KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT It NEWf OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 'lKa 3J .CSiiSJU iSQ ti!HJI4 UUCOTOtZ KLAMATH FALLS, OR'JEGON, TUESDAY. JANUARY 27, 1914 TC - m ' - i pi mini i n i iiiTrrTtr"iTi""i in i mhih vis 'aT7 Horsefly Filing Approved by Lane SINNOTT'S PERSISTENTWORK RESULTS IN APPROVAL IN THE LAND OFFICE AND DEPARTMENT 0m STiga Chairman of Star Spangled Banner Celebration i.iiieiumti i ttiuMuli b; Ku h(idall J t'i-iiMii. niu.riio. fur lbi illilrlil 1 li Hirudin Hi rlirwr Jul' l 1 lis. it. at 11 wnrtp4r Hi I'rjIIIK i.ous ltr Mt'loofl) IvWtlOII llJ Dial to Hotli i(tt mmuiitiionif of iii ( I'llmx lii'tIH' M I lie Itrlti general UltJ li(Ii( IjU (lip cctrctAr) HMlW.UI.lt PI IIUtlUATi: ,tMulit) li.firr I Ullrr lk llUlftfl. Wild ll Mi IU-rii Uilik 4nMt) ""lor Miiy In tfcii IUIIit "I I'' llitrtrl u It 'fu)" t'llllltr. UcU) l'rtMll H !. ! j$4!t&cti c.f I hi. Iltlelldf In at! fuu4 lit U'ltIIU f lb tirrny HMevjsmwwiivjavjBmmmWsa IMflarV J? t 'JbtststJ K'liHM" tteWFmmmmmmmmmmmH BeeimmmmmmmWefleleHr?: U maieleleleH ( lliu iHxltvr hst 9(ifinr Dl tbp .ilklliN Notlro t lb? mm-? "Ill ia fur t. a filial A pn ,)) t, ,n d-,,1 MM "ftWti, jm kjs iiiurml leii I -tjltlf Called Ml) Ihtttr olfklttU 1'tiR al'liltlial lit )hn nlllig l. Mm ll) ol lh IllUflitl U a Rfrol .l Hftlll ! tnUUvT IH llir ! of I'e ii in oho Imlr- ttrvtl Mulkitifi lo lru(lt H UtitW III llm tlrlnll) ot I lint Hill' llIKlurlr IMICabli. 3 I ti nuratx) bit Uili hit cc-t lllPJ lll 1m Iwf pittfr on lit I c tii. WllllE lit m !! t 3f r f) I Urn t.'lljn.! iXr -be ,I'Hi!ll Hi I ittir ei l ) il ' ir l.ll ( Ill Ii r l.tl.tllt it( i'llltilrnmiili .S'lrllli J Hllllll.ll t : :: I i. . rlwtrHl, ti) tto lit j t '. M(i in mini tr i Ifixirii)' im-iIh. thf UattiAltir h (wtii liammrriiK ), 4 ml lilt (ht :iri -niifu m i h. x In utticr mai IkM tif ili eiMfi til Kaiirtn (trrcmi tiaVt. drututit rrulu. l) I iiuio HrW. I'lia. Ultlltli it . t-Oli n( Hip luatf atrf of tlir I'lttf Tfrn (.iiiiilwr com. Itij iii iiiin tuiitniiie dir Man i ran- jB vHjv WILSON TALKS LIFTING EMBARGO FROM MONITIONS w.Miwv . .- i-i-i-Li-i iiinnnj-unjui.il. 1I arr TAaa; as Freedom of City, While Court Deliberates on Appeal mrnmm i:m oi' mcVATuti'H itivii.Mi: I'ltEIIICTr:! IH ,Ktnaliir, In Vontrmm Willi I'rml llnl .ir Kuri'HMMl In lani Hun f Hirli ,li'Kii itrrtoir" t " , tV.iilinllnl ly itif (VitutitufJiiiwilUfa I mi -. nillllutu Tlirrt Worw Tlmii (ifurtallj IWIkrvnl. i 1. Utillril Ptftn Hurvlco m:;ico citv. Jwi. '. It I Te I ;i Mini that Colonel (Junta!? rltb flvr j oilt-r incii. Implicit") I nfc plot to HU llucrta. wer (-rtljr muculed briii Imjay. Ilurna la .tlj to ln j lirilrrnl tlirlr tettnIntlon. ntJ lb! i MIHne at all j j,My way oni'tW nh tbi) plot. , rirloptiipntti Jmtlriilr thst he !ml , io cloti ralL .Mrli..U. J. HlttnHt cln lie v timkc a ivxj nhorl fowmtmlt)' alnnn llto la) III CalK.imla IkiIiVj) culllfi In allil At (lie nalnr llmi I'uriUiul. ili Inmlli btimc II tlin boti country lo an Intrrmt I liltnl l'rr Hcltlrr MAHiiiNtsToj(. i. c, Jiui. :;. WM a brllirn tliiit . ilovnfsll uf I Murrm u In nlflit. It It ixpftl Ibat WtUoii ilb0r.ti unnoum'c Ibm Vl t Jutur II I'rr.tim I llaltl. nimn.il of lh noi ombarco. ' mur c tlm tltatnnaii f ib Kallonal Tbr CArrult , bae Ion bnil j Fiar iiglril Uaiuirr CommlMiloii. ninniunltlttn nndrr option in Amorlra, Hbirh i flniinsnc a IittSr rvlrbratlon trmlr t br rul xl or tbf iMirdrr1 nl ilti ivtiioinr) lati- tbla summer wlmn thr imibarcr comM off. Tbc trlrUintlun lll lnU placn In IVilJoni VII. ,n ),P,J a cotifcrcuco J U'anbliiKliin AnniMll. Ktrderlck wlih tlm rnnl? r niumlllm on foreign, una uliiiie Jiir t iirxapmitr nay jiaor atTalrn lad nlsbi ;. u t loarncJ ibat I'rrvtmi l tryltiR to Ilk MbbBbbbVBt3ibVki jaVBlBVKfy IbTbTBbTaTaTaThBwaVbwZ''' sTaTaTaTbWb1bwak9Sh vavavavavavMlBwavK''1 -HHBI!k:jBE; ie'1 JjiBi ' SsBSp?' J IES INTO SESSION; TO REPORT FRIDAY t-XItTHEK MATTCK8 WILL MB GIVEN ATTKXTIO.V ' U'lifB Adjourameat Wa Takes bj I , qul.ltorUI llody Lm Wtk It Wm Kapiioncd Ttwt Tbb Wm for tfco I 1'urpowc of Waltlsc roc the tlttmrm of Jutlxe llraton From (lie Xortb ' Sc-wtlon Started Today. i I Ilatr)" Thaw U only a nominal ftom ConcorJ havo Intrrr.t rrrry bo gam tbn cot mnlttrc ecrrt lnfor-'.,rlM,ncr in Concord. N. II., wbero bo ' w,u confirm this. In the mean bay directly, iiiailtm rcw-alln a much voro con- . , , , ., ,. ., tlmo Thaw ban uot bn admlttoU to tu iiruutv tin, 4IIIHII in Moil unan thoy realltoJ. 'hn b,"n 'UC,! hU ,0 ball. o he cannot leave tb state off ntrrr.t In th. 5tvTal of tb . n.ior a ruit .'tcaan iwylum. The Illustration ercv MhJw , The Klamath county grand Jury will cot make a return to Circuit Judgu Demon. .. Instead, it will consider matter until Friday, before making any re port. This Information was glrea to Judge Dcttson today by !rocating Attorney John Irwin, following the tcconvening of the Inquisitorial body. An adjournment was taken early last wwslu At the time of the adjournment. , the grand Jury bad already bee la jUtt.ilon sdreral days, during wkka tlmf at leant fifty witnesses case to Klamath Falls In aaawer to msjuaetm. It was expected that the seasioa today was for the purpose of reportlag to eJudge Iteason. then absent froaa the city. . Owing to the storms. Judge Beasoa lannounced in court this morn lag that 'nuloiijf there are some criminal iadlct- tte(niPQU with the accused persona la- Ifiuuuou, ho mui qui :mii mo aieai- bors of the Jury panel from taelr horuea at this time. MIIUie.MUi Kiirr i miirl in lofiKltiK tindrrtaVlne " " "" tbi cotiilne on, lm will return to . miMllwH iKiirin ir a nllne m tlto KUmaili I'alU 4inl hmUi bin tatlmr lfnulr lu In ), manosninrni of tlm lumber TliU bom 3. tefoltnt lilf fnim bunlnn" Opie Read Pleases All FIREMEN NAME SAME OFFICERS tho, M-voral of tb Mnators. as a result. cbnnifcd their minds regarding for mer objection i to WIIikmb'ii raisins of tint arms rt sVargo. Irir commll a members were sur liriccii to loan ttfhe strength shown by tbu (onttltull snialtstas, and the big amount of te-t rlrery they control. New Lecture ''Scarecrows" Is of Powerful Truths nn; tiii: iih'htii oi.nskcutivk iniM i:ii w,Kr:rii:i.n is rims. i an riiii:i or tiii: voi.t.v. ii:i:ii i:i.itT.Mi:NT Kirn Chief Kii WnKulU'ld was Inst niKlii ti-rlit uil to tiilkii b) tlio mem- linn ot tlm volunteer duparlmuiit. Tbl Is WnWelhilil's fourth coiuwu- ll0 (C0II. Tho followliti; iiltlcora ito riHelcct ed 1'rtiHliluiil, Omr Dreuiioiiiun; jiiilBmeiits, to iMirw oilier limn ilii-lr !' l'Klliil, (IcorKo Timnot. secro- iniy.liiMHiiri'r, Hurry (loollor. WUn 0.i, Head htiuted bent M i.lgl.i, ll ulll .so iou lM.trr ' J0)wi, AK0( j,,, tturtK.M Kt.' 'Jfnrrtol, w n mlllnry oKnlinl liirt ,wl ",,' "Mi lm liit4,lMiinrtltmlo, prejuillrv, fisirnf unli' leu .'"" ',,W U1,,"' p,u '" ,"'tfil' llnl". iKnoMiire, nml I ho Un . '" ,gnl'. r Inlor, aluuild liii'i-eil frlnbts that ratine men often t'lUrn n,( tntai Mnltle rfw.if. I !...... .. .....L ,...liwl ll,.,lr lillr .. "a l tt I'retniiiiii. juilBHieiits, to rirw oilier limn ilii-lr ny men, tt, ,inu, l)t,(,t ut Uiintinm neiillnieiils. IMrltoiilnrly .11.1 ho ' ' " ,''", n ,, " spunk of tlm pollllcal smrccrow, bur L ,nl"1 "f m,twr by n lcir wlili'li priHlleii.il dire illnrtHtur, sho.ibli ' "' l,,u Imt.iro" U usiinlly u ibern roine n olmiieo In nilmlnUlin.j ,,, (i '" '"'"tllnit ol tho pnlmy tait tttui, Inrlft roUlon. ele Tho eiiiuii.J tor m "I'T"'"" ",,'l'r,," "'" i,"t'siilimliiii of tho neurit whs ii fur nntroj ur tl ". IK' "y, r wrlllliu Ibis rndlenl step, snlil Iteml, nlld lint M ill ,hf ' ' t,c, wl"i n tow plHlHiiilonlry was belter off, itenilln thu lnilio. " nviweeli. ThU tluuiuli lul i !..., i- ).,.. , ' ..--,,.,.,....... ......-.-...-. , To niixclnlo Oplo Ht'iul " '! iieimiiry lo hoar lli Kiiuiit, tnnslo-j lililloil Hmillioruer lalli. TliroiiRlioul'soi'TIICIlN I'ACHTO WII.Li tSi: A his speei'li, thorn Hushes to llto ininj lint ii "' tno rm, i. n.,,.,1 ,. ,. mm lirliiBiB rrU, omt) (,. emil". "! "' m'l,U' ' ""' l'"'K iruu "l ,,r"M,, um "'" " l.lk.. wllt,( uw,, u ,w.,urur ,, to lmprovu villi gu. III. lot- trld'f i.r"uow"'" w,,,c' '' U l.r i .U"' "rrt ,l,m' ' croor. niuu, i .Ur U,"n m ,,,'"" '" ilh T..' 'r,,m u, l'ltrw. Klniu, Ko .! . ,'.w,,,, ;,ro 'Prom lllllitr- ." !i.r. Tu Umtty "w,ruv"1 iied h. ,,'0I," r,c'vwl I'oro, ho 'ir. but ,"","r "f U" 0 "- lltoss lho hMtUt "' min " nl(t,,ucJm""""" " lyplwl Anurlrnu i,otlVn ' o t the rough ,0, won, off. h8 (oId uom9 r0B"d FLOOD CONDITION MPROVED TODAY FALSE ALARM OF ' FIRE IS GIVEN UTIUt AUASIl OK SKVKItAI. III.OOIKS, TIIKTIIXMK.V I.KAHN THAT TIIKItK W4S SO CAUSK Hill NUMMONH. Iionioly Mint funny, thotiKh iionu llto lem Into hIiiiIIUmi nml inetiipliorH, imu volloiin lU'scrlpllou, but not oncu lo tlieso short vuuitrleti ntrry him front lliu iMtrnoHtiiess nml tbo Import ot tltu I homo, Lust night's onlortnlnniont was cou rlmloil by Head vvllli n jncllnl of "A lUiitui'ky Kviid," ono 'of bis own rltorl riiinposltloiiN, which sals forth lho burning family prldo mnl tho on- t'yltiK Imlroil which wus chnractorlstto of the Old Honth, ami kept up for yours n neighborhood warfare. John V. 1 Illusion Is rocotvliiK umiiy toiigrntulntloui for aocurlug suoh an alirnctton for Klamath Falls. STIUMKH U.NTIli TltAl.N HKUV- kji: oan' in: KiuMiai ham. aei: ukstimati:i A fuUo ularm oC (Ire. lurned In this forenoon, cnllod ot tho- llro depart nwut, uud causal n nar of sovoral llo.ks mul no Utile o-rlletttont boforo It iu. learned ilml thcrtt was no 'ftlnio to bo quetuchcd. Tlw telophoiie. call to the tiro sta tion stutetl Hint tbo llro wua At 713 Main Htrvot. Mi. Willis lm proving. Mm. Dick Wlllbt, who tins boon ill for tho punt thj-oo wookx, Wns oblo to l(o up for u. Utile wlillo this momliiK. United I'ruDs Sorvlco HAN FKANCI8CO, Juu. 37. Flood rontlltlons mo roporied Improvod uv orywhuto In (bo stole, oxcept uuur Hmiln lliirbnrn. Ilumlrodrt of murooiiuU pussongoni uro thorn, mid it is not oxpoctod that trnln soi vlro can bo resumed for throe days. Thu Houthoru i'uclllo bus chartered u -eiwol to tako passougers to coast points uomttft their destination. U IIimiI "IHI7." A foaturo of uu ultrwctlvo Kogor Ulrolliem sllvor illsplty in tho window of Wllllrtin A. MJtuton Is a sliver soup luillo, which Justly lietrw tho hnll mark. "1847." This ladle was made Unit year, boliic ono of tho first nrtl i' I on niautifuclmtsl by thb thou new concern. Tho lmllo Is the property ot MrH, K. M Narplo, huvlup been given to hoi- mother, and though It has beau In daily Horvloo slnco It wran unulo, it Is good fop a ountury or so more. sho him on a shopping tour with tlut this tact doe not causo Thaw his guard while ho U awaiting Ote greater inconvenience than to keep .iiiim. nt tin. fmtnral court, before him In Concord. So far as known the which ho sued out a writ of habeas fieht by certain New Yorkers, ropre-5 Francisco, where he had gone oa a ,r m. it... nttemnt of tho state au- aeuted by former District Attorney i mwsion or Dusiness connected wua tboritie to return him to New York. Jerome, to keep Thaw In prison or an Tho commissioners named by the asylum, has grown lukewarm. It is court to inquire Into hU sanity have J said that no further attempt will be come to the conclusion that be Is sane 'made to restrain him If tho federal enough to bo at large. Tho reports Judge at ConcOrd frees him. Hack From 'Frisco. Harry K. Anglln returned hut night from a threw weeks' sojourn In San tho new court house. Moro than 3,000 cases of typhoid fever were reported In New York city In the month of September. will continue Farmers to Use Record HOME MEETINGS; - Scope of Reclamation Publication Is Enhrged MirrmiMST laymkx will con duct SKKVICKS TO UK HKLDI MOHTLY IN niFF-RKNT CITY HOMKS Thu homo meetings buKUU last week by tbo draco Mothodlst Episco pal church will bo continued this w-cok as follews: Tho curreut issue of the Heclama-j Interest and value to the farmers oa tlon Record. otUcial publication of thelour Projects. . . I Properly employed, the Racer reclamation service, marks a !,,, Decome a m,d,UB t9t epoch In tho relations between tho L,lo uUtrlbuUon of Taiuable and faet water usoro and tho men lu charge ot jful Information, and at the same time I tho service. Instead of bolng a publl- develop a spirit of mutual co-opera- i .i.. ....u. f,. i,A .mninvM nml Hon among tho farmers oa all pro- Tnesdny ovonlng, at tho homo ot Meets. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stolnmotz. 9S0 " the service, tho Record is ppo, t0 taclud- m u.u Walnut street. now to bo for tho water users as well. pubUcaUon ,utemtlxU th, ,, Wednesday wvonlng. with Mr. und 1'roject Manager J. 0. Camp Is lr-jclatlona and their members, showing Mrs. K. II. Ramsby, 503 Melrose liarlK t0 8d lo each wator U8er uu the condition of crops. raarkeU, and atreet. der u, K'"'"8"1 Project a copy of ,ho pr0gress of development, together Tho French military authorities havo suco eoded la auUtlar a aua-eaiv rylng kite;, Tliursdny ovonlug. with Mr. und Mrs. 1. D. Whltmoro. 1203 Wushlug-j tou street. Friday evonliiK at tho hnll In Mills ntldltton. ' Thoso meetlugs couslst ot social dlscuaslou, Hong and prayer, and in the main will bo led by laymen. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all to attond. The meetings wlll"cotn- tnenco promptly at 8 o'clock. There was born ou the farm ot II. I'. Teckwar, near Allentown, Pa., a perfect colt that weighed only 15 pounds. It Is smaller than an aver age Nfox terrier, and la la perfect health. It Is a registered Shetland. tho Record. ThU will bo dona each month hereafter. Tho Record each mouth contains the ofllcinl reports as to progress un der the various projects. bldB to be asked for, and mnny other matters ot lutorcst to tho farmer as well as the otQclal, Hereafter, articles by water users will also bo featured. . Tho following letter has been sent 'to tlm various water users association 'by Statistician nianchard: ' With n Ylow of extendlud tho scope mid usefulness of the Reclamation Record now edited by the service, I nro writing to the several' water users associations Inviting their co-operation and assistance In making the Record a publication ot mora general with brief discussions of questions af fecting the welfare ot the people, and constructive criticism which will tend to Improve the methods of operation and distribution of water. Individual experience la the use of water; the developmeat ot more e- clont Irrigation methods; of clcs oncountered aad the meaai tod to overcome them will be af i clal interest. In order to eliminate the relrthfrtf unimportant commuaieatloM aad ta avoid controversies and HreoaaUUee In discussions, all papers thoald at transmitted through U water aatra associations, which oraaalaatleaa la a measure should verify taa (rata at the statement. WW m m m m&si mm ssjt.-m s)v-a m mi ill S uj nl lK rati e-s wm i &.j is? I , !