Eht u inting Mvmlb KLAMATH PALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER UKT -& . qs.?sri, ifc -r 00 W.II. ."' . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1914 0C0 TREASURER ASSESSOR TURNS TAX ROLLS OVER T uiiurnoN in- rwiw wii.1. .u rt. Ilir '' Value Hie Yur.Ct.lln'"''!'' ' MUmlt INimi. u i"liw I" ll-lf Million IMt (,vVrlt llwtMl lH'M rt,, I. rl l I. VMAawxai, I'l Hltnii'l '' , Vm on it'e la roll lr 1913 ! li tomlMl l' Awil J I' I-- 4 M (S'IHll drillll. and lly , l mil in Hi, l' luru nf lal'oJtIJ TfratUIPf ilmal ('tltleC IhMt l Ur "" imiurnr limnit 10 pf 'Md T). lln MMrri III KUmtalll atumisti l in ? " "lhlltl. lJrd. fitlto .- is:o,isi : Railroad Men Who Want Higher Rates Ton ! 3.30 : I'ciMieiti'ii-idr I?K3.9 T)i Ml lMr it( Utalilr iriirtlt is KlBt. rouMli It pUrii! at II" ' J. 31 Of till, the Utirol Item b iftc, titun nl I9.S97 "14 Tm i4 rllj li an (r a VatllA- ifecp(il.: ?i a iulf an a. is. ir ItiifJ, M itirir flu In fimii) u it i:.o:e Of Ibr luUI Valuation tit ae. p-fi) lit lit county- 161,..' U1I trrt-tti Iho valup (if put. Ik wjsUihi Th"t afe arrt af Ik. Male li rummUlou, II I IMi cmmitut, Ilir plant. 1 vtyetrnt. Ilftr- rtf, ti( io Calif it,".. UOfrfon l'orr'cim'n lllilo U 'OUAly ale umJ At 193, ft? ' T& fastthrrn pacific' holding ar" tw4 t lJt 335 , I In Mlflitim n( Htulliln mltutf 4'Utnlltij. County Treasurer J W. tcM h4 ifrifr4 romplrU lit of tin. county warrant hleh are Jtrtd by tho fr.n.ii) ,ui ml 3hT t i.mi.i: i'iti;iui h iti ami ( it s i .ty HKumt li' MiiiMf oiiiri i -itjtiin tint lAiiti'iii hi it-rtttiu i null Bt tin. Jjimmry icrm ill llj .mil, wm'iiIiM lit l tnnrnltiK Ity Hmliiiinll & I'.'f KtiBou, and lint io in Tintility' llnritlil wan ni(p(, villi Uint uiiitemtnii'l- rim llnmlit'ii ri'iMfiilall( nt Hie I) it(ll 111 Iguk UM'T lll. rullliMlllt lfll 111 li 1 1 til o It w irpmf..ij Tuw.l)- until It t ninl li mcinilug," said At turn' Mi, it, J IVkuhuii to llu ir iltrull ruttfl clrtt' olJlcc INDIANS MAKING WAN IS MOTOR CAR SERVICE MEXICAN SCRAP STILL LIVLIER AltMOlt u..ti mi:v I I IISU tiii: ATTAt'K Tlliillmiltil I' Drfi-nillliK City. I'mr TIimi Ilir) Will llavf lo lt-In-rtl Ji,.l (i Vi-ur Aku Tlmt Hurt- la llniiti,- I'rnlilrnl nt Mrilru In firmllllK llltllfl TlmitlKll Ilir IPxIr, if lli Hilrlnr. TWO VIKWH )!' IT 'I'lio Kuii;ii Ouard tayt Klnmnttt I'nll will roI on liiii Il'iuor iucillim thl fftll. Klanmtli KatU In u quaint "I'l lown it mill iian naloonn." TtiU fo in men I mlKiit alto linro been InlMidfd to aiinly to Inrh fl'ld nl mhihi of tin- niUnr Iho cll(-j of Coo county ilcU art not dry Mnrnhflcld H?cord 1 Senator Oliver Beards Pastor BOWLING TOURNEY STARTED IN EAST; Invited i'resa Hcrrlcw MKXICU CI1V, I'pU II. Till Iv tile uutilwrtary of tli nnjaliiatloii til 1'fi.tliliil Kfiiri near Ilir N- mu iit.NHi'tiiir,Tiu.s MirrnoiM tnirVf A, I'ml Nrtiluan IJltl tSrfo A l'tt, lUrtlitrltl Of I llf IUIInf llutltiniit Atiiwlnllon, ha rump dt Hi eint lie bill of linirrr rtilaiitp lcli. Mlilrli rr'iulr ttif Utlflllltl III lr rol (or HKurlt n MM in utltli Hl;iTi:il. i iumiii.i: hi- niMMi.'itri: u.t in m si;ssiif Tii&t llic-n thiiuiU lm h iiKilnr i-r uo nil Ilir iiiiiticrti I'flclrtr lTlr"n Mtmsttli IViU nnd IVIiran City. Al Kntu.1 iliW" uui link and M)lni on l,v K.a.l no I. uf lie 1 1'. A ttlx HUE- .Koillun ill ml. ai Ut nldu' ni.Mtlnt; ' l lliii I'll a ml. t'liinnii-trir Uf I ' JliintU-f V A ivlnfll. Till iimllri tatLml mrr itli J K tra .line (tHclit ami ! trliKcr ticM of '.it. tuiUllirril I'acinc, h0 mlit! IftUU.tiln tit It. A com mtilpti !!! bv named to take ti;! up r lli tin. oiiieUU iuJt ntclit' -iliili was the rcC uUr inunltily mmi lrn' KAtiivriue, and man)' matipm v. rr - dUcu.cil, A feature a a lun ttroit. irorldHl by 8 II and Vftey Kvana d Il Wyldr and cr il by thrlr wim. iinnal I 'allien by llucrin. Marine :otni dtimunatration, all tin- trooM In llit tity arc on Kturd duly today. vMitt ntoM .middm: wit a.m TIIOM f.tN.lOA auk K.NTKUKII ll'llt I'ltlI.S "IM)IMj" IIAIX 1.4 IIAKHKII OIT A Ititiuaand rcbt U ar rrirt.d nl MoiitiTt')'. and thr 1 1 ill.- tbat num-l brr at I'tlpbla. Vaiul Indiana itct alo bfnlvKluR Tt'rirtiUii I'ucblo tiMlny Tliry nre imrtli ulurly eavnt;.., Mini art. tiKhllnt; rili Kiin and n"arn Tbrlr litadrr ar altlrtl lu ancient armor, n-lle of I lie old Kiaulnlt day. A tnounand f liriiln ntv di'tciidliin ll'tilltd I'ivm 8rvk 'iBUd in paymrnt of iaxr ran be Ktrfitrd X. NORTH FILES HIS PETITION hm'ai. ma.n win, oi-iitm: nu.. tv:i,i:iik ik ui nut hhim.ii. Ut'AV .NOMINATION AT Tilt: MVll,u, lliUileir Thl l!t 1ll lw u.l mirf "" ' railway Thla ork a inmltio tthnlirr or not warrant ,0 'm '"' ',u"" it undiT tlio irnllon of Km bill Hut Mr I'ont )iiikd Mr lUrh oin (lKtifri to trot Dial thr to.t if th rlianKf ould m 1395,01)0,000, minrtlilnc which could not ln diilio vrtlhoill an nihil tirr In ! fr"lsht rate on all road. Thl notltluti lit Uditid by .SMmnn Krb, irrldrtit of Dm Mliiiii-fl'(ill and HI. I.)U railroad llo lnlt that It U luiiotlliln for Hi" rnllroada to in rrcaMi Ihrlr farlll(l out of rarnlncn or uriliir. "I hatn reached Ihi conviction Hint ratw mutt ! IncrrSted to onntiln thr railroad to utit mrt of their ri iUlrim.nla from nurplii cnniliiKi and lniinii thrlr c rid 1 1 to uabl tlu'iu to obtain (tin iuaii nr'Mary to mix't Iho trnuorlntlon nefda of n urow Iiik cMHlry., III railroad rporl n aurplua tif fUiS.uuO for ill" year i-intod Juno .10, rluUnlniil to 7.0 icr cent on tln rc ferrpd alock, rompartxl with n didlclt I tin prolmi jmr of H77,000, REGISTRATION IS PICKING UP SLOW tho city Thrlr 'fHly downfall frarrd POSTEN FUNERAL FRIDAY MORNING ItlLMAINS ItltOICJHT lli:ili: TODAY I'ltOM IIO.VAN'a, AM) .sKKVICS wii.t, in: I'.viiKit tiii: At'Hi'irt; III HKHCKAIIs JJINKKAI'OMS, Feb. 11. From loa, Uconmii, Minnesota, the L)a- ikotoa and Canada bowline team con KreKated bcr today for iho opinion ilkon of (he International llowllnc Astoclatlou which will hold forth until February 22. Thero U far more lntcru-d raaut fcjtled lu 111..- cungreM thl year than er btfore. and tho contexts today at tracted bit callcrlo. The crowd nr; having marked effect upon the coutottaut, aa the olllccr of the as sociation arc tryinz out a ulan never Ibffoii' attempted that of giving Itiiick; la culi pritrs every cent of the Katv rccelpu. From the looks of the Initial gal lery, tho players art coming in for fat prltvi this year, and all of thetn bax'o n In with a determination to break records. The "dodo" ball is barred. Those who planned to put one over on the oniciuU by using the shot'flllcd sphere will be caught in tho act by the scales thul have been ordered Installed. Many bowlers brought their fami lies for the session, and women were eterwhhero evident among tho en-thtndaitts. I I OTICi NTIlK.MiTll lll'llllnir.. The remain of the late Mm N. 11. IN ml en. who was found dead lu her rabln on a hnmenlcad near Dairy, J . were brought to Klamnth Falls today J lirnfl IflUk fllll I from Ilonaiua' Tho funeral will be Nill A VK A Kill I "held Friday nl 10 30 a. tu. I" In hem days of big libraries It Ky .S'cirih Hit. wftrrnoou nled hit Itlltlon for candidacy l the ciiurl wo. He tr..k thn republican nuiif lO'imy, promunt to In, Inierctlnl2 'allm rouniy clerk. County CUrk 0. II. It,. Up ha. nlxi W M iKiiuion for tho itoinlimilnii. Ifcortr between tin. two in mi linih H known ihrough the county, prom.(Pm odd to spread the news that ,u "i iiitereiiilng. (Colleftln nnf book nt Princeton has ,, " "' i been brought up to eight volume. crlimtiiii u n ,(ti,, iunlin. Hut they nm nil early bookH on Amor- rm fur mnrrlnge In Norway nml Ko Vespurrl, whlrh makes n big tllC- N'' Iference. I. W. W. Seeking Pardon Will Camp at Sacramento to Get Hopyard Rioters Uttl"l Press Uervlca ( "AN FltANdlHCO, Fob. U.Tl.o "''Witttlilnguii," rlll). of hu . Hoytui (,iWy porfnclcd plniiH, Jh'rohy n,)iy w hoM ,WMWW(I j'?'"""r,l0i Nrsnndo (lovornor "on to pardon Huhr nud KorU. Si ?B wUh ," ' w- W. rlou nl wend hop yard last toll, wuun " oncwn wr kllM. According t ibu l'll,,IH onHltiocI, "(limornl" Charles Kelly, roiumnndlng tho nrmy, will mnnrh with 3,000 men lo Hiu'ruiuoiito next week. At Hncrnimmlo thoy Intend to ramp until JohiiMim pardons tho pair, whom tho inurclieiH deslru to hnvo nrcom puny thorn to Washington, I. 0. "Any iloiiuniHtrntlou wo make will bo peaceable," sultl Kelly today. "In caso our request U refined, wo will continue our march." T Is ISTIMATKII AT Maitl.Y A,inmi SO FAIt, OM.V M!l IIAVK i:itoi.i.i:i lle you reglitteretU To this omowhnt oxer fmr thous and iiitist answer "no," fur out of thu nearly S.OOO person entitled to bnl lol nt the nominating primaries In Muy and Hie general eletllon in No vember, only fi52 h:ie registered nt the clerk's oltlre. ItegUimtlon by prerlntls follews: Fourth Ward " Cast KHmath Falls 77 1 1tlttl Ward ." Hertinil Ward 60 West Klamath Fall , "J 3 Hhlpplngton 9 Mills Addition 3C Mnlln .,.... B Pint 0roo IB Wood Uler 12 Lost Hlver ' Tuln IJikn . . . . i K IMlry l Odell Poe Valley " Klnnmth l.nko i ' Pleviift a Worden 3 Midland r' lllldnbrnnd 3 Bprnguo Hlver 3 UmKolt Vnlley 7 Swim Algomn Ml, l.akl f' ItegUtrntlou nt the. court houso doeii not entltlo one to voto nt tho city election, to bo held In May. This registration will open nt tho city hull Mnrr-li 1st. "Old calory" MtMita. Tho Hplendid ling presented to tho lllversldo school by K. 11. Bpraguo Chapter, WoniciiV llollef Corps, It ugiiln uufurled to thn broese, Thn halyards on the flagpole became out of order recently, and tho repairs have Just been made. The enlce will lie In charge of Prosperity Itebekah Lodge. Hew J.' 8 Ktubhlefleld, Utor of the l'resby-1 terlan rhurch, will delUer tho sermon.! MOOSE ONEN E PUPILS TO HEAR OF ABE LINCOLN IIKI.7.KI.I, Wll.l. I.IXTt'ltK AT CKX THAI. AXI IMVKHHIIIK HCHOOUS Till: OH'ItT HOt'SK Wll.l. UK CLOSKII TOMOItltOW I'lUMlltKSSIVKS ASSKMIItK, AMI I HKVKUUKiK Wll.l. HK PUI.V I ril'KI. SlK.4KKIt PAHTY SKIIS A VIITOKV x United Press Service MNCOLX, Nob., Feb. 11. Mem bers of the progressiva party in Ne braska gathered here today in a state wide nil-day meeting, nt which the work ot tho party and tho plans for tho coming campaign are to be dis cussed. Former Sonutor Albert J.Uoverldgo Owing to n new ruling rognidlug legal holidays, thu postottlce, banks ( la to bo the principal speaker, and public schools will not iloso to-( "The progressive party U here to morrow lu honor uf Lincoln's birth day. Tho county oltlces will bo closed. stay lu Nebraska, anil there Is to bo no amalgamation with tho republican Tomorrow mornlug V. A. Deliell "party, no absorption by It nud uothlng will lecture on Lincoln at tho Central, that savors of uutou with tho forces school, Tho following morning will spenk nt the Hlversldo school he GOLD MINE IS NOW COAL MINE I'nllod Press Service UKIJDINH, Calif.. Feb. 11. Work ed for years for gold nud silver, u mlno two miles from Harrison flulch today Is being worked for coal. A vein of ten feet ot hard ronl was cut Into on tho (iOO-fool lovol. Tho mlno Is ilfty-llvo miles from any railroad. The strike Is considered tho most im portant ronl II ml over mndo lu California. Tho uniforms worn by ohicera ot sotnu of tho Hrltlsh regiments coat $1,000 each, that used to accompany us down the political put lis," said Chairman Cor rick, "Tho ouly way tho republicans can proceed In our direction iu tho futuro is by voting for our, candidates nud supporting our priuctples." Iluying Moro Machinery. "llloudy" Crauo was In tho city ou Tuesday after u loud ot farmlug ma chinery for tho Crauo & Walters ranch ou tho Lost River. Visiting HcbooU. County School Superinteudeut Fred Peterson has gone to Qonania and vicinity to visit the icboola. He will return Friday or Saturday. Many Industrial firms lu Qermnny tiso cloth for donning purposes In- stond ot the cotton waste that la usual here. Tho achoine has tho advantage of economy. Subscribe for the Herald, SO cents a BOBtk. i " - ll dr -, $bT nal lKj3aW saeaeaW eQLgMfllfc stseaeaeaeaeBatsW eaeW aeaeaeaeaeaeaHaeaeW'aeslH aaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeLeVaV'aVffLH&aeaw HANS SCHMIDT IS GIVEN THE DEATH SENTENCE TODAY MUltOKUKIl HHOU'S XO EMOTION WHATE'KK Justice Davis Comdenuw Mtudwrer of Abju Anaaller Co Destth ki Om Klrrlric Chair March a Prteesier IU lle Titkn to tUatj Slave Wltero He Will He Held Until Ue Day of Kiecutioa la Meiv. Senator George T. Ollrer of Pitts burg accepted the challenge of the Iter. Charles K. McCIellan. Issued a short time ago, thai Pennsylvania had no senator whom bo might call to his pulpit, lie went into the pulpit, tbat In the Falrhllt Baptist Church, and gave, definite answers lo seventeen questions by the pastor. The senator was cheered by the congregation, which Is largely made up of persons living In iho textile district of that city. Ho said the laboring mas should organize to gain by proper means the best wages their employers could af ford to pay; that employers and em ployes should submit to arbitration before strikes were declared; that good wages could be paid only when business was prosperous; that he feared the democratic tariff would cautc industrial depression, and that all that could be done was to "wait and see." Tho congregation applauded when the senator declared In favor of local option, and again when he came out for woman suffrage. He disclaimed any connection with tho Oliver steel milts In Pittsburg, and added that no matter what might be tho conditions iu the mills "it Is not fair play to charge it against me.' "Tho attacks against the owners ot the plant," he added earnestly, "are mendacious and malicious. I dare say that If 1 were not in public life noth ing would be said about them." Tho senator announced that he would not bo a candidate for re-elec tion. Tho initiative and referendum recall ho denounced. United Press Bervlco NEW YORK. Feb. 11. For Mur dering Anna Aumuller and after die- ,raembcrlng her body, throwing the pieces In the Hudson River, Haaa I Schmidt must die la the electric chair March 23d. Sentcnco was passed upon him thla morning by Justice Vernor Davta. i The condemned man showed afceo- lutcty no emotion when sentenced. He announced that he had nothing to say Just before the court panted the sentence. While the words were being pro nounced tbat measure his stay upon earth. Schmidt stood erect, not notic ing those in the court room. When the sentence was pronounced, be held his hands out to n deputy to be stand cuffed, and waa taken front tke room, on his way to Slag Sing, where ke will be held until electrocuted. Defore he went before tke court the men asked IT ke wink ed to make a statement to tkea. He sent back a note penned as follews: "Beyond thla Vale of Tears, There la a life above. Unmeasured by flight ot years; And all that life ia Love." On Vacation. Or. Warren Hunt left today for a short vacation with friends near the Agency. POPE CONFERS DEGREES TODAY United Press Service ROME, Feb. 11. In recognition of unusual religious service per formed during the past year. Pope Plus today formally conferred tke rank of domestic prelate, on n large number ot priests. The list Includes Monsignor Jeremiah. Lindsay. Can ada; Monslgnor Jannea MacCloekey. Jaro. Phllllpine Islands; Monslgnor Bernard J. Bradley, Baltimore; Mon signor Edward II. Murray, Peters borough, Canada, haa also been cre ated a private chaplin to Pope Plus. Itrltelutha Meet. A meeting of the members of Pros perity Hebekah Lodge will be held this evening at I. O. O. F. hall, to ar range for attendance, at the funeral ot the late Mrs. N. E. Posten. Cross Upper Lake Ice Two Women Make Daring Trip to Get Delayed Mail t'nnblo to remain auy longer ou au Upper Klamnth Lake homestead with out huirliiK from their relatives and friends, with tho totters piling up for thorn In the Klamath Falls postotUce, Mrs. Itose Torroy uud Miss Maud Nail, two Klamath women who are homo steadlug near Odessa, crossed Upper Klamath Lake ou tho lea Tuesday, uud catching a stago at Algoma, came on Into town. From Odessa, w hence they started, Mrs. Torroy and MUs Nail walked tifteeii miles. The greater part ot this dlstnnco represents tholr hike across the froxeu surfaco ot tho lako. Tho woman stated that they have contemplated thu trip to town for somo time, but havo beeu halted by misgivings us to the thlckneas of the Ice. After a wait ot five week for mall, they became desperate, and made tholr trip. ' Sinco the Upper Lake waa closed to navigation there has been no Ball service to Upper Lake points. Only when some homesteader happens to come to town la there any possibility of mull reaching the people there. Iu summer the upper country Is glvvu a dally service by mall boats. but tho freeslng ot the lake prevents this lu vvintor. This tall, the post office department advertised for bids to maintain a trl-weekly mall servlee ovorland to Odessa, but this Is sldered too strenuous a schedule, i thoro was. no contract Bade. Whllo here, Mrs. Torrey and Miss Nail are taking up tbe Batter C twice-a-week aervlee. Theyespeette circulate a petition among tke nssne steaders, asking tke government te Inaugurate tkls, M ft m I us m w