uotmrj ftaraUi KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS r- ff " sf.-?' ti -- j- -jrr "ui.tii r-t s. a.u' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1914 Priee, fire Osata Uz O'Shaughnessy Says 'TU KOI Aged Indian Physician Crosses the Divide VAVlVWMWWWMWWWWMWMMWWMW IVMMMNMWMAMAMAMWWVM WWWWWMM AMiWWWMWMWWVrfWWWWWWW AMMAMAWMAMAmWWWWWm DR. STACEY HFMENWAY FAILS TO RALLY FROM ILLNESS, AND PASSES AWAY THIS AFTERNOON CRUELTY ALLEUED OVER A HUNDRED L0SAN6ELESIS 'GARRETT, BQLLER, O'SHAUGHNESSY BY INDIAN WOMAN ADDED THIS WEEK HURT BY RAINS NEXT TO TOP IN ! CARRIES A GUN ANNAPOLIS EXAM! FOR JOURNALIST jit ut i; iuiamno ailing n: I'M: IN M.AMATM lull S VtJAIln OlP UUU tltK-tur l 11 Pit ll In 0 1 1' 1 1 . Ula. Alii) lie al olK' Crtlci ((in tcrtirm to tho t lili'li. rltlMltie a an re on it in Vl,utlai;e t.li lunl.il Jniiiiai) lit, Iti-gUlnillon I'lrkfc Up a Llltle, Hut I'awiiKcro Are llrlaynl Along Hall- lUlil, lln I nhapp) Kiullng, and Ml 1I1U hnvt ll Would luke a Viir rtuU, People Marooned in Their Ullr, in Hlii.i.e Ailimi, tllrgr I" "H.Nk" Evrryliod) for Hie I'rl- Hom- al lliilnrv In Hurt Over Mrr Htilminl llnil llrr. ttiaiii- mid General Klrcliou. I 'our Inrhra lUin Fell lt .Vlghl ! SIXNOTT XAMKS TMK BOVS AI.TKItXATKS i AS bKCUKTAUY 3WKAR8 HK WttJ. I SHOOT OX tUGHT , riitubiiiailon of 13-13 a an III- About a hundred now name have fulled I'rcju Servleu il.v Ninth lllUiuu ravlrj Iturlue th,urd one fur Warren and Anna .,. addtd to the county registration IjOS ANGKLKS. Feb. 19. Los An f Uiu irtlmi'Mt m murh tUejXkelock- martial happiness. The ar ,,lU MW)k u ,Ue ,aw sorl of Vies l Juu recovering from ono of , Aa-rfcl,... LI lltn rllbA ll llin 4- H f Itlll .flHtl!.. tlllll, f r 111 ..It I . llf fill IUtllllttl .1. . .. , f .. ... - 1 1-.. t. I .. -" itil..r had allaliied ll. rank nr reel- lunation. wre married Jouuarj 13. " r"" "i' up ,or "lp "' ' ,ory TUvlltoim WM general through- Mhmlug . h- tltrwh iho full mnll Ufu. ISIJ. miU today the lf Med suit for ,," fek ,hre '" boan 'r,r reK'' ut jjoutlu-rn California, anil has par- Aflrr Mip r Uio 'JiKlnr cirl l 'I'arainm inuim ruoru wwoiwuw. alynil trafflc. lirSfiil tinir In the aim) iupIcmI, In lirr complalnl, Mr Siollock al- It U rxllmatoJ that Chore arc about Tlmuwinds are marooned In thvlr vrtlrp, il liitcrmlllrml) )n m Ue trur) ami Inliuman tn-atmont 5,0011 t'llKlblo to vote In KUtnatli. houn. or tlai- of bunlncM, unablo to Ut N-rrl Imi., aihI I'mh Hi ) thf IliJlatl rlr?, AilmiliUlttr lm llial In lay her hubanJ. K-ellrrluK al the rat of 100 n week lavi them on account of the condl- Scnmil anil Ttilnl Hononi la the Cora- Sturrilous Attacks Upoa the IT 'r ItrfillnriiMl MIIKn,)!, llin b)i(iM llriualh'sl In llip Ann) lt.. !. fL (l,t. i.llt. i.i.irfL ,.... Mttu- Ihln.'u - I..I..1. --.. 1.1.1 I.. .... ill . . ..... ... .!. .. 1'iwt KUmaili lii ili iUtit tMi' n '"" ' "" - ' i 't -w ....v.. -, .- hv. (( .iii ik irfij- near a jear to sci'tion 01 inu iirevu -tW If.-. .. .all !... ll. lw IH.tlflliu h....lul...u...tfl,I..tl.lHltHl..l.tttlt.l .1.. .11 .1 1 . .. 1. . ..... . ... PHHIII" 1-H11,, lll till', I (HV14IVIMQ Willi HUHfl1'! Hl ' ftMlll Mil -IV"l llllV ( U HI Bll tin Wl UOOKIi UU IIIO Jin1 MlllUij Nurtfri, I limn, lUil) In thu M' Hr raliln Iu MatilAtli toUIll) AH.tralun art) late. tbn hiilUn I'ntlcn Interfered, and mx arc In May. Mt,$LV th,n rour lncbM or raln hB(1 lleiiiena) ! Mm Uf Hie Indian aucut for Hu far ,t.re Bro T,9 ri.KU,crti. ur,jn. by mldnlsht. and practical ev rirl an rejirlmand. bm) boadmlnUter- ,,riy.jurU ti,u (Olle: ry down town tret. ran full of a- Miii) Mirrn at Kuit Klamalh. Aflrr -'I Mthcr l'4Illic lat mtinin. j'uuM, Vard 101 tcr, far aboe tho aldewalka. irlly, Mm. SWitllock al- ,-njll Klamath KalW 3. Ilundreda of men are cleorlnc away r htulmnd ban utterly T,,lra Wnrtl IHitbe 11IU and sand deposited In the GT'atrveU by thu storm. petlllrc for Appointment a Xaval Cadet Co 10 Klamath County High School .Student With tlie Winner, t Ttiewo Two Will Take the Kntraact- Teta In April. Mat, Upoa the AdamtafatimUoa ami Upoa i'reaideat U'lbw iitom tlie Ire of Ajaerkaa Charge 4'Af- airea ia Mexico City, awl He Som to KiU the KdMor. United Preaa Strnn MEXICO CITY. Feb. 19. Threat- tlrtteiiliiff (turn thai h1 hu practiced llfuldfw criirlly, leCr that lie failed to provide far her I, tiUl'cr IIPIUFllfca), UfrOt4 al i&s ValbiK nuh'AonrJ, U no moip. iVlllm lh All lilies. Ill 1ImI iI-Ib' ...-... M. piol..n in Klamalh t-'alU and I ll-lt.ll. 1,IV Hfc-4 iH MIII'HVI lv--T-, .. . ..... ..I ...... ..i i ..! ... ,.,. , , . . .. . .. IH;lilia. in isa? n' le-eiucreu nr laueu in iruviuo jor nrr wn nut om- Kreoii.l Ward t 1 n clorii IbU dlloMiDuti . . ..... . pecouu aru ....,. w . , Indian Jertlc will. Capialno. C Ap- trpr). iw). U... nimpsaiiii. lie na coi- Vri Klamath KalU II, At I'asadena It Is estimated that' a, r; " , Z::::: , ,";:'. In 'V' ,u ' ,l"" UM t,", ,rr"H' mmr U,M " uu" "rr n'"1 Sl.lpplnKton lOWen inches of rain fell, doing con- --.-", -......i., ......,, ..o j,n,rJaM Bl rainak. pirupriatri 11 in lint own ue mi 1141? rim mi at iiatiu, wr up uin In hu Iraldnnrn In Klamath Couu- wide rlrcln lif friend lie b boloved b hlt 4lid llidlalm alike In addi tion in hU wife, he U nurvhed b' three brother. Vnlney, Atuel and ' La-.a. L mII tit t.xMl V atlil. nf -llrtl4 F HHI HII ? ttfi t"M- , pt, ' Thu temaliik will be bruuebt to Ihl will be ahtplXHl to KUBelin rinriit In the family tilol at e-np. nu accompanied by hi. on-in 0ali mu cnineiery. '", V A Kuvkendall, It KtlKelte duiltitM man, caiiiato Klamath Fall, arrl.lnr. lax niei.t. a. .V.-IIUhp H'lU Vlli. " w in a romatoto Male, anil Iho' ItlBhi Iteverend Hubert U, l'.ldock.'l"rl of the rminiy, and who la road HlfifiiMt t. V liii i .i..lll a., l.l. I..u. .... ... ... . . . . . t) 1 he Old ptaclllluuer made n iun in m m h ..id iwiii .. ui..i.i .. .-.-..- 1. m.nmw lll ,,, Hill, nlHN 1-1 'jtlur Ueal niAiier. Kur the at two i ha ban been In a ulale iif ruiiia, tturo which he did ndl rally before bU ilralh, I I'ptin rrUluc Ibe imwa of ihe erl-. lll(ir, ,if th0 diKlor. hi brother, rU). ,! Xwlntr IIUou, Irfi a nick bed In ..u.,(ir ',.,, NO SNOW NORTH OF FT. KLAMATH John Ktintl, wlino uplemlld place al Heaver Mnrli Is known to every body trntelltiK IhroiiRh the northern iSOFT PEDAL ON . 1 ;l 11 Mills Addition 45 sldernble damage. Malln 8 I'lne Urine 15 Wood Ithi-r Lost 111. or S5 Tulc Lake 23 Dairy ; I'oe Valley 13 Kinmath I-nko 3 ' l'le na ... 0 Worden , 2 Midland 12 lllldebrund 3 Sprngue Hirer 4 Lancelt Valley H hwau 8 IMMIGRATION jj tmilici Iriim KuKone. u hardly well'bUlK'P r Hie l.'a.lern Orrson diocese lU'ervlor In that dUlrlct, Is In '0W;A, a , 6oitiiow,,ndihorlBorof Hie t Ibe Kpl..opnl church, will nrrlnday. "Her n trip far north ""Jmi. Ukl'.V !!!!!!!!!! !!!!'!!! 18 I'll" lo Valnat, lm did not nllempl to Ibis reuliiK to Visit tbn local rhurch-'t'renceiil. 'Mtli ilia tx'dilda. Had he stntleit.'ineii He will hold service Sunday "There I erj Utile miow norlh of j tie woulii hardly liie rencbed ibrm'mrnliiK and euuiliiK l'rlor 10 com- I'ori Klamnth," wild Mr. Knoll. "I "I French Arrive-. lit lliiiu. iitK hrre this time, (be bishop has look 10 see ibe iiimls open much On Wednesday Mrs. Klmer French lr HviiiMiiwny wiu a native of In- 'll"l" ,rlll IhroiiRh I'anamu. chiller llinu iisunl. and there Is every mid was U ,eat of axe. Ho, liidlcU..ii of n prosperous y.sir for "M a so., f ,r a. A. Hemeuway, . Ml lo,,e. ,u,nt ,mrt ,,f Kla,n,h-" Ulm i, .. 1 , - . ner cnmiiiR 10 urn Willamette) A ,iMRiuor nrrlved this o veil In k nt ,u, ln ,xr,3 w Kr'" rr l"',!.. tionit- of Mr mid Mrs V. Doui-y ne .lain early pollilml life, 11 ml n T, ,,,,, ,,,,,.. U0KIPl sVeii pounds nmlnr of tint l.'Kl.lnturo In 1KC3. After DiiUhlui; high school and There nre thirty Hour mills In uud Muslins In lliiHimrn of Ms father, l)r.'tiout (li'ium. Henuiiway altumled Iho ChlritKo Med-' leal Cnllcgv, Ho grnduntoil thai In- The price of house coal In London. "ltlmi In IKISI. , ,,; r, ,,r ,, ,Bl Idichen 10.25. niv Civil War brokii nut Just after I best imil JC. CONGRATULATE GORE United Press Service WASHINGTON, 1. C. Feb. 19. The soft pedal was brought Into play when the house Immigration resumed consideration of the Ilaker cxcluslou bill today. Chatrmnu Uurnett nnnouueed that most of tho session would probably be. devoted lo the Hindu Immigration problem. presented her husband with nine. Immigration Inspector Camluettl pounds of bletiM'dues. The now ar-jhus been Invited lo appear again be rlvtil and her mamma aro doing well, fore the committee. (Herald Special Service) WASHINGTON. U. C, Feb. 13. W. Sterling Garrett and Hobert Leon enJng t0 shool Dlax Myron, editor of Holler of Klamath Fall were today ..... . .... , , ...... ,. .... k' Imparclal," a local Bftwipapar. appointed to the alternateshlps to the - - - United States Naval Academy at An-,hou,d he acc0l h NlMa O'Shwi nanolls as a result of the competitive gbuessy. secretary of the A erleaji examlnatloa held In hU district by embassy. Is carrying a loaded platoL. 1 Congressman N. J. Slnnott last Jan- H. y,. u,,.!... witi,in .t ra-ek uarJ. (,u bin desk at the embassy. The Klamath Falls boys stood sec- Tbrou-n hta publication Myroa has ond and third respectively In the'made a serle ot gcurjUou, attacks twu The highest standing was made upoa the Amerlcan peop,et . .j,. by Irvln Hand of Baker, who waa UtraUon at Washington, and perao-U made tho principal candidate. reflections upon President WUsoa. Tho official entrance examination' it g said that these have aroused wilt bo hold April 21st. f much anti-American feeling. I ln order to prevent a feeling of Hejolclng Is lu order at the Klam- hostility from growing-. O'Shangaasa ath county high school today as a re-'sy made complaint to President Hu sult or tho receipt of the abovo new.erta Uut thb, dw aot gtop u at by tho Herald, for both the lads are'-ack3 0a tne contrary, Myron an students at the InstituUon. Both are nounced through his papers that he prominent In the affairs of the school. haU ..gor o'Shaughnessy. and especially in athletics. .., w, urge myMilt to ,noot Ujnm Although tho principal candidate;,, he gpaka to me -., , Mr. Is from Baker, there 1 a chance that o'Shaughnessy to a United Press rep one of the local boys may bo chosen rcsentatiVe today. In no uncertain TO ENLARGE CHURCH SOON Christian Church Asks for Volunteer Workers the Women Will Serve a Dinner to Those Participating Scores of Telegrams. Letters Sent Blind Senator OKLAHOMA UITV, Fob. 10. Hen "lor (loro U lodiiy lining mwhiiipwiI mIIi hater nud loleKriiiiis, loimratu ,,l'K Mm upon his tixoiuirntlon hy ,llu Jury In ti, fco.OOO ilnmugo suit """'"'iiiHiil iiKiiliiHt him by Mrs. Mln 11 ' I!, lloinl. Mr. Iloiul In her suit "''Kdil ti,ii( ti,o blind mmulor ut 'iiiiiIimI mi ussnult upon hor In it '"""I ut Wuslilnmim. I). (3. A'or tho ovldonco wus In uud Iho 'irKuinfiita finished lust night, Iho ; ry ft,tr Ma out just flvo rain- mi', ndiiriieit with 11 vonllct lu favor of Gore. General opinion has been (lint thu ult wiih mi ntlumpt to bring iiliuul tho pollllrul death of tho sight les statesman, Mrs, lloinl Is lepurled to ho pi nu ll uted itml on tho vergu or 11 nervous rolliipHi, Guru Is niiiHldorliiK prosecuting his licensers 011 a ehurgo of consplruoy. II Ih corlnln Hint If ho iloes so, the milt will bo Moil In Washington under tho Federal conspiracy law. "Wanted Volunteer carpenters for 11 tiny. Apply at Christian church ut S o'clock tomorrow morning. Come prepared tn work." This, placed In "waul ml" stylo, Is I lu reiiiest that Is belug sout out to day by Klder I.. F. Harland, pustor of the First Christian churih. Tho good pastor Iiiih 1 ouo hud the coucluslou Unit his church Is hardly large enough to accommoilato 11 1 those who would llko to hear thu revival meetings, now being conducted tlioro by Kvangvllst I'utumu, Now, lu siiiuu pluces, when tho chtitrrt uru all tilled, tlioro Is 1111 "a, it, o." hIkh hung out, iu still others, mlmlttunco Is, positively refused. However, thoso plans seem other llinu right to i:ider Hnrlaud, Instead of trimming his congregation nud au dience to lit the church's capacity, the elder bus decided to enlarge his church to lu'commodnto tho people. Klder Harlan and othors lu the church, ufter a study, decided thut Iho church should be twenty feet longer. Accordingly, money wus raised to purclu.te tho lumber to mnko (he addition to tho roar of the edifice. Tho lumber Is now on baud for the construction work, but there Is no 111 ml from which to pay artisans lu du tho work. And tho Putniau meet ings aro bolu. held every night To Klder Harlau, It seemed a burn ing shame lo have the capacity or tho church limited wlillo theso meetings were lu progress. Today ho decided ,t!nt thu churrii should bo enlarged not Inter thau tomorrow. Accordingly, tho oldor has Issued a call for voluntoer carpenters, etc., to assist lu tho erection of the addition to the. church. Theso volunteers to a good causa are requested to bo at the church tomorrow morning, for work will start nt 8 o'clock. With a sufficient forco of men, It Is expected that the addition can bo completed lu a day, Tho women of tho church, not to be outdone, have decided to serve a din ner at noon to tho workers, and they have also purchased a gallon of arnica tor bruised thumbs and Angers. tones. to enter Anuapolls. At tho examlna-' Hon In April, the test Is prepared by' the faculty of the naval academy, and Tho rorests of Florida contain 176 is given before n board of naval offl-J kinds of wood. cere. At this time tho candidates arel ' 1 given tne pnysicai test, and it is on, ..,, rBP,Bmt,n , n-o.' .rid this that a large rcentage of the ,aud8. rMtrlctloa of immigration; ex- candldates rail. tenBlou of credit to farmers so that they mu secure long loans at low In It. A. BOOTH HAS Jtjregt me ad hf prolalM- to iup I'LATFOBM OUT porl Ul6 republlcan nominee If he Is I himself defeated. PORTLAND. Feb. 19. Hobert A. 1 Mr. Booth formally opened bis can Booth, candidate for the republlcanpalgn last night at Carlton at the city nomination for Uulted States senator.hall. Headquarters have been estab has issued his platform. llshed at 441 Morgan building, In lu this document Mr. Booth advo-Portland. STARR IS BOUND OVER Man Accused of Robbery and Arson Gi?enHeanf J0J0 Starr, the sheep herder, mu sician and hanger on, arrested by Dep uty Sheriffs Low and Brew baker on charge of robbory aud arson, must nwalt the actlou or tho grand Jury. At his preliminary hearing this aftor noou ho was bound over by Justice of the t'eucu Clowen. Starr's bonds were fixed ut 13,000. Not having bondsmen, ho was re manded to the county Jail. The prisoner Is accused of robbing the residence of E. B. Dyers on Ninth street, and afterwards setting It on fire. Witnesses today told of seeing him near the house before the lire, and near there shortly before the Are broke out. Mr. Dyers identified some arttelea found In tho possession of Starr that were lu tho Byers home. , Attorney W. H. Shaver ay peered for the accused naa. He ! to secure a dismissal upon the grwusd, of insufficient evidence. H. M. nlng appeared for the state. m USB m