iEttenfrra Mvmlh K I.AM ATM KALL8' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS w,i.ii. "- BMI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TIIURSDAV.l'EURUARy 12, 19M -ld h BOHEMIAN HELD BYFEDERAL OFFICIALS DEPUTY MARSHAL AND POSTAL INSPECTOR ARE HERE LOOKING UP THE RECORD OF FRANK CACKA ; """""""" mrr"-!- ... ?fflfc Trow SWWNVVVVWIy,!,,,,), m,. , . - ,-, ,..-.. . ., ihmi iumimiiw hi:m in mv MCTIUN WITH Till.' MPX- moNt; appaih i. tll It'll "lib lliu -, a roui of el. a0 Ai Chatidlor tins a)ay Uirilti AH rlirlionl fotiqlBlIOIt 4I1 U rcmhUfr) ti all tit In-, a rufEtd, hon cl fliftfoetrf. ilmfr. vai much ur- '(.rltrt thai ho !t(llil fir-H (nt Op. TUIH1. lUi II I. Mlcfrii now tilt, I hli ' '' ,r,"U?dHwitloij lit Portland wa a ruto lir yUpM " h "' Hal Mr rk Moll !' Hit. Hutt- Ibr IVjcifol luti to dllrrt aUrtitlnti (r.i 1-cOrr lUn 111 lltn Ttltr lkr star IUhiIi 4ck Wo ArTlwl I full "ii ItmrKK til .ti(iu ABiuBMt f'M Iticlr ubeUlll mntMltniilii MAYPUTC.U UNDER WAR DEPT. 4&$Z rm GAME BOARD IS lkTBO'! (' HOLDING MEETING Illinois Boss Would Be a Member of United States Senate wWMHMMWMMWWWWW RIVER OPENING IN SALEM TODAY IMPORTANT maiiiiiw are UP TIIIHHKHHIOX OPPOSITION "TIiaI IliU u.ilimi, iiintrr Gim, linll iap a in Mrlli of frmttMii, Mini Hint K-nriilllrtlt of Ihn lili-, i) ln -.-lci niut fur lli -iif, liall not wr Mi IliU mult " AhrnliAiu l.lii. ritl it. Work uf AtlJuti'iiK (Ik Game Attain, nf lif Slnlf . id lit l'illllrl-l) ' llroriouilir.1 lr llir Ruartl Mlr , U In IU- RlrMi lulu DUlticU for PiilliV Wnrk, .W runtime ( One I 'I All. (Ilrtald 1(tcII fivnll) 1-OllTIUNIt Pb 13 A iixm lujll hit n lakrn In ihi- wlliiil of a " Ml llunlhimo In wtl In HhiVii- t,n EllNMK.Vr MINMHEIUM; TAK- inu riiiixtio.n or iaht ar ni.i.iniv hk.:kvi. prom tiii; .tate i KA.S'VlUNCIlU'O, Krli IJ.-Tlicjr. Unit prpmliioty ilm lor utarl ll?v "lili ihc lniuc uf i'-!) J U' (tlrracht l llio llti Tnul ltil JUitsti Uftk u( KUmalli KIU lurcrl lUl-lo lb.lrJ uf V M Olntbillnr, 4tltf of (ho Mctrlll-Tuln IjKo tai I!m. I'maV (rk. a llolirtnlau fri- lutMUt tiinii. U wna.r u. jtir Intl. ini-it.pi. um fiw in W.iiliieiiiii C?k iqninunM t aj.'sr U- ' lU"' r,u "' l1'" c',4,t Artl-?o foi. llm fjrr (ina Jury in t-.lriii',c,'r,r ' "', rloi cwai lr. Iln wfc. clrlr HUMlliin.d lirM,r ' '" lll Jltrll) Uf.rr Willi UUIrlrl Atlitinry Krainim, is4 ibU ufftrcr itixlitiHl II uiiM lo i4ili4ba in ,u4 CairKa lirtr. hii bcfmthrr itucileailnti lpulf I HUtn Wnrlm l. I' Folltr nd I'ixUI lttMirltir P K CEMENT SHOW IS ON IN CHICAGO Culled l'r-! Bnrlr itAI.CM. Ktb. J5 A UinroUKli tv nrKatilrjtlou uf Oir came warden y Irin In tiflnc taken ui by ,lj" tate ruh mill enltli' conitnliuloti. which tommfiiritl a n-mlon 1I1U mornlnic. IS BEING WITHHELD i '.SI.WOTT HAYH 8KIX8 KEKP8 PA- I'fclW'COXFIIIKXTlAI. 'OrfKw CouTHinnii Told Ttet ! cUion H 111 lit, Aaaoaaccd te Fw Uaya, Bat That Tbwe U Not Mack Chuc of ChMce Um Wrltaa That Sells Ha Cbaae tf Cm lie Showa HBr It Stxmld Be I A Uort Urn aso ta KUatatk Chamber of Commerea tltcrapa4 $5 to Indian CoaualatloBar SaUa. aak Inc him to tend a traaacrlBt of taa papers filed by taoaa oppoatas Ua ea enlnu of the Wllllamsoa aad 8ankfa rlrers to locslaC- Today Secretary Wylde recalvad taa followln- from CoBsraanaam N. J. lllUIIIM OK tO.V;itKTK ti:li:.T. AMI .11.1. avIMtt MACHISKIU ON IHHI'UW Tilt: fOMSKl'M ItOKer Uulllvao. bo of at lot will come from the White Home to I AcrurUInK to fhalnusu Illlyou of of the democratic party In llll-ibow an Indication of the president' Ithf cummjmlou. It u plaiun-il iw lake'1101''' au ' ' "I" United StaUt fwllnip. Jt wai upected. that In u. Mn -., ...... ,...l,",",, Many republican aro watch-p Jew of the action of SuUIran at the . jltiK Ilb canaldrrable Interetit to try f national democratic conrentlon ln.Slonett: llhi. Kami, adiiilnlitratlon out of the Jlo ,., the attitude of the VIIou ad- Haltlmore. when President WlUon "I had a talk today wit naiitm ut iiaiiM) aru.-n uniey, nud .minitratlon. got his nomination, iome IndlcaUon jsloncr Sella relaUve to roar ntfiaat AXIi,"u ",m Utv lo '" l"or,, a""on j "" ' ul luem wjk-ci anymms mimii oe Kiren. f0r copiea of compUlaU. ate, I11H fcy OP in oilier invthod of protrctlon. Ho 'will aim dlrnet (he icn-iiilflr and lu. Tcallonnl work to he rarrliil on by the late. ! For police work 11 U planned to dl Mn lhi' atate'lnto four dlntrlru, each ilo If In cliarnr of a district warden. thn .ar itr.aflltirit and lakrli olillr-- ly Aay fmin thf jurUillriluii of Uip I Unltid l'e ,Hervic .-iioimt tiuaru aiiiiiotiuMi oftlir-iiir., rilll'AllU. r. IS -Tm hudrnl Th.-o nirn will Im. in charK of opera ferrnt ulalw In which th-y am li. rahlbliot itun iiiurnltiK completed 'tlona In thrlr illntrlct. ami tho war-r-"- 'lhlr illpl . rfi the ('ollfriiiu for Utc uli-n will rpiort lo the niate name Allium eh tli tiUti l ttinroh a Ini- rrnili national i.v4irm how. Al-fboanl While-.; halo U'vh ncnt lo Klatnatli lalli miip and mi atlllititlUlho Itifor- "" t,r kind of ckiiikiiI uorklDRJ foaaiy. Q mk a furthrr lutr.tlca. mntiott ha pii far bcni cicii out n- taacmnery. maioriai and producu Hon Into thn ran eardlne It, 11 1" known hern that It la Hint ruler lino roncrvln rotintructlun Cfk ratuo utidtir utilrltin a hnft b"IHB Mrloiiil) rotxlitrrrd by (lie mil- on Iltla- uhoii the Drat t tailor! owv iu m rnnnrcilon with Ihn rftU-ii"ry atiwor iiipk. nnnri inn inun noin rciirunrj- I, PARRISH FUNERAL POSTEN FUNERAL , WAT 11 TOMORROW TOMORROW lt of Ihn flfiif ttitr IH a p"tl mony Thr t'oail Aitlllery ltrrvpi ntn In a rl liy tlicmiif hrn o far a Na' :ui III lontu-cilon mHIi ihn how tho tollowliiK orRnitltntlouri brRuti abort Kcoluiiit toila) Attirrlcuii Courrctu' IliKtlllllr. Nalloimt lliillilum' Hupply AmiorUlloii. Niitlonal Confcruiirn on ' llnnal (limrd onsanlinllon I rotireiu- 0k it 11,0 Mad,, farmer who a "'. Thrlr flrlil work U nillri'l)' At rtl a( (all mi rlmfKP of ItmlhiB ,t Cll ballrrlr. KAtlllK wml-occa- atOmtiiM whllo thnlr owimra wfi loiallr. when Ihny til out oil matin!" tutk huntitig i, i',,!,, i.,,) 0 r.It.r a Infaniry with National Ouant Cim;n-I Itoail llulMliiK. llllunU I'M a iI-a of tjullly, ami flnr.l '"'"" iriMip. bnr ninl llulMirn tfupply Doatcru, In- 1 ty JmMIco of B ivarp llrtwcn. ' In lima of war the) are. Immndl- rrUt Maniifaeturer Aaaoclatlon. Tha fnlir,! Htain, nrflclnla am to-lalrly avallablu for aclual ilmy. for Tho aoclailon nlotu. have pvrrU T wVln an Inv0.tla;altoii In Hi.'ilmlr work l atirh that ihi-y ar-- not """ m-imbpni. mont of whom. It 'Iflaliy nf M-.rrlll ami Title Ukn. lo uniiorso w-k of rJolJ u clninu-U. aiII nttoiiU tli aliow Tho alli-m-ilnt fonsfrlro were thr traltilnt; lo Imnti-ii tlu-m aiifflrlrntly '" ". HnR'-r U preldt of fM'if i:i,rrne Haton bclm; nrrr-l- for ramp.nlEii purpour Tlu-y ran h "'" rB;iiilntlon which conduct the In Idaho iap July, ami hld In Iplar.-.l In t.-riimnrut caiiihi nl .i .Iny'n Ui niamath riiiinty jail for nix inollrn mid man llm aen ronul itpfence ""MHIH, ) , fllmllw III..,.....! If l.l.l...... ... ,ll.v I..-I.I....I ... K..l. ....n., lll'HIHIVMi II. I niniMll .1.11 t.'MM. .....I. l llllil- t'liliiK' I tin iiipii for work' Midi n the iiiohlle nrmy I obllKrd to ilo FISH ARE ALL IN FINE SHAPE KKUVICKS WlMi UK IX CUAKGK IIOUK IH CH.AXGKI) TO ACCOMMO OP TIIK LOOAI. U)IK3K OP KI.KH, DATE FKIKNDS FROM BONANZA AT KI.KS IX)IKU-IIKUT1V AX) VICINITY NMIVICK AT HKRi: I'ltr-SUITEIUAN CHURCH . isanillpr OrUer of tho Merrill Ml Ukr r.iai;e( won arrmteil In rou- BrandReactorCows State Board Will Insist on More Stringent Rules FALL ON STREET FRACTURES ANKLE .ioiix witt sustains injury whim: wai.kixu ox pavi: mi:xt ox main stri.kt wki xi.sii y kvkxixo Sllir.Mi:.T OP rUSTKRX IIIIOOK TROl!T K(iCS RfUCH MPKNCKR cri:i:k iiatciihrv ix good condition IK'piity (laum Ward on Henry Stout htm ri'tnrueil from tipcucur Creek, whoro he went with thu ahlpment of Ifiit.ouu ICimtvrn brook trout sent lu here from Colorado. Tho egg arts now In jiroceiw of development ut the hutrhory then'. Slnto Plh KxjHrt A J. Spranue w:ih at tho hatchery Wd had avery thliiK In roadluciM miu Stout ar rived. Tho cKga vHfa nil found to Ih In excellent condition. ! The fununil of the late J. 1.. l'ar-i In order to accommodate friends of rlh will bo held tomorrow afternoon Mrs. N E. I'osten from Bonanza and nt 2-30, at Elks hnll. Fourth and vicinity who wish to attend her Klamath. The local lodge will have funeral, the lime of tomorrow's cere- rhaiKu of tho funeral. monlal baa been changed loll o'clock Charles I'arrlsh and Mrs. George, w Hagny. brother and sister of the de-' The services will be held at the cetmd, arrlxed last night from Can-' Presbyterian church, Rev. Stubble- )on City to attend tho funeral. RODEO PICTURES ALL OVER U. S. field being In charge. At the cemetery 'the services will be conducted by Prosperity Itebekah Lodge. K.nnj ProKrwslves Meet United Press Service TOPEKA. Kaus.. Feb. 12. With dellance to the Old Guard republicans as tho keynote of the meeting. Kan- !sas progressives met hero today to i.i-. .. .... ..., . i i PHOTOS TAKK.V HY WIMCTr MA.iu'"u " Bl"1" '" -Brcsaioaai piai- In nrilcr to protect tho ronNUiimm j wiry uriMiiin. ), tl,o Mnl0 of 0,. Jn from m,llir mk 1(( HU? yo .. k H'""l"ry Imnril Is iihIiik extra CBM.4"1 " "lt",l,"t M"'MM 'llry .,,.'. "r U""rK" - Mllchell, vcl M Un for Klnmath county, I In l. . '" " U'UvT rn" ' Vl. W II. I.ylte, nnlttK rlcl oll. Z r,",'1,0' "" ,,lWl1 fi'KonrdliK W Mt ii,brri, tmry rultlo. Tho filer In purl follow.; mi ,, WIU "n, lhftl rcuuUllon 10, '' SO of iho llvoslock nnnlUry imm rrnv1,,u'" ,l,ul ' anlmnla that Wi ',' " "wculln tmi lmll bo nt!t wlh 'h0 Mr '"'" ' 'p It W, , " v"" nna a reactor I t.iv . '" ,'w"ry that yoii Imiiiedl. fori... ," Mm I'rovldoil Mntl.lrKulatloti. In rl. . ! '"a "0,no ,rou0 o' ! M to reactor c.ttU that har h it'll li'ntiiil by wtorlniirliiiiH nuthor IximI to iiiliulnlNter liili'mliilo IoiiIh, iih hiiiiip ciittto Hint hnvo leurted to the leal Imvif ninmroiitly boon moved Mro on Main street. Hoiih and thi'lr lilcntliy Huh John Witt, formoily aiiperlntond out of tho county poor farm, sustained u fractured iiuklo WodnoHday ovonlnK iih dm n-Hiilt of a full on tho pave- mmit In front of llobort & iIuukh CAFETERIAS IN (IKK laST JULY ARK TODAY BK. IXG DISPiaYKD IX PHARMACY VIXIM)WS form. Seventy Kansas counties were represented at today's convention. OAKLAND SCHOOLS other i hi'iiii lout, Dip owners roiilvintluK that tho animal had died, lluiicc, you can Hen If reactor initio urn IiiiiiiihII ati'ly hramlnd thoro ran bo no rlinnru of (hull- Im I iik movod to uiIht mHoiih ami Hold iih tiibrculoiiH froo cattle. "Also, thoro Htt'iiiM to bo a lack of knowlcilKo I'oiirnrnliiK Hortlon 31, which providcM that 'No public auc tion hiiIo or any hord or part of n herd of dairy iiiiIiiiiiIn, or nnlmalH In tonilcil for hrcedliiK purpoHCH, nliall ho hold oxcept (under tho process of court, iiiiIi'hh all tho anlmulH nfferod for mile tmvn, within twelve months pilor to micli mile, boon submitted to u tuborciillii lost mid received u cer tlllcnto uf hwillh from n qunllfled vet vrlnarlaB.1 " ' Ilo wiih croHHliiK from tho Palm CI-1 Kr titoro when tho accident hnppcm'd, Will wiih taken to tho lllackhiirn hot- tillul, mill the Injury atleudcil lo by 'Dim, lliimllloii and Morrow, lllitli School PIk In to HoBohl Hulled Press Service DALLAS Oro Fob. 12 The pupils of the Alrllu high school nro today MOTHERS' CI.UII AXD HOARD OP V:il'('ATION I URMHIl DISHES, ETC., AND l.U.NCIIEOXS ARE SERVED AT COST (Herald Soct-liil Sen ice) OAKLAND, CallL. Fob. 13, Tho cafeteria criuo has Htruck tho public MChools of Oakland, and In u short Ituiu each of tho fouiteon new nchools In this city will bo equipped with uu iii-(o-datu restaurant, nt which tho children can K't a tint lunch at cost faltcnlui; a hIb: for tho mnrkot. to nb tnln fuuilH with which to purchase il'i'lw IkuiIih for the Hchool library nml' 'I'hu Washington school Is the first t'Utihiiiieiit for Iho gyinnaRluni. Thto try tho oxporlmoul, tho Mothers' pig. douuted by a put run of tho school, UHli of that Institution being respou- U koit at Iho hcIuioI linuse, mid the children dally bring audi food as will hooii mtiKo it ronuy ror couveraion Into chop and apaxerlk. slble for tho Innovation. The club has upproprlatt'd 11 BO (or dlsUos mid tublo utensils, ami tho board of edu cation supplies tho chain and table. ' 1.11. A n tl..v ..lA. ...... a.t... I... 1.. 1 I , wi nip luiiuiva ittnvil uy rui-' .... inett Mugee of the Underwood phttr-lra,,laly '" macy, showing tho best of tho bron-l clio buhtlng at thu Elks' Uodeo at! Klamath Falls, are being displayed this month in 25,000 American drug! store windows, and In windows of the J lending drug stores of England aud Canada. , These pictures are featured la a big two-colored window display sheet gotten up by tho Weoks' Ilreak-a-Cold Tablets compuny of Des Molues, Iowa, London. England, aud St. Thomas. Ontario, Canada. On tho samo sheet, only not so prominently displayed, are plcturos of "Choyenne Al," world's champion bucking horse rider, and "Arlxonu Hill," champion trick rider and roper. in the January Ustio of Weeks' Bui lettu also appears a reproduction of n window display of the Underwood pharmacy, Tlieso pictures, adorning the win dows of thousands of drug stores and "Rloudj" Better. Yulo (lllondy) t.arrlck, who under went an operation for appendicitis at thu Blackburn hospital Sunday. Is 'opponents of the opealas ot tk WU- Illanuon and Spraguo rlws ta Ic ging. He Informed me that K wa the Invariable rule of hta oase to treat such documents as coaldemtlal. and for this reason he woald he ma able to comply with your reqaeat. Ha informed me that h has returned Ua 5 and written you relative to Uw j rules of the departateat la sack aaat- 'ters. "He further Informed ma that la a few days he would acquaint m wkh the final determination as to permit ting logging on the rivers, bat he rather indicated that there woald be no material change la the present status and unless he changes his salad it looks as if the chances for a grant of any substantial coaoessloasi ara very slight." The same mall also brouaht the following to Oeorge Cbastala front Senator Harry Lane: "... The question la now be ing considered by the coaualaatoa of Indian affairs, and he has Informed me, through his assistants, that he ta willing to modify his opinion If he can be shown the wisdom of doing so. I shall call upon him again In a day or two and ascertain what decision he has arrived at concerning the nat ter." A meeting wilt bo held at the Chamber of Commerce this after noon, and several members of the In dian council from the reservation will be present. Joe Hall, chairman of the council, is considering sending a tele gram to Commissioner Sells, asking him to delay his decision until the In dian council, as a body, can meet and formulate resolutions, to be seat by wire. Pork-'TentoPan" i (Miss Carpenter Has New Domestic Training Plai Acting on tho belief that the mora her class knows about tho production of tho Ingredients usod in cooking, thu more Interest they will take In their work, Msh Adillo Carpenter, at the head of thu department of domestic bcleuce of tho high school, has inaug urated n "tako-a-look" Berles ot trips. The llrst ot tbeso was taken Wed uosday, when Miss Carpenter accom- bearing the legend "Klamath Falls, I panlod hor class lo tho Klamath Falls Oregon," will obtain for this city an roller mllU. Manager Mrfrtiu of the amount of publicity that could not bo mills very graciously escorted tho obtained for thousands ot dollars, young ladles over the plant from cel lar to garrett, explaining the process of turning wheat Into flour. The next trip ot the class will be to tho Klamath Falls bakery, where Mr. N'urml will show the latest aaal tary machinery for mixing bakery goods. On another day the class will be tulioa through the People's Market to watch the evolution of a nig, from the pea to the pan. k Those trips, with tat mfermatloa gathered, aro bound to prer both hat terestlng and Instructive. I m m I m aj