Stje lEwttftta Itoaui PRINTS THE KLAMATH FALLS' NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER jmiMiwir'imriiinr '"'''J' sjt -. , AoiMniain'KP ;ut.lli Vrr '- 'w sat -zxr zzrzSBL3mxT33z-2xzzzsr2ta KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1914 ANOTHER POWER COMPANY MAY COME WWMVWMMVWVWWWWWWMWVWWWMMWW VWWyWM WVWWMWMWWWWyWV ij-U.rj-w-VVWM'VWVV'W"M"ll"lll .fc---........-. KERNS BROTHERS I NTERVIEWIN6 BUSINESS MEN WITH A VIEW TO A LINE IN FROM KEIJO Richard Croker Against Murphy RUNNING iMMirt wti.i. k.vahi 111""' tiium r ih:vi:mv font ttUHMMt II. i .. jlttttUll (iclnc tlllllt l) DOIIItl l )l at)l OHiirm to itfnlli lliflr land. , Tl llttM rllotld ell toward W or tcit (rm Kriiu, mitl Uo toward Klamath Knit At 'frrii lio HVrnn . iHiticir llnj nllhr. II hill I lire Illln4 t llf !' rr,,Krn IUMln j UH. city IU,r IUt.i rupltMl '! llnMraU "' HrwS ' '" 'l Ue liiUii" ' I,m"H " Ira.. In !! I ' Kr" ',,,', WmoW-b tlklw ! lM.triUuf. AGED DOCTOR IS NEARING THE END IMM" HUMIIXWAV I IN M:ittm comuiiu.v at hi iiemi: . tiii: iiii:ii'.ti(i.n .trruit. m;v ;oi in maki: wu.i, jfepi gffffffffffKsrgffffffffffagW w ' I MAN SEEN NEAR WILSON IS STILL FIRE IS SOUGHT WORKING FOR THE ALASKA RAILWAY faran Joritoian'Q as Good Voice VAOIIA.NT MUXICIAV ACCOHTi: xi:aii tiik iiviiitH mwim-.xci: miokti.v utreiu: ixami: IIIIOKt: OUT liAhT MUIIT I.AM! riMJIUH liMKMH'MKYT IIV I.KAKIXO Karncstly engaged lu Ueitnic outj lulu mi Public IjiiiiI" Thai TliU Would MfrKuaril Knlnl Muuii i.l) In IN haU of I'lnddt-ut, Tum-( uliy Trll. I'rr-w. 1 1 ir Hill l Mill Vrry Murli l.lve I ' tfllb w ' Kttlritrig M rUj" Itt ium("mi "lib '" CtliotHU-OM va Si-r tll, J. W. Kfut l Ui lfm Kelt", lrlrllug b , ae refdlng pottU ou t mrouc t)4 tutomr, for Kn lifUbel b uplaU !"' Hn . ua lb. Kt.mulh ltler, a roll from jj Allol!)" t, V. KuykeiiJaU IbU U., B.4 .U0UI..I ;'rB . 'J lh" ,.., i, .S,.m,..n. I.M. Ju.l 4u,rcl 4 ,,U,M lU.uulUMh.Ullo,,! ;,"2,r.r ihr"Sr -r4 rh.rlr P Murphr. -Ib t. id. owUHy And ht H ,,..., A-BBfr .Bd M vini.v lit rn.(rf nation bu .ru! .monc Mlr. ibr priur ''",,m,""(K,njrr, 4, jm Uiw ilr Ptrd 'I"4 MPiwrtw "f Mtirplir in uir tor, tM l lil?M A "'" ,..-r . ,,.M f i,n,l,ablf a don ". It(hl.. i rK l ''"""ut laonloc Into Klafitalti Fall Ity Ui ti o( Jiiur." aia Mr, Kern today. Karnratiy tnfeu u t-t-einuK ouit of ili. way of Iho autliorltlm. ttdayNt of tlto liilrrliir Trll. Com 1 tin- M.-lean mnnduiinmt, wnu net I-..VII it rliaiaclvr a r on ml tin nalooiia.j j.ool rixjiit .etc, for metnral month. Tlmio iro iwieral numtlona the olH rlnU would like to ak thU chap, fchould he lx) found In tr. Thu man nndr upklun m cnj n thi yard's! tbe Ujtn pUcn Friday, nlcht. KUcrllr fore 0x4 IU were led ,,reM rnlk. on bl. woero.ld the, 'ASI M.NOTO.N. . U. H. 1.' .4,rlnc mlntrTt Ninth ,lrH. ar., thohouu, c,mmltuon PubUc. a .ban dlManc froVhMM ib.l '-. "" f lhc J; .train!. dOTr,oplIlcn, f Alaska by a federal! ThUmorulnBU.u-pcciwaasuea-i . Ufh wouW wfo. Ilonrni by the mum .but mcro "M !,,, a)ta,Ml monopoly. uolbliiK dlo4 that lmpllcla j Tic M!CreUry ,B,a. , fee, confi- hlm. An lnlation of hU atorlc. . . are conTlncei thoueh, nhowrf variance, and thej,., . -.nlll. .,,.v- Pnt b ... .f . . ... .i i .. miMlr.r villi oo umiki?i inio inr iuir-i ouchly. not only would Alaaka coal be jnvall-blc, but that the v.t and the afrl policy for openlnK the land U by tl Icalnc ytcm, and the I'aclflc Cntit ralli ution consreu to place this 'fuel supply M the commnnd of the far" IS3L1'IIK COUNCIL REJECTS OFFER FOR POWER PLANT FROM U. S. irTIIKIl MhTHODH FOB A CITY VUT DI.SCUS.HKI IViniirr l'nJrrt KngioT W. W. I'alifi Makrn Interpretation of the Otter of tlie IleclaauiUon Cotnmia- Mon. anil TtU la Held to IJe lav t prui tlrablo by the Members of th Coiinrll I-obbjUK la Balked at. k I1 : ... . .. italv about ten months ago. I'tntacni uiifon uas nuv '..., n..i.inn. Followlns an Interpretation by for mer Project Engineer W. W. Patch of the offer mado by tho reclamation commission regarding the develop ment of electric power by the city through tho Keno ditch, the member at the council at last night's special woton decided that this was Imprac ticable. Tbey will send a reply to , this effect to Washington. i'atch held that under the contract ctnuy uiBiv.i . - - -- tie piani, alter noing in oprmuua iui year-old workman, employed In t&!tt,n rearg( wouid reTert. to the gor- .L. - ...nM.Ai. l.ntlA At I . . . ...- m-M cjnauworin, a jr"" - - i ernment, owing to a clause in mo tea i Seventy-second tre?l and Itlvcrside cfal 8Ututes providing that watr n-i -- Va.1' . .. . . I ... .1..- urnu, .o u.. rignts cannot oe icuw murw uiu m MaithMM came to tnis country uui UKe Kurlco Malthcos Is the most cintly discovered "Caruso a re-. !3- years. This was the main Issue to be dta- tlf rout. p. Cn.krr ha no povi fl'' . , , Tammany Hall now, and ha not had Tlwdotlur ha lHn indl.d tor . ., h MUck on TALK CAMINETTI i.riHint wiimn unit not auan-i"' rtT llin 1 llin mil'., ,- .,.. tnr nvnmeit rail- many of hU sunny dl.posmonea com- meetinr. but before the I Ul lllltnill U UUU Houw ,odaj. d(m,e(1 tUft rcport thftl wtc worked. 17j",,'e,n"tl8lbllltl were discus. m,,c. ". the president has decided that he' -' - ,".," :" " the' Some spoke of the cltr auir ,0 could not pass such a measure at this ' reroarkaf ?, of the 'roD lb loement title to Ue or- lOKMKH MKMIlKIt OV CAMPKiVMSOB heard from different P"uo1 l ( power sUe on the Klamath River ba- - VI4 M(KMIII.V SVH FlUKXIMi1 "The contrary is the exact fact In um.- no f ' h w" J Ur,Iow Keno. The purcha of the Mc ,r , MA AttfKMIII.. h.N secrtan- Tumultr. cafe, singing to his fellow ork. hoW Qa kj. , . - . .. iijiiiix iihia aim rraiiira uiui imi ' . as ..i .1 0r rIiuk. ucr KVno win snaum u." ' ; . . Miirpny na an fiirci on m r u lodsflppas high a. 1,000 h,,P.(nd ar.makr K probable bat. U , (lf ,0 llrm,KrBc ,, wJl0 voU, perr and If ... l,lrr KUmatl. Kail.," my ciimt all) llnm I rfrn y fl Tjm1,Iiy tfM , NoH. Ywkk. .mil.l.e,ily r.,mi.nwlh.Ur!h- rndUlon ha. br.i ud. ibai hi. w,MVrr ,nny lw ,,, auol 10 ,,Ip. m.t.1 of lb. .UM." j,,,U; w,Jl ,,,,' 7'' u!1 J,,i.i .i" ,,,',, ,0,,,,, of Murp,,y' T',,nwan' ZuxZAStiS mil '"'" "' ,,r,""r M'"lW "T ',,,c",f,,,," Ibr , f lb- public If .umciont ' ,",w Bd ,,,r "r" " ye. d.ldr.l lo rail In lb HMUIW.C of u 1li,i, . ,. nk .... ... lli: l-IMJIMI HIM T BU.V rXH de;eloment of Alaska la dear men. Sine then, at mo ursent re- neaf Kwt w- . guMud nnt of the tenants, ailtthoes uas ..ji.h. to tin president a neari. tie uopt-s -- ,u, .iih ih. Dl" MU1"" w u """ "" and ,xpect, congress to do .u Part(! rlrZ n ilvmK at' ;ovi:it.vm without delay." aiit -min niliiKS on ! iianiin, i.i .... . 1 atio.HPi iiurr, nir nil. fnpius, iny orpriPH h. wll ."it iUnl last yrer, and lid ' U bo i.ktiig lit lis full capacity. I Madrid ir to utlllso tlt maklM nitfm.nt a rclly. r biunghl to lb- rliy by an old ran.l Tbe low,, f Keno lalur.Uh.4 with ' """" "b0"1 ' ,,'f,rle,,, rUciitc Hel.i' from tUU Unl, and ubrc.piwrr. Ihi ftiriiutir powvr for pumping lo, . . , Mth Ut.d Urnira who aro putting, "tt Hrluln roi.talim Sl.3 l wsunm ilislr acfMgr, Thn powrr Is olllfw, Fires Burn 2 Homes unrkMl up nKiiliiM Murphy. b "111 h r.iiiwllil lo utep out. SENATOR BACON IS BURIED TODAY United i'n-ti Service WAHIIINdTON, 1). C. Kcb. 17.--ItiiinlRrn'tloii Commissioner Camlnettl lodti) admlttcl that ho bus recehod coi f lelfert and telegrams from Catlfortiln, urging him to run for gov iiriuir. ' "If 1 run for governor it will be of ,my own froo villi, not because of frlc- lion villh the administration over jap- ,., Immigration." said he. "I eX- Iwtl.lTII'IAVri iHHt to make a definite statement ,..,., ,,T..,.,m-TLT .. . .. .. . I..J l. in ' "''"' 'r ....... I.....M. ... i.Mrcn ii, as i u u". SAY WILSON MAY VETO ALIEN LAW !tt ihat a wealthy woman uvms ' .... ... . . ,. the Chatsworth sent him to several , , leading vocal instructors, all of whom United Press Snriee pronounced him voice one of excep- WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. 17. llonal quality and strength.- and on Protests were laid before the Intor thelr advice his patroness is now on-js,tate Commerce. Commission today by 'di-rtaklnK bis training for grand op-, pulp and paper shippers agalnat a ,ern. One of tho instructors was so grant or 5 per cent Increase in East enthusiastic over Mattheos that he trn railroad freight rate. immediately offered him free train UKLIKVK THIS IS ilng aud a (manager. contract for ten years as. (consider thl nerlously." MMri.i; MIllVHiW AT TIIK MS- i.'itAiior MMtMKit i,i:usunit I'HOM IJCOItdIA UlflAKH IN ATTKXMA.Wi: LIVELY PRELIM GAME ON SLATE is iS,t,i.rir.i I'UKsmKXT SII.KXT Preachee la Oreralla So that it could not be offered aa an (excuse for non-attendance by many 'persons that they had not nne clothes. ttev. J. O. Olover, pastor of the Motn- I Hot Springs and Fairview Houses Are Destroyed IJiilU-d Press Service WASIIINdTON. H. C. Fob. 17. - 'rim limit Irlbulo l''d thu mem-! ory of tho Into Senator AukusIus Ha-( .mi of (li-orulM. who illod last weeK, , ,,, . wIh-ii tho funoral services werw hold Kir. a InU. Monday and early tills rfto plnco. und was on bin a UnCK '" j,n , mmt chiuiiber this ttflernoou. inrnliitc .Irslroyod Iho old mono o holel nhon Ills iiHeiillon was cnll- TM,r w MM,C, ,, no.ownad Propiriy lu Hoi HprlngN addition, and "' ' mf ,,,;,, KUnm, ,,IIBdprablo he rralilrnro of K. R. Ilyvra on Ninth ..,... ,.,, ,...,, Hrt.m nU through mnrt 'r t Tin. Hot HtirlnuH uroporty a roiiiiilblulv ila.trnvnil on thn 111 "I'l", vUilln tho llyers hniiso was burn d clour to th ground. Tin. Kliinu nsldenco was orrcteil by Allnrnny Churlet V. Hlono a few years iKn nt a roKi of about 15,000. Willi U" nlKlilly luwii and (rounds, It was iin of Hie most benulUul home lu l oily. A H,orl Unto ago Mr. Htono I'lmlcl thu huusn to 3. W. Ilodfteld, lu irmln for ranch properly. 'I Ihi has been occupied this wlnlur by , i Nelson and family, Contradlng typhoid fever few v.I(h nno, Mr. Nelson was removed 10 Uiu White Pelican hotel, and tils " niiii daughter moved there, Uav IK their furniture In the house. MomUy afternoon Nelson visited (tie house, looking over some papers. Hoiim f tUMV Rv tnrew n(0 th, flra. Pisco ,nnd it afire. After that he Plnced a lira aeree In frl ! Ue PPIU.IO SCHtMHi AM FKSIIMi:X WII.I. MIX MATTKI18 MK)Ki: TOMomtow xumrs baskkt- UAI.I t!AMi: Uulted Press Service I WAvJIIIVHTOW l. .' Krb. 1 Politicians predict that President VII-( bou will vuto tho Immigratiou bill is I It carried provision for an Illiteracy tist. On this point, tho president will J not apuk. Chilli man Sinlili or tho seiiato im nilgnitloii coinmltteo extocts tho pres ident to approve tho bill If It passea tho seuate with a big majority. Ho tnkes tho postllou that this would be nYldvnco of tho country's sentiment. Ohj.-rU to iniddlllK Duty ..... .... tl TV... t Ohllit. IH vv lien Ansa v.t -.. 'j v. m..w dolphin arrived In Neiv York on an odbt church at Seaside Ore. preachy Atlintic liner .ho protested against ,ln overall. The church la w.U IJltod ;tm)lng 13.00 duty on a plum pudding at his meetings, and men attend at hlch cost her ouly 50 cents in Lon-'tlred In working clothee. don. She had already paid J2.75 duty on the pudding In France. west Virginia uaa . "" ' Must Study Markets Iho hoiiwi before tho mok.v was seem, UM Harding rend tho Owing lo Iho steep hill to bo nsconded .'le0i tho Urn department bail exiremn uim-1 Ti(( wl tll0 ,u,or ot ,llo aonto cully In KKtlliiK Hh nppiirniun n. i.. Mcvtiio, and n a rosult the Thorn was no music, no lloworti nnd , basketball gnmo that promise to i...... ..,..r.,K- .In. I'liluronnl fllll-U... .,u lmr.1 fuilcht as tho llllllll COU i-rul Hcrvlio. Tho seiialo chaplain ,,.Bt III ho plajwl tomorrow eveulng priiyi-d nnd nindo tho filial bonodlo- ft prollmliuiry to iiioMornu-r.. v. 11. 8. giunu nl tho oiwrH house. Tho opponents lu the preliminary ... . . il... fli.taal utll(k1 nlll I Kit itna In Ibol '"'" "" "" " .Will Oil HIO -v..v. pw."". .-- iiiiH in vi wori( riHirVtlll fur ,U, Hoiuitoi-H, con-jFrt)8imn C1VI)!, of tho high school. Ulterior I ... .Ii,,rnf llu i-ahlliol. tile I ....... ........ .,.,,.. vnn.l olnvnrn 111 their ... - .,1-0.... ..,....' lllllllll.l.l'D."..' ". ,.... ... ..... tho hniiso nnd tho fnriiltiiro wero no- . , ., Hrom court, udmlr- ,. .....i m,.h nro out to win. trojrtd. Thoro wna liiHiiranco, ()(o m phof , ,,. , ,, on tho house and 18.000 on Iho fur- . lUl,,ollH,P u0pe, who, " ""1'" .'., . nllr . '., . , central nooi .-.ivflu...... ... nituro. . .nil nitonded. . ... .,.. ...-. i.,i. r. nil iivrwaruii. iiinvvn wv., . CHRISTOFFERSON COMPLETES TRIP The Spud Men Will Thereby Double Their Profits The livers tiro was not dlscovorwii until th roof of tho building was nbout lo full In. Again stoop grades mado tho flromwi ardous work In answering Iho alarm, but tho flames had gained too much liondwny before being discovered. K, K, llyers, who owns tho proper ly, Is living with his family on n homtwteud near Olwio. Tho houso wr.."n"!r'," ; whlTla. I .mnounced that the combined IIIHIIO UHU U.l.v, ........-". - Muy Cable Plioloe Within or, according lo Pro fimiior Von (llatsot of llorllu, It muy bo possible by tho selenium method of Professor Alfred Korn of Munich to transmit picture across tho Atlan tic. Profossor Korn has ulrcady sent pIvtiiMS tuo mllos by wlro. r stolncr ami Motscheubachor, guards. Freshmen Houston and Klehl for wards, Bvorolt contor, Elliott aud Molhuso guards. destroyed, enUIIIng n loss of betwoen 1,000 nnd 11,600. ThoDo waa no In-urance. truilo union nnd proloctlon funds of tho llrltlsh Natlouiil Union of Hallway iiwn amount to ll.MMt. .Milken Pension Itcconl VUcouut Hoss of Knglund, who died recently, Ud all pensioners. For tweiity-ono yeara he drew flO.000 a ymr, ft total ot 1810,000. C. P. Vll linrs. who ostablhihed the former rec ord, had drawn 1160.000 nt tho tlino ot ula death in 1191, AVIATOlt F1.IK8 K1WM THK KXPC SITION QHOUXItS AT aX FltAX ClStX) TO 8.VX l 1K0 FAltt (UtOUXDH United Press Service HAN U1KQO. Feb. 17. Chrlstoffersou lauded lu tho exposi tion abounds at 1:36 this afternoon, completing hi trip from the grounds of the Pauama-Paclno international Kxposltlou at San Francisco. Tho aviator made the last 180 miles ot tho trip In two hours and Ave uiln ukes of actual flight. To roallto tho maximum lu potato cultivation, tho farmers of Klamath couuty should use great varo in select ing the potato best adapted to tho soil and cllniato of this section. A closer relationship between grower and con sumer would prove uf much beuoilt to both. Tho erowcr should tako pains to find out tho kind or a potato thut mar kets moit readily, and should bo very particular In gradlug for shipment. That tho outside potato market la innr..stod lii tho Klumuth county po- Avlator tato la evidenced by a letter received by tho Ashland Fruit store irom ono of tho big produco distributing con cerns of San Francisco, Irom wnicn the following is taken: I "The trouble In this Klamath Falls district la that It la practically a new country, and has never raised much for outside consumption. To the grower up there a potato Is a potato. Ho doesn't know that In the large markets tho buyer wants a certain kind of a potato with a certain sis uud shape, and that ho will pay a prlco for what he wants, aud next to nothing for what ho doesn't want A campaign of education Is necessary, and It looks aa though It were up to you to start It going. We know mat up In that district they have aorao very tine Tlurbank potatoes, and also some extra tine Netted Qem potatoes. u' know they have them, because we have seen the samples, and you should make every effort possible to get tne growers to put aside the odds anu ends of varieties and plant straigat Ilurbanks. Netted Qeras and oarftK Chills. If they plant any of tft lat ter, however, they want to get them lu the market always during Dteom-tier." m mi v3?