MONHAY, FKtt. u, ,,, PAMXOCm THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IEmSJwT ntt: SlxS -ITS FUNNY WHAT A DIFFERENCE A FEW CLOTHES MAKE Get that Royal Tailored Look The Royal Tailors' Spring Line, embracing half a thousand newest Spring Woolens, is here Select now the fabric for your Easter Suit, the finest custom tailoring at $16 to $35 aBBaBSKl-iy'av .-fA.kjVS r JiKv ) aBBaTBBBV''S)yv,I J fBBaWrTf C BBanLi aatfeaaW BBjriif $? c fil sEt V Slid ffilfe; jnnr3m3 ct smiijmm. 'aVA m I i Wij mmm If yJMmmm tBl MKbv v ; I JH IT IT rr it il.rr m -uw. gjm w mm "W(SB) 9 1 I A. s Sift Agency Royal Tailors K. K. K. STORE Leading Clothiers mm mm m patronized ( Continued from pact 1) desire for really good dinner brought so many to the cafeteria. The dinner was a splendid one and caused any number of favorable com ments from the patrons. Miss Hattle White, Miss Waive Jacobs, Miss Verda Cosad and Miss Marjorie Mc- Clure had charge of the dining room, looking after the comfort of the din ers and seeing to It that everyone was properly cared Tor. The receipts amounted to $14? and the expenses will probably not exceed $12, leaving quite a neat sum to go toward fitting out the rest room. . IRWIN M'DONALD DIES IN CALIF. PRUNIN6 HOOK USED IY CO. COURT WAS BROTHKK OF GKO. M'DOX. ALD OF THIS Cm AXD WAS SPENDING WINTKK WITH HIM AT BEACH (Continued from page 1) Word has been received here of the demise of Irwin McDonald, well Known nere, at uong Beach, Cal., yes terday morning. He was a brother of George McDonald of this city and he (was spending the winter with him at ( the beach when death occurred. I Mr. McDonald's homo was in Got itenburg, la., but he has visited here frequently in the last four or five Steve to PorUausd Laton Stephens, who has been con nected with the local branch of the Reclamation Sorvlrp a Instrument .n fo, -v,i . i-f. ...i years. He was 82 years old and unUl ing for Red Bluff, where he will visit! ' weeks ago he wa atTon andthe various offices of Klamath county. . . ... ... realtor. .... an turner, rs. iesier ueavm. rrom uregon, win oe paid except when or- there he will go to Portland to re-' 7 'dered by or through the county court main. Music Store Sold ( ltseir and not otherwise. Uio assessor of Klamath county, Ore gon, from date hereof Is not allowed any assistant from said court, save and except one deputy. That It Is hereby further ordered that the order heretofore entered on 'the journal of the county court of j Klamath county, Oregon, therein ap- iiuiuuug r reu .iioney special assistant to the offico of the prosecuting attor ney of the econd prosecuting attorney district. In procuring evidence, now office of district attorney, Klamath county, Oregon, be and the same Is hereby revoked. It Is hereby further ordered that the surveyor of Klamath county, Ore gon, be and he Is hereby allowed no deputy from date hereof. That It Is hereby further ordered that none of the office supplies for Mrs. R. Goelet, Leader in "400," Has Started Suit For Divorce Last Tuesday the Klamath Falls' Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon.! Music House passed Into the owner-! January 31, 1914. . Tomorrow nl-h mBoo, rf h.ll '"' "' " """ "" "miracior. 1UB "fnrTnr Mask Ball Tomorrow win b eir.r. hv fh m nA h "" u. r. muwh, wm re- there promises to be a great variety . the management, tak- of coatumes there. It Is the Intention ''nC Charge of Ahe repa,r and lunlnK ! of Hip 1oHp n n..ll ff m ,. ..iuwui. r. urem uu oeen in WM. stunt at the first of its weekly Tues day night dances in each month, and tomorrow night's is the first. department. Mr. Orem has been this city for the past nine years and has assured himself that Klamath Falls Is a good city In which to Invest j hfs money. I , S. WOHDEN. County Judge. GUY MERRILL. County Commissioner. JOHN HAGELSTE1N, County Commissioner. I will meet anybody's price on any-(, From MerrI thing in my line. This means mall , ,. .. . hi, -i, , , " "arier, a wen Known Mer- vMun, ujv BlUVK Ui I Jtkl order houses, competition. 1 can buy as cheap as anybody and maybe a little cheaper, as I generally have the price when the bills are due. McHattan. 2-3t. j Hotel Arrivals rill resident. Is In the county seat to-j day attending to business matters The "Premier" accident policy is a wianer. Ask Chllcote, MS Mala at, pbomeM. I merely want to put you right. If I meet anybody's price, I guess that Is low enough for anyone, even the lowly. This gab about me being high priced Is pure fiction. See me for the best. McHattan. i-ZU I Mrs. Robert Goelet, one of a family Winter Is the Planning Time Many a crop is planted and harvested, many a building is constructed, around the winter fire sides. Winter is well on its way-spring will soon be coming. Now is the time to buy that piece of prop erty at the best price. The Klamath 1 Development Co. 1303 Main Street Klamath Falls, Ore. The White Pelican C. E. Severman. Sacramente: H. M. . .Hayden. E. W. Allison. John Stull.' San Francisco; Mrs. M. West, Roso-j jburg. I i Hotel Hall R. W. Terrell and wife, Portland; which has been famous In New York John Hagelstein, Algoma; Ray Mer-jnd Philadelphia society for two gen. rill, Merrill; F. E. Mlddlekauff, San orations, to say nothing of attempts Francisco; Edna L. Strawger, Corona, ' break Into the most oxcluslvo Cal.; E. L. Gardner, Seattle. Freuch Bocloty, has stirred people of Sunday Edna L. Strowger, Cor ona; R. H. Goewey, Cbas. Hamaker, City; H. F. Stockey and wife. Pelican llllllllllllllllllllllBHrllllllllllllllllllllllH w!rjuat vl h v :jpl. Ilk -- x. si:m. tj-v K- these circle by beginning suit for di vorce against her husband. Thus comes to light differences which, It Is City; S. G. London. J. C. Wells SanBald' mcmbor8 'bolr " know a" iFrancisco; ilelle Gordon, Seattle. about for more than a year. Should tne case ie tried in puuuc, nowever, they seldom do things like that In Newport, where the suit was filed, it will draw largo audiences, Goelet is the son of Ogdon Goulot, who left him $30,000,000 In New The grandfather was Peter Goelet, who had $00,000, 000 for his several sons when ho died. The slstor of the young man Is tho Duchess of Roxburghe, who took about $30,000,000 to Orcat Ilritnln when sho married Into tho nobility Soudan Is the chief source of the world's supply of two Important prod ucts gum arable and Ivory. About 30 per cent of the Ivory and 1C per ?,?,' c,?! 8Um. are 8h,pped to the.Vork real estate! u"v omiea direct. 'jne better qualities of the gum is used abroad by tho confectioners In making candy and the lower grades In th mnnn. facture of glue and mucilage. If in doubt about your losuraace. see Chllcote, 680 Mate at., pfaome M. WOOD 10-Inch IJrjr Slab 4,oo Box Factory Uloclu 98.00 Cleaning out 200 Cords 0 Dry MMI1 WOOD Four-foot $0.00 Slcteea-iach ,. . , .aa.OO limt Lump Coal, ton $18.00 TERMS CASH KLAMATH FUEL CO., OMce SOS Mate. O. Pertea, MftT Phoae 1$7. Pbos lgal Notice. .Vntlto Inrltlng Proposal tu puirliaM City of Klamath Falls ItrgUtcrnl Gvnrrnl Municipal Coupon Itomb, Sealed proposals will ha rtcalved by the pollco Judgo of the city of Klntfiath Falls, Oregon, until tho hour 01 S O CIOCK II. m. Of February d . 1UU, for the purchase of $50,000,00 City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, gen eral municipal registered coupon bonds of the denomination of 11000.00 each, nuthorlsrd at nn elec ' tlon hold Nototnbor 24. 1913, for tho construction of a city hall. Said bonds will bear Interest at tho ralo of six por cent, tier annum nnrf 1... hmvnhlfi (u',.tiiv vm,. .,.h. .,.. . . -, ...v... vM,n uuui iiaie u Usiie, Inton'st pa)nblo semi-annual, ly. Iloth principal and Interest pay able nl tho fiscal agency of tliu state of Oregon, In tho city of New York, Proposals to purchase said bonds KrstilutliMi li' Utlltlf ttir lulrtlliim wt Utv l'uiil imm ("iiunrll tif llip I'lljr uf KUiii tii I'atl tu llnpmt lUgltllt Mrrrl frvni UIi tu Hlgtt Mtwt, lllgli Mtvri fruut t.'lgtilii lit Mutlii lhlti Mrrvt (rum lllitll tu l'rtirtl) l'tiMnl Mrnl itAim Mnlli lii Ctlli I'pliaiu hlrrrt from I'mwIk-cI lu ( . While; Wlillo Mirrt frum Up llAIM III IMu. , Th flty of KUmall. FolU l) Its 'Common Council rnolic. t Si-CtUm Olic Thai. Wltcfra.. 4 ,. has bovtl Dlr4 M Hit tho I'ollio ,JudK, ulciivd by mute than ten fr tiuMojn uf lh city uf KtAinAth FaII, wluwo protwny will tu. t:ti4 by tho laiptimim. ut protud, which p!. turn vta. prrtall to tho Common Council hating for IU object tho tm itovmt)iit uf KlKht ut (rum Main tu llish tr-t. tltgh utrmi frum KlKhlh lu Nltilh, Ninth street from lllcli tu l'roKt( I'ro.trct trct frum Ninth tu t'pliam, Upham trct from l-fimici to White, Whltw ttrwi frum rplmm to Delia. Including alt (illrertluiu of itrnoU And whervjis, tho (Tammun Council itlrvctoi tin. city eiiKlur to prvpar. plana and stxciDcatlotu ami rilmatr of tho tarliiun kinds of Impruietnenta tor.tltU. fur tho proposed liupruttt mint of abute dnncrlbid ulrccU and parts thurcuf. and he hating (11.4 with the Pullco Judgn fur the cumlU nrnliutt of tho Cummnii Council plans and i.cclncalltin and milmaten of cot n( the proposed ImpruVement, and IIimo hating boon duly cunild-i-rmi by tho Common Council and found satisfactory, Ho 11 ri40lYnl, That tho natd plant ! and spvclflcatlons arc approred and It Is doclilnl anil dolrnnliicd. and ilu Coiiiriiiin Cuuucll now ujiprrsupg u' dutormlnailou to that end lu lmpruo said ulrwls and part Iherwif as do-' scribed and set out heroin th oil' inarnilant pavorncnt, I Furthur, that tho plans, .porlflca. Hon and valltimti's uf ih City Kn-, KlniM.r rororlng stub proponed work 1 are to hn ikmI as n ImnU for surhj ork, and any contract for tlm run. strtirtioii uf inch impruvcmont shall 1 (ui based thereon, mid tho oatlmaled I .awl uf urh ufi, and iwpruu&iti, at nuhmltted lif tho clt) U(ten( 1; 131 l;l (J, U adopted si (U ;-. a til" riH ut "Aid Muri. atij itatcit- In a lit Hcrllilll tWII Tho im tttU -tiicii remntitttirc ur oijtSu m bo IioahI t.ati,t laid Itafrvif lurttl ahal) bo uu ur h(uin Vctlt 51. 1911. Horlluil Ihtoo 'I ho tisnaiifin w libit) hlcti tho pnuMn Km lUi U benolttlad and I to t smaim-I i tho rwi tho aa.14 pr0(4wc4 It3ftlf mi-ttt. U all that pnitj ijlc i. Jirclil tu tho aad alrrt at (if U imprutrd and nioti.tiuc bat (tia tho aide line-, of tald tlfcct (4 114 ronUr Of the rraptlto blovai l)tu adjarollt tu t-l alfreta au far l l. IUVrl, Hc'tloti iiur- Tho nulKe 10 wj. orty uwiicra attoctod l iil itsjn tlldit shall Uo clton a riil(?4 I) Iho t'hsftcr. iiuioof Orocun, J'mililj uf Klamath i'Uy of Klsmaih FalU I. A U latltl, IVlKo ivtf 'I tho City uf KUutalh Fallt Uixt it l hrtob altait ho furolfi la W pruperly onrolM rupy of tb ; tutliiti adopted by a majority of U mombora of tho fuiiituoo Osf1 oUct. on Iho Klh day of laatt;) 1511 A I l.n,WITT i'l.llro Judgo Uf the City of Klamath Fall OlrtOC. I'rcxuiitct) to Iho VUyur and by Itn apprutod on tho 37th day of J' r Oil T F NtCflOUH. Mayor of tho City of Klsmaih rm !: lOt h Wood! Wood! Iltock Wood te-inch llody Wood . IC-lnch Limb Wood 4-ft. Ilody Wood Ml. Limb Wood l-o Onirr at Huare irl Ntorr Cor Hlslli ami Mala P. C. CARLSON Plume tun Where Your Money Has Gone l"oro' "'i bo accompanied by a certified Mrs, Goelet was tho daughter nfjr'Kck, certified by somo recognized Henry Wholcn, prominent socially responsible hank, payable to the no. --..,- m-,,-..-!-!-,- . Ml... I...I . . . . .. . ..tu juuki; ui mini city, ror on amount and financially In Philadelphia. Sh Is less than 20 years of age, and Is said by those persons who havo seen her to bo very beautiful. The photo hero shown is a snapshot of her. Muring Cattle J. L. Ileckley, tho cattleman, leaves tomorrow for Poo Valley to move a hunch of his cattto to Merrill. This I IflflVP In f lift in a Ha sin ntnttnt tf Iho lack of food In Poe Valloy, Mr, Ileckley Is also feeding quite a bunch of cattle at Tort Klamath. The Herald, BOe aoatfe To boot Klamath cosaty m Th Herald to your Eaatera frltAda. Vou can't bettor the best. Some thing now? Ypu pet. Bight-day alarm clocks, the newest thing. Runs and alarms for a week. They oro $2.G0each. McHattan. 2-3t. equal to live per cent of the amount! my. nam bonds will bo sold for cash paid down at tlrao of delivery and for not less than par und accrued In- lerest. Knld bondH to ho dated April 1 19H. The city of Klamath Falls re serves tho right to reject nny and all proposals. Bald bonds are laan.rf ,nH disposed of under the charter of tho My of Klamath Falls. irnno..i. ... purchaso said bonds will ho open and connldorcd by the common council at Mil's a-iiatnftll l. . 1 . ...w vw.,.,..,, tumnuer in the rlty of iu.iiawi runs, Oregon, corn.r u.i.. alio necona streets, on the of February, 1914, j. -, f JsbbbsssbBBbsBv sVBjBHBb V'.'BJBJP'i Will mil piuxtn you If you hi an ni count al Iho r'lral Truil and Having Hank. Voiir ban hook will loll you how much you had. Your checks will tH yon Hhnt you hait spi-n oi what for. Tho First Triutl n Havltins Hunk accepts ncioiinU from woiiK'ii ns woll "ic"1 lis IncrnasliiK iiumln'r of women depositors shows thoy lir found siirh uti nccouiit nu ""' vnnlnro, FIRST TRUST and SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH HALLS, OREGON IH)N J. .UMWALT . Pres, ,., . ,,, y,c. ,.,,, lllillT K, WITHIIOW. ttartar. ITHIIOW, Hecreterr Olh day Today's nswi ia Tka Herald, .... . , A' U ''KAVITT, I'ollco Judge of the City of Klam ath Falls, Oregon. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon. January 2, 19H. l-lT-lfc SurvcyorH and IrriKntlon Enginecrt Klamath County Abstract Co. ABSTRACTING MAI'H, I'l-ANH, IILUKWIINTH, Ktc. KliAMATH VhhlM, OHKflO.V