county treasurer. Med-
wlcio thoy spoilt utn-rtl weeks. In month.
Hack I'ioiii I'allfoiiiln,
Mr. nnd Mih. K, It. Iloames return-
ford Mall-Tribuue.
WASUlNQTON, U. C, Fob. 21
Seuator Chamberlain was notified by
Indian CammUsloner Cato Sella that
the Williamson and Sprague r(vers la
Klumuth county would ruuiulu closed
to logging, hut that Mill Owner
Knupp will bo allowed to float out the
logs ho has tu these streams or along
their banks at present.
Commissioner Sells has notified Sec
retary Lane that he intends to make
a personal Investigation of the log
ging situation on the Sprague asd'
Williamson rivers, and night later
change his order closing then agalaet
logging companies, should condition
warrant such action.
Numerous petitions and requests on
both sides of the question tava fees.
received by the Oregon delegation
laid the Indian ones.