h? iEunfnn Mttalh KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEW8PAPICK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS &. i-jatit Wu lilghlti V.r ?. u.aiHi KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1914 MODOC NORTHERN MAY REACH HERE WITHIN YEAR yWyMMMAAMMAMMAMMMMrtMAMVWWWWVWVWMMVytWtf rKfKTKjxj-xrijxrxxum vwjVnsaaaaa . -.- ,.,--,-,.. .. .a.-, ..... - , . . .. J.,-,-.JJVV-(rtJ-irj-rfV1VLnjjnj1jt CHARGED JOE STARR IN JAIL, WITH ROBBING THE BYERS AND THEN SETTING HOUS E AFIRE General Wilson Passes Beyond jmi;ttiuii:ii asm i.miVm miw mam; wimi; t'i.i:vitu jmovkh . in t n: Mt: lMrilii rimrtttiltia Mor f"ll i) $Mlt. '''('" M,rlrta, Jw.l I'm im iwlm) Hull, Flml riH.'.- ft-li, Illatikrla ami Olhrf lluuda MtiMi' ilrlllrlr, I.) It. ; ll)r, ,U lit. f.i-rr1). ni California hikI Annum Mr Van Valkiitit-re it frl might) good Iii f bark lu Klamath fall aflwr wmllne through ilia (Iim-I. ninl rtn anil iiiirnts thai pteiallrd throughout lln lour j rcnniti) BREAKS HAND AT MONDAY'S EIRE Tbt be touted thw rnldrura f I. l. tn, id WfM From 'f KJilixt Iim Ma. virrlmi. triill (nr Our nt li riirlltililr, Taking H Into lltatlug llralitmix i lljcl. ot, Sltilli atfrwl, ami I tie Hi' t II mi (If lit order tu hld all lfr t?f hi IbetU a tut liiakt. It n" ' (r tlmuch lli rlltra nolo tic ' tlfuj4 Id llio damn., o(c (lio rliafgr. ' iiitlnx J Jturr. arreted n,U for-) kwn b hiuir Hbenrt. It. It. in-, 'a ihwldard u uurvliig n trrtur.. Utter t.U Llord U.w, A rwilint '""",- tt tt,t,u '' " '"J"r -ctlrd U Wen mdo again. I lltarr b Mr. " n' "M Upline Addition li,,,, Monda) ifurr li Iwn a chaiaiur around W!awsawSaav - d. 4fjPK$nBBBBBaa MRy"''? ' stf- 3 SHI ra saw t9 Lsi BBv . f .iy BJBf saw ' ''$&'Vw K 3 BSmiis.. atj aaBwBBBB5:.au.aBBBwBwBt: BsaBaBaBav44daBaBaBasaBasi aBBBBBB" asasasasasasaBBl BBBB?''rJBBBBkBBH WESTERN FUEL CO. IELKS MAY GO TO IN MORE TROUBLE FAIR ON HORSES AND BOOKS TAKEN AND iN STA6E Two Nominees for Interstate C. Com. m:v vhmwvjA mw. m,ik iiv ovnciMa xixinKKN'i'in i:k.v cMrii" iii:is; r,i.Ki:i IK i Iwilrol .illrKMllon AKnln.l furl -'u-1 ,tr,or,iI1(j irrn l That II Drfrniiilnl the (r YnUr iTtnitrtii out or fao,inx hf .niilal( In ItfKartl In ih Vrlhta of Iliiit1iilii. or Coal Ma Ha I J I to llati KlMilnl Tty. ! to I'lan ItrliiK Outlined, MpiiiImto ol the ..tntlrrwl Herd I Will Itlilo to Man FranclM-o From Klniiiath I'nll., CainiluK Alonjf the Way, autl IttMntlnK lor TliU Krrtlon WhprrtiT They Hti ' fulled I'rcu Ucrvlt HA.V KltANCIKCO. Feb. JS-Om- "An ovcrlauil trlj to the I'nnaina- aclflc Kxpotltton," In tho slogan of tlaU.if UtiL'nUdKUtrirvt!iiU0r-!lbe "Nln-Flluvii Club" being, . ,. i .. i. i . i t, . .talked by membeni or the local Klk lte tiMlay ...Jtil tlie hooka, occouoU,), . L, . , lodn?. The membeni jilnn to make etc. or tlio ii-m ruol cumpDr.,hl, jurncy Irom Klnmnth Fall, to ThU wmi done In connection with a1 Ban FrancUco. a ulitance of 400 HuritR aealtut tho concern, that! mile, In the Wentern rwblon. horc- li ilrrraudfd the tcovernment out ol lau.uuO In cuatomt dutle. OrtlclaU of tbo revenue aerrlco al- IfKoltmt till wn iloni throuieh fale lan tor .cUfal iiiiiiiilin, itml ltd. UU hrn a !iallter-in arotlhil W-. kj.i MkiHU, rlf. Ho Utualljr V-ii maniKillit, ami i'la)Pl (or hal Hr nkVcU ram hl ay. tihouhl iwji t font? la.t riKMieli, Htarr 4lt l Wicitlicr fiirml ot AbrAhnui l.lti- atlittnoon IliHlaard '. ievl Jmuuhi drant Wll.on, t(ta, im.mr,aliOIt. taklti ll lio llilti tins liout i'au r jun weiuro u) iai auni throiiKh a window. heti th fur l of thr war tifTnidiut. I.. uu.iM .. i. .,..!. it... i.. .... tit'linriil WiImiii ti-aa l Viui. of :':-".:.!'" r :'.'-':- s - :::;-'r,.r:r, ".:":: " 53-r?hliK t,U ! IH7 0l l KIP fVtatlllK --'"" -" T....4.. .,n. Mlly .,.,,..,, uuiiIq. inotriiientit for more than half a ten- t!Mdrd .1.1 no alln.llon to Ui u,, l a friend of many .rom- injury unlit yirr.lay aflcrnw.n hn ",r"1 ""'" i",,1 wu,rn "' "" "'" l.i.ii-i - .1.4,.... ,i... .ii i .i. Ipeuth rrnturi. aniline them helni: back for the aetlre fellow-a, and ataeej coache for tho oldar chaps. It l mated that there wilt be be tween fifty and 100 mounted men In affldavlta concerning tho weight of I tho party, and several stage coaches) til importation. Uoadcit to thdr capacity. A uniform' In addltlou to the abovo, there Is of purple flannel shirts with tho lodge b!o a charge that for flvo years, tho'nuuirlals on the back, white chap-J tarnjo and rodeo sombreros will b lion to Its Income. if by !.lt.g cut with rIbm l")l dcaltkln in auk for lh.u. . .... 'llilet it diirl.ir who ill..iv't5itMl llm it ; !" . . . . fli,,,, 'T ' trtln,. fir- Chief Wnkertelil and Thack-M.y. (!la.i,l.,,e, William Cullen U4. Y.-n,i..-. ' 1......4, ... .' Il,'"" n ullghily Injur,-.! at ,w ..... -,.,, . .,,tM,.,. ., ii.-i., rt ....... M , Mjn. Home, oriiKc om . tsti; tmTumlay morning, and hot- If b-fitn llio ritti WAS ltlruiF(cd. WlU IjjuiiIW, on hi ay home, oc-i lrd Hlatr near ltl Wiillo of the liryatil. Wn.lilncinn Irving, Uickens, Hherman. I'arrac.nt nitd Fltt(r.vno llallerk EVANGELIST HAS PROGRAM READY ThUinlotniatlfin ran.r.l lm author' ill to mal.n an Invrallgatlou, and It lMII. I.a,ii.l ll.l 4.1.11,1 ... ?r Hurr around tho llyera pretnUes I on wl wranluns. Tu-iUy tnrr! IMratliiUfd, bm iintlilng doup.'fir,rr hil.llnii t.tnitli ,m At. rt wfunt lu warrant hi arrrnt. Uli. TilMilay catrulug, after they retnlii dial t,.y had hern stricken from the payroll of Klamath county, ! deinitira, after Imrnliig of tho dl Htir In HlarrV ntnrlca, began to un robbery. A search of llti lif 'm ramp mtealwl anveral arllfh. id Hlsrr was nrresteil this moriilug. The lijer fiimlly reld on it hnmei titittlng Utritf. Aiulli'itt-t. Seriimii hiilijr ta Anitouiiml for the Werk . lit t'linir li Melt In I'ulittaii. SLEEPER COLD; SEEKSJAMAGES iIit- l I'npniliiK to Sut1 Southern adopted, while tho saddle. blankeU ASHLAND BANKS TO CONSOLIDATE I nilitl Slaleo Nittlotutl lUuk Will 1U MerKl litl" tho Flml Xatlonaltonf u , bcllcvea that lhcro w, bcJ I Link of .UIiIhimI, IncrnuInK Uiei ,a'-K delegation of riders from Ijiko. (lllal Stork tu 1U0,00. 'r"""ty , , . . , , , L. Tho club is being organlred at this1 tlmo In order to start early tho rais ing of funds to defray tho ojepeuso of the trip, and to perfect all arrange-' and Idcs of the stages will be utilized k for edvertlslng Mamath Falls. In Addition to the members of the party, tbo equipment will Include an I auto truck to carry tents, etc., and a well organized commlissary. with a force, of employees gufflcjent to have camp In readiness for tho Kits each evening. A number of, stops will be made, and all the Kits lodges along tho route will be visited. The members of the local lodge are enthusiastic over the plan. In addl- BBBBflgBBBBk Ww jbbV Miliar .iB f tfuia BBBBBBBBBBS. . JLL BBBBbT V'ipBBBBBBBBBB7 Bw vrTwiipBBBBBBFBw tSP . js.BBBBi4BBBB X. - -BBr V-.SSSBl '.sBBB BBBB9m SBSBBn BBw 'tlilBBBwl Bs 'r1 v.BBBBbV BbW' i?BBBnt Bjff BB BT BbbHI . BBBH BH C laBBBkiBBBBlBB BBB 4 rsSBBBBB bbbWbVSbIbbbH .BBBKBSBff RH4BBBBa -u&j; dD IuHbbbbbbI BBBBBBVlCtr1 ITMBBBBBbI BBBHH.L'l.tBBBBBBBl BfBBBS?HKBBBBBfl ' bbWt&bsLbhLVsbb ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj It I BBhC3BlBSwB VZX i MONEY ASSURED 1 BY SALE OF BOND ISSUE IN GOTHAM WOltK OS IUMU WILL Itt'SHKU AUtsa RK .Materlnl.a anil Spf41e Are Mow at the TrrmiatM of the Usj la Qmi lltlr Sufficlcsit to Estrad fUlifMd Into Hlg Valley, SUty Miiea Away. C'oustructio OatAU fljifiileg Um Winter la HUSAXVILLE. Feb. 18. Perml tslon by the state railroad comaUaaloa to the. Southern Pacific compaay to borrow $55,000,000 provides for orer ,f 2,000.000 for the extension of ta Fernley and Lassen line from IU pres ent terminus twenty-four Biles aorta iof Susan vllle. Coupled with the statement of ta railroad officials that Use loaa la floated, this make a certainty the t completion of the Southern Padlc to lookout from SuaaaTllle, Modoc coaa t, and possibly even aa'far as Ktoav ath Falls by this time next year. Materials and supplies are at the end of the line beyond SaaaaYllte to carry the line Into Big- Valley, sixty miles further, and work wilt tea crowded the minute weather will per mit. Construction outfits and teams .have wintered In T sssen coast?, to M an early start In the spring. ASIII.AN1J. Feb. 16. Announce ment was made hert tudayof the pro- (lrortl sure- ! attending the Inrfloa Of fi'thnl lllrl'IIIIK" UclllK Drill .Ml th ChrUtlitn rhtirrh, KvnugelUl Mvlvlu I'ulmnu In an liitereathiK i. n .......i iii,- ...! ,i. Hi., iiiir.iitii iiuluv wont iirKimrlnc to -.4 ., "SMI lw II 1 1'ili III. mr. itiinrii huh .tiv ..' . --- .--. -4 ittar Oleiie. but had left I'rac M11(lU1 ... ., ,eiiu la lawr. hrliiK "Hl fr I8U.O0O ilamaKM iZ L. "'"" ",r",,ur ln ""'! Mimical nuiubers nrn a big featuro of Aitnliwi lh9autlrn l'nrlilc. " ! atiernoon, ,vr. tiers riao in fr, ()p,,tt ,,,, ,p,i,fted a l'hiioraih, .trn,l records, itillU nd bUnkila, jam of fruit, n rlock, tlrlc rtailg,t n,j ,rr lhlng M.i.ll.H-iii;,iilr.iietl Whll. IValn s,n,' Ni Plrl National bankH. The United States National, a Wa llelil at lltiit.miilr by Waahout ,,oner t.nk ul,dcr tno niim8 of tn, Hunk of Ashland, will liquidate, the ntuckholders receiving slock In the Henry Clay Hall 1'rofeHsor Wlnthrop M. Daniels Henry Clay Halt and Professor, EXAM INCLUDES IRON AND BROOM .University of Oregon Ce-ede Win Net l Only Be Told How to Use L'teaaiU; They Mast Knowledge to the Facmlty I'm III.- for Slikne Allrgcl to iiosihI consolidation of tho United !""'nu, A Ilnu ,8 being worked out whereby each member of the club wlll,Wthrop M. Daniels have been nom- pay small monthly dues, which by jinated by the president for members, tho tlmo tho trip is taken will amount of tho interstate commerce commls- United Press Service to a fund sufficient to pay the ei-islon. Both men havo hleh rcnuta-l SKATTI.R F.h m RmH..i. tions, which has led tho president to 'the home economic department of the bellevv they will add to the know!- University of Washington are not found In i10 aty,rr. 0f Hurr', effects tint llleettllgs. At this ovenltiB's nifotlng (h evati gellat's topic la "llnptUm of llio Holy llplrlt." Ills topics for Hut rwimlmlor of lint week arc! Tlinrsdny "A Friend to tilirUt." ., " Frldny "A llroliivr to Christ." l lliixr lUik. ' Halnrday- -"Why Jesus Ciimt'." Jlottar.t Viin Vnlkenbrrg, with his Hiiuday, I la. in,- -"Proof of llls " and inoilier, returned last night l.iivo'; 7s If. p. in. -"Why Must Jean 'mm a mi wenka' trip tlirough Soutli-IDIsT" ..!-.. 1 ltaa J tOklU VV., ..... o-...w. Vlnl S4,0Hl wch w ,crett0 SAN FUANCISCO. Feb. 18. Ugal ,,. rai,nl M,wk , ltl0,o00, and iepnHeiilnllwK here nf May Irwin. tUTl wo.. $ao.OOO surplus. l-i. V. Carter, prtiildeni tf tho Unlt-j ed States National, Is to bo president of llltl lii.w Imtik (?. II. Vmm.'l nr.al. . ThU nmoiiiit, It, was claimed. Is due tll of ( pn;( N(UlounI , , b0. penses of the Journey. Merrill vs. K. C. H. S. the Hi'lri'M Ihthiuo of lllueas surfered while travelliiK over tho romiian.y's lines ninl whlrh, It was iilleged, forced her to rancid it iiumher "f I'nclllc (,'oiisl eiigitguuieuts. Whllo traveling from California over llio Southern l'nrlilc, Miss Ir win's Iritlu was held up by a washout near Dtinsmulr, California, It Is charged tltnl tho simper In which Mlsa Irwin wits required to re ntiilu twolvo hours curried no heal and mt it result xho wiu-i sciied with mi nttnok of neuritis. vlro president; J. W. McCoy, cashier; Clark Mush, itsslstnnt cashier, nnd Mnyim; (Iraltiger, stenographer, will hold tlni Hiime positions In thv uew bank. A. J. McCallon, assistant cash ier ot the First National, Is also to be. itHSlstnnl c:hhler. Quartern ot the uew bunk will be In tho First .National bank building, nnd tho (Intulto City Savings bank will probably move Into tho United (States National building. JUVENILE PLAY PLEASES CROWD edge and ability of the commission. only going to be taught how house- "kecplug ought to be done, but how to l.xa,llcttle. lUo ,l "selr. according to an- inouncement Just made by Professor Irs. Prentiss and Mitchell left this I Fn,aerlck Osborne. The right way .morning for Merrill, whero they go to ;or hanaUnc flatrons will be lllus- examine cattle soon to bo sold nt an ;...,. and then thn ..Aenta w, v. nucuon. required to prove with brooms la I ' ihelr own hands that they hare ua- AlTnlr nan a Slices Financially, and! A student of statistical mind com- derstood the directions. Among many the Cliriation Kndenvor Socloty'i!lutes that 5,000,000 words were writ- other courses there will be one ta lAH illiwlnr flu. rAOant rttlil.tnm 1 t srf 1 n I ti I iillil In rha Knawlntf wsvailt. n........ I t'll.l l. J . S' MMn"o iw 'vtu .VU V .. mssm saa vuw ave aw vspMg tJlven hy People amlnatlons at the state university. paper has on lighting elects. E. B. HENRY IS ' Alfalfa Town Students Are Here With Good Team OUT FOR OFFICE UuMkwllmll touiiu of um Merrill mid lamutl. Full high hcIiooIh will hat- for Hut county clininploushlp at iiomnull'M opem house tonight. Ou wuiiil of ii,,, (00 0r,,Hl m,,. '"' ov Um coming striiKKlo, tho tKuuii.nt has lidded to tho seat IBK cnti..ty of ,hu ,, rliulpul lilake Iiiin boon coaching Merrill 0um roBUBry (or j),,, Ml tuoniii. it a ni.ortw! (hut h 'w Ilium lu tho vory best posslblo athi . ." Mr nltt,u, ta U-'round Wslo Mmntt and it has bcon only orl time ago that hs was creating .1. qullo n NoiiHiillim In dlltonmt utlilotlu 'Coiinty SHive)1 sports. Nobody hooiiih to bo ublo to udvitucn any "on-tho-lovol" ntuff itbout tlio' wolght, nblllly nnd oxpurlonco of thoj Merrill iiuKrrKntlou. It scoiiih it mifo lie His Pot It Ion fur the NoiiilittTHuou the Ittfpub. limn Ticket nt tho antyJ'riKMricM, Huh Held Olllco for S-ventl Yenrw tip, however, that they will mnko tho Klitmittli coiiuly high hi-IioiiI pluyon. nxtond thuiiiMvlvoH to win. Tho local Inds itro lu lino simps, and Hhoulil win on tlii'lr conlliliuu'o iilone, If they inuiiii nil the nuH(rtlous Hindu by Ilium, Mr. Hluko will rofuico tho coiitewt nnd Coach McCall will utn-plro. . 1, II. lloury, county ciiKluoor, nooks iiuolluT term of otllce, This luoinlng ho lllfil his petition for nomination on I ho republican ticket. Henry liua hold this olllco at dlffor oul lliiius fur hooml yours past, he lm: elected for mimo terms uud up t'olniod for utlivm, EARTHQUAKE IS FELT AT RENO Shako UtMnl Hair n .Mlutile, mill Wum I'.lt in Virginia City, Carson City nnd Verdi uw Well No Daiuagu lie Milled, Isxtepl Itrokeu Wluiloww Before, it crowd of 300 people, lynuugsterii yet to reach their 'teens' (last night produced "Tho Marrlago! Iof Tom Thumb and Miss Mtdgett," a I I playlet that provoked much laughter ifrom tho audience. Tho kiddles wero all dressed as grown-ups, and tho manner lu which they conducted themselves tickled everybody. Tho Christian Kndenvor society ot tho Christian Church gave the en tertainment. As result, n cousldor nblu sum was added to their treasury. Screeching Sox Worn United Press Service ItKNO, Nov., Fob. 18. -An carth quuku shock was felt in parts ot Ne vada this morning. The tromblor be gun ul 10:17, uud lasted thirty sec onds, , At Virginia City, Carson City aud Verdt the shako was also felt. It was much lighter taste. A tryout will bo he'd February 28 to determine- what state university students citu compote lu tho cross country run, which Is to be held on March 7. Track -work at the univers ity will be In full swing within a week. Among jtho many definitions of genius, that ot Thomas A. Edison has tho virtue ot brevity, not to say wit: "(iontus Is 2 per cent inspiration and Us per cent perspiration." Swltierland has eighty silk mills. Variegated Hosiery Drape High School Pedals Today was "Bright Sox" Day at the high school, ttu itnuual event, ou which day nil tho upper class men wear multi-colored socks with bright red, bluo and glarlug green predomi nating. Usually the noisy coverings for the pedal extremities are not mates, each toot vying with the other In trying to imitate a rainbow. To day tho boys added to tho geuoral ef fect by appearing In oddly knotted bright, ties, an well its varl-colored hose. And thereby hangs a speedy tale of un expulsion and a reinstatement. As seveu or eight ot the "bright tie" brigade tntered class room, one ot the boys was singled out by the Instructor for a sovere criticism regarding taste lu ties. After a short wordy con flict tho boy wss told to gst his books aud go home, which he did. Later tho student was reinstated by Principal Faught, who did not see the Justice of inflicting punishment oa one and not on the others similarly attlrody. Young ladies of the high school are now planning to have a "Psrfsawy" day soon, each girl to splash befteW with the rankest smelling mak tiMle can possibly be obtained, ''"-'- All ot which Is a divswlea fresn HM monotony of tsit books, sad (sad ta , add to the gaiety at seaeet werav :0:j- j. m mm mi wu V i. -.