&hv lattfttmjg Mvvalh KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER i s " -. C - . t: . tt. awe, grxgSEar E.Mh V"-X- " KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1914 Municipal Power Is Again in Air i im -.'"""'-"" 'i ..- f-j...--- -ri-l-llin - i--nr-M-n-n-iririiriinriinriiiiri riin.ri.iiriLinLf j-i j-inniiMX'xf wrynfifmi-nfur fiwrwVV --M-fisr-rfis-f--f'frfo r t PRESIDENT DENIES STORIES OF BUSINESS DEPRESSION; SAYS A MISTAKE WAS MADE BY SOMEONE Committee Investigating Judge SpeeriWM TAKE COUNCIL IIKIIL - MrAiMAa di i TALK OF POWER SURPRISE TRICKl mm TtM V I.IMH.V HV WILMiN ,or lit niidiiir ("iiniun Itngt-r Wood run, r4ruih kmo f Ui " tluusl Munlrlpal League with broil i)UAHi-r Al Philadelphia lll be I'm prlurtpal prskvr Tli mr-lliiK llt mt)inirii iiiiHunoM itieli' f,r 1'lr.l.tft.t " nli1 I'linr!, t'oiMiMIMilcn !! Mmmi tll I.pTmH mm! lt ,4M r tlraillln lUtP IImiubIiI .tUttt lr"""nl t'illlllll, lll H" 1'illtd i'r rkrtlco WAtftliM.ToV I a, Fob. U. Is lili refuU' lU wllb lb" iioi r - loJ Prwtdont WIIOII s4iU 1-UlH lliftl li dij not rrpt u ft tbe (fjtr rri-'ru uf a Ifbcftl drptnttlell SAYS WOMEN DOT E ALL 0. K. HOM JI.hs l (i:il, JtT HACK I'HOM HOMiriu, HEPoin that in; o ippeh I.AKE is hiu:ak- I.SO I'AsT SiuKfc IKdHK 4kS1M fippi V CP k! 5 1v T siafkjHfLam. w if pHDHBv9t?HiiiiiiiBiiiHiJiiiiHiiHSriiiia ffMn-fSEffPAfAfJy Si Lji AiAaw'TOt J.W jJii JffSfAfSfSfAWffefJUf JgA ICEI.IGIOl'S CEHEMONV WAV TO FIGHT GIVES TAKING OVER OF KENO CAXAL TO BE CONSIDERED Follower of Outlmr Wliu Aftplrea for Prlilenry Captured Ten Miles From .Mrtiid Cltj- f tlio liurla! TnM Mnii) Klllctl una Taken l'rlM)iicn During the Fight la Uc T Mountain Country. From Left to Right Representatives Floyd, Webb and Volstead 1 1lu ftuli-r)iiiiiiliir? ( lb" rummit-of Nurlh ('nrnllnn. nnl A J Vc)ltnl I One of thn charges In the Inquiry lit c i( tlir liouv itl fnifeHK.itnlh in ol Mlnin-iiila. JiiiIko Hi;vr w cr. t roncernn llllUMe Ulf niuiturl (if 1'ltttrtl l the property of former United I'resa Service MEXICO CITU Feb. Iff. Mfty Zapatu prisoners arrived hero today from AJuaco mountains, ten miles from tho city, where they were cap tured yesterday by federal troop. The Zsplsttsta, who aro followers Tentative Offer tor the Developaaeat of Power at ThU I'otat, Which Were Made by the RecUaaatloa Kervlce CoiiiiiiImIdb, Will RecetT Attentioa at Tomlght'a Special Sea nlon ot ttie CotutcU. It ha been In ol Mexico's most darins outlaw, were t.u... tfi.ir .e l. ... . .. .... .. . I.. sinful BIU4 Ul MUH ill m me nine ui me apnoini..,.- ,, , ..ncamn ln tho hllU. awaltlne- rein. iiiij iinuuv ui iii? iuuii tut nviviai - r Had Mt H Turiry mid MU Miatr-. JimIkp .iry H.r of ISfOfttU m.-ni of tlio ub-cotumUtio, but ho . ., , . , jjjjlforceiucnu before marching against Zapata aspire to be MllrntUt ln xlilonl lndlcatMd Si dol)l h d In Ibnlr tP- k iu.mIcs up of lliii-iillhrji John ahl Iip would (to to the hcurliiR If inade that such estates have been dlt,, capital. .4 IU! he Ibihk thai ftiV WnUll.HUril U thlt liimr(U Hr WHo py,, f Arl.nw. Kdllt V Webb I.p bad to be Carried there. b4(ir.ttdutli!AlnmlM.ui,, dld'lmtn trip u Ihl rll) l Ci ll . MKV-ubulb(,rll nhBithopaMpioM " n h'. "" owi, "" -.-.- iis tail 3,400 -.rttrMl f wiith ImI'- b-M '"" M" ,rw "" 1 I fl II I L 0 Til nlf L ,, Yotk ri.i AlutiP I'l'l-r lte Till. I Uiv mmrmallun Vri1 I II hlfr fi.t.iutftu b Jr.. Tiinmr. lut teiuriitlIUIII.U IU UIIL ii i uniKfiHxi ii no iwimi - ' , - . ,. i lUl W.l.h cot bu nu, (mm lh ,''" M" hw-irta in that -ctlm. , !-.! .4.l fl. fill tt,HIt,F4Jlrtftll tt lit itirh i )Pl Prir,M. """" "'" "-"- - P" At". fl"mpi t"r ,... -'- dK I'llllll Wllrll bo fetUtllBd MUttdA)-, (in a forcrd to main tho trip mmj slpaled by the dclnj-s In the court. president. A special session of tBe city coun ell will be held this evenins;, at which time tho question ot developing a municipal power plant will be con sidered. Kxpeclal attention alone this llsa will be directed to the feasibility ot developing power through th medi um of the Keno ditch, on the West Ido. This matter was taken up some FORTY RUSSIANS Mt!atT TfcffB U fl ttllraallilH lift! hkliAl Vllllfl U UtUtbcd t- llm littuilnm of U'llih'i uumnii PLAY TOMORROW ARRIVE TONIGH JANUARY COST I OF THE PROJECT Tho rebels were holding religious .,.. aeo wlth . na.m.tUm ,-rrt. fcclebratlons when the federals sur-l , , fpr!ed them, killing fifty and captur-iCOmmU9,on' U"1 80mo ' posais were made at that ubm oy the t commissioners. Ing as many more. Alllittieb Wllinn lta not ilrUMMlt Itli milrr to Any cf rat li-nfetti, otlict JlfJplK r;l(fir ..Wnlr1 wilt, P ad kl&litrattali bp dotin ml, l( U Known in llm mplul that nn na irtt polrfrir rriur?l Kiri-i.fi lixiL ttVb( ia tnllfst n bd break at'mil t0 0,( ,VU, t th l-e Huuld not ualu hU Servetl 'Km Klctit tor Hiring a Maai It Is believed that these, and otiMfs United Press Service 'received since, will oceucpy thi 'f PAItlS. Feb. IG.-The provincial ;Uon of th mMtiag' pajMr, Uo CrI de Toulouse, makes the' ' .following anneuncement: When WtA. Tffey and MIm .Nail. efi Journeying Across the Ic toward DdmwAHrom mh1oc ritlni Haiunlay.' the)' unrWr ' " a sled.' ihoflKJMld llm ftn enVa I Mbuttim. IVr- ".MAIIIIl.tlii: Ol" TO.M TIIU.Mll" IVUirVSAlU TO UK Till: ADVANCE K.Vri:.SKS LISTED ON HUILU1NG. "To our great regret, w are com- IMII1 to dlsmns with thn aprrlf.! GIAltD Ol' I.AHUK .NU.MIIKII (WT I.KIN.KK TWTAI.KII -.(lf ,lr .,,,v. ,,,, k ,,, I ,.-. ...., "f-. . """" Wll.l. HE I'HOIIUt'EII AT HOfS TO.N'h OI'EIIA IIOl'.si: HV LIT TLE l-OLKS Ol' I'AMIt.II. (Ti: 111:111: AND MAV LO-, AND orEILVTION AND Insist on coming to the office without a collar and in canvas shoos. His un-l MAINTENANCE Jjta.USI.47 sunvMthm triPoprrMlmi of lh lrlrt f(m, wl )& watclilii?w4ih sUiuew tr llm rrpMtiirii aiuI irgrviM. npighi of li jurty, a mi Hint at times Tb- prmldrnt ronlrtiled himself thuy could not bo seen, iiwlui! in IhU lib Malonirnl tlml nil of his com- KAttglitg. nunlcadon Imllrate that lnili)c is Willi (h lc breaVliij; up, Iioiik- MrMI Impruiltie p ldVe Iho irnder and lunitwrmpn In llmt c- 4uni ef KArrn POirr w mrnn tlon are cut on from oiit "f ti" B0' 'k ply, which through tbo whiter Im - been nt Algom, trips for fee.!, pro- .visions, etc, being tnadc across the Iik. Th rond from there lo Klnmnlb FaIIa Is under turternl feel ot snow Mimlilw i:H-it. Meet I'nlM 'rP Hnrvkrt l'0lll.lli:it Colo.. Feb. It!.-I'm! Inn uf muiiirlpnl government wero Koml-omrUI wtlmnte made In In UIkmuhI io.(i- Mhen llm tlml niitiual ,,n f , world's production of rub lolorsilo imtnlrlpnl ronfereiico opened (,r (r M.(,rA years lo conio Indlcalo t tho Uiihersliy of Colorndii. coiistwiit Increase, pnsslng SOO.000 Nor ntuj other nrflrlwU or all inn lit I I'll, but never equaling the '" lrlnrtinl rllleA of tho state nrn ilnntnnit. SU IteMlu Wordeu, Itistrucior of the chlMteii for the "MArrlBiie of Tom Thumb 11 ml Ml MldKei," met Tlie following report of oxpenal tures of the Klamath project during tho month of January has been trans mitted by J. tl. Camp, project man- llull.llnK Cost ledger With tho luleiitlon of looking over ibn iiKrlcullurnl possibilities of Klam ath county, and locating here If satis fied, forty llusslan farmers aro cx- mnii) of thn little one ulio will take ,,.,, 1 (.nr ,i.ia .,vAI,ltiir. Tluv r part In the entertainment. t thoitom1(. from , Middle West, as a'nRr 1 l.rl.ilnii rlitirch Buuday aflornoou ....i. .., .1... ..i...r,uinv nf ,, irinm.' at 3 30, 10 assign their parts. Tues-'nlIl Development company. ISeneral expense $1,740.14 day night at Hie opera house the play ' T,0 company. If satisfied, will lo-!0nR,nK trm8 1,110.09 uilf .... u,Mu...l M.ltl. Mliiif-iilkfliitn fftM. .... ... 'f-lif I nlfti ilnm fiviil rSAr. rate Here, r urinvrinorv, iney win. -- - -. also bo tho menus of bringing about voir, operation and main- it hundred other families here, as that tenanco ..... number will settle wherever they do..'0t ver dam and dlvor- Thi farmers tuo making a thor- n channel, operation 011 Kb Investigation of different farm-j "" malnleuanco ...... lug seel Ions. There, nru other colo-.Tule Lake, outlets ........ nleK of lluiMlatis In tho country now. jtlrlirlihs lateral who luaiUi similar Investigations be- !'' Valley canals 'cleanliness In dress was giving our paer a very bad name." Wome n Register Slow Out of More Than 600, Less Than a Sixth Women "mI'Iiu llm vlgoroiiH rampitlKuliig " resulted ,ui)r ,ln, Krol,,tt, ih rliilit to volu, tin, women of Klmuatl, (ouuty rii nlow to mnku lh'olvw ellKlblo to cast Hint volo. AlthotiKt. tin, regiHlrntloit books 'Vo brcn open nl t, emmiy ciurk's n,f" ,,l"' '""ly lit January, tho num ,r 'f oim.i registered ruprouoiiU ' limn i, Hlxth ,,f tin, reglstrntlon, TiiM,X.,( w(m (0 Xmnkn cJoHy(, wiurilsy night, itivio won just ono J" wii u hiindred women register "" 100 men had mot the ru Wjremi.nl of tho law ,. this rospoct. bIm , U' h0l,u c,0od Baturday com! ' ,u,, ltrllou for tho X- !"" 08' out ot " TOin strougth of narly 6,900, ThU In iltvltttitl us follnwHi He,iibllraii Mim UK Women '',s HeiiiiK'i-iil Men 33 Woiuou ............. I'mitrwiaUvt ' Men I' Women 4 HmlalUt Men 8 Women 0 Prohibition Men Women llHll'HHlCBt Men 1 Women ItiifiisMl to Btatc Men 10 wilt ho Mnged with npproprlato cos lumes. The ctilldrvn so far selected aro; llrldu- Miss Eva Miller (iroom Master Jack Elliott IlildeniitldsMlsses Margaret Cum- mltigs, IMua Dunbar and KlUabuth Oraveit llliiK girl Mortal Mooro IMnk llrldiwiimld -My rllo llatusby llltii, Htldi'Hmald-Josepbluo lllngo UroomHimiii llrooks Dale Harlan 'Uhliors-FiiiMsl Miller, Marlon Mason . Minister- J u me Manning. ! .Minister's Partner Tbelma llrowu ICouslns (irat-o Hoiigtaiid, lloldlo , Hale, Dorolhn Elliott Father of the llrldolloy Mooro Mother of llrldo Thru llowdoln Hrandpa Thumb- Herald Harlan (Irandnia Thumb l,uillu lleckloy Father of (Iroom--I)ean lleckloy Mother of (Iroum- Joy Miller llnclii'lorrt-'dordon Dale, Herald Wil liams, Ward lllngo Old Mnldn l.tii'llln Hwnn, Mary Wil liams, Fern Hunks (Iraiulpa Midgut llllllo Tttihur (irandum Mldgot Noillo Elliott (IuiwIh Claud Uedlleld, Virginia) IlllWllllIll WIiik IUt of Clioeolates. Miss Itose Reed held the lucky number at the Sugar Bowl Saturday night, receiving the prlte box ot choc olates given away by the manage ment. In tho future it will not be necessary for the holder of the duplt- 40 BOB WHITE QUAIL RECEIVED TWELVE FAIR ARE LIBERATED AT THE HUNTING RANCH. NEAR MKIHLL, AND THE REST NEAR BONANZA Forty Bob White quail were re cite slips to be present, as It is some-lot wed hero last nlsrht from Salam. - --- , . 'times Inconvenient or Impossible to being sent by the state nsh and game 146.77 jbe on hand al a given hour for the commission,, in exchange for the drawing. A box of Kaufman's choco- mountain quail sent from here to the late will bo given away each Satur- J Willamette Valley a short time ago. 96.29 day night. They will be liberated here, and an "50 j attempt mado to have this specie) In- 142.31 .. im ....,.. ii... i .i.l trotlucad lis an addition in Klamath iiiieu ujiiiiuu icu,i(j tits iu iuoi ' fnro locating CAMP IS BACK FROM MEETING 'Keno canal, operation and maintenance 25.00 'Adams canal enlargement . 131.82 Uiiuls, rights aud property. 15. OS 18,00 btate. ot Gwallor. Central India, which i county's game, Total $2,732,97 has nn area ot 25,041 square miles. Twelve pair ot the birds were sent Its principal city contains 120,000 In-1 to the ranch of Charles A. Bunting, habitants and there aro 9.53S villages. near Merrill. The remainder will be In tho state, with an average of 2731 liberated at tho Francis J. Bowb pcoplo to tho village. I ranch, near Bonanza. l'U(Ui:"l' .MANAGEIt SAVK .MUCH GOOD WOHK WAS ENtMlUUAG ED AT THE SESSION OF THE lit-UIGATIONIST8 Project Manager J. G. Camp bus re turned from Portland, whoro last 'week ho attended tho aoaslons nt tho Oregon Irrigation congress. Thero v.t.i over 320 iloloKiiUa nltcudliig. or Many more chlldroii will Iki used.,. . , .. ia iasi y,,r jOHnilloii unit Malnteimnce First Uuit ,-- Ledger i AilmluUtrathe, operation.. $ 125.00 .Admlulstratlve.malutouance 131. S3 Property 15.81 Karthwnrk renalrs 9.93 lleadgato distribution .... .62 J Telephone repalra 27.40 , 'Corral, malutennuce 79.45 Corral, operation ........ S.46 Dralungo ...' 935,82,' Timber structures replaced - i by concrete 23.10 deserved Hints oil sale at usual place. This Im odd of tlio cleanest and best eutertnlnmouts that has ovor boon "Tho talks aud sessions this year concerned ehlolly lliiunm and bthor preliminary work, rather thnn tho op- ntit oil. In this rlty. Do not iuIhm It, ., ... mnntrnnnco featureH." then regret It the rest of your days. HB(l, Mr (,, -Tho dologutos vere ; 'devoting their tlmo lo arranging a An uxiioiihIvo system of wlroloHs'tilnii whoroby tho credit of tho state liilegiuph station on tho lontlnent .can bo used to raise money for Irrlgu- u ml Iu It colonies has been planncd'tum without nuuiuoniu taxes by tho Portuguese government, 'lbo preliminary wurk at Lisbon and Opjorto stations la well advanced, In u short tlmo work will bo Ix-gun on tho necessary buildings. Outside' of tho Wost-Lewls-Kay trouble, tho meeting was entirely har monious. Tho Canadian delegation mado somo splendid talks on prac tical subject," City's Election Laws Two Methods of Becoming Candidate for Oice Total Hopreaeuta credit. Total for month, $3,931.47. Geuoral expense will bo cumula tive durl'ifg 1914, commencing with January 1st, and at end of year will be charged to different accounts Iu both ledgers, proportionately, accord ing to expenditures. luasmuch us candidates for city Hlondy Is Better. Yule (Blondy) Larrlck, who re lent ly underwent an operation for appendicitis at BUckbura hoopttal, loft that Institution this forenoon. Though still somewhat weak, ha la able to be up and around. $1,198.50 otncos nuvo Rjreau-y began circulating petitions for nomination, tbo Herald would callutteutlou to tho provisions ot tho city charter relative to nomina tions and elections. Tho question as to who can sign petitions for nomina tions does not appear to bo very clear, and oplnlou in tho matter differ. The charter provides two methods of making nominations for municipal ottlces, ono by non-partisan petition and tho other by political parties un der tho direct primary law of the state. Sectlou 33 of the charter: "All non-partisan nominating petitions hereunder shall be signed by quali fied registered electors of the city of Klamath Fulls. Oregon; and so per son not possessing the qualification shall sign such petition." Now, tho question arises: What electors are qualified? Those who will have registered after Marcs 1, 1914, or those who registered altar March 1, 1913, aad have aot yet aaa an opportunity to register for ta coming municipal election? In order to be qualified to vote for any candidate at th election oa May 4, 1914, the elector suit bar refla te rexl after March 1, 1H, M thic registration books do aot aattt that data. f.