4atttttt0 literal KLAMATH FALLB' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER r we owe-- ipa-rj: .T-SiTrefflqaar-TT "iTiJiiiii'',r-"N",a,tt,w KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1914 h ASSOCIATION NOT PAYING FOR ADY TRIP, SAYS EZELL u- n I "W VAW ,,v Hm' M'liirriox Alt '. PrraMrwl .f IVunl) lnlrMwM' Aoc.Uim I'M t.i PaMl Ar IU1U tin. WW , Mori ll.p !: lMi'H Uk. UU ' Alwl Ad) ,M "" N"' lt' i'-plt-l cTfc vl Ml I'll4rll AM Ad' .....i .i.H to V..li(" In Mu.ll .j a. 4icr tii uu4r tuu Klamath ' tltoi'" tioli t Mn p-14 .by '.'... .i ...,, . .... AAiii0n at ' Til lb fund, fur tltU r Mnj.Mll." AWeH-nilM.ylnll.i.ii i.iLl bi W .ut..U.w ,,f wt ""''" ' a'"""1 lltitiw UUUI'HI . le4el.U v) ' " '" "'" '-' ,"n'u j.. Men j.iMiai ( tb ..- "" til, tvm llf)inn' AcUliu, fit" rfii- l Vfptlf... .if mI nf ti 4 A fcwlllb! "I ! Kll"Ul WUl umrlal. jl)4 nil uf ll illllMi.. fr.l III tVn Awwuiiwu, lu Aii.iief lu umOi" ftfrl arm TltU U iiu iiramr of illKiiot !!! tu uawttl iir iban rtrr ltfufi'" tot frJufllDH III tit" tt"l of uiaIu pacr ai(alrlm (unit ll.f miilli uiut H-o xlil', a rtmuiU"! oiitr. idat Alllma, l-hn itiiM ihiMIi U WeJllt4)i Ilel4. uf Tut lmtt, lrirt4'lrl wlllmHl If tfeeff W) b " Mil tit l UlhMtr III Un rrl"U Ur lbt Ibc Wef tri AkU Tt) ft i.f Trfp I nl Viiuwii. It fi th atcUM III Mf. A4r," Bllil I lit-Jr. U til II r ll atulrtjr Tllr (m. ' te lutiliBKeJ, "biil I nu llml IfeelBtaU f llfl i.r altlliitlltllloti. 1 iomi of ih iltuw Uto luauvr bui I'upIIc Inunwi tu (ho rllti uf ilin liTti ilitH b; InatrMunU, Tlml i5it jrii)t.isu lis tiltiril No tmUAmcr ' h U firm ? I ri y lo trifn itoitifiinliaUiiii l fonrwl ' Ulij, I m oua uf iba cumwttlpo ( KMfe Ibo lutiJ.." T. (tlltlnli 111 uuvtluti, MbUb 4 tu4i a tiurtlutt In Ibo aumiwhuI UiW (yf itialttUlblnt Ibo ajw4u Hi-, U flmllng mucil rommvlit " UHI Ibf I'luJI, and Ibete (rumi toU Ui(nfliivadaii(e at HatunU Hntieii of tb dirvrlora. In Ibti t-lllUm. H la alU4 tbat IUf ip nummmu uolvu ijK!iidl lilii, and Ibcfu I a Uuh ltit Ibo it0MI ftlu.T (a (ifli tihlsaa tlir utao I. ledurmj A. P. IS SAID TO BE A MONOPOLY I'l'iiijHiiKii or m:w voiik rtt'.v AKH A1TIHOKV OH.VKIIAI, Tt I'lMMtmTK IM AIMKII AT TIIK MilllMMi hKHVICi: L'tilUd I'fr.n HarvlM WAHIII.N'llTUN, I). 0.. Keb. 0. Allcdnx thai iba Aaaodated I'rwi la violating tti HIiiTiimn aiill-lrtui act, Wltli.nt llelck, publlabor of tbo NVw Vurk, Hun, (o,ly aakixl Atlornay tJnif "fi Mclloynubia In proMiciito iiii tiicy It l nut bnlbm-d tbat a aorloua Ml I'WM lll I... iimdi to cbargo monop "Htlc foaiurra lu roniipctlon with tbo AhocU(i 1'rcna cv.mlng nervlce, im ihvtlnlird I'naa aervna a Uror num. Ol 1'Blmrn tlit4.li ihn A. I. "Lisle Thread" Banks Are Losing Patronage "oiled I'msa Hervlce WAHIUNIlTON, I). (1 Fob. S, Women ro nlinmloitlng their "lUIn ""'4 ImuliH," and ilopoaltlng Ihelr l'rii clutiiKo Instoad In Undo flam's !'UI vlngM bnnka, according to u lorl today in H,0 bnnds of Postofllro watlment ofnclaU, Tlie report was Niibmlttwl by Um mwiiiailer m IMtlabiirg. Ho any w womun recently went lo his i2.fci ' wlM 8'ono ut at hor jwmng, nmj MklH, for ft mM book 'ro' Uio pottn) savings department. failure ot banks la also boneflUIng "' lUUlal wi... . mi -. -niiu naTTiee, nocoratag HUERTA SAYS HE ASKS NO ASYLUM AT U.S. EMBASSY l.tlMn I'WH.IUI, .wtm h NOW nimh vitiimt .,, tim, .ti.'ih:irJ:,r;xd. Hat AlTtl) U llrfUKx (or All So I'mr ; iif oil Aull.AiitrtiM Iniu.ttlratl.,n la VI TiU) Mragtf ,iicr H,i) I tin 11 Iwrltr MM.-- I'ikiii Tii(ir..o jUfllll4 ! titMlt. , MKXICtl CITV. I'd. ,"-Pfrld1H 1116 .fllr.-!til ilrl(a made lh- folio ,'"' ,',,,'',' ''' I'l. t " lrtimi of m Unr rrf nr AIRSHIPS FIGURE IN NEW SCANDAL TM: VMH K I'AIUH U.MtlVKIW utuxt-r I.V rilK.MII AKMV A VIA. THV AtTI VITUS TWO mr.v. IlltCII MVI'HINIS SIKHtT Uult4 I'ini tkrtko ........ a, i ... . l .k l-AHI. rro K. mat u, r,wy arm) U J0U aropUiU'. abort of ih. iiumbrr AUlhorliMt by tiatllauieui fut 1913 mid Dial Hip fundi, which aboutd ;im purclia.cil tlipr Minrhlttw mvi uacl fur dllTriil purtxMva In the arm) ale Hip gUl of iliurnca uiadn to day b) a tarcn nrtloti of the I'arU i prt. j lM-rt Takrn lluutc. It. J. 8h;U of tho IJo lllvir Klec tricnl riiiiipany ynr removed to hi botiin today frum iKc II pltal, hr bo uudciS lUnrkhoru boa- rut nu upara linn for Appt'tidlrltU I'm tin it- Arm. While rmpli)).Hl Ml tbn Ackley llroa. "'"MokkIhK mull' "car Khhi Wrdneadny, llnrl IVnriinu suaialiied frnclured nriii, the riull nl u alldtt u( Iuk. Uimx Nurtli. MIm Hadlo Mnxwell left Ibis morn ItiK for I'orllnnd nud Criilrnlln, where alio will vlall for aouiK time. In Third AaaUtant Poslniasler (lenornl lflckory. In clllen whoro bnuks havn fulled recently, many bank doposltorH huvo opuued now iioroiiuU with tho poatofneoa. Five d)'M after a ruu on the United Hlntea Trust ronipnny In this city last November, 147 now account with de norilta nf Illi.tlfiO, were opened with tbo postnl snvlngH, uccordtug to re port by tho iitMtuinater horo. At Pittsburg m similar liutunco Is reported. Following tho closing there last July or tho First-Second Nation! bnuk, deposit Increased greatly, the Pittsburg postmaster reports. SHERIFF LOW IS OUT FOR OFFICE l'll,l PI1IIION III' (MM)IIM'V, m wii.i, m:i:k another NOMINATION HV Till: HEPI'll I.HAN PWltV IN MAY Alllniur.il uvallablti malarial fort n!fl' ' lltjrd ,," '"""' u" llV (rum b-n popping1 lo hi lid utery (IwiHr C, low a.alUblr. tr.i niid agc bru.h for, lo, tbc. many wfeU. II a only loda) ' that a liotlCf of rnndldnry rraliyi nl4 . I III n iuri JJ V.UHHV. v. u.. 'lbr ntriit Incumbcot, hu will g-l brfum tin. republicans at the prl-1 marlr- In May, to Mk tb nonliwMlN. OF WKMj KXOWX lu.VCHKU tlim fur a ci4 tlmn. Iaw an itOiiurvd n ti(it tlmn a cu tbat be a. out fur ivlrrlluii. and lit Mluic f ol-1 I..MM.I l.....M,ll.lnl. l.ld rlilrtt fro 1.1 I Portland Ther' or candldntn iKiulbllltlr iiiutiiuoiaiiiit mrmioiiwi vT "" v,)fa Um UA.n rccdi irom call-Mil-., but iui )cl a" "" ' ' lh "Jfornin tbat Arthur Comb U lu jail al .but Iaiw AmonK tbr. ioMlblllilM' JsafriUM0i a8uing a b.arldf by Jiiipntloiinl am II, t (Jcori-P ll'0t'.j,h,, srB,,j Jury o( n,0 fact. In coimic- lor;n..r nrnii una... ... ..... r H nrlB,by, rjU). , mA Mm zl)li . 'TOWER OF JEWELS WORK IS STARTED PltAtTlt'Al.liV A VKAIl WII.I. UK lti:ut'llli:i) TO COMI'I.KTK THIS, AMI Till! ttlST WII.I. UK NKAK. I. IIAI.rA MII.UOX Hulled I'reas Borvicr ,SAN FHANCISOO, Feb. .'..-Work sinned hero linlny mi the Tower of Jom4s, the UO-foot struct uro, which will aliiud iK'iir tbu mnlu eiilruuce to tbo Piiiiania.Paclllo exposition. It Is tatliiiiiti'd tlml 2 l)s will bo re- quired for tti. riiuiplellou. Tho until cost of the structure will Ik $400,000, The ground nreu of tho lower will t 22.MIII feet Tho tower will aUud In the umlu group of pnlnres on tbo approach lo tbo 'Court of tbo Hon nud Stnrs." It will bo npproxlmntely squnro ou tbo ground level. rlsliiB In several reced ing stories, unit built with nnrrowliiR in ens of colonnndes nud sculpture to tho summit. Hnveriil sculptured llRUres of heroic proportions will surmount the lop Htnry, which will bo circular. Tho tower with Hie fnendes of the illfferent stories hung with peudnnt Jewels. KlIntliiK with Irrldcscence trnm bidden etircbllghts, will bo one ol tho most beautiful nnd decorative fenltiren of tbo exposition. (leorgo tJould Opllmlatlc lu mi Intervluw on bo si urns condi tions, tleorgo (lould said ho folt eu rouniKoil iiuit thill bo bollove that business will be better, Ho says he would prefer lo have tho Issuaure of nitlrbad securities regulated by the lutorstnto commission thun by a large number of slate commissions. MORE TROUT FOR KLAMATH WATERS ARE- COMING IN SHIPMENT or aoo.ooo LEAVES, COIOIUIKJ - ' hm-,...,1 KHW-rr Crwk lo l'rroro Hmlttttrj for Tlirlr lbrrrrtloaHcga Tlir' Vim Arr llriiijf HnlH.1, aM Will' ""in IU DlMrlliulrl TlinUKli lli ('.Mini) rMrrattia. Klalc KUti Kim A. J. 8pratie to i)uy t.TthrU l-ram from I-d-lllr, Colo., aUlltiK thai 300,000 Kmh "in brook trout -iliaJ lwn ulilu- tl from tliwrp uor, Jptlnri for Klaumtb t The Hull. wtlviK hatched and auftl- I riptiil)' .Ulon-l, rr to b? dUtrlli utrl nmiiKliout ibcKcouuir. Tli Cnninrn brook trout wfU to a valua blr miilltloh, aaj- local prtamn. 8 iikkiii leavm Hatiirilay for Hpn rrr (,'rrfk, to preir the no hatch m for tli arrival of the egg. The fXKo w bo 'tnkn them by IKiUtjr tlmiH. Warden Henry Ktout. Th 50,000 eM already at tba hstrliiT)' ar beginning to hatch. Vhrii ibi-nc trout ar largo ougb, Ibry l ! dlitrlbuted In varloui ftlrram. FORMER KLAMATH MAN IS ACCUSED - ih l'mii:h stiii'icioN, roLUw l(l A MUltltKK MM It HIH CAU l lWI.IKOIl.MA .,, . u of ,ftrmcr rc. aiding at Antelope. A law daa after thi' farmar'a body, badly beaten, i found, blood-Htaltied clothing na waa fniiid In (omu' cabin, uoar tbo none of tbo crime, aud a notebook.,. alfrerelIt governors of tho tat nppoed to belong lo the dead mau.i nd 0 ot gan Francisco in a !.,. .!.. .!.!.! ..,i lltnri. I . . ... . . wns also picked up there. The prosecuting attorney at Uac- jmmeulo Is working on the theory M'inl Combs committed the deed with I robbery as bis motive. I Vmiti, fi.Milt. lu M dtin tt Ur Mml MrK. IMerco Combs, who bae a ranch en the Merrill roud. They are well i-.uil favorably kuown, nud tho son Is ulfo welt known bore. SCOTT MEMORIAL UNVEILED TODAY VALIANT 1UIIT1SH KXPI,OltKH 18 IIONOIIKI HV FHKXCll AU'IXK t'l.tlll IS SITUATKII OX IIH11I IMIXT IX FIIKXCH AI.IS United Press Service PA111S, Feb. fi Under tbe uusplces of the French Alpluo Club, a memo ilul to Captain Scott, whoso discovery or tbo South Pole was followed by his denth before ho could reap the honors of his ticblovemeut, was uuvolled to day lu the French Alps on the Col de l.auturot. It was there tlml the UrIUsh ex plorer went to try out his motor sleighs which he Intended to use on bin dash to tbo pole. Funds for tho moiuorial wero raised by Dr. Charcot, originator ot the Idea, through public subscriptions. A Urltlsh admiralty delegation at tended today's celebration. Repre sentatives ot the French ministries ot war and marine were present, the for mer being lu charge of a section of the famous Chasseurs Alphas, Burning Oil Well at PVBBBBlBBaKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB , HHHBlffiHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa :bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW -tSJ1 " T VBBBHilBBaWBBBBBBBBBB.V'i', BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK"iBBBBBBBBBBB7aBBVV 1j 14 aalaLLBaLLHaar' ' 'WbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWbW;' " 'y'-'M .1A H3KTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP)IBBBBr i fW bbbI-bbbbbbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbKbbbV -H iWl t -BBBbL '' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB V? ' ' 1'S L ' li'" VlalaHaaF " ' M I' V SW. ' W ISBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBr T J tfPV ' '- ' I BiiilH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbT " J'wi' .BBtfeBBBKiAMBl I .. sJfu. 'frDiaBglSaiiLlMHHB ktaaaVMaflKiNPiiaBP Kifif iHFzSBbHB BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBQ' BBBHaHaBBBBBBBBMB I When the rebel and the federal ... T..rm r.. of the " w -- . , -..- -- are Inreatcd, they wero not careful i.ii i.rntM-iinr ihe nmiM.rtv. One of the largeat well of that territory' PHELAN IS OUT III HI M-Hlllllt" Ill UL ULIiniUlll rtlLMKK MAYOIl OF HAS FRAX CISCO ANXOUNCK8 HK W1U, Ilf.V VOll OFKICK ON TUK UKM OCIUTIU TICKrrr SAN FKANUISCO. Fab. 5. In the following atatement Jamee U. i'belan today announced hU candidacy for United State senator, subject to the will of the democratic voters ot the tttate: Hat lug been aent to Washington cml-omclai capacity in such import ntn matters as the exclusion ot coolie Immigration, the acquisition ot a muutclpal water sui-piy ror San Fran cisco, aud other matters ot Import ance, 1 feel Uiai 1 am not unfamiliar with tbe public business ot Washing ton aud tho ueeds ot our people. To obtain for the people of California their Just rights, and to protect them from legislative errors, to devote my self to tbo public service has been my ...... lt l wl,l I.a ttrfiiiil In hal'A I aiii,'...uu. t otvm. w ,'.. w .. .- gruutvr opportunity to accomplish such euds, and am convinced that a man lu perfect harmony with the ad mlnlstratlou ot President Wilson will be or tbe greatest beneai to Callfor nlt. 1 now respectfully ask the sup port of California meu and women to my caudldacy." Eugenic Law Declared Void Doclarlug that requiring a physi cian's certificate ot health, Including tho Wosbermau test, Is unconstitu tional, Circuit Judge F. C. Eschwellor of Milwaukee declared tho Wisconsin eugenic law to bo void. The supremo court will bo asked to make a final rullug on the law. Aviator Seta New Mark, Lieutenant W. It. Talllaferro ot tho army's tlrst aoro corps made a cou tluuous flight from Paaadena to San Diego, Calif., a distance ot S60 miles. This Is believed to bo the American record tor a continuous flight. International Race Date Fixed Ou October Cth tbe International balloon race for the James Gordon cup will start from Kansas City, Mo, Tho prltoa will aggregate $7,200. More thau 100,000 taxes lu Michigan. women pay r.i oil center. In Mexico where lm ra"Kao,,? ii. -" an(J rlcinlty that Chandler k taao grwit oil cenur. lu Mexico, wucre ,mmen,p Wack cIoua boutted . f fl . h u million, on million, of foreign capital 8)n5l brlght ,kr WM uken on al" ' a j charged wl Uh. Tuxpam, Mexico caught fire and nothing could be done "to nuench the flame l t- .I.Ll ciear dajr. The burning of tho w'l,'giTen fc hearing. Chandler haa mid- Inspired terror in tnoac ror mIUa around. AMERICA GIVES HI I II. All inilUnH limm APPRL FOK MOHF. FUXD8 FOB MmsmvtHV work is GIA-EX' MlSMOXAHV WORK is uu A IIEART1KR HKSlOX8E HERB THAN ABROAD United Press Service j HOME, Feb. 5. Tho United Press led tbe entire world In Its donations I to the VaUcan in 1913 for the carry-) Ink on ot missionary work. The total American contribution was nearly $400,000. England con tributed only $20,000. and Austria. which Is the most loyal Catholic coun-( try in me worm, gave i is.uwu. An appeal had been made by Pope Plus tor Increased donations during1 the year as a result of tbe Vatican s celebration of Constantlne year. Tbe results show that tho United State was the only country which actually responded by giving more than in previous years. i Low Are Home. Sheriff C. C. Low and wife returned last night from Portland, where they went In charge ot some children tak en to the Hoys nnd Girls Aid Society. In From Ikmaiua. Merle Kllgore, a well known reel - dent of tho Clover Leaf City, is here for n fow das. Mrs. Kllgore accom- pnalee him. Forest Fire Patrol Has Reduced SALEM, Feb. 5. During the year 1913 there wero 3S3 forest fires on privately owned lauds, and 387 In the nattoual forests lu this state, but so effective was tho orgauUed forest tire fighting associations that compara tively small damage was done. Moro damage was caused by fire originating In slashings than from fires ot all other classes, according to the third annual report of State For ester F. A. Elliott, which Is now la STAGE DRIVER TO BE RELEASED BY FRIENDSONBOND .i-:citiM, I'wiri.i; hklikve um . l.VXOOK-NT f ' W. l. ClMMtler, Held la Pottlaakt JaM os Charge of Calas the Maaki to Itefrand, WHI Hoom KMawa a IIU lloaxl, FUal at t4,M, aUe lleeti Higaetl bjr Pmlaanff ilenta of (lie Merrill Cotry. W. M. Chandler, driver of tae ator-'rlll-Tule Lake star route, will be re- leaeid from the federal Jail Is Pert land, where he baa been held for mv- oral daya on a charge o'f mlag tk ,mall for fraudulent purpoaee. j Chandler' bond waa fixed at ( $4,000. The bond waa filled out to day before U. S. CoamUaioner Ota I J. Fergnson, and the Portlaad otltUai cotlfled by wire. ' Chandler'a bondaaaen are Jay P. I farter, V. C. Dunning. R- U Daltoa, C M. Hammond and J. Frank All are realdenta of Merrill, and are prominent In the affair of the eenaty. There U a auong feeling In Merrill --.-- --, w -,w . mny'ed in that aecUon for several year. and baa always borne a reputation ot t Integrity and honesty. The stage driver waa arrested la 'connection with the attempt oa the pan of a "Mrs. Hun thorn" to art! 'promissory notes, with the aajsa of Captain J. W. Siemens forged thereto. to a Spokane bank. It was tal. affair that resulted in the dttemUon of Eugene Saxton la the eennty JeM j for six months before getting, n aear- " no exonerauoa. An InvesUgaUon wa started ay Ue foderai authoriUee. and Chaadlar waa called to Portland a a witness before tbe federal grand Jury, (he was arrested. While there AGENCY STORE CATCHES FIRE IHHtTIOX OF THE ROOF IS BURN ED OFF OF RESTAURANT, BUT HEADWAY IS CHECKED CUM XEV IS BMMKD (Meraid Bestial Berriee) KLAMATH AQENCY. Feb. 6 Fire, supposedly originating from a defec tive flue, this morning broke ont la the old Spink store here, now operat ed by Marvin Cross. Prompt aetloa saved tbo building and stock. The tire was discovered about 9 o'clock this morning. The only dam age done was to the roof of the res taurant. , i Five hundred and forty pounds ot blood pass through the heart In one 'hour. Many Fires the hands ot the state prlatsr. "The slash menace constitutes the greatest single prebless fas ceaaeetlea with the protection ot sUaaaaf ttsaH ber and logging equipment," says Mr. Elliott, In his report. ,, "Accurate records of -re Umm kt Oregon during the past three disclose tbe fact that the aase-at el damage to loggia equipment, frees fires starting la M stMalac. eaeeeV ed the damage doae to staaatec ttav , ber from ares of all m i s,?rc.j 1 im L& III lSi WM '