MAT1imAV, Hill 7, u PAGE TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON M I HR Trmvw? UI J The Evening Herald W O. SMITH. Editor Published dally except 8unday by- The Herald Publishing Company of I Klamath Kails, nt 115 Fourth Street Entered At the poitofflre nt Klara- lath Falls, Oregon, for transmission I through the malls a second-class (matter. Indians Object to Distorted War Film PUT A MARK ON All OF THEM OUR WEEKLY SERMON "The Future Man" II) C. I?. IIM'II.MUH, I'rt.lor Orot .IMIiimIUi I,.Im.i. Unit,i si en .i cei'itsi: is .ivtnui:n HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCE SATURDAY X1GUT STAR THEATER TOT1TO & 00. "Tlio IVhlto Squaw," BUon "101" Drama In Two Parts Hydraulic Mining Educational" "The Joy lUders," Comedy Sfcnni In iIm? Yellowstone EVERYTHING XKW SUNDAY STAR THKATKR ORCHESTRA ADMISIOX, 10 and 23c Subscription terms by mall to any ad I dress In the United State: jOno year . . . . It. 00 jOne month BO KLAMATH FAUA OREGON SATURDAY, FKH. 7, 11)14 P mi itsi: tir tiAMU TEMPLE THEATER Satnrday "The Pay-as-You-Enter Man," Essanay Two-Part Comedy-Drama Patho Weekly, Current Events "Some Elopers," Lubln Comedy AND STOP AT KLAMATH PALLS Weather Conditions for February Date Max. Mln. Weather 1 35 12 Clear ? 29 S Clear 3 30 10 Clear L'nlled Pre Service , tlio scene of the battle, and o far a pivk itinriK ARHxrv. s. iv vi. I known was never on the held until' T.- -The Sioux Indians are today mak- htf ,wwl for l,, ,lu, Tt,p)r u i . . . . , ., ! claim that Buffalo Hill, who plajed ; .,,... i !,., lorvlie tag pun. to send a delegation to.,ho , of , ,u,f0 u w Um. tttl ... d I e . vl e Washington with signed protest',,. lho nKom.y, ,,. ulw ay.' N U,,,U- ,',,l, ' A """' ORalnst allow In the moving pictures when the real tight occurred v,l " ' '" ""i" !l nu" r"l",r"l n" of the re-enacted battle of Wounded The Indians mournfull) assert that football idiyer lo wear numeral was Knee to be tiled In the government only oiiu Indian out of the loo thai ihediild l r taulght when the inter archlxes ns an authentic production. engaged In the battle surtttcd The colter". rmtuall rule muiinitico The Indian are euraged nt the tllm Sioux hae called n meeting of the. meets here to . icum propovd il'er leople, whom they claim distorted the grand council of the tribe to protest atlons In the ptnyltiK rules action of the battle to dellttlo the against the picture going down u I' K Hall, rh Iriuan f the i..m prowess of the Itcdsklua. history ns authentic. They claim they j mltiio. as to prrtdc It pre Several Instances are pointed out were misled Into believing It was only ,Hrted Unl that I. chance In the wherein tho picture Is distorted. They a sham battle, and did not know It rule Mill be made claim that General Nelson A. Nile, was to be called Wounded Knee. The - who took a prominent part lu the formal protest will be carried lo Tnngii Ail lUrml Aim. was In reality tlfty miles from , Washington by three chief,. I ..Mlulwll . ,itt.olllUur-. Uer Vt-tU). M'tll). I ) Mil" . He with il.utu dirt llu ilml hortlvlh III) 0tl and bellenelli lll tut nwvot to him to u.n.viim: SPKiTA'nnis ro (i( ilu tlt p(,H, , ,,, urU.i. Mtonger for It lllsl'IMH'ISH I'Hl IMIS IHItlMI nig life, alld sttall HOI come llllo con- Wiiods If he I In.., dem.iatix.i but ed from dentil illy. Ii ll Kiiiim tin, H Hl.i life John 0 31 pUlurM He lll km m The trend of the he Ihe IliUiitl. u ' ' f nnl He IU n &M. . he . I, lr i.. Ilium U toward wh.l on lil nlU. There n.ej i u, the future shall be llllll tin slory Of tcr, i inu?! .SewlOII IHilllleil III- hl rtii of duty w , Mntdlliodertl tlelire. nt the lirt)rlily tliuugi i i ' liavun toward mod- cl)i.i u worth u.ii.ihi(li q JT em Hioimht Mlltoti it did bring tiwtwii . n , " li.WAid miHlerii wor i im soul tiurdnlied tl I p Hhakrtvale du alld earltt ftilka uIM lrail III" ( illlivillllr 11,1 . i,,,.!. - H unv Multiply Nn tun. Ha. thought It kc turiimba uwiatu. tun Milton (hake ur rtt on n rlnml int Uul a 'Slen, Snaday "The Houe of Dtocord," Blograph Two-Reel Special "Slokti PUm," Edison Drama "That Suit at Tea," Vltagraph Comedy MACTXKR DA1XT AT S:S0 ALL UCKN8ED PICTtTRKS Hotel Arrivals PROFESSIONAL CARDS Hotel Hall W. C. Dalton, Carr Dalton, J. L. Warlow. E. J. Lakada, Malln: P. E. Murphy, Steel Swamp; Mr. Ora Yates. Mrs. X. D. Glnsback, Chllo quln; H. W. Cunningham and wife, Cblloquln; W. J. Trlvelpleco and wife, Algoma; W. A. Kinney, D. B. FulUr. Portland; S. G. London. I. Odegod, Ci BOSTON SCHOOL ..t - . tuuny. refine to accept adtertUetueuts Inler-Clty IVIiatra Tonight j for eou lu tango dancing (Herald Special Service) WAHSINGTON, D. C, Feb. 7. ! K.-vnctnieut of a minimum age law ; Ifin IfllinUAl lnTn.lll be the topic for dual dobatvsi lgl XotKe, rUll tllillllllALIl I J-hVr0 IUld 'U l,lllad,)l',lU tonight, t'e-.oll.e InUlliig Prtixutla to purr! w-------- - i w tun tcuiiiH icprescuiuiK iieorKe Washington University and the l"nl- verslty of Pennx)lvanla 1'oAie and )Ou will lie alil. I that lieiri lnv the trend of uliall titl xiillv i, the IllltrS Ho, to lliill ' nay mo i iiir .nan Ulll r , iw, the I'lllUlv Un Will He HeM i Jeu brought mall) Utru.(M rlr.miii- In health and hrallh U il grxttet whs lho falhcthMd tl Thejr suct'v imwll) As soon we Itod ami he brother hlM)d ol , rj, llrms rcall Irani a no truth It becomes a world ! ha tried cru4li u habit The future man will bale a make (olk do rlghl to ulbcr m 'cluan body fruiu habit, jet became It unirer drmauded It u woe(, M j, mean gKMtrr etnclnicy Imaglno di- uua lgulatum n kiaii. Jrui as an unclean loan, phicay it allium I a (art e giwd q ,tu Tb fill urn man will bo clean 111 nrllituir I. .iii,. ,. ,. .,. . I'll of Klamalli Kail. Itr-Ulennl . .. . . . w "" ' - llll. till .0 lower pialll woum scop iHn m ip law i.rnrrw! .'iuini vu .... ..., ,. ....ij ..ol .,., 1.1, . ,,,,,, alo tefuse lo advertise which sell tango music. for XKW IXSTI1TLTIOX WILL OI'KX Tt)XIOHT TO DKYKLOP TUK "XOSK FOR SEWS" OX AMIII TIOl'S CTIW" Sealed proposals will be rlvd ll Uoi; ii 4 i,,. Wo uught (o ibuitlm United Press Service DOSTON. Feb. 7. Uoston UnWers- Hsuttt't Slept for a Year Mike Youlhouse, a mill worker at Duqucsne. Pa has not slept for a year. Ho enjoys good health, and works regularly. Ho has been to sev eral hospitals to bo watched, but no treatment has bceti able to make him (p. Kv III.. fw.tlfa. lll.lfM i.f lltn fltV .if iT.. ..... .V .7. .. I etmrgy ivismmu r ans, viregou, unm iuv uuur cnglllo clean ii woum oe a uic in hub a i,ur walk (o, ur tifoll,-,- It Mould be -oot bulne4. aWe Wo might lu bain ! - -i-,., y-M-,-,-iru-Laru-uuu, I, . THE KLAMATH PALLS 8TKAM LADNDRT Guar-mtM Urst cUa work a wall aa tm claat atrrlesx U you bar occasloa to mak espUlat aad do not gat la. -d ta attaaUos. pnou D. B. CAMPBELL MAXWELL M. LONG Osteopathic Pfavatciaa Suit 18 and 19. WalU Building Pbowepe CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Member Oreson Association Tltla Men A. S. LOWMOX CHIROPRACTOR Room 11 and 12 Pint National Bank BoJldiag Klatnath Falls, Ore. rveumoe. rt. r. t-arg. han rrancuco; ,.. . ..,,. ,, , ... ,... . . Anna D. Grace, Evelyn Chase. Yalnax; nIwm,. ,nnl.h, ,,. . ..! ., -.TlSot SrJul 7'"" a n"0en w',"" "-hi. Come and get a Sacramento; Geo. A. Webber. Los L l" n ,, .., loaJ w- ' Sm"b ' geles; N.Howard. Dunsmulr; U. Sam-' , - . , " ou'vu""' . , ' , . b-v 8taff nas bveu ma0 instructor of journalism, and has arranged a series .of weekly lectures, at No matt with a ttollutnd 111 In J can do ,.! ,,l ,iii..i.i i ... .. of S .-clock ,. of K.bru.irjr . ,,, , toor ,r M ..,. ,,,, w , f 1911. or he purchase o l0.000.00 coff0irt ,, .,, ,,, City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, tec . fti..,i, i,,.ijr. .. , ....'. jral inunlelual r.rl.lre,l enumii. 7 . ' . ' '""" ""' ""i m, bonds of the denomination of 11000.00 each, autburlied at an dec- amlya. Miss U. Samamlya, city. White Pellcaa Today' new today In Th Herald. M. P. Pblpps. W. P. Johnson, Geo. Watt. E. L. Hutchinson. San Francis co; F. H. Swan. San Mateo; J. E. Sslemore. J. R. Sisemore, Fort Klam ath; J. W. Brlslow, Portland. Todajr mw m Tka Hmli rhlch promi nent newspaper men of Boston will Xotlce of Final Settlement reg stered coupon (l(UU a ,OVor of B( eJ)ehe , , Somt j,, w will it torin? ,, , , . acting anl looklug to in Ibu rt- ,u tm), (of tliotr ak. am iku , . "... s-v ',,,. ., ,,, ,, ,,1;nomlr " n,v '' Wlttg to be- e. tup to lho la.t thuuchl U l L.trucuonr!:orcr, : , : " i;;-; ?; ';r :r t TL ,ur; wan wm ,M ma" ' 'Utt,; of six Per cent t-er annum and bo 1 '""""' ' " Wh hi. .out bfrn, ,u Wes ot six per cent per annum, ana bo,R B , W) afn .n , , m fw4Me.j . payable twenty years from date ofl. ...,,. ... . w B'' ' ,, ' ... , , ' c that ihre am too man; men raiw, fo jM, WM . -. ly. lloth principal and'0,,t ?"' 'T "' "! ,hM "" ' n"l,,,,) m4,t JrM "" " " able at Ihe fiscal agency of the slat. ' . "T . V . TH" ? i . "'" "' " Cl"8n """ '"' ' h " of Oregon. In the city of New York. , ,0"' T . " ' 'l"' "' " outline different phase of newspaper ,n tho County Courl ot lho Sut" of work Oregon, for Klamath County. In Tela the state Industrial acci dent board ha held that street rail- In the Matter of th Estate ot Hans Proposals to purchase ssld bonds must be accompanied by a certified man to lute join nr i .,... i...k , , Tin' future man will lw ut the rrtli alld leorlt oil him that !.. chock, certified by sum recognised """, "' '''" l"v,nrt- He will be a man hath eterta.tltie Wo Tbl h, U reiponslblo bank, payable to the po.;'r lh" so" "" w"1 ,u,n ',' H"0'" ' l"B mtMl Blll n pIW. Ike judge of said city, for an amount - way companies do not come within lunderslgned as administrator of the the purview of the Texaa workmen's M,ato ot !lan Jorgen Nielsen, de compensation act; that they are ex-icnse'1, na" u,e,, ,n lne county court empt from tho clauses, which provide of tno Stat0 ot Oregon for the County that common carriers are not sub-r0' Klamath, hi final account a ad- Jorgen Nielsen. Deceased. Notice I. hereby given that ,.., lo flVu r f h- swounl Sbertr Sale (Equity No. 507) In thA Plrriilt Ctttr nt Ik. amt n Oregon. In and for Klamath i Ject to tne new ,aw' thus makIn al,im'nl',lrat0r ( 8a,d M,"to' BnU the County. pfoam and electric roads exempt court has fixed Saturday, the 28th Lulu F. shnh.,rf I ot Fooruary. 1914. at the hour ... ' J Lucifer matches, that Is, matches!01 ,0 o'clock In the forenoon of said Oscar C Lee and Dor. F Ij. na. uppca wun an explosive substance 1". a ne time tor Bearing oojec- GEO H. HAYDEX, OpUdaa Office, Room 219, Odd Fellow Building ELMER L. FRENCH Fire Insurance, Plate Qlaat and Automobile Insurance, 8nrty Bend, RenU and Collections. STAR THEATER BUILDING Do You Want Something for Nothing? It Can't Be Done in GROCERIES by successful grocer If the price I abnormally low the quality must be Inferior, We sail only high class gro erlss. In pries ws can corn par with any one If the Quality Is given consideration. It you gst somstnlns that Is goed you'll have to pay for It VAN RIPER BROS. fendants. Under and by virtue ot an execu Uon in foreclosure Issued by the clerk out of the circuit court ot Klamath county and state ot Oregon, dated the 30th day of January, 1914, in the above entitled action in the circuit court for the Bald county and state. wherein Lulu H. Shephard as plaln- clff, recovered a judgment with Inter est costs and expenses aggregating the sum of $2,933.72, against the de fendant, Oscar C. Lee; and a further Judgment and decree foreclosing the mortgage therein and barring the rights, claims, liens and claim of equity of redemption of the said Oscar C. Leo and Dora E. Lt, and all persons claiming under them or either or any of tbem; I am commanded to sell all these pieces and parcels of land, situated In the county ot Klam ath, and state of Oregon, a described In said mortgage and bounded and de scribed as follow': AH the south half of the north east quarter, and tbe southeast quarter of section 34, township 38, S. R. 11 14, E. W. M., and the north halt of lota one and two, of section 3, township 39, S. It. 11 E.W.M., All being in Klamath county, Oregon, together with the tenements, heredit aments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining. .Notice is hereby given that on tho 26th day of February, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of tbe court house, in Klamath Falls, Klam ath county, Oregon, I will. In obedi ence to said order ot sale and execu tion in foreclosure, sell the above de scribed property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy tho plaintiff's Judgment, attorney fees, in terest, costs and disbursements and costs of this buo connected therewith, to the highest bidder for cash. C. C. LOW, Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon. By GEO. A. HAYDON, Deputy. 30-6-13-20-27 h bly Said bonds VIII be sold for cash paid down at time of delivery and for not less than par and accrued In terest. ii.i.i i , ... i. . . . ... . I o.iu uuuus iu uc uaieu April 1, 1911. The city of Klamath Falls re serves tho right to reject any and all proposals. Said bonds are Usued and disposed of under the charter of tho Lucifer matches, that Is, matches tipped with an explosive substance that bursts Into flame on being struck, were flrst used about 1834. Many improvements have been made In I matches since then, the most Import- .1914 ant of which was the Invention of the M safety match, striking only on the .As Administrator of the Estate ofiof Fobruary, 19H. "" t,ans jorgen .Nielsen, Deceased. ' A. L. I.EAVITT, ' 1'ollce Judge of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon. Haled nt Klamath Falls, Oregon. 'January 2. 19H. 1-J.2.9b city of Klamath Falls. 1' i tlons, if any. to said account and tbe .imrclimo said bond will bo otw,n .n.t settlement thereof. (considered by the common council at Dated this 23d day of January, Jtlio council chamber In the city of I Klamath tails, Oregon, corner Main P. NIELSEN. ,an" Second street, on th Oih ,! We will start this year Willi Hip ))m prim Mir t.Wi M'.lvlu rnablrw u lu gltr tiur HUiiiunit llrauil llama mt pound Our Diamond Ili-aml Hltouldrra wr pound IV Our Purr Lri! ,wr M -,v .,, i. Wir for l..iw I'rlrea asst High I'rko (IimmL. The Klamath Falls Meat Company Hales nnd Palace Markets, Phone 157 and 68 AT ONCE! CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN, HEAD COLDS AND CATARRH VANISH i' Ureathe Freely! Clears StuiTed-Up, j grant balm dissolve by the heat of Inflamed Xot and Head aad Stops ' nostrils; penetrate and heal the Cartrrhal Discharge. Cures DoJll mnnmctf, swollen membrano which iicaunciic. hubs iuu uuse, neaa ana tnroat; clears air passage; atop nasty dla- Try "Ely' Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try It Apply a little In the Nostrils charges and a feeling of cleansing Hooiblnk relief come Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight atrug- irid Instantly vour clogged nose and Kl'ng for breath, with bead stuffed; !itoj:;,cd-up air paHsagcs of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning, thr catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal tore throat will dlsappsr. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely' Cream Balm" uuiinis cioseu, nawaing ana mowing. Catarrh or a cold, with lu running nose, foul mucous dropping Into the throat, and raw dryness Is distressing but truly needles. Put your faith Just once In Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold at any drug store. Thl sweet, fra-ior catarrh will surely disappear. MRS. A. PETKRHTKINER'f Not much silver, Bat plenty to mt. For m two bit meal It can't he basrf. ISO Sixth StfMt Oh, Girls! Give a Uten while wo spiel out aa earful of Candy New that Mill tickle you. Beginning Sunday, uo are going to write the amount of our purchuM on slip with dupU cat numbers, one of which you are to keep. The dupli cate for each purchase will Im placed in a box, and at Uie end of a week tlio box will bo shaken up and num ber drawn out. To lho holder on the corresponding number will be given u box of (he niftiest Candy ever nibbled by fair femininity. When your sweetheart or anyone else's sweetheart buys you a box of candy or one of our delightful fountain concoctions, have him nave the number for you. Come in and let us give you a full explanation. Vou will be pleased with the scheme, and also with the Candy The Sugar Bowl "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES" The Enduring Gift King havo always been more than glfu. They carry with them more than mere gift sentiment. They have a sweet Mgulllcnncc and regard of thu giver, us w as tho enduring quality of tho gift In Itself. Ho when you glvo lot your gilt bring Its message of lovo and fulfill also that exist Ing ilcslro for something beau tlful. Give a ring, a handsome ring, a ring you can afford. Our rings are of solid gold. They nro so well made that wo guarantee to replace and roust free, any stono that may over work loose, diamond excepted Frank M. Upp H. I Watch lusiecior l.'lil Main Street Take a Vacation Sunday and Go to REX CAFE ForTurkey Dinner ,Sfcrji w T SH fS.1 v."!! 1 JTm'j (Jl-a yjP) j J iogenes gays- Were in Business for Your Health ft y$f4f ,r , , WK I'M AHIHIT I'lM) .III tho ihiIii, ll. hh.g. sail elhrr dl.roiiiforl- nM.M-Ulr.l with Wis bleeding .r llrhlug ,, ari, ,,cMr (wM,.,, Uf , u, f N-r. Hla. II N miiv m..( I,. arltlm. (),,, ,VM, W(. itf) Underwood's Pharmacy I'oriirr .Miiiu and 7lh Slrrel., KUmstli Full-, Orrg.m I Prompt Service Reasonable Prices i H I W.O.Smith Pnnting Co. I Good Printing I I'ourtli St., I)twtn Main and Klamath H H Kr