DiEte twnxtiQ Mvtalb KLAMATH FALLS PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OPFICIAI, NEWSPAPER ,,,o. i:l(tittt KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1914 i DAY MWWlM Sligh m , , -,- JH r -eTiri-'',r" LATEST SUIT SEEKS TO ENJOIN THE PAYMENT OF WARRANTS THE COURT ISSUED IN THE PAST MONTH . rul rtiaflca. A lliislori of llir tttau- niMMivHiiM:ii'"i . ' !'' U'IUtlrf soIO(l (it Urn U IliMlU Of AMIINU TIIUhHTIIAT AUK )lp .ml,tft I'HU.rHi and Ihe I ttl I MUMI I'llUJ r,fily tf fiilracu. respectively. Ar nifillni; In nt tnnnuiir-iiio( made ,er Jtxln) I'mlrtoir Netaramer will All. -) lor I.Uhtlwfiitau Allee S car, (, Jte ,( Imuran"-' and III" Thai lUcrMrhi Hel M-Mlll Ate ' ' l'"UM.- .J-r. Mle I'fO- l,..r Hiudm tll rt'iitino iiltnintr to H I.Utllllr.1 l MllraKr ttullr tiro., I'unii-MMK l'H'.ltr In INt ) Mint ami IjI l'ti)l. Urt Arr In- AU MlftrfV lllttlh HAirAttU l"UrU at ltJtiuij trfm uf te inihlj tauM uElft lht afternoon lij , ,s" l4), llmtb Allntnc;. Kil) Vrn.tall JVr l45ta Tfce luerobri nl Hie c-Miltiy lOTltt l tlr(?ntlatlU Itt lhl, AlcUtof l,4(&4. U aftKUd, Ami iMittt lit it, I nmotthl art alUcctt lit i Uftt iiinl for tutunUr) In- dfktrdnttMl Ttf (fant Uaiirtl fur llptllu lo Its rmttily poor Iuimm ln attacked Tfct f iMUnl mtl) In Iw&l luilnru Bm The lry uf WlllUm Mflfccf t alto utlilrf Are, Tho null utao itevkit III bP ilv (Ih4 Invalid the arrant ImuthI u County (,mmlfinf it Mrrrlll hil John lUcoWtelii The mt fur nUry ami mileage, nntl Ihe plaintiff thai the) nr' im entitled In Mllrae, County Health lintwr Morryman uluqr. ft Marraitl lor 1 100 fur sal rr fer November ami l)H-ntttbr. Thin U l.o odjcfint lo, Tht Mil or Dr. K. M, While or 7o, unrrlcM roitilprrJ VttA fiiwrry, injiinil lilo worVItu on tho rnuri Oum, U ImltJ lo lo In rIIJ, A numlicr o( rlnluu for uralu luiun If ii alio Utirxl ntniiiie llm uiirrntil ihr mil .-,.ln in imnll.liili. I'mfroMim nrr Ailuurl Dnltrd I'rraa Uorvko HTANKOItl), Calif., Fell, !.- I'm ffM0r Wratcy Newrfllllnr lloltfeld J. L. Parrish Is Called1 Demise Came After Nine A' 2 ao tiiu morning, at u homo " Cremeiit nvmiiui, J. l'nrrlHb l'"i-il Into iho tlrettl lloyoml. Ho nlrlrknu with piinumoiiln nlnn '" Ko, mid very llttlo hopn of hln "(overy wun over ontfrlnlitiMl hy thu iidliig iiyntclntiM. , Huiiduy ttfinrnoon bin coiulltlon win wth N In leavo no Imim vvlmtovor, " liln bri)tluir and nlter wnro noli " liy wlro. They linmoillntoly loft "'lr Iiiiiiu.h In Canyon Oily. On act oiiiii of poor rullrimil niit wctloiiN, il.ey W , rul.,, ,laro (in V-llllHH,y IllKh), U th0y rrlVI, wiii' ,,rrw,",'",iHM for tlm fuuornl . " "ol ' Mindo, HioUKh It U turnout riu, (lul U0 bt)(Jy WU b bur)C( '. llio fuiMiriil carttinonloii being "ductod by tho U. I. o. Hlks. . lrrlh wu bora la Caiyoa FILES ANOTHER LAW ACTION t Tremblors NNAMWMVNM a cotim it! E"rr BODY OF JONES FOUND IN WATER v. imm:u tmi: imm.i; i tiii: hi: rnitoKiii uiucii tiii:'I'Ult ll'.l.l. 1 ins IIIUTII vi-u vuii:.s Tim IrnmlUi of W U Jm, tu at rnM)iH) iirar WoMlrn Saturdu). nlul hi' ttmljf Hill Iccinrfcil till lain Ul MlBlil. "HI bo InM In rml al Wiinlpu umtitrrow mnrnlnc '11(1. tiinlj wiM fuuiul Illltilr.llBtrl)' illlilnr h hwt" IM '' I'" tiorr Um it6i(-r)i hl fimuil, inl liiidifilil lit Hip Mrfn ly nn!! l a KrailliiE lion), mitnliuUliit from a lutat Curimir WlililixW rnl n Wonlcii ll nUlii li' InM u Iihjuwi, ftiul fouml Hint iloalli n MniltiuUlwUy duo lo ait nrclilnit Trll ISihmI ItortiU I'lati" 1,'iilled l'rr Hervlrc IIICIIMOS'll V 1'eb 1 I I llrtnr. etrrplltllS 'li hllthwnv lunnrli of I hn ilPimrlineiil of nRrlrttl lure. addMSmed a riiitvenllon of hlRh way kiikIiiciii from iho Virginia Itnad lltllldera Amim-IbIIoii here today Ho told the engineer of plittm for fur ther development thin yt'nr In national urk for Improving rountry romln - Day Siege of Pneumonia Clly fotly-threo jeitrn ago. Ilo vvi u ini'tnbfr of Iho llaker Lodge II. I'. O. 10., Iln IMiiyiMi l-lly I.Voilgo K. of O, i:., Iho Canyon Oily l."K' "t "f Ho ititm) lo Klunmtli l-'iillx ulioul night your ugo, inkliiK poitliltiu h dork at Iho Amnrlcnii hotel ImliT ho hidd u poHlllon on tho l'"l 1'Ollro forco, reitlgnlng front Ihe forco lo hi cpl a poMlllott with Iho Klamntlt Fall Htilliir MUM. At tho llmo of III IIIiiphh lio vviih omployod hy (lorry Coxnd, I In vviih nit hoitornlilo. uprlHht uiul Htntlghirorvvaril sort of n mint, with it honi of filoiidH horo mid la Canyon Clly. Ho Iwivdh u wife, two brother, Ham mill Clmrluy l'nrrlli, ami two HUIn, Mr. (It'orun HaKiioy mid Mm. Kmiim Oowmi, Mm, llovvim Hv ttt lltirnv. Oregon, tho otlior alitor and Ibrothara UvIbi at Canyon City, Are Felt Throughout the Eastern States Dictator Said to Be in Field - Late Advices Say Huerta Is Leading Vain Defense r" i &? t 2aV laBi? JtSEtiS iKiH taaBK'3L?vW F ' aaaVa aaaaaaaaaaaaaflla! ''aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakPff aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam.rl United l'rc Herrlre Mi: ICU CITY. IVli. 10. -lriHj. (I nit llutitu lit nut at Um Nntlutml I'alnco, ami lit famll) tin loft llio rlly Meinlmrii of lilx ralilnet di'li llial he linn fli I" Cliumllvi'f' for imfety, ami ItillmaiK tlinl Uiu illctntor l al Hie front, leading hlit troti. Illliliielf a Knulimle of Iho Muxlcnti military academy, lluerm U a nklllcd rnnti'ftlKin'r Ho hn tho conriUonro of hi fpileral iroopn, and with him lend UNEMPLOYED TO TO D. C. i,i;.in:u ' s. iHAXt'isai jo.( i,i:s.s s.iVh ins i'oi.i.tvi:iw SI MIX hTAUT THK lXI.VKV sn'XT Cntted Pre Bervlc BAN I'UA.N'CISCO, IVh. 111. Uhas, Kelly, leader of tho nriny of uitum plo)id In San FruiirUco, nnntiuiiciM today Hint 3,000 men will ktari for Washington itrxt week, lo npinsir bo font Iho rnpllol and demand work. Ho nay recruit will ho picked tip en route. Hy Iho time tho army loarheH Wiulilugton It will bu at leimt aii.UfUi atrong, Miiyn Kelly. I'p I'niin .Merrill. ti A Tlmiiiii, pioprletor of tho Mer uit ereutniiry, Is in llny.elty for n few liny unending to ujMtfcrs of business. Vhllo lurtr-hwfllUwtall an nuto inntlu eiiuitn spiraUnrt4hitiioiiBlrit Hon piirpoir at tho AshlaftdFrult i tore. l(f Is accompanied by wr. Tliniiiunvlio will occupy her tlntu hero vliilttng menus. Culled Home. Floyd Muiuly, Mrs, Tom Telford mid Mis. Terry KiiimUor left this morning for l'eorln, kansus. They wero called there hy tho Hint of their father. MARCH l-Vaaa"a-,'a vyMMWMVWMWWSNySyVWMVWWWWMVVSVVNW ing thf) Mill m.iro a much .more eftee lie utand acalmt the onlnuKJu of tho robola. The rvllreiire with which lluvrta' Mherenhotlta U miuken of by incm- her of hi inblncl U thought to ludl into a fenr that If ll wun knout! that ho wan nlixvtil from Iho capital, some midden ret oil would break out here, aud make tho robel untry atlll easier. Tlu eotiKiltutlonallit army l grad u.ill) cloiitiiK Itt on Mexico City. REATLY COMPANY WOULD FORECLOSE MOSCOW (VMI'AXV SKKKS TO SK (UIItK OWXCItSHIl' OF KXOS OX WHICH IT HAS IIKMNQUKNT TAX I.IKXS Sulla to forccluao on delluquout tax llcnn wore commeucud In tho circuit court today by the Lexington ltoalty company of Moscow, Idaho. Manning & Irwin nrit attorneys for tho com pany. The defendants aio tleorgo K. DaUo J. 0. Muiphy, Florence Kllgore, Stan fold Hnlntead, J. O. Copelnnd, Altha II. tlrader, X, II. French and F. O. llttrKe. ItevlviiN Continue. The tovlvnl service lit tho Metho dic! church continue all this weok ex cept Saturday. Friday night will bo young pimple's night. Just nluoty nine people attended tho services last night and remained for n social time. It was i Bet-togothor meeting, fully reallxed. The subject for tonight will hi, 'What do' Hod look llket" Song service at 7:40. Last night was tho best song service of tho series. Sorao of tho great hymns were sun with limrh enthusiasm. llrltlsh South Africa has 8G01 miles of railway In operation. GITY hail bonds ARE AWARDED TO R( U R A N T & CO. .si:vK.vri:t:.v hiih auk kkckivko l ALIi ' i Allrr K-nluK llip lllda Iwt MkIiI, Ci. until Adjournal f ntll TtiJj Af irTtioun for .i Further Conilrrn tii.n UM of Cfilrafio Firm la Hie .Cliown n Drrlalon la I'roinUrd Wllliln Ttilrt) lhy' Time. Tin- city lounril at IliU afternoon' m-wIuii aunxlrd thf 50,000 city hall Im.ii.I l-ur tft It. 31. (Jrant J& Co. of Cliliaco. T I.e. roln Jiany Mill take tlir ImhiiU. Itniiliit; ' per rent Inlrrcst, at I .1 iIIm-ouiu of ttMM), and ruruUh tlie blank ImiiiiU. T1i iv.rftitatlo of Uil liou, i ili uui iirrtx-nt at llic ntrrtinj;. ' nitrvnl llmt tlir comjiAuy, uittiln tliir ,l) (In) after It rrcriml tJic tnuucript I uiitilil cltlicr urcvjil or rvjoct llio l-wuci I The advantageous position of a j municipality which conducts Its affairs j upon a strictly cash basis, and firmly adhetori to this plan, was shown at lant night's session of the city council, vrhui bids for tho city's $50,000 city hall bond Issue were opened. Thetv were seventeen bids submit 'ted. and some of the bidders made jtwo or threo offers. In practically every ease a premium was oncreu. aud seven offers Included the expense of printing the bonds. Following Is a list of the bids sub mitted: Northern llauk and Trust company, Seattle, 58 per cent, $61" premium; C percent. 1.0C7 premium. Terry. Urlggs, Slayton. Tolcdo.6 per 'rent, premium of $311. K. H. Rollins & Son, Denver,, 5 per 'cent, premium of $D3S. Allerton. llrcou A King. Chicago. j per cont, premium of $2S3. Ulou & Co., Chicago, par.. furnish bonds. Orant & Co., Chicago, discount of $200 at C nor ccut. premium of $3,312 at 64 per cent, premium of $3,010 at C per cent; furnish bonds. Parson, Sou & Co., Chicago, dis count of $9GT at 5 per cent, premium of $2,15S,25 nt GU per cent. William F. Sweet & Co., Denver, premium of $C30 at 6H per cent, $1,775 premium at 6 per cent: fur ntsh bonds. First Trust aud Savings bank, city, premium of $1,7G0 at 0 per cent. McCoy & Co., Chicago, premium of $2,001 at rVa per cent; furnish bonds Ilolgor, Mosser & WUUamen, Chi cago, premium of $S1G at 6 per cent; furnish bonds. Security Savings Dank aud trust company, Toledo, premium $512 at C per cent; furnish bonds. C. H. Collin, Chicago, premium of $251 at 5H Per cent; furnish bonds. Causey, Foster & Co., Denver, dis count of $l,G9r. at C per cent, premi um $1,27C ut Gt per cent; furnish bonds. Morris liruthora, Portland, premi um of $685 at 5H per cent, $1,C2G at 0 per cent. John Nuveen & Co., Chicago, pre mium of $750 at G per cent. Spltser, Korlck & Co., Toledo, pre mium of $842,50 at Gft per cent. Tho council, after hearing tho bids read last night, took an adjournment until 3 o'clock this afternoon to con sider them further and decide upon the awarding. PEOPLE PANIC STRICKEN FROM MASSACHUSETTS TO CANADA BY SUDDEN SHAKES THIS FORENOON To commemorat'o the fourth cen tennial of the dlscortrr of the Padflc,tfKVKR.IL a national exposition will be held In Panama City blnn!nc Dtceabtr, 1911. The date orlglnallr flxed was January, 1914, hut it was found that this did not allow tutfictenL time for preparation. CLASSES FOR THE BACKWARD CHILD S.IXTA IIORA SCHOOLS 8TART A NKW KUUCATIO.VAIi METHOD. WHICH MAY UK A UIG IIFAEFIT TO CIUIJ)ItKX 'United Press SerTic SANTA HOSA, Feb. 10. Upon the recommendation of Superintendent of Schools Hrowncorabe, the Santa Rosa school board of education today for mally decided to organize a special class for backward boys and girls who cannot keep up with the others in the grades In which they aro placed. This will enable a teacher to give them special attention. Tho result of tho experiment Is awaited with much Interest throughout California. The Mexican stamp bears tho coat of arms of the country, an eaglo on a cactus, holding a serpent in its tallns. ThU device is the outgrowth of a legeud that tho first .Aztec settlers chose the site of their clt yfrom see lug an eagle so engaged, and sitting at that spot. Tho legislatures ot Virginia and South Carolina aro considering ad vanced forestry legislation. Fish to the value of $34,000,000 wero caught In Canadian waters in the last tlscal year. Will Fight Coast Would Not Have Railroads Divorced by Court United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Fob. 10. Headed by President Newton Lynch of tho San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, a group of promluout busi ness meu from Sau Francisco, Los An geles and other California cities, called upon Attorney rjeueral McUey nolds this afternoou, und appealed for an indefinite delay lu filing the suit to dlssolyo tho merger between tho Southern Paclllc aud Union Pa cltlc. McKeynotd intimated that hii mitid wits already made up In this matter. At tonight's meeting ot tho Klam ath Chamber ot Commerco, the mem bers will uke up tho matter ot a peti tion to be aeut to Washington, pro- HIE8MOGRAF1H ARK PUT OCT OF ORDER BT THE SHAKES One Man Killed la New York, (be Shock Wis the Meat Death Was Dae to Eartawecfc I log Loots aad Cavaac a Fearing a CalanUty, Use reefs AM Through East Rasaed lato I United Press Service NEW YORK. Feb. 10.- earthquake shocks, laatlac a atlanta and a half. Ttsited Macaasfca U an New York and along the St. I awreaee River from Montreal to Toroato tale afternoon. The heaviest shocks were felt aloavg the southern tier of counties la New York. Father Torndorff. ot the George town University, said the Setaaao graph recorded shocks from 11:31 to 11:47, and from 1:34 to 1:35. United Press Service IHNGHAMPTO.V, N. Y., Feb. 10. Rocco Avesz, a laborer, waa killed aa a. result ot today's earthquake shocks. He was working in the excavation of ' nnu' IliiIMIm ..! tlA VABBAW " - tt UU. UUHVfHll WUW V A.VOTSV WMMWW a landslide, which crushed hla. United Press Sex nee SYRACUSE, N. Y., Feb. 10. The quako was very distinct here, bat mo material damage resulted. Bulldi&ga locked, and the people became paiac stricken, rushing, screaming, lato the i streets. United Press Service MTTLK FALLS. N. Y.. Feb. 10. Tho New York Central station reports v .vwMMwtwtawwttiatiaita (Continued on page 4) Dissolution testing against tho dissolution suit. It is held that this would greatly hamper tho vast development work possible by tho combined forces ot the roads. All over the Coast similar petitions are to bo mado out and sent to Wash ington. Freight Iacreasea ProOHed United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. 0., Feb. 1 Cement men had their lnaiafa today before tho Interstate Comawre Ceav mlsslon on tho subject of increased freight rates to the Eastern railroad. Hack to the Fares. Louie Lobb left today for a of weeks sojourn oa hie raaeh Swan Lake. i a. 3 mi i i'.-a m I i