J (Ei? $u mtttQ Iterate PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT It NEWS KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NKWSI -a vm..n)gy-fr.i r iL jst ix t :tahK -,t KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1914 SAXION, I IMPRISONED FOR OVER SIX MONTHS CHANDLER fiVMMWM iruii, iiiii: H 01 Till! lMMIMV I h hl.litlTIIM HV ,,.r.t U MaiI- ',,M," w p,, ,((.."""''"'' "", I'' .,t.. IV.ml . nuMw-wl Mllr "" Home, l Alt by N.,,r IM rimrt Hull fur IMM. r f rt" l'tl'lrfl .f the llunlhorn Mum. ml a try) WASHINGTON. II. f . Jsit 31 - V.IUM Hill-mmi. cUreniely t-n,n,g i.i the mull (or trdulnu l'",m',,"'r (Ji-ntral All-rt Hurl ... .....,...... .. ..i.i iu .. !.,-. -i u. .un nU ami a report to the aenate, ..... mil Ullll6 III " l"ll""' "V . ...,. .L.,kU and " " , ' '"' 'U (mm Mlil IIaIw. Ul Jul, la bj( f mtt "' !'' Iltr Mi iii, l a. fiimmtHcil ID It' .(jSt Jll III A alt A hvrWi Ku ( rr. '! lir im Ilu4 (Im b! NW lb mJHI Hti' Ml lwMi! lulu bt r, 'flJA) tl KUmtt UfAttJ juu rul nl liwv Mil 4!U1 liucvite tlou. I'.aalln, Ur Alt liKAttef.lluii ill ituai icuti muotl lor rtlwo Ito 4 iil not (oitimll, bi i lurtiwl Iikw." U-Ji ibuunnd rutin from biti. I'twc tbo hrU ul Ibo viutieralluui 0( tIWI CAlUC Ibf I4P Of tllP AMCt ' . t( iltaitn U fljudtof. drltr ul llio M.nlll-Tulo Uk .Ufi. Ilrto by M-l .rB.r.. rbatcxl with ll ', cviuy iii) no i now mi in i ml ttUuti i I'urtUnd, and mutt iutf a charge furclna' thv taioi oJCafUlO J W. HlciimU", prldlil I'l lii Kim Truit Add Hating battk, tu i (crr(tlnc nearly IIT.POO. ati.l lSflltl o tell liw At A itlniHItlt III HfWue tmi Tim ftr.l, rf(i.tlii! iii I'imIaI In ltor Ihiurid and tivputy ui. Xjulial fuller, who tlAVP brtl tile (cVrral l)o maktlig lnirt'A llott, iu bttiugbl about Ibraugh rur .iS.. tiff wh CliAlidlor. Ttib ndwrltlnK, orthography, elc, woh Hko thai ul Dm uppimih1 Mr. T Hutittiiiiio," wlm wrote ihi itfukatin btnV, that an IntttlgAtton dotwrd AdtlA(ilc. Thrfr a Mimo crrrHindinre lo brine nut lurtlirr IminUrliing eri mm, um Ctiandlnr, ttinl two irrt rvlre mrn y r. WllllAin a ml II. 1 HrdttP, rrn iit Into lit la ooctlon thr Uttr part or lmbr lo rnAke n lnuilsUnn. fhomtltr had bren mamonl in I'Milland aa a wltnea lit Hi'lhiwdiailntt by ttit federal grand Jury, tmt tiKtii advice I nun llic rri't rtltq iiirn n , PAd, jl0 wnn ,r, twtid. I The wml arrvlrn mon pelll eV t rck l.rtvuH-n KUuiAtli Falls Attll Ttlta t.nlk hiaLlnai luUAllafKllrtlia I l'1-on tl.elr ri-'turn to IMrlUnd tbey'l CIIICAdO. Jaa. jO-T'io foderal IWtl.d II. It.tr ., ..,.1 n. ttlRt"'l Jty ly It.tllclA.! HHlft & LO. '-' --m-s -( .. wull, IhtrAinl iiml Fur came In on Wedttmilay rrnm Cortland. curing it .,.rtii warrant from I'nlM HintMi roiiimlaaloimr Charles I l-VrKU.Iill. llmv till t..r !. Merrill rnuiiiry, ami ,n, t return until Inat night. ThU morning they lefl ror i'nriUiitt a riatilt of tho treatment accord- frhiiilloiii Hnxtun, Proaoctilln. Al '"fliiiy J,,IU rV m Krc(, Morloy, 'ioiii Irwin employed on thn case, r Imvlng much rmmtlo cointneiit Captain Berry Is Blamed Ovmers of Wrecked SkipSiyHtAdcdlmdvistdly I'nlUd I'ress Bsrvlee NOHKoi,k, Vn., Jan, ai.The oftl "w of ti,n oi, nm,nn Hteamshlp totnngny bliuutia yesterday's fatal col "'un to nn error In Judgment on the I'W or Cnpuin Merry of the sleaater tucket, in K a,.,,, fog the Nan- m C0,1,,,,,,, w,th xlMr M0", 'o that vewel la two and drown- boutnttypejmi.' , TURNED LOOSE; G. L ARRESIED IN PORILAND lmle upon Kmir head Mtn) run lt,hlj ,ml ,(u muKituuiMu t,t HaiIoii through iiii of Win r.ronit Jnr tntorl u ltn Park Ae, wild It l ftly ptmllrlrd that tliouM KaIoii ' brine a ull (or bivy damage, hf Mould have nu trouble Ml all In "III nine Tbo IrJrfBl fitVfalleatltiti ( llil atlolr romitieuirrd quite It title Ago.' anil t rk before llio county, grand Jury coMiiier-d Alt ltitlga lluil ill llir tf ft Hull tan-, r-rrl i'Hlrn .! III r ii Mor here Investigating the u '..1.1..., il... . ! . .. k.. !...- fiif"" Tw f mtiBi l", Oi-t I'ullrr .1,1. montlug. TI,., ca. lli. ('handler -A. uncovered WEEK OE PRAYER MEETIN6 IS EIXED MlVti. cit,ii:it ,SU TltlMO.VV at m. :. fin urn siuttr ami Airi:u.NHv n:i.-ri.N(iH attiii: itnMr.H or ii:iiu:it j,,,,,,,,,,. ,,,, oVrrl1t al j,, r..nrr.tl.ti l Uiaw iUlbodUl rhurrh will condutl a prlo uf toc-ol. hie at Hip rburvh Ttif will taw U( of xing, tr)er, le.tlmuuy and pIvACtltUg, Allrriiinili luerllug will b held lu Iioiiip In Tarluu partA of the city, b iclniilitg Ttiri Armuunromeitta of II lima All! be liUIi Ifiitn Un) o dy. "VI.M tillll.. ItlnlthtfM tieltl IllM Ia&1 I United:..... ..,. ..... , i, ,,...i i t.' HH, 11,1. .-'i, V.l ,m .I.'-.,, nt,u i tint lfh vt) licli'ful A genrral plrli of h'fiiliir for ibme romlttg mretlttg rill Ibe mind of tbo rburcb. Tb public I invited to all lhr,0 mrellllg PACKER AND ROAD NDICTED TODAY hWIIT ". AM TWO Mill HAH, IIOAIW AUK IIKI.It HV I'KHKIUI. IIIIAMI JI'IIV .N ITT MU'AHATi: tIM'XTK I'ltlted fro Karvlco noil the IVittii)lvnnln find S'urthiil eru rnllroitit on rtmrgi- of rnliatlng The liiilktmenl nttogrd 177 oimr lite onellr. .Mnkllttf liiipiiiVi'tilrlil. I.. A. Diivldcon, proprietor "f the Cuiittiil bur bur hp. I muscfitsc n iiumber of Improvement itbmtl the Ahop. Ho I putting In n now boot hlnck Hiniiil, nnd nddlng two now bath room, which nro to be tilled tip with vapor nnd ueedlo bath. Tho Old Dominion otriclals say tlmt Horry' order or Hill speed nstcrn nr lor hi veol crushed Into tho iililo ol the Monroe lot llio wntcr Into tho din ablod craft und sunt It to tho bot tom, Tho Merchant and Miners compa ny, owners of the Nantucket, assort that tholr ship commander noted cor rectly uu'der the elrcuautaace.. SENATORS HEAR WHY U. S. MUST OWN THE PHONE lit Itl I.MIN Ml(l Ills lonu Itl.l'Oltl timiiUou tu ilie IV I niit rr Ornril, l U tin-(mill lllllrllt'. Kill), Uitdrr llin riilitiilluit, in htii,rt a ! iiilt Ovrr ilmTf Irpliono mill TH liiHpli jrMlie mill Give Out 1,1- liliva fill llirll 0MTlilll, i 'iih,t I ..... ttr IV ""' " " '"" . . ., I recommending ih, gomaim-iir. t n- .""'". lel-LBOU". AMU telegraph. li fiuuil-(p Alil iniwlBfU Mlal IacII iiii whlrh lli ruiwUluiiMn iuaVi- II tin emi-riimi'iir iluly m prorldtj," y llli? rMIl, - It lo t litlo tflcct II IlllluwIllC rrriiJKIIlallOII Tlml ilKi- iltrlftrn KiirfU' Hi. u niiinH"ilf nmr t-nrnii Atitl , i . . . . . . . . .. lr iiiHi nimniilttiraiiim aim kucli oiiirr mmm lor tlic tranmllon of IlilrlllflM'- a tuny hrrrnltrr detelop, i That rneir Aniulro by purcliAtoi ai Ait apprnlMrd alun tlin commerdal iolphmn ntorl. mrept the lrw. Hudton, tx railroad which l little tit' Jin bard of ouUlda the Kant, but U of 'That tutt AUiuorlie Ibc iwit-'cunnldnrabU imortAiice, haa been mAi-r fiirrl to UMif. In hl dlK-re-jiotced to vtl!c with bl 1,000 m Unit, and utnlt-r urli jrcuUlloiit at,(i) who ntuu utrlke the other br ma) prrcrllie, reo4bte llcetwo lor ibe iipcrAllon by prlat Individ !.. ot-latlHi. rotnpinle and cor iMirAllmiA ol tbe lelegrapli rlfeAUd iirb part of tlit tilrpbone rlre aa ilm govrrninetit may reiiulr SLEET STORM IS CAUSING DAMA6E ,N i: MAN MKKTM l i: A T II Tllltoltill TI:I.I:I'II0M: HKCi:iVal mire. Kit CIIICAliO ItKltlltTS MAXV.omclaU ItUAIt. fltll'I'I.KII INDIA.VAI'OMti, Jan. II.- Aa n I .null ol a aleei alornt. lre are proi.;lmmrdlaieb' crlio on the nwd was ilrniiHl. ami till ctlm I mum crip-1'""? rrtorrd. A atrlke. which might plnl lhAii In nl irliig' flood. J,.rpb WaNh waaahucked to diMth when he he put telephone receiver to hU ear. A live wire had blown nrroiut the teleihitwi lino. ' CIIIPAdO, Jnti, 31 --llullroad are, imrrtl) red nml H utiurtinu line Jitu detid a ti tiiltt of it Mtlfl lUtouHlnrm' toitit) FORD AND SUHR ARE jntv riMK vi:imitT ion iwu- ti.v ih:iiiii:i: mi'hukk thkb li:i'i:XIAX--S IX CASK AUK "' - Viurri:n MAUYSVII.I.i:, J nn. 31. -Mellaril Ford nnd lleriimn Hiilir were today round guilt)" or necoml degrco murder. They wr tried In connection with the rioting nt Ilm Durst hopynrd last rail. Wllllum Heck nnd Hurry llagiin were ncqiiltted. Seveiv Cold. Fred Nool, proprlutor ot tho Mar- Hliull house, I nlmot volecW with n srvorn cold, Hcttirtis to Klanuttli. Uo lurrlsh, who has boeu spendlug tho winter In tho sunshlno of Houth em CulUornlu, relumed In Klamath Full Friday. ile! urn Home. Mlna (Iraco Duncan, who has been vUitltiK her father, Conductor J. II. Diiucnu In tho Hot Spring addition, returned to hor homo In Hod HluB ou this morning's train. CONVICTED Railroad Manager Who Settled With Men EsssssssBEJ BEEEEB iB BBBBr v --Bssssssa I EBBk jkl!BBBBBBa BEEEr umBBBBBBBBE I BBBv JlBHBBBBB I BSBr mBVBBBBBSSB1 1 lii CVbeH i Kb !i:iW wPbeI BESWx'iBBBEsBEsl ' EBBBm " bBBBBEBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBBEa bebbbbbBkbI ' iEKyBBBl I beSbeIbebbebbebbI Wl I bbebbMbebbebbeI iBBBVBBBBEBBBEBBB k.SA-? Clifford 8, rilm. rlrc prtldvnt and friiontl iuminitor,of the Delaware and day. Tli company capitulated and restored tbe men lu work, agreeing alo to evry condition the union men mjili-, It waa oitn of tho mot quickly leltted large ttrtktv In the hUtory of railroading. Allor a year of negotiation, 0,000 iiH'U, inrludlng vuglneem. fl'reuieu, ciiinliiilom, tritlurtien and telegraph rtn wnlki-il out when tbo company rlmll) refuted lo rcttnrc to duty an niKlutvr i nd a flri'iiian charged with disobedience of ordnni Tbe men said the) bad refined to brea ka rulo of' tin. touiiutiy at tbe direction uf uj minor otllclal The road wm tied up i mid It moved re- trnlna. Tho appealed tu tho national I, board or Arbitrator, .but the next day '.Mr Sim met a committee of tbe re-,ul'louUl and tilgiied an agreement. iAe Peen awatrou to employers anu employ wi, iAteo ir tnan lony-otgni hour FATHER OF JOE SMITH IS DEAD SAO INTKIXKJKNCK IIKCKIYKO HV ISH.It'K CHIKK FHOM MIX MMOTA HltOTlir.H AXI SIS THUS OXCK I.IVKII HKIIK .. . of .,,.. ,Mellh Smllh hM rMmivm, liua Ilf ,,m ,,,,, ot hia ,., ,:dW!tr, ry Smith, al Hlack Duck. Minn, Tho father coudltlou hn been grave for somo little Unto. DeccmitMl wim iv native of Now llriiuawlck, and wan 73 years ot age ul tho tlmo or his deinUe. lie camo to tho I'ulted Stilted lu 1SSU, mid a oar intur nettled In Muck Duck, whuro ho coiiducted n inorcnntllo entablUhmont, und Inter orected busliiosa bulldtngn, im tho town grow. Six chlldrui aurvivo him, among them being Tom U. Smith ot Kugeno n ml Mm. Fred Kkluuot' uud Mr. Don iild McKeuxlo ot Now Westmlntttor, II. 0., nil ol whoul resided here a few years ago, A brother, Hubert Smith, has been a rosldeut ot Centorvllle, Calif., tor lirty years. i Dauro at llouaton's There will be u dauco at Houston's opora houso toulght, with tho cele brated Star orchestra furnishing tho music. This will give Clair Arnold, .., ,1... Hint, mwhulrn nn nl.linptlinltv to try out his now drum, which just urrlved last night. KLAMATH SPUDS NOW ;mi I'lticitt rou thk skxt TWO MONTHK DEMAND CALIFORNIA CariiMil Shliiml iw OAkUmt Vnlr- Uocltr for Uio prtiTcntlon of cruelty . .... ......!.. to anlmaU I the aaauraneo glren thU iU), iiimI Oilirr Will Follow Tliel . , . ,, , ,,, " . ' I morning t;r Mm. O. W. White, preal Wr. Imuw Mr Hf Tin rr Will Ib-fdeitl of the Woraen'a Clrlc Leacu. ..m- Markn for a l.liiln While.1 "A number of cai rulrln the nttntlon of a humane officer bare Prior in ft..- Ailma of CallforUjbtn p,,, , our nolcc rv:.aiiyp" I'iMMliir on llir Mrki-i Tlwrr. "11 Mr. White, "anil we expect to Accenting In O. II. Campbell of the Klamath Valley Vareboue company, anltnalj owned by negligent and 'the farirer of Klamath county will (vicious people. ihavo i KtMd opportunity to J Upon oil "Only a day or two ago a man waj 'all tbolr urpluA pofatoen at a Tcry admlnliterlni; nch an unratrclful JkooiI piJre. bmlnK to hU home that a lady, pa- Already heavy demands for pota- In the bam. u moved to Interfere. lor rr K'liiluit from CAllfomU. iid It I believed that thin demand will continue for a prtod of about aU wccl.. A carload belonclax to C. II. Daeoit a shipped to Oakland Krl-1 day. nnd other chlpmenU are expected j to follow. I Mr. Campbell In of the opinion that I.. . . .. . :. .. i mo lAnner duuio uu wen 10 iauc arraugemenu to dlapose of their po- tatoev within tbe next lx weeka or two monlhi at the outatde, aa he be- lio by that time Callfornl will have IU own tupply of Klatoe, and lat year' crop will be a drug on the market. At tbe prctenl time potato are bringing $30 and better a ton. BASKETBALL TEAM WILL MAKE TOUR KUIMATII HUSH FIVK WILL IU1Y HIGH SCIIIK)I.S AT ASIIia.M). .mi:ih-xuii, Giuvrs I'ass and CKYTItAli IHJI.NT Tufuday morning Coach McCall will take his aggregation of basket ball kt.trs, and start on their tour of the Itogue Klver Valley. Tbey will meet the teams ol Central I'olnt. Med io rd. Ashland and possibly Grants I'amt. The game with Yreka has been can- culled on account ot the Yreka high Hchool having no place to play. Judging from tho game the boys put up last night, It seems safe to pre dict h clean sweep of victories for Klamath county high on their tour. Conch McCall will take Noel and Hum, ferward: McClure, center; Holler and Garrett, guards; llnle and McCornack, tubs. FOOTBALL FILM AT STAR MONDAY I'lCTUUKS OF THK O. A. C. AND THK U. OF O. KtKTHALIi OAHK AND THK U. OF O. AND U. OF W. CONTEST In addition to the regular pictures at tho Star theater Monday and Tues day nights or next week, J. V. Hous ton has jual mndo arrangements tor a speclul reel tu bo shown that night picturing tho football game between tho O. A. C. and the U. ot O. tor tho championship ot Oregon, which re sulted lu a 10-to-10 lie score, and the gatuo between the II. of O. and the U. or V. for tho Conference College championship, which was won by the University ot Washington, 10 to 7. Thoso pictures were taken by "Bill" Hay ward, physical Instructor ot the University ot Oregon, aud, besides the guinea mentioned, show many Inter esting "rooting" stunts pulled oc by the loyal followers ot the teams. A bill for tllB rBDOal Of the Child labor law has been introduced In the Massachusetts legislature. S. P. C. A. EOR KLAMATH FALLS UOMK.VH CIVIC LKMiVf. WILI MW.V TAKK HTKI'M KOH I'Kll FKCTI.NO OltCA.MATIO.V OF A HUMA.VK hOCIKTV That KUmAth Fall la to baro a hAto tbo Aoclely orean!zU and offl rered wltbln a Terr abort time no that proper protection may be bad for lh There are-other cuci, too, that ihould 'be attended to, and will be, jut as 'noon a v can effect an organization LAKEVIEW SHUT OFF BY N. C. 0. XO IMUMPttCTtt FOU TRAIX SER. ! IUK I.VIU THKKt. fVK TCUCKE WKKK STATION AGENTS ARK ALL LA11 OFF t Herald Special Service) LAKEVIEW. Jan. 31. -Were It not for the stage service to Klamath Fall. Lakerlew would stand a good chance of being' Isolated. As It Is, there has been no train In over the N. C. O. for two weeks, and It Is ex pected that It will be at least three weeks more before trade can be re sumed, with the snow- going away. There Is much freight for this town tlel ud at lleno. which cannot t unt out. There tfas been no mall froniiout?Und,n w""nt w ". Itcno for two weeks. This morning the headquarters at Reno telephoned all the railroad's sta tion agents along this line to take a layoff ror an Indefinite period. There Is a foot of snow on the level here. Brings lu More Porkers A. li. Brown and SI Brown brought j lu twenty tat hogs last night for the j l(nl mtarlrskt Thav ulartarl ffAm t ni gell Valley with the hogs on two wag-j ons with four hon.es. but before they reacneu mo uieno gap tney werei forced to strengthen their team, and Will Urotbertou added his team to tbe ruotlvo power. Thus equipped, the load of hogs was delivered to tbe daughter house ot Crialer Jfc Stilts I without further trouble. Westerfelilt as Host. This evening the boarders at the Marshall house, together with the en tiro Marshall house force, office, din ing roonAund kitchen, will be thu guests of DFred Westerfeldt at the cafoterla dlnueV served by the Civic League lu.tho llhidley building. Doc has reserved a big table tor the occa sion, and the ladies in charge of the cafeteria have engaged extra hela. Evidently they have had a tip from'posuro and starvation, aa the ladlea Mrs. Fred Noet of the gaatrlmagiamttions were that she had not eaten any of tho Marshall house bunch. thing for probably a week. Seeks Radium Refinery New Bill Would Provide United Press Service WASHINGTON, D, C, Jan. 31. Congressman Martin D. Foster of Illi nois, chairman ot the house commit tee on Minos and Mining, today In troduced a bill, calling for an appro priation of 150,000, to be used In equipping a radium reinery. The refinery la to ha operated by CITY FINANCIAL CONDITION BEST IN ITS HISTORY GOOD HUIU'IXH LKVT IX TUB TKCASCKY Mayor, Ileeonler 4 Meaabeia of tkm CowkII An to lie Comumtmtm am the ForeAigfit They Have Playlf 1 In Holdhag !w Kiiiia WMmm llecoaalaa; Addfciwl to a llarmfwl to the Cltjr. The annual report of tk FeUc Judge of the city of Klaaaatk rail tot tbe year 1913. which la publUhew to day, Ia an excelleat ahowlag of the financial condition of the city. For th first time la ka history, Klamath Falls Is on a real cash hasht. lu warrants are the saas aa cash. The cash balance on, haad la the city treasury on January 1. 1914t greater than was generally aupeoseeV There was In all funds a total of 11!, 322.S5, and of this assoaat the tea eral fund contained $13,4C1.S7. The taxes for the year 111 will 'soon be coming Is. so ahoat 911,069 jwllt toon be added to these funds. A careful perusal of both the ar terly and the aaanal resorts of the police judge should be the eaaee of rejolclag oa the part of the eltlseae of Klamath FalU From a practical beakrupt Hon a year ago, the auay laaaeial probtena and dtScutUea have heam met and oTercosae by the Bayer aa4 members of the couacil. aa4 toasy Klamath Palls' taaaeaa era la the most flourishing coadltiea li has erer known. All this has beea aeeogeaUeh ed without la say way aacrlldag the steady growth and derelopsseat of the city. The bonded indebtedness of the city amounts to a total of flll.79S.SI, all of which covers Indebtedness created in the years past. Through the disposal of refunding bonds for I7S.793.00 all of the oM and no warrant la bow lamed there Is money la the atty cover same. GIRL STARVES TO DEATH IN CHICA60 'KALI. K4IXT1XG ,x THE 8TRKKT8 AND UIK8 W1THI.V AN OCR. KXIHMURK AND LACK OF FOOD GIVKX AS CAUSE OP DEATH i United Press Service CHICAGO, Jan. 31. yoaasj arl. probably IS years ot age, very poorly clothed, tainted and fell In a huge snow drift at the junction of Forty Third and Loo mis streets this mora- ing. Sh'o was rescued, and taken to a place ot shelter, but died about aa hour later, without fully recovering consciousness. Coroner's Physician Springer said that the girl's death was due to ex for GoTeriMat Activity tbo government, according to the measure, This also asks aa ssdMaaH appropriation of 1800.008 to he ex pended la research work reaardiac radium, from now until Juaa, till. , The clause asking the wltharawal of radium taass from the Hae')ev maln, waa eliminated from the1!;' when It was rsasatsa taiajr 1 m, lK MRt& E2ai S"1 Sfftl 1 M i Hi! Bi&ii vnp1 , -V A 4 1 c,l