f&ht Eu tittta UteraU KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NKW8PAPKR PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT II NEWS -KVjfCrf . flfc . -ill" wni'"lw-jMnm;-.j?iHA- P-JJaBrr.3rsCTa. jsbwi: J!X1 m.i'3iI KUhttt v.h.1 V. ittn KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1914 SPORTSMEN SEEK w is m m uaup mPAi MAN ON BOARD mv ' ivmiiiM mi-iii: m:-' MANN IT ltrlullit '( a Mcwibr of the Htttr Wti ami (lu CuImimUaImm t,-Atca 4 !() mi lite- II.mhI, attit KUni. III JtputUlllrM'a AlalllM Wlfr UirtrM' I" (WaVlcr J"Ikp Mam I'nwii llrfi (.it I'Utr. Ne Ihai ( W. tAU tins mlancd flettt the Mate (ltd and a Ml e clliml tlota u liw Ute tii0 aftlf0, vf anollirf rnltrj oil the board, att4 KUuiaIIi Fall (Hirumcn are jfln akt( (ho appointment u( Ut wm it, iti( petition. Klamath auRlj tmo nlnrU fn hlciily lm rvtnat, imjiriam enough In tbo ttMi of I'aI ia lit Justify n ( 1-alUmmt, Tb (iill(iliic Ulfnlit lift bn rat in dm enter Wet by President Itotwil ci I Ihn Klamath HpotUmeti'a Aamlallon I'ropln hole r MlAl Aft Injustice ! fcn-n i(l) Itila section by tho fall' nr oi ivfrM'MUilun mi the nh and ta ti.fntnU.lim. We aak (bp nam lur of iiimo iiKimttcr from her who U ffeeable to J Oil," ltil!ur the m i I ne when Ui (tin ituiuriHiriii wm reorganlttHi, lam fiilioniue, in jmn, appeared In IU 1'otlland Trlriifrtm! Till rtw l Uo Whl ilM lll Rnl (trr Aiimn of ihp iiioko ami Umili Iimh lwn Ahfttelcil nff ili Hii (uinn Wntilm WlllUm U. i'Mry a rrMKnUri f ri In til linn II utft ilia roiiiitry, ml nuunclil nWriJ liy Hip Mirlml! of Ihs iAii. to u-rn rpaiov4 to mk rjr fw C v Kvaiu, una of Guviruor Wrt, 1415 ,Hiinr on llm mo mil flli mmmUalnn, flnloy liiu Imwii ttlJ filHrlllriutrllt of llli nlUM- llnnal Bint lilologlrnl ipmrlmpni of romml.iiloti, h(, hu Mlnrr rn !ir.. from 13,100 u IM. "Aa nrar aa rAlt l found out liU t duilta Mill t-muUt of IcIllitK tnny "ilea t, n,h w(ie (hry ttr,, 'nllie lip, AllllOUKll IHlnllAlbly lie In to ovoruM ilin iriimAllon nitd dU Irllmiion of trout mid tint InUoduclltm 'f nisfliip of KAinn nml rahio 'InU mio itin Atnlo. Ilia work will x l'itr..y trrhntcnt, while tx-Com. Excess Baggage Rate Said to Be Excessive Hulled Press Bervlce WAHIMNOTON, Feb. H, Kxcr.a 'nuKiiKo lute now operative on nitty "liiu inllrondH In tho Unltml Htalo w"rii rlmriu-ierlw M M unjust lax rmiiiiii-rfo nt a hearing before the 'iIwhIhIm coiumerro commission horo 1'nliiy. Al priweiii the luuul rato Is 10 38 I'lircmit of 0 pnBajtnga,. frn (0r ov. 'ry loo pound of execs and thu ''mmlsHluit was asked to onforvo a K'U'lunled rale (hut Nhould run go m N In la M por cent of tho pas 'jmier fr. Tlio present minimum ojnrgo of a 6 cents was not attacked. " National Hagiago Committee la 'o I'otltloner, rspreMatlng through im allied ortanlaatiaaa 11,000 ktMl- . WWNMiMwAwWVyyyMW KbVULU! !UN IZb M.N), Mll1u IMiun Making Public tlllsmintrltlrlil i of 'till', A. '. Illlliro w-lllrl Pl. ml a III 1liltltt.ini. C.illhlllr-. to 1'll.lr.l lll (il.'al llUnitet) ! lldrrnt lllrr n Mllllull IMIai. (in lllr iH-li(t Itielll. t l.tle.1 lrcaa tiertlr ri,:v:i.A.si, o. tvb, j i. -a c HuUdi of lilt tttf IimIa)t ailllOUIlCo.1 ilioi ) li itiVettiiM a tprltte driven tiUllul lliAt "III CriKfAtq mcr In tiuiitlani ijUAtiiltlr for aid t'urfox liaiPirr THU tromU- a rtimidotc trttillMli of llio Itnllittflal Alid mo rliAtilcnl ttnrlil. A Itillilallll" lliudrl, CAajn of Ofir iO(fowr, lla prll at teofk for '1f rlAt tuonlii. Add l trnorAlrd rlro Irklir rr irhir lUbi buib, lluiii'ti'a lnrnllt(i rwicmlilr aomc tit KrriuAl mutton 8lun lilsli Mwrr (ilii rotiatltuto tin motive foff. and flffn f ti" Automat lcll finwfl0 Hip iicr ttlill" the nltr U UpIiik (tuiitnl. Tor fifteen if ItiuiPii Iia ufn ni ttofk iirffrctliii: l!i rynrhtnr llf tiaa nulftlr nltltird paIpiiIa jirotvct tuc tlio d-tlr In thlrl)to nnmtrlm vinnilay ItuU'ii km to .NV VoiV, vkhri lip lifta au offxr for Hi" Ameri can rlchta lliAt "111 run into ?ru fluri Off (nr I'dlK.imU, Mr Alid Mm Hubert A Jolmanu Ml thU mnrnltie for California. Thry will Im away for M'Vcral vk ini.liuipr ltvn lll hV r librae of tlm (told work and Iho pollcvt ilullr of lln ftAtnr dnparlment. Ho will dl rrct Hi1 prolrctlon of the cainn and overr the dejititlc, "Maalrr Fish Warden Clnnton, who ha bcrn under flro morn or leu of thr time durlnfi the Ui few month lliroiijtli Ihn nnwil hoatltlty of Coin- imUaloner Klniipy, I to control the oHrutliiia of ntt the lialclirrlc At (he inmo aAlnry redurtlon mutaliird by Kltiley Theodoro Opauud, who him liren rlerk of tho rommlitalnn, and the oldeat emiIo)'e In (ho fishery depart- iinrttl, becouicti mauler Hah warden, ,bitl III dutlea are llmlled to pollen llio rhern and utriMiun of the lato 'nml lo th rlnrlnil duty of UaiiIiir lllrenxeii. HU lnry will lie $2,100." uiHN house mid 100,000 commurclul travelera, on whom the ullegod unfair rale full mm.1 heavily. Tho Menii mil AMMiicliitlun of Now York, thu Chicago AnHoelatliiu of Commerce and tho HI, LoiiIh Huslites Men' l.imguu are umong oilier iepreenledby the I'D in in It I w, Flgtirim were cited at today's hear ing lo show that tlio nillroudn col lected 17,17.1, i02 litHt year on excims biiUKiiKo mid that thl wna not more llimi it normnl return on tho amount of labor performed mid tlio capital luvoitod, Emplmslri wan given to (ho fuel that no ex tin trains nud but few exlru men mo noremmry to hondlo uxjuuinAArirrri'iiv "V" (Continued on page I) MECHANICWOIILD Mexican Refugees Behind Uncle Sam's Wire Fence at Fort Bliss &Vr 3 ) 4iRllAl e is tj i slim: bhsP1. DLiSa 4- - t t'nrlr Ham U in)liiK mauf liuu illinU of dnllnra rxirr '') to frd llio. MrkUau ir(iiEv from OJIimsu, tlio la a I Mftlran city lakrii from HucrlA li) !-(it-ral VIIU the litltiUrirdA of frliid of Uxtf fitlvral KutFtiimcni In Meilro, lio (calrxl (hor would tu platighlril f Ui!')' rninntuad In OJIii ACA Aflrr VIIU if ail tnkru It, (ltd BOB WHITE QUAIL COME TOMORROW two im.i:n wii.i. in: inTitnurT.iH)i.i.ovi(j siutiocs kilctuhk i:n uniti: iv ttirri'it.v roitTiiKi of arm am hiioui.dkr, tkt- MtlCXTAlX yAM. SKXT OUT A.NTS ShrTS IX, AX1I KKATH IH lltOM KiaMATH . Ueputy tlnuio Warden Carey M. Hamuli)' ba relvetl word from tho Mate came farm (hat two dozen Hob Will to itinll will arrive hern Sunday n Ik lit for distribution In Klamath oiiuty Some time nKO tho Hlnte necuretl a quantity of mountain quail from thla unility, promlalUK to Whlto In their plnco. tb flrat shipment of tbl specie. ANOTHER AIR RECORD IS GONE 'ir.MIUIHS OF AVIATION CORPS HltHAKS NOV-STOl' AND I'XDUH- axci: m:coHis at aviation CAMP IX CALIFORNIA I United Press Sorvtre HAN DIKGO. Feb H-l.leutonant j Dodd mid Hetgeant V. Marcus, urmyi; iivimom, "Kin" urn ....., v......... Tho uvlntom left nt 0:30 thl mom n I IT. mid mid relumed i ll:lti. Will Vl-.lt lit lon. v Mr. Tlionui llnmplou departod ilurlug i lo week for her former homo 'tis, lowii. Hho will Hpend aovorul weeks visiting frleiuU mid relatives there-. Iteceul HlutUth'ri credit thu United Htales with about one automobile for each two mile of road, nii.l.i nml non-Bton record here todny i. . . .. ... .syrups and bowls of fruit. ,y ilylng rn.ni .ho rmy uv.at.oii "ZTSXtiF " cat..,, on North Island lo Hurbauk. u I101) 1(1W. Thl. nuariet of tuYatarlou. havo 0U th,a n,orn," iieur l,o Angole. mid back. 1 ho .11- ,,. i.Mi.enlemaln workl "A Rlr." responded Claudo liuiro I 210 mile. . ..... , ... , ..... ,.... ly and with i0S'i acto tlio Itlo (iraudo Ithr and il,tM Ihriiuflvca on tho merry of the Tailed Kutr troo. HundroU or them weru taken to Port IHUa and 'tat.-tl In a corral 2700 fcri lout by 900 fMt wldv, kurround d b) a wire (euro thirteen feel hlb. ifwV they remain In tcnU, camping out, but iarhaM llvlne belter than HARRY PEARSON'S SUFFERING ENDS Till: Hr-HUI.T Harry IVurbon, former deputy sher iff and employo ot the Wcycrhauser Ttmbxr company, paed away at the lllnckburn hospital last nlsht. Death wuh due to lockjaw, which becamo maulfoitt, et which the attending doc tors fuiiKlit hard to ward off. l'.irioii, wbllf Merklui: near Kelio. furnUh llobn ahori lime ago, was struck by a Thla will be'fnllltiR Iok. A n result hi shoulder ami arm worn badly crushed, and it uiih found liecoinary to stitch tho bone with wire. Sluro then Pearaou had been re- UomtIiik splcinlldly, but Friday morn ing HyniptouiH of tetanus were notic ed. The arm was amputated in the J(0io iif piou'iillng n spread of the' Imnlady, but to no avail. I leceused leave u wife and six' ')ouiik rhtldrvu. Ho wu about 3&i IviiiiK nC ace. and wna n lnpnilmr of! ' ' I tho Modoru Woodmen of tho World' mid the I.oyal Order ot Moose, Until i hi mother arrive from (lazollo this men I lie no arrangement will bo' mnilu for tho funeral. j 1 At Hie Star. . aii.i.liik iiIl.IiI ll. ll.irrmulin rjilill. - (o'8Up UlwUr 1U1J on 11llMi,1 ., in.,1,,,1 ,11vl1.tnfl fpearlng before tho American public. Tomonow I "Go-to-Chureh" Day at Grace Methodist Episcopal ch.trch. An effort Is being made to got all member and attendants out to the servlccH morning and evculug. Spe cial muslo is belug planned. Mr W. U. Shaw will slug iu the morning and Mlsa Marjorle MoOIure In the evening. Appropriate sermons will be delivered. RECOGNITION " ----- -.- -,.j, tht-y ocr lled before. They are sl i'ii ration dall) by th.i Rovemmcnl of the L'ulled Ptn'ea. Home ot the refuKtes were, of coume, ixoplo of incani, whoso home and builneues bare been broken up by the rapture of the ton by the rebel. Hut most of tbem aro peons, uho lled from hand to mouth In their uatlni country. FALL FATAL TO SENATOR BACON ('P.OIUilA MK.MIIKR OF UPPER HOUSE INKS IX WAS1UXGTO.V. WAS HIIAD OF HKilll.V IMPORT A. NT COMMITTF.E Lulled Press Son Ice WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. H. Senator F. Augustus Hacon ot Geer- igia dUd today, after an Illness of two wevkH. Death was due to kidney trouble, 8iiHrlnili!Coil by a full a mouth ago. Ilacon wan chairman of tho com mlttto on foreign affair, and has been active In the Mexican situation. In respect to the. departed's memory, the Heiiato adjourned today. C0SEB00M WIL-0 --"IT'S A GIRL" DAUGHTER NOW IlLF-SSIX THE HOME OF POPULAR YOUNG HUSIXESS MAX, AND HE WALKS IX THE AIR A lady sat down at the Sugar Bowl' fouutaln counter this morning. ,m,u "' i' ' 'B" Khutced nonchalantly at tho Jar ol;KraU oxanilnatlon. and that you are What prompt pride Tho Iceman, who was standing pear, hud to explain to the lady that .,v. CoHobooir. hud presented Claudo w.th a baby girl Friday, and that he l.nd uot fully recovered his mental uulnuce. Dr. F. M. White, the attending phy slelau, states th.tt Miss Coseboom and mothor ure doing splendidly. 'I'm going to let my wife name tho baby," said Claudo, "provided she name her 'Mary Jane,' " ...... .. -. t ir,v'u GOVERNMENT TO MAKE ITS ARMOR FOR NAVY DEP'TJ mi tilt: .vv .ii'i'ihu'hiatio.v uill ni:ails finish I. ItaiilrN ItrromiiK-ndAXlon, Aaklng.rrom Middle Wet to the AUmiUc Tluil llio Cnltnl MAlm ()-ratp!taj tluu t'nrlorj', I Ailileil a an. AiiK'nilntriil, anil llio I'rorUloa AIm ll.-li;iuiti- How TliU KnterpriMi Slu.ll Itu 'nductl. united l'r4 Senalcu WASHINGTON. D. C. Feb. H. The navy appropriation bill U prac tically complete. It contain tho recommendation of Secretary Daniel thai the govern ment buy and operate an armor plate factory. Chairman i'atlgett wrote tbl sec tion, which provides that tho factory shall be under a cummuslon com posetl of tbo secretary of tho navy, threo nival oiticers .and three civil engineers. Will Aslgn Irt. I The children of tho clly who wast to lake part in "The Tom Thumb 'Wedding" are requested lo meet Miss Uessle Martin at tbo Christian church 'Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Miss Mar tin will arrive tonight, nuel the chil dren tomorrow and assign parts, and begin rehearsals at once. All the children ot aged from 3 to 9 years are Invited to take part. j Knftllg Club Dance. IjisI night, in the west hall of the ' - P' buldlng. the Kosllga Club gave, another or it enjoyanio dances, which was attended by upwards ot alxty young people. This popular or ganization has been an important fac tor In the social life ot the younger set this winter, and their dances have all been enjoyable. A delicious punch WM ervo,! Iast even,nS- Klatnmi Club Change Date With the changing ot tho date of the Klka ball, Uio Klatawa Club also tmado a postponement. Their party. instead of being February 20th, has been changed to February 27th. Eighth Graders Are Given Encouragement The following letter is being sent to oery student In the state passing tbo Eighth grade examinations by J. A. Churchill, superintendent of pub lie Instructien: "1 have Just been Informed that you !... ...,rtA...,f..ll.. t ..n..u t.-lUfts. n, .,!,., i tn'iiun uiikiuiu in uiiitir uu uiosuu mu school. I congratulate you on your achievement ,aiul hope you may be so sltuatod that you can enter some high school. "As oue who has worked with high school boy and girl for many years, you will pardon me for urging you, on your ontrauco. to high school, to detormluo to Improve your time each day, that you will prepare yourself to till tho largest sphere ot usefulness in tho world, "Highly resolve that you will make tho best preparation tor each lesson assigned, ana mat you win nave a deep interest in all the activities of your school; and that you will be re- - u - u - uuTjxfaJVtAAAfuX' - u EAST SUFFERERS WORST STORM IN SEVERAL WINTERS thaixh ark stall w and the wireh crippled SealKHinl, Mbvery ami HnMertnM Ar Jteportetl, Opnlally Amomg thm Poor Shlpplaic I (Irratljr Haav lereI by m Fierce Gale Hwearpiaf tlio CuttAt Two Die' at Pittabanf. United Press Barrio SCKANTON. Pa.. Feb. H. The uorat blizzard in fourteen years U nweeplDE this section. There to If teen Inches of snow, and the fall con tinues. Railroad and all traction line are paralysed. United Press Service NEW YARK. Feb. 14. Trains are stalled and street car systems paralys ed as the result of a saow fall of from six to fifteen Inches la Tariotu cltlca throughout the East. The coast is also swept, and shipplas; la suffering from the worst hliaaartl sB years. I There are 7 4 inches of snow Bar. and the fait continues. A six laek tall is reported in Boston, Washing ton and Syracuse, while In Bafalo it is heavier. Everywhere traflU k de moralized. The storm extends to PenBaylTaata, New Jersey, Delaware. Maryland and as far south as Oeorgl. United Press Seme PITTSBURG. Feb. H. Two are dead and three fatally Injured as the result of accidents sustained aa a re- suit of the cold. There la between eight and ten inches of snow In tats part of the state. Martin Better. A wire was received late last night by C. M: Ramsby from San Francisco, to the effect that John Martin, who was operated upon this week for ap pendicitis, had passed a very favor able day. His brother, Charles I. Martin, is now with him, and friends (hero will be notified ot any chance la (his condition. tpectful ulway to your teachers and courteous to your fellow students; that nover for one moment will you be unworthy In any way ot the sacri fices other have made to assist you in your preparation to live com plotely. "Thu saddest stories I know are those ot boys and girls who have been ungrateful to those loving parents who .have sacrificed that their chil dren might be educated, and I beg of you not to be extravagant In your dress not to dresa better than your parents can afford to dresa you. Sim plicity and neatness In attire make for clean thinking and right living, the two great factors in the develop ment of good character, -, "If you are so situated that yaw cannot enter a high school, I bob you will make the most of even op portunity to train yourself far naefml citizenship, through good, reading, that la obUlsaMa where." m 111 m &