h utimij iteratf KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER r iri-J j, -lilli -' '' tf-U7" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1914 JAP AID TO HUERTA UNCONFIRMED HAS AMMUNITION ...... .vMMtN. ttii i- Mr imi.imii to iti. nil ii:i-oitr 'rrlWl I ittitil 'thai ltr lluri I Itrtlut" I Hm gu.-..'li i a V VrV j.lisrl--1 Ulltltllf Ha) MWJ U IUrr ..npilrM Natal lcf I'lritlU ! ! lit IVf. Willi JaW ArlltH). ' United l tlfU WAHIUM'TUN. I .. Jan 3 ttt Japan h 'tit a lio Iill'ianit aJaftIM tu Phraldelll llucriA of Mealrti ! ( Utrt minor Im lh capital DICTATOR c U tar TbU U (AUtlnt a fl deal of Hr ! ! Ita tkrtlen TJ Whit tlouc o4) 'tit out i Hi'ltl.tN. Jaii ! Plain UnnrH, taulo' IhorlrrilDulalilUI lut that 'waul .w jtm acu one of tlm knla Jdt fc4 wnl ammunition lit Me'rr bodyguard, today nirouietitpd io It t.m.dcl A. wiltiuttt jutm- 'l'ic a at.nlitre of H wotitha for Alius tcaline IWa-.u. ttiia, tti itmtnUlttlnn U I inn Ml '" !'' employ lu MMU rollout on mom than ajlftfc..' sttitm with a bank which tt(UUt utmtt lu tM uttalr. ji'l letter alay Up Utarnq hard er IKal Jw muteraenta liatu nim-M. " ileHtwratiy appropriated a tfltatrd the UrikAn affair 'e runUlnlte 1550 in IJ Htn Ibiuu that no rrtU l Imiiil-1 Aiiuthr i ttm kaitrr'a rvtoil)-' kAL .Vu hollnn U til tip laVrll lit 'guar ! I lllulrr nrhlrtun (i( ilcvjlll tor )i(t' mlntir tiinAfit ttio ittrlAtuf murttrrltie iil ltf- Th nlrr ha TtlC !'trirHl'A runnitrlltUI irMirla tnflUril 111 llllnltrli" Willi 1 1 hcA'ti Uo that Urn rhi rilIMi oM half , man. ta?trrltiir Tho rllmliialluti of Mu-I ... f(l, he maititAln, l hill n turthn ' el rU It I. knu-t, hc ,h.t Hueria .-, rrUly r..t machlni. on.. A,t lm Irrnu a (utnn rnilllltj. t'allfd I'rena Harvlm WAHHINOTON. It c. Jari SK. I'lw America fiinllinir. hulldlng. 6 Utlle.tilp aniillall), Japan wltt. 1. Itrtlrr wa become her nl upeflor, ami 'i inim in una puwnr, may tntUi fatrurtur at Ihe t'entrai acnooi, wnu ta thn rri'callns of th trallduiila 'unil.rr.iit an uperatlon fur appendl Btlen lu r, in.t t.1,. I rapldl) recoterlnsj ThU tAleineiu, It I rnorlet, wnaiRt (t, itUckliuru tn'ltl. where tin U lile liedirn I ho hliUan ImVal romiltlf !ciiltAlf elit. Ie May by Admiral Vrrrlaml uf thj MlfX.lr.leg, b,wr.l. ,UM.kl,,ttAM......I. Th l..rl,lK ... Milml rluseU ..,.. w,,ohn, ,,, ,,,.. mnnr'anT';. " m":, " lh"'.u(l '-uo.ype nmch.nn. In the .,? !u .7 """' ""SW"rn u.l Mernli. mech.nlcnl ""111 t dl.Ca. . Utuittu fo(. vpfM ninh-t e hU! I'ltilrriti-r-w H(eriliiin. John Moore ( , pni Nniioual ""nV, now fnllfntnla, haa uiidtr font an operation for usual nflllrtlnn. J'WitlUK to nivlr.fl reeeUe.l i- (rl.tuli), Ih mi iiiilnlim tiniay. Circuit Judge '"M nilml It, txr of tho ilefeime n Hip sun of the Klnmnth Kitlls Iron wnrli. ntalnai the Klniuntli Wooden. TREE SALE Delay in Getting Them to U. Hiinuomlyu, tho Japuiiusu frin r who ruUtMl n largo crop of potuloes "i Iliu Orlgahy rnuvh lust yor, ro- wttieil mint Hnit FrnncUco liutt night. ' iiccumpuniiMi i,y ,, Wfu tt, "ugblor. Hniioiiily,i, ju.t U0f0r,, OhrlslBms, "I 10,000 CbrUliniu treo. itnd ship- them to CHllfurnln, lu bo plncetl " l. OwIuk to delay., though, "tu veuiuro proved n flnnuulnl lost. rno loading of tho tree lierv toak y or io longer than wttlclpated. REPORT SAYS THAT RECEIVED ARMS, EROM THE MIKADO wai nrtJlpany Io luicli. a mh6 . lBM t(io -1ifhry u 1r (rn.o tit, AMlmi l ll ttint tin. a Ills rifal rr t, t" fiif mu i, l,t KAISER'S BODY GUARD JAILED IMlHItSI 1.11 Ml MONTHS lHt HTKU.IMt Nnt l:lt Is TO r.w tin: i:tiiitMi: rt:NAl,T Milt ut miuit III. Mllllf I tllHIIr-. I " ' M. WWlf rliirnl laaif-rt.. jhiitrtiH Ju.t M did loud the ins from t'..ttUnd. where h tiwk htftrt rreiichman who trlml thn trick. tfn (ur innllral atlrullmi Htir l At it Vlnniil'a hiMptlal. and lh! iliXtor.Btlo nMnlnr, bill hn haa not )t tiiIP lin will iit -how- a mnrkrit ilareil to to the trick lirMolf. imTnnin'iii. . ir f MurrK. manual irnluitie tu ( i miir-ilng for Portland Hilly" m i look oer things In the different rltleJ hefom Im-ntlllK permanently win. ndjllilgeil iUKiiue IS FAILURE Market Causes Big Loss Whiin tho tris were sent out they voro hold ut Oiikluml for two days by tho rnllronil. ttccordltiK Hiinnoinlyn, ,....i .ii.i urn eot to Han KraiicUro until th Hfloriioitu of Chrlrttmiis ICvo. loo Into Io ho sold. lit addition Hi this Ioh, Hiuinomlyu dropped futlhor wtonoy on thu Veil- l..r.. l.v rmivnll (if Hill fact tlrnt hu was compolled Io huvo tho trH hutiluil from tint rwllrond yurda to u point out of tho olty whero thoy could bo do- lit A hi "lel). .... . ... ...... i M-""" " '"" ""?," J ," chliur,. lit.. I..rgest building ul tho ThoniPMiu wem "' J" "1U:! ''! ;,.,,.. IMrlllr lu.er.m.lo.ml Kxposl-,h,,l.l,,.ndlnrl-AldSmlety. ey. ( .III ,.. taken ) to '..r I -ml "w rJ, along Mr IHT miles, or morulug by Sheriff ( . I. ' iM ,lir , from Sa l-'riinrl.n to wife. Home time ter I . .1 Hi l.. I.- f..Hinr ilm elilldreu niotuer atroyed by burning. AkSasVS AWm!a. m.lttvmvfJjJyjJJ1JtyJJj..m Firsf rVoman to Loop the Loop in Aeroplane i luidy Victoria IVrr. known to jw don bii d coutlnptital nocltly U tho flrat woman 10 Iimiji thn loop m an m-ri- tdani Ktin wrnl U with an arlator llho ntlirr day lu KiiRtand. and iwlro Maid) i,.ry tin Ihmmihk nu enlhutl NAILS IN EXPO. BUILDING ITEM Tllusi: t s. MACIIIi;itV I'AI Ai: oirTitrniu. would Itt-Xill I'HOM HAY CITY TO . t. HA NTS I'AsS (tlrmlil Special Service) SAN KHANCIHCO. Jim 2N. If ivtch of the I2,(UIU,000 ttnlU imod lu the rniiatriirliiiu of the 1'nhiro of Ma- Tlila tuKuliilloii la liiiKud ou the edllumteH of l.'nglueor II. U Muche ittorv, In rlinrgu of conHtructlon. ClglitiMi hundred kegs of nails wele used lu erecting thu building. The contents of the I. SOO kegs I onU muled ul I'J.r.llO.OOD nnllri, with tin nxerngo length of 2 i Inches ouch. Slmllnr ntlctilntlnim lu tho vnso of other tmitorliiln usod prove iw Inter esting. If nil thu Iron bolts used lu ,11111 Ptilnco of Mncliliiury wcro Joined, ilm lino of litiltrt would stretch for HO miles. I I In I'i-oui Olene. II. II, llobeits, who dnne In from hi. ranch nr Olene Tuesdiiy, reports lens hiiow lu Poo Vullny thiiu lu Klnm nth Fulls. Home I'rult for Jnnuiiry. Tlnv AHhlitnd Fruit stoio Is today tiuloudliiK n car of fruit and vegeta bles, ami will huvo u cur of cuuned goods lu tomorrow. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBal , MaSaSa I s mSWLW ORINOALE MEN WANT NEW TRIAL iuri(. Ih I.Ui; I Mlt CO.VVICTKI) IttUli IMTA'Ii; UVJU.Y.m, Al l,Mil.i .MIUM'AI'KIl I'ltWf- imrji Tin: i:i'kmi..tm 1'0UT1.AX1), J n i. : -Chaislti thai two rtlclv tiutillnlird In tho Journal Uurlnc tho vxvgtv of th trml of J, T. Con'r and Fraak Ittch rt, rwoutly convkti-U lu tho federal routt of niliualng tho mall In con lirctloil with Mi ttMiloiutlon of Koat oru Orcgos. mountain lauda, bad ttrny libeled the UrfcudeuU and had rauad a l'rcjudlco which prvVfiit rd ilm dofrndanu from havlnc a fair hrarlnK. forrar I'nltrd Klatca Senator ' V. Kullon, their chief couutel. lm iutn Judcv llcan, ha morod for a ntiw trial. Thrrn thlni? may haujwju followluK thn conclualun of the arKuractiU, Judni' I lean ma)' dihT tak the mo-" Hon under adlftncnt. rrjorvlnj; ae- clalon for a latt-r da)-, ho may grant a tmw trial: or ho may deny the motion and ntcnra I lit? l defendants. I 1 WASHIK6T0N RED : L DIMMED KKV(V till. I. WK.VT IXTO KV VKiT TH.4Y MKHCHANTK OK-,of I'KIt I1NITIO.NS TO TIIK IIOMIout rolnfordnK bar of soft steel. This I.INs I.YMATKS I'tiltrd l'reas Service WAMHINC.TON. 1. C. Jan. 2S -As a ri'Mill of President Wilson slgu- liiK the Keti)ou law cloning the "rtnl I llt..' .Ildfrlff rwntrtit Im linrtl.M H,h . i .i ' i. . ii iHurke moWng n rapidly as UMUlble, wu"0iin,3 l. Hliltwtrilliaj hfn fifitaittiB li. rtOdirfat' 1 Hlfltfl i .' Vivnillf, aav a v regnrdledh. Thnni hundred members of thn underworld colony haw been a, t ..... Iiil.i lli.a ytr.U ia tll ill f IimHI "-"", "" "'"""' - "v7,dentlal vote .. I.laia rtlk.a limn I St. j.uti.n.. tltnlfl "" m '"" ,N,," "" "" for United States senator this spring belonging- ' ngalnst Senator Gronna. republican. The atilhorlllM fear an epidemic of ;, pr,nt incumbent, who Is up for ! suicides, as many of tho uutortunates, reduction. sire utterly homeless aud without' friends. Soeral of the lending pro- nrl..if,r itit....iim in miitti mi their business III roalilonti.nl district wlioro j they own property. Stnule) Pinch, head of the white l)iiu bureau of the department of ijusllco, has canvassed the district, of ferlng Jobi at $S per week with mer- ll.Hiild liiir,, flttll aa1stMV)llir litlt n grott number of the unfortunates '' uiieriy iiuni'.iuu', iiiruiiKii ihwhiuu, to hold n poiltlou of this kind. The tvumrknbly groat output of i petroleum during eiuh year of this I I century was morn than maintained In 1013. The iimouul produced In tho pivst twelve months exeooded 210,- 000,000 barrels, or about 32.000,000 mntrlo to as. - Mngneslltt Is n mlnornl which Is over 52 per cent carbon dioxide, tho gns which Is used for charging soda water, glugor alo aud similar bever ages, Hy fnr tho greater part of tho utngiicsltii occurring lu tho United Stutes Is found In California. Thu total value of tho motal mint) output of Washington In 1913 was slightly more than $1,000,000. a de crease of l per cent front tho value of 1U12. Tho output of Toxaa mines for elev en mouths of 1913 and nu estimate for December, according to prelimi nary llguros complied by Charles W. Henderson of the United Btates geo logical survey, waa 100 for sold, 401,415 ounoM of illvor, 380,000 pounda of load, and u nominal quau tlty of copper. LATEST RUMOR - ..... .... ....j j Warden Invents a Safety Rail Frank O. Heltttrom warden of the I North Dakota iH-nltentlary at Bl march, with the hlp of a life coa vlct, Carl OUon, ha Invented a. aafely 'rail for use on railroad which he ba- llerci will prevent many- accidents and ave thouaanda of lire. The rail U to be ctven 1U first trial on tha Hum of the Soo nyttcm UUc spring. IRattruad men and ateol mill owners have become dt ply Interest In It. The Hellitrom-OUen safety rati Is made In two piece, n reversible tread lof hard ateel which doubles the life ,nc nXX JJ0W ,n UJO wJUl a comjau. 'combination, It Is said will eliminate defective rails and rail failures due to the severity of the cold. Hellstrom achieved a national rep utation as warden of the North Dako ita penitentiary on account of his hu- mane treatment of tho prlsoucrs. He ran for governor to succeed Governor ou the democratic ticket In In a three-cornered fight he, tout by 7,000 votes though ho ran, 2,000 votes ahead of President Wil son, who carried North Dakota's pres- Ho Is now mentioned I I llllla IMIal I I Ilia I II 11 II Wfl I fM IfcWUU IWIl I L.I1U ARE RECEDING Lu KOKMA IS AGAIN UXDKIt CI.KAU SKIKS TltAKKIC AND TKliKGUAPH SI'.ltVICK STH.Ii IMPI'DKD United Press Service SAN KUANCISCO, Jan. 28. The f,i,MMl waters aro subsiding rapidly, t with cloudloss skies everywhere. I Whlto wlro and railroad communl- cations nrx still Interrupted to some extent, conditions proving. ru rupldly Im- Would bo it Citizen. Application fur cltlzeushlp has been mndo by Thomns Arthur Trvloor, a untlvo of Kuglaud. Treloor Is a well known Klnmnth county raucher. SluH-tK In Hospital. It. J. Sheets of the Muk Klver Hlec trlcal compuuy, was oporatod upon ut Htuckburn hospital Tuenday night for appendicitis. Motion Is Allmtetl. Justice of the Ponce Goweu Tues day granted a motion made by attor ney Hollo C. Groesbeck to vacate the Judgment for 125 secured ugaliut Charles Thomas by N. K. Gray. tv ; '"VT ra LflaV ?aaSk "T aiV aaaH''aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW EXPLOITATION OE CANADAINPATENT INSIDES SCORED IMTi:.NT TllfhT A.V ZJ.UXV Ht CKIVKII fi() .ilrTtiliiK Manager of tlr Weatera Vrwa-MtMr Union TrlHlni Tliat the Canadian iorcrnii-ul I'ald for the .Slnric. of Sucre In the I'raTlacra. Hr N .rcuMtI of ItUlu)aitj to (lie rnilnl hlntm. t'nlted F'rcis Serrlce ' WASHINGTON. I). C. Jan. 2S. AdvertUlaK Manager Washington of the Western Newspaper Union testl fed before the Senate lobby lnvestl Ratlug committee today that the Canadian government paid 142,000 annually for the past sixteen years for patent Inside writeups in the small newspapers of the country. He pleaded that the Chicago papers 'specially the Kecord-Herald and Tribune published similar articles. J Senator Nelson said: "You were hired by a foreign government to act disloyal to your own country. Aren't you ashamed of your actions?" One particular Interrlnr was called to the attention of the commute. It was that of an ex-Iowa farmer. In I which ho stated that he had left por- 'erty in America and found prosperity in Canada. Washington said this Interview was published In 4. SOO newspapers. STEER IS CAUSE OF LAW ACTION MHAT COXCKIt.V IIIUNGS SUIT TO HKCOVKK THK COST OK 7o IIOYINK, KII.Li:i IIV SOUTUERX PACIFIC Suit to recover $70, the alleged alue of a steer killed by the railroad aud the costs of tho suit has been started by the Klamath Falls Meat i company against the Southern Pa- icltlc. Tho case has been tiled lu tho circuit court by Hollo C. Groesbeck. The steer was killed near Midland a couple of years ago, according to tho complaint. Tho northernmost national forest Is tho Chugach lu Alaska; the south ernmost Is the I.uqulllo In Porto Rice. DECRIES AUTONOMY Gale Says This Would Render Philippines Chaotic That tho Filipino Is not at this time ublo to govern himself, and will not bo for some time to como was tho statumeut mado by Herbert S. Gale, lu au address before the Klamath Lit erary Club last night. Gale was ou the Judlclul bench lu the Islands for soveral years, and Is thoroughly ac quainted with conditions there. During his discourse. Gale dwelt to some length upon tho relations bo twu the Flllptuo aud the United States army. As an administrator o( government, he said, the army bad proved itself a failure In the Philip pines. He attributed this to the ef- DIVORCED WIFE ACTS AS SECOND AT PISTOL DUEL YltKKA MJM.VG MEN IN DEADLY AfnUT Max HoppB0Batautr Wouaded, aad Tfaoama Hap. Is a. Custody, as Kesalt ot Pastel Dwet Fought at Daybreak This MetBaag oa the Baalu of the KIsbbiIbv Mrs. Hopp gsir Sole W United Press Service YUKKA, Jan. 18. At daybreak. Max H. Hoppengammar aad Tboauts D. Hugn, welt known XorUtsra Cali fornia men, fougnt a duel with pis tols. The duelling ground was oa tha bank of the Klamath River, Bear this place. The divorced wife of llnppsagaai mar was the only other wltaess. She acted as seconds for both ataa. Hoppengammar waa hit three Uaua and Is dying. As hU pistol failed to work after a 'couple of shots had heea trad Ho 1 escaped tajuxles. Se sarreadered to the sheriff. " IH KK V aVIIHrl ASK THE BALLOT INITIATIVE petitio.vs for ( EQUAL SUFFRAGE ARE BEIXti I CI ItCULATED THR OCGHODI THK "SHOW UVT STATE United Press Service j COLUMBIA. Mo.. Jaa. J8. WIU suffrage to tho east of these and suf frage to the west of them, Missouri ButrraglsU are today orgaalsiag a campaign which they expect will se cure "votes for Missouri women" aad maye a "white strip" on the equal suffrage map from Indiana to Utah. Initiative petitions for a vote suf frage amendment to the constitution aro being circulated In two-thirds of the congressional districts ot the state. More than half the 23,000 signa tures necessary have already been se cured, according to Mrs. Walter Mc Nab Miller of Colombia, president ot tho Missouri Equal Suffrage Associa tion. forts of thu army officers to secure promotion, having this personal ia- tervst more at heart than the advance ment and welfare of tha nattva, Gale Insisted that the liuUos are not ready for self govern ataa t. Heaav pressed a hopo that Presideai Wilaoa would not niako any undue efferts at present toward an atuososiy, aad said It would be well to withheld this several years. The withdrawal oa tha part of tha United States at this tlais, he said. would mean that the dtlseas ot la dustry and of subsUaee wmM N thrown at the mere af tho tawtasa elsneat, eagsr to prey aaaa i 2$ .Miffil . :M Lvv t m LJi m feW; e. i t ?; sit h iA B-" -Af V fe MM a;ns KrtlPiM! .?.. a ii r'Jfcg m m mm Ww 9SW a?s'el ?r-j f&iim i. wm BM im mi iifi wm& m 111 m ,11 f M r . ja V1 Si m 'im :'. f & I'll Sf v a 4 m SsOSJ to ki II