f IV Pi' I Wqt 4wnin$ Itteralft KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE & rm OFFICIAL NICW8PAPER NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS "Sf Sc WW. Vr N. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1914 Railroad Contractor Here; Rumors Are Flying EKE WILL PUT (24,000,000 IN IMPROVEMENTS vmm tu mii.i.iox ' i;it. lUllrt.t Ak. IVmiiUI.m i rt'Ml iimi lllll.t K.Ir lUmtl !. Vtl) lllr Ml Tltl I II" ''" , U IW-trl'M'""-"' Wrk l Nt'MhrtM1 t'fH.U ud SHltlirt On-s.M. M.y Jde for Ptn( fSA.V HIAM'IHWI. Fb V.-TIat ,. ,, th lll ll ! la awmic i li itni riiiir.r la ik ! 'rlwin of l and Uki4Ii, tt.wfH. 4 '' tlm .oiaBJ MitlNWc in III line f't .. ....... I -,-1- .. it.- ..U ri.Hi. Ilf fcl'c1, vw- , t- - ? .--... U( ol r, 01 Me Knmnl ,, ', ,,, ,p nMrh ,.,,, .rt bo 'I8 !. ,J rll l'iJ,, ,11,, u,rt l,o(r ,i M ,.( ton- lit eotthtin r ft California, ititi """in iruoit, r.(ca HilunUt Dcn lltp Hou-1 Tli Ol limV oul al (Ml rally huur iWb Irl8 ftinuii 4wrUri4 UH;ii li morula. n4 Ut" etrai shock !lil iiMroiicHu IIp by litilitinic hr m4r o trjj uj alt tloalo t l' uncj at thai ilnm ha rliulr I hair In hl Iwlh. Ilr arm a of (-!& lor li cicitloti, lmir",frirtl hrr. U U Ullctrl ihM lirr!hroWrn (nun Ihn rolllltin ol tho Mon wttl ami rehabilitation ol IU lwUh amT an Imlltrt troull of ,ro ami thr Nantucket, ami h-crl0 lorsU s-rtur in "-nt u( SO..'lhU. ;ot t him thai rathrr than utulprK" JJ,: an4 Dual a I56.000.Opo luiin Hlnrr llm nr. Mr IWtn ha levniio '"" "' "' IJIne her arm iht (4 trtr)u Uuntt n; jx-rrenl trUtlnc on tmr hutuvua, lour mllp ull illr, 7alk Un amount itrnnUoly Irnni Haliy, loai4 lUati Hhn ha ' llrro U lUrtlncton'a tory of tila u!4 Irif iroftOlrtllctlU mt tie a44nll(w,j rllrllrlj' nrOU of lata. 'otrueglo In lh Hnlr-r' IIJ,n,3H mmtMfcU4 In a rnnllueut J llua.laiilKhl. It w liKnr4 that! -a nrM j ujrlj hotit thn ixor s4 far uch a4illllon an4 tmtnrr hn ta M( alone In hr cabin. ! Klt ,, U ,r urtl)) bin It wlucl hrr Mli ii ni) ln Wtblt 4urinK h'hinich thro ha Rcnrrally hern mnw (horribly, ami lic rrpantrtl ami tit in )rr Thn rl I nrt-4 ,itir. Uh hr at all llmm. Thl nit"n-rwuhril n that I a" U vrul4 uot , 10 lt uh4 for thn (tarrnvnl of loant nfi frlvlulu found that ho haa pamrd 'j .4u, nlnt our nilttulc alld In Atewie thn taring (lorn ol m '' 4urlne th nlht. Uhhm and atrueeha of ialn tho ffgt.iarql khlch tho cumpany tlt' fronnr lUrl Whlllock a uoilflrd !rn, (i I tUt4 hrr hair Into n tUht tUM (rlnr rraon for aVln 'n4 he lll di-vldo hrther or not au J,, rt, c,Mr, lcr ,ca4 a 1 could, tali prmtlon aittrar th folluwlnir 'lnit nhould be held. ,a,j lUvn tool. It In my teeth nnd trle4 Complete roniirurUon of Wlllam WnL ,,"'"m a hiiit f.5 )ear of tll lrr lcmj ftt,,nn water by keen- mi- f.me railroad. IS,9J,o;t; CV!""- u w" pUl"r " J , Vv """I "' 'l '' ' r,,l w,,llw ' m on Um and llamlllou railroad, I3.0C6.. i"r ",r)' rt'"1 ,,a '" WR,rM """K"' my back. That inunl havo hurt her. II. Mojatnaml llakerfleld railroad, ,Pt', '',,', "f ""'" "l4e In Callfor- (, , ,,e didn't ay tinyllilnc ex- lll,. Wlllametle valley electric i jenl. thafa better, Tom. ullruiiU II U!.,I7. Oakland, Ala-, ' -- "Vn had bien Keltluc alotiK that m4 and llvrk'eley' electrlflcallon, ''',,'1' VV- : for about fifteen mlttul.it ll lU.l: Huumi Hum nitiatrtirilnn. . Henry M, Hellen. a Merrill rrnldeul. ieeine like to or three hour I'0),3. and th I'emley and Ij n railroad, :.0&,MQ, Attnther Hem for rntrurtlou of tboXuhM-t Dura amount In It,ft3,ti7 Wlihnui tiieclfylng whero llnty ar to lw titcalnd, the company aeta aside ll,U,;0 fr otAtlim bulldlne. r.i . .. . ., WMiids and nii,nr tran.poriatl.in ser- ! Imfrovemrnu; lf.-l.7JI for dock 4 lmrf property, I91.5U0 for l-l .,.! w, r . alii . ill .S for I'Wgr. treatlo and eiilvrrls; 11.223. Kl fnr additional main tracks, shop building., tic. fS73.Hr.Ci for addl-j Horn ami Improvements to equipment, J,C:; Filed Your Only a Few More Days, Only i fw days nro loft lit which I" ni )(,iir luroim, tax Ntnleinent. AppllrntloiiH for blnnkn can bo 'nade to tiny hnnk or county tronauror "r l( Milton A. Miller, collector of in ''"ml rnvtunio, Porllittul, Oregon. ''imlly of ao lo fl.OOO for falluro ' fllu ri'tiirim beforu March Int. flno not excuedlng 2,000 or liu PrUoinuviit not vxcoodlng oitu your or bl nl tin, dlsrretlim of thn court for nuking , fnB4) or jrftUaont rBturii. I:vor' I'orson having a hut Income "' IS.ooo or ovor for thn cnlondar r (12,500 for yr lia) must "Ko n roturnj u single persou Is ul 1'iwwl mi exemption of $3,000 ud u " I'urson M.OOO. (For Hie 'Hr 1918, Marcb I to Decbr I, BONA WOMAN E0UND DEAD IN LONELY CABIN Mllx. POMI V DKATII ll I. HEAR I' I'tll.t HI. HI lne t I'ltc l lUittolKdi lilt It I'r !) rt Mrr H(r anil I'.IImI, lie W'mtiaii lll Itmi In p.ir Health. 'a l-(l Alone hilmU) .Night, kimI 1'iitiml Itrjir I'ollon lilt,' Morning. l'iriiM-( .VirtlflrO, (ll.i.M .hj.UI fwril.r) ll)SA.VA IVt, "J -it n.. liar IL . ,.u,u,)( . ,,, Mrll , Uio e,un oh Uff ,m,ait r,r U)IJ t,u .mutnlus Tim 4eutl l hih(HiJI 4u l heart Ullur. .' ' '" rtwdnrlrd the Ohner !! (tin al llikitAiiiA lor aImiui two; hM.iffa. fitilrltte itlll tl llnrflia fltilft. I In today, inn k I n c final prmif iu his hometea4. her III Ouingr. vi . i rtiiii-t whit has been con-'" lusted with the Midas (lold Mining ; 'rompany t near Iteddlllg I here Ull-i"1 !..- t i. i.,ii.r KMiiiiinil M Chllrole Miib lit brother. Milium! M. ci. inn . lie w. hrr., "railroad day." and he U 'anloundisl al the strides tho city ha. made .Inc., that lime Incenne cedar I lrolng valuable for piling on the Pacific l'oat, where marine borers are particularly trou-( blecomn, I Income Yet? Before Penalty Is Added the nxoiiiplliiu nllowed Is 2,r.U0 or t:t.n:i3,au.) All pnymonlH dm, on your Income nmy bo remlHed nl nme, or you ciiu Imvo uiilll Juno :i In which lo pay. Payment iiiiihI ho nmilo by certlUed chiHilt, inonoy order or drnft. l'er snunl chocks cunnot bo accepted. ParlnerslilpH as such are not ro ipilred lo utitku Iih'oiiiu column, but (ho member comprlsliiB thn llrm, providing Iholr Indlvlduitl InromeH nncli 13,000 (f3,600 for 11M3) or over, nro In mnko roluriiH. If In doubt regarding any part of tho law or regulation!!, wrllo for In formation lo M. A. Miller, collector, Portland, Oregon, Fro tho year IU13 Iho law operates only from March 1 to December 31, no tho Income, (Inductions, nnd exemp tions aro figured accordingly. Hero of Monroe Wreck, Who Swam Two Hours Holding Up His Wife .BawSawVaiawSaBBk. Thr llrM. ' the wrek f lll' OH1 Dominion nc-amtlill" Monro, wa Tlntlim It lUttlneiiui. n young uian tl UfhU-iri. Conn rr two hours lm swam In the almont Icy ocean off lite IMsware rnul, draeKliir. along when a lifeboat cainn alone They, 'went within leu feet of us I asked ) them lo Hike the girl nbonrd. They never eien answered -Just looked at! a"'1 I""' nwny. Strength aeemed 8" 'l "' m" ,,r,"r """ nl,,, " ,", " ' ' Kl v ,,,w,r '" ,,U1 er nnu lur inre was iiuuer ni niiiioiiv im- ac .,,,, , .T." , . , A'l-r "'; " Mock.- I. nnd stayed v " Inmrs, but lime d.dn t mh, we got to Norfolk." LUKE WALKER IS iSAXTON BRINGS ID BAD INJUNS! SUIT VS. BANK IX A LETTER TO LOCAL REAL KS. TATE MAX, HE SAYS THAT THE Y.igUIS HAVE HOXi: OX WAR PATH sixn: troops left According to a letter Just received by E. M. Chllcoto from l.ukn Wnlkor or this city, now with 1). M. Mel.o miiro In Mexico, buying cattle, thn Yaiiil Indians nro on tho warpath. With llvn other Americans, ho says hi, Is at tho Agua Frio ranch Iu So-, nora, which Is fortllled to repel any nl larks by tho rods. Walker Hays that tho withdrawal ol tliu troops from Souora to take purl In tho revolution has left tho peoplo helpless, Eight thousand In dians, on tho warpath, ho says, nro running rampant, and havo klllod thirteen peoplo within n few miles of tho Agun Frio ranch. Afi.,e exhaust vu rosea ro i u Paris a famous French Hi-tontlst litiu rocom- mended a diet equally divided be tween ineuts und vegetables us the best for working people, BBBwk mrvaaan iaaawga f $HPPMB'BjBBBBBj3BBBBf K .-aaaaaaW .aaaaaaYai awawaaBBaW BgBBBnBaaBBBBBBBaBB aft?w4 aBBBBauE BBBBBY tgBBBv. ;s ABBBBBW 'BBnBm.BBBBf ar -v BBBBBHnBBv flp iBBBKK.mLr4r Js BBBptiBBHBBfl mj av1BaBl bV IKHBh B0w BVLjBBfllBH KifkP 5 j BBkIeBBH e wof BBBBvip3b BMBBBBBBt t "'BbBBBBBBI hhv'BBBB BfewjBaBBfl; ggSBLrBBBBp to count one war or the othel- an- other beat ra'me alooj. I held up Marcarrl to thorn ami a nallor ald: ' "11 her ko. Sho I dead " 'Stic la not dead.' I ald to htm, nud you take hr aboard If you don't want'to go to hell llh murder oa your oul.' So they took her In. And aim opened her cyea and ntnlled at mo nnd made tho aallor turn and look at ,u'r -ii hen they (jot me aboard the ,,, tiu,y t,m j10r In a atateroom and ft her. and put mo In another. 1 hollero that If a debtor had been with i.r rlcht nway with stlraulanta for her poor, overtired body, she mlcht ho nllvc. now. Hut they werti ull mixed up, and when I found whero h was lying all alone she was dead. 'Thai's nbout nil, except that a stownrd came Into the room nnd said ' Kucssed wo might as well throw uw nouy overuonru, ami i sniavneu i m u tnoeyo so iimi no ten ouiamo Ith her until ACTION 1X RECOVER DAMAOKS I'RO.M FIRST TRUST AND SAV INGS RANK WAS FILED I.ATE SATURDAY A FTKRXOOX Through F. Hooper, prosecuting attorney of Slakyiou county, Califor nia, Eugene Snxton, Into Saturday af ternoon, tiled n suit for damages ngulust tho First Trust nnd Savings bunk, liu asks fur $10,000, Kaxtou was arrested In Mineral, Idaho. July 30, by Fred Moreley. charged with tho "Huuthorn" for geries federal secrvl servlco men nro now trying to unravel. Tho complaint cites that he was brought this city In Chains, nud held 171 days iu Jail, through two seMilouH of tho grand Jury, to bo exonerated In tho end. It Is hold Hint n a result, his health Is Imimlred. As mo luiormuiiou, ew., o . fund tht arrest mado at tho Instnnco of tho olllcers of tho bank, It Is alleged, tor this reason damagos aro asked on tho grouud of malicious prosecution COMMITTEE WILL TALK WITH LANE' tvi:ntv vi:.u iavikxt pus m. , TO UK IMSITHSKI) WITH 1IHA!) I Of Till: INTCItlOll IIKIMItT . MIJ.NT .IV IK ON TIIK JOII j VA8IIIN(5TON, I). C Feb. 0. The Irrigation committee of the houMt." a)a Itt-iiri-dftitatlre filnnott, "l formulating a revision of the rec lamation law, to allow twenty yeara In which to make payment, to nulh- .or ii; me necrviary oi me ini-i lor to uind the realdeneo re- (julromrnU for a perlo.1 not ci cetiUnc fire yean, and to provide inch (Other relief which experience cera to ' make advisable, llotb tho icnato and jtho house committee on Irrigation j will meet with Secretary of tho Inter ior 1-ano to dlicuM aroendrnenU al , ready agreed on." i Abel Ady of Klamath Kails has been In consultation with Slnnott and tho reclamation service regarding ( power from the Klamath Irrigation project. Tho farmers claim they should havo the prcfcrcnco in the salo jot power, rather than tho city of I Klamath Falls, Inasmuch as they arc Ipaylng for IL. ' BREAKS THROUGH ICE AND DROWNS ;. W. JONKS, TILI'II-U(, MKKTS A TKAfilC KXI NK.IH WOUDKX. IIAII IlKKX MIKSlXn SIXCK KAK I.V SATUHDAY A Jagged hole in tho ice among the tulea near Wordcu bears mute evi dence of tho tragic death of O. W. Jone. an aged trapper. Searching parties have been seeking him since Saturday morning, hut the hole in the Ice waa not discovered until 9 o'clock thU morning. Mr. Jones taarted on a round of his trap early Saturday morning. When ho failed to return during the fore noon, hla two sons spread the alarm and stnrted parties searching in the lule. This morning the weary searchers i .... ... . . i i ... - lrnctH1 wnero (uo (rapper uuu kuuu uu 'the Ice covering a small pond In the Ituies between Worden nnd Ady. Fol- I lowing tho trull they camo to tho hole jwliero the trappor met his death. Mr. Jones camo to this country Inboul throw years ngo nnd took up a homestead near Worden. For three winters ho made a successful busi ness of trapping. After coming to this county ho and his wife, whoso present whereabouts Is uot known, separated by mutual ngreomcut. Ho hns two sons living on tho homestead, nnd one daughter. Mrs, H. 1.. Volt, whoso husband con ducts a general storo at Worden. OUT FOR OFFICE AXXOUXCES HIS CANDIDACY FOR CITY TREASURER TODAY IS HEAD OF LOCAL AHSTRAOT COMPANY The llrst uiau to really declare him- self a caudldato for eloctlon at tho coinlug city polling is Arthur IL Wil son. Wilson socks tho office of city treasurer. Wilson U head of tho City and County Abstract company, and la nh three years' resldouco, has acquired a wide acquaintanceship. ARTHUR WILSON DESERTER LEADS ATTACK AGAINST HUERTA TROOPS SKVKIUli lil( FIGHTS AUK MURK FOIt TIIK W.KK In Addition to Torreon anil Tamplru, Mautllan I Tfi real ene.1 Federal Com nuinder of the letter Ganiaoa Una l-MTlrtl to the Rebel Raaha. City of Pad. urea Will Alao lie Ob Jeel of A I lock. wnueu iress m MKXICO CITY, Feb. 9. Tho Uuer- ta government faces a crisis today, MlllUry men fear that several sac- cessfut attacks wltl U made during .from San Francisco. Tola morala the coming week by the rebels. jhe left for Kirk on a trip of laapcc- In addition to Torreon and Tamplco Hon. being menaced by the rebels. General j a a result of the anaouact Fellpl Angebt, former federal general, I juvt made by Southern Facile offcials is reported to be attacking Maxatlan.ithat big sums are to ba speat la rail He descrtjsd Huerta last week, while 'road work all over the sysUa. ul supposedly defendine Maxatlan. especially In Northern Callforal and Vlnceate Sequera. an lnsorgent mil-southern Oregon, the arrival of Pt llonalrc. U reported to be preparing , tcrJOti U the cause of much. SDecnln- for an attack on Pachucca. HAWLEY WOULD IMPROVE PARK OREGOX Ii.WMAKKR'H MKASURE WOULD TURX IXTO A CRATER KVKK KL'XI) ALL LICKXSK FEES COLLECTED Congressman Hnwley has a bill be fore congress providing that tho reve- nues derived from automobile and 1 other fees In Crater Lake National Park, amounting to $2,000 or 13,000 annually, shall bo deposited In a spe cial fund in tho treasury of tho United States, to bo expended by tho secre tary of the interior and the superin tendent of the park in improvements In tho park Itself. Tho committee to which this hill was. referred has suggested that the funds be held subject to tho rcquUl Hon of tho secretary of the Interior, 'rhls suggestion is likely to bo udopt- ed. Congressman Hnwley feels that'" "" a w "" luo ' those foot, which haye hitherto gone Into the general fund In the treasury subject to reapportionment at the end of the ilscal year, should bo used in Improving tho park. Punish No Delter. J. L. Purrlsh, who Is III with pneu monia at his homo ou Crescent ave nue, is no better today. His condi tion Is grave. Tho Delaware state grange at Its recent annual moetlng voted over whelmingly for woman suffrage. Open Bids Several Otters Are Received for a Bend Issse Another big stride toward a city hall for Klamath Falls will be taken this eyoDlng. Tho council, at Its mootluK tonight, will consider bids for tho city hull bond-issue. This Issue Is tor M,000 twenty year bonds', boarlug lutereat at 0 per cent. v v Thoro aro soveral sealed proposals at tho city hall waiting to bo openecHho preliminary work is beta at and considered at tonlght'a meeting of the council. GUST PETTERS0K, WHO BUILT LINE, VISITS KLAMATH I.KFT TODAY FOR K.VD OV R.UT.KOAD THE FolloKiog tho AniKwi&rgntemt TtuU SutlHTB I'aclllc Is to Extern Kli Hob la the Kstaaio ajtd Connie tlo of Work, Visit of the HaJlrssMl Contractor Is Cavatac a Mild Mar ry la Klamath Fall Today. Gugt Pellenoa 0, Erickaot. 4k Pt- tenon, railroad contractors who built tho railroad from Weed to Kirk, r- rived la Klamath Falls last alkt tion. To many, this u an Indication that work Is to be reaunmed tala aprlM and the Klamath-Natroa catofC will be continued, or tho northern torcU nus of this end of the line will to tended to a connection with, the ontav- era extension of the Oregon Trunk from Bend, the line to be OMd Jointly by Hill and Harrisan tnUraots. Petterson would not- giro ont any thing regarding hi wlsoion. wnom queried. This coming, together witk the extension work outlined by the Southern Pacific, though, has at le a favorable portent. AIR MAN KILLED AT SAN DIEGO MEMBER OF THE AKMY AVIATION CORPS JUMPS FROM MACaONK WHEN IT TURNS TURTLE, AND SINKS IN DAY SAX DIEGO, Feb. 9. Lieutenant aviation corps, met his death here to day. While manouverlng In a Wright hydroplane, ho apparently started to glido from a height of about 400 feet to tho water. Something went wrong, and Post either Jumped or fell from the ma chine as It turned turtle. Post struck the water some distance from tho machine, and sunk beneath the. surface. The machine reached the water somo seconds after the man's body. Lieutenant Post was a native of Now York, 28 years old. for City Hall At the time the people voted to la suo the bonds for the erection of a city hall, ono of the big objections raised Iu some quarters was that tko city would not be able to dispose of bonds. Tho number of proposal re ceived Is a positive refutation of tab. The city hall is to be erected on tho city's property on Walnut areaue. fc twoen Fourth and Fifth streets. All tended to this winter, la ortUr to al low construction work la the tartaf m v Ski m m m Mi'l CS s If m 'J? 11 I'M