Ch ittmtmg Herald KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT It NEWS 9wmn,r "i'-t"' !'. jrwfc3JB.ilMiT T 'isshili Yrar . ." KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1914 m CiT PER ACRE PENALTY DROPS BY NEW ORDER HIM MM MUM! Til UATIIH Ml til Ml. U.I VI nun HltlMt I'HI.'H I Hlllll'H lil'l.'N iMBclal Older llrrtlrl Hrr Tlt,?Oiir I'l'itUliui of lriiHwr ttritlruuitr (,),! i) Hie linn AaialMl Her. irlr ' Iwlrtlur ,lruitloK lu Tltl. To.- r)li tWItt anil U:t I'Iist lb-low Urli I IVIII Not Mate lu l' lb- IVstsllr. tbt (ollllllS of del cwUl y Hi' fwlaitmtluti wnl" today from A A Juum, ' saaltUiil awrrui; of U,r tiarlteui (if tito Itilorlur . In llcU ! the wUIlrUfpUUia ( ItruUcf ul Jul; SI. I3, "hf-b ttniir f ott rrt i"' '' i"r bunih tiaamnt 111 l't'l onlii uiI'he 't frlinu lit r, tirliRiiti- aiKMtiun and malntroanrr rliort .boH, ui-ratUm and malu. M U(ui Malvh I, 1)11, lit- 1'enal-t a iic4 UMdor lh atnite cltrdj .... M4.f U fialllnl. and that all -h- "fr l1bU- ''P Ul""" 1,", a" U" Ml. -I4 ttltall-i, and m.lnlm.i... I l'""M,l7 ,ft K,am"1' " r" " l i.. ! . .. i, . 1 l'tillrI rtMiUKIu IMllIro iimrr. ft lut (tlfa. turMtM-r with Iho KtIIJ r ' W6 lli. i-imrni. Ih amlil uf ,r"'"r'"e ' "" lb oll u liil " ' H ' ' I'fiHIdrJ (hat all c!kI ThU all) mean A wiving lur lite Iff cf fftlllJoJ Ihpr i'T M'olr thtitf JuHht Uip coming miiotli Tto tullfef It ballot Ull tiraflj a( ltt ti) Ids I oral aalcr uol, atttt Uf Urn .iflM nf ( mHiii CIVIC LEAGUE TO 6IVE BIG EVENT Ull.l, III. Ili:i. TllMOMIlOW KI'K. MMi .IT Till; IIMlHTlM. IHII.I-! iMi. iurrwi::v kitii .im: MXTII, OV MAIN' hTMK.T llniiry Htiiut. ili-iul ouin warden. ivtunipd thl wrk frmii a trip to the In wder I.. tl- fund, lor mrilli,Mrt( tuunlf, ,uto ,,t ,.. "eg tho comli.fl atallou lit be main.' !,....,., l,lrl, wi Ulnwl In ihe Chamber of Umitmetvo llqi4artrr, the Women'a Civic Uatue w gtn a rafelorla dinner tomi.fnn. ,r0nlt.g In tho r.Kim for-! AKorii,M . nioul lhrrU m irulh tOMlr .upled by ,r llrailley liar-),,, , rr(Mlr, ,,,, lm nrc ,, rinM.ny. )( Uck , ,prlJ ,, , ,,aV) M,tt Tbo uinhnr w Im, Irum f, unill K Theui I plenty if fred ihroughout u'clorV .S'uiiiliial (irlrea will be!)tp aoilllii'tll purl of the lounl), nnil ,'',,l jllitt illHll atn Very iiillnnrouii. Tint Theruiufnri alatlnii or rt room lajalate lina iiindu nrrniiKoineiila to fur lr the coiitenlniirn of women fiom nlali grain for the uiiiill nl an)' time im wf town, hrre lo do a few hour' 'the mm' alinulil he ao heavy Hint 'hopping, feiMllllg U lieoiaiiary Women's Week 54 Hours Welfare Coniinission Ruling Soon to Be in Ettect Tin. ruling nf Hie Industrial Wot "To CoiiiiiiIhhIoii afTectlng lha employ mom of wom,,, j ,tore,,, office, far lfl', Miwbucomwi offeclUo Febru ry 7lli, 5r week from Houday. The ""r relliiwa: "The liultiMrlnl Welfnro UoiuiiiU "on of Hie Hlnln of Oregon hereby Worn ilmt; U)Nn poraon, Mr in or corpora- ," ,hnl employ any niperlenroil, '"'"It wniiiMii n nny U4Ugtry tlm , l" or Oronoii, paid by time rate of Wjriimnl, nt ft weekly wage rate of ' limn eigin uollara and twenty "f reiiu ( u wrk, nDy t49r "wount being hereby declared liude e to .upply t, BeCMiry COit of "V1.0" lu Mch women workeni and lo "'Intaln them lu hMllh. h,J '""Nor I wy " I'oraou, rm or eorpomilM ploy'la any In. PROHI PETITION WILL DO TO THE COUNCIL MONDAY I "That .III I'la.ra DU.rtialtig H"M llllllkt Itf I'llll) VI. II. In I'm. hi llir SIr- I'lair-o Win l,- lllltlll.nllla Atr Kii Cmt Ui lrUiti t Niil.. t'niW-r IliU flmiUHmi ii tillalh petltlona. mUtic Dial llir propl i ntifil In iil a( lit? routine rlf pltHim mi l In- adoption iif an tirillnanfr. prohlb illiifi Ittn l n( lliuor. U hum unilf-r ' Thro kill in irrrn Hi Xufuta)' Mtr(ns of llir rouurll llin iiiilinaiirti In addiiiou in tiiaa.lihp iuimi tirriinlnptit Dituriln Iho Moi'lliuld of lluvrta. Villa ha hen !'r ',"f,, t-inia ill thP city llm- j,U, fr anhiiahua. or iiuaja Tor-I aim otntlilr-!! Htarn nli.t.l ' f f M,lMU,( wh , ,. . ..... iliir. tillllatii lixim or mi rooutu, i illlnk pdatillaluurtiU, C. (" imp all ttllnd. arrpm, irtltloin. i-if ihai ttiolr pntlr luirtor ! llir lii paraby ATAIIT A If A II t xTnill v A V x Nil IlKI'lTV U.IMi: WAMIIK.V H.IVrt hTATi: mMMIWlON HAS AM MAMIIUI TO nitMhll WIIIT ton ri;i;nis(i iiiitiH i " ,.....,-,..- -...- ,- liHMfi In that arcllon aru IllCfranlUK. at a er) rapid rale, and are doing fin dimlry In tho "lute of Oregon for more limn tlfly-fniir () lnirH u rVoek. "(3) Nor plinlt nuy Miirh pernon. Ilrm or corpontlloirimy Inoaperlenrcd, uiiiill women worhem omplo)ed by time rnto of payment, nt u mto of WngeH lean tliiin hU doltnrM ($11.00) n week. And the minimum length of 1 1 urn tim-h workeni limy be roiiililorttd IneKperlenrod lu any Indiutry hIiiiII not exceed one year, "(4) No pornou, Ilrm or corpora tion owning or conducting any mer cantile, mmuifiicturliiB r laundry ch- tikblUhinent In the atuto of Oregon ahnll einnloy women workem In nucli eatiibllrthinent Inter than tho hour of eight-thirty (X:ai)) o'clock p. m. of uny day. ThU hour of dUmUiml doe uuviLairti--w."riVir" ---- inn..awi. (floBtlnued on pM I) QUAIL STARVING Villa's Cavalry Leaving Ojinaga for South After Victory J'ii!!HfettMlMMlJJIMIIVl9ntfX( vBmTSlBWSr mt A ' - Basmi m "BaBmaBmaBmaamaBaBli'!? g. M iffir .. . Jw 'f. VjMjallialaaXaaVaTry Yl iJav fPI.' jxaamBa6MeamaBH " - i . . EST .awJsaSssmtmssMi ? crj.. . v . -w4MSBlalmSaaMaameamaamaamysr-i.t- -.r - I In t Itif ratilurrj Ollnaca atnl rinit. rd it, whole northern arm) of fJn-- ThU may h tho hrCinnluK of th! wtrch u tho Raw of Meslco City n.l Ilu,rtn, (I.Mnr.1 luUu Vllla.imarth Into Mexleo City, tho alron.r,t,, lM,ort to orerwhcltn t illuitrta. Anrtiv. ho hsa announrril ririi rt'hnllluti. ataitcd hl ravnlry UHUIM I UrtLL UttlllL TO BE WARM ONE Harry H. (Sallather. (laJUchcr tuu tc-u In ihl tlon Miveral yeara, and IIUTM Till. IIKill H:iUK)l, AM.I fatnlllnr with alt condlllooi. n.US TIUIMs UIK US IINK1 r. lUrrlngtOB will It. In a few .lay a fur Kan Pt-&cUco. Ho la an ex ll.Ttl.l. lOlt Till. .iTIT.IT HflrtlwU lumborwau, and In U (iii:m.i iiik.xi: tunmuiit I'alroit ot tli' tMuLflball caliic arc),. KOlnc tl -" thn cam of (holt l!w-t !"" r,"lllll " iMiuuiiiiiiH'ij """"llflllll Ullll I LU I r',rM u, ,,'ma,,, a",,,,,' iewi w.wii"w lhl rvxiiliie at IIiUjUiii' mftj houaoil and tisotul eattin tin' hleh arhool. quad had n rather Ume time uf It.l btu tuiiiKlii'a (tmc v,ll Im fur from ' Oltftldeil affair. Karl l.'lllott nl rnntvr. Ha) deli. Mrnrr and Motachenbacher for! HanU, Nail, Van Itlprr and lloa aa Kinrl, v'iiiiIlliilt n team thai will I Klvo a cuoil acrouut of Itaelf In any) company On the other hand the "dopeater" hate good gruunda for predicting n third tlctiiry for the high Reboot team C'liarh Mi ('nil hiia had ti In mjuad out etery afternoon nml etetilug, putting thoiti thrmigh nil the play that can IHiiullil) come up III a tegular game. Kwr) man on the team In a III at a fiddle, read) to play the taut tew min ute of Hie r.'im' with the numo xnap nud Mm na the opeltltiK period IIuiii nud Noel, torewiitd, nro both dial boyn. hiilh ate nrciirute baaket abooteia. and throw from nuy poal tloii .MrClille lit enter U n tower ol MienKth to the team nlwn)M cjhiI hendi'il. ptiilililiiK the pl.i)h with Ull rniiuy Knowleilge of the nppoiieul'a weak apolK. Holler nud (larretl lit gunrd nro n pnlr of Iruiible iiiiikem for the enemy. Any utiiile by theli oppoueutM while Hume I wo are peateilng nbout will be dierl'd. It ailliia up lilte lliln The Ath letlro lme the iidt'iiniagi" In weight nnd experleme. whllo the high kcIiooI hna tlm hex! of It lu teum work nud etidtiriince. It will te ii gnuio well worth Mielug, no mutter which team wlim, NEW MANAGER AT BIG BASIN PLANT itosKiiiiito i, Wll.l. iiavi: chaihji: OF Tin: l,OCAI VAHHS IIAHItY OAI.I.AOIIKU TO Mlt.V AMI WH))S A chniige III tho iimiuigement of tho lllg HiihIii l.umher company will ho fouui effectivo MoudMy, whuu M. S, West will luuiumo tho position ot miiu- ugor vuentvd by (lion Harrington, who resigned tin mnimger to go Into busl- rcon 'rohtlatPiiily Iruirloua for acvral 1 moniha that he ha Kalhrcd about! na for liliutclt In Han KraucUco. Mr. W1 l from HoteburK, and ha tia hail much rk'nr in retailing and nril urK. Tim work lu tho coinpany'i lumber fiinlw anil Ihc oporatlon of tho Wl Hl.lo nawmlll will he directly under rvar'a rriIdcntn here ho bai made a ln.t of frtendi. lAiin nniiTFQT ULIIIU IILLU I'ltKI.I.MIWIHV HiaiUNO I.VI'lUXi. ltl.s IIKI OIIK J. II. CAUNAIIAN. hMI MAX IS AtXTSKIl OF 1IK-I IMi A M'i: tlUITOM i aectiou 0, lownnhlp 35 aouth, range, lf earn of Wlllniuotte Meridian. The government charge failure to cultivate the laud and an ultempt to kit 1 1 re valuable timber for (pecula tion on the part ot the entryman. After i he pnteiii wa secured by llorg tho laud wan transferred to llnngeimou, The government Is rep resented lu the case by II. J. Drown ti special agent (ruin Spoknue, and the transferee by S l Netus of Kugeuo. Tho tlnul hearing will he before tho hind oltlce nt l.nkovlew on March Oth. TO HOLD AUTO RACES ON THE ICE COt'HSi: IS I.A1H OUT oviat FKOZ F..V liAKi: IX NOMTII DAKOTA. 111(3 I'OXTIXT Wll.l. StH. Mi: srAtii:iTiu:ui: corroNWooi), n. i Juu. ao. a new and oxcltlng spurt hua nppearod lu this part of tho country thU win ter lu the form ot automobile ruciug on tho Ico. Arrangements voro completed to duy for u grand prlte race to bo hold lu tho near future on Cottonwood l.uko. Tho Hportsmon have constructed a ruco course two miles long, nud some exceptionally fast time haa boon made lu trials. Tho turns nro banked with mow, but when the. umohluo. atari skidding there Is considerable troublo lu nego Itntlng the turns. A prvllmluary hearing U being held Tho ejepedition visited twenty-one today before J. II. C.iruahau lu the I of the largest cities of Uraill, Chile, of iho United Statva va. i'aul lArgentlue Itepubllc. Colombia, I'eru, llorg, eutomau, and Marilu Haageu-'Uruguay. Dollvla. Kcuador and sev on, trniiRferce. Tho properly affect-(era I Central American republics, ed U the KH of SWU. 8i of SKU.i him ioin! 20.000 troobi. If hi- Is ablo o',..., ., .... .. .. ,.. 0Tcr ,e woujj not icUy hit mareh on the capital. SOUTH AMERICA A GOOD . FIELD COMMEItCIAL KXI'KDmO.V lt TURXH FROM A TUU' TO LOOK INTO TKAUK IHMMIUIXITIKS TO Tilt: SOUTH United Preaa Strrtc NBW YORK. Jan. 30. The Ameri can commercial uxpedttlon, compoaed of promlncni manufaclurora and financiers, members of the Southern Commercial cougrt, arrived here to day after the most extenalvo trip ever taken through South America In the Intvreits of fostering trade relations between fnlted State, and South America. Thn coaimM wpcdltlou wiled (on .Miemuer i from Mobile, where the 1013 Southern Commercial con gre&s wag held. White va. Scliulu United l'resa Service TOl.KUO, O.. Jan. 30. Charley White and Unttllug Schultt moot here tonlghl nt the Athletic Club. Doth men, according to their managers, aro In line shaH. netting favors White. Another OperuUou. This morulug Drs. Hamilton and Morrow operated on the llttlo sou of Mr. and Mm. MIko Lavoulk at tho lllackburu hospital, Up IVi.iii .Merrill. Uny Merrill came up today from the Merrill country. He states that the snow Is nearly nil gone from the l.ava Hods nud that the stock is be ing taken back on the range. A. J. Voyo of the Klamath Manu facturing compauy, returned last night from a Ult of toerut weeks In Snu Francisco and Oakland. 1,. A. lllchurdsou, a well kuown rosldont of Illy, Is spending the lat ter part of the week here, attending to business matters. Mr. ltlchirdson sayti there was considerable snow when ho left homo. Ho looks for good crops thla summer. Xetv (Mrl at Fori Horn nt Fort Klamath, on January USth, to Mr. mid Mrs. Win, Zuuibrum, n dnughter, Mr. Zuntbrura is the "ton- Korul artist" ot the Fort. Or. Kthel Smyth, the well known musical composer, announce that she has bequeathed tho Interest of her fortune to the Women's Social and 1'olltlcul Union, to bo used for the Biirfrago cause until England gives vote to women. FIFTY DROWNED WHEN STEAMERS CRASH IN A FOG i iii.iai, im itigation to he made Owing- lo llw Fojc, Itracuc IVork Was Dimrult "Kjiu-t Number of Drain Will Vol IV Krioun t'ntll One of llir IUmIs tt.drlir- .ViitnckW -The Ollirr .sliij.. Cut In Tim, Sank In a I pry Mliort Time. United l'rt Service XOIIFOI.K, Jan. 30.- -Tbo Old Do minion liner Monro and the steamer Xnulucket collided off Hog Island at I 40 this morning In a heavy fog. Oter fifty of iho Monroe's crew are mlkalng. and undoubtedly drowned. Tho Monroe was cut almost In two by the other vcil. it sank rapidly. KlRhty-lx of thi? cruw and paaen gera were saved. Thfi Nantucket, with the survivors, la on the way to Nantucket. The superintendent of federal steamship inspectors will make an In testlgatlon at once. DOUSE THE GLIM, DIOGENES, HE'S IT SOUTH DAKOTA MAX FAYS WID OW A DKBT UK HAD OWKD HKR HUSHAXD FOR CLOSK TO FOB. TV YKARH United Irea Service EATON, Colo.. Jan. 30. If Diog enes should visit a certain town in South Dakota today he could put down his lantern and end his search for an honest man. This Is tho view of Mrs. H. Schwartr of this place, who has just received a check for $58.75 in payment of a debt owed to ber husband for thirty eight years. The husband Is long since dead, and Mrs. Schwartz bad forgotten long ago about the debt. Tbo check came from a. South Da kota town, which Mrs. Schwartx re fuses to name, and with a letter stat ing the debtor had been unable to meet the obligation until tho present year. Monroe Lytie, a prominent rancher and stockman from near Donanza, is registered at the Marshall house. Mr. I.) tie came here to meet Jack Dleterly and wife and child, who are expected on tonight's train from Illinois, and who will visit at tho I.ytlo home for a short while. Oregon's Livestock Values Are Growing Tho value ot Oregon's livestock swelled nearly $7,000,000 In 1913, according a to tho livestock estimate .Hist completed for tho state by the U'ttted States dcp.utmeut of agricul ture. These estimates aro gathered by tbe bureau ot statistlv-s, iu co-operntlon with tho wouther iiurcau. On January I, 1913, the ejtl nutted valuation ot Oregon's Uvca'.ui's wit 107,507,000. On January J, Yi It was $7l,27!.i,000, or an increase of 16,772,000. Helow Is given tho estimate for Oregou, and a comparison with last yenr's figures. Tbe number of stock und total values are given In thous ands (i.e., "000" omitted!. 1914 301 1913 39a Number THINK TRANSFER IS THE SIGN OF A RETRENCHMENT OTHKIC OFFICKS t.lY IIK AFFECT. KD DY IT J, IS. McAIIlaier Lrave Clerk's 0ce to Accept I'oailitm With tle Xortfe. wcaUmv Curreait Rmsht Seys Otst--r Deputy itilpa Are Hooat lo Be reive the Axe In a Flaua lo Bedttce County's Kxpeaaea. What Is reported as the Bra actio in a campaign of retrsnenmeat by tk county courl occurred Thars4r, when J. II. McAllister, deputy cotuity clerk, resigned bis position. Mr. Mc Allister was appointed by Judge War den to fill k vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. IJsJWy last aos- raer. McAUUUrhas accepted a position with the Northwestern, and It Is ntss roed that Judge Words will be a candidate for re-election, and tnat McAllister will assist him in his cam paign. Tho talk on the streets is to la effect that quite n number of other reductions are contemplate In tbe county pay roll, affecting the district attorney's office and the ostcee ot clerk ot the circuit court, county treasurer and sheriff. When these changes are to take place la not known. Local politicians are trying to Bg ure out what these contemplates1 changes mean. Some are of the opin ion that the county Judge) la trying to leave the county In as goost a Inan clal condition as possible when' he retires from office next Jansary, while others predict that thla saTtng la to be made for campaign purposes la case Judge Worden becomes n ' date for re-election. HOLD MEETIN6 AT THOMAS' HOUSE M. F MEETING FLACK IX MlLLsl ADDITION IS CHANGED FROM THE HA1X 8KRYICES THERE FRIDAY NIGHT The neighborhood prayer meeting to be held at Mills addition Friday night by th congregation of Grace M. E. church, will be held at the res idence of C. W. Thomas. It was first planned to hold this at Mills addition hall. The people who are going out there from the main portion ot the city will meet at the depot at 7:45. Average price ... . (96.00 199.09 Value 128,896 128,908 Mules Number 10 10 Average price ....1107.00 1707.00 Value 11070 11,070 Milch. Oowa Number 196 117 Average price .... 165.00 156.00 Value $18,740 f 10,471 Other Cattle Number 470 461 Average price .... 38.00 f 88.00 Value 117,860 f 14.414 Shewn Number i . . , 2,870 2,644 Average price .... $8.90 $8.10 Value $10,412 $10,047 Mwiw Number S00 888 Average prleo .... f 11.80 9Mw Value $M90 IMW' tS b W.2 mi MSfrS m&, im iifS? m Pm mm b sa a m tm JVS"'d LWK mi f V