T,tMlA v, n:u. n. TUB EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON PAO. Just Who Tinker's New Proprietor Is Owen Moran Quits Fighting Game pjg LCdSUeS ActiVC t. iturk.n )n- linker fur lii ItikU-l rioiuoiliiue " 'M '' MUUrr tli tiii of A liefloUR ' bsilm l-bbetl. Iliicl() .1.11111 IIC Btl- ' .... i.nl. ibAta t". "' ...... ...I ii '. nllinr dtnlli-ulliin ilur at Hih llttMiklt-ii l,r w. a i'iih - - --,.-, I II 111 lit). UIPII "" ' "T J" )! 1 !! II" l0Mtt uit a n i U only 3d !b.imih "w Hicbmuud. lnt.. M4 ! lrair look, it tLililfllillrlwiHrU., H'n.;.J . Ju.l TM wfi fl'l ,,'1 ' ",e IMI ltw ' mJr Ipagu ' TWf i'tr " VVehroau. ih .rt Ul "h ' ' ,,0 ,h tt. m ' '" ronuiniug np Jtlllllclllllr. iilltt of (ii dapper loullo win, ii nl til. billiard par- ,tor The rarliKiliWU HIlJ IminofWU ha to 'had n lul uf fun playing up Wegh Maa'a Jullil Juw )( ifnlillli T It (idll rluh and a r(aln uf fr.iau- UatlU. i tit aw r uuiiU, a Hi-.! Tli-y bm- fl.fl.lriil Tinker L allllsrd . mill " ,Kilii thr "Unrh (ll.lf" In MSf-t.! mini i.( II." Chicago Fl.,'l''r" " "iwllllie ilf lb smuuh. Mar-6) rtl tb ir Mr rtl"-l bm ,i " ymtftta c-f rlhlr-tt "! d. j.al l"1 l t"'r i18"' n we b br lute t'ii nlt4 l(Vr plftlllml Tlllkt-r trailing III fhater In ii RMault oil a WPchttiail it-aurir ii u pay da All of hlrh (ctlull WtctiUtali not a bit Herild'sCbssifiedAdvs. FOOTBALL RULES COMMITTEE MEETS yaM FOR SALE !- i i i . ... roil sMI.K Almtut " Jllnrli HwSrr Jiflll l't. I"" 4 loBfUl. wllti Millie Will cl l I tit i(fl9( J (' MmIIkM. Cafe ill C.ttf.1 5'M HELP WANTED nviAitit,nv tr n.iviMi tiii: iMavi:its m .Miu:iti;i wii.i. m; IMM'liai AT TlllfJ Tll I'Olt tlHIIM) SlHt.V in Spite of the Winter mr( thereof, h kviM wiih the I'oIIcb JTu(fB for fh conn c ..'Ion of the Common Council plant ttil xi-oclficallon find estimate of it t uf tt.e iroptnil ImprovtinMit, ..ni tlcic having hecn duly conild- f i by tbo Common Council nd . ,il & lUfactory, i It Kiolil, Thnt tha milii ptu i.j ttlrtrntton-( lire aptiroed and .: .i!i;J un.l ilctcnriluoJ. and the i (iiuinoii Council now exprewce IU eturminatlon to that end to Improve uld ilrFli ami brli thereof M de- 'xcrlbed and set out heroin with oil macadam pavement. Further, that the plaai. ipecHce- ttlom and estimate of the City En- Klneer covorl&c such proposed work are to be used as a basis for ssch work, and unr contract for tho coa itructlon of such lssprovemet shall ho based thereon, aad the estimated cost of such work aad laprotvsssst,-' as submitted br the eltr eactMOr at (Jwcti llbraii. ranifiii aititvli.i tt i,t,..fc.a i .. ...i ... -.. . ,..! H-VC VMIPl: !, f.lVt,-ll-r Hi- . . -- . -,-. "P .v.t,.ii...lllH 'I " . ' . . ., . I'niuii bucr. ciropt one utiicr, mt hut I find I was wronr" .h. ..rniltn.Hi of tl cuMk .lmai.d. .- lp ,.(llcj Hu, ,lro ,,, ,Um of ( n, croW(J phHJW hn l)UHI;l P MAS 6U4 tu 4fttlu And illtll (stllctn 4hrB, par IU t"J airtlt, A, A Ult), A4tcfWIUC tun .. . tm.r ii . i liii.ii. es.iia.si- nuii iiji i i Rf ia - r- n ii ii unri mi . ijB.ii iinir,, uuMKint, i ,.""- ,.-,-.- .-. --.- iitiiuii, priic nite ruio. ii ju n- Moran wi a fcatherwolaht when !' 3 ."",,r ''"' ", U,M ",- ," ",w bMttt! I.U f.tltmeal. A third-rate ,,. first cam- o the United States. He .. T" -WW -ll " " Wlr iui,iw.lb. J.H. Hliusru-. beat hlmU.v th,. only feathrrwelKht who held .Vik, lu CmMior. i11'" ,,,':r' ,:,,U,.m0!!. ITII T' ,,,, ru,,, ,"" KO "" ,,,,J "hrr W At Allrl ven hen Abe was at hi. U tts Cuatr Court ol the HUI. of; ..."" ... " "; ..." L ..' i ,1,.li,n 81ur- ""'" nn'' wan,,n Kor th last several ycrs h i County i . ........... 'u,ilw,i iiik ay up nupHti n ou'in Oioa, for Klamath County. IlK.I ll ,!, l.l.M...It.,. t.n..k. ... . . . ... . " r t ' - "' .... ft. . il llk.iv HftHI.VlKUW. IUIIUKI1 r.i.umlllt-n u III I'll I in Da II rill llprp I ... . . ....... . . .. I. hiu M.turuf the Jtauof llenrr !:""... ".'.." J. ... . ...i"""-"r """e ' '''"'" '' ! rll under that class. He and iiintiirruw nun r-iiij " irr,114.,i wi.i ,.. m,i , ...n,,, t. W, Kr. l)cil I. iflk ' Mm on . opr Hip m DrUfiill the cleverest boxer khittM'tl n "yellow )slnrMlii ilnrs of Younc (.rlfrohsvn fin rwrnt )cArs been the only Ilrltons was liPlur. immmpllrd allnn pood as Amerlran hoxers of their rlttK by n irniK hoy He rlAji Moran held his own with the i. -K nat ar.n t.'rtlfia (litl RH.I ! tfeiMk' l. ku.r.. t at. . . a ll . . .. IUt all pefsoashailai claims aalBsmr.n ,, irr.A. f IntPrct h tih v(tM u bMfn , HsoeneM. U . TIT VZ1 lmVl t,lU" ,!c,,Pta, ,uW,f '" lU tWnm' Ach with h.m. Atthoendo, Kvery one who Meed him knew he . .,,ft, "" Bl '"' ,aW ,mc.of M"M II... PVPtith round Moran walked over could not h mnd to anit. IMpSaIp- h are hem today said , , notl ,,,,- mrll ,) wau Hp has one accomnllshment to his .MaMIIlI.Ulp .i.. - .... .. i'.j.. .. i.... .i. ... ..... ..- ... ." " '" ii'R"'" nini ii ...., .,v ...... ,,. . .. 1'iMitball tM ttatnotru IWi,,,, i.i.l..J k.. t .. ,l..lu .......ll..l . I'll! "- " "" "" - ,,(,- ,u attPi,a tiio mtniK pf miauiraiar ol the etat. of Henry tMj wy dl!dmun the quwlluu W Kr,( dea.td. hy lh county ThuP who will favor the plan dp MVIIAIiHHKItllMX ard. Cole. Hrcnnan, Kord, Wlllelt. ttL Written for U fnlltxl l'rt- Cauniltz, McKhnlo and Klrkpatrlclt, SKW YOltK, Feb. 0. The winter j of Brooklyn. Jumped and then league Is rapidly pamluic out, but Itijumpt-d back asaln. This has glreo anyone has a lnicli doubt as to IU'rlo to threats of court proceedings, havlnr. l""it thcro with tint wallop but such action would be dull going one look orer tint Held littered with 'after the playlns season Is once on. former leaKUe presidents, and puac-'The K-ds lavo claimed that they Itirfd rank of major lea cut clubs, 'have a lot more players, but, coy like, with club owners watchlnif In the I did not announce them all at one. offliiK will Klre the answer Talk of slathers of money, ball Within a fw w.?k the hall clubs parks, and major league stars that will b In the South putting In their i havo been signed will do when the first licks of training. Ual bag nrei '.- !oiuj aro around the stove, but even now being packed. Within ten j when tbo meeting Is called to order days the New York OlsnU will begin J Just b:ick of first base It means some to gather In 8u liuls for their an-lthlnir eUe again- The Federals may nual pilgrimage to Marlln, Teraa. The j produce the something else. ThU Is crash of tbo ash against the horse- one time when the baseball fan stands I31.SS8.46, Is adoptsd aa tU afofc- oblo cost of said work aad Isaprova- hlde wilt then take the place of mere to lose nothing and gain a lot. But words banging against U ear drum .with the old timers back (n the field, and tales of sore arms and Charlie" and the smell of the game In the air, horses will step In where claims and.lt will take real baseball and not con- counterctalms now tread. venation to make the Federals a Many are the young men who are beginning to feel that the career they had mapped out for themselves may! not lm half as good as It looked In .sovcmixir and December wben tneyi retired from the game. They will be angling for contracts. It's two , months yet before the season opens, but the night Is drawing to a close. The clouds are about to break, and I warn they do, make way for tie Old j King Swat. It Is then that the new to' third major league. Ileaolutioa Dc taring the Intention of the Com mon Council of the City of Klaas- alii Falls to Improve Eighth , members of Section two The time wlthla which remoaatraace or objoetlaasi' may be heard against said Improve ment shall bsraor before fabraary 23, 1914. Sectloa thro The bouadarle within which tbo property lie ttat Is benefitted aad U to be aasaassd for the cost of th said proposed latarwra-. jment, la all that property lylac a4 tjacent to the said straata aa far aa Improved aad extradlag aaek frasja tha sida llasa of aaM atnat tm m cenur of tha rospacUvw Macka ,lytC. adjacent to aald streets so far aa lav- proved. Sectloa four Th asHlea t fewa- rty owners affected y aald Kafffwra- ment shall b gtT aarasjalfM y the Charter. State of Oregon. County of Klamath at: City of Klasaatk Falls. I, A. L. Leavltt, PoUc JaH of the City of Klamath Talk. Oregoa, do hereby attest the forsgolag t ba a properly enrolled copy of tha reso lution adopted by a saajority of tk the Comsaoa Coamcil Street frow Mala to Hih Street; High Street froaa Elfktti to Math; Math Street froaa High to Prospect; Prospect Street from Math to Uatuiaa; I7pham Street from Prospect to White; Whlto Street froaa Up ham to Delta. The City of Klamath Fails by IU HolloC ttKbrk, In Klamath Falls, Ofnoo. within ill months from the(lt,. bplittp fpw changps lll t madp m el thU notice, ptotmrly verified, imU )ear lit the playltiK rulp it br Us required, takd t Klamath Falls. Oregon, this Ilth day of January, 1H. OKO. CIIAHTAIN. AdmlnUtrator of the Kstalo of Henry W. Kncssa, Deceased. 3MI.ML31. b CARPENTIER TOO YOUNG FOR JACK I am donp 1 nm .ill lu. There Is rredlt which mnny American fighters itn up eolnic mi I haven't a chance, envy ho knocked out Battling 1'el ii'i'l what U the lino of pretending I son, The Japnneae Laundry "gain opPn for business, and ki rou to give us a trial, to o you we are good, first 'Ism and experienced workmen "ft sl fancy washing and Iron. In. Wo also do tough drying. New City Laundry I'hono lf.4 CAM, AMI OCI.IVKH IIM Fimrtli slreel, hark of First .National Hank I ,i;uui'i:a ciiamp is mi:u shi. .M IH HTII.I. moVI.Vl. AM. WIIH.V TIIIUHIlll. TIIKWIOKK", WII.I. Hi: JOIN! HACK' Town Soon to Have Baseball Magnates Federal League will be brought the beginning of the real teat. . Statements and claims of players) that have been signed suffice during 'Common Council reselves: the months wbeu the cobwebs are on Sectloa One That, Whereas, a pe the bats and rats nest In the gloves, tltion has been Hied with the Polios but when the big time opens there Is.'Judge, signed by more than tea free- but one question to be answered. That question deals with the general and broad topic of whether thoy can play ball. This has been one of the dlnglncst ' winter leagues that ever wintered. After the firing of Tom Lynch as pres ident of the National League and the Installation of Governor Tener, of Pennsylvania, In his place came the now famous Tinker deal between Brooklyn and Cincinnati and the nnmliig of Charlie Hereog as the now Hint manager. The Tinker deal came and went almost all at once for the Fodernl League begau to horn In actively at that stage of the game. Slnco that time what has happened has been aplenty. "Miner" Brown. Otto Knabe. Pack- i TO" FOB TIRED SORE, ACipG FEET aai.!"11 ,,,n''' No ""' '' ' ino, urn(. f(Tti ,woen( U(, ,.,. caff?. ' U?u No wor I'" " co cs loune, r bunluns. No aiatUr what your ftrt Jf tl under " lUiout ?'"ln r.llof. JUt lltu 'TIZ ' yv draw. ' U the io! i" Is mail. JJ ,'Tir", psaj, ..TI,., ri.! ,ur'' our fltJ"f. "P or draw up your faes Pib. our akoaa wea't seem tight tH i 'ri,l w, never hurt r ra2?'I' O,.wou,, ' ' tejaVJ? , at aay dru or ""i ttora, aad gat relief. I'AltlH, I'eli. 6. -H Is nut bcll(iH'ili Tim Kliinmth Falls AmusemssU oinpnit)' ulll protititily lie tin- name of liete today Hint Oeorge CnrHiiller,.l'' a'K-lutlui which will handle tha Hit. French champion heavyweight uf j Klainwili Fulls luisohnll teuui this llunrpo, will opr meet Jnfk Johnson, tin. hlnrk. farpviillpr Is not it grown, being still unili-r 20 years uf R, und nl IhiiiiKh IH Rrowlng, It will ho pr ill iuirs before he ttliH his full wi.lKlit mid solidity. I'utll ihfii hi umiirtKors would srnrtvl)' risk n bout wllh Hid negro llRhlor. It Is innslili-ri'd lion as iitilte likely Hint Cnrpi'iitler imiy liccoino ehiim plim nf tlui world, winning from John son's successor. It would he tht "rut tlino Franco, over hold such clinm-lilonwlilp. rouiliiK KPIINOII. Attorney J. H. Kent met with the pin) crs nud fnus In the rluli rooms of the hall teiuu In tho rear of tliu Palm UtKnr store IhnI night, and outlined the method of proocilure to ho fol lowed hy the promoters of the bull team. Ho was Instructed lu preparo u list for stock subscriptions, which will ho circulated among tha buslnesa men nud fmiM of tho city. When nil amount sulllcteut Is sub mitted, cortlflVnteH of stock will bo Issued nud tlto compuny Incorporated. Tho diuico commlttoo agroed to lot tho prorveds of the various dances to ho given by tho bull team go toward swelling tho Kcuurnl fnnd, so as to got tliu movvmetil early advanced to u point where articles of Incorpora tion could be tiled with tho proper purloe, Auothor meeting will bo called for an eitrty date to appoint competent men to go forth with tho subscrip tion list. Herald want ads bring results KLAMATH HIGH IS VICTOR IN FIRST (MMK AT MKOPOIin LAST NIGHT WON MY TIIK TOSSKKH FHOM HKRK WHO AHK TOUIUNO THE KOOUK VALLEY holders of the city of Klamath Falls. whose property will be affected by tha Improvement proposed, which peti tion was presented to the Common Council having for Its object tbo im provement of Eight street from Main to High street; High street from Eighth to Ninth; Ninth street from High to Prespect: Prospect street from Ninth to Upbam; Upham street from Prospect to White; White street from Upham to Delta, Including all intersections of streets. And whereas, the Common Council directed the city engineer to prepare plans and specifications and estimates of the various kinds of improvements feasible for the proposed Improve ment of above described streets and elect, on the 3th day of Jamaary. 1914. A. L. LKATTTT. PoUc Judge of tha City ac Klaaaath Falls, Oragaa. Presented to the Mayor, aad fcy hlaa approved oa tha 17th day a Jaaa ary. 1914. T. F, N1CM0LA.: Mayor of th City of Kbuaata Fall. 1-39 10th Subscribe for the Herald, 50 cents a month. Katie In th County Court at U Mat at Oregon, la aad far KlaauU County. In the Matter of th Batata C Mar garet McMillan. Deceaaed: Notice la hereby aren ay tha aa derslgnsd. administrator of th aetata of Margaret McMillan, aiaaaaai. to the creditors of. aad to all peraaaa having clalaaa against the aald da ceased, to exhibit thsaa. with tha necessary voucher, wlthla aU laatha after the first pnblleaUaa af thle a Uce. to the said adatlalatratar. at th law office of Stone Gala, at stlaiafb Falls, in said coaaty aad etata, tha same being the place far tha action of the baataaaa at aaM Dated thia 9th day ot Jaaaary. D. 1914. D. B. CAMFBUX. Adailalatratar ot aald sMi 9-1 8-3 3-3 0- h In IK.N .1. .HMWAI.T. !. B. M. IIUIIII. Vloo I'rw,. ..ml Trras. IIEHT IC. WITIIHOW, Kerrelary Surveyors nnd Irrigation Engineers Klamath County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTING KLAMATH I'AMJ, OHKON MAPS, PI.ANH, III.IIKPHINTS, Ktd In Bankruptcy tho District Court of the United States for tho District of Oregon. In the Matter of Henry I.. Volt, Bank rupt. To tho Creditors of Henry L. Viet, Klamath County, Oregen: You are hereby notified that on tho atilh day of January, A. D. 1914, Henry L. Vett was duly adjudged a bankrupt, that the first meeting ot his crodltorsVlll ho held at the office of J. 0. Butenlc, rcforee ot the above court In bankruptcy, at Klaaaath Falls, Ktamnth county, Oregon, In the district aforesaid,, at 3, o'clock p. ., February ICth, 1914, at which tine creditors may attend, prove thalr claims, appoint a trustee, esaatne the bankrupt aud transact such other business as may properly cosae be fore the meeting. J. 0. RUTBNI0, Referee. (Herald Special Service) iiKDPnnn. Kh e with ih -.7. .. :. :. . : "i score sianuing 1 1 to a in lavor ot Medford High at the close of tho ilrst half, Coach Max McCall's basketball team from Klamath County high school put up a whirlwind stylo of play In the second halt of last night's game, and took tho contest. Tho nual score was 19 to IS. Tho Klamath high school team work was ono ot the featurea ot tho game. Tho boys from the high alti tude played fast and furious all the time. Hum, at forward, had his "shoot lug eye," and was responsible tor nlno of tho points, while McClure contrib uted his sharo to the victory. Garrett wus the stollar player ot the contest. The activity la tha building ladia try and In tho engineering works lu the neighborhood ot Bombay Is re flected in the Increase of nearly 1300, 000 In value ot building aad engineer lug materials Imported during tho year ended March 31, 1911. , (MvmL aTaasv aVJa raeFra. T bkT saw-Hfianaew .bSSSmbw There are 10,000 barristers la the United Kingdom aad oaly about 1.900 practice. That Silver Service NO MATTEH HOW BLACKENED AND TARNISHED IT HAS BECOME FHOM KXPOSUltB TO THE AIB OB FROM U8K "TBflB PLATUM riiATK" WILL MAKE IT AS CLEAN AND BRIGHT AS WHEN YOU FIRST GOT IT IN LESS THAN HALF A M1NUTH- IT'S A BIG CLAIM, BUT YOU CAN PROVE IT YOURSELF. TELEPHONE Set FOR A DEMONSTRATION AT YOUR BOMK OR MAIL THE COUPON BELOW TO Philip J. Sinnott, KLAMATH FAIXS, MANUFAOTURSRt A4WNT Please send a Platum Clean Plate to my residence for two dayt trial. In cue it U satisfactory, I will, remit 75 csata'i otherwla I wall la tum th plate. ' ' Nasae Addraaa I fr