TiiitimtiAV, n:n ,T THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1114 PASS TWO wn&wBteihifa.foi.! Mexican Troopsllse 22 Calibe The Evening Herald r V O. SMITH Editor Published dslly excepl 8unday by The Herald Publishing Company of. e KUiuath Foil, lit 115 Fourth Stmt Exaggerated Reports Due to Laziness Kntcre.l at the postofflce at Klam- nth FnIK Oregon, for transmission through the malt as eecond-cl matter Gum MMWtMVMWVMi e HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK STAR THEATER TOTITO ANN COMPANY European Novelty Juggling Act "Udy Rabble," Anicrlcal Kclair Drama In 3 parts "Troubles on the Stage." Comedy STAR THEATER ORCHESTRA ADUSION, 10 sad 23c TEMPLE THEATER "Tli Open Door," Sells Two-Reel Feature "A eBar Me," Patheplay Comedy "The. Elemental Word," Rlograph Drama MATINEE DAILY AT 2:S0 ALL LICENSED PICTURES PROFESSIONAL CARDS 000000000Va 0t000000000 THE KLAMATH FALLS STEAM LAUNDRY Guarantees nrst class work a well as first elaae service. If you have occasion to make complaint and do not gat las mediate attention, phone D. R. CAMPBELL MAXWELL M. LONG Osteopathic Pfcyaklaa Suite 18 and 1. White Building CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ABSTRACTS INSURANCE Members Oregon Aaaoelatlon TlOe Men asBsSBsssBesBMesaiessaBsBSsssssssBB. A.S.LOWMON CHIROPRACTOR Rooaaa 11 sad J2 First National Bank Bulldlx Klamath Falls, Ore. GEO H. HAYDEX, Optician Office, Room 219, Odd Fellows Building ELMER L. FRENCH Firs Inswrnnce, Plate Glass and Automobile Insurance, Surety Bonds, Rente and Collections. STAR THEATER BUILDING DojYou Want Something for Nothing? It Can't Be Done in GROCERIES by successful grocers If the price la abnormally low the quality must be Inferior. We sell only high class gro ceries. In price we can com pare with any one If the Quality Is given consideration. If you get something that is good you'll have to pay for it VAN RIPE BROS. ffaoa SB Tks) HtraM, celirared at your ate, oHe mt hems, B0 eente Subscription terms by mall to any ad dress In the United State: One year IC.OO One month 60 UK MATH FAUA . OREOON THURSDAY. KKH. 3, 1014 AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS Weather Conditions for February Date Max. Mln. Weather ' .35 12 Clear ' 1. .. .29 S Clear .30 10 Clear Hotel Arrivals Hotel Hall A. L. Jlnnett. K. M. Hammond. Merrill; B. W. Short and wife. Mer rill road; John Saubcr. Chtco; Merle Kllgore and wife, Bonanza; Miss C. Turner, Cheater Lundy, Chlloquln; E. K. Balseger, S. G. London, A. J. Sprague, F. M, Reeves, San Francis co; Irene Cramer, Fort Klamath; J.. W. Call. Paul A. Long. Medferd: G.' C. Caratlne, .F Laito and wife. Port- J land; J. A. Ewing. Victoria, B. C; Emma Egbert, Valley, Neb.: J. E.i Brown. Mr. Klepper, city. White Pelican W. M. Robertson, C. C. Young, San Francisco; L. O. Arens. L. Pearson. Portland; E. Watson. J. A. Darter, city; J. P. Churchill. Yreka; J. O. Donoho, Sacramento; J. A. Durst, Marysville. If it'a worth having, it's worth hi luring. See Chllcote. 63.1 Main street Sheriff's Sale (Equity No. 507) In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, in and for Klamath County. Lulu F. Shepbard, Plaintiff, vs. Oscar C. Lee and Dora E. Lee, De fendants. Under and by virtue of an execu tion in foreclosure Issued by the clerk out of the circuit court of Klamath county and state ot Oregon, dated the 30th day of January, 1914, in the above entitled action In the circuit court for the said county and state, wherein Lulu H. Shepbard as plain tiff, recovered a judgment with Inter est costs and expenses aggregating the sum ot $2,933.72, against the de fendant, Oscar C. Lee; and a further judgment and decree foreclosing the mortgage therein and barring the rights, claims, liens and claims of ! equity ot redemption of the 'said J Oscar C. Lee and Dora E. Lee, and all persons claiming under them or either or any of them; I am commanded to sell all these pieces and parcels of land, situated in the county of Klam ath, and state of Oregon, as described in said mortgage and bounded and de scribed as follews: All the south half of the north east quarter, and the southeast quarter ot section 34, township 38, S. It. 11 Vi. E. W. M.. and the north halt ot lots one and two, of section 3, township 39. S. R. 11 E.W.M., All being in Klamath county, Oregon, together with tho tenements, heredit aments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or In anywise appertaining. Notice Is hereby given that on the 28th day of February, 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the front door of the court house, In Klamath Falls, Klam ath county, Oregon, I will, in obedi ence to said order of sale and execu tion in foreclosure, sell the above de scribed property, or so much thereof an may be necessary to satisfy tho plaintiff's judgment, attorney fees, in terest, coats and disbursements and costs of this sale connected therewith, to the highest bidder for cash. C. C. LOW, Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon, By GEO. A. HAYDON, Deputy. 30-6-13-20-27 h jp MRS. A. I'ETKRUTKIICKR'B Not much silver, But plenty to ant, For a two bit meal It can't he bene. 130 Mxtb Street HtBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT XU'nTr HlSsl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV'BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI nsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsMsnw:f Mvr?nMsnsnsnsMss HtSBBBBnHtSBBBsVt' "rf il?' f vMtSBBBBBBBMl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBMtBFY ' '!' 'ilSviV HtBBBBBBBBM hIhIhK f flNnHSMLtMfl HBHBhBIhV lit ftBBBBBBBBBBBsHl bbbbVbbsH? 'iAvirnHtSBBBHUsllHtsl nvtinHtnH07ffl1ttnHWnHiBnHl nHtssBBBBBBBBHtfill 'fsansm nPCnHtssHnHtMB nVftBBBBBBBBswsnVenplnnKnv v'Lr V hiLbbbbbbbs sbbbbbbbbV IsRi sWVIbbBIbbbbbbbbbbb! HlnlHlHHBttSHwr'ISVBSBBBBHlHlHlH hIhIhHsMII' IHmIhIhH SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPBr$'H H vl BrRHesslnmesBBBBBMi bbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbB hTjA.B H 2aH " bbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbb MBBBBBBUHtBBBBsHML'mHC ;HtBBBBHBBBBBBBBBl nVBVHevQaBBmwnKYaBBBsMHaBBBBBMa HasVLnHM4uVAV':iSnHBBBBBBBBHl bbbbbbbbbKbbbbbl23-b m&UL ianHHnHHtsBMl LVaevVaevVaevKTttHERyaevVl LBBBBBBBBBBBBflSBBBBBBBBBBBBYJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbKLaKBBBBBBBBBB1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSflSr' v .'vsbbbbbbbbbbbbi nHVMBBBBBBBBBBHWjb.', '3aBBBBBBBsVi nsnsnsnsnsnsnsnsoKingj, y. vSasBBBBBBSMl nnHtSBBBBBBBBBBBBM Long time ago they wore pannlero and polonaises; today there Is a quaint suggestion of these old-fashioned modes In tho dressy little after noon dancing frocks that tho spring Is Innovating. There Is fluff upon fluff and puff upon puff, until the fashionably en larged hip line might assume Im mense proportions, were not mater Figures relating to tho output of coal In British India during 1912 have been published by the chief Inspector of mine. They show a total output last year of H.044,368 tons, which Is nearly 2,000,000 tons In excess of the production recorded in the previous output Rent paid by Now York city for polling places for four primary and one regular election amounts to 1250,000. Accurate information about the Klamath Baaln. See Chllcote. 6MNDMA USED SAGE TEA TOJMKEN HAIR SIIK MIXED MULI'IItm WITH IT TO HKSTOItE COLOR, GLOSS, THICKNESS Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea with sulphur and alcohol BROOMS We Make Them at Ashland METTKR CHEAPER, AND LAHT LONGER. TRY ONK AN1 YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. PATRONIZE YOUR OWN STATE, AND SAVE MIDDLE MAN'S PROFIT WATCH THIS SPACE j The Ashland Fruit Store phone 282J ials manufactured nowadays (or the express purposo ot draping Into grace ful undulations that would overjoy tho old marble gods of Greece. Hero the flormuda pink pusiy-wll-low taffeta embodies the lustre and tho softness, while the ultra shadowy shadow lace and net lend the sheor ncss that Is esHontlal In overy modish frock. added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux uriant, remove oven' bit of dandruff. stop scalp Itching and faltlnic hair. Just a few applications will prove a revelation if your hair Is fading, gray or dry, scraggly and thin. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way Is to get the rcady-to-use tonic, costing 00 cents a largo bottle at drug stores, knonw as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Itemery," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair la not nlnful, we all desire to retain our youthful npeparanco nnd attractive ness, fly darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sago and 8ulphur. no one can tell, because It does It so natural ly, so evenly. You just dampen a apongo or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time: by morn ing all gray hairs have disappeared, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautlfull dark. glossy, soft and luxuriant. (Paid advertising.) Red Cross Representative Says Light Guns Are Used, and Very Few of Those Carried Away Will Die I'liltvd l're HiTtlc HOUSTON. Tittu. Fb 6. The ml U out. Tin' itubllf tons ko tf Kuii to net-opt iu i Joki publlnhwl re port tlmi hundrtuU ro Willed lu Mi'xlcnu batili-o, (ot tho mimbor ' vnrlubly tlwlndlrd lovn to cr ur m II lit there In a reasou. The vxnKKorntloti of killed and woumtod In battle I dtrvi'tly due to tho Mettcaun' Inline. Tho MoxIcaii, both fctloral oud rbl, bo It ktu)ti. with few r.c)tloii. carrlrtt (ho mallt army rlfln In tho world- S3 calibre. Some rarry n J0.J0. The Metlrnn dtnttko lo carry heavy umu or henry ammunition, and tlieoe light rlrtr am no burden. Tho Mexican love to IlKht. but when It ci'iiim to marchlnc and carrying n gun, that U work, and lift wants to get out of as much of that as possible. Thera U no glory In carrying a heavy gun. ThU discovery wa made by Wil liam II. Mctlrath." reprinting the National lied Cro.i Society, ilo found that Mexican who had fallen In (ini tio auffertxl from vary nmnll bullet wound, and further ttivellrtlon re vealed tho fact that they carried the llRhtmt weapon pmislble, .MrOrnth ha Jut returned from a trip tttoug tho border and throughout North Mexico. ,whero ho aw much dghtlng. During tho day of the heaviest fighting at Nuero teredo, when the rebel tried to capture the town. 1 35 "fatally" wounded soldier who wcro Subcrbe tor the Herald. SO rent is month. Famous Skin Soap Free! AtMnlntrlr fteu M tent rake at l. ft, ft Fkln tu. nli Hie iiirrluBc ur full an. i. titer ii. ii. i). rrr,iiii..n r-T ii-m-r.o cul l!,otAIl,nl Uci Irmnlr. Il,!k-f o. anteril frwri llila Itrl l.iltu of mir in..tw r ruixttil. I). I), II. skin Sup, furr.t n. l,l,r. r.lot.skm 6t!M, tlwull lr ! o-M In rnr. I. n v ii ft. ft ft CrroTlpllon. IU .thio, UcalitiK lotion. V h, mul. rl iiicii-i.m mm iuiMmMiniiri'rtvclnimni.. Ir hr rerun " liiQ rtrmmt lirrwlnrl aim! h, ml ,M tir llirlrt IHl OO II"! l-rliffrr, Ttllt Itlot- nnlUlr. Ion mutl Mini ItiU UtS wllh fv. Whitman Drug Co.. Klamath Falls 1 B The Enduring Gift Ring liuvit always breti mure than gifts. They carry with them more than muro gift sentiment. They havu a sweet significance and regard of the giver, a well a tho enduring quality of thn gift In Itself. Ho whi-n you give lot your gift bring Its moiomgo of tovo and fulfill also that exist ing doslro for something beau tiful, (live n ring, a handsome ring, n ring you can afford. Our rings are of solid gold, They aro so well mado that wo guarantor to replace and renet free, any stone that may over work loose, diamonds itxccptod. Frank M. Upp H. P, Watch Inspector l!i:i Muln Strict REX CAFE Will please your palate with fresh llsh, oysters, clams and poultry, prepared to your order by the Rex Cher. Families aro cordially Invited to dine with ui. J. W. LINDQU1ST Proprietor rotintod n de4il, Mote cared fur by the lied Cm cort t'til) (our of the Mi'vliitm died, a thy mjorlly ( the iiuiu!n Wore illshl. ThU I about the averse portent- 'ko of death of thtt o4rl (or, ert MeOfnlti, which lcd lu the fe- 'poru helttc out out that a grt mrtiiy re killed They fe en til (nil. am) limy re carried y on iroirhor, mid the eorrpondeiit. Mini eet the KeliernU. are tiuttrtl defetrd. :'i whell Olio read a hedllne "Ttt Hundred tile lu Motlean lUttlr" It may Ketterallr be Uke (or granted that there l a rlpher Hhi many ThU lift a breii the Co III enery MUa We will start thisyear Willi the Im rtrr t.ur t'aah M Ictit rntie i lu ghe Our lilaiiiiiinl lltand llama prr founit Our IMnmunil llrnnd HhuuliWre pT (munit IV "ur I'ure lrl ...... jr vll 7ft- and I,M Vuurn (ur Uim (Wi lrlw and High I'rlre 0mR The Klamath Falls Meat Company Hales And PnUce Mnrkeli, Phones 157 and 68 Our Low Watch Dealer in all kinds of Leather Goods. rrv Motf f - w ims AHK IW AllOIIT I'lWI All ilu ixilu, Itching, nu.l ollirr .U...Mf..rl .Htnl lll. MlaA hltitllnx r Itrhlng pll urn i(ulrkly Ui.l.l.r,! by tlr ut t.l Vsl' Ml It . .im,MH.l in It artliiii. Oiil) fMIr iwr t. Underwood's Pharmacy onirr Main iin.l 7lh Strtt. KUiimiIi I'hIU, Orrgi I Prompt Service .. , Reasonable Prices il H I W.O.SmithPnnringCo. : Good Printing Fourth St., between Main and KUmtth I s . (ba(lo lu the U1 aatrtal et j The .Utuliinr I nut irtltte u iituderlooi. The KfC4lfll UttoriiK a. fditm I he lied t'fO agent u uui 0& (l battletietd, but III iho ic si llilll.t, whefo lhar U lircij o( (swl fuel nlid clullie. lcCUe mall calibre (u6, w Uel," MrOraltt ), the i continue for much lut( i llinil rippled -ll (tt. that U (J, rmton why It alr-dr ! lul H 1 lime " Old !'( r (or alanine 6t T reiiU an auuful. Cuius nj ot , load W. O lliutlh I'rlntloc Co Rent Prices Our Sales Go Up and Our Prices Go Down BRADLEY HARNESS CO. III "T 1 vrere in for Your tfeaM '.' h "Kin rti, ro i'tji J" '' H'