iEtitftttng llterall KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER i-jr-T , x ' -asar-Stars Hh Vr-l-.o. ." :iiciii WEST SAYS KLAMATH Passage IRRIGATION Bill BETS FAVORABLE SENATE REPORT! r WASH N MrMVIH m,iiiu: roit vtit tklkmt Mill lit !!" "' ur Ui the r"M-m mIihi ( ' rrl'rti-f I ndrr KUtiialli Ih- )r, Weul.l Only llr l. .' ' VtllrJe tid tlm ,4m talim! (luiin the Sett 10 or til rr n'AKiiiMmi.v. i i rVb :o It. clo Irjltatlou conwittlle its I .totlid fauble trpoit on IU till f'lutxMinc In eiititi) (rum ln I iKir )rt lb period fur rak lt tJjottlU for laud and air rijiu ut4r ite oritiuum rUm- U till llcrIUa pfetcnl U b tntltU li pa) meat at ttto lima ut ftlrj tf tul S xr rent of Hie tun irtbsctiarc. with nu further pay tatsU fW rite year, then ItUcwtt U lul ItiUllmtM., Um Hl five lo W t tr Crfit each ut Hip couMIUC- u ami i.raiuninc - . l,Hq""" tt. lroiwt new law U lo apply m uuunc prujevu on wnien t'-lj,r,t twik nf satirical t-. aMUt-m.lalngduemay toadJu.led,.TljUmU4 ,m Fiction," which U mW tfcenr tout payment In a period of y ;g, rrltlra 10 tm Very IntrTwU tuly )-r It U believed Km bltll(()e Hi,r u Um author of everat nth- rjxti-d wilt brome a law during . . ,,,, , it,nrmrr. Htm and .. . . . ,.. It prr-fit urtiinn uf consfc. Arrritdirnt to Hccrlnry Kldef nf llir Vltr t'trr AmltKtUtlntl, lha filial mp nf ttm bill will mean lh ftmr undrr thn Klamath project III U rrllevni i.t ny further pay Rtnli n ciniitriictlon of Irritation tiiro for a period of ten lo twetvn lr. Ttie bill provtilwi fnr twenty" yearn In tilth to pay back lo tbn ov. fftmrtii the (nut of roiKlrtirtloii. Tliej irr uier wnnlil have III inaKe n wier rlKht nppllealloii, nt willed Hm liny would have lo pay 6 per rtl (if i,p t,i V,, riirllmr lmv fttnu tin neremiary for live yearn ' Tbn an nniitml payment of 5 pef rent t Hie rot will ,avn lo ho made for " rear DiirlnK Ibn remalnliiR' 'n yenm an nnnunl payment of 7 IT tf til In maUe. n project niready roimtriicled 6"l wlieto otin or mom paymenta "" lfdy been mntlo, Iheno pay nli am irodlted on tlio nmoiiiila under tlm now law. A mom of " farmer under tlm Klamath pro Jt have nindn threo nuiiual pay mn of 3 per nern eacti, their credit ou,i ,,A)r ,!,, U, f()r en yp(ri( Tlidie ttim 1(V im(1) j0r (my. nli ould luivo nonrly Iwolvn year ,om ,,H "minlflllon of ttm cniml bo- re snflln'r imynmnt would tm duo. Would Have Covemor Declares for Measure to Cut Departments fiAUiM, .',. 20. A uiovvniont '' bMn Manod Imra lo liillluto n uro lo nbnIUh ttm ntuto luud lnV lnt0 wu,l,r Lo"nl MI ,w" rf olllce, ramblnliiK tlio Uireo MrtniMt. uuilvr on board. ,n 1'lnn wua (uggMtod to Qovtir- of Twenty Year ---'-1 " a..fc..T,.j. . f- iiiJv-w-f-a'VAjU'VXlXruTjT.XAXXJXMVXJV iaiv s,v CrU( WVifes Poems I , ., Hl , ,, ,,, rWp ,(,USI,. ir nf t.ord lltwebrrry. former pre- mrf , (Jfral jtruain, , Jiul pub- her huband are popular member of - .. .oudnti .oclely. Ilui Itleralurtu U only one of tier linn Mb" b t"1" an rxtilb'.tor of doc In how lit lm don, and lia won mmc prlte CRATER LAKE'S BILL ISjAVORED I'uhllc ltniln tNimtulllrv lale Vn iimhlt HeMirt 'hii H' Mwnn IntltMlumt in llm Keiialn II) I'hani heilnlii. Talim lU'Venilo for" I'nrK" WAHIIINHTOS. r'eh, I R Tim nen nto puhllr Intiiln eominlllee hna re potted fmoriibty Senntnr Clmmbor. lulu' bill dlrertliiK llml all rovonuen durhed from lenaea nud permit In Claler t.nko I'lirk bn expended for the i-tmatriirllon i"'t malnlentinee rouda nud lirlilK'" ' lmrl of DurliiK tlml limn I In')' would only hnvo.lo pay for llio rol of onarntlon nud miilnlenuiH'o, nud llio nnnunl levy for tlm vxiioimch of tlm iimn'liitlon. Less Boards nor Wont by Urn Outinl OroKon dul KntiH lo Urn atnto lrrlilltni con Kriuiri, Tlm Kovt'i'iior Ima hiiIiI tm would Muiipoit mull u uummiru, docliirliiK tlmt It would nocomplUli u Urgo uv lug to tlio pooplo of tlio ntftto, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1914 San NIK NHKHU BY ADMINISTRATION TODAY IN ; REJECTING ROANOAK PETITION! mi hi ilia or v.u ( n.Niis Mis li:h .m turn I'ltiv.m; I'liujci.i' (lii titOltiii llf Hill tir.inllni: ( MMrMllni lli Ittultl lit I t 1'nnrr mi Kitrt, .Hrtvnr) nf War Utlli- In ttnstt-, ltlaiiniiliii: I In- Mrntf, ami ,L AilUiiull) In Multn IVnul(. i iilint I'f Htrtlrr WAHIIINOTON. I) C. Kcb. ZO. I'niilrni Wllaim'n mlmliiltmilu wtit on rrfodl li)'l) a irolt!K llir I'ilirdut rtiiKil of tiitiMrtBlai) TliU Uliil i UVfti li?n Hecro- JOYFUL TIME FOR SATURDAY NIGHT I I.I.I IVlli.. itml Ttielr rnmlllc-. Will I'elel.tnle the Ihlnl .iinleri) of Hie ll.illiHlliMl of Ttielr llllllilllljt Willi Inlrtntllnit Kelltltle. On the 1Mb day of February, 19 It, Itm varloiu braurhea of ibo IndeH'nd eht Order of Odd KelloWa celebrated the completlnu of their bultdluK. and iledicnled ll to tlio Man of Hie order with ItnpicMlie rervinouleii, which were attendetl by oery Odd Fellow and tlio member of their farallle, wlio could potiilbly bo preenl. Hvery nimheranry of ttm enl liaa ixeii obnerved with npproprlnte cere mony lui lliiu lime, nud thU )cnr will bo no uxceptlou. Kor thl iiunlernry II la planned lo eulerlnlu llio utembera of tlm or der, 'Will their fnmltle. with an In terentliiK literary proKrnm, to tm fol lowed by enrdrt nnd dnnclus. tit tlio eiitt hall, . rommencluK promptly at S o'clock, Um followlnic proKram will bo kIciiv: Addriv.i of Welcome . . ,W. O. SmUli Quartet- Mrn, Kred llromcr. MIm l.iit.n tllco, Mr. Fred llromcr, Mr l.otitd Hire. Sotn . . .Mra. 0. D. Oarcclon Jtend'tiK MIk I'.llcnbeth Ornvea Vocnl Sholl nnd KlUn both ItnmHby. IteudlnK. . MIhh I.nurn Utco I'lnuii duet -MIhh Vera l(oulon nud ' tlu'iu McMlllun I Sunt; .. ,f. ..... . Josopliltie HltlKO jltecltntlou .'...MrH. I3vel)u Allmrton iVocnl duel Ornco Hoii;luiid nud I not Turner IUmllnK ....... MUk lloltn I.lppcrt I'lnuii hoIo , , MIkh 1'earl llloliu ItniulluK Mm. Froil Noel Vocnl nolo . . . lla Murjory McCluro DIiiIokuiv MiiHtern Kroddlo lllohn nud l.'mmltt North I'Iiiiui duet Korn HmiKliind nnd Oor- trudo Werti Tlm proKrnm will bo concluded with u hurloiKiut), In which tlio follow Iiik will tnko purt: Mru.'Ivy North, Mih. Itobuil Kmuiltl, Mth. Niito Otter boln, Mi-ri, KlUnbotli Hnmby, Mn. O. II. Ilrtinimmitu, Mr. Fred Noul, Mrs. 0, 1). (Inrceltm, Mr. I'orclviil Slioll, Mrs. I .en llouu, Mrn. Wm. Weedon and Minn Fnnnlo Virgil. At the couoluilon ot tho program SHALL Extension Bill Practically KM IAM-N tr of War l.luJItr M OnrrUou ri-u-r--il hlitiM'lf lit (otiiiwtlon with tint ItoniitiVi Itlvor dnm iro-tt. (lurrlnou arlslnnllr npproTiKl (bo bill, which iranufnrred valuabli w i.t iu--r rlcliU lo frUate corpora tion. Hut tin) a j- ho wrut n letter to ruiiKrtim Iu which tin ilaaiprovd tbo Mpaiimi. S-rri'tiry CnrrUon, with the n tinual of I'rmldi'nt WlUoti. will uk for jiii authorUatlon to Uu KruIU for Hut raimiruttlon of wntcr jiower lirojfit, with tlio ntlpulatlon that lUvf b" ImuiJ only to eonrcrn Incor porntd n public utllltlc under state lawn, and no restricted that control of them by monurKilUtlc corporation ! m III bv ImpOMlblp. In order to protei the rlKhU of the tatiii, the rernuo accrulnic un it or thl plan will ico to the tate. not In ttii federal Kovvrnment. MRS. ROUNSEVELL IS runner Klamath Woman Who Wn Injuntl lit ;iii Arrldeiit at Oaklnn-l the Olhrr Ha). Will Soon letr the llixpltnl. Mm Nelson Itmuifovcll la xlowi.v lec.nerlnic In no Oakland hortplut from nn accident which ulie met with Iu thai city lam Sn'.uurday, nccorulns lo Information receUed here today. At tint ll waa ton red that she had bicn critically Injured, but there has been a Krndunl Improvement In ber condition, nud It In expected that within n few day he will lie remov ed from the hospital to the family home. OAKLAND KEEPS ITS WATER FRONT lleiimliitler of I'uhllc Utilities Will Ik' Controlled by Slate Industrial Coin iiiUxioii, 1'iHipfo llevldlntt tills I'oliit by llenvy Vote. (Herald Special Service) OAKLAND. Fob. 111). Oakland has voted emphatically to turn over tho control of Its publlu utilities to the Statu Itnllroad Commission, with tho exception of lis wider front, of which It retains" control. The vole to glvo tho Htato control of tlm public utilities was won by more thitti two to one. The vote lo retain control of tlm water front will ndd greni Impetus to Um Important work now being done, nud uu early completion ot tho luuer harbor. This work, on which tho government has spout more than H, 000,001) and the city 13,500,000, will bo completed tu time to handle the big Increase In tratllc that will follow tlm opening ot tho Panama canal. Um east hall will bo cleared and tho (utiles urraiiKcd tor those who, wish to pass the tlmo at cards, while In tho west hall good music will be fur nished for thoso who wish to trip the light fantastlo too. RECOVERING HAVE iMVVMWWMywWVWMWWVVWV CHANDLER GIVEN OVATION TODAY BY MERRILLITES' 1 CITIZENS KIIOW IMITH HMI TIIL'.wT IN M:i(JIIIM)lt i lliirnl Mall Cnrrlir l Aicnifi lUrk ( .AiuonK lll l'rlcd, After llelnjc i i:ooeraleil of Mnplclon In Con nection With the Hunt hone Kor I nwy t'ue May lleturn to I'ort- hutil Witneiw. ( Herald Special Service) MKItlttM.. Feb. 20. An ovation excc-edlnK anything of IU kind ever lichen In tbo county was tendered W. M ("handler today when the utase from Klamath Fall arrived at Mer rill, brlniclni; Mr ("handler and the VorltiiUer boy on the lat lap of their trip from Portland. l.oiiK before the stage arrived an Imnuiue throug of men, women and children romgreeatcd at the stage oftlce to be in readlncM to show their friendship and oust In one they be lluted to be Innocent of the crime ot which he had been accused. Wheii tbo stage drew up and Mr. Chandler saw- the demonstration Iu his honor, he was completely ovcr coron with emotion, and ll wan some iniuule before he could In any way express bis gratltudo for such an ein Jphntlc expression ot the people's be-' lief In his Innocence. , Of the probabto guilt ot tho Cacka jhimpect, Mr. Chandler had little to I say. He said he would probably re iurn to i'ortland ns a witness, but be- joml that would not state his opinion of the outcome', only to say thai he had no fear ns to his own case. Mr. Chandller nud the Vochatxer boys arrived hero last night from I'ortland. leaving this morning for their home In Merrill. In speaking of his case, Mr. Chandler said: "I'm not In the least perturbed about the outcome. In fact, I hardly eK'Ct to be called back to I'ortland; nnd should I be summoned again, It will be ns a witness. Of this I feel absolutely certain. While tho accu sation made against mo has been ex tremely humiliating, it has also shown mn what It Is to huvo loyal friends." QBENCHAIN CASE lUPIQinil onnil State Supremo Court Hear the Argu ment iu tlio Case Appealed From Klaiuatti County Against ttm Hun-Nome-Ci limine)' Company. A decision In the Obcuchalu-Huu- somu Crummey company case, which was appealed to tho supremo court from Klamath county, Is expected about next Tuesday. The cbo was argued before the supreme court at Salem last week by C. F. Stone, rop rtsutitlug Obenchaln, and II. M. F. boto of San Francisco, nttornny for lha appellant. This case was tried before Judge lleusou on January IS, 1913, and Obouchaln secured a Judgment for 11,073, nnd au appeal waa taken by ilansome, Crummey company. COMMISSIONER Wireless Messages I Around the World Vice PTenldcnt Oeorgo V. E. At kins of the Western Union Telegraph company ba made the statement that ft will tuih ! mx.s.thle to end a wire- lus message around the world. When the Marconi company completes its stations at San FrancUco and the Sandwich islands this can be done. SASSED VILLA TO HIS FACE I gtniHHyO m .luuiiacu iv mvBlUM a-iioamlu him- . 'ty on the commission, he felt that he was not at liberty to divulge any fur And Xovv UriiMi Mlue Owner Is Sup- thep n,attera dtscusaed. luM-d to Ue Dead Cruised tlie Itio ' There has been a rumor that Gov- ,. ... ... ,-. . i, .. i tmor West planned to reorgaaUe the (Jmude From hi laM.i to Tell Mexl- ' " . commission, and reappoint all ot the cun General What He Thought of ltlm 0id commissioners, except Kinney. ,Dut as Kinney refused to realgn. he . United Press Service I WASHINGTON, I). C, Feb I That W. II. llenton. a Hrltish mine owner, who recently crossed from El l'aso to Jaurez to deuounce General Villa to his face. Is undoubtedly dead, Is admitted by Secretary of State Bryan. Whether General Villa had him es- Short Course in March instructive Program Is Ouo of tbo most comprehensive i on the faculty of tho Oregon Agrlcnl programs ever arranged for n farm- tural College to take up some of taa era' Instltuto iu the state has Just' work. Every phase of farming that been decided upon for the farmers' Is of Interest to Klamath county will short eoursa In ugriculturo, to be held bo taken up. hero during the week beginning March 2d. Thts Institute will bo hold at tho Klumnth county high school, and is for tho benefit of all the farmers In tho county. All are Invited to attend tho courses, which will bo free ot charge. Max A. McCnll, Instructor In agri culture nt tho Klamath county high school, has been at work on this mat ter for some time, nud ho has secured Urn services of some of the best men The work offered In thta short courso Is a condensation of that ofsred ut the regular Wluter Short Course at the Oregon Agricultural CoUeca modified to suit locul conditions. That In Agriculture la Intended to cover in a general way the bread (Continued oa pace 4) frfce, Fit Orate Assured WEST PROMISES , .... . KLAMATH MAN MKMIiKIl OF STATE FISH AND G.MK COMMISSION Former Commisaioacr Htoae Haa Ce ference With Uoreraor Wcat, aa4 Hrings Good Xews to tfae Klaamath SMrUaies Iteorgaadaatioa ot tkm CommiMloa Kspected to Ba Per ferted by the First of tfae Moatk. There Is strong probability taat a Klamath county man will be appoint ed as n member ot the state fUa aad game commission before the first ot ucxt month. This la the good sews brought by C. F. Stone, erne of the 'original members ot the who recently realgned. While at Stoae aad a conference with or Waat, aad le governor at a Klam- ath man would appolatad juat as soon as a reorgamlaatioa of the com on waa etfectadX At the present time tsar la a Ta cancy from Eastern Oregon eaiuad by the resignation ot Commissioner Kr- ;nas and his appointment aa atata game warden. I 'Whether the governor iatomad Mr. Stone as to who the man would ,le U not known, as th conference I was confidential, and farther than taa statement that tho governor had 'still remains a member. Although 'Mr. Stone would not admit It, it la believed that he will be re-appolntod If the governor succeeds In carrying through hla program. . . T ccuted or not the secretary did not know. If such has been the case, It is confessed that serious compllca- tlons are possible. Arranged for the Farmers Especial intention is to do gives to dairying at the short course. The state la rapidly awakening to the fact that Klamath county is destined to be one of the most Important dairy cen ters In Oregon, and in declining to scud the S, P.-O. A. C. dairy demon stration train to Klamath Falls, the management stated that this work would all be taken up at the abort courso lectures. Following Is the program arranged for the sessiens: SalemAMl uouxa promised U complete