ii3 (Hip latimma Mzvulb PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1914 ANOTHER WARRANT SUIT SOON Wilson Will Lift the Embargo Against Arms mii0i0PMm00i0Wt00ui0i0f0i00i0m0t0v yyvN wMw(mn DOWNFALL OF HUERTA REGIME IS MATTER OF ONLY FEW DAYS; U. S. SHIPS ARE HELD IN READINESS HISTORYWRITTEN BY I INDIAN 'Harlem Hermit'Lives in Tent in New York State in Cold Weather ANTI-JAPANESE WARRANTS ISSUED avii.amwucan iinwTiu. tins in iti cm ih i'taiu:n Haa) Aiw4ta ,tr traliig IS ON THE PRESS iTinm in hon or tiii; immoi "WIN I IMA" I, (3lira I'leUtiff (( hale III afhl tad for u 'iciiulitr u appar- rlil fOIII Uip IilnUo Itl the list) Or" .fmcut mi. tturrno.10 Jr. ,Mlr t.,u,lK t Wlnnt. Clrra II l (jcllolcq IbAl Wo alilinunt c- it)tti of Wilton rmiuml of ihn nrm rinUarev lll t fttord by crriuuij llic olHt'Alnnftrall dcMOUnUUII In the rHul. . Ad.t.r IW l-W.-l.. ;rtMM ro,rW hai ,,, ( ms. an;, I'll-w I" the llrtiiutal of lite mmp, and lll able to .nfrjuatd ij.bMKu-Mrtln mt U M,,.'Hr.llxlrMmMtlcoCliyloVrii f( nil, ud Ihua protert tho rrUral of Mot l. al ,r Man ! It luf(B AWer)r)n cur,r lU'Hi'l In ' !. I lilted l' Hartley . YUiXICO CITV. Feb J.MrnaCed ltt4 lkr 0mW ,,, tb CB,, aMa n0Mh r approaching W'AHIIIMmi.N. I. C, IVt. U, (,M., Mntro Cty is roii.lderrd to he tr4p 1 1 in trfiiMtl of llir Ulillr (,f r.fjuu. tllualloti loda). IHp Hm and lite IkrtwMlUwnl u( M(lr i,mal think that I fait flliUli "( llucrta to iUwcum It, It U Ir4nant liata Mn , It, tight tri high atill.urll) llMl Prr-tlilrttl sinful troop. uliJrf liriinral Jtw H'Uh Hl (i.iiioj,i Imuh M rrU. nul, m. father of Itiq )uunger com III Till Ix-'t I !' HUlot) n( tlir MoOim- U'r Cmni aii Imllau'a MaiiilMilitt, Wll lllit!r'llln, V.r, Ha. Ih-vii at Wink in It for fvntir llll.r, lifdlltc lat. Klamath count)' latent rUlm to IHi'tarj (amr ) ihttWEli au InJIall. Jaff IllitUlr. ho flilr at Yaltiai, on J .1 ti A., .fc. -.1 ltf.i.tl- ..... smsrfwr 'c?ai a && ,Mo BBBam. '-T ,J I T If T alii A Taa : v BaSKmt flvssri Mieiiap ,m mT'-fWmJiM'-f 'Vi M M '. fc$r . a rX m i 3.te vs. f' AMENDMENTS GO TO DAD DEFEAT I'Aim" lH.UKIW L'MTK AGAINST TiifM 1NJANUARYWILL SOONBEINVOLVED K. S. DAY WILL BE THK PLAIN TIFF IX THW Ar.icnditMmt In KiluJm Act lroHmor That Safauy poart by Ilajrc ami lUkrr of Cal Uorsla Are Held to He Too SUA. leal, aad Frara Kxyitmnl That Thrjr Woull Srriooalf IaUrfere Willi rrrarat XntotUttotja. M-Icdt, the "Harlem Her rottljr rtldnrcs and Immense apart ment haute. Mclanaer claims the property under the will of hU sraad fathir, rondo In IS12. Ho has begun a ltal flcht on many wealthy prop erty owner. In order to make itood the Klaitialh rrwrxatlnn. ItMdlr. bu U a Vlmlii ti&a artltafi & hlklnrr of .mil " rliilmi fllln In Vlv VnrV flt- ttm .VoiJik War, from the Indian! w .lanilH.Int The hoot, l no In propert) worth 1300,000.000. and ho prnM. jlnea In a tent In the north part of Itlilillc hi U n on of tlir- famoua i.Manhnttn Utaud to hold Ma title (o Wlimma. heroine of the war, ba i. , lMrt n fact. i,l claim It to'hls Ueni rUlm ,- i,.. t .. - . p v. mi . .,, u. .ll,.ln ilals , ... -. .... i.i i I . . tluidrrial.lMl,rrml.ar..aali.. mawdrr. at- ru.blbC norlli h- l- V .... . V fi "' l"T"V", "'" '"",u u" on ," "ro,cr,-. ai du" all thel 4.M an,,. ..,.1 !... ..I -r TJl .. Torreon tr"m .,h" '" '"' "'V " '.',V0t,.,'n ' " ,ir'"' of " nor,Uern ' o winter he remained In hU H the ,.,,, ,.,- ... Me.,,,. Thn nil,, l.,n0,U and -J "S. VlSS Vthe J 'I- "" "f " ' - 1' Mmitvt i( the rtwle tmnitllrf rrarK troop Dial hate l"e" n duty . ... alt! lMfM llttaaM" M" na'f ''tll mm-i I aftel8ii trlallim- pmfr laooraiifr otniiliit the capllol, leftte toda) to 'hrnljp 'nil ( t II II III I II Til ..i. a ll.in( iH-ln. ar,aiti. n... rrnniMi i'i' -. K, . , , . ..,, , I I.IIIIHI.II HI f ! -li .i. .... .. t i. i- -. ,i..i i i,t.i ofum ititt fiiiuriii -., - ,,- - iwj urn a oiaii oi m-ii i ib i-(-f, ,,, ..,-".. ...- .,,..., United Freaa terrtce WASHINGTON. D. C Feb. S. Placing patriotism abore partisan- tshlp, the bou of representatives, by Woald tersateat tte Attacks Vpea tle Voloatary ladaeftdswati ef Use Cotaty la Ghrctt Body Btow bf FreparmtiotM for tfc Who la PlalatiaT is Sttata. That the slaakiac of the aalariea of several deputies, aad the dJackaxgias of some by the couaty ceurt woald terminate the snita kroacat to reeadl- Jeclilrit Uaii,, L'ttlTii I'feal Hflt MKAIIII flT, IVIi, II. ectrlrj ( Male llrjaii lialo) lnlruclrt Km Ul Hrcrrlur; (l'Mliaiitiuo) Kara all Aiitnkana ami forrlaMer In Ihe tapllal of WIlMin'a ilrirrllllrtatloll le lift I lie emhantu on urnia. M Amrrlran nl oiirr niiiiliintr. ed to ler, am, It U rtporlrtl Hint lij , I-Bllil rtrrt train luwanl Vera Tlu JndlAnl t-'Mt lilaa lll take ntmmau.l of th.i,llll"f "f l" Molve War." nnd the 'rebel ill Oalara folnlllK annouiiretnenl U lielllK entt A rumor U hrondca-t to ihe fffti"tu ny i u Mor. ot nan rrnnci.ro. that n battle l on to l- loutfht atiARi'lit fur I hit author iHan rVflionlmo If Ihn federal. lfe; It cltcn me pli-omire to Htnlo that .'(defeated there, well o nt Torreon.i order are heltiK taUen for "Tho lu J" Mvklru City lll he al the merey otjdlan HUtory of the Modoc War," tlm lnvadrs. xrllten hy Jeff C Kiddle, the aon of .... Wliieuin. the hernlnit of tlm nr. who; lliollirrliiMHl Mi-ellnu. ,H atlll llvlnc Till will he the. only A mrrtliiK of the lieh)lerlan Indian hlnlor) ever written kiviuk tlm lliolhirliiHul lll he held Thlirada Indian Ditto of Ihe KlrilKKle nnd It 'rui M V(ltt,e.l ultl. f ..Manet-.,' "I" '' l't.-U)lerlan ihurcli. Ili,rrl ran.. a.n for frrtr of n Hot.nt. mitl.'"l "(' " ritnUll n l"'l-( It will nlnit eontnlii the life of the Iffrlgn (lriniHi.lralli.il. 'lerted The hrolherlioiHl plan to !Cl,i,inled Modoc warrior. Captain "What illffprrnro lll It make U ('"' immllil) nieetlnR". al which time jJllck KMu-lo-n.-en." (th.. Modoc Ihe riiil.aru.. I. ralwl?" aal.l llurrla matter of Importance l lh ""'" Chief of Ihirk Color) ImUx. "The irlieU have lra HM.nry"l "" numnlllill) hIII he ilUcu-aed , u ,.,, . ,,XIl(t, ,.,, ,, " l'e ..Itli uhl.lt lo iimlii' " pawetl lMl.in Cnplnlu Jack and i and ainiiitinlllon." l...k on tlm Jon. ,(lenrnl i: II S Cnliby nl tho meet- Unlld I'rcM HerYlce "AHiiiNinoN. I), John A McCall, amtlatant po-lman-. (. )f lu, ,.,. t.onmihon, or Ik .ter. realimed til ilullea till lunrlllnK. fl)r , MH k,nl j ,, mau (', Feb 3 -..after n uicnllnn of two week pen.t r,f; nlmi the niilhnr'H pemonnl opln- 1h orders lmi. h.vii iMiied In Ad In ill" Una"" Hler Valley Give Ball Club Home lull of tho Itev V. TIioiiiiih, IliflmllliK u short tiluKrniih.v or him hy tils dittiKhtor III Ihe nppetlillx Ihelo will U found SIX COUNCILMEN NOT AT MEETING AS A lti:Sl?I,T, NO Ql'OHUM WAS I'HSK.NT, AMI THK I'ltUIUIII TIO.V .MrUSl'ltK WAS NOT IV-TltODl'fKll rV)r the first time since tho mem ber of tho Common Council of Klam ath Knl In were placed on a salary for nttoudiiuce nl moeltnc, thero failed to he it meeting Inst night, owing to tho lack of it iiuortim. Councllmitu Uiillo KoRcrs, M. R, Doty. V. C. Townsend Ivnd 0 1. Matthews werw prtMieut, hulho'absenteM, enough to' constltiite i riiioriim themtolves, were reported to ho oitvof tho city when, ntler n wnlt of hulfN.n hour, Police Chief Smith used thotelephono to. Hiimmnn them. As ii r.ult, the iultlutlxo petition SFI.IT TIIOUSEHS? Culled l'rea Scrtlce WASIIINUTON. . C. Feb. J. The IMcadllly coat, the "seo more" Norfolk jacket and the tight fitting trousers wero dis cussed here today by tho Inter national Custom Cutters' Asso ciation at tho opening session or n four dny conentlon. Thu association Is supreme in deciding styles fur men. If they ordered split trousers, split trousers would he the rage. a vote of SOS to 54. today refused to " wxraa "7 coamty make any declaration on the Asiatic conrt lor Toinaiary uwwuh onset oy repons irota reuasna aosrcaa that these warrant suit are to coa tinue. tl is known that employes of R. N. Day have been engaged for several days In preparing aa abstract of all warrants Issued' by the coucty court during the month of January. Within a few days, it Is expected. K. N. Day, plaintiff In the majority of tho repudiation suits, will file an other action In the circuit court, seek Ing an Injunction to prevent the pay Imeut of any of the warrants Issued lost month ror what appeared to be ' voluntary indebtedness. dBBBBBBBBSBBSBr BBBBBBS" i FrsaVs t BSBBBBBBBBsEtk I BSBBBBBBBBBBSl SBBBBBBBBBBBBBlKl . BattattalK MmM ; ISaBBaB iafT BjlBjrH taWSOaaiP fk ' BBBar! i iVal T'aSasai t l&& VM.WM I ..V.1JPJNH i1" Tjf .i ..-ZW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 I L.V. ... t. jy' tOettUijc Machbsery. Tom Watters of the Crane aad j Wattera stock farm, is In the city to ' day buying machinery for their ranch ion Iost River, Tom reports the snow all gone In his neighborhood, and that the farmers will soon be busy plowing If tho weather continues aa It Is now. CoagrttMumu Hajrit HO E TRUST IS IN COURT AGAIN' exclusion bill's policy being particu larly ugalnbt Japan. J 4'arty lines were eliminate! in this J AArAArNAMAerAsAAApWVNrAVWVVVsa (Continued on page 4) Go to Scrap Hugs. C. E. Ogle and O. O, Anderson left this morning for Parker Station, where they will bo connected with the camp being maintained there in the . lKoroun tight bolng waged against tho Western Pine beetle. n Hhorl hUtorj of l.eioy H. liynr, ,,kIiik tlmt the prohibition nuestlon one of tho member of the peneo cnm-,, ,,llrm oll ,t, ballot ut tho coming mission unit Culled fllnttw Indian ...... .,t.0tlnii. wits not nrveented last Tlm timnm h, nw, r,.r of the Calm (:sr Htnro, formerly used by tlm 'nd boy-, ,nv hum KruutoiiwlF do lrl ,y MfDonougli Dale iw head lusrtcrs for tho bnsulmll cluh. When ncllvtt work of tho team he 'n. tho'roonis will ho equipped with "jowor ImkIih mt lounging rooms, "in lnfker for miiHh ami other par "Wwnalln of tho club, Tho rooms '"' at ll times ho for the uso of Ilia i,B1i tB',a mwt ' to nssoolstlon, fb8 nerl headquarters for The Pain, cigar Btoro will again itKont nt the outbreak of Ihe war; also; ii sketrli of the celebrated pioneer nnd former I'nltml Klut.v. Indian Agent, Cnplnlu O. C. Applcgato of Klamath Culls, Ole .'Oil. Also bloKnipllleH of Ihn IciuIIiik iiltleerM mid I'lvlllaus, such iH (leiieuil II. It. 8. Ciiuby, llurdlo, Jeff Uavls, (llllnm and Krmik Whimt- (i'li, mid iiIho of JiiiIko J. A. Falrchlld, retelvo dally lepoits from all l'l,i judge Hleel and Judge Itosoboroughj Poolroom Men to Fit Up Lockers,Sho wer, for Teams Const Leiigiio giimes, uml post name on ihn big bulUitln bimrd. Wednesday night thero will ho an other meeting of thu committee lit charge, of tho woik of gottlUK tho tniHohull association under way, lit which tlmo Joseph H. Kortt, tlm at torney drafting" plans for tho organi sation, will nulmill tlm plwns for adoption, A nittiinger Tor tho hasehnll loam will ulso ho immed, nml It Is urgent that nil players und thoso lntoisUd In tho success of tho baseball move ment ho prorttmt Wednesday ulglit. ami lust, hut not least, a full account of tho author's father nnd tho nuthor himself and of his celebrated mother, Wlneiua Toby Hlddle. "Tho Modoc Womnii of tho lliave Heart," with tho only two iiuthentle photogrnplis of her In the United States, showing bor iih shu Is nt tho present tlmo. Tho book will ho cloth bound, and will consist of about 2fi0 pages of lead I UK mutter and about fifty pages of hnlftouo Illustrations, Includlug seven pliotogrnplis of tho celebrated Warm Hprlngs Scouts. night. Arthur It. Wilson and K. M. I Chllcote wore present with the peti tion. In addition to this, city empl0)es will not recelo their pay until next Monday At tho first meeting of each mouth, nil the claims against tho city uro presented, and nro passed upon by the council. Will Reside Hera. R. W. llrooks und wlfo hnvo mated ftom lllldohraud to tho county seat, and will make their permanent rest-ili-nco lioin. They arrived Monduy, and immediately began tho rounds for it suitable house, which, It Is un derstood, they have secured. Ret I vat Meetings. Rev. H, J. VatiFossen, district su perintendent, will preach at the revi val services nt tho Methodist church this evening. Services begin at 7:46, NKW AMKNDMK.VT TO THK III 1,1, AC.UNST MACH1NKUY MAKF.HS ATTACKS THK SHOK HUTTOX IXH ONLY United Press Service IIOSTON, Fob, 8. Argument by federal uttorue)B on their petition to amend (ho original bill against the United Shoe Machinery company was hoard today when tho government imtl-trust suit against the Arm was re sumed In tho United States district court. Thero huvo boon several postpone ments of tho case. Qovernmont at toruoys now wish to amend the mo nopoly In restraint of trade charge so that It applies ouly to machinery used In buttoning shoes and to the lesees Federal attorneys also cross exam ined witnesses who testified for tho defense at the last court session on the case, and offered evidence In re huttal to their testimony. Tins Chap Will Suit Sends a Dollar to Pay (or Klamath formation Klamath Falls people liao received postal cards from men 'saying they considered btartlng a woolen mill hero to gho employment to 500 peo ple There havo been factories gn loro offered If Klamath Falls pooplo would only put up all the money to build tho plant, and douato a site, but It la seldom that an Inquiry, accom panied by real money, Is sent Tho exception which proves tho rulo wua noted this morning, when Postmaster W, A. Dolxell received a letter from a. man In the Middle West, asking about Klamath Falls, and en closing u perfectly good one dollar bill to pay for tho trouble of answer ing bis inquiries. Tb latter aad the money have been turnod over to the Klamath Chamber of Cosuterce by Deliell. In the letter the writer says be Is coming to Oregon to reside, aad from what ho has read of Klamath Kails, It Is the place for him. He says ha likes to Abu and hunt, and ha learae that there la no batter sport taea around this section According to the writer, he wishes to go Into some business here, sad ho may also Invest la fara laada. In order to learn something about the section he baa picked aa bis future home, be seads the awaer te asy tet any trouble It aJf nt mms) the Hrtf answering hiss. 3IMV ill rsfi vm m v&s e f