h lEunmg iteralil KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NI5W8PAWSK won SILVER'S RESORT DESTROYED THIS A. M. BY BLAZE out urn i. m(i.ii i'hom thi: I'MMK M Hl liMO ",n ' ' "", "" '"' lrntl-i f ill" I'wMlll) Wr? Aw) limit lli.iur ttlU llrnt Im Iawb IUvh IVu.illr Unit til; titflrl, WIim I Mifiril 1irt lire) rr l'riM .Ml IVit (IM ipUI m-rlf) ruin M.AM.vrn. J 3 tu ji,l, i, WB n the KUbinth tr.-n- i:w .. iiu.jpJ U; ar iU mtr- tH Tfeo ! !. t lU r..llMlcJ, TJi llo l-folr. tml tlrei t AM.t j,Uk Ai 11.0 Hm Mr rrV HII.cl, fcd oILd mWlx't ( U.P Oft ibl ( IbP t.r44o " klfc9P .ml) .rltt8Mtrtli.,.. Othr wfliXL -CPfal. . u, . j.,,1.,. i. i U WWX mu.lJrraUl lltt lit lltp (km i l )ki. Uttut Oalilnc tt nfl llrc eiir rvpfy (ling aJ .aoatr ci(-ft AiidrM lloin till utnr lb? I'ollrJ MAlr. In cttjo; Ht (iou ii fl ul I!) raallnf fr tl. ft- M rlftl luiut ?.iino r.orl liuM' t to un aini'iit; II.o (if vanlrrt Ilt It t tin imum rliiiwllx that lrtPh aUiot the rltll6 of tl.o, JKXtt? add WlllUtiutxi fri to ltinr 6J ilo truliltii: Me 4"i- lltn b fcv he wagml for tltlr tv fftlc Kjltf brnuctii almut ilir rttwlne UirpttKh iirtlllon. utatlne lbl lb" ntttbint: f loit wtmld ruin th ftli Idl lie IiaiI po-fftil lilhor data In uVp tu Uahinetoii with him, but I Jj bnforn ll. day net fur lit trip In illaU IUikIbk PaUt, A JanrliiK party Is lu t slvcn Kfl lr nfgbi At Mill. Addition liatl by lh MstantA flub Prom oo to hoo tiM'ti ar. ramped MoK lli- WI.Hp Ithrr. Vuknii, Halt In for thi. nuw, when lho will frefsbt ihHr outnu m nn illKBlue. Some New Blows to the "High Cost of Living" I'l.CVUUNI), o Jim, 2tf, "Dou'i Y"l' n KnrlniKii enn In tiny nvi'iit. Wiltkriu if on Iiumi room for tliom, 'lll0 blHt SIlllNllllltfS," Tills U Him of tint wnya In KM III" l of Mr III Cost 0'l.llii. noiord. IK In Mis HiiMo i:.' WtilitT, who hits "iml tt ftitoiiK mtniy (,f iiniiiMlIc ft'iiioni) how o nit mi wimin mid o'k III Hie kitchen, Him lioprri hiiIiio (ly lo .-P.lal.IUti ,i ai-lionl In lilclt '"' lll lemh tin, remiiu of Iter ox l'rliico, -Mtn. Weber rocunlly ilellvured a '"turn in normal cliool girls who nro 'xkliiK lo learn how a family of five ,li"t live to Ket uloiiK tin mi liirumo tl MO n MU "Tliu chkit tiling s to unto wwtto," l Mrs. Weber. "l,ot mo loll you 1 llio limkH In tliu Idtchun of ninny ""'flmliU Unit iint nut only partly J I'lniuo for Iho presont liluh cost of Vk. Imt iiiuo (k, (iimri cuiihu for ' a ftiw dUorctm, "Huvo your gruaaes, fata and sucU ;'" umi t of which tu rondor lard "f jouklng uurjiosus. rutti your atnlo broad Uk uso lu COL GOFTHALS NOMINATED EOR ZONE GOVERNOR wruismi.vr 1 1 pi rnw. iiiim , OI'APltlt, AtnlllK l ;!(. oil, ,, fij-llfll I rl'lilll '( 'Ifllic l (iltitl, Mini 'till l f..Lrt n IIUrdl n ir- tr-l- tliol llir IHl.tl HIifKrr, All.- ,1 t' III III, Will ItntuiMt I'iiIIic t l.unlMl..rr li Nt'tl link. " PfMt HftJt WAHlll.S'OTON. II C Jan. '" 'lw W lUMUata. eorp ' ". r8lii4 Sutes amy, i.J wn ' ! ml ro. '". f"VM IhO . K"rnr u, IAwh cn ib- T"' "WlfcHMIl ( Ooflh1 W6 J ' Wr UhIIp t. Jr ' "' ' ' f ISiH-lfcatV mian Unlit UU tIIHl IHM U atloil Ulttl l UJ ct. " ''' ". " " f- lr,,,"' Wtiwi!riiiJtlkiiiall). , n,n fJ cajnurr ifi.in.. r in on.' ""' "", '"r n l"Wl Uitslli otjf ,lc w caIIm) twu!r ul II... Wfxlfnu """' iirouliW. tin) iIimi l tjrol llu-ni at l Tl.u IpJ lo ltfo) Uo fpKJM .hsh i) iMltx-l nnUuii. II "ivy U taimlij k)(c rr Krr ,,ud Km j.iuonnM would Mn.lL UacU It'T lit or.ltr It) orr.)tl'1 Ilic Hta i,nio (In rttlm mil l-i;lii Delillnr. ll 4 maltttenanto of iUp raunl. .nf-am If li) w.ffl hrpt any IrnRtli Slid lltli rUll lit iiln rtillcn com ' , mlltncr of N Vork rlt. Tim miiwilnltimtn la In Im. rnorllto Attll IM - Ml !' llour l M.uiU j for a lli Hm friend tu th .1 . 'lltlrlt Vnllny 8I.P Will !' t Ku Jerno nrtnt laj, and "III U" ! hnr biiHIirf In Portland romalnliic .alait) ll.r IllOlttllli t: 1 8ln'ilirt.l of tin- rtlit'iltrl Pintio di'J-.il, ntri.manl.'d by Mr nicHiprd, loft Wi.diiida for fall ifornla points. Whll ar Mr. rtl.ep- jlit-rd will Mifclia ft nn Mock of plnlioC A twtm In fliool l l AiikoIi's hm Iiptii iiiikIpIiI nftT the prltirliml im i m in a lloiiitin liiiiHi'. lu lln' I'oll.'f tl.al llt implU ltl Innrn lttin more mpldly In miproprtnto KurroundliiKi pliun of llimr In linking (IoukIiisuIh, inumiis t.nd lilnriillM I'ho one cupful or liniiul crumbs in eory t cups of Hour or corniueiil. M'sn celery lenwn to imtko" ivlery soup. Celery otil iiimli. tliln Is tint llm id. Celery ciulK mitke Ktd rcicry miiIiuI. "Km lots of mw nirrolN It u IhIi in lu.'li onr Imlr finm liecnmlm: Krn. "As for eoIfi'O, It till iliipeinU on Hh miiltlllK. 'I'ho IiIkIioM i:r'lo dnoit imt nlwii)s iiiukii llio liofl coffee, It In i nro Hint make gntnl t-ttffuo. "Wlicu torkliiK lu tho Idttlion li) tu II ml llio iniiHt graceful wi', bocnuso It Is iilwtoa llio eimlust. Do not hunch mor when pcoIIuk pnltiloeH. firing Urn poluloes In )iiiirslf. You will snvo niiii'li of llio intliiltios iih woll tin your self, "Hunt oiikh on u pliitlor; not lu (i bowl. Voti will gol u isrcnter (uitntl t mill honor m-huIIs. Huvo pleiily of tools lo work with mnl iip-lo-iluto oium. Kuep clilclinus or it Kurdnii. so an to usu llio wuHto you cmutol otlicr wlso provont." KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, T HURSDAY, EN1ES Prisoners of Battle of tawafrstfjat.. Yj tf A, sswKAaeaar rlJr iVaw saac t$ JsaBBBBam aaaa1'?''! jaHsaBBBBaeB SEr.ii- Mbb jfiJ J" ? BBBBBBBBBBBBBflaB. What Reclamation Tentative Measure Is Printed in Full Local Water Users etc., as to tet rotary Albeit K. Kl.ler I lu r i fulii of it copy of the mm ret-lauiu-tlon iii-l for oxIciihIou of time, pro- ipitred li) ihosofieinry of (ho Interior, rtclmnntioii nervlru oltlrliits tiud clmtrinitii Jlinllli of tliu house coiumll- ,100 on arid Inn.ls IrrlKitUou. Tim ititMisuro us innllod b Con Krimmimn .Sliiuotl, with n reiiunt (Imt the itmorliitlou write lis opinion mnl crliuiKii u-cmillui; II TltU will be ! litkeit up l llio illioctors. 'I lie meitMlle follow , ' He It elituUd lij llio emtio mid liuimo of roproseiitnth os of tho United titntos of AlllerlCit, III COllKrunK llbiium- liU.I, Unit this net mny bo referred to nil (tin lliicliimntlou Kxleiislou net, mid Unit tho term "roclumiitlou Inw" us lielolunfler uod mIiiiII rofor lo tho tevlmiiiitluu net of Juno 17, 1U02, nud tutu ninctidntoiy or itupploiuoiiinry therein. Tliu period of pnymout for wnter uei'iK n ui it Uiu recliimtttlon luw who comply with Uiu provision! thereof sliull lie n total of itt least twenty )iuh, IiicIihIIiik (ho o.trM lu which wiilor wiia iivitllnblo for the .IiiiiiI of, oitcli from IrrlKitUou works louiivil, roul rolled or operated by the leiiiimntloii Honlco under public no- 'llt-o, under it iciittil ImslH, or other- wise, Tin, surrotnry of tho Interior I In lioioby uutlioiUed, with (lie. con- Hunt of tho pitrtlofl uffcctvtl, lo iibro- Kitlo or modify nny conlract rognrdliiK witter ilh'hlH or nny water rlRht tip pllcntlnn undor tho roclnmtttlon lnw, or any public notice Issued under said Ptclmuiitlmi luw, mid to proceed lit all respects iih If no such contract or wa FRICTION General Villa, After Ojinaga About to Be Shot ..I ilutc th.r would bvcouiv Miivnjlw.'of llio tA men whu fougbt on Amerl lor (hJ u too co(ly. Tho Alct can plnlai for rnaay years. The In- ny nui, nrreidlni: to all Mexican, is .Han uiually scalpvd bl prlonr, lu nhoui tin frUoner In cold Mood. nnJ of course tbey did not Hvo long Sluro miml br thrtMt 'arriom hare aaflor ibo operation. !invy lm In of Indian liloon In them" Till iiliolORrnpli was taken by the lhrt bo' om of Iht characteristics (Mutual Kllm corjiorntlon. , ' Asked to Write in Act for Extending of ter right application lias been made or such nolle.) (ticd, Hecilon 2 That lu order to secure tliu beuellts of this act, water right nppllcnutK shall bo subject to such regulations as tho secretary of tho lu ll riot- mil) pukcribo regarding tliu following matters mid others hereto, fore nuthorlicd by the reclamation law; (a)- lU'gurdlug tliu urea per hoi J- ting to bo prepared for Irrigation, planted, cultivated and Irrigated each )var, Falluro to comply with any ihtich rcKttlmiouA shall nutliorlto an lucreiuo lu all charges for building, operation and maintenance, and dralnngo by way of penalty, uot ux- 'teodliiK ten per cent for each joar of said failure. (li) llogurdlug prompt p.omcnt of all charges, tho addition to each annual chnrgo of not cxi-eedlng 5 per centum for collection, u rebate of such mUUtloii.il charge If paid on or bororo tho duo date, mid a penalty uot ox .eoi'dluK I per centum each month thereafter ilurlnu which tho chttrgo 'remains unpaid. (e) lleKitrdlng credit for tho nmnuutR paid beforo bocomlng sub- IjiH't to this net, on account of tho IlitilldlnK and dtultiago charges, and .ihu adjustment of future payments, (their amoiiutit and tho Unto when tho ' II rut thereof shall bn cotuo duo; (d) lteK'trdliiK mi increase of 'each annual charge by not exceeding ir. per teutttm If water right nppllca- lion Is not mado within one your after ptihllu notlco iM)rmIttlng tho tllttig thereof, In tho case of any prlvato land owner or of any person whose JANUARY 29, 19M Bill Plans i Their Suggestions, Payments entry Is not subject to tho reclama tion law; (e) llegardlng suspension or the requirement of residence prescribed by tho reclamation law as to entry men or prlvato land owners for not uxccedlug lle jeans upon compliance with such extra reclamation require ments as the secretary of the Interior may hpeclfy; and both the entryman and private laud owner shall after ttucti Mispeimlon, rc&ldo upon tho land for three jears. Kalluro to comply with such extra requirement and with tho general residence and reclama tion regulations shall render tho wa ter right application and correspond ing enlry, If any, subject to cancella tion with the forfeiture of all lnonojs paid; (f) Regarding the method of de ! termining the charges per acre ou tho r.oernl projects o as to recover all expenditures which tho secretary of tho Interior shall tlud to have been mado ou account of tho project. Section 3 That tho secretary of tho Interior may open to entry on temporary rental basis, prior to the Issuance of public notice tiny with drawn lauds for which wator may be available, Section i That ontrymen undor tho reclamation law holding more than ouo farm unit who make proof of residence, Improvement and culti vation may assign tho excess in ac cordance with tho farm unit plat un dor tho provisions of tho act of June 23, 1U10, within ono year after such proof and prior to the Issuo of pat- (Continued on pate 4) WITH SnCSELArRIoAJfi U. S. NEEDS TWO SHIPS PER YEAR hAVH TIIIH IS TIIK I'llKMIIK.VrH VIEW AL80 In tvfi.loii With ilic Houm; Committee on Naval Affairs. SecrrUry Daalel Snyn Till Increase I Not Use Co Any Fear or Japan, Hat In Order to Allow die L'nlUil Stair to Main lain Her IVrwnl Hanking. United f'reu Scrrtce WASHINGTON, I) C. Jan. 29. Socretary of tho Navy Jwepbui Dan iels today told tbc bou committee on naval affairs that the President , wants at least two new battleships next year. Secretary Daniels did not discuss the Japanese situation, but said that 'in tils estimation the policy of the nary should be removed from political ' Influence. Ha also said that while America was not concerned In the "mad rival ry" of llii: foreign nations as retard- ed naval matters, he considered it necessary to Increase tho navy, so that tbls country would maintain at least her present rank anions the world's powers. He said that he had no idea that the foreign powers would axree to tho proposed "naval holiday," but ttould probably agree to a limited building program. ) n iiotun urcurn. President J. W. Siemens of the , First Trust and Savings bank and rreu .Money came In on last nlgbt's train from Portland, where they ap peared before the Federal grand Jury. In session there. The caho of Eugene Saston, charged with forgery, was taken up. Youth of Sixty Tells How to Gain Longevity 4, HOW TO IIKAT OSLKUTHKOnV Eat red pepper. Eschew black pepper, tea and coffee. Do not "stuff." Drink a gallon of water every day. Ilreatho deeply. Keep out of doors us much as possible. CLEVELAND. O., Jan. 29. "Over eatlug puts moro people lu the grave jurd than over drluklug." This Is the basis of the lougevity rules of Dr. W, P. Ilortcn. prominent Cleveland ph)slclau, who Is 60 years old, but looks -10. Ho says he "feels 30," and on the old theory that "wo man, poor thing, Is as old as sha looks but a man Is Just as young as he feels," ho says ho IS only 30. Dr, Hortou Is "husky," clear-eyed, and tho glow of health Is reflected In his cheeks. "I have been making a study of folks for forty years," said Dr. Hor tou today. "The trouble with most of them is that they 'exist' too fast. They dou't live, la these days we uou i realty eat. we swallow pre Pries) WtfP (Mi JAPS WS THESE ARE without i dice 10 STAND UPON T1U-; ASIATIC BILL 18 HELD BACK AOAIX J 'Poaet I Made o Bryaa's Iteqoeet Prealdewt Says Japaaeoe Firm Have Right to Hell Arms and AimnuniUoaa to Hserta, Vm cler tite latensatlosial Latws, asxl Tt.ls Country Cast Make Xo Pretax United Press Serrloe WASUI.VGTO.V. D. C. Jaau av At the neraoaal kobmI of Hmttitr ui nunc urjaaw ino woe u.lilllS) on IniBiigratioii today agaia ilrflltd to bold a hearts osi tae Raker Asiatic ciclusiom bill. Uryaa asked a portposMWt bt or der to preveat m reswwal of tae dav , ,. .. . ... pote with Japaa at taia Uaw. United Prta 8arrlea i WASHINGTON, D. C, Jaa. M. President Wilson today told callers 'that the stories of the United State being on the verge ol a serious frtc- Itlon with Japan as the result of de velopment la. Mexico war inlsrkUv (ous and unfounded. He said the report that the Japan ese government is supplylag ana to Mexico is absolutely false. - "Japanese Arms, as well as the commercial houses of other nations are selling arms to Huerta," said Wil son, "but they have a perfect right to do o under the international law. Even if America wanted to, she could not object to this." New Attoraejr Here. Bert C. Thomas of Portland 1 come associated with G. L. Elliott la the practice of law here. Thomas has been a member of the bar for several I years. dicated foods. We drink tea, coffee and other stimulants In ever-Increasing counties. We exist lu over-heated steam-heated attnosphores. We spend too much time In stuffy, unventilated street cars, and not enough lu the open air. Our children skate In In door rinks; our men play pool and poker lu smoke filled rooms; our wo men play bridge In close drawing rooms. If there was more walking to school by children, walking at least part way to the office by men, and walking to market by tho women, we would all bo better off. This arti ficiality Is telling on us. instead of controlling our muscte.i and nerves, our muscles and nerves control us. "Such stimulants vlm coffee and tea contain Ingredients, such as tannin, which close the glands which contain the fluids of life. These Ingredients are contained In black pepper as well as lu tea and coffee. Red pepper, how- over, has the opposite effect. It opeaa the glands and keeps the life aulas racing within us. In addition, it cre ates a thirst for water, which, by tae way, Is about as near the 'waters af youth' or the 'elixir of life' as fcaa becn found. It la almost Impossible for anyone to drink too much water. The body cannot be Hushed to eftea. Drink more water sad eat lese feed, even of the right kind, aad reell see how much better off yen are, mentally aad physically." mm, m i sa ra l?Sim m &M m tm