laiatmg IteraUt KLAMATH PALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT It NEWI OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER iTHIWWhJ--3' r ?M - a-TlMWT -II- THE r - tmfi KUMh Vr-r '. ." KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1914 WHAT'S NEW IN TODAY'S HERALD Eh Local Affairs Prohibition Taken From City Politics -Water Users Want Lower Assessment- C. R. De Lap Is Out for Office- Taking Over of First Unit It upJudge Benson to Help Portland Bench -Mo-myer Starts for Crater Lake. rROHl QUESTION WILL NOT 60 ON BALLOT IN MAY! oiwmrrin. ,u lmjautv injw.vrtut i:h woitu uuei'tiii: i ,tttM I" ' t'mtUl" Um 1 utM llulr IUII, IliK ifi 04iui ycl,t ( In IU Hi t Hi lltfj uir..t, lUtillui,. I., li Urf' lrrnl AlllUM l l'llll (lift C'iumI(h Iti t1a fwumMt Tb rv',luur prohibiting ltn ) u( tlqttor In KUntath l'IU lit not bo tttitalttrd lu ltii filial l( hf tit) at lU ill) rlctlliift iitt, Itte "(" 41 "Jrj iu-i lt b plac4 i lU tallul nrt( Ml Tfct (u!llii itiuiwutikatlou, Un t fc i M Chlttou, 0. A. WlM. XI MaUdo I'aiWloo a li 4 Mr. Frl IV.dou, (lir rimmlMj tumcl bj the profcU, rtplatn tbrlr ilixUtuu blhtlag iti( Iti people ut Klam ath Pell n(v vnllllinl to UWo tttfut sutlun ttn I tp ll'iuur jutlon, we bg fuiatmtl (ho following. la ihv bttinnluc. b .i lo uie tkt, In our Juilswrul, It U out ! lu try to icp ttm qutlon uu llie ballet fur tfap aprlng election, for tb IratMQ lht lhet l a (cttoml fueling that It oulil he tlltg!, V find thai ttr U cmrrlnt Initiative petition linratl iialra that ttm Initiative law J tint a.i)' lu llin liquor Utiratloo Vr mImi mill lliHl (tin home mU Mil, aintndnl, 1aIm that eV r tllj alialt U mtlijrcl l li tK-l "(tloR ), m, a (tittlirr Hliil Ilmt ll. iMkt oluu U ltDlf utiilm Ilmt rurjr rlictlnti mi tlio liquor tiiifilliiu kll lc hrlil nil the flrl TlliJuy tlr the nrt Muiiilny In Navnmtirr shd am nr mlr ( the opinion Uml It will b Mlrr to wnlt nlul fill llm quwilm, (, ti, imiioi in Up (nil itmu l try to fnrr niattrrn ol Oil limn ml lnoln Dip inln o( llto rlty lu lltlntlcn Wr (lml ttmi ( Mt tig nrirnt) lo Mil a i-tia Mi.fiiou for Uif :Hy t KUroalh Pall mt tliti Aliif ilnjr nil llio Uttfr! atatu clrrtlnii, niut IliU cone lallltn iu rtvryililng In tl imwor Hi mk tin- rlty ilty nl Hint tltpr, niul "ball aliii tin our tiwt to iimko llm (Contlntied or iuri 4) How Orland Does It Secretary of Association Killtor Klamalli Kvcnlug llernldi Tlu Orlaml, Cnllf,, Water Uaera Aa oclalluii for the past sovi'ti yunra 1m l'u liiiuiiling the nffalra of that H. "00 aero projuct very successfully uuil 'coiioiiilnOly. Himro I think Unit tlin "'lloalng two letters would havo con "Idorsble Interest to many of your ieader. Youm very truly, ., W. W. PATCH. !.r,LKrnnk 8i H'"or Orland, Calif. Rear Mr. Itoager Tha aasessmoitt or running (ho Kluuialh Water Users AasMofntlou has just been raised from l tents to 16 runt par aero pr an . and our people aro beginning to vonder If tlio organisation Is being jouductod along tha bumI conomlral "As your aaaoclatlon la raporUd lo OBJECTION MADE TO ASSESSMENTS BY ASSOCIATION 1'rUU.nw .tv lU-iiut I'IhmUihI, ami I'm Mallr Will He lln.tiglu l". l umUj' HtvtJiig ol Ihv .iumU ' M.,tr r..i.ln.i Ail)'THn In N lllllfiti (Mirr.MIJ, IM.Im,. MuM He I Vliililc to I,jrl. i rUtreliiK that ttm luwnml il( li Iteiti mi nrin lotlixl Uf tlin lirrinf ,!( llm Klamath WaUr l'- AicU Hull lot tlin lllAlntrnalK'O til tltv rUtlu!) U lor tun lilfili. i-ptllloii. me lltim wUc rlrvtilatcti aimine llm watr u-f uiii)r ilip KUmmli I'tojcrrt, Up jituntlliic i0uflloii TIimw fvtl JIiir ll lu (irtwulpti at Halurila)' ImtwiliK of ttm t-nril u( ii-ctor, 'f'lir (unit u( llio iloniniiil folium V". Ili UUilvralSUmt, nil trr uar under liif Klamath projcci, hrfnU) rutmt asalnal tlio -cMt!tnit of li rvtiU (K-r Imiti iroMl for ihr Ijrar 191 ( Wo aim protrt acaluat tlip iihiUlurv ul Miuimy for ')n- of iho t'trililrut ol f tin aMiirln jlltiu on lilt tfl lii Wnalilitclun ami OWJ. V luUt lhl llu ofJIcr til nllor Uvf lx at.olloliil, aint Hit Moris Uoiiii y tlio MHTotAf) at Iho aino alnr aa at (irfcul 'We bvllt'Tti that Uip work ol lli a.icUtli)ti tun ! iloiif lor " H it'lit a ahalf, atnl mlbl)' Inr & rrliU wr lmrr "if lllf irllllll U lolrl a nil' Vrrllpl, n ahall irllun to ia) th nxiintriti " Tlirrn jinimliiwi in ! aomr warm haiuifnlnen at Halurta)' ittrciliiK, n many of Uik ttator tuera tak the vUw thai ihv pmii' Inclilotit In llm lrlu ul Ally lo Waaliliulon U iminpy wH Hifiit. ami Hint tlir wholo jirojttl I KM'MI)- tiPiipllUfil by tliip. lu rpply. tho-c -'tlu: ftirlnlliiii'til til ' t,.iiri any lliat a tht icerflnry of Iho Interior anil Hut local ofnrlnU of llm rirUiiintlim aorlro am all In a, ronl with I lu' at'tllrr. Aily" (rlim aro unt nerwinary: that tin ntnr rulti cnii l otiinhtpil Ihrouitli forrtiioiul rtirr with tlio Orrtn coui;rciilinnl ilt'h'Cnlloii. Writes oi Their Levies nptirnln under vury small acroago imatiaainiint, anil with tilt iisswsabKi mo IntH than hnlf ul ours, I think tlutt the Htocklioldcra here would bo In teroHttMl lo know Just what llm pur nrro nnd total unnunl iuiaumuiitH havo ben for the lnl yoar or two, and what you Itavo been able to ac complish for tlio outlay. "Our kh)iIo In Iho poat have con sldorod It necessary lo epmloy con tlntiously a secretary, who Is nlso n practicing uttornoy; also another who U tho ofltclHl uttnruoy for the asso ciation, und havo sent an nfflclnl rop-rc-scnlntlvn to Washington gonornlly onco per annum, They ara now be ginning to question whother such an juuxnjinciri"rr ------- (Ooatlnuad on paga ) Near 100-Millionaire Has Been Discovered Mt&Tm V'.BBbW Mri t7 "aTvBBBBBBBB Krl!: bBBbV bbbKJbbbbbh BBBTJBHaBT I AI.IIANY. N V . Krb t'hc uto-.upxt lltlrlil haa Juat txii luailr by the talo tltiherltaurp tat airalrr that the ra- lata ol Anlhiiuy N Hrndy, who died lam yiur, will amount lo Ivu.uoo.uoo Tlio final anwaUmwil haa not liii ma do, WliPti llmdy dld l.lan aaid he a worth abotii MO.uuo.ouo. Other KUrun rnnrx aa lott ,i 31,o00,U00. Inaamurh aa tnott oitlmatr of targr fdrliiitMii arn MvnvrtirnlfSil ut Ilia Ittrlt V(.n...-. -. Mn r- of tho .wupr- dcalh. ihr latter Mil- (mat., waa arc.ptl Now. however. JAI'ltrr.. Fob. I. General Villa la tlu. aultiurltlra ol New York atate.i'aJ- placing an order for a carload Iwho mtial make an npprnlaal lu ordi-r ' ammunition In America. A mll ito n the Inherltancfi tax. have learn- I'0" rouuda haa already bean con jp.I that llrady worth thrco orllwK-J 'or Immediate delivery. I tour tlmii no iiiut'h na tuoal pcrnona' Today ho aent an attorney to Kl ithoughl, l'tio to aend a meaaage of thank to Moat ol hi ttiotu) wna lu public utlllllP4. audi a Rtrifl car lluca, light and wntpr companlpa. Ho atartod lu a very lowly ponltlon In Albany yearn ago, but by remarkable aagactty and energy he brought hlmaelf to a point wherti Hip Morgana and Hockpfelli'm had to tlatpii when ho apokp. MRS. SHEPHERD IS LAID TO REST I ti;it.l. MUtVIO-K IIKI.U THIS AITKIt.VOO.V AT Till! flllllK TIAN t III'IU'II MA.VV FOLLOW IMIIM'.KIt'S HIKH riiiiu-U KIUhIikIIi lliilir wiu burn in iiutit'i uiuiity, Ohio, October S, ISUU. uud liopiirlcd Una lllo ul Ihu iiomu of her diiuKhter In ttu Frauds- io, Calif., February 1. 1111, ngod 93. iiim 3 iiioutli uud US itti)H. .Her hustiiiud, Lovl .Shepherd, dlod lu 1.SU7, of ciittcor, lcuiug hor lo travel Ihu romiiludur of llfo's jouruoy uloue. To this union eight children wuiti liortt, tlnoo bO)s uud (Uo girls, Ihreo of iho children lmo preceded llm mothor lo tho butter laud. Only two of tho souk, Snuuiel uud John, were preflcut ul tho funeral, Mother Uhophord cuiuo to Klamatn county lu 187'J, whoro alio tesldod till llHih, when she wont to llvo lu Cali fornia. In lllooiulngtou, Ills., about slxty-thtuu years ago, alio united with tho Chriatiuu church, uud hor unwav ering fnltli In Christ proved a groat cotufoiL uud Htrongth lu hor declin ing ours. Tho fuuotal Morvlces wero held to day ul Iho Uhrlsllou church at 2:30, lu chargo of Kldor 8, I), Harlan, after which the body wits laid to root In tho Kliuuuth Falls cemetery. DOWNFALL OF THE HUERTAREGIMEIS MATTFR OF HOIIRSi ,t)IMI'.VnH.V IIKIMJ Itt'KIIKI) TO Mi:xitt Wltlilu Wrrk IbrlM-l Army Will Have Hi n() of ltit llrt w) lli Arm i. nn-iil, Inrluiliujc Kirr Oun AI I4ik Min'uljinrulr un Tampico anil on Tortnm Million ItottatU of p Itrwly lor IMIvrrj-. United lrci Bnrlc WAHIIINCTO.S', O. C, Feb. 4 Aa a Jcull uf thu raiting of the embargo I., l,l,Lul Ull.,.n .r.. . n. ..... ultloit art bttlng ruahed to Mexico.' The H'lwl Junta today atated thai by rrk Villa will havo the la lea I type of (lego guna and rapid Ore plncv. The altuatlon baa dangeroui poaal I, inn.. Military mvk-M that If Huertal penionally take the Held at once, thel rank and rile of the federal army Ul loyal, ami be may check Villa, provld-j InK to lom no time. li..i, 1 ..... U-ul- "" ' " I'mtldent WlUon, nnd to nak for Iho rrlctup of Ihu 1.C00.0UO rounds of ammunition. 6,000 rifle and several mnihtno gun sotted aonio lime, ago by thn American troop. United I'reas Service NKW OHI.KAN8. Fob, 4. Muni tton will mote, from here to Mexico tomorrow. Today men aro packing 13,900 rlfWvi, 16, 3 IS, 000 rounds of ammu nition and other armament for ship ment, t Moat of this la for the rebel. United I'resa Service MKX1CO CITY. Feb. 4 -Tho robols this afternoon simultaneously at tacked Torreon and Tampico. These battles aro being desperately fought, accordlug to advices received. Ah soon as tho news roachod here, I Inert a und his family commenced preparations for an Immediate remov al to Chnpultepeo Cnstle, situated for a last stand, Tho cadets from tho National Mil itary Acndomy at Tlaplan have been ordored to Chnpultepec, where thoy will net as Kttnrds for tho dictator's family. WOULD ABOLISH E United Tress Service , WASIHNHTON, 1). C, Feb. 4.- Senator Hausdell Introduced lu tho aonuto today a resolution calling for an ntuendmout to the coustltutlon for bidding absolute dlvorco with the prlvllego of remarrying, Tho aim of lb reaolutlou to chock tho alarmlug Increai In the di vorce caaea. SECOND W DOINGS World's Happenings Rebels Attack Tampico and Torreon Huertas Will Hide Over throw Administration in Peru Alaskan Bill up Today Trains of Guns and Powder Going Over Border Revolt in Ecquador New Anb-Divorce Bill in Congn DE LAP IS OUT FOR THIRD TERM! - VIUKV Itr.i'L'IILICW Tti KII.K II IK I'KTITIOV NOItTH IH TOJ OI'I'OHli MIM i I a! County Clork C. It. Do Lap li (candidate for another tvrtn of oltlce. IIU (Hrtltlon waj (lied thia mornlas. , I) l-ap U a rtpubllCAn, and he U tbo flrst tnombcr of the O. O. 1'. In Klamath county to become an avowed ! candidate for office.' Mr. Do Lap U now In hit aecond terra of office aj county rlcrk. I'rior to that time be ten i-d at bead deputy abend, and aevorat yearn ago won county school auperlnlcndenu He ha ajway made a itrong run. jupon between the reclamation com- ThU year Do Lap will be opposed 'mWslon and tbe Water Uaera Awocla for the republican nomination. K. D. Iticn. and the majority of tb water Norlh' Uo 0,J Umt-r uere U ,' to have declared htmielf after tbe clerkship, and will oon file hi pell tlou. MANY ATTENDED REVIVAL MEETING IMI'ltliSIVK SF.ILMOX IS DFXIV KUKU IIV DIHTHUn- hUl'Kltl.V !.. IIK.NT rti 'lilt. CIIUUCU A good sited audience wa lu at letiuauic al lite revival meeting at tne Metbodlsl church last evening una listened to a strong scrmuu uy ue. tl. J. Van Foasen. district superin unaent oi Klamatn district. Tne sermon was on the subject of "Memory." Tbe meeting looked de cidedly like a revival. There will be services again to ulghl, und each night this week, ex cept Saturday. The meeting begins at 7 MS with a song service, which Is Ud by J. li. Mason. ALL HIGHBROWS, ioi omis AUSTIU.V8 DIPLOMATIC COW'S IS ItAKKD OVKH. ONLY AM IIASSADOH AT WASHINGTON KSC.U'KS XOH1L1TV United Pre Service VIENNA, Feb. 4. Tho Austrian diplomatic service Is practically mon-; opotlzed by tho aristocracy, accord ing to oltlclal data published hero to day. Tho ambassadors to foreign gov ernments Include ouo prince, seven counts, ouo burou. ono "von" and ouly ono commoner the representa tive ut Washington. Of the twenty ministers, one Is n prince, seven are counts, seven barons, four "von" nud one commoner. Among tho secretaries and at taches there are tour princes, thlrty ouo counts, twonty-three barons, Ave knights, eight "vous," and one eoui mouor. In tbo Vleuna foreign office there are thirteen counts, twenty throo barons, ten knights, twenty two "vous." and only eight commoners. COMMISSION MAY TURN FIRST UNIT TO WATER OSERS TK.NTATIVK I'HOI'OHAI, HAH BBEX I1KK.V KL'BMITTCD jTIiU la lo ttc Coeablfrrtl at lite Com- Ing McvCIbk of tl.- Water I'aera 1)1 rvctors. ami After Tlieir Hmggt- tioas Are Acted Upon by Bectawai lloa CommlMloa. Water Cans Will lie Aaked to Vote oa Qaeatioa. I " aatUfactory terma caa be agreed - lc' h a change, tbe opera- tlon. maintenance and management of tbe tint unit of tbe Klamath pro ject will be turned over to the aaao clatlon. This Is the import of a message Just received from Washington by J. O. Camp, project manager. The condi tions outlined for the change will be submitted to the directors of the Klamath Water Users Association at their meeting Saturday, and whatever changes, additions, etc.. they sug gest will be transmitted to Washing ton. After these are acted upon, the question will be submitted to. the wa ter users under tbe flrst unit. Each wilt he sent a letter explaining the matter In full, and each will be en titled to one vote. These votes will be counted later by an official of the reclamation service, aa official of the association, and a third party. Fairish Is IU. J. L. Parrlsh is confined to his home on Crescent avenue by aa at tack of pneumonia. IHs condition Is very serloua. Out on Bonds. W. H. Shaver, Indicted for larceny I by bailee, was Tuesday afternoon re- leased upon bonds. Herald want ads bring results. I- Re gist rat County's Voting Strength At noon today there wero register- i fed 402 persons, out of a total of bo- tweeu 4.000 and G.000 who aro ellgl blo to coat their ballots ut tho May primaries and the November goneral electlou. The books are opeu at the clerk's ottlce. In addition to tbo registration books here, there aro registered in different part of tho county who are empowered to registered voters. These are: . Keno, 11. Snowgooso; Merrill, 11. H. Audorsou; Midland, K. O. Vinson; Fort Klamath, John Heaslg; Donansa, J. O. Hnmakor; Oly, Dan F. DrUcoll; Crescent, F. M. Cleaves; Algoma, Roy Hamaker, Tho registration by precincts through the county follews: Fourth ward 71 East Klamath Falls CI PERU CONTROLLED DY NEW FACTION SINCE DAYBREAK WAR MINISTER KILLED IX ACTION WHUJI Cnlostel Beavtdea, hoes Cnelleawt, IHeaseJf riflsta was Free Faaasaa Are te Use Thai tbe Reswkttc ef Latest to Feel War I Lnltcd Press Service LIMA. Pent, Feb. 4 The Perertea government was overthrewn at eVsy break as tbe remit of a eee em the part of the reseat. Ie4 ky CqIssmI L'envldes. President BUllBgsftBrst. after Imprisoned in the palace, haa realis ed. General Varella, tha war aUa Uter, was killed by tha reaela while. attempting to defend the 1 Colonel BenvUes, aaw ace, will declare United Press Berrien PANAMA. Feb. 4. Mall adrtees say tbe revolution m Kca.naaat a gaining headway. Tbe rebels demand the retlgnstlea of President Leonldas Plnaa. who la blamed for the lynching of Prestdeat Alfaro In 1913. A Xetv Finn. Austin J. WhIU and William Nich ols have formed a co-ipaxtnershtp un der the name of the Oregon Welding company. They have opened an oRce and works at Seventh and Klamath tor metal welding of nil kinds, giving particular attention to automobile work. Carl Sbubert Jr.. of the Sports men's Equipment company, returned last night from the Middle West. where he took trade school work in Chicago. Before returning. Shnhart visited his old home In Nebraska, nnd Juke all others who leave here, he re- turns saying Klamath has 'em all I faded. ion 402 Betwef n 4000 awl 5,000 Third Ward 0 Second Ward 48 Wset Klamath Falls '. . . 51 Sblpplngton 8 Mills Addition 18 Malln Pine Qrove IS Wood River 6 Lost River . . , Tule Lake Dairy 1 Odell i Poe Valley . . , . , Klamath Lake !, Plevna i 1 Worden Midland 1 Hlldebraad ...., 1 Sprague Rtvsr ' . 1 Langel! Valley . t SW&& e MMHHIM(MH AllOfiSan e eseeee.eeae ML Lakt ' MrrasWaWjLaaatnnW ',S I .MlgW&fl ;; snsnW li "W h