.31 & j&xtvttina Mvtaih KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE t NEWS WHILE IT It MlWi OFFICIAL NICWSPAPISR i ruiiiii i.tr ' ."' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1914 i REBELS mirtiyt'J-'T'''' . . COURT APPOINTS AMICf CURIAE IN TOE SHAVER CASE' m;i ox om.vI .ihiiim; UUtAHl em: iu.t (ll I" Hltftll I.Mr, ImiHUMWIiI ((.rtli.fi Hint VMili Kiil W. i.ni. tw..iilii VIMhm U H luntt H Wimiil Jmij Imt r.ttr ln IlioVe nrtil MM- Am drtntlll tppcrtHt) IUmmim i4tl4 t) Hie Ktawalli muni ;tu4 Jf tUluriUf tilfilil on a (kAttn ot Wltry by ball" UpfBrd Uj tb llnlr llUmimpM IX and nil .irulUr -bt irpfeffc.J b Mr. A. IbhUb, l4u bu allege h I Awptac hrr iTil4o wrtii, V J. akrf a ltxl ahiih"j'. r lalttl III ll. rltfittl until lbl h,l WW fhaier i aflUttrt only m lb" MkiUKitl Itt U HuW rA, lb" J.ff Ulite tqiutned brfc ht Hip lt4 Jmo for rffrlluii ThW at Ut tout bo look 1 100 l ah latll ittt mntif ii thl Mlcltnetil HtnOef iw4 IBCtr Tito tttutl then Uldpfpd tlio ilttl ii rnicr a pica u( not guilty, tl(b ran latt-r U rtiaur-l l( ht AVernoin tt-lt"? 1 Ju4-p ll.l.l ltrl fltlllilUlirr.I ih !Tlbii-t'tit tf Aliotnpy Thomas I5n Ah4 Clurlr r HUM A roup. IP Pf Ittp Arrue nyi-r I ilo i)uettl I ho wt!i4fwl of fcitn.lf ttti.l riuitio, upon I tin ground 'JM Ibp dclrtnUtll WAS Alt able At inruvr t4 lliftt he bail lh4 mule Ithoul anr fali.ultmlnti with tlielil. Up hrlJ llml Ihp tyIc of liplllipf woula U? ntcreary Al all. In tvif Judeo llvtuttli tntr. ll't In mkln thn iilnltnon Up Ulin i lie l() Mtornf) In Annr "aiuIcI , fUtUrr," )( tinlil OiaL lilAklllUt-h A hi taM wmi oni AlTrrlltte a tncinltvr ! lb KUm.il, .i.m. i..r . i,lr r. ' -. .,. .,,.,,,. lulling 'Hf (- ,i"iinnn "" wr-.. .. ...,-, ....- foil Wpip iirlc.l. nni milt' fur llir.;. ..i,r .-i.li m.m. I.U 4i-frulii!it, Inn for ilm riuirt mul f'"!1 ino iir a.him-IaiIiih, tho ..miir will Iip ukeii ui ftull.pr,,,,, rttU,rrt, pi, of nut Ktillt' to tHiilil"'""1"'" '"" ta,,1 ''" l'"1 " ' ,ro miifniw tniiriilng. tlninc. ifl '" ''''" r,,"'lri'"' r,u,K'"K '" "K" liunnrr The mu.l.Al pr.iRrain rnulerrd nl, tl" Chrutian Si-lpiirtj cliiirvli rtuiiiUy f"trn(Hiii v,j ,, f H, H,i vPr loii In tlm clly Tin' nitlre proKram oiip n Ptiellpiirn III which tlio "li of Uwrpiirn Mi-lmfT-y was c pl'llonslly giMid, Honors Distributed "KY'and Medals Awarded at High School Today. A !. The Miii-reiMfui foiitenilurs for jol ,,on tin iho Kliimiitli county high "t-liool footlmll lemii wore given lliolr tovt-tmi "k.i ln ,,, MHl,om,y room t "' lilgh srhtiol this morning, 'diey Were iirnsmilnd hv l-ourli Me C'H. who khvo, also, n nlco llttlu talk " Um iithliuiu aijuitil, l tlio hiiiiio period, 1'rlnclpiil ruilit proMiuted lllxrty bIL medals '" Um Hlmlikiiu uveiiiglng U0 per cent !"" lul-r, nml who had no absont or 1 "ly murks. Theso liberty bell mod "' "re or bronio with the wlunor's me on ouu sldo mid K. 0, II. 8. o "" other. mwu winning tliolr "K" wwra: 'ouu McClura, Uoa llotlar, itarllni MWWWNSft'WWMMS Colonel Goethals, First Governor of the Panama Canal Zone fill iaLLH I IaBw l4AW9vH''laAAAAi T)'l1 KA IIAtl'iIUl NlmtMl llllrtf. DAlllltiAl. lntlr( III iP iUllll if Cultir t;trl)t. ti man utm ha I'ltlll I Iw I'jiiamo Catml, ntul4 null lil work itip(t or rrltiM lu antii llir Cutrtlliltlll ( li I'aiiaI .IIP lii .n.mio K)r. (4imnilnloiir l No Vtili H) iJiK-lhaU ha iiiaiIp HAMMOND PLEA "NOT GUILTY" I i'iii;n:iiiti:it mv iiiHHivn:it.i,s. UWV. tt.lH IMIUTIIH SATIIIC UAV I r l. ilHititniiiiit, Imtlcu-il for rum .! i lt .,.. mill nml for altrunitliii: i im-n-lti-I, vn nrrnlcneil beforn Vlruilt Judc.i llciu.iii llitit nllenuKiii. ,. Vuu Mr nml Mr. I.imln Uerber rmriicil luui nlelit from u llt In Htm rrniulmn nml tlin vwillmi txliuiiln, Ik-Iiik ppK rlii. t, Paul Noelf IMwIu .. I' M.'P.iri Oiirrett, I'liul Noel.' i;uwiu t ox, w inmi Huiiiitf. Kuitutiu McCorunrk, lor- est Pull, U. Mnlenhnclier, Win. Mel Iiiimo, Fred Miirfcwnnll, Konnoth Arch Itmiul Htowarfl, Hoy Orom, l. MoIh elieiibnrker,uil Harold Foeso. - - - aUiiMio li wor iof)rt Ui whom liberty boll medals Tdoil wore: Octuvlu Duitp, Vera .Wood, Murguorlle ijowiiiib.j f . . . AS . . 1 HoHuKrupkn, Novi!MC"Ki Wlnlmn. Murgittel DeUML Kdwln Cog; Kugeiio McConmrk, tirniuimxeti cl Wm. IluitcUtolii. s rhit Frank M, Unii aoltl looltel mod- uls will 1h contested ror nguiu tins year wllh first uud second prises, Tho Uii meduU nro for tho wlnnora of tho doulutaailon ooataat. pain X-nrlA fi y( T u rttiw.ri nlt'ltlPavl I ..... . f , TO ATTACK SWAASWiw'VVWMtfWSWWMMWW nurd a MeIi rriiilnilitii in llir ran a I witrk lm( iiianjr lamlllsr with lh wrallim of llir Nk Vfk poller lorrr ai Hftrli-! ii rttulil -onI4rr ll" i.ilim ai all. tliMlmU, Uuwerrr, li tlrc4U to I rfiitAin In rhArfiP ill llio Canal Zone, lor n )t-4r nt lin.t IIU immlnmlou In mm lfurr I'liticrrA TOM THUMB WILL BE MARRIED HERE ,MIIM!inS WIM MTAdK I.IM.1!U TI.W SHOW AT DI'l.'ltA HOUSK roit tiii: ciimsTiAX niiMtcii OX KKH. I? On Vli I llt take place at tho l - ni hotliiit the wptlttlng of Minn Mlilgel and Tom Tliiiiilb. This liomn tnk-nt entortalument, hit It w III liut to Irnin ouu to one and fiuiii 3 to 9 x-nm from our owu clly. Tin- Iiii)n Mill wear lotiK punts, low cut WKtit nml full ilrciui coats, while tti Kir Ih mo ilivMx'il lu low necked nmi'iitii.'titiil nlmrt hIii-vih! ilrenves lu full train llii-'nitil tliu tirliln lu tho ii mm I white silk over alxdrpHS with -ll mul ilowi-rs. A fivist of It-e creiiiil mid cake is i-rviil tliu Ilitli. oiii-n following thuicnrded. it milling. A director from Knnwuj In nil sll guesses were put In Iho t'lty. Mo. will lime fhtirge of tlio 'gueiwlng box. ranging lu amount from ehllilleli if-M to G0. M. E. CHURCH TO HOLD REVIVALS' i Wll.li COMI.MIi: IvAt'H XKIIIT OK wi:i:k ami a ho.; hkkviok wii.ii hi: i hatiihk of kacii MHKTIXO ItovlMil sorvU-es begin tonight at tho (Irme Methodist church. Tenth mul High streets, tvt 7:45. There will he n lirteeii-mluuto song Hervlre, fol lowed by preaching, Au aft ei noon moetluu will be held tomorrow nl tho home or Mrs. Kato Klnuenr, 31 High street, at 3 o'clock, Subscribe for the Herald, 60 oeaU uoalh. .MRS. SHEPHERD CALLED BEYOND -DKMIHK CAMK IX MAX KIW.NOIMl AtTi:il HHH IIAO ATTAIN HI . Ili:it MXKTV.TII1III Via It. FUXi:itAI TUMOKKOW I Mr. KfHtj&iNi Shciiherd, tor tnuny yoi h rntlUeut at KUmath county, liamul a vi ny yetirrdajr in Sun Kran rln Slip wa S3 ywara of Ae. Tlif pinalnA wir prpjinrrtl for utilium'iit In tht Hay City and will ar-' i it ' IipIp Ihl rronliiK, The (unprnli rlctt will bit lipid At 2:30 Vh1ik' i! ty adrrnoon At thr ClirUlUn cbiircti nitit lli fpmaliu will It Interrrd br-, It aft .11 t . A t AA o u.u.o , nnr nu.uaa ... .uc .oca, rrmolfry. ir. iiP.i(pru ram to KianiAtn, 0 W(liI(j by iht nJUIly eQun I-aIU In HVJ nd rwldrd liorr until i,n thtJ wpeBlt, 0, th vtkfXotlt omcctt ,.'- ,n,- au. -.. .., .m, rallfrtrnlii In Him wllli lir fMiiphfMP ; ' '.urda nlRPt made an order that made She ii .urtlvvd by th d-mhter, Mr.. rcluclloM , , ,omjl u4 aiarle. HUfiiUM. nun tvo son. Jotm fiii-' trrd of rini Crovo and Rant Hhry- Ivrd, who ia arcompaayloc the rr-t uialnn here from CalKorala. MRS. C.e. BROWNE THE BEST GUESS WIXH TIIK I'lU'.K IX TIIK TIt,TS cutlnic attorney and other offices In IIIU.V OO.NTKST. MllS. COS,,., IMK)M AUi CAMi; CI-OSK TO- Tlle aboVe cntuj mtttter comtn TIIK .MOXKY on regularly to bo heard In tho above .entitled court upon Its own motion in the reduction of deputies and saiariea Tho puwllns question of how mudt n tlf) offlco of ujo county clerk. money was in tno jar oi ueans on ex-, H'HI t "' Slll Urygoods Com- pan auruiK tuetr riK-eni anniversary i0mce of clerk of circuit court, Klani ale was rettled Saturday eronlng nth county. Oregon; county sealer. when A. V, Tltidall ot tliu North west urn ami Warn-n I.. Dulil of the V. " til UK Herald opeued tho jnr and count ed tlio money, rno jar coutainea it,.i. ana was Awaruea to rs. o. . II row no. wife of "Hun" lirowne, lor member ot tho Drown Broa. painting firm. Mr, llrowtie KUessed the Jar 10 contain fti.lK missing tho correct nmuuiit t) throe cents. Mrs. Cose boom guenscd the samo as Mrs. Untune, but failed to dato her guess. Mlos Marjorle McCluro made the closest guess, but she, too, failed to ilnte her guens, nut), ns tho rules gov ernliiK the Ki'i-u.-iInK plainly specified that nil guessea must bo dated, the KUesseti without dnli-a had to be dls- iCAFETARIA MEAL WELL PATRONIZED WOMAN'S CIVIC liKAUUK KKKDH host or iiuxunY pkoplk, in AHIUTIOX TO MAKIXO MOXKY l-lllt HKST IUM1M The ludles In churgo of the cafo terln dinner glveu Saturday night by tho Woman's Ohio U-iiruo for the beuolH of Iho ladles' rest room move ment, are Jubilant over tho splendid results ot the dluuer, They nro un decided whether the popularity of the rest room movoinent caused, the peo ple to waut to help or whether the (Continued ) ' PRUNING HOOK USED FOR COS SALARY TREES I MAW OKI'LTVHHII' OVV A IIK CUT Htxiliic Itnlurtion of Haturico of ()fllir AmUIoiiIn In tile t'ourtlmilw MAilr ul a Vll'liiltctit Mrrllntc ut I lie ' KLaiiiaIIi (Vuntjr Court. Xo Journal Ijilr; Mailr L'ntll TliU Morning. llAiiuikrr'A SAUry Wona TrinitnrU KuW,BC ,,, prwic,oa In Friday- 'Herald that boleal reduction the rounty court, al a wloa Ut fiat- ... ! of every county office with the excep tion of Uui oatc of tbe county acnool superintendent. Ttiu order, though dated January 31, a not filed with ' the county clerk until this morntnjf. It follews: J In the County Court of the State of I Oregon for the County of Klam- i v I In tliu matter uf the reduction of deputleu and salarlea In the office of the county cu-rk, sherln. assesaor, clerk of the circuit court, county sur veyor, assistant to tho office of prose- Klamath county. Oregen: office of sheriff, Klamath county. Oregen: Klumnth county, Oregon; county sur- veyor, Klamath county, Oregon; coun- ty asm-ssor. Klamath county, Oregon; office of tho district attorney and otl'ee of treasurer. Klamath county. Jun-jorvgon. Now, therefore. It U hereby ordered (llml tho salary of J. O. Hamaker. county sealer of Klamath county, Ore- i;oi!, be and the tsamo is hereby re- duted from a monthly salary of $75, per month to $25 per month. That It U further ordered that the 6lllee of sheriff of Klamath county, OreRim. be reduced In tho number of (c. W. White, lu tho White building, deputies from three deputies to ono Main street, deputy and that said deputy be and. he is hereby allowed a salary ot 1125 per month until further order of the i court That It U hereby further ordered th.it the Hulnry of tho deputy clerk of the circuit court of Klamath coun ty, Oregon, be and the samo Is hereby redtjeed from $100 per month to $75 per month. Tlint It Is hereby further ordered that the county clerk ot Klamath county, Oregon, bo and the number of dr i titles are hereby reduced from four deputies to two deputies; that one of said deputies bo and he Is here by reduced from $125 per month to iti'O per month; that the second ot sntil deputies be and he ii hereby re duced trom $95 per month to $75 per month. That It Is hereby further ordered that the authority ot John 8eliseea as deputy county treasurer of Klam ath county, Oregon, aa heretofore en- tnrod In tho Journals of tho above entitled court, be and the same Is horeby rovoked. That It Is further ordered that the assistant doputy surveyor of Klamath county, Oregon, as heretofore entered by the county court of Klamath coun ty, Oregon, bo and Ii hereby revoked. It Is hereby further ordered that (Continued ) CAPITAL "JJJ"J'riiir'ftjruLrxnjTjTj'xnjnjTjvvT 'Canak' Girl Skiing Down Mount Royal j Here Is a lire Canadian girl who! icn'i afraid of one of the moat dan gerous sports skiing down Mount Royal at Montreal. Havlnit xtafted high on the hillside, she is coming down at a rate or spevd that ought to lake her breath away, but she is ab solutely sure on her feet. It la a sport unknown to most Americans. Tobogganing and skiing are the most popular sports of Canada In the winter. There are hillsides In the United States where Americans might practice them, but so far the sports have not been taken up. Slarillme AwwvcUtlon Meeta United Press Service NEW YORK, Feb. 2. Speakers aud guests of International promi nence have been Invited to attend the tenth annual banquet of the Maritime Association of the Port of New York tonight at tho Waldorf-Astoria. Im provements that should take place and make New York tho greatest sea- port lu tho world will be urged in all speeches. .- League Mix-tins a called meeting or the Woman's cilc League will bo held at 2:30 to- morrow afternoon at the home of Mr. Boosts the Vvi JJ st CMSxc'ilBayli "'A L-i; mmttmtm HAaiBBH-tKr'':Ll HH JKgH J!PVHBsjSjf Lw! W?r J vTlrilv ji 4 A Trainer May Take Charge of Local TradoiKi The (ollowiu, regarding his recent visit to Southern Oregon, was given the Emerald by UUI Hay ward, physi cal director at tho University ot Ore Ore eon: "At Klamath Falls and Ashland I found tho best spirit towards such a plan. Those schools are more or less Isolated uud they showed consider able Interest In tho work and are anx ious to do something along this line. At Klamath they nre more or less hindered from luck ot suitable grouuds lu close proximity to the building, which makes It more dif ficult for thou. However, tbey have invited me to come down la the spring when their season opens and help them out la getting started and I think I shall go. HUERTA AND HIS STAFF WILL GET U.S.PROTECflOR AMKRICAX EMBAMY WHX Mi AM ASTLVM iFlftee TbosMMWd Fellvrs) a( Om ' nuscs) Are ImwiahIiIaMI Tsnew ask! Advice Frew Co UfllnsjaltH HeaviquutmArtot!iEerttlit Itebe Ary WM Kler Mexico Ckf Vtk. I. I United Preaa Sortfe MEXICO CITY. Feb. a. A tore of fifteen thousand constltutlonalUU, lncludlnsr th iBfaatnr. eavsJrr aavi 1 artillery branches of the aervie, urn reported today adrucfess la tk dlrte jtlon of TomoB. Tab) la eaaaiac la I tense excitement here. It wa learned that Carraaaa haa Jrttly proclaimed Ftb. 19 aa Um dai of tho combined rebel forcsa to enter Mexico City. United Preaa Scrrlea MEXICO CITY. Feb. .- fVcreiafy Nelson 0"3aaagaaiaej haa Informed Huerta and the other Mexi can leaders that they 'will be given protection In the Amerlcaa emaaaty It the constitutionalist army capture the capital. The American marine will aee that the men now In ofice are not exe cuted. It is understood that President WIN sou Is determined that the next presi dent of Mexico shall set attain that olce by slaying the tneamaeat. Jeraey Scholastic Chsiplaaahlaa United Press Service NEWARK. N. J.. Feb. 8. Crack scholastic athletes from. all ever New Jersey are gathered here today to compete la the New Jersey eassjft ships to be held tonight uaier the auspices ot the Central High School. A number ot A. A. u. veeata are- oa the card. To Portland Miss Faye Hogue departed this morning for a visit of saveralaxoatha In the vicinity ot Portland. Ait' short sojourn with her grandmother lu Albany she will visit the home of her brother In Portland uatll May. K. C. H. S. "On the faculty of the high .school at Klamath Falls I aaet two tenser Oregon Agricultural men aad they have charge of the athletics In the school there. I told then that wa are willing to do anything w ana to help them oui and that sow that Mat ters are straightened oat betweem O. A. C, and Oregon there should beae' more trouble They were so tatereatej ','tm. $.. vork at Klamath, that I am down three fllsas. on of the Washington football gasM, of tW Oregon-O, A, C. gam and oaa of the Stunford track meet. These WW1 bo shown at one of the saovlag fietatt r bouses, there for. tat bsaeit s(tv nig a scaooj stwaeass. - ., ,-, Aft .-. A. S .'r "---- iVi 1 . These glasa will ha aaewm Mtftv Star tale m m mi m PS3 hm ssrai IWrt il t. A, if : i; i